Post Script - American Legion Post 176 Springfield Virginia


Post Script - American Legion Post 176 Springfield Virginia
Post Script
Jul/Aug 2015
Volume 1, Issue 5
American Legion Springfield Post 176
6520 Amherst Avenue , Springfield , VA 22150
Inside this issue:
From The Commander’s Desk
From the Commander’s Desk
Greetings Post 176 and
family! Thank you all
for making my first
year as your commander such a wonderful
year! I now have a better understanding of
how our post functions.
Volunteers! Yes, each
and every one of you.
You are Awesome! It’s
great to see so many
new volunteers as well.
I would like to thank
all who made it out to
our officer’s installation.
And thank you for allowing me to serve as your
post commander for another year. Please welcome your new Executive Committee and give
them a big hand for
stepping up and helping
to make this ball roll.
Last year’s EXCOM was
fantastic! Thanks for all
your hard work, leadership, direction, advice …
and friendship. We are
very fortunate that the
majority will be staying
From the Commander
First Vice’s “Site Picture”
Chaplain’s thoughts &
Sons of the American Legion
Red Blood Drive
History Notes
Volunteer Support Needed
From the Ledger Domain
General Managers Corner
Legion News
Calendar of Events
2016 Legion Membership
The 2016 membership has just started. Please mail in or go online at
myLEGION.ORG and renew your membership. We strongly recommend you go
online if possible for the fastest most efficient way to renew.
Contact 1st Vice Edward Amoros or the Post if you need renewal assistance.
Page 2
From The Commander’s Desk Ric Licardo
on for another year!
For the officers that
have opted to step
down … Thank you
for all you’ve done
and continue to do for our
post and veterans alike.
We will still rely on your
experience and knowledge
to help us set and achieve
our goals for the upcoming
year. There are still plenty
of volunteer opportunities
available, so … hop on
board and help take us to
the next level. Great
things are still happening
at our post and great people
are still making them happen. Be one to have a hand
in making these great
things happen?
As summer is upon us and
the kids and grandkids are
on their vacation … it’s a
great time for us to relax
and enjoy life for a bit as
well. I know many will be
heading out for the summer
and we’ll be a little light
handed for the next couple
of months … Be safe! Enjoy! And we’ll see you when
you return.
We are still looking for volunteers to help mentor the
Young Marines youth program to get this off the
ground. If you are interested, please contact me. You
do not have to be a Marine
to mentor or assist with this
program. Just be motivated!
We are also looking to redecorate the Warriors Café.
Committees for each branch
of service are still being
First Vice’s “Sight Picture”
77 New Members, 770 mail in renewals and 283 online renewals
for a grand total of 1,291 which
gives us a final percentage of
92.6%. We ranked #11 out 18
Edward Amoros
posts in the 17th District which is
First Vice Commander
at 91%.
1 Vice “Sight Picture” I’d like to thank CDR Ric Licardo,
Pat Petersen, Jon Taylor, Bob
Post 176 2015 Membership fi- Eisdvoog, and Joseph Byrnes for
nal status: We have finished
all your hard work and support in
the 2015 membership year with supporting the Post’s Membership
the following numbers; 161 Paid Committee. Membership is the
up for Life (PUFLs) members,
lifeblood of any Post, it creates the
formed. The goal is to give
each branch of service a
piece of wall in the café to
decorate with personal pictures and items (loaned or
donated) of their service. If
that sounds like fun … let me
Again, THANK YOU …
each and every one of you
who have put your time in
to keeping our post moving. Without you, we’d go
no where .. It’s a great
thing to be surrounded by
so many amazing –
people ...I look forward to
seeing you all at our post!
Edward Amoros
revenue and manpower to
accomplish so much support
to our Veterans and their
families. I look forward to
another great year in membership!
Page 3
Chaplain’s Thoughts and Prayers
Chaplin’s Corner
experiencing nausea and dehydration and admitted to
Belvoir Hospital.
Comrade Mark Leyden was
Past Commander and long time Le- diagnosed with colon cancer
gionnaire Ted Byers went to his final about 2 years ago. He has reresting place at approximately 1445 cently has been experiencing
nausea and dehydration and
on 6 Jun 2015 Saturday afternoon at admitted to Belvoir Hospital.
