Right Angle Pump Drive Catalog
Right Angle Pump Drive Catalog
T.M. AmarillctGear Company LLC SELECTION OF THE PROPER DRIVE MODEL DESIGNATION: The model number designates the basic horsepower rating at 1760 RPM pump speed. The number is preceded by one ofthe following letter designations to define the type of drive: SL Standard Hollow Shaft Drive with Opposed Thrust Capacity S Standard Hollow Shaft Drive with Standard Thrust Capacity SH Standard Hollow Shaft Drive with Heavy Thrust Capacity EFFICIENCY: Through the use of high quality gears and bearings, transmission efficiency ranges from 94% to 98% varying with speed, horsepower and thrust. Actual efficiency values will be fum ished upon request. GEARS: All drives are furnished with spiral bevel gears, designed in accordance with AGMA (American Gear Manufacturers Association) standards for both strength and surface durability, employing a minimum service factor of 1.50 at rated horsepower. RATIO SELECTION- SEE PRICE LIST FOR RATIO AVAILABILITY (Speeds shown are for nominal ratios. Actual ratios may vary by up to 3%) VERTICAL SHAFT RPM SPEED INCREASERS- RATIO AND INPUT SPEED 1:1 720 870 960 1160 1460 1760 3460 720 870 960 1160 1460 1760 3460 VERTICAL SHAFT RPM 10:11 655 791 873 1055 1327 1600 3145 5:6 600 725 800 967 1217 1467 2883 3:4 540 653 720 870 1095 1320 2595 2:3 480 580 640 773 973 1173 2307 4:7 411 497 549 663 834 1006 1977 1:2 360 435 480 580 730 880 1730 SPEED DECREASERS - RATIO AND INPUT SPEED 11:10 792 957 1056 1276 1606 1936 720 870 960 1160 1460 1760 6:5 864 1044 1152 1392 1752 2112 5:4 900 1088 1200 1450 1825 2200 4:3 960 1160 1280 1547 1947 2347 3:2 1080 1305 1440 1740 2190 2640 7:4 1260 1523 1680 2030 2555 3080 2:1 1440 1740 1920 2320 2920 3520 5:2 1800 2175 2400 2900 3650 -- 3:1 2160 2610 2880 3480 - - HORSEPOWER AND THRUST RATINGS Vertical Shaft H.P. MODEL Speed Rating (RPM} 30 40 60A BOA 100A 125A 150A 200A 1160 1460 1760 1160 1460 1760 960 1160 1460 1760 960 1160 1460 1760 960 1160 1460 1760 960 1160 1460 1760 720 960 1160 1460 1760 720 960 1160 1460 1760 22 26 30 30 35 40 39 45 53 60 52 60 70 80 65 75 88 100 82 93 110 125 80 98 112 132 150 108 130 150 176 200 DOWNTHRUST CAPACITY IN POUNDS TypeSL Min. Max. 0 978 0 901 0 850 0 1495 0 1378 0 1300 0 2074 0 1955 0 1802 0 1700 0 3904 0 3680 0 3392 0 3200 0 3904 0 3680 0 3392 0 3200 0 5002 0 4715 0 4346 0 4100 0 6750 0 6100 0 5750 0 5300 0 5000 0 6750 0 6100 0 5750 0 5300 0 5000 TypeS Min. Max. 797 2358 759 2173 700 2050 1138 4600 1055 4240 1000 4000 1490 6222 1422 5865 1331 5406 1250 5100 2085 7564 1991 7130 1846 6572 1750 6200 2085 7564 1991 7130 1856 6572 1750 6200 2673 8174 2567 7705 2387 7102 2250 6700 3564 11070 3234 10004 3086 9430 2864 8692 2700 8200 3564 12150 3218 10980 3072 10350 2864 9540 2700 9000 TypeSH Min. Max. 797 3680 759 3392 700 3200 1138 6900 1055 6360 1000 6000 1490 8540 1422 8050 1331 7420 1250 7000 2085 11224 1991 10580 1846 9752 1750 9200 2085 11224 1991 10580 1856 9752 1750 9200 2673 12688 2567 11960 2387 11024 2250 10400 3564 17010 3234 15372 3086 14490 2864 13356 2700 12600 3564 18225 3218 16470 3072 15525 2864 14310 2700 13500 MODEL 250 300 350 450A 500A 600A 750A 1000G Vertical Shaft Speed (RPM) 720 960 1160 1460 1760 720 960 1160 1460 1760 720 960 1160 