Central Iowa Camera Club


Central Iowa Camera Club
Central Iowa Camera Club
north Central CaMera Club CounCIl MeMber
Marshalltown, Iowa
October 2015
Greetings Fellow Photographers!
The Camera Club year was successfully launched on September 3. It was great to see so many
attendees at the first CICC meeting of the 2015-16 year; we missed you if you didn’t attend!
WELCOME to new members: Walt Huffaker and Dianna Mick and to returning members: Cherie
Souharada and Kaylene Rouse. If you were not at the meeting, it is not too late to renew your
membership or to encourage friends to join us for the current club year. Club dues can be paid at
the October meeting.
It is with sadness that we acknowledge the death of Tom Knight, a founding member of the
CICC. Tom was an expert photographer, judge and woodworker.
Our first contest of the year will be conducted at our next meeting on Thursday, October 1. This
contest will be an OPEN contest; members are welcome to enter five images: up to 2 B/W prints,
2 color prints, 2 B/W digital images, or 2 digital color images of your choice. A limit of only two
images in each category up to a total of FIVE total images is allowed. PLEASE submit digital
entries on line to Jim Svec at jlsvec@gmail.com by September 28 (Monday)! PLEASE submit
prints to Jim Davis before 6:45 the evening of the contest!
Judges assigned for the October contest are: Amy Snyder, Denise Isaacson and Ed Siems.
Other contests which may be of interest to you:
N4C contests are open to all CICC members. Each month prints and digital images may be
submitted to Jim Svec by the tenth of the month (bring them to our monthly meetings).
There are several categories for each contest, and Jim can help you determine the most
appropriate one for your photo(s).
Keep Iowa Beautiful has announced its Sixth Keep Iowa Beautiful Photography Contest
aimed at raising awareness of Iowa’s beauty. Contest entrants are invited to share what
they like about rural and urban Iowa. The deadline to submit high resolution JPEG images electronically is December 1, 2015. Additional information is available at bjackson@keepiowabeautiful.com.
Classes and exhibits:
Professional Photographer, Mark Peterson is offering a Midwest Autumn Color class on Saturday, October 17 at Ledges State Park. More information and registration available at
“A Closer Look at the Iowa Prairie: Photographs by Justin Hayworth” are on exhibit at Grinnell College through October 11. The exhibit can be seen in the Burling Gallery on the
lower level of Burling Library, 1111 Sixth Avenue in Grinnell.
Saturday September 26
4:30 pm
Volume 41
Issue 2
Club Meeting
October 1st
Fisher Community Center
Open Photo Contest
7:00 pm
Board Meeting
October 8th
7:00 pm
Focus, Lighting, color
rendition, exposure, print
quality, mounting.
Arrangement of all
elements within the
picture area so that the
subject matter is
presented as a
harmonious well balanced
Originality, imagination
interpretation, subject,
impact, mood, humor,
Student Membership $10.00
Single Membership $20.00
Family Membership $27.00
Keep making creative images with your camera!
President Dave
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Jim Davis presented the Awards for first
place to members with the highest total points for the
Year 2014-15 in each Category.
Color print
Advanced – Wilbur Hutchens
Intermediate – Linda Eastman
Novice – Amy Snyder
B/W print
Advanced – Jim Davis
Intermediate – Denise Isaacson
Novice – Mary Giese, Amy Snyder
Digital slide
Advanced – Bill Williamson
Intermediate – Denise Christian
Novice – Mary Giese
Photographer of the year
Denise Christian
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Our annual Club Picnic is scheduled for Saturday, September 26 at the Siems residence
1315 Prairie Avenue just outside of Marshalltown at 4:30 p.m. Bring your meat to grill
and a covered dish to share; table service, lemonade and ice tea will be provided. Bring
your camera for great photo opportunities at Ed and Teresa’s.
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There are six Digital Image Contests each month for N4C.
Black & White
Maximum of 8 entries per club per contest, not more than one from a member in each contest .
I would need yours by the 10th of the Month send to jlsvec@gmail.com
For the Print Contests bring to the first meeting of the Month.
We will miss you Tom
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David Giese
Ed Siems
Secretary - Treasurer
Teresa Vokoun
Sharp Focus Editor
Jim Svec
N4C Representative
Jim Svec
Jim Davis
Photographer - Duane Freese
Field Trips - Ed Siems
Club Contests
Yearly Awards
Jim Davis
Webmaster - Jim Svec
Danny Barker
Tom Knight
Barb Knight
Wilbur Hutchens
Caralee Hutchens
Mary Giese
Focus, Lighting, color
rendition, exposure, print
quality, mounting.
Arrangement of all
elements within the
picture area so that the
subject matter is
presented as a
harmonious well balanced
Originality, imagination
interpretation, subject,
mood, humor.
Need Help With Photoshop?
The Central Iowa Camera Club exists to
promote the understanding and practice of
photography in Central Iowa. Membership is
open to persons without regard to their
photographic knowledge, experience, sex,
age, race, or creed.
Meetings are held at Fisher Community
Center at 7:00 p.m., the first Thursday of the
month - September through June. Programs
are planned to be of interest to beginning
through advanced photographers and to those
who enjoy viewing the photographic art.
Dues are $10.00 student, $20.00 single,
$27.00 family, and are due the first meeting
in September.
If any of you have questions,
please send me an email kandsjohnson@mchsi.com.
I will research your question
and write an article about it in the next issue.
Ken Johnson
Sharp Focus articles are due to the
Editor no later than 10th of every month!
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