Reversible Stitch Afghan


Reversible Stitch Afghan
Stitch Afghan
 2004 Knitability, LLC
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Getting Started
This was originally published as a 4-part series in the Knitability
Newsletter. Each afghan square explores a different knitting technique
in which the finished fabric is pleasing on both sides. As some
techniques will require up to three different colors, it is suggested to
plan for equal quantities of each of three colors for the 12 squares.
Finished square size will vary depending upon the weight of the yarn
used. This is a great take-a-long project as each square is worked
Basic Information
Suggested Yarn
Bulky Sagacity
Yarn Weight
Gauge / Inch
5 sts
4 sts
3 sts
Approx Yds / Block
(K or P) though the back loop
Cast On
pass slipped stitch over
following stitch
Right (Public) Side
Slip a stitch as if to purl
Slip, Slip, Knit (see last page)
Wrong (Private) Side
Yarn Over
Block Size
Est Total Yds
The blocks are grouped based on the type of stitches or techniques utilized. The techniques represented are
“Knit and Purl”, “Lace”, “Dropped Stitches” and “Textures”. Each block has information associated with the
pattern stitch being featured on that particular block. Feel free to mixed and match blocks as well as colors to
create a project that is uniquely yours.
Knit and Purl Blocks
The blocks in this section are all made with combinations of knit and purl stitches. Each pattern produces a
completely different look, proving that there are a huge variety of options available, even if you only know how to
knit and purl.
Block 1 – Wedding Steps (Odd number of sts)
This is a very balanced pattern with an equal number of knits and purls. As
such this pattern would be considered a traditional reversible fabric. In
most cases, a pattern composed of only knits and purls in equal numbers
and similar repeats will produced this kind of fabric.
CO 45 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the last 5 sts;
slip these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5 ridges)
of garter stitch (knit every row), slipping the 1 st as if to purl.
Row 1: SL1, K4, SM, *K1, P1; repeat from * a total of 34 sts, K1, SM, K5
Row 2: SL1, K4, SM * P1, K1; repeat from * a total of 34 sts; K1, SM, K5
Row 3: Repeat Row 1
Row 4: Repeat Row 1
Row 5: Repeat Row 1
Repeat Rows 1 – 5 for a total of 55 rows
Repeat Rows 1 – 3
Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter stitch slipping the 1 st as if to purl. Loosely BO all sts.
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Block 2 – Diamonds Around (Multiple of 11 sts)
This fabric is pleasing on both sides, although each is the reverse of the
other. Remember that the back of a knit stitch is a purl stitch and the back
of a purl stitch is a knit stitch.
CO 43 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the last 5 sts;
slip these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5 ridges)
of garter stitch (knit every row), slipping the 1 st as if to purl.
Row 1: SL1, K4, SM, *K1, P9, K1; repeat from * a total of 33 sts, SM, K5
Row 2: SL1, K4, SM * P2, K7, P2; repeat from * a total of 33 sts, SM, K5
Row 3: SL1, K4, SM, *K3, P5, K3; repeat from * a total of 33 sts, SM, K5
Row 4: SL1, K4, SM * K1, P3, K3, P3, K1; repeat from * a total of 33 sts, SM, K5
Row 5: SL1, K4, SM, *P2, K3, P1, K3, P2; repeat from * a total of 33 sts, SM, K5
Row 6: SL1, K4, SM * K3, P5, K3; repeat from * a total of 33 sts, SM, K5
Row 7: Repeat Row 5
Row 8: Repeat Row 4
Row 9: Repeat Row 3
Row 10: Repeat Row 2
Repeat Rows 1 – 10 for a total of 50 rows
Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter stitch slipping the 1 st as if to purl. Loosely BO all sts.
Block 3 – Colored Moss (Even number of sts)
This block uses a color technique I learned from Laura Bryant. For the entire
block, use three different colors of yarn A, B and C. Start with yarn A for one
row, then yarn B for one row, followed by yarn C for one row. When it is time to
start over with yarn A, it is a few rows down, waiting to be carried up the side.
This color technique with a knit/purl combination mutes the obvious striping.