Fairfax Hospital. A memorial service
was conducted at:
Comrade Mark Leyden received shots and is back at
Springfield Demaines Funeral Home home now recovering.
Looking for a dose of daily
wisdom. Try King Solomon’s
Proverbs, read one chapter of
every morning, it only takes
3 minutes!
Chaplin Mike
Lord Guard & Guide
The Lord is my Shepherd, I
on 15 June 2015 at 1830. It was very
well attended, we had 35 Legionnaires Comrade Bill Moore is in de- shall not want [of anything]
…He restored my soul.
from Post 176 and other Posts in North clining health. He has prosVirginia.
tate cancer that has travelled Ps 23:1
Comrade Lew Lipscomb, past Commander, was diagnosed with colon cancer
about 2 years ago. He has recently been
to his bones. He came home
from Manor Care Nursing Facility last Thursday and is confined to the hospital bed in
his family room.
For God & Country
Post 176 Chaplin
Michael Kempton
(Lord Guide and Guard)
Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Cmdr —Evan Victor
On June 9, we conducted a short meeting
and paid our respect to Comrade Theodore E. Byers who passed away on June
6 and transferred to “Post Everlasting”.
We also attended Comrade Byers’ Legion
Service on June 15. While we are saddened by Comrade Byers’ passing, we
celebrate his wonderful life and his contributions to the Post 176 Family.
If you are a current SAL member, please
renew your membership so that you do
not lose your membership privileges including Post 176 services. We are always
seeking new members, so please encourage your friends, who are eligible, to join
Squadron 176. Please contact Chip
Byers on membership.
Bill Swaner, Financial Officer, provided a
financial update. His update included re-
cent membership funds and upcoming expenditures.
The Sons supported the Boys State event at
District 17 on June 21 to register the Boys for
bus transportation and attendance to Boys
State, 21-27 June, Radford University.
As the outgoing Squadron Commander, I want
to thank all the leaders within the Post 176
Family for your commitment to support Veterans and their Families! I also thank each of
you for your mentorship and teamwork during
the past year!
May God Bless the Post 176 Family!
July – no meeting
August – no meeting
September 8 - SAL September Meeting
Page 4
Post Script
Red Cross Blood Drives in honor of Comrade Joe Finch
The next drive is on Aug, 1:30-7:00pm. Please sign up to schedule your Life-Saving donation!
Go to and in the search box put
Sponsor Code “AMERICANLEGION176va”
Or call 1 800 RED CROSS (option 3) to speak with a real live person. Tell the
person that you want to donate at the American Legion in Springfield (sponsor code
above) on the 21st. If you don’t make an appointment please come anyway. We always
have open spots because of cancellations or deferments (usually low iron). Post Contact:
Theron Patrick (
The schedule for this year is:
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
HISTORY NOTES – Greatest Generation Dick Vatter
(Continued from May/June POST SCRIPS)
George M. O’Toole is the oldest member at 97, and Peter Pauli has 70 years continuous service in the American Legion. This group has one female, Alice Bornemeier, with 25 years continuous service. Alice was a flight
line nurse until she married and then the military forced her out of the Navy – married women could not serve
at that time. Harry Bleistein was a machinist/tool maker before being drafted into the service, served as a
Supply Sergeant in the Army and when he returned home he took advantage of the GI Bill – a creation of The
American Legion – got his degree, and worked as an accountant. Harry served in Europe but when the war in
Europe was over he took a slow boat home via the Panama Canal to Okinawa before returning home. Armand
Maillet was a construction worker/student before he became a Navy aviation electronics technician, and finally
worked in air traffic control systems when he came home. Joseph Caretta was a licensed radio operator before
being drafted, served in the Navy as an aviation electronic technician.
When Joe re- turned home he was a Foreign Service Officer working with “Voice of America”. And finally,
Past Commander Tony Dziersky was always interested in flying and was an Air Corps Cadet in high school,
he joined the Army and became a navigator on B29’s. He stayed in the military for 30 years before retiring to
The U.S. Veterans Administration figures show our WWII veterans are dying at the rate of nearly 500 a
day. Before it is too late, visit a WWII veteran. Better yet, take a WWII veteran to lunch or dinner – let them
know that you appreciate what they did for their country.
