Untitled - City Of Kenora
Untitled - City Of Kenora
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION • Colleen Neil – Recreation Services Division of the Community and Development Services Department for the City of Kenora PRESENTING • Event Centre Committee Co-Chair – Chris Van Walleghem • NWHU – Shannon Robinson • Nelson Architecture Inc. – David Nelson • Stantec – Warren Thompson • Event Centre Committee – Megan Derouard • Community Arts and Culture Advocate – Dean Carrie • Judy Bain – Hockey Northwestern Ontario • Student – Matthew Favreau • Event Centre Co-Chairs – Chris Van Walleghem and Judy Bain EVENT CENTRE TIMELINE 2010 – Recreation Facility Study 2012 – Committee established to determine feasibility 2013 – Public meeting to determine facility requirements and funding options 2014 – Feasibility Report submitted to Council 2014 October – Council approved funding for Business Case 2015 July – Stantec-Nelson awarded Business Case project 2016 January – Event Centre Committee with Stantec-Nelson held meetings for input into final draft of proposal MUNICIPAL STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT 1. DIVERSITY THE ECONOMY AND GROW THE INDUSTRIAL BASE. 2. REDUCE THE INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIT. 3. ENABLE AFFORDABLE HOUSING. 4. RECRUIT, DEVELOP AND RETAIN TALENTED CITY STAFF. 5. PROMOTE RECREATION AND HEALTHY LIFESTYLES. 6. CHAMPION ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP. 7. EXPAND TOURISM. 8. STRENGTHEN CULTURAL RELATIONS. 9. ADVOCATE FOR NEW FUNDING. The City of Kenora will enhance the Kenora Recreation Centre as an accessible community asset that is well-positioned in the current and future regional marketplace as a sustainable multi-use recreation and event centre. PROVINCIAL STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT 1. COOPERATION AND COORDINATION AMONG ALL RECREATION PARTNERS. Give priority in the allocation of provincial resources to those recreation programs and services that are developed through a cooperative planning process. 2. MAXIMIZATION OF RECREATION’S POTENTIAL. Assume an advocacy role for recreation within the provincial government among other levels of government and between the provincial government and the private sector. Communicate the value, importance and potential of recreation to other provincial ministries as well as the implications for their programs through an inter-ministerial coordination committee. 3. DEVELOPMENT OF BROADEST RANGE OF RECREATION SERVICES. Provincial financial assistance through a variety of programs, to municipal governments and other organizations for the development of recreation services. Support initiatives which increase opportunities for all citizens including the elderly, the disabled, ethnocultural groups and other special needs groups. SITE PLAN MASTER PLAN ARENA INTERIOR ENTRY ATRIUM COST SUMMARY + FINANCIAL ANALYSIS LEVERAGED MUNICIPAL FUNDING * * *Citizen’s Prosperity Trust Fund ARENA UTILIZATION (KRC & KEEWATIN) NEW FACILITY IMPACTS NEXT STEPS 1. REVIEW AND AGREEMENT/CONSENSUS OF SCHEMATIC DESIGN REPORT. ESTABLISH CRITERIA FOR PROJECT MOVING FORWARD, REVISIONS, MODIFICATIONS ITEMIZED. 2. COUNCIL TO CONFIRM (AGREE IN PRINCIPLE) WITH PROJECT DEVELOPMENT. EVENT CENTRE MANDATE EXTENDED. 3. REVIEW PROJECT WITH FUNDING PARTNERS AND ESTABLISH PROJECT FUNDING REQUIREMENTS. 4. ESTABLISH PARTNERSHIPS AND COMMENCE FUNDRAISING FRAMEWORK. 5. DEVELOP PROCUREMENT STRATEGY IN PREPARATION FOR FUTURE STAGES. 6. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT STAGE OF WORK INCLUDING DETAILED STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS, REFINEMENT OF DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, DETAILED CLASS B CONSTRUCTION COSTING, COMMUNITY CONSULTATION. EVENT CENTRE COMMITTEE • • • • • • • • • • • Events Sports – What we lose Reality / What if? If we don’t move forward Spectators / Celebrations How do we support? Bridges not walls – What about young people moving to Kenora? Roads and bridges vs Infrastructure like an event centre Perspective Training facility vs walking track Where do kids go – PLAY MULTIPURPOSE / ARTS • Why do we need it? Why here? Why now? • Benefits and costs for the community? • Potential users and uses? • Impact on other venues? • Multipurpose versus dedicated space? • What if we don’t build it? SPORTING EVENTS • An Event Centre – a big leap forward! • A recreation program generates money and meets needs. • Hurdles in bidding for regional and national events. • Minor hockey tournaments. • Kenora is the only major centre in NW Ontario with no second ice surface attached to its recreation centre. MATTHEW FAVREAU A Student’s Perspective
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