BFCA Boutique and Supplies – Fall 2013


BFCA Boutique and Supplies – Fall 2013
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Boutique & Supplies
The B icho n Fris e Club o f A merica, Inc. is dedicat ed t o pro t ect and advance t he int eres t s o f t he
pure- bred B icho n Fris e t hro ugh res po ns ible breeding pract ices , and t o educat e t he public o n
t he qualit ies o f o ur breed. W e ho pe t hat YOU, a B icho n lo ver, will help us co nt inue t his
impo rt ant wo rk by purchas ing o ne o r mo re o f t hes e great pro duct s .
If yo u do n't find a pro duct yo u want o n t hes e pages , we can o ffer yo u ano t her s ho pping
ex perience where a po rt io n o f mo s t o f what yo u buy o n is paid t o B FCA . B uying
t hings t hro ugh o ur A maz o n links will no t add t o yo ur purchas e co s t . S imply begin yo ur
A maz o m s ho pping us ing any o f t he A maz o m links yo u find anywhere o n t he B FCA
webs it e and anyt hing yo u purchas e at A maz o m will aut o mat ically benefit t he B FCA .
Thanks for your support.
Online orders are accepted for shipments to U.S. destinations. If you need an item shipped outside the
U.S. or if you prefer not to order online, please use our Order F orm and follow the instructions on the
form. Checks and online payments must be made with U.S. F unds, and payable to BF CA. Shipping
Charges are based on the amount of the entire order and are shipped via U.S. Postal Service. Please
email Kathleen Loynachan or call her at 641-862-3274 (after 6 pm Central T ime) if you have questions
about items, availability or shipping outside the U.S.
Bichon Frise
Bich on Fr ise Ch ampion s
For Health
T he BF CA Health Committee is
proud to feature Bichons with big
wins and healthy credentials in this
beautifully photographed monthly
calendar covering JanuaryDecember, 2014.
Choose your initial quantity and
price level, then update your
quantity once your item is added
to the shopping cart.
Select Quantity
1 ($15+$2.92 shipping) $17.92 USD
International Orders and large bulk orders require special handling. Please email for a quote.
T he net proceeds calendar sales are donated to the BF CA's general fund,
the BF CA Health F und and the BF CA Rescue T rust.
For a limited time...National Specialty Photo Books are available for purchase.
S ho p fo r yo ur very o wn co py o f o ur Nat io nal S pecialt y Pho t o B o o ks and capt ure t he memo ries
fro m o ur pas t S pecialt y S ho ws . Get t hem while yo u can.
Only limit ed numbers are available fro m 2006 t o 2012.
B o o klet
Your Bichon Frise
33 pages of excellent information
including the official Breed
Single copy includes free shipping.
Select Number of Copies
Single Copy $6.00
$6.00 single copy.
$17.50 for 5 copies.
$35.00 for 10 copies.
$150 for 50 copies.
B o o klet
Discussion of the
Bichon Frise
$10 each
The B icho n Fris e A KC S t andard
as illus t rat ed by t he B icho n
Fris e Club o f A merica. 24
pages , including det ailed
diagrams .
Great fo r Travelers
Luggage Tag
Thes e luggage t ags wit h t he
beaut iful B icho n can be us ed in
many ways . Try us ing t hem t o
ident ify yo ur s ho w equipment - t ables , ex - pens , et c. They
make a great gift fo r yo ur
B icho n friends .
$10 each
Ho me Deco r
$10 each
This o rnament , made jus t fo r
t he B FCA , wo uld make a great
addit io n t o yo ur o t her B icho n
o rnament s . Cert ainly a s uper
addit io n t o yo ur Ho liday t ree.
A no t her wo nderful gift idea.
Co mput er CD
Judging the Bichon
A CD fo r yo ur pers o nal
co mput er ex plaining t he B icho n
Fris e s t andard. Requires
Micro s o ft Po werPo int , and if yo u
us e a Macint o s h yo u will need
$10 each
OS X t o run t his CD.
T he items below are available in a limited quantity so
You may also call her at 641-862-3274 (after 6 pm Central T ime).
BFCA 2013
Souvenir Shirts
Inquire abo ut o ur limit ed s upply
"Join the C rusade to
S ho rt and Lo ng S leeve t - s hirt s .