1480 1760 720 960 1160 1460 1760 720 960 1180 1460 1760 720 960 1160 1460 1760 720 870 960 1160 1460 1760 720 870 960 1160 1480 1760 H.P. Rating DOWNTHRUSTCAPACITY IN POUNDS TypeSL Min. MIX. 134 164 167 219 250 162 195 225 264 300 187 229 261 307 350 241 294 338 395 450 267 327 373 439 500 321 393 448 526 600 401 458 491 560 658 750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 535 611 654 747 877 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 8100 7320 8900 6360 6000 8100 7320 8900 6360 6000 10800 9760 9200 6480 6000 10800 10080 9760 9200 8480 8000 10800 10080 9760 9200 8480 8000 TypeS Min. 1111:. 5000 17500 15860 14950 13780 13000 17550 15880 14950 13780 13000 17550 15860 14950 13780 13000 25650 23180 21850 20140 19000 28350 25620 24150 22260 21000 36450 32940 31050 28620 27000 36450 34020 32940 31050 28620 27000 6600 6177 5964 5695 5304 5000 36450 34020 32940 31050 28620 27000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4631 4175 3979 3713 3500 5544 5005 4779 4455 4200 5940 5363 5121 4774 4500 6600 8177 5964 5895 5304 TypeSH Min. IIIli:. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4631 4175 3979 3713 3500 5544 5005 4779 4455 4200 5940 5363 5121 4774 4500 6600 8177 5964 5965 5304 5000 6600 6177 5964 5695 5304 5000 22275 20130 16975 17490 16500 22275 20130 18975 17490 16500 22275 20130 18975 17490 16500 33750 30500 28750 26500 25000 36450 32940 31050 28620 27000 43200 39040 36800 33920 32000 45225 42210 40870 38525 35510 33500 45225 42210 40870 38525 35510 33500 T.M 4-" XC" TAPPED HOLES f Amarillo'"Gear Company LLC STANDARD COUPLING DIMENSIONS (INCH) GIBKEYWAY DEEP IN BASE FLANGE NOM· INAL ACTUAL 314 .751 ~ ~ NON-REVERSE COUPLING 1/a .876 1 1.001 P/16 1 1/4 1.188 AG ~0 1.251 1.438 30 6~ 2% 1~ 40A 812 4% 112 408 812 4% 112 60A 11}2 4~ 112 BOA 11Y2 4~ 1¥8 100A 11Y2 4~ 1¥8 125A 11}2 4~ 1¥8 150A 1112 412 200A 250 • 300 • 350 13% 5~ 13% 5~ 13% 5~ 13% 5~ 450A 16 6 500A 16 6 600A 16 6 750A 18 6 1000G 21 8 TypeS AG CD AG - 13/4 9132 13/4 9132 1/4 -20 1/4 -20 1/4 -20 13/4 2 1/s 9132 2 1/s 2 1/2 9 2 1/2 2 1/2 9 /32 9 /32 3fs -16 2 1/2 3 1/4 3fs -16 3/s -16 3 1/4 3 1/4 9132 3 1/4 3 3/4 9132 3 3/4 3 3/4 9132 xw BX MAX. 3/sX 3/15 3fsx 3h6 2 2.001 2 3 !,6 2.188 1/2 X 1/4 1/2 X 1/4 1/2 X 1/4 2.251 1/2 X 1/4 1.938 21 1116 3/4 21 5116 1/4 -20 1/4 -20 1/4 -20 3fsx 3h6 3fs X 3/,6 1/4 -20 2.438 5fa X 5/16 2.501 5/s X 5/16 3/s 2.688 5 /s X 5/16 3fs -16 2.751 5 /s x 5/15 3/4 X 3/s 3fs -16 2.938 -16 3fs -16 29% 29% 31 }{, 355As AK BB BD XA XB XC XD XE XF XG ~s 10:V. - % % SAs 15% - 1SA ~s 1% 1% 2 2 2 Y2 Y2 Y2 134 Y2 134 % % % % 1% % 1% % 1% % 1% % 1% BE BF "As 10 % 34 12 "'As XH XJ XK XV CD 1.249 SAs x%2 1634 13% 1634 13% 1734 14% 9}{, 1.499 %xo/18 21% 18 21% 18 23 1934 9}{, 1.499 %xo/18 21% 18 21% 18 23 1934 14'!<0 1.499 %xo/18 28 235As 28 23SAs 2934 24'¥1s 14'!<0 1.874 %x"As 29)4 24'¥1s 28 23SAs 29% 24 1J!is 14'!<0 1.874 %x 31is 29)4 24'¥1s 28 23SAs 1.874 %x"As 2934 24'¥1s 2934 24'¥1s 2~6 2.436 %x SAs 29% 25}{, 29% 25M. 2~6 2.436 %x o/18 34% 30"118 34 1J!is 30"118 34 1¥18 30 31i 21!jl\e 2.936 %x% .. 1 .. .. 2 !jl\e 2.936 'l4x% 34 1¥18 30 31i .. 34 1¥18 30'¥1 21!jl\e 2.936 %x% .. 