Athlete of the Issue - Victor Valley College
Victor Valley College RamPage May 27, 2011 · Volume 31, No. 7 “I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it.” —Charles M. Schulz VVC Says Farewell to Retiring Faculty and Staff ―I am just ready,‖ said Claudia Basha, a Professor of English, Drama and French of over 23 years here at VVC. ―I am a heart transplant patient so there are physical issues that played a part in my As the months wind down and spring decision as well,‖ said Basha. semester comes to a close, some teachPaul Mount, a VVC custodian for 14 ers and faculty members prepare to retire years, also felt that the timing was just from their distinguished careers here at right. Victor Valley College. ―I was offered In an effort to reduce the SERP twice staff in order to help within the last Coach Paine in pre-retirement at the North Shore of cope with the tightenthree months but Kauai Nov. 2009. Photo courtesy of John Paine ing budget, the SupI finally got all plemental Employee Paine and his wife had taken days in my finances to Retirement Program order to more carefully deliberate about where I can was proposed by Keewhich course of action to take, but with (retire),‖ said nan and Associates, a the SERP package, they knew that it was Mount. ―I also company who deals the right time for retirement. had surgery on with VVC‘s employee With the California budget crisis and the my knee last benefits. The SERP retirement of a large number of the year and I‘m still program provides for teachers and staff at VVC, it will be having problems an early retirement for ―serious no matter where you look. That with it.‖ staff and faculty, who means fewer courses, less seats and ―I saw a great qualify, and provides more pressure on the faculty,‖ said opportunity,‖ an additional payment Paine. said John Paine, of income in addition But events taking place beyond VVC a Professor of VVC Lady Rams Softball Team. 1998 Foothill to their state employ- The had definitely been on the minds of Physical EducaConference Champions with Coach Paine. Photo ees‘ retirement pro- courtesy of John Paine. some. tion at VVC for gram. 17 years. ―I was―(Keenan and Asson‘t going to retire until next summer but ciates) proposed a plan with pros and the college came to us and offered a cons…some critical positions may have Continued in Retirement on page 6 great package,‖ said Paine, ―I took a replacements,‖ said Jeri Kay Falkowski, look at it and decided it was right for Executive Administrative Assistant of me.‖ Human Resources, ―I hope they still have it when I‘m old enough.‖ In This Issue According to Falkowski, after the presidents, vice presidents, and directors of each campus department submit a list of necessities, a SERP committee will decide what positions will and won‘t have replacements in an effort to overlap responsibilities and reduce costs. For some it was just a matter of time, though the incentives offered by the SERP helped to make the idea of early retirement much more enticing. Story by: Phillip Phan Reporter Athlete of the Issue Page 17 Hangover 2 Review Page 14 RamPage VVC News May 27, 2011 Page 2 Ready Rams and CCC Hold Multiple Campus Events Story and Photo by Micah Raimo News Editor Ready Rams and Campus Crusade for Christ Clubs are teaming up for a bundle of events at Victor Valley College ending on June 1. There will be different dates: first, the clothes drive will be on the May 25, and then the blood drive will be on June 1. In addition to the blood drive, the clothes drive will take place again on that same day. ―I enjoy working with such clubs on campus as Ready Rams. This club has wonderful students and I admire their example of team work and reaching our community,‖ said Aimee Cash, Vice President of Campus Crusade for Christ. The first event that was held was a Hot Wing Eating Contest on May 18 at 2 p.m., The Ready Rams (RRC) were the front runners with Campus Crusade for Christ (Tripple C) providing the sound. Thomas Jimenez, President of The Ready Rams, purchased Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin‘ sauce to cover the mini drum sticks. ―The history of the partnership between the Ready Rams Club and Campus Crusade for Christ has been a very amazing journey and influential lesson. RRC and Triple C have teamed together on several events which include our Lights of Love Celebrations, Playstation Opportunity Drawings, Dodgeball Tournament, and many more,‖ said Jimenez. Contestants Tyler Griffin, Garland Brotherton, Edward Valdez, Marquisha Cail, Gabriel Diaz, Jerald Croox, Dale Morgan, and Juan Lopez attempted to eat eight wings in three minutes with a bottle of water in front of them. If they drank the water, the contestants would be disqualified. Winner of the contest was Juan Lopez who was the first to eat all of them in minutes. During the event, Ready Rams held President of Ready Rams Thomas Jimenez and CCC President Wadmar Miguel. an ipod raffle where a single ticket cost one dollar or six for five dollars. Second place winners receive a gift certificate from Buffalo Wild Wings and Third place receives a gift certificate from InN-Out. The last day of the raffle is June ninth where Ready Rams will contact the winner. ―The Wing Frenzy event was, I think, a huge success and I‘m looking forward to working together with Ready Rams again or any club we can have the blessing of collaborating with. We have a Blood Drive/Clothes Drive event coming up together with Ready Rams,‖ said Wadmar Miguel, President of Campus Crusade for Christ. All clothes will go to the Victorville Rescue Mission and the clothes drive box locations are at the VVC library, the Student Activity Center Bookstore and the ASB Office. On May 25, Triple C had spread the boxes around the campus. In total, two boxes were filled plus several bags of clothes were donated by the students of and faculty of VVC. Ready Rams pitched a booth alongside the Campus Crusade for Christ, already advertising their Life Stream Blood Drive Bus that will be here on June 1. The Blood and Clothing Drive event was titled ―Drive for the World.‖ Their earnings amounted to 100 volunteer signatures and the numbers are still rising. ―I think it‘s awesome to work together with other clubs to promote teamwork, unity and fellowship—the way Jesus Christ shows us to be. Without judging each other or closing ourselves off to each other, but opening our hearts to one another to let the friendship build up and take its proper course. I‘m hoping that by working together with Ready Rams we will show that clubs are better together and that we as one student body can do good things for this campus,‖ said Miguel. ―Triple C is a wonderful club who focuses on the students and community, as well as always donating a hand or so to a fellow club. One word stands out above all when it comes to explaining the way RRC feels about Triple C blessed,‖ said Jimenez. VVC Commencement to be Held on June 10 Story by Tracy Martinez Reporter Victor Valley College Commencement Ceremony will be held on June 10, 2011 at 5 p.m. in the gymnasium. Students have to arrive at the Adapted PE building 70 to line up and march into the gym. Graduates must arrive 60 minutes prior to the ceremony. Tickets will be limited to five per graduate. These are for the guests to be admitted into the gym. Small children also need tickets to enter into the gymnasium. The graduate‘s diplomas will be available for pickup and all holds from library and financial aid should be cleared. The certificates will be mailed on an ongoing basis as the graduates complete the requirements. Honor cords can only be worn at the commencement ceremony by the students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher, based on the completion of degree requirements. Continued in Grad on Page 3 RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 3 Victor Valley College Accreditation Follow Up Story by Tracy Martinez Reporter The Institutional Effective Committee commended Victor Valley College for having innovative outreach programs, student-centered facilities, ASB participation and Sustainable building projects. Grad from page 2 The Honor cords are available for students at the Ram‘s bookstore. The proper wear for the cap and gown is very strict. The cap for both men and women should have the tassel on the right side. The robes of the gown will be maroon and should be shorter than the women‘s