PEDDIE SCHOOL - Wickenden Associates


PEDDIE SCHOOL - Wickenden Associates
Director of Admission
Hightstown, New Jersey
Excitement, curiosity, and character – these are the defining characteristics of students at Peddie, one of
the nation’s premier boarding-day schools. For July 2016, this unique independent school is seeking an
experienced admission professional who is competitive, optimistic, and eager to support the school’s
mission of promoting personal growth and adventure for its talented students.
Peddie School is an independent, coeducational, college
preparatory boarding-day school with an able and engaged
student body of 542 students, grades 9 through postgraduate. With 63 percent of the students and 90 percent of
the faculty living on campus, Peddie offers rigorous
academics, extensive extracurricular offerings, and a
vibrant community.
Founded in 1864, Peddie’s extraordinary resources include
the highly collaborative, and dedicated faculty; a
challenging and innovative curriculum; and an attractive,
modern, 280-acre campus located midway between New
York City and Philadelphia.
Peddie believes that students learn and mature through
interaction with peers whose backgrounds and attitudes
differ from their own. This year, 41 percent are U.S.
students of color and 17 percent are citizens of other
Sparked by a transformational $100 million gift in 1993
from Ambassador Walter H. Annenberg ’27, Peddie’s
$326.7 million endowment today enables the school to offer
$6.8 million in financial aid to nearly 40 percent of the
student body.
Building upon a 30-year career at Peddie, current Director
Ray Cabot will become the school’s Assistant Head for
Strategic Planning in July 2016. His successor will inherit
and build upon the well-designed and smooth admission
operation already in place.
(NO L AT E R T HA N J AN UA R Y 1 8, 2 016 )
Guided by our motto, “We Finish Our Labors to Begin Them Anew,” Peddie School is
committed to the intellectual, social, and moral growth of each of our students. We welcome
individuals with diverse talents and backgrounds whose excitement, curiosity and character
create an educational community where passion for learning grows. With enthusiasm,
humor, and patience, we challenge our students to reach beyond their expectations and to
define success by the progress they make. In this boarding school environment we not only prepare our students for
the rigors and rewards of college, but also inspire each student to strive for the highest quality of citizenship.
The path to a fulfilling and happy life requires the steady practice of enduring values:
RESPECT – esteem and appreciation for oneself, for others, and for the diversity of opinions and backgrounds at Peddie and in the larger
HONESTY – devotion to truth, sincerity in action, and a commitment to integrity and honor.
SCHOLARSHIP – intellectual curiosity, ownership of learning, and a secure foundation in the academic disciplines.
BALANCE – attention to mind, body, and spirit; time for work and play; a mix of mastery and experiment in academic, athletic, artistic and
community pursuits.
COURAGE – the resilience to learn from error, the grace to receive and give help, the strength to develop an open mind, the resolve to make
difficult decisions, and the confidence to become enlightened and compassionate adults.
280-acre campus in central New
Jersey, eight miles from Princeton;
one hour south of New York City
and 45 minutes north of Philadelphia
101, with an average tenure of 17
years; 86% with advanced degrees
1,480 applicants for 2015-16; admit
rate of 22%
Boarding: $53,900
Day: $44,800
$6.8 million, to 39% of student body
$326.7 million
Middle States Association of Colleges
and Schools
542 students in grades 9-PG, drawn
from 26 states and 29 countries
Boarding: 63%
Day: 37%
Boys: 53%
Girls: 47%
International students: 17%
U.S. students of color: 41%
SAT (mean)
Critical reading
ACT (mean)
Peddie’s rigorous educational program, high-achieving students, substantial endowment, beautiful facilities, and strong
admission demand all place the school squarely in the ranks of the nation’s top boarding schools. Yet Peddie differs from its
peer schools in some key aspects. Committed since its founding to serving a broadly diverse student body, the school’s
friendly culture and egalitarian spirit are among its distinguishing features.
Bordering Peddie Lake, the picturesque and well-equipped campus features 57 buildings in a blend of modern and
traditional styles. The school is at capacity with 550 students, a number that enables the entire student body to gather in the
chapel, dining hall, and arts center auditorium. Three new dormitories (housing 30, 30, and 36 students) will open in the
coming years, allowing a net increase of 15 boarding students.