And by the way, in case you’re wondering, I am the youngest WWII veteran recorded at the Post. Thanks
for serving!
Alice Bornemeier
Joseph Caretta
Tony Dziersky and Dick Vatter
Page 5
Post Script
Volunteer Support Needed
Post 176 is looking for volunteers to support the following Committees:
Public Relations Committee - looking for more members to fill out this ever
growing and exciting committee. Primary focus will be on supporting our Webpage
Maintenance Crew - if you have trade skills or consider yourself very handy Charlie Buettner could use your help with maintaining our large post.
Internal Audit Committee - looking for a few members to establish an internal
finance audit in preparation of a paid external audit.
Please contact 1st Vice CDR Edward Amoros at if
you can support any one of these committees.
From the Ledger Domain
by Jon Taylor, Finance Officer
Dentz Trust Update: In the pr evious Post Scr ipt, I descr ibed the inher itance the post will be
receiving from the trust of past Commander Edwin Dentz and his wife past Auxiliary President
Evelyn Dentz. Post 176 and the Auxiliary will receive equal and substantial sums. The trust stipulates the funds must be used for charitable purposes. Working together, we have received presentations from five investment firms and reviewed their materials with great care. Jointly, we have chosen Morgan Stanley as the firm to secure, manage and grow our funds. We have drafted a Standing
Rule to our bylaws, which was approved by the Executive Committee for presentation to the membership, to safeguard the funds and control their access and disposition. The first release of funds
from the trust is scheduled for July and we will be prepared.
Audit Committee Chairman Needed: The Gener al Manager , Bob Eidsvoog, and I per for m
all of the day-to-day cash management duties. We are proud of our accomplishments over the past
few years and can assure you that every cent of the post’s revenue is deposited into our bank accounts and accounted for fully and accurately in the accounting system. However, we continue to
lack oversight by the Executive Committee, a function we welcome and with which we would enthusiastically cooperate. At the recent general membership meeting, a call for volunteers for an audit committee to provide this oversight, resulted in two members volunteering, with the proviso that
they need a chairman with the ability to lead the audits. If you have an accounting background and
would like to perform this important voluntary role for your post, please contact me at or (703) 994-5019. You may also contact any other member of the Executive
See you at the post,
General Manager Corner
Post 176 continues to be
on the path of success.
We have seen many
changes to the care and
upkeep of our facility
with the painting of the
hall and cafe. Repairs
to the fascia and power
washing of the sidewalk. We have had
trees trimmed and removed and some spot
repairs to the parking lot
closest to the building.
The updates in the Tier
I Lounge with new tables and chairs has
made the room feel
more festive and brighter. Thanks to the efforts
of the House Committee
new chairs have been
provided replacing to
old wooden bar stools
that have deteriorated
over time and table
cloths on the high top
tables give the place a
patriotic feel. We have
kept a few of the old
wooden bar stools for
those who feel they
need the support from
the armrests.
The biggest change in
the Tier I Lounge are
the electronic gaming
machines provided by a
company called VTABS. These machines
have increased activity
in the Tier I Lounge and
have become a good source
of revenue overall. The
Commonwealth of Virginia
Gaming Board is reviewing
the restrictions on charitable
gaming in hopes of keeping
disposable incomes inside
of Virginia. We expect to
be able to double the number of machines in our facility sometime in SeptemOctober time frame. The
payouts for the electronic
games are the same for the
paper ticket games at approximately 80% going
back to the players leaving
20% to split between the
house and the V-TABS
company. This has been the
standard for charitable gaming in Virginia.
We have replaced another
big screen TV in the Tier I
Lounge that will surely provide more enjoyment at our
tailgate parties coming up in
August. Wow, football season is almost here with the
pre-season games starting in
August. Get your team colors together for the football
season as we will have the
NFL Ticket again this year.
I suspect that Seattle will
take it all this year so plan
accordingly, get your recipes polished and share game
time with us all. Go Bears!