dresses. Organization will be enforced. The graduates are to follow a guide‘s instructions since there will not be a rehearsal. ―Don‘t be nervous, you should be happy that you are going to walk, everyone will be watching you on what you have VVC has eight general recommendations which would be further detailed in the final report. College has to establish and maintain an ongoing self-reflective planning process that includes measurable goals, evaluation of all programs, documented assessment results, integration with budget and decision-making, dialogue about continuous improvement, systematic use of financial resources, accomplished,‖ said Edikan Akapabio, a writing center tutor. For the degrees the President will announce the graduates to the Board of Trustees. Once the degrees are conferred, the guides will take individual rows of graduates to the platform. It is the graduates job to receive the degree with the left hand and shake hands with the right as a form of receiving congratulations. Once the ceremony ends the students have to remain standing for the order to exit the gymnasium. The ones to go out first will be the platform members, faculty and then graduates. Guides will lead the way for exiting the building. formalized evaluation of effectiveness processes and recognition of total cost of ownership in planning. ―The exit report is comprehensive and gets submitted to the Commission. Results will be given on June once you are evaluated look for improvement,‖ said Virginia Moran Dean of Inst. Effectiveness. College has to examine and provide evidence of appropriate leadership for distance education and services support for the learning of students. Also, they have to accelerate assessments by Fall 2012. ―Accreditation is a necessary and important process,‖ said Deedee Orta, Budget Analyst. Fiscal plans have to be developed to ensure transfers and balance the budget. Projections have to be based on priorities and data. Leadership programs have to be formed to help the students with services and education based on skills. RamPage VVC Features Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Hopes To Grow Story by Tiandra Bullock Reporter new motto was selected for the now sorority. It developed through the Greek letter system using ―Beta‖, ―Sigma‖, and ―Phi‖ which are the first Greek words for life, learning and friendship, or BSP. Beta Sigma Phi is a non-academic In April 1932, the state of Missouri sorority and presents to the High Desert granted the incorporation of Beta Sigma Chapter 92: Xi Phi Iota. Phi under a charter and today it is curNedra Murphy, 35-year founding rently a nonprofit corporation. Chapters member of Chapter 92, explains that are involved in local and international Walter W. Ross originally generated philanthropic projects that they fundraise Beta Sigma Phi in 1931 in Abilene, Kanfor. sas as the What to Read Club. It began There are over 12,500 chapters internationally and over 1,000,000 members. Chapters are community based and are available on college campuses although not required. As listed in the Chapter Year Book, Chapter 92: Xi Phi Iota Victorville, CA chartered March 30, 1984. Xi Phi Iota is active nine months throughout the year beginning in September and ending in May. Involvement includes attending two meetings a month, one business meeting and one social. The badge of Nedra Murphy after 35 years in the organization . A white and yellow chapter as a social and cultural organization that badge is worn at each meeting and the integrates services into the club activisorority flower is a yellow rose which ties. emblems a token of friendship and sisCreation of the club was for cultural, terhood. social and civic enrichment amongst its There are currently 14 active members members given little exposure to the in this chapter and they are hoping to cultural aspects throughout the depresgrow. This sorority is distinct because sion. the women involved highly value friendWith progression, a new structure for ship, support, and honesty. These memthe organization was established and a bers have developed everlasting relationships, truly care and can be there for one another. Xi Phi Iota welcomes all women of the community who are interested in learning more about the sorority and potentially joining to visit the BSP website: or call Nedra Murphy at (760) 964-3513. ―A man comes and goes, but a sister is forever.‖ – Debi Hartzler, President of Xi Phi Iota. May 27, 2011 Page 4 A Satirical Look at Being Editor in Chief by the Numbers 127: Hours spent in the office over seventeen days. Ironically its also the same amount of hours Aron Ralston spent stuck between a boulder and a canyon. 141: Number of times a fellow editor was told to sit down and shut up (You know who you are Micah!) 336: Number of phone calls received by RamPage reporters, editors and advisors. 793: Number of readers on our website this semester alone. 280: Dollars spent on food and drinks for the editors on production days combined. 75: Pieces of coffee cake consumed by my fellow editors and I. 3,210: The amount of times I have been blamed for something because I‘m Editor-in-Chief. 3,209: Number of times I actually deserved it. 70-80: Percent of these numbers are estimated or entirely made up. In all seriousness, it has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as Editor-inChief of the Victor Valley College RamPage. I want to thank Evan Spears, for taking the time out of his busy schedule to actually sit down and give me a walkthrough of how to layout the paper. I would also like to thank Roderick Gray for believing in me enough and giving me the chance to succeed as Editor-inChief. It was a bit tougher than I expected and would not be able to do it without the help of my fellow editors and advisor. Adreana Young has put in the same amount, if not more, hours than I have and I feel does not get the credit she deserves for the help and dedication to this paper. I would also like to thank Judith Pfeffer, my advisor, for opening my eyes to the journalism field. Without her I would have never considered journalism, or writing, as a career. On a final note, I would like to thank everyone else who has helped with the production of the RamPage and for putting up with me all semester. I wish my successor the best of luck with the prestigious VVC RamPage. — Joseph Ciulla, Editor-in-Chief RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 5 Second Annual Transfer Celebration Honors Students Story by Charaye Franklin Reporter At the second annual transfer celebration held on Thursday, May 26, many students felt excited and relieved to receive their certificates of transfer from Victor Valley College. The Department Head of Counseling Diane Wallon, acknowledged the coordinator of the celebration Lorena Ochoa and the Dean of Student Services Tim Johnston for putting together a great ceremony for the students transferring to the many different schools of their choice. ―Life throws obstacles in our way and you students who are transferring have overcome those obstacles and are on the right track to becoming successful,‖ said Vice President of Student Services Mark Zacovic. He wanted the students to know that as they go on their journey to another college, the relationships that they have built with the staff, faculty, and administrators at Victor Valley College will not end and if they ever need anything, they will be there for them in any way that they can. ASB President Monica Cabingatan gave a heart warming speech to the transfer students about what their success meant to her and many other students who are on their way to becoming transfer students themselves. ―You are an inspiration to all of us students who are trying to reach the goal that you have just now reached. This is a celebration of your hard work and determination. Victor Valley College does one thing: readies the students to transfer to their university of choice.‖ ―Three years ago, I didn‘t know what I wanted to do, where I wanted to go, or what I wanted to be, and now I am transferring from Victor Valley College to major in psychology. This celebration is an achievement of the coursework we have completed and transferring is a mile stone that I have crossed to take the next step in furthering my education,‖ said Jaime Ruiz-Rubio who is transferring to UC Riverside with five other students. Along with the transfers form UC Riverside, two students transferred to the University of Laverne. Seventeen transferred to Cal State University of San Bernardino, and eleven student s transferred to the other many Cal States in California. Five students transferred to private and out of state universities, and three transferred to some of the Universities of California. In closing to the celebration, the representative from the University Dr. Parker had a few closing word to say. ―Don‘t let anyone steal your dream. A person with a dream will never be denied.‖ Policewomen Who Made History: Breaking through the Ranks by Robert L. Snow HV 8023 S66 2010 Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie RA 1213 S65 2009 The World has Changed: Conversations with Alice Walker edited by Rudolph P. Byrd PS 3573 A425 Z96 2010 Friedrich Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography by Julian Young B 3316 Y68 2010 The Feminist Promise: 1792 to the Present by Christine Stansell HQ 1150 S723 2010 The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr QP 360 C3667 2010 Sherri Pierce Appointed as DSPS Coordinator Story by Carlos Garcia Reporter Sherri Pierce, a counselor for the Disabled Students Programs and Services has now been appointed as DSPS coordinator. ―They weren‘t able to fill the vacancy that they had and so they were looking for people that had the experience within the department that were willing to take on those duties. They asked several people. I don‘t know all of their names, but I was one of the people that was willing to take it on.‖ Pierce has come a long way before getting this position. ―Well I was a student here from 1985 to 1990. I got my liberal arts associates degree here. I started working part time here in 1998, and then I got my full time counseling position in 2000,‖ said Pierce. Though she didn‘t always know her calling would be to become a counselor for disabled students, Pierce can relate to her department and what it strives to accomplish. ―Well I‘ve had a disability all my life. So it‘s just something that I naturally just came to do. I thought I might be a teacher when I was younger and I found out that counseling was very similar to teaching. And so I chose a slight change in career path. I know a lot about disability, having grown up with one, and experiencing my own life with a disability, and also college and education and having ventured it myself and knowing where the students are coming from and the barriers that they‘ve come up against, I understand that. And I‘ve been a good problem solver in my own life so it just seemed like a natural fit for me.‖ Now as coordinator, she will make the effort to address issues for the benefit of the disabled students attending VVC. ―To help VVC provide accommodations to make everyone, every student, active to make their success achievable, and that VVC and the DSPS department… Continued in Pierce on page 18 May 27, 2011 Page 6 RamPage VVC Retirement from page 1 don‘t see how (the custodial staff) can handle the additional workload.‖ ―As far as I know, they won‘t be replacing me, though they will be having interviews for other positions,‖ said Basha. The recent string of retirements will vaheripour. ―But we believe we can save about $1 million after taking into ac―A lot of teachers and faculty are taking count new hires.‖ the SERP because they see the looming Interestingly, the SERP proposal does budget crisis,‖ said Mount, ―maybe I can allow employees who decided to retire leave and save someone else‘s job.‖ with the program to return to teaching, Mount was also worried that though only as a part-time states would follow in the adjunct, which some faculty footsteps of Wisconsin‘s are opting for. Senate by removing bargainDespite the uncertain preing rights for state employsent, the past and the future ees. remain places of refuge for With employee salaries the soon-to-be retirees. composing about 84 percent Basha plans to attend to her of the school budget, includranch, which is home to 29 ing benefits, it was only nathorses, to visit her mother in ural as a target for reduction. Arizona, who is 90 years old, ―In the last two years, we and to ―attend to those prohave taken vacant positions jects that we all say we‘ll get out of the budget. Last year, around to.‖ 17 faculty members and staff Though she will be retirtook the SERP offer while 30 ing, she plans to still teach as took the offer this year,‖ said an adjunct. G.H. Javaheripour, Vice ―I‘m going to miss VVC,‖ President of Administrative said Basha. Services. Mount plans to always It has been estimated that Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mount sitting together at the retirement lunch ceremony. Photo cour- keep busy and has plans to in a best-case scenario the tesy of Roderick Gray. supplement his retirement school‘s budget will be cut income while having fun. In ―affect the (school) dramatically,‖ said by $2.5 million. In the worst-case, the general, ―to just stop and smell the rosBasha, ―we are losing a lot of full-timers budget will be reduced by a staggering es,‖ said Mount. in all departments…they‘re the ones $4 million. ―I‘ll miss everybody,‖ said Mount. ―I with the institutional memory.‖ ―There will be a natural reduction in spent about 12 years at the night shift Basha hoped that she could help train courses,‖ said Javaheripour. and then decided to switch to day. I had the new part-time faculty, or adjuncts, But Paine still wonders why there had the opportunity to interact with students but they have yet to appear. been a sizeable amount of money spent and faculty…one of the best decisions Both Paine and Mount were equally on improving campus appearance, deI‘ve ever made. I will miss them all.‖ concerned about a lack of replacements spite the recent budget constraining. Paine echoed the same sentiments. for their position once they retire. ―I do ―I emailed them asking why they spent ―It has been a very very good place to hear that they will add a lot of (non$1 million on rocks instead of educawork. I‘ve had a wonderful career here,‖ teaching) faculty, but tion,‖ said said Paine. ―This has never been like a I haven‘t heard much Paine. job to me. I come smiling and leave about hiring. I do Though smiling.‖ wish they hired more there was Activities in the future would include faculty for Special plenty of more time spent at the beach and paddle Ed though,‖ Paine reassurance boarding, though coaching still remains said. that the qualin his heart. Mount also was ity and num―If I could just coach without instructunsure about his reber of sering (courses), I‘d do it in a heartbeat,‖ placement. vices would said Paine. ―The money isn‘t worth it, ―Not to my be mainbut the memories are.‖ knowledge,‖ said tained, othPaine summed up the collective expeMount. ―Originally ers were riences and memories of the outgoing someone from night doubtful. and retiring staff when he wrote, in a With three Claudia Basha's other horse, Rusty dressed up. Photo courte- shift but I heard they letter to the Community College Associsy of Claudia Bash. might not do that.‖ additional ation‘s newspaper, The Advocate, ―The But according to Javaheripour, the custodians retiring, Mount worries that classroom is not just about academics, school does plan to hire new members, the school won‘t have the necessary staff but about learning how to establish though to what extent is yet t be reto maintain the campus. healthy relationships and learning about vealed. ―The appearance of the campus is allife.