The work of the admission office reflects and supports these fundamental aspects of the Peddie experience:
Peddie offers an atmosphere dedicated to personal growth and adventure. It is a place that inspires entrepreneurial
citizenship and moral leadership rather than simply certifying excellence and prowess that already exist in its
talented student body.
The school strives for balance not only within individual students but in the student body as a whole – welcoming
individuals who will support the performing arts, athletics, publications, active government, and the various other
important elements outside of the classroom that make the community vibrant and commanding.
Excitement, curiosity, and character are the defining characteristics that unite the Peddie student body, which is
otherwise noteworthy for its broad diversity of backgrounds and attitudes, racial and ethnic identities, and
economic statuses.
Peddie has built its reputation on academic rigor, a
friendly culture, and a focus on the whole student: mind,
body and spirit. Peddie’s expansive academic and
extracurricular program is particularly noteworthy given
the size of its student body. With a student-faculty ratio
of 6:1 and an average class size of 12, students thrive on
the opportunity to interact with one another and their
teachers. The school year is divided into three 10-week
terms, with classes meeting Monday through Saturday.
A pioneer in the use of wireless technology and
discovery-based science programs, the school has
increasingly seen its mission as leading the future of
American education. Over the past five years, Peddie has
increased its course offerings, particularly in the sciences, including new courses in forensics, DNA, neurobiology, robotics,
physiology, evolution, genetics, quantitative chemical analysis, and organic chemistry. The new 4,300-square-foot Digital
Fabrication Lab features advanced capabilities - including a laser and 3D printer.
AP classes are offered in 18 subjects. The Signature Experience at Peddie affords juniors and seniors the opportunity to
pursue in-depth academic and co-curricular passions that promote their intellectual, social, and moral growth in areas
including research science, art, creative writing, and Asian studies. The 16-year-old Chinese language curriculum has been
expanded into a world-class Asian Studies program.
A broad range of extracurricular activities augment the rigorous academic program. Nearly one-third of the student body
participates in chorus and instrumental programs, and more than 100 students perform in three major drama productions
each year. Peddie fields 56 sports teams in 17 sports.
Exceptionally well prepared for success in college and beyond, Peddie students regularly earn admission to the most
selective schools in the country and abroad. Colleges and universities enrolling 10 or more Peddie graduates over the past
five years include: New York University (28), Johns Hopkins University (23), Carnegie Mellon University (20), The George
Washington University (19), Cornell University (16), United States Naval Academy (16), Lehigh University (15), Villanova
University (13), Bucknell University (17), University of Pennsylvania (14), Princeton University (15), Georgetown University
(11), Boston College (11), The College of New Jersey (12), Northeastern University (13), Rutgers University (14), Columbia
University (10), Franklin and Marshall College (10), Gettysburg College (10), Haverford College (10), Rhodes College (10),
University of Southern California (10), Washington University in St. Louis (10), and the College of William and Mary (10).
The Peddie admission team is a hardworking, high-energy, and collegial group that includes both seasoned veterans and
enthusiastic newcomers. The Director oversees seven admission officers, each of whom has a specialty – financial aid,
marketing liaison, events, multicultural recruitment, international students, etc. – rather than an assigned geographic
territory. With the exception of the Director and the Director of Financial Aid, all members of the admission office team
work on 10-month contracts. Most of the officers have advisees, some coach, and a few do dorm duty. Everyone does some
There are three administrative support staff members. One specializes in database management and technology, another
works with international students (visas, SEVIS, etc.), and the third serves as the visit coordinator and office manager.
The admission team brings a healthy competitive spirit to the work of finding the best students for Peddie within a tough
marketplace, yet they remain committed to a distinctly humane and principled approach. The application process is holistic
and comprehensive, designed to assess both academic and personal strengths. It incorporates personal interviews (on
campus or via Skype) and letters of recommendation to augment SSAT scores and an examination of classroom and
extracurricular performance. Each applicant is reviewed by two admission officers and then presented to the Admission and
Financial Aid Committee, which is composed of the Director and admission officers.
The new Director must be oriented to enhancing the operation without turning the admission office into a numbercrunching operation in which the personal qualities of candidates and their holistic mix of excitement, curiosity, and
character are subordinated.