With Yarn A CO 46 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the last
5 sts; slip these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5 ridges)
of garter stitch (knit every row), slipping the 1 st as if to purl and alternating
colors each row as described above.
Row 1 (C): SL1, K4, SM, *K1, P1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Row 2 (A): SL1, K4, SM, *K1, P1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Row 3 (B): SL1, K4, SM, *P1, K1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Row 4 (C): SL1, K4, SM, *P1, K1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Row 5 (A): SL1, K4, SM, *K1, P1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Row 6 (B): SL1, K4, SM, *K1, P1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Row 7 (C): SL1, K4, SM, *P1, K1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Row 8 (A): SL1, K4, SM, *P1, K1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Row 9 (B): SL1, K4, SM, *K1, P1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Row 10 (C): SL1, K4, SM, *K1, P1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Row 11 (A): SL1, K4, SM, *P1, K1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Row 12 (B): SL1, K4, SM, *P1, K1; repeat from * a total of 36 sts, SM, K5
Repeat Rows 1 – 12 for a total of 48 rows
Repeat Rows 1 – 6
Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter stitch slipping the 1 st as if to purl and alternating color as established.
Loosely BO all sts.
 2004 Knitability, LLC
All Rights Reserved
Toll Free 866.564.8548
Lace Blocks
The key components for lace, regardless of the difficulty of pattern is the combination of yarn over stitches and
decreases. The three patterns represented in the Lace Blocks section start with the most simple form of lace and
progress to more difficult lace work.
Block 4 – Turkish Stitch (Even number of sts)
This pattern is found in Barbara G Walker’s A Treasury of Knitting Patterns.
Turkish Stitch is an example of basic lace called faggoting. Faggoting is
generally formed by repeats a single row of decreases and yarn overs. As the
single row is repeated for the entire pattern, it looks exactly the same on both
CO 42 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the last 5 sts; slip
these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter
stitch (knit every row), slipping the 1 st as if to purl.
Row 1: SL1, K4, SM, *yo, K2tog; repeat from * a total of 32 sts, SM, K5
Repeat Row 1 for a total of 50 rows
Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter stitch slipping the 1 st as if to purl. Loosely BO all sts.
Block 5 – Eyelet Bar (Multiple of 4 sts plus 1)
This pattern is found in Barbara G Walker’s Charted Knitting Designs. This
fabric is pleasing on both sides, with the official right side featuring strong
vertical lines and the reverse side featuring soft horizontal lines. Twisting the
stitches on each row emphasizes the raised ridge.
CO 43 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the last 5 sts; slip
these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of
garter stitch (knit every row), slipping the 1 st as if to purl.
Row 1: SL1, K4, SM, K1, * P1, K1-blp, P1, K1; repeat from * a total of 33 sts, SM, K5
Row 2: SL1, K4, SM, * K2, P1-blp, K1; repeat from * a total of 32 sts, K1, SM, K5
Row 3: SL1, K4, SM, K1, * P1, K1-blp, P1, K1; repeat from * a total of 33 sts, SM, K5
Row 4: SL1, K4, SM, * K1, P3; repeat from * a total of 32 sts, K1, SM, K5
Row 5: SL1, K4, SM, K1, * yo, sl1, K2tog, psso, yo , K1; repeat from * a total of 33 sts, SM, K5
Row 6: SL1, K4, SM, * K3, P5, K3; repeat from * a total of 33 sts, SM, K5
Repeat Rows 1 – 6 for a total of 48 rows
Repeat Rows 1 – 3 for one more time (total of 51 rows in pattern).
Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter stitch slipping the 1 st as if to purl. Loosely BO all sts.
Block 6 – Spanish Window (Multiple of 4 sts plus 3)
This pattern is found in Barbara G Walker’s A Second Treasury of Knitting
Patterns. Spanish Window is an example of lace work where the number of
stitches varies on each row. It is often recommended when working patterns of
this nature to mark each pattern repeat with a marker of some sort. In this
pattern, two stitches are added for each repeat on row 3 and remain until row 9
when they are decrease through the use of a “knit 3 stitches together” or K3tog.