21!jl\e 2.936 %x% 42:V. 36:V. 4334 38 9132 TypeSH AJ CD 9132 13/a 1.751 TABLE OF DIMENSIONS STANDARD DRIVE (INCH) TypeSL 13/a 10-32 1/4 -20 1/4 -20 1% 115!,6 2 Horizontal Shaft U 10-32 1/4X 1/a 1/4X 1/a 1.688 MODEL 250 & SMALLER Nom· Actual Keyway AG ina I 9 /32 111!,6 2 h6 2 112 N XL 13/a 1.501 7 D BZ 10-32 17116 1 1h 2 1/4 Model BY 3/16X 3/32 1/4X 1/a 1/4X 1/s 3/sX 3/15 1.251 1 1/4 GIB KEYWAY 8.250 8.250 13.500 34 16Y2 "'As 13.500 34 16}2 % 13.500 34 16Y2 % 24 1J!is 14'!<0 13.500 34 16Y2 % 24 1J!is 14'!<0 13.500 34 16}2 % 26 14'!<0 13.500 34 16}2 % 3()13/18 1834 13.500 34 20 1M. 31"'As 1834 13.500 34 20 1M. 365As 365As 31"'118 1834 13.500 34 20 365As 3113/is 1834 13.500 34 20 45% 3834 23 13.500 34 2411 3la 3.124 'l4x% 42M 36:V. 4334 38 45% 3834 23 13.500 34 2411 3~ 3.749 :V.x ~s 42:V. 36:V. 4334 38 45% 3834 23 13.500 34 2411 42 50 42o/1s 23 13.500 34 24¥. 3% 3.749 :V.x ~. 48 41% 50 4 3.998 1xY2 62 )' 50 34 6234 50 34 6234 5034 28% 22.000 34 3011 'J!is 15% 'J!is 16% 'J!is 16% 'J!is 16% 'J!is 'J!is 'J!is 'J!is 16% 2 % 234 18% 20% 14'!<0 %-11-NC 3 22% 14')<0 %-11-NC 3 'J!is 22% 14')<0 %-11-NC 3 'J!is 22% 14'!<0 %-11-NC 3 131is +25}2 14'!<0 %-11-NC 3 131is +25}2 14'!<0 %-11-NC 3 131is +25¥. 14'!<0 %-11-NC 3 131is +26"A 14'!<0 %-11-NC 3 % 1 34 '"As 36:V. 26 "A-10-NC 3% % 1M. 1}{, 1}{, 1}{, 1}{, 1}{, % % % % % % % 1 9132 /32 9 /32 9 /32 9132 9132 9132 7116 ** .. .. 1 2 234 % 0 6% 1 34 2 234 % 0 6% 1 34 3 2 % 3¥a 434 1}2 3 2 % 3:V. 434 1}2 3 2 % 3:V. 434 1}2 3 2 % 3:V. 434 1}2 - - - 3 2 % 2M. 4Y2 2% % 2M. 4Y2 2% % 2M. 4Y2 2% % 2M. 4Y2 2% % 1"'As 4Y2 2% % 1"'As 4Y2 2% % 1"'118 4Y2 2% 1 1"'118 6 2:V. % 25As 634 3% % 3:V. 434 1 1J!is 2 Y2 5 5 Y2 5 5 2"As .. .. .. 2"As 2 "As % 7% 7% % 7% 7% 2~s % 7% 7% "A 834 834 2~s % 8 2~s 2~s 8Y2 2 15As t"XA" dimensions shown apply to 1:1 and speed increasing ratios only. Request certified drawing for others. *Models 300 and 350 furnished with external heat exchanger. **Contact factory for maximum coupling bore for Fig. 2 or Fig. 3 rotation with 1:2 or 1:3 ratio. RATIOS AND ROTATIONS: The ratio of a drive is defined as the ratio of the horizontal input speed to vertical output speed. For example, a 2:1 ratio would have a horizontal speed of twice the vertical speed. There are four rotational schemes available as shown in figures 1, 2, 3, and 4. Figure 1 is denoted as standard rotation. Figures 2, 3, and 4 are special rotation, being manufactured only on order, and are not subject to cancellation without charge for completed parts. HORSEPOWER AND THRUST BEARING RATINGS JIF' HORIZONTAL • CW VERTICAL • CCW HORIZONTAL • CCW VERTICAL • CCW HORIZONTAL· CCW VERTICAL • CW CW - Clockwise; CCW - Counterclockwise. Vertical Shaft R.P.M. Percent of Rated Horsepower Percent of Thrust Capacity Vertical Shaft R.P.M. Percent of Ratad Horsepower Percent of Thrust Capacity 430 37% 160% *2000 107% 96% 580 46% 145% *2200 112% 93% 690 52% 137% *2400 117% 90% 720 53% 135% *2600 122% 88% 870 61% 126% *2800 128% 86% 960 65% 122% *3000 134% 84% 1160 75% 115% *3460 146% 80% 1460 88% 106% *3600 150% 79% 1760 100% 100% * Cooling coils should be specified for models 40, 60A, and BOA operating at speeds above 1760 rpm. Consult with the factory on all applications when the vertical speeds exceed 1760 rpm. Maximum allowable cooling water pressure for cooling coils is 100 psi and heat exchanger is 150 psi. An Introduction