The House Committee will
be coordinating the Tailgates while each Legion
Family will rotate the duties
of cooking the burgers and
dogs and having the availability to do raffles or fundraisers. The House Committee will be coordinating
the end of the season Super
bowl Party.
The next change coming
will be for our beer station.
We are upgrading the beer
station from 3 to 6 taps.
Currently there are 3 beers
on draft with the biggest
selling beers available, Miller Lite, Yeungling and
Budweiser. With the addition of 3 more taps we will
start having craft brews
from local and national
breweries. Our first new tap
beer will be the “Fairwinds”
brand of which we have the
“Following C’s on sale right
now using a separate single
Kegerator. Once we have
all taps functioning we will
be offering different brews
for those of us who enjoy a
more robust beer.
A new beer that is significant for the American Legion is called “Founding
Fathers”. Founding Fathers
is a brewery out of Minnesota that has a partnered
with “The American Legion” and is providing 50%
of their profits to The American Legion. With each sale
of a Founding Father’s beer
the local Post will receive a
$.25 (25 cents) return.
There are 3 brews that are
produced and all are on sale
in the Tier I Lounge. Stand by for more
from this brewery as they will be coming to
do beer tastings at American Legions
across the Commonwealth of Virginia.
You will notice that we have stopped the
Wednesday Wing Night. Faye Hawkins
and Paul Rinaldi worked their fingers to
the bone for over a year providing wings
and sauces for hungry folks and were just
burned out. To cover your food needs we
are providing a bar menu and an evening
cook. Many of you have already benefited
from this change in the Tier I Lounge activity. Yesica is our cook in the afternoon
and also our Sunday café cook and she has
made a positive impact on Lounge activity
with her upbeat nature.
In October we will be having the Early
Bird Dinner and looking for volunteers to
make spaghetti sauce. Then the Paralyzed
Veteran Athletes of America have asked us
to do two dinners for them coinciding with
the Army 10 Miler and the Marine Corps
We have more good news regarding our
facility as we have received a donation of
two powered video screens. One screen is
already installed above the stage and we
will be working on the integration of a projector capable of providing streaming video
from the internet via computer interface
and TV via a Direct TV cable box hook up.
Our goal is to create a fully capable audio
visual presentation via internet, laptop/
computer or cable TV. This capability will
increase our ability to rent to businesses
needing a room for presentations where we will
be able to provide the space, connectivity and
food for up to 200 people.
In case you didn’t know, we are the largest
American Legion Post in the State of Virginia.
As such we need to be out front, leading the
District and the Department to success in supporting American Legion Programs and in support of Veterans and their issues. We have an
obligation to continue our cause as being members of the Largest Veteran Service Organization (VSO) in the United States and the largest
American Legion Post in the State providing
support to all four pillars of the American Legion mission. So this is a call out to all of our
members to please give some of your precious
time to support this American Legion Post in
any way you can. We have needs for the formation of committees that will handle Children
and Youth local issues, Americanism nationally, locally and state wide, Veterans Services
and Rehabilitation all locally, and National Security that can encompass local to national issues. We also have needs for people who can
do repairs, cut grass, trim trees, painting, cleaning etc.
We are looking forward to more volunteer participation and an increase to the American Legion Family.
For God and Country
Bob Eidsvoog
Legion Auxiliary 176 - Stephanie Dabbe
No Meetings in July and August but there will be an Auxiliary Meeting in September on the first
Tuesday same time as the General Membership Meeting
Page 8
Legion News
2014 Post Officers
Commander: Ric Licardo
1st Vice: Edward Amoros
2nd Vice:
3rd Vice: Stu Bailey
Adjutant: Laura Wages
Finance Officer: Jon Taylor
Chaplain: Michael Kempton
Sergeant-at-Arms: Floyd F. Cline
Service Officer: Ali Nikolai
Judge Advocate: Geoffrey Phelps
Historian: Jerome Mapp
Members-at-Large: Charlie Buettner, Bill Durham, Les Grizzard
Past Commander: James Matlock
Sons of the American Legion
Evan Victor,
Auxiliary Unit 176: Stephanie
American Legion Riders: Mike
General Manager: Bob Eidsvoog
Paid up for Life (PUFL) membership
Interested in a purchasing a Paid up for Life Membership? Beginning this year the American Legion has made it easier than ever to
buy a PUFL membership and even offers a $100.00 discount if you
pay in one installment. PUFL members receive a permanent plastic
branch of service member card as well as a yearly card form Post
Go to, enter your Member ID and last
name, and immediately receive a cost quote. If you can’t find your
ID or wish to speak to someone in person, call
800-443-3318. You can also pay for your PUFL
in 12 monthly installments. Your cost is based on
your age so pricing is customized for each member. You can go to the website and in less than a
few minutes you will know what your PUFL membership will cost.