CO 41 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the last 5 sts; slip
these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter stitch (knit every row), slipping the
1 st as if to purl.
 2004 Knitability, LLC
All Rights Reserved
Toll Free 866.564.8548
Row 1: SL1, K4, SM, Purl a total of 31 sts, SM, K5
Row 2: SL1, K4, SM, Knit a total of 31 sts, K1, SM, K5
Row 3: SL1, K4, SM, P3, * yo, K1, yo, P3; repeat from * a total of 45 sts, SM, K5
Row 4: SL1, K4, SM, K3, * P3, K3; repeat from * a total of 45 sts, K1, SM, K5
Row 5: SL1, K4, SM, P3, * yo, K3tog, yo, P3; repeat from * a total of 45 sts, SM, K5
Row 6: SL1, K4, SM, K3, * P3, K3; repeat from * a total of 45 sts, K1, SM, K5
Row 7: SL1, K4, SM, P3, * yo, K3tog, yo, P3; repeat from * a total of 45 sts, SM, K5
Row 8: SL1, K4, SM, K3, * P3, K3; repeat from * a total of 45 sts, K1, SM, K5
Row 9: SL1, K4, SM, P3, * K3tog, P3; repeat from * a total of 31 sts, SM, K5
Row 10: SL1, K4, SM, Knit a total of 31 sts, K1, SM, K5
Repeat Rows 1 – 10 for a total of 50 rows
Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter stitch slipping the 1 st as if to purl. Loosely BO all sts.
Blocks Utilizing Dropped Stitches
Dropped stitches, often the sign of a mistake in the knitting, can also be employed as a design element. Each
block utilizes dropped stitches in a slightly different way providing a “sampler” on the functional dropped stitch
Block 7 – Vertical Drop Stitch (Multiple of 8 sts plus 4)
This pattern is found in Barbara G Walker’s A Second Treasury of Knitting
Patterns. This fabric is pleasing on both sides. Although slightly different, both
sides feature waving vertical lines of knit stitches. This is a classic example of
a purposeful dropped stitch.
CO 41 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the last 5 sts; slip
these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter
stitch (knit every row), slipping the 1 st as if to purl.
Prep Row: SL1, K4, SM, K1, * P2, K2tog, yo, K1, P2, K2; repeat from * 2 more times, P2, K1, SM, K5
Row 1: SL1, K4, SM, P1, * K2, P2, K2, P3; repeat from * 2 more times, K2, P1, SM, K5
Row 2: SL1, K4, SM, K1, * P2, K3, P2, K2; repeat from * 2 more times, P2, K1, SM, K5
Row 3: Repeat Row 1
Row 4: Repeat Row 2
Row 5: Repeat Row 1
Row 6: SL1, K4, SM, K1, * P2, K1, drop next st, K1, P2, K1, yo, K1; repeat from * 2 more times, P2, K1, SM, K5
Row 7: SL1, K4, SM, P1, * K2, P3, K2, P2; repeat from * 2 more times, K2, P1, SM, K5
Row 8: SL1, K4, SM, K1, * P2, K2, P2, K3; repeat from * 2 more times, P2, K1, SM, K5
Row 9: Repeat Row 7
Row 10: Repeat Row 8
Row 11: Repeat Row 7
Row 12: SL1, K4, SM, K1, * P2, K1, yo, K1, P2, K1, drop next st, K1; repeat from * 2 more times, P2, K1, SM, K5
Repeat Rows 1 – 12 for a total of 48 rows
Next Row: SL1, K4, SM, K1, * K3, K1-blp, K4; repeat from * 2 more times, K3, SM, K5
Work 9 rows (5 ridges in total) of garter stitch slipping the 1 st as if to purl. Loosely BO all sts.
Block 8 – Twisted Drop Stitch (Any number of sts)
This block uses the same three color technique found on Block 3. Work one
row with A, one row with B, one row with C and then repeat. To compensate
for the garter stitch edge being shorter than the drop stitch, the garter edge is
worked twice on each dropped stitch row.
With Yarn A CO 42 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the
last 5 sts; slip these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5
ridges) of garter stitch (knit every row), slipping the 1 st as if to purl and
alternating colors each row as described above. Continue in pattern
alternating colors every row.