Building upon the very solid foundation already in place, the next Director of Admission will play a vital role in preserving
and enhancing Peddie’s unique character. Among the opportunities and challenges awaiting the next Director are the
Peddie’s overall acceptance rate of 23 percent would be the envy of most independent schools, and the admission office
enjoys the luxury of admitting only students who are a good fit for the Peddie mission. The demand among international
students is particularly healthy. At the same time, Peddie is well aware of the increasingly competitive marketplace for both
day and boarding students, and eager to position itself for continued success in this arena. The school’s yield on admitted
students typically hovers slightly above 50 percent. The Director will be a key participant in ongoing discussions among the
Board of Trustees and the administration about the ideal size of the school, the mix of boarding and day students, and the
nature of the student body Peddie wishes to enroll.
A particular goal of the admission office in recent years has been an expansion of the highly competitive applicant pool for
domestic boarding students, particularly including families of means. In 2014, Peddie joined Blair Academy (NJ),
Mercersburg Academy (PA), St. Andrew's School (DE), and Episcopal High School (VA) to form the Mid-Atlantic Boarding
School Group to leverage the combined market strength of the schools and to make the case for mid-Atlantic boarding
options. With a significant endowment from a former trustee, Peddie has instituted the Armellino Merit Scholarship for
domestic boarders. In addition to the scholarship itself, the endowment supports an admission officer who travels
extensively to new and emerging domestic markets. The opening of two new dormitories in 2016 will provide an
opportunity to highlight the new facilities and reinforce Peddie’s commitment to the residential experience.
The new Director will be expected to offer fresh insights into strategies for travel by admission officers, both domestically
and internationally, to achieve the most productive results. Members of the admission staff are also eager to consider new
strategies for making the application and admission experience more personal for each inquiry. Assignment of applications
to admission officers by geographic region or grade level are among the tactics being considered to ensure that each
applicant is monitored throughout the process.
The Director of Admission occupies a central role in supporting Peddie’s longstanding and deeply held commitment to
serving a diverse student body. In addition to broadly overseeing the allocation of financial aid funds, the Director also
serves as a key strategic advisor in the ongoing conversations about tuition-setting strategies and the allocation of limited
resources. The Director sits on the Finance Committee and works closely with the Chief Financial Officer.
With its $6.6 million financial aid budget funded primarily through the endowment, Peddie has been able to offer support to
nearly 40 percent of students, an achievement that sets it apart from many peer schools. Despite these significant resources,
however, the admission office still cannot offer a fully need-blind admission process in the face of steadily increasing tuition
costs. The next capital campaign will highlight the need for additional endowment resources in this area. While
approximately 5 percent of financial aid resources are dedicated to merit scholarships for both boarding and day students,
Peddie remains wholeheartedly committed to using aid dollars primarily to support access and opportunity rather than as a
tool for managing yield.
Eager to raise its national profile and tell its story in more compelling ways, Peddie is engaged in a comprehensive
messaging and branding effort. The Director of Admission will be expected to forge a strong partnership with the new
Director of Communications and Marketing, who is spearheading the strategic messaging campaign.
Internally, the Director of Admission will also be asked to engage actively with the Peddie faculty to ensure that they
understand the work of the admission office and its central role in helping Peddie fulfill its overall mission.
The next Director will have the opportunity to collaborate with a wonderful group of dedicated admission professionals
who bring an appealing mix of personalities and a good-natured, team-oriented approach to their work. Because the
admission offices are spread throughout the main administrative building, the Director will need to make a concerted effort
to ensure that the team gathers regularly to keep everyone informed.
The office is also serving this year as the tip of the
spear as Peddie begins to transition schoolwide
from Blackbaud to Senior Systems, adding to the
challenge of managing an already complex
process. The office continues to strive to make
the best use of technology by moving to a
paperless application process, improving data
tracking, and launching more effective online
marketing efforts.
As is typical in admission offices, Peddie
experiences a fair amount of staff turnover. The
next Director may wish to evaluate the
integration and assimilation process for new
admission officers to ensure that a structured
support system is in place. This is particularly
important given Peddie’s holistic approach, requiring that new admission officers understand the role of interviews and
recommendations in the evaluation of applicants.
For all members of the team, the annual evaluation and feedback process could be made more predictable and regular. And
given the fast-paced and demanding work environment, the staff will appreciate and expect a supportive and
compassionate leader who is sensitive to family schedules, needs, and commitments.
