December 19, 2011 - Unitarian Universalist Church
December 19, 2011 - Unitarian Universalist Church
The Prologue Monday, December 19, 2011 Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Congregation founded 1949 GLBTQ Welcoming Congregation since 1995 Green Sanctuary since 2007 Seeking the Spirit Building Community Wednesday, December 21, 2011 Changing the World 6:15 p.m. Solstice Celebration for All Ages Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, Reverend Bill Breeden Come share in a quiet, reflective service celebrating the returning sun. We will enjoy music provided by the Children's Choir (directed by Jill Courtney), and will join together in a candlelit spiral procession as we reconnect with the earth and its natural cycles. Saturday, December 24, 2011 4:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m. Away in a Manger 4:00 p.m. Reverend Mary Ann Macklin and Cindy Port, Director of Religious Education Join us for a Nativity Pageant for Young Children. This interactive nativity pageant service will focus on an atmosphere welcoming to small children (infants through age 6) and their families and friends. There will be carol singing throughout this retelling of the familiar Christmas story. Child-friendly service; no childcare available. O Holy Night 7:00 p.m. Traditional Christmas Eve Service Reverend Mary Ann Macklin and Reverend Bill Breeden Candle lighting and "Silent Night" will be included in this Unitarian Universalist celebration of Christmas Eve. Reflections will be offered by the ministers, and our choir, along with special guest musicians, will share seasonal music throughout the service. The offerings at all three services on December 24 will be donated to Monroe County United Ministries. Children welcome; no childcare available during this service. Meditative Service 9:00 p.m. Reverend Bill Breeden A service of sharing Christmas joys and memories in an informal style. Candle lighting and "Silent Night." No childcare. Sunday, December 25, 2011 10:15 a.m. (one service only) Sing We Now of Christmas Reverend Mary Ann Macklin and Reverend Bill Breeden Join us for this Christmas morning worship service which will include song, reflection, and sharing. Sunday, January 1, 2012 10:15 a.m. (one service only) A Red and Blue Day Reverend Bill Breeden We look with compassion on the year just ended and the year just beginning. Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 1 From the Ministers During this holiday time, we are wishing a time of warmth and ease for everyone. However, we also realize that the holiday season can be a difficult time for many who may be coping with losses, difficult family situations, financial and job stresses, illness and other aspects of being part of the human family. We ask that if you find yourself struggling during this time to please reach out to others. In so doing, you will not only find solace for your spirit, but may also lift the spirit of another. It is in discovering our web of mutuality that we find the strength to say “Yes” to this day and every day. We surround this community with our thoughts and prayers for peace and love in this season. Lastly, as reported at our December 11th congregational meeting, we have a new gift we are celebrating here at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington. Over the last several years we have been laying the groundwork to buy an AED (automated external defibrillator) to have in our building. We checked our insurance, our liability and other common sense concerns and everything seemed to point to the purchase of an AED. However, these little devices are expensive and can cost upwards of a couple thousand dollars. Since we were in the midst of beginning our Green Spaces campaign, we decided to put the AED on the back burner for awhile. This past August, however, Reverend Macklin saw an article in the paper about the Southern Indiana Cardiac Arrest Association. They were raising funds to help an organization in Bloomington receive a free AED. We responded right away. As it turns out, we were one of two well-deserving applications, so we were asked if we could come up with $500. Reverend Breeden and President Steve Dillon contacted some of the medical folks in our congregation, some of whom had earlier expressed concern about our lack of an AED, and voila, we gathered $500 and received our brand new AED last week. The Chair of the Southern Indiana Cardiac Arrest Association will be with us in January to make an official presentation. Training for staff and other interested leaders will take place this winter, and we can then make it available in our building. Mary Ann Bill With warmth in heart and spirit, and Reverend Mary Ann Macklin and Reverend Bill Breeden Our First Theme-based Ministry Month: January 2012 The theme will be Compassion. Stay tuned for details. Sunday, January 8, 2012 9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Reverend Macklin will deliver her annual Science Review Sermon, focusing on the science of compassion. Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 2 Seeking the Spirit Building Community Changing the World Away in a Manger Christmas Pageant 4:00 p.m. on December 24 Our tradition on Christmas Eve is to offer a special family worship service entitled "Away in a Manger," led by Reverend Mary Ann Macklin. This worship is an interactive Christmas Pageant targeted to families with young children and to those young at heart. This service will take place in Fellowship Hall at 4:00 pm on Saturday, December 24, 2011. There will be a few chairs set up, but we invite folks to sit on the floor to create a more relaxed and informal atmosphere. Please let me know if someone in your family can be an “Inn Keeper” and help pass out candles and programs. What to bring: · a stuffed animal or doll to put in the manger and share with the babies and other children · soft blankets, pillows or floor chairs · a plate of cookies to share · If your budget permits - a pair of new socks for the Sock Tree sponsored by the Homelessness Task Force Certain age groups are invited to come dressed for parts and to become familiar with a few lines. These ages are just suggestions, if your child feels called to play a certain role assigned to a different age group, that is fine! Please let Cindy know if you can come a few minutes early and help with passing out candles and programs for this service, 0 - 3 year olds - Angels - Wear halos perhaps made of aluminum foil and whatever else you feel makes you angelic. Practice saying, "Oh, what a wonderful child" and "Peace to all people on earth!" 