 2004 Knitability, LLC
All Rights Reserved
Toll Free 866.564.8548
Row 1: SL1, K4, turn work, K5, turn work, SL1, K4, SM, *K1 wrapping yarn around both needles once, then
around the right-hand needle once more and pull through; repeat from * a total of 32 sts, SM, K5, turn work, SL1,
K4, turn work, K5.
Row 2: Knit
Row 3: Knit
Row 4: Knit
Repeat Rows 1 – 4 for a total of 32 rows. Work Row 1 one additional time.
Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter stitch slipping the 1 st as if to purl and alternating color as established.
Loosely BO all sts.
Block 9 – Indian Cross Motif (Multiple of 8)
This pattern is found in Barbara G Walker’s A Treasury of Knitting Patterns.
Indian Cross is a great example of what can be done with multiple wraps. We
have modified the original pattern to create a motif using the Indian Cross Stitch
as the basis for the motif.
CO 42 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the last 5 sts; slip
these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter
stitch (knit every row), slipping the 1 st as if to purl.
Row 1: SL1, K4, SM, *insert needle as if to knit, wrap yarn around the needle 4 times and pull up “stitch” with 4
wraps in tact; repeat from * a total of 32 sts, SM, K5
Row 2: SL1, K4, SM, *SL 8 sts as if to purl, dropping the extra wraps creating long sts. Insert the left-hand needle
into the first 4 sts and pass them over the second 4 sts. SL the remaining 4 sts from the right-hand needle to the
left-hand needle and K the 8 sts. Repeat from * 3 more times (a total of 4 groups of 8). SM, K5
Rows 3-6: Knit
Row 7: SL1, K4, SM, K4 *insert needle as if to knit, wrap yarn around the needle 4 times and pull up “stitch” with 4
wraps in tact; repeat from * a total of 24 sts, K4, SM, K5
Row 8: SL1, K4, SM, K4, *SL 8 sts as if to purl, dropping the extra wraps creating long sts. Insert the left-hand
needle into the first 4 sts and pass them over the second 4 sts. SL the remaining 4 sts from the right-hand needle
to the left-hand needle and K the 8 sts. Repeat from * 2 more times (a total of 3 groups of 8). K4, SM, K5.
Rows 9-12: Knit
Row 13: SL1, K4, SM, K8 *insert needle as if to knit, wrap yarn around the needle 4 times and pull up “stitch” with
4 wraps in tact; repeat from * a total of 16 sts, K8, SM, K5
Row 14: SL1, K4, SM, K8, *SL 8 sts as if to purl, dropping the extra wraps creating long sts. Insert the left-hand
needle into the first 4 sts and pass them over the second 4 sts. SL the remaining 4 sts from the right-hand needle
to the left-hand needle and K the 8 sts. Repeat from * 1 more time (a total of 2 groups of 8). K8, SM, K5.
Rows 15-18: Knit
Row 19: SL1, K4, SM, K12 *insert needle as if to knit, wrap yarn around the needle 4 times and pull up “stitch”
with 4 wraps in tact; repeat from * a total of 8 sts, K12, SM, K5
Row 20: SL1, K4, SM, K12, *SL 8 sts as if to purl, dropping the extra wraps creating long sts. Insert the left-hand
needle into the first 4 sts and pass them over the second 4 sts. SL the remaining 4 sts from the right-hand needle
to the left-hand needle and K the 8 sts. K12, SM, K5.
Rows 21-24: Knit
Row 25: Repeat Row 1
Row 26: Repeat Row 2
Rows 27-30: Knit
Row 31: Repeat Row 19
Row 32: Repeat Row 20
Rows 33-36: Knit
Row 37: Repeat Row 13
Row 38: Repeat Row 14
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Rows 39-42: Knit
Row 43: Repeat Row 7
Row 44: Repeat Row 8
Rows 45-48: Knit
Row 49: Repeat Row 1
Row 50: Repeat Row 2
Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter stitch slipping the
1 st as if to purl. Loosely BO all sts.
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Texture Blocks
The term “texture” is used as a bit of a miscellaneous category. These pattern blocks focus on technique not
utilized elsewhere or on combining techniques to produce new look.
Block 10 – Ribbed Cable Panel (Multiple of 8 sts)
This pattern is formed with a basic K1, P1 rib. As such, it pulls in a great
deal thus requiring stitches to be increased and decreased between the
bottom and top garter stitch borders.
CO 40 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the last 5 sts;
slip these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5 ridges)
of garter stitch (knit every row), slipping the 1 st as if to purl.
Prep Row: SL1, K4, SM, * K1, (P1, K1 – in the same stitch), P1; repeat
from * 9 more times (a total of 40 sts between the markers, SM, K5.
Row 1 and all non-cabled rows: SL1, K4, SM, *K1, P1; repeat from * to marker, SM, K5
Row 2-4: Repeat Row 1
Row 5: SL1, K4, SM, *SL 4 sts onto CN a hold in front, [K1, P1] 2 times, using sts on CN, [K1, P1] 2 times, [K1,
P1] 4 times; repeat from *. SL 4 sts onto CN a hold in front, [K1, P1] 2 times, using sts on CN, [K1, P1] 2 times,
SM, K5.
Rows 6-12: Repeat Row 1
Row 13: SL1, K4, SM, [K1, P1] 4 times , *SL 4 sts onto CN a hold in front, [K1, P1] 2 times, using sts on CN, [K1,
P1] 2 times, [K1, P1] 4 times; repeat from *, SM, K5.
Rows 14-16: Repeat Row 1
Repeat Rows 1 – 16 for a total of 48 rows
Next Row: SL1, K4, SM, *K1, K2tog, K1; repeat from * to marker, SM, K5
Work 9 rows (5 ridges in total) of garter stitch slipping the 1 st as if to purl. Loosely BO all sts.
Block 11 – Triple Tweed (Even number of sts)
This block uses three colors, but could easily be done with more or less as
each color is worked for two rows. This pattern makes a VERY firm fabric so it
is important to work loosely as to not pull up the tension too much.
With Yarn A CO 40 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the last
5 sts; slip these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5 ridges)
of garter stitch (knit every row), slipping the 1 st as if to purl and alternating
colors each row as described above. Continue in pattern alternating colors
every other row (2 rows per color).
Row 1: SL1, K4, SM, *K1, SL1 with yarn in back; repeat from * a total of 30 sts, SM, K5.
Row 2: SL1, K4, SM, *K1, SL1 with yarn in front; repeat from * a total of 30 sts, SM, K5.
Repeat Rows 1 – 2 for a total of 70 rows, but I knit tight, so you may not need as many. Compare with your other
squares if it seems to be getting too long.
Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter stitch slipping the 1 st as if to purl and alternating color as established.
Loosely BO all sts.
 2004 Knitability, LLC
All Rights Reserved
Toll Free 866.564.8548
Block 12 – Lace Rib (Multiple of 5 plus 2)
This pattern is found in Barbara G Walker’s A Treasury of Knitting Patterns.
The lace allows the rib to loosen up a bit and provides interest on both
sides. This is a great example of a pattern that is easy to vary to fit your
CO 42 sts placing a marker after the first 5 sts and before the last 5 sts;
slip these markers (SM – Slip Marker) every row. Work 10 rows (5 ridges)
of garter stitch (knit every row), slipping the 1 st as if to purl.
Row 1: SL1, K4, SM, P2, *SSK, yo, K1, P2; repeat from * until reaching marker, SM, K5.
Row 2: SL1, K4, SM, K2, *P3, K2; repeat from * until reaching marker, SM, K5.
Row 3: SL1, K4, SM, P2, *K1, yo, K2tog, P2; repeat from * until reaching marker, SM, K5.
Row 4: Repeat Row 2
Repeat Rows 1-4 for a total of 48 rows
Work 10 rows (5 ridges) of garter stitch slipping the 1 st as if to purl. Loosely BO all sts.
Finishing for All Blocks
Work all loose ends in along edges, as these will then be incorporated into the seams when complete. Block
each square to the same size and join together using you favorite joining technique.
 2004 Knitability, LLC
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