2016 august loco - Lorain County Spinners and Weavers Guild
2016 august loco - Lorain County Spinners and Weavers Guild
AUGUST 2016 LOCO NEWS Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 9th 7:00 pm Carlisle Reservation Snacks:Julie Bragg, Alexis Young, Ann Hauser August Program - Scholarship presentations. Clean out your closets! Relocate unwanted Fiber and Fiber tools! Break open your Piggy banks and find some treasures! BUY-SELL-TRADE YOUR FIBER RELATED ITEMS!!!!! Upcoming Demo Schedule (please always remember to bring your own chair) MEDINA FAIR. FRI, AUG. 5. 9:00am - 3:00pm. Women Grow Ohio Farm Fair, SUN, AUG 7. 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT Aggie's Rest Farm (Sheryl Billman) 19107 Avon Belden Rd, Grafton, OH CUYAHOGA FAIR THURS, AUG 11, KIDS DAY. 11:00am - 4:00pm. FRIDAY, AUG 12, SHEEP TO SHAWL. 6:00 pm - 9:00pm. Adventure Quest 2016. Mill Hollow, Bacon House, Sun, Sept. 10, 10:00am to 3:00pm. LORAIN FAIR, SUNDAY, AUG 28. 9:00am - 3:00pm. PIONEER DAYS SEPT 21- 22. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. 9:00am -1:30pm BIRMINGHAM - SAT, OCT 1, SAT 9:00am - 4:00pm and SUN, OCT 2, 10:30am - 4:00pm LOCO Guild Meeting Minutes July 12, 2016 @ 7pm Opening The regular meeting of the LOCO Guild was called to order by President Elizabeth Yasaki at approximately 7:00pm on July 12, 2016 at Carlisle Reservation Welcome guests, visitors, and New members! Ruth Steinacker, Jean Crawford, Amanda Manahan Approval of Minutes Motion to approve June minutes Jean Ohlenbusch seconded by Irena. Motion carries, minutes approved as written. Officer reports Need a nominating committee to present a slate of officers for next election! • VP (Karen Long): none • Treasurer: $3, 735.18 is our current balance • Workshops (Ed Rowe): Flax workshop planning is proceeding, but slowly. Guild members are welcome to suggest ideas for possible workshops. • Programs (Lynne K.): guild “swap meet: will be in August • Library: • Demos (Chris Strekely): We have some demos coming up (please up sign up the book, and remember you’ll need to bring your own chair!). Remember this is our busiest demonstration season and we need all the help we can get! - Sheryl Billman is hosting a farm fair at her home on August 7, 2016 - Medina County Fair — August 5 9:00am - 3:00pm. - Cuyahoga County Fair — Thursday August 11 11:00am - 4:00pm, and Friday August 12 SHEEP TO SHAWL 6:00 pm - 9:00pm - Lorain County Fair Sunday, August 28 9:00am - 3:00pm - Pioneer Days (in costume) Sept 21- 22 (Tuesday and Wednesday) 9:00am -1:30pm • Membership (Cheryl Lesure): 48 paid members! New updated directory • Sunshine (Chris Bruce): 5 birthday cards • Equipment (Julie Bragg): The Ladybug spinning wheel is available tonight if anyone wants it. The swift is available, as well. Julie has other equipment available, see • Refreshments (Ann Hauser): Thanks to everyone who has donated for paper products. • Historian (Nancy Kuhar)– • Fiber samples (Kathy Webb) – none • Newsletter (Gina Talandis): Keep sending stuff! • Service project: Elizabeth is handing out 2 ounce portions of fiber to be spun for next year’s shawls Old business • None New business • Medina Guild is sponsoring a workshop with Jennifer Moore on October 8-9, 2016 on double weave. Need a minimum of 15 people for the workshop to happen. • Lorain County Fair has a weaving category this year. They are currently taking entries! Check the website for further information about entering your projects. • Regarding nominations — if there is a position that you want, don’t be shy about speaking up. A lot of us have been in positions for a long time and probably wouldn’t mind switching! Announcements • Remember the Wool Gathering fiber show September 17 (10am-7pm) and September 18 (10am-5pm). Show & Tell – sign the book! Program – Kumihimo Loom weaving with Lynne Kopinski and Renee Brown Adjournment – 8:32pm (Program was still going on, but secretary was ready to go home!) Minutes submitted by: eboni a. johnson Lynn Kosinski and Renee Brown presented a Kumihimo Loom demonstration! Ewe & Beth's Studio will be open each Tuesday [10 AM] throughout the month of July. Please join us for crafts, conversation, and a wonderful lunch ($5). The Studio will be closed the entire month of August because of fairs; however, we are thinking of taking some road trips - Toledo