To Our Company In 1934, Amarillo Gear Company began designing and manufacturing Spiral Bevel Right Angle Gear Drives primarily for the irrigation industry. Because of the reliable, efficient and economic operation of these drives, they met with widespread acceptance. Today, we manufacture the largest selections of RightAngle Gear Drives available. Our standard models include a large assortment of drives in a wide range of ratios and various configurations. They are highly adaptable to many applications in many different industries. One reason for the continued growth and acceptance of Amarillo Gear Drives is their consistent quality- not only in the materials used, but in their workmanship as well. We would welcome the opportunity to supply our product for your requirements. FEATURES: Cooling coils are available on Models 40, 60A, and BOA, at additional cost. and are standard on Model1 OOA and above. Non-reverse clutches are standard on all drives. Marine options are available upon request. Our rigid castings are designed to insure correct alignment. Gears are case hardened alloy steel, lapped in pairs. All drives have positive oil pressure distribution systems. All bearings used in construction are name brand and high quality, with proven reputations for reliability; providing bearing life exceeding AGMA recommendations. ~All standard hollow shaft gear drives through Model1200 are approved by FACTORY MUTUAL for use with vertical ~fire pumps. APPROY~D SPECIAL DRIVES Drives listed in this catalog may also be available with additional options. Please contact the factory for availability and pricing of these options. For applications that require power ratings larger than listed in this catalog, please visit our website at www.amarillogear.com, under the tabs for Large Pump and Large Flood. Literature for these larger models can be selected directly from the website. Amarillo Gear Company reserves the right to make improvement modifications to our gear drives that may change the given dimensions. The dimensions shown in this brochure may not exactly reflect the dimensions of the gear drives currently being offered. Request a Certified Dimensional Print for construction use. WEIGHTS AND BOX DIMENSIONS MODEL 30 40A 408 BOA BOA 100A 125A 150A 200A 250 300 350 450A 500A 600A 750A 1000G NET DOMESTIC WEIGHT (lbs.) SKID (lbs) 110 92 220 240 230 260 325 350 345 370 385 390 430 450 630 675 760 805 1340 1420 1370 1450 1365 1465 1800 1890 2650 3055 EXPORT BOX Kilograms Pounds 125 57 275 125 310 141 390 177 410 186 430 195 505 229 810 368 900 408 1620 735 748 1650 1665 755 2165 962 3310 1501 EXPORT BOX Length 22 27 29 29 29 29 31 35 36 44 44 44 45 56 DIMENSIOI S Width 14 15 18 19 19 19 19 24 24 32 32 32 32 37 (Inches) Height 21 27 27 34 34 34 38 42 40 52 52 52 57 74 VOLUME CUBIC FEET 4 6 8 11 11 11 12 20 21 42 42 42 48 92 To view Amarillo's complete warranty terms, please visit www.amarillogear.com T.M Catalog PD 1/14 Amari lid~ Gear Company LLC Post Office Box 1789 • Amarillo, Tx 79105 • 2401 Sundown Lane (79118) • 806-622-1273 • Fax 806-622-3258 www.amarillogear.com e-mail: info@amarillogear.com © AGC 2014 DJ I II. A Marmon Water/Berkshire Hathaway Company
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