The Director of Admission reports to the Headmaster and oversees all aspects of the
admission and financial aid programs. Responsibilities include oversight of the
annual admission process and travel budget; day-to-day operations; administration of
the financial aid budget; supervision of staff; and development of admission
publications. The Director also participates as a member of the senior leadership team
of the school.
Compensation will be competitive. Benefits include tuition remission and a 10 percent
pension contribution. The Director is expected to live on campus, and housing (not in
a dormitory) will be provided. This is a 12-month position, six days a week while
school is in session. Some work will be required during Thanksgiving, winter break, and spring vacations. Occasional
teaching will be allowed, as determined by the Headmaster. Vacations are taken as the schedule permits.
Supervise and manage the admission office personnel, including both admission officers and support staff.
Manage the admission office budget and consult with the Assistant Head for Finance in developing the proposed
budget for the coming year. Assist in the setting of tuition rates for future years.
Determine the membership of the Admission and Financial Aid Committee, and serve as its chair.
Collaborate with the Director of Marketing and Communications to strategize the development of marketing
materials that meet measurable objectives and support admission goals.
Ensure adequate travel for student recruitment and professional development on the part of the admission officers.
Share the interview assignments with the other admission officers so as to ensure the smooth and efficient
functioning of the office.
Evaluate all applicants for admission with the assistance of the Admission and Financial Aid Committee,
communicating decisions to students and their parents in a timely fashion.
Allocate the financial aid budget to allow those students to attend Peddie whose families do not have adequate
resources but who have, in the judgment of the Admission and Financial Aid Committee, earned a place at the
Manage the merit scholarship programs (Potter, Annenberg, Armellino) as distinct from the need-based financial
Follow up to determine that evaluations by the Admission and Financial Aid Committee are reasonable and
accurate as determined by the enrolled students’ performance and behavior.
Evaluate the performance of the entire admission office staff.
Serve on the administrative committee and other committees as may be required.
The next Director should be an experienced admission professional who will bring to the position an infectious warmth and
optimism about Peddie's current position and its future; an eagerness to see opportunities for Peddie in many places; and
the willingness to make needed changes, tempered by sensitivity to the importance of first taking the necessary time to
observe and appreciate the well-functioning system that is already in place.
In considering candidates for this position, Peddie School will look for individuals who can demonstrate:
Significant experience in independent schools and significant admission experience. A bachelor’s degree is a
minimum requirement.
Skill and ease at being a leading face of Peddie, both projecting the school’s values and demonstrating his or her
interest in all important aspects of the school.
A genuine desire to engage broadly in the life of a dynamic, multifaceted boarding school; an eagerness to live
among the students Peddie enrolls and the people who teach them.
High energy and a strong work ethic.
A sense of humor, flexibility, a resilient optimism in the face of challenges, and a problem-solving mindset.
A thoughtful and patient approach to change management, coupling a respect for the chemistry and culture of the
office with the ability to make hard choices when all the voices have been heard.
A collaborative style, including a willingness to include the perspective of other offices in the consideration of
The ability to write and speak effectively.
Cultural competence, a worldly outlook, and a willingness to travel nationally and internationally.
Peddie is an equal opportunity employer.
Acting on behalf of Peddie School, Wickenden Associates is actively recruiting talented admission
professionals for this extraordinarily appealing position. Prospective candidates are invited to contact lead
consultants Linda Knights ( and Zachary White ( to
discuss the opportunity and the process in more detail. Both may be reached at (609) 683-1355.
Applicants should submit ASAP and no later than Monday, January 18, 2016, the following:
A cover letter indicating why they are particularly interested in and qualified for the position.
A current résumé.
Other supporting material (e.g. publications, articles, or samples of admission materials) that would be useful to the Search
The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. (We will obtain permission from candidates before
contacting references.)
These materials should be transmitted via email attachment to
After an initial review of applicants, the Search Committee will conduct semifinalist interviews on February 6. Finalists will
be invited to Peddie for a more comprehensive series of interviews shortly thereafter. Ideally, a final selection will be made
no later than March 1. Wickenden Associates will keep all applicants informed of their status throughout the process.
Fax: 609-683-1351
1000 Herrontown Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08540-7716
Tel: 609-683-1355