Museum of Art and Glass Museum, Perambulator Museum, Aquarium, what sounds interesting to you? Call or email Etta (440-774-3210 or Erowe1132@aol.com) with your preferences. From Eboni: Hello! My name is Lindsay, I am the event planner at The Alpacas Of Spring Acres. We are a 150 acre alpaca farm/bed & breakfast in Zanesville, Ohio. We are offering a two-day weaving class for beginners here at our farm taught by Sherry Mummert on August 6th and 7th. All materials will be provided and will be working on 4 harness countermarch looms. The first day will be spent warping, and the second day will be working on weft. The class is $250 per person, from 9am to 4pm, stopping for lunch which we will provide. There is a B&B on the grounds, and students can have 10% off of their stay. Thank you so much! Lindsay (740)796-2170 http://www.thealpacasofspringacres.com/ For sale: Ashford Traditional Spinning Wheel excellent condition includes Jumbo Flyer and Lazy Kate $ 450.00 Davison Curved Carders barely used, excellent condition $ 50.00 Fraser Rag Cutter model 500-1 $300.00 100% Wool Fabric ideal for hooking or weaving $5.00 per pound Contact: Rosina Brown (Rosie) 440-238-4232 leave msg and reference Spinning/Weaving supplies brolawren@wowway .com reference Spinning/Weaving supplies I delete what I don't recognize, too much junk mail. MADE IN OHIO ART & CRAFT FESTIVAL September 3-4, Hale Farm and Village, Bath, Ohio 5$ admission to all Hale Farm & Village homes, craft demonstrations, art festival! A WOOL GATHERING September 17 & 18, Yellow Springs, Ohio Demonstrations and Vendors, Held at Young's Jersey Dairy. Same weekend at the Springfield Antique Show Extravaganza. www.awoolgathering.com AUTUMN FIBER FESTIVAL October 15, 9-5, Ashland County Fairgrounds Local fiber producers, craftsmen and artists will display and sell their wares, demonstrate their skills. Ashland County Fairgrounds, Mozelle Hall, 2042 Claremont Ave., Ashland, Ohio. Free admission and free parking. www.autumnfiberfestival.com RIGID HEDDLE WEAVING September 10-11, 2016, Kirtland, Ohio Western Reserve Spinners and Weavers Guild presents Constance Hall, for a 2 Day Rigid Heddle Weaving Class, at Lake Metroparks Farmpark, Kirtland, Ohio. Please see brochure on their website: www.wrspinweave.org/workshops President:ElizabethYasaki(440)463-8553 eayasaki@gmail.com Ed the Wheel Healer VicePresident:KarenLong440-775-0201 karen@oberlin.net Maker of Great Wheels Mender of All Things Spinning Ed Rowe 45485 Hughes Rd. Treasurer:BetsyBruce440-774-7036 bbruce@oberlin.edu Secretary:CarolynBorsini440-773-5713 carolynborsini@gmail.com EboniJohnson614-625-7776 Eboni75@gmail.com Oberlin, OH 44074 (440) 774-3210 (216) 269-5413 Workshops:BethHines440-458-4049 hinessheep@windstream.net EdRowe216-269-5413 Erowe132@aol.com Slow & Easy Alpacas Jim and Judy Keske 39136 State Rte. 18 East Wellington, OH 44090 (440) 647-9502 Alpacas, yarn, roving and fiber available Call for prices and colors The Hines Sheep Co. Programs:KathyWebb419-577-7899 Kwebb31579@gmail.com LynnKopinski216-333-2942 lynnekopinski@hotmail.com LinneaSaOerfield440-308-1092 naesatt@netscape.net EdRowe216-269-5413 Erowe132@aol.com Ginko Gallery Liz Burgess 19 S. Main Oberlin, OH 44074 (440) 774-3117 PublicRela;ons:PaigeFunkhouser 609-802-7580 Pfunkhou@oberlin.edu Local Artists’ Work, Studio Space, Art Supplies Library:EboniJohnson614-625-7776 Eboni75@gmail.com Demonstra;ons:ChrisStrekely330-416-8195 Cjstrek1949@yahoo.com Donations appreciated for the kittens. Tom, Beth and Holly Hines 10735 LaGrange Road, Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 458-4049 Fleece of champion Columbias and Southdowns and Natural Sheep (black) Roving, skins yarn, freezer lamb, jerky. By Appointment Membership:CherylLesure330-635-0338 cherldi@hotmail.com Sunshine:ChrisSneBruce440-458-8092 christybspinall@yahoo.com GuildEquipment:JulieBragg440-647-2335 jb76quilts@msn.com Refreshments:AnnHauser440-476-4675 meandruffy@yahoo.com Historian: Nancy Kuhar 419-315-1550 nancyjk52@gmail.com FiberSamples:KathyWebb 419-684-7056 kwebb31579@gmail.com NewsleFer:GinaTalandis 505-250-9431 darzas@juno.com PleaseremembertoshopattheWoolery thrutheicononourhomepage, http://locoguild.com BATH TIME? (ACTUALLY THIS IS MY PICTURE AFTER MOM FOUND ME SITTING IN A TOILET SOMEONE LEFT OPEN. SHE KINDA FREAKED OUT. THERE WERE NO CHEMMIES)