Want to know more about the American Legion? In 2012 the
American Legion introduced an updated version of ALEI. As
a multimedia training tool, ALEI is an opportunity to learn
and discover the rich history, programs, policies, developments and goals of our organization. This course is good for
any Legion Family member.
ALEI is a 90 min. online course with an exam, the modules include History of the Organization, Veterans Affairs,
National Security, Americanism and Children and Youth. The
cost is $4.95 for members, users must register a onetime
Username and Password to take the course. Go to, register a username and take the course,
you will thoroughly enjoy learning more about
the American Legion. Upon completion of the
exam you will receive a certificate from the
National Commander and a cap/lapel pin to
proudly display!
Thanks to our PR Committee, and
especially Comrade Theron Patrick, the
weekly “E-News” (formerly E-Blasts), have
undergone a major transformation! The
new E-Blasts are going out to almost 1000
email addresses. Each New and Transfer member will begin to
receive the E-Blast within 30-60 days of their application being
approved and processed. If you know a local vendor, possible recruit
or community leader that might want to receive our weekly E-Blast,
please let us know at
If you are reading this article and not receiving a weekly
“E-News” please contact the 1st Vice at, so that we may update your email
address into our database.
Page 9
5:30-7:30 PM
4 7:00 PM
Queen of
6 7:30 PM LEGION Riders
(Game Room)
7 7:30 PM
General Membership Mtg
& Auxiliary
8 7:00 PM
Bridge Club
6:00 PM
Legion Youth
Shooting Sport
5:30 - 7:30 PM
11 7:00 PM
Queen of
13 CN
7:30 PM
(Game Room)
16 CN
5:30—7:30 PM
18 7:00 PM
Queen of
19 6 - 8 PM
Legion Youth
20 CN
21 7:30 PM
22 7:00 PM
Bridge Club
23 CN
5:30—7:30 PM
25 7:00 PM
Queen of
27 CN
30 CN
5:30—7:30 PM
1 7:00 PM
Queen of
3 7:30 PM LEGION Riders
(Game Room)
4 7:30 PM
General Membership Mtg
5 7:00 PM
Bridge Club
6 CN
5:30—7:30 PM
Blood Drive
13 CN
14 DINNER 15 7:00 PM
5:30 - 7:30 PM Queen of
16 6—8 PM 17
Legion Youth
18 7:30 PM
19 7:00 PM
Bridge Club
20 CN
21 DINNER 22 7:00 PM
5:30 - 7:30 PM Queen of
27 CN
5:30—7:30 PM
24 CN
31 CN
CN - Cigar Night
8 7:00 PM
Queen of
29 7:00 PM
Queen of
Warrior Café: Mon—Sat 7 AM—2:30 PM Sunday 8 AM—2:30 PM
Post 176 Springfield
P.O. Box 689
Springfield, VA 22150
For God and Country
Social Quarters
Hours of Operation
11:30 am - 10:00 pm
Friday - Saturday 11:30 am - 1:00 am
12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
We ’ re on the Web!
Warrior Cafe
Hours of Operation
Breakfast and Lunch
Monday - Saturday
0730am - 2:30 pm
0800am - 2:30pm
Friday Night Dinner
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Please help Post 176 keep
our publishing and mailing
costs down by ensuring we
have your email address. Current and past Post Scripts are
available on our the Post website.
Publisher: Comrade Paul Kaeppel—PR Committee
Editors: 1st Vice Edward Amoros, Finance Officer Jon Taylor
Story ideas, suggestions or comments to improve our Post Scripts email us at