‖ ―We will have to hire some new faculready on the decline,‖ said Mount. ―I ty, at least six or seven,‖ said Ja- RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 7 Annual Tech-X Event Showcases VVC Departments Story by Tiandra Bullock Reporter Technology, education, fun activities, and competition warped together on May 13 and 14 for the Victor Valley College annual Tech-X event. As documented on the Tech-X flyer, the theme of Tech-X was technology, education and sustainability. Tech-X focused on providing ideas and effective ways to preserve and reuse energy, how to maintain these practices and keeping an ecological, economic, social and political balance of natural resources in the high desert. Tech-X was a free event and made was available for all interested in possibly finding a new hobby, career or job skill while stimulating your imagination. Two hundred volunteers from the community, VVC faculty and students organized this event to present multiple outlets of technology and programs available on campus. The calendar of events for Saturday, as listed in the Tech-X brochure included the High Desert Car Club Council car show, woodworking, an articulation Firefighters show kid how to use a fire hose. ramp, bamboo pole fishing, fireman‘s make and break, robotics, street art, technical math decathlon, electric vehicles, hydrogen powered vehicles, solar boats, recycled boat races, Tech-X Awards and the car show awards. In front of the Students Activities Center, the Educators Band played music A piece of technology displayed during Tech-X. throughout the event while food vendors and guest services were available as well. The Fire Academy demonstrations and the fireman‘s make and break coordinated with the VVC Fire Academy‘s 35th graduation on May 14, as reported by Glen Stewart, Faculty, and Instructor in the Fire Technology department. Family and friends came out to support their families and check out the festivities as well. Ray Dodd, teacher at Colum- Two gentlemen working on a car. bia International Science and Technology Magnet School in Adelanto, Caand had over two hundred people in lif. presented the seventh and eighth attendance. The community and future grade students robots from the technolostudents are welcome to come out when gy program for the robotics portion of this event is given and explore the world the day. Students created robots and of technology. For more information, call (760) 245-4271 extension 2246. programmed each one to complete a task. The Tech-X event was very successful RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 8 San Bernardino County Fair Entertains High Desert Residents Story and photos by Abbey Mullen Reporter The annual San Bernardino County Fair continues to be one of the few places in the High Desert where affordable fun can be found for the whole family. The fair took place at the Victorville fairgrounds May 14 through the 22. For the 2011 fair, everyone who attended only had to pay an entrance fee of $5, and with a coupon that could be found online or in the Daily Press the cost was only $4. The Green Acres-themed fair started off on Saturday May 14, with a crowd of enthusiastic people waiting for the gates to open. The fair set a new opening day record, according to general manager Ken Alstott, and fair officials even had to open a reserve parking lot. ―I‘ve never seen this in my seven years,‖ Alstott said of the crowd as stated in the Daily Press. He also went on to say that 6,000 people attended the Skillet concert. Along with local schools, local residents of all ages brought in their livestock to showcase and hopefully win best in show. Allison Andrews, an 18year-old representing Future Farmers of America of Chino, won first place in the Showmanship category as stated in the Daily Press, according to the Daily Press. ―Showmanship is how you present your animal to the judges,‖ she said, adding, ―This is my fourth year coming to the SBC fair and my last with FFA. I am excited to be here,‖ as stated in the Daily Press. Attending the SBC Fair for the first time Jose Gonzalez was eager to have a good experience with his friends. ―Being able to enjoy the fresh air, good food, and just having fun trying to win the biggest prize is what I enjoyed the most,‖ Gonzalez stated about his experience at the fair. This year the fair had many different performances on the grandstands throughout the week to entertain fairgoer‘s. Some of the big name concerts included Skillet, Gerardo Ortiz, Nathan Owens, Bucky Covington, Creedence Clearwater Revisited, and Clay Walker. On a smaller stage, yet still just as entertaining were the Doo-Wah Riders, Jeffery Perez: A tribute to Michael Jackson, and Stevie Wright a semi-finalist for 2009 American Idol. Now in a band with her dad as lead guitar, and Tamara Cox, one of her former High School music teachers as backup, Stevie Wright enjoys singing rock and roll. San Bernardino County Fair ended its nine-day run Sunday with increased attendance, including two record-breaking Saturdays, according to Alstott, chief executive officer for the 28th District Agriculture Association at the San Bernardino County Fairgrounds as stated in the Daily Press. RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 9 RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 10 More Things to do in the High Desert Story and Photos by Anna Vivar Features Editor The RamPage is bringing an update on more places and activities to make sure that people living in the High Desert are fully aware of all their extracurricular opportunities. The Bullet Hole Training Center was established in the year 2000, by Craig ‗The Bullet‘ Buchanan, a worldrenowned Muay-Thai Boxer. At the Bullet Hole you can enjoy indoor rockclimbing and direct access to Buchanan as he trains you personally on the ring turning any amateur quickly into a fit athlete. Gymnastics is very popular in the High Desert. 360 Freestyle gym in Apple Valley, High Desert Cheer in Victorville, and High Desert AcroBrats in The scenery at Mojave Narrows. Hesperia have facilities that have classes for children and adults. Mojave Narrows is an often overlooked hideaway that is available to residents of the High Desert. A lake is available on the premises and several grills for you to enjoy a barbeque with friends and family. Stables are also available where you can have a nice guided one hour tour on horseback through the forest for a $50 fee. In the nearby city of Littlerock visitors can enjoy sailplane Palmdale residents preparing to ride a sailplane. rides, better known to some as interested in obtaining their gliders ligliders. Southern California Soaring cense. Academy offers several types of rides At Southern California Soaring Acadethat can range from scenic rides to more my you can meet Candace Schroeder, a daring aerobatic rides in which the pilot 22-year old Palmdale resident. actually inverts the glider. The academy ―I love gliders. They are different from also offers training for those who are other types of aircraft. They provide a quiet, smooth flight, I enjoy performing aerobatics with the gliders,‖ said Schroeder. Schroeder is currently a student pilot who has been flying gliders for about four years and Helicopters around two months. Close by the Southern California Soaring Academy is Big Rock Creek. The creek is a wonderful scenic area located in the San Bernardino Mountains where visitors can actually go find their own nice relaxing place to unwind. A Forest Adventure Pass is required and can be S.T.E.M. Program at Victor Valley College Story by Cassie Ulrich Reporter Victor Valley College‘s instructional programs Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) division offer many transferable classes. ―S.T.E.M. is a nationally recognized name across the country,‖ said Dean of Instruction Dr. Lori A. Kildal. S.T.E.M. came from a federal mandate. The programs have many opportunities to get National Science Foundation grants and are just at the end of a title five grant that focused on math and science. The school was able to buy new equipment for the science labs. It also allowed the school to hire a faculty member as a counselor and students as science tutors. ―I really like the lab rooms and supplies they have for biology and anatomy,‖ said student Hannah Jennison. ―When I took Biology I was happy that they provided most of the materials for the lab because it would have been a lot extra and I wouldn‘t want to spend that much money on something I wasn‘t even majoring in,‖ said student Heather Malone. The grant also funded school fieldtrips both local and abroad as well as gave some of the school‘s staff members the opportunity to attend workshops to further their knowledge on the subjects they were teaching. S.T.E.M. has many classes that fall under its division. It‘s not just your normal science and math classes but also classes like nursing and digital animation. These classes were all put together under one division because they have similar aspects within the world of education. Each involves some math and science. Continued in Stem on Page 18 May 27, 2011 Page 11 RamPage VVC Car Show Presents Classic Automobiles Story by Rueben Hagens Reporter Live music filled the air as spectators peaked inside of nicely restored automobiles. Some event goers were spotted