$20 and $25 each
($7 shipping each)
(You Can Update Quantity
When In Shopping Cart)
Short Sleeve $20.00 USD
Pleas e co nt act Kat hy t o check
availabilit y o f s iz es and co lo rs
befo re o rdering.
Jeweled Tee Shirt
Bichon Head Study
$75 each
5.5 o z ., 100% co mbed co t t o n
jers ey knit . S o ft ly s haped
clas s ic feminine fit . Des igned by
Karla Mat lo ck. Pro ceeds benefit
(Specify size/color in
B FCA Healt h Fund.
Comments to Seller)
(free shipping)
Pleas e co nt act Kat hy t o check
availabilit y o f s iz es and co lo rs
befo re o rdering.
Jeweled Decal
Bichon Head Study
A ppro x imat ely 4 inches wide.
Des igned by Karla Mat lo ck.
Pro ceeds benefit B FCA Healt h
$30 each
(free shipping)
(click image fo r larger view)
Bichon Art
Framed Adult
5"x 7" art
mat t ed t o 8"x 10"
wo o d frame
($10 shipping)
Proceeds benefit the
(click pho t o fo r larger view)
Bichon Art
Unframed Baby
5"x 7" art
mat t ed t o 8"x 10"
no t framed
(click pho t o fo r larger view)
BF CA Health F und
($5 shipping)
Proceeds benefit the
BF CA Health F und
S mall, 7.5"
fit s 6.5" wris t
$100 each
(free shipping)
Large, 8.5"
fit s 7.5" wris t
(click pho t o fo r larger view)
Fully adjus t able
Two neck widt hs
Pleas e co nt act Kat hy t o check
availabilit y o f s iz es and co lo rs
befo re o rdering.
$15 and $20 each
($5 shipping each)
(Specify color/style in
Comments to Seller)
Narrow band $15.00 USD
(click pho t o fo r larger view)
Tear Stain Remover
Gift Set
E ye E nvy s et co nt ains
cleans er, as t ringent , herbal
ant ibio t ic and ant ibact erial.
$20 each
($5 shipping)
(click pho t o fo r larger view)
Happy Hoodie is a s o ft ,
ex pandable, gent le co mpres s io n
fabric band t hat relieves anx iet y
and calms do gs during s t res s ful
s it uat io ns s uch as fo rce drying,
t hunders t o rms , firewo rks ,
t o enail clipping and mo re!
(click pho t o mo re info rmat io n)
$20 each
($5 shipping)
Sleeping Bichon
$8 each
S iz e: 3" L x 2" W x 2" H
B eaut ifully co nceived and
met iculo us ly craft ed by art is t
S andra B rue.
Sitting Bichon
$12 each
S iz e: 2- 3/4" L x 2- 1/4" W x 31/4" H
B eaut ifully co nceived and
met iculo us ly craft ed by art is t
S andra B rue.
B icho n No t ables
Just A Note to Say
"Hi" or "Thank You"
No t e cards are o n heavyweight
t ex t ured mat t e whit e card
s t o ck, appro x imat ely 4 ¼” x 5
½” wit h t he bicho ns wat erco lo r
paint ing o n t he face o f t he
card. Each packet includes an
as s o rt ment o f cards .
Special Occasion
Note Cards
No t e cards are o n beaut iful
whit e paper s t o ck,
appro x imat ely 5’ x 7” wit h a 4”
x 6” print o f t he wat erco lo r
paint ing. Each packet includes
an as s o rt ment o f cards . (Can
als o be framed)
7 Note Cards for $15
“It’s A Chelsea Morning”
“Go Chipper, Go!”
5 Note Cards for $15
“Just One Look”
Prints of “She’s Got
The Look” or
“Showing In Style”
W at erco lo r print is 8 x 10” and
mat t ed t o 11 x 14”
1 Print for $30
“She’s Got The Look”
“Showing In Style”
Bichon Frise Club of Am erica -- Logo Store
The BFC A Logo Store is yo ur place t o buy pro duct s
wit h t he lo go fro m pas t Nat io nal S pecialt ies .
Click here t o go t o t his s pecial s t o re.
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