Open December Newsletter
Open December Newsletter
HERITAGE HAPPENINGS HP Board Members Morty Berkowitz President Volume 15, Issue 12 December 2015 Note from the President Brunie Robles Don’t forget, our annual meeting is on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 6:30 pm at Green Hope High School. Jay Confalone As this year comes to a close, I would like to thank all the people who worked hard to make Heritage Pines an outstanding and desirable place to live. Vice President Treasurer Bill Ketchabaw Secretary Alan Garelick Member at Large HP Board email address: In the subject box of the email, write “HP Board.” HPCA Board Meeting Will be held at the annual meeting on Tuesday, December 1 at Green Hope High School Clubhouse Office Hours Monday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Tuesday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Wednesday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Thursday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm First, there are my colleagues on the Board. Brunie, Alan, Jay and Bill. They have been a pleasure to work with and contributed many hours of work per month, aside from the monthly meetings. They dealt with any issue that came up quickly and efficiently. Secondly, I would like to thank the committee chair people and all the members of our committees. We have a wonderful Social Committee that keeps our community active and interesting. When you drive through our neighborhood and look at the beautiful landscaping, you can appreciate all the work the Grounds Committee does. Our Clubhouse Committee has done an excellent job of decorating the lobby and overseeing the pool and recreation areas. The Architectural Review Committee has kept our neighborhood in compliance with the Rules and Regulations, making sure our Community is aesthetically pleasing. Last but not least, I would like to thank Betty and Linda for making my job less difficult because of their hard work. The Board would like to send its condolences to the families that lost loved ones this past year. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope everyone enjoys the Holidays and has a Happy and Healthy New Year. Morty Berkowitz Heritage Happenings December 2015 Clubhouse Events will meet at the Clubhouse at 10:45 to carpool to Romano’s Macaroni Grill, located at 740 SE Maynard Rd., Cary, NC 27511. After lunch we will venture over to Ivy Cottage Collections, located at 2017 NW Cary Parkway, Morrisville, NC 27560, to view their holiday wonderland and shop. Wear your holiday sweaters, accessories to make it fun and festive! Any questions, please contact Orysia Serowski. The Garden Club wishes everyone Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a Healthy New Year! Pot Luck Supper Is on Saturday, November 21 at 6:00 pm. Sign up deadline was Monday, November 9. Sandra Robertson—chair Tuesday Afternoon Book Club The Tuesday Afternoon Book Club will meet on December 1 at 1:00 pm. Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan is the selection. The discussion will be led by Carol Curry. Thanks to all of you who attended the book club discussions this year. We have welcomed and enjoyed the input of several new members. Happy Holidays! Non– Fiction Book Club Out to Lunch Bunch The Out to Lunch Bunch will not be meeting on Wednesday, December 2. The next luncheon will be Wednesday, January 6, 2016. The Non-Fiction Book Club will not meet in December. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 19, when we will be discussing Where the Wind Leads: a Refugee Family’s Miraculous Story of Loss, Rescue, and Redemption, by Dr. Vinh Chung and Tim Downs. Spanish Honor Society Rex Volunteers There will be no Rex Volunteers on Wednesday, November 25th (the day before Thanksgiving) and Wednesday, December 23rd. The Green Hope High School Spanish Honor Society will be here on Thursday, December 10 at 4:00 pm to sing holiday songs. Please come join the young voices for an afternoon of cheer and light refreshments. Cost $2.00 and sign up deadline is November 30. Spanish Club—hosts Breakfast With Santa Reminder - Breakfast with Santa is on December 5, one at 8:30 am and one at 10:30 am. The sign up deadline was November 9. Margaret Fox & Louise Williams—chairs Holiday Gala Party Holiday Sing-a-Long Enjoy an evening of song, old and new, and sing-a-long too. Our annual songfest is planned for Sunday, December 6 at 7 pm. The cost of the program is $5.00 and the sign up deadline is November 23. Nancy Romano & Joan Hall—chairs Please join your friends & neighbors on December 12 at 5:30 pm for an evening of food & fun! Dinner will be provided by Catering by Design. Check your November newsletter for details. The cost is $23 per person and the deadline for signing up is November 23. Space is limited, so sign up early! - Cynthia Finnelly, Diane LaFortune & Anita Tilley—chairs Gingerbread Houses Make your own gingerbread house with Mary Ellen Toebes, a Master Gingerbread House Maker, on Sunday, Garden Club All members, past and present please join us for our annual holiday lunch, on December 8. We -2- Heritage Happenings December 2015 December 13 at 1:00 pm. Children are welcome to attend and make their own gingerbread house. All supplies will be included in the cost, including large plastic gift bags to take home your project, but you can be as creative as you want and bring whatever you would like to be included on your gingerbread house! Cost for each gingerbread house that is made is $10 and the sign up deadline is Monday, December 7. Class size is limited, so sign up early and join the fun! Mary Toland—chair Being Safe at Home menu will be your choice of frittata, sweet rolls and fruit. Be sure to indicate your choice of frittata on the menu insert in the newsletter. Nonalcoholic Mimosa will be available for a toast to the New Year! Your own wine or champagne can be personally added. There will be great company, good food and fun activities! The cost is $10.00 and the sign up deadline is Monday, December 14. Happy New Year! Wendy Adley, Meta Linde, Gail Reilly & Sharon Toomey—chairs NC Planning Mark your calendars! Come and learn how to stay safe in an emergency. Be Red Cross Ready! Join us on Thursday, December 17, at 3 pm in the Clubhouse. This program will be presented by the American Red Cross. You will learn about being prepared in your home and how to make a plan and a kit. The program is being arranged by the new Community Cares Committee. Sign up deadline is December 7. Cost will be $2 and refreshments will be served. Prestonwood C0-Ed Holiday Luncheon Our Co-ed Holiday Luncheon will take place on Friday, December 18 at 12:30 at Prestonwood Country Club. Their fabulous buffet is not to be missed and the wonderful presentation of desserts is a real treat. The cost will be $23.30, which will include the gratuity, iced tea, coffee, and hot tea. If you would like wine or a mixed drink it will be $8.00, beer is $5.00, and soft drinks are $2.50. These will need to be ordered and paid for in advance, as Prestonwood doesn't accept money in their Clubhouse. The deadline for sign-up is Monday, December 7. Please join us for this festive occasion! Pat Schneider—chair New Year’s Day Brunch Welcome in the year 2016 with your friends and neighbors! You are invited to attend the New Year’s Day Brunch on Friday, January 1st at 10:30 am. Our Come join us for a Jeopardythemed workshop with NC Planning on Wednesday, January 13, at 10:00 am You may remember that NC Planning provided us with a complimentary ice cream truck for the past two summers. They are coming back with Jeopardy-Legal Trivia and PRIZES! OH MY! Learn how to avoid headache and heartache when planning for yourself and aging loved ones. Participants will have the opportunity to win prizes, have fun and take home some valuable information. This interactive presentation will keep residents informed and engaged as we discuss the following topics: First Steps to Take After A Loved One Passes and Common Planning Misconceptions and Missteps. NC Planning is a local law firm that is offering a free consult and a 25% discount off services. The cost is $2.00 and refreshments will be served. Sign up deadline is Monday, December 28. Pat Schneider—chair In the News Heritage Pines golfer, Del Jones, aced the 93 yard 5th hole on the RGA Stockholders course in a Cary Senior Golf Tournament on September 30, 2015. “It landed right in front of the hole, took one bounce, and went in!” said Del, who also has made two other aces, reported Walt Ramsey. -3- Heritage Happenings December 2015 Two Educational Opportunities #1 Your Grounds Committee wishes The Cary Senior Center’s programs are for ages 55 plus, however a few are for 50 plus. Sign up for the next session of classes for Cary residents will begin on December 7. Informational booklets will be available at the Senior Center, and we will have some in the HP library. Anyone interested in our Monday morning line dance class, who has no line dancing experience, might want to sign up at the center for the “Introduction to Line Dancing” class, and then come join our group. The center offers trips, classes, arts and crafts, and exercise programs to name a few. For more info: www.TOWNOFCARY.ORG. Martin Anderson, Denise Galloway, JoAnn Bacon, Dominick Mammolito and Howard Singer. Alan Garelick, Board liaison. #2 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at NC State University 2016 Spring catalog is in the Clubhouse. Jay Confalone will be making a presentation on these enrichment programs in January at the Clubhouse. For more information: Grounds Committee Report Leaf collection is underway. The Town of Cary has been cooperative in helping remove the leaves with their pickup of curbside leaves on November 6th. The next scheduled collection by them is during the week beginning November 30th. If the weather gods cooperate as well, it is our hope to have efficient leaf removal throughout November and December. The uncontrollable forces of wind and rain may slow us down, but if memory serves, we have completed leaf removal each year. You may have noticed the Brickman staff utilize door hangers as a way to communicate with residents who are not at home when they respond to a concern. It will be helpful if you remember to check your front door periodically once you have called in a concern/request. With the change of seasons please take extra care when walking on our asphalt trails around the ponds, or navigating any parking lot, sidewalk or driveway. The combination of wet surfaces and wet leaves make for slippery conditions. It doesn’t take an ice or snow event, so be careful out there. Thank you for your cooperation with the Grounds Committee throughout 2015. -4- each of you a happy holiday season and good fortune in the coming year. Please note the annual “OPT IN-OPT OUT” form enclosed in this newsletter. It is for those with fescue grass. Those who have a warm season turf can pick up their form at the office. The deadline for completing and returning this form to the office is Monday, January 10, 2016. The forms have had a COMPLETE REVISION, so please take the time to read them carefully. Since we have revised the forms, we need to have every residence submit, so please complete one and submit it before the established deadline. This will be your ANNUAL ELECTION OF SERVICES, meaning YOUR DECISIONS HOLD FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2016 (exception: new homeowners only). It might be beneficial to make a copy for yourselves before handing the form in to the office staff. The required due date will be listed at the top of the form. A copy of the current PRUNING STANDARDS is included with the opt in/opt out list. It explains what WILL BE pruned and what WILL NOT BE pruned by location and by plant/tree species. It is important that you read and carefully review options before making any decisions, since as previously stated, your option choice, ONCE MADE, will be in effect for the calendar year 2016. Brickman Hello Heritage Pines Residents, Burr… cold weather expedites the rate at which the leaves are falling. We have been working diligently blowing leaves to the curb working alongside Cary’s leaf pick up plan. We will continue to push leaves in conjunction with the town’s pick up schedule. There are some challenges we face every year in our leaf removal approach. Mother Nature can often throw us Heritage Happenings December 2015 some curve balls, be it with higher rainfalls like those we have seen coming into this fall, or strong breezes, which may feel great as we say goodbye to the summer, but are not helpful for herding fallen leaves. The rain causes leaves to become heavier and stick to hard surfaces, diminishing the effectiveness of some of our removal techniques. The wind can easily redistribute a carefully laid pile of leaves, or quickly repopulate a freshly blown area with a single gust. As part of combating leaves, we will also be mulching some to make smaller piles and in areas that can easily be sent to naturalized areas. We will be working hard to ensure your lawns and walkways are as leaf-free as possible and will appreciate your patience as we work our way through the community. Beginning next month, we will be doing structural pruning to the Crape Myrtles across the community. This includes eliminating any small sucker growth at the base of the plant and ensuring that cross growing branches and limbs touching buildings will be pruned that stand below 12 feet in height. Pruning operations will continue on a smaller more selective scale throughout the property focusing on pocket pruning to keep the size of material in scope and improve the overall of the plants throughout the community. Please continue to reference the map in the Clubhouse to find when your home will be pruned. Thank you all, as always, for allowing us to work with you to keep Heritage Pines looking its best. Enjoy this cooler weather, and we wish you a safe and Merry Christmas! Travel with Peggy Hi Everyone, I lied when I said last month was my last column. This month is, and I have good news for all of you. Tammy and Chuck Campbell, my daughter and son-in-law, will be taking over my trips, so you can still travel with Peggy’s Travel Events! Some of you may know them as they accompanied me on a few of my trips. Their first trip for 2016 will be a trip to Temple Theater for “Hank and My Honky Tonk Heroes”. There is only one Hank Williams...and he is always remembered for his country music. There is only one actor who can bring him to life...Jason Petty. The show will be on Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 2:00 PM. We have prime seating tickets available. Before the show, we will enjoy lunch at Mrs. Lacy’s Tea Room in Sanford. Bus trip, lunch, and live performance are included in the bargain price of $89 per person. Tickets are available from Tammy at 919.208.8823 or you may send an email to: Further information on 2016 trips will be available next month. Look for trips to New Orleans, Niagara Falls, Pigeon Forge, and Asheville besides more day trips. I want to thank all of you for your warm hugs, words of encouragement, phone calls, lovely cards, and especially your prayers in dealing with my cancer. As you can see from my appearance at the Veteran’s Luncheon, I am still able to function and enjoy life! Let me wish all of you a wonderful and happy holiday with those you love. Hold them close and tell them that you love them. You might not get to see them again. God bless each of you and God bless the precious giving spirit of the Heritage Pines Community! If any of you would like to call me at any time, I would love to hear from you. My number is 919-749-2455. Your Brickman Team Greg, Jamie & Tyler Heritage Pines Committee Meetings: ARC - December 2 & 16 at 10 am Clubhouse - December 11 at 10:00 am Grounds - December 9 at 7:00 pm Social - December 7 at 11:00 am Hospitality - December 7 at 1:00 pm Peggy -5- Heritage Happenings December 2015 Shirley Teague 107 Knotts Valley Barbie & Randy Laxton 405 Knotts Valley Lane Jim & Deb Richardson 407 Sawgrass Hill Court Original Art Display Come check out the new art display in the craft room at the Clubhouse. The Artist for the month of December is Sonia Medina. Community Thanks To The Following Chairpersons and Their Committees: Hospitality – Cathy Clark Men’s Breakfast 1- Joe Lacenere, Travis Thompson & Dick Gross Stress Relief Art Class- Janet Deal Veterans Day—Sharon Toomey, Walt Ramsey, Linda Brown, Pat Schneider and committee Sock Hop—Jeff & Nancy Dunn and Diane & Frank Lafortune Pot Luck - Saundra Robertson & Committee -6- November Sunday Night Movie List Holiday Affair It Happened on 5th Ave Blossoms in the Dust Miracle on 34th Street Check Clubhouse bulletin board for the specific movie that will be shown on Sunday nights at 6:00 pm. Heritage Happenings December 2015 Social Committee News The Social Committee would like to say thank you: 1. To all of you who attended this year’s social events and participated in our weekly activities. Your participation encourages us to continue to work harder to offer an active social calendar at Heritage Pines! 2. To all the volunteers who volunteered their time and talents to plan, organize and help with the events and to those who introduced new weekly activities to our calendar. 3. To those of you who took the time to say “thank you” and share positive comments. 4. To everyone who helped make our 2015 Live and Learn program series a huge success again this year—the members of the Social Committee who planned and helped with the programs, the HP Board for their support and to our speakers, who not only provided us with helpful information, but always had positive comments about our community. 5. To Laly Gener, Brunie Robles, Ron Mitchell and Sharon Toomey for taking pictures and maintaining our photo frame so that we might all enjoy seeing the pictures from our events. The Social Committee wishes each of you a very happy holiday season! SAVE THE DATE….Ladies, mark your calendar for our Valentine Luncheon for the Ladies on Friday, February 12. You will be treated to a very special Valentine! IN CASE YOU MISSED IT….There was lots of laughing and good times at the Halloween party. Be sure to check out the costumes on the photo frame! The 50 and 60’s Sock Hop was lots of fun and brought back fun memories for us of the good ole’ days! Veterans Day was a special day at Heritage Pines. One hundred and twenty homeowners and guests attended the program and luncheon to honor and thank our veterans for their service. Special thanks to Apex Funeral Home for providing our lunches and the lapel pins and to our speaker, MSG Robert A. Cook from the Army National Guard. Sergeant Cook took time from his busy schedule to not only be part of our program, but stayed after the program to talk to each veteran personally and thank them for their service. A huge thank you to everyone from Heritage Pines that participated and helped with the program. Each veteran in attendance was recognized and given a special gift. It is an honor for all of us to have the opportunity to say thank you to our veterans for their service! Board Notes - a weekly email . If you would like to be included in the new weekly emails, you MUST email the office ( to be included in this publication. When you email your request to be on the list please include your name, street address and phone number. Even if you think the office has your email, you still need to make an email request to be included in this publication. -7- Heritage Happenings December 2015 2000 Heritage Pines Drive Cary, NC 27519 Betty Landes, CMCA, On-Site Manager Office Phone: 919-466-0016 Office Fax: 919-466-0014 Email: Website: Management Company: Elite Management Professionals 919-233-7660 Website: Thinking of You Sue Brescia Harry Edgar Ralph Hakanson Linda Kempf Ron Kruss Dave Minor Ron Mitchell Shirley Rieck Fran Vessel December Birthdays 1-Joan Hakanson 1-Sonia Medina Hospitality 1-Fran Vesel Chairperson 3-Julia Cossa The December 4-Denise Galloway chairperson is 4-Guni Kachalia Barbara Harcharic 4-Judy Moore Please notify her 4-Farouk Osman if anyone in our 9-Marianne Hannan community 9-Tim Mannix needs our care or concern. We live in a 9-William McAuley 9-Phyllis Smith community that 10Verghese Chirayath really cares for one 10- Barbara Oliver another! 10-Fern Phipps 10-Mary Svantner 13- David James 14-Terry Wright 15-Fran Mammolito 16-Sue Brescia 16-Marge Hellkamp 16-Fran Livoti 17-Gayle McKernie 17-Philip Piccola 17-Victoria Riccardi 18-Linda Brown 18-Joan Robinson 19-Alice Moldt 19-Chuck Stranger 22-Nancy Romano 23-Susan Holahan 25-Jean Tiedemann 26-Gloria Slugg 26-Beverly Strain 28-Jo Vivelo 29- Anita Tilley December Wedding Anniversaries Our Deepest Sympathy To: The family of Tom Bevill who died on October 2, 2015. Doug & Valerie Elvers on the death of Carol, wife & mother on November 2, 2015 Mary Grandpre on the death of her husband, Bud on November 10, 2015 Marge Hellkamp on the loss of her sister, Mary on November 12, 2015 -8- 1- Joseph & Esther Cheng 9 - Bob & Ann Thompson 12 - John & Pat Sherman 13 - Gus & Bharti Patel 13 - Ralph & Saundra Robertson 20 - Forrest & Dallas Franklin 23 - Mickey & Sue Brescia 25 - David & Harriet Gordon 27 - Judy & Chuck Brown 28 - Dick & Diane McCarraher