checking and buying small Hot Wheels toys from a local vendor and member of HDCCC, Mike ―Hot Wheeling Mike‖ McGail. Mike had over 500 Hot Wheel cars on display and proudly confessed that he had over 40,000 Hot Wheels that he personally collects. High Desert Car Club Council created a Saturday event where car enthusiasts wanted to be. On the campus of Victor Valley College, HDCCC hosted their annual car show and fund raiser event. HDCCC provided over 40 classic cars from 19 different car clubs within numerous cities for spectators to view and enjoy. HDCCC also set up vending tables selling classic hot rod memorabilia, in conjunction with VVC prominently being involved providing their list of vendors for partakers. Filled with festive activities for participants, faculties and students, many people found multiple ways to be entertained. V.V.C faculty was in full bloom creating a great atmosphere on the campus. Tech X was on display as well, ―One of the features we‘re glad to do demonstrating and providing insights to is the Recycle Boating Regatta where the powers of Solar Paneling. Part of the students and faculties build from used event was a presentation from this group recycled materials and create boats to to bring out alternative power awareness race them in our campus lake,‖ said Dato the high Desert. The Broadcaster Club vid Desterhouse an instructor in the was also on location snapping photos Construction Technology department. and collecting film footage. The winners of the Regatta race were Cars lined up almost around the whole the Ladybug created by the Automotive lake and offered colorful auto eye candy Department; the second place was ASto all spectators. One of the cars that B‘s ―The What Boat‖ The VVC fire sparked a fair amount of interest was a academy also participated in the event. Champagne brown 1961 Chevy Impala, Located next to the Performing Arts intricate interior designs, expensive and building they displayed their trucks and classy inside and hosted water hose out. When asked, contests. Individuone of the car club als would line up members who to shoot the fire watched the car‘s hoses and who renovation said the would ever hit the engine alone had most fire cones the set the owner back fastest would win ten thousand dolthe contest. lars. It was aston―Everyone just ishing to find the had fun shooting same car was for hoses, knocking sale at a mere forty over the cones and -seven thousand Photo courtesy of Tiandra Bullock. just enjoying the dollars. spirit of doing the By the end of the day HDCCC was exercise,‖ said Glen Stewart one of the handing out awards to members and Fire Academy Instructors and Fire Techaffiliates for different contests and autonologist. mobiles. Everyone who came out went ―This is my second year doing this, home with some kind of memorabilia this is for Tech X and this year they physically and emotionally. have a lot of really neat activities,‖ Glen went on to say. Deaf Movie Night Shown at VVC Story and Photo by Roderick Allen Gray Jr. Special Projects Editor To promote diversification in events held at Victor Valley College members of the Diversification Committee held the screening of The Legend of the Mountain Man during the movie night May 16. The movie was screened in the Student Activities Center on a Monday Night and was completely shown without sound, but was completely produced in American Sign Language with subtitles. A Combination of students and area residents totaled nearly 60 viewed the film of a dysfunctional family that was shipped to their grandparent‘s ranch in Montana by their father. ―This was an interesting film, because it was completely without sound; like a silent film in color. However, the American Sign Language aspect of it allowed the sound for the movie to be created in your imagination, ―Jon Garcia area resident. The showing of the film was sup- Top: Deborah Chesser, Ray Navarro Bottom: Sherrie Pierce ported by The High Dessert Deaf Community and was this year‘s VVC Culture Craze event. ―Based on a campus survey the topic of interest was sharing information on disabilities and the campus wanted more info on disabilities,‖ said Sherri Pierce committee chair. In the past VVC has held a Culture Craze event that emphasized the diversification of different cultures in the Victor valley community with food vendors and entertainment providers. ―What we tried to highlight was that the Deaf as a culture has a number of talented people,‖ said Deborah Chesser committee member. RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 12 Memorial Weekend Event Honors Veterans Story and Photo by Jason Becker Reporter Excelsior students did not let King put this event on by himself and many of them got involved and participated in the day, from announcing speakers at the podium to the school band playing patriotic songs throughout the morning. ―Students were really excited and wanted to help,‖ said Alex Ruger, a stu- Hundreds of high desert residents gathered on the Victor Valley College soccer field to honor those that have served in the United States military and their families on May 27. The event, which was put together by Derek King of Excelsior Charter School, kicked off Memorial Day weekend in the Victor Valley. The event opened with skydivers and the United States Marine Corps mounted color guard. It also included several speeches from local leaders or their representatives and an award ceremony honoring fallen military veterans of all branches of service followed by the releasing of doves in their honor. The day was not only about the older generation of veterans but of today‘s veterans and active duty service mem- Serviceman at the Memorial Day Celebration. bers as well. This sediment was exdent at Excelsior and member of the pressed through United State Marine Associated Student Body. Corps Major J. Ed Christiansen. ChristiRuger felt it made the students more ansen spoke of Sept 11, 2001, and his aware of veterans, of Memorial Day and memory of American Airlines Flight 77 proud to be Americans. This could also as it flew directly over him while he was be seen in the excitement that the stuin the Navy Annex building then into the dents showed during the day. Pentagon, where his co-workers still For the students it was an ―educational were in their offices across the street. experience to see America‘s true heroes‖ said Victor Valley Elementary School Superintendent Dr. Dale Mardsen and that it was ―an outstanding event for us to bring the community together.‖ The event was funded using community donations. Not only monetary but for services as well. ―I heard about it and wanted to help,‖ said Dan Alexander, owner of Lemonade Express. Alexander, whose own father Paul was an Army Ranger, brought his mobile lemonade trailer and offered free lemonade to everyone in attendance. Food was also available right next to Alexander‘s trailer. Victor Valley Trophy Company also donated to the event, making plaques to remember fallen service members at no cost to Excelsior or the families. Plaques include a photo of the service member and a short biography in their recognition. Additionally, congressional recognition awards were given to the families by US Representative Buck McKeon. When the event was over King was excited about the results and enjoyed the large turnout after four months of hard work and planning. Senior Career Launch Aims to Prepare High Story and Photo by Jason Becker Reporter Local high school seniors got a firsthand look at 17 different departments during the Senior Career Launch at Victor Valley College on May 19. Students attending the event represented 10 different area high schools. According to Nord Embroden, department chairman of the Construction and Manufacturing Technology Department and one of the organizers of the event, about 134 high school seniors were in attendance. ―We knew we wanted to do something more focused than Tech X…we wanted to gear the program to high school seniors only,‖ said Embroden. The senior career launch is still only college and gives them priority registraa pilot program, tion over other and the students first-year stuwho attended dents. will be tracked The high academically to school seniors determine the not only were success of the able to preview program to see if academic departthey have a ments that interhigher success ested them, but rate at VVC than also were given other students the opportunity matriculating to speak to curfrom high rent VVC stuschool. All stu- Students learn the nursing program requirements. dents. dents in attend―I really look ance were also part of the Bridge Proforward to coming to VVC… gram, which prepares the students for Continued in Senior on Page13 RamPage VVC Senior from Page 12 I was really nervous at first, but now I feel comfortable,‖ said Raquel Bravo, a senior at Serrano High School. She was previewing the Nursing Department, which also had the largest number of participants of the day. ―It was a great opportunity to come here…I‘m ready,‖ said Luzbeth Vasquez from Victor Valley High School. Vasquez also plans on entering the nursing program at VVC. ―It‘s just a community college,‖ said Amilcar Ceballos, describing his viewpoint before the event began. A senior at Apple Valley High School, Ceballos had his perceptions of VVC change quickly. He continued, ―I didn‘t even know they had an auto shop here…I like the shop.‖ ―It blew away my expectations,‖ said Sarah Nyberg from Victor Valley Christian School. She toured the Digital Animation Department, whose presentation included allowing the seniors to try out the animation software firsthand. Nyberg, who wants to find a career in media arts, enjoyed the campus but was still undecided where she plans on attending college. ―We are looking forward to next year,‖ said Embroden when asked how he thought the event turned out. The success of the program however will not be known for a few years. May 27, 2011 Page 13 Educators Discuss Student Opportunities at Seminar Story and Photo by Roderick Allen Gray Jr. Special Projects Editor Dean of Vocational Technology Education Patricia Luther welcomed regional K-12 and college educators to the Green Technology Pathways seminar at Victor Valley College May 18. This event highlighted ways to interoperate the technological and green resources at VVC to create professional career pathways Officials at the event. for students and establish an educational bridge for high school students to matriculate into community college. ―This seminar bridges the gap between high schools and community college programs in green and renewable energy areas. High school teachers and VVC faculty are here today for the benefit of all our students to ensure they have a clean and clear pathway to career success,‖ said Fleming. ―We appreciate the opportunity to learn about the regional resources available in the area of green technology, as well as collaborate with our high dessert colleagues,‖ said Educational Coordinator for Antelope Valley Union High School District Diane Walker. VVC Vocational Technology faculty members Neville Slade and Tony Malone joined panelists Evgeniya Lindstrom Director of Regional Center of Excellence for San Bernardino County, Troy Seagondollar Kaiser Permanente, Logan R. Olds Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority, John C. Davis a 40 year veteran of California public agencies, Glenn Bland Co-Owner and President of Solar Seminars, Hugo Calvilo District Conservationist at Natural Resources Conservation Services and Antonio D. Penna Construction and Efficiency Manager for the Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority for discussions on the value of area resources. ―These recourses are here with people and connections; and we would like this seminar to be the catalyst for students and new programs,‖ Slade said. Career Works Holds Instructional Workshop Story and Photo by Roderick Allen Gray Jr. Special Projects Editor The Child Development Program of Victor Valley College held its annual CDC Career Works Program Spring Workshop for nearly 40 students in the Communication Center from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday May 21. This event was made possible by a grant from the Foundation of California Community Colleges a division of the Chancellor‘s Office. It was specifically designed to assist career development for students who are enrolled in public assistance programs, but it was open to all CDC students. A morning and afternoon workshop of instructions was provided for the participants. The first workshop introduced students to the Keynote speaker and presenter Kati Bee creator of CDC. Mary Ann Dane Mrs. Flutterbee‘s Play and Jan Espinoza proand Make Believe vided the afternoon Workshop. This porinstruction. tion of the seminar ―Make it simple and was designed to proenjoy,‖ Dane said. vide CDC students ―The whole study of with the creative early childhood develmeans to interoperate opment has transmovement, song and formed the sick in the play with curriculum mud type of instrucMrs. Bee during her keynote speech. development. tion into a creative ―Be free to be you,‖ educational facilitator Bee said. where educators engage the learners,‖ The afternoon workshop was a make said CDC student Dewey Kelleygray. and take book creation opportunity Event facilitators Sandy Visser and where students learned how to make Kimberly Day provided students with a story books and illustration materials Professional Growth Certificate at the from flannel. With patterns provided and end of the day; breakfast and lunch was precut flannel shapes students made ilalso served. lustrative materials that there were able ―We were able to help more students,‖ to take home and later utilize in their Day said. laboratory classrooms settings at the RamPage VVC Entertainment May 27, 2011 Page 14 Sequel More Like Migraine than Hangover Review by Roscoe Esparza Photo Editor Let's see if this sounds familiar to anybody. A group of friends are preparing for the wedding of one of their own. They have a crazy evening and wake up the next day with no memory of the events that transpired the night before. Additionally, there is a missing comrade they must find before the wedding. The group travels around getting into lots of comedic trouble while they try to piece together what happened and where their friend is. This is the plot for the first Hangover. Disappointingly, the sequel shares the exact same plot, almost detail for detail. The Hangover 2 is a good movie if all you‘re looking for is a couple of decent laughs. All of the comedic elements and sight gags that made the original a hit are present in the sequel; they're only amped up a bit. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. It's good because these things made the first movie memorable and hilarious. Where this is bad is that Hangover 2 doesn't really try anything new. It's almost an identical movie to the original, only in a different setting. This is still good for laughs, but some of the attempts to repeat the success of the original ended up not working while Photo courtesy of Warner Brothers making the film feel tiring and repetitive. For example, in the original film, one of the funnier scenes involved a random naked Asian guy jumping out of the trunk of a car and beating the crap out of all the main characters. It was unexpected and very funny, even if that guy‘s junk was on full display. In this sequel, Ken Jeong has his nude scene yet again, only with more screen time than the first. It almost seemed as though the writers half-assed parts of the script and looked at the original, thinking that if they throw in more random nudity it would be that much funnier. This may or may not work for some, but either way there is no shortage of wiener in this movie. Ed Helms, Bradley Cooper and Zach Galifianakis reprise their roles of Stu, Phil and Alan respectively. Each character is the same as they were in the first. In fact, if it wasn't for the comedy timing and talents of these men the movie would have fell very flat indeed. Even if the characters feel stale and recycled at times, they are still the reason people will tune in to see the movie. If you're a fan of the original Hangover then there's a good chance that you will appreciate the humor of the sequel. While it isn't as funny as the first, it is edgier and ups the raunchiness, often for the sake of 'shock value'. The original movie was one of those ‗love it or hate it‘ movies. And if you hated the original, then it's a safe bet you will hate this movie as well. Nonetheless, if you like dirty humor and smoking monkey drug dealers, then this movie will serve to entertain you for a couple hours. Almost Maine Showcases Cast’s Talents Review by Robert Rust Reporter "Almost Maine" a play written by John Cariani, is stuck between love and a cold place, this production at Victor Valley College was delightfully funny and emotionally touching. The production dates were May 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 at 7:00 PM and May 8 and 15 at 2:00 p.m. all in the black box. Directed by Ed Heaberlin, the play is set in the frigid cold of Maine and with the synchronized events at one time in different places in the town called Al- most. There were several different scenes that had different ways to fall in and out of love. Each scene captivated audiences with an array of emotional ties from embarrassment to sexuality. Each scene implemented how delicate relationships can be but with complex variations that sought out the meaning of love. The actors in the production were: Brian Owen, Brittney Harter, Ceisley Jefferson, Chris Johnson, Denise Pem- berton, Denice Wolf, Giovani Maldonado, Jazmin Cheek, Jorge Ferguson, Kailey Lombardi, Mike Paszkowski, Nick Martinez, Nicolas Dye, Nicole Perry and Samantha Nickole Hammond, all of whom preformed with amazing enthusiasm. Each part had something that everybody could relate to and the actors demonstrated their skills very nicely and with professional quality. Continued in Maine on page 16 RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 15 Pirates’ Commandeers Summer Blockbusters Review by Garrett Johnston Reporter Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides opened to mass fanfare grossing an impressive $90.2 million in its opening weekend, placing it in the No. 1 spot and making it the highest- grossing weekend opener of the year. The new Pirates‘ movie loosely based on the book by Tim Powers, On Stranger Tides is a fun look at another adventure of everyone‘s favorite pirate, Jack Sparrow. The movie starts out with Sparrow in London trying to save his longtime friend Joshamee Gibbs from a terrible fate at the gallows, but quickly ends up in his own capture, giving him an unwanted audience with the king. Through quick wit, some blundering and a lot of improvisation, Sparrow finds himself once again free and on the run. Sparrow hearing rumors that he is in London looking for a crew, quickly goes to investigate to find out who the imposter is. This search leads him to pub and into a back room where a sword fight breaks out between Sparrow and his imposter. This leads Sparrow down a path toward the fountain of youth that he can‘t seem to escape from throughout the rest of the movie. The characters in the movie are all well done and well-acted. Johnny Depp Photo courtesty of Disney. does another fantastic job acting as the strange, sometimes effeminate Jack Sparrow as expected. Geoffrey Rush is back playing Hector Barbossa, though the twist to his character this time around is a little hard to get used to and believe, even with Barbossa‘s reveal as to why he is the way he is in this movie. Edward Teach (Blackbeard) played by Ian McShane, is a threatening man who almost lives up to the fearful reputation that the real Blackbeard has. Angelica, played by Penélope Cruz, the first female pirate for the series, is quite a match for Sparrow, oftentimes just as quick-witted as he is. The new pirate movie was shot in full digital 3D, and at some parts throughout the movie it was useful or ―cool,‖ but for the rest of the movie it wasn‘t needed. There are times in the movie where a character or an object is shadowed and in the foreground, making it very hard to see what is happening in the background as the shadow takes up a lot of the screen. Other times the 3D is done well, like moments where water falls from above or sword tips point toward the audience. The music, done by Hans Zimmer as in past pirate movies, is incredibly well done. From the exciting and adventurous Sparrow theme to the new haunting and devilish theme for Blackbeard, they are all masterpieces in their own right. My one gripe about the music in the movie is Sparrow‘s theme; I felt was overused in moments where he is acting heroically, or at least as heroic as a pirate can be. Filmed in Hawaii, the locations and sets in the movie are stunning. The jungles are thick with greenery, the water is a beautiful shade of blue and everything just looks gorgeous. Blackbeard's ship, The Queen Anne's Revenge, is just as frightening as its captain. There is a lot to look at in this movie, and it's all breathtaking in its own way. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is another great movie to start out the summer blockbuster season. I would recommend watching this movie knowing it's not perfect but it's still enjoyable. RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 16 L.A. Noire Raises the Bar for Rockstar Franchise Review by Mario Gonzales Reporter Jonathan Brown Entertainment Editor Taking place in the year 1947 in the city of fame, fortune, and corruption that is Los Angeles. Cole Phelps, the main character, is an LAPD officer who rises through the ranks of the department. Phelps who was a World War II hero who joined the police force to clean up the wrongs he had committed and clear the streets of Los Angeles of horrid criminals. Throughout the game Phelps goes up in rank after every few crime investigations. You first start off as a patrol man then from there you become a traffic detective, homicide, vice, and finally arson investigator. Each rank has a unique case, clues, and people similar to crimes before. Photo courtesy of Rockstar Games. Unlike Rockstar‘s previous titles, L.A. Noire is an open world, free-roaming based game but has a linear angle to the story. When you‘re off-duty, you can explore L.A. or complete various side missions given by choice through the police radio. L.A. Noire balances out shooting, fighting and chasing down crooks throughout the entire game. The sequences of these cases are very life like simulations of just how criminals react Fans Will Go Gaga for Born This Way Review by Joseph Ciulla Editor-in-Chief In 2008, Lady Gaga released her debut album The Fame, which brought her superstardom after 5 songs broke into the billboard top 10 charts. Photo Courtesy of Interscope Records. Gaga gained true fame for her appearances at various events dressed in the most outrageous costumes. From an outfit made out of pure meat to arriving on the red carpet of an awards show in a giant egg, Gaga sure does know how to make an entrance and keep the eyes focused on her. With the release of her second studio album, Gaga shows she has no intent of slowing down. Born This Way brings the fans the same Gaga flavor that she brought on her debut album. The first and final track in Born This Way is ―Marry the Night‖ and ―The Edge of Glory,‖ which begins and ends the album with a bang. ―The Edge of Glory‖ contains a sweet saxophone solo to close out the album. The album shows the same flare and has dance hits comparable to The Fame, bringing those synthpop beats that you will find yourself fist-pumping to. The album will surely have great commercial success and be in dance clubs all over the world. to the LAPD. One second you could be walking through the doors of an establishment, and the minute a scoundrel sees you coming; he will take off running. As a good cop, there‘s more to it than simply arresting some bad guy off the street. In order to solve cases, you need to find clues to figure out exactly what happened to pin point the culprit. Similar to Law and Order, Cole will need to investigate the crime scene searching for new leads and motives for the crime. L.A. Noire sets the bar in games with its lengthy crime investigations; its amazing real-life like graphics and realism compared to old style films back in the day. This game has the potential to not only advance Rockstar but video games period. The down sides of not having any multiplayer or co-op game play; L.A. Noire has plenty of replay value considering the option to replay cases and obtain a higher score on that particular case. With certain restrictions in game, the linear approach works well in storytelling. I can‘t wait to see further franchises of this game and what we could be in store with in the near future of gaming. Maine from page 14 Rehearsals started at the beginning of the semester and the actors did various parts though out the performance dates, which made the production all the more unique. Ed Heaberlin will be directing the next two plays over the summer as well; "Snow White and You!" by Maurice Berger and also "A Midsummers Dream" by Shakespeare setting in the 1960's. These plays will be performing in the Performing Arts Center in July. For more questions about the times and dates of the upcoming plays contact the Victor Valley College Theatre Arts Department. RamPage VVC Sports May 27, 2011 Page 17 Athlete of the Issue: Zac Bilsland Freshman Height: 5’10” Weight: 160 Born: June 25, 1988 in Orange County, California Bats: Right Throws: Right V V C Batting Statistics R A M S Zac Bilsland Shortstop Story and Photo by Stephen Boyce Reporter Zac Bilsland is the starting shortstop for the Victor Valley College Rams baseball team. He holds an overall batting average of .386 with 16 runs batted in and two home runs in 24 games played. Bilsland started playing baseball around the age of 8 years old and first became serious about the sport at the high school level. He was cut as a freshman, but kept working to prove to his coaches that he was good enough to be a starter for the team. He eventually made the junior varsity team and worked his way up to varsity in his sophomore year. After high school, Bilsland began playing collegiate level baseball for Cal State Monterey Bay and eventually Cal State San Bernardino, but things didn‘t work out for him at either school. He #6 AVG R RBI HR SLG OBP .386 17 16 2 .518 .446 Mini Bio - Made 2011 Second Team All-Conference - Favorite Baseball Team: Seattle Mariners - Favorite Player: Felix Hernandez - Pitcher - Hobbies: Fishing & Working Out - Has previously played Division 2 baseball for Cal State San Bernardino and Cal State Monterey Bay debated on whether or not he should continue playing baseball at a collegiate level until his previous coach at Cal State San Bernardino suggested that he should continue playing at Victor Valley College. Bilsland balances his athletic talents with his responsibilities in the classroom. He is currently a year away from achieving his bachelor‘s degree and plans on continuing his education towards a master‘s degree. According to Bilsland, the most difficult part of being a student athlete is ―time management. It‘s definitely rough but if you have good time management, you can do it all at one time,‖ he said. For his efforts on the field, Bilsland was recognized as being a part of the 2011 Second Team All-Conference and he looks to continue his consistent play in hopes of higher recognition in the future. Bilsland also received recognition and praise from his coach Jesus Beltran. ―Zac is a hard worker. (He‘s) always striving to get better. He was kind of the spark that started the fire for the team. He's dedicated to what he does. He just continues to get better,‖ Beltran wrote in an email message. Bilsland focuses mainly on selfmotivation to fuel his desire to be the best baseball player he can be on the field. ―It is my life; it‘s what I live for. I couldn‘t ask for more,‖ he said. Bilsland plans to continue playing baseball with the hope of receiving an athletic scholarship from Bacone College in Muskogee, Oklahoma. He wants to go as far as he can go with the sport, and he has aspirations of one day playing Major League Baseball. Bilsland also looks to continue his education by majoring in the science field where he plans on forming a career in water management. Photo above provided by the Daily Press RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 18 Pierce from page 5 Stem from page 10 very hard to make sure that students have equal access to their education.‖ said Pierce. No doubt Sherri will see to it that VVC become much more disabled student friendly. ―Im going to work really hard and try to be one of the best coordinators that they‘ve had, and I hope that I do the students proud.‖ said Pierce. While she was explaining why all these classes were put together under the S.T.E.M division Dr. Kildal said, ―We looked at what made sense to start aligning.‖ These classes are not just for people who want to major in subjects having to do with science and math but for almost anyone who wants to transfer to a four year school. Next semester they are looking into adding an electrical engineering program under S.T.E.M. that may be partnering with California State University Long Beach for students with a grade point average of 2.5 or higher. Comic by Carlos Garcia, Reporter Upcoming Events -June 2 Victor Valley Music Department Present Thursday Night Jazz at 7:30pm. -June 3 Victor Valley Music Department Present Joint Concert with CSUSB at 7:30pm. -June 4 Victor Valley Music Department Present VVC 50th Anniversary Concert Beethoven Spectacular at 7:30pm. -June 11 Spring Semester ends. -June 20 Summer Session begins. -June 23 Grade submission deadline for Spring. - Cassie Ulrich, Reporter Your feedback is always appreciated: Scan with your smart phone to go to our website RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 19 Heard Around the Lake How are you preparing for finals? ―Basically studding no crash time at all.‖ -Edward Bentley ―Studding every night and getting rid of my social life.‖ -Heather Hamrick ―I‘m stressing and cramming like no other.‖ -Cynthia Cox - Cassie Ulrich, Reporter RAMPAGE STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Joseph Ciulla Managing Editor: Adreana Young Copy Editor: Lili Berni News Editors: Micah Raimo, Wyketta Wilfong Features Editors: Reyna Arvizu, Anna Vivar Entertainment Editors: Racheal Rickman, Jonathan Brown Sports Editors: Shaun Canady, Arvin Sulikhanyan Photo, Video and Web Editor: Roscoe Esparza Special Projects: Roderick Allen Gray Jr. Adviser/Instructor: Judith Pfeffer Reporters: Jason Becker, Stephen Boyce, Tiandra Bullock, Charaye Franklin, Carlos Garcia, Mario Gonzalez, Rueben Heagens, Lisa Johnson, Garrett Johnston, Sky Martinez, Tracy Martinez, Valente Molinar, Abbey Mullen, Samuel Mullen, Christopher Peatrowsky, Phillip Phan, Robert Rust, Cassandra Ulrich Administration/Faculty/Staff Mentors: Carl A. Durheim III, Jennifer Fowlie Patty Golder, Bev Huiner, Tim Isbell, Scott Mulligan, Deanna Murphy, Christopher O‘Hearn, Robert Sewell, Shirley Snell-Gonzalez, P.J. Teel, Paul Williams Printing: Victor Valley College Campus Print Shop CONTACT INFORMATION VVC RamPage, 18422 Bear Valley Road, Victorville, CA 92395 Phone: (760) 245-4271 Extension 2773 • Fax: (760) 241-5723 Email: or email Judith Pfeffer via GroupWise or at Website: GENERAL INFORMATION The RamPage is a newspaper published as an educational exercise and First Amendment Public Forum by students at Victor Valley College in Victorville, Calif. Issues come out approximately twice a month in the two full-length semesters, generally each February, March, April, May, September, October, November and December, for a total of 14 issues each calendar year. The views expressed by the RamPage are not necessarily those of VVC, its board of trustees, its administration, its faculty, its staff, its Associated Student Body Council or its students. The RamPage welcomes press releases, story ideas, letters to the editor, guest articles and guest editorials. Submit proposed items to the on-campus mailbox of RamPage Adviser Judith Pfeffer — clearly marked as being submitted for publication. Or, email them to or mail information to RamPage, Victor Valley College, 18422 Bear Valley Road, Victorville, CA 92395 or leave a message at 760-245-4271 extension 2773. VVC‘s journalism program belongs to the Associated Collegiate Press, the California Newspaper Publishers Association and the Journalism Association of Community Colleges. ADVERTISING The RamPage generally accepts as advertising only 8 1/2 - by -11-inch flyers as inserts. The cost is $100, which covers insertion/distribution of 1,500 copies. The cost and responsibility of designing, reproducing and delivering the 1,500 flyers to the RamPage is borne by the advertiser. To discuss display advertising options or to purchase any form of advertisement, call Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services Deanna Murphy at 760-245-4271 extension 2707. Acceptance of any advertisement in the RamPage does not constitute endorsement by the paper, college, district, board, council or student body. The RamPage reserves the right to reject any material — advertising or editorial — that it deems to be not in keeping with the standards of the paper. RamPage VVC May 27, 2011 Page 20
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