4 - 5 year olds - Shepherds - Wear shepherd hats like a towel on head tied with some type of rope or tie and whatever else would keep you warm if you were a shepherd. Practice saying, "Let's go look for that baby" and "Oh, what a beautiful child!" 6 - 8 year olds - Wise Ones- Wear crowns and other wise-one like garb. Practice saying, "Look at that amazing star! It must be shining for something very special!" And "This child will be our teacher." 9 and up- Inn Keepers- Help pass out programs and play the role of Inn Keeper. Please let Cindy know if a youth or adult in your family can plan on helping in this way Additional HOLIDAY EVENTS Dec. 31st 4-8p Family New Year's Eve Party. See related article on Page 9. Contact Adrienne Summerlot for info, Jan. 1st, 10:15a New Years Day Vacation Religious Education: Time Capsule 2012! Childcare for ages 0-3 Jan. 8th, 9:15 and 11:15a January Inter-session Begins: "Under the Bodhi Tree" Stories from Buddhism --Cindy Port, Director of Religious Education, Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 3 Just One Service on December 25 and on January 1, at 10:15 a.m. We will hold just one Sunday morning service on December 25 and January 1, at 10:15 a.m. There will be no childcare or Religious Education classes for children on December 25. On January 1, there will be childcare as well as Religious Education activities for older children. No Coffee or Grocery Card Sales on December 25 or January 1. Adult Religious Education Winter Term Plan your winter adult religious education program! The following classes are being scheduled for winter semester Adult Religious Education. Complete course descriptions will be included in the January 2 Prologue. Compassionate Eating 101 Ten Wednesdays , 5-7 pm; January 25-March 28 Min: 5, Max: 12 Instructor: Jennifer Molica Parenting from the Heart Eight two-hour sessions, Thursday, 6:30-8:30; January 19-March 8 Instructor: Rhonda Clower I am UU and I am (or was) military, too One Wednesday, session, 6-8, February 22 Max: 20 Instructor: John Summerlot National Alliance on Mental Illness Family-to-Family Education Program Twelve 2 ½ hour sessions , Tuesdays, 7-9:30, February 14-May 8 Max: 18, pre-registration required Instructor: Lee Strickholm Elderessence, the Gift of Longevity Three Tuesdays, 2-3:30, January 31, February 7 and 14 Instructors: Barb Backler and Diane Gregory The Creative Soul of Richard Wagner Four Mondays, 6:45-8:15, January 23, February 6 and 20, March 5 Instructor: Velda Kaune Social Justice & Compassion: Working with Challenges Four Thursdays, 7:15-9:15 p.m., January 19, 26, February 2, and 9 Instructor: Jon Peters Attuning to the Sufi Path (Ongoing, accepting new members) Third Thursdays, 7-8:30 p.m. Min: 3, Max 25 Instructors: Sara Steffey McQueen and Sharon Parsons Humanist Forum (Ongoing, accepting new members) First and Third Sundays, 12:45-1:45 p.m. Instructor: Harold Ogren A Year of Living: End of Life Issues Instructor: Reverend Mary Ann Macklin Orientation: 9:30am to 4:00pm: January 21, 2012 Revised Dates for Regular Class 2012: 2:30pm to 5:00pm, February 26; March 4; April 1; May 6; June 3; July 1; August 5; September 9; October 7; November 4; December 2 Overnight Retreat 2013: February 1 (evening) and February 2, 2013, 9:30am to 4:00pm March 4: SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, March 4 is the Goods and Services Auction. Think now of how you can participate. Home cooked specialty dinners; massage therapy; one to two hours of help with--computer, yard, garage cleaning, for example. Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 4 Seeking the Spirit Building Community Changing the World UUs Changing the World— Green Sanctuary Task Force on Global Climate Change Green Sanctuary Task Force’s Task of the Month Program Wrap-up Congratulations to the 135+ UU households who have participated in the year-long Task of the Month Program. We’ve been reducing our carbon footprints with simple-to-accomplish tasks that also save our households money! It’s not too late to accomplish any of the tasks. Go here for specific details about each monthly task. Be sure to let us know your progress on completing the monthly tasks and/or your commitment to still complete them. We won’t be doing coffee sales Christmas and New Year’s Day, but you can update us at . Congratulations to December’s winners of power strips which help cut down your phantom energy load. Be on the lookout for more details on how we will be wrapping up and celebrating our congregation’s participation in this important pilot program. Thanks to all who participated! Feed Our Hungry Neighbors Donates Over $1000 Over $1000 was donated to Monroe County United Ministries from our fiber arts booth at the Holiday Bazaar. Many thanks to all who participated! Next Bounty-full Sunday is January 1. Monroe County United Ministries welcomes donations of all nonperishable foods, but they currently have a special need for the following items: canned vegetables, especially potatoes and carrots, vegetable soups, baking mixes (pancake, corn bread), canned fruits, especially oranges. Beyond Gay: The Politics of PRIDE The Rainbow Rights Task Force is again sponsoring a Pre-PRIDE Film Festival film screening and panel discussion. This year's film is "Beyond Gay: the Politics of PRIDE." The screening will be Wednesday evening, January 18, 7:00 PM, in the Meeting Room. You can read descriptions of this and other PRIDE Film Festival films as well as view trailers on the PRIDE Film Festival web site at --Phil Cooper Fall 2011 Social Justice Grant Awards The Social Justice Funds Committee has funded the following congregation task force requests: Social Justice Committee for $500 towards the fees associated with the Oct 14 & 15 Social Justice Empowerment Workshop. Habitat for Humanity Task Force for $500 to provide food for a fundraising event and lunch for the workers on a build day. Elder Focus Task Force for $770 to purchase a digital camera and audio recording equipment so that the Oral History Project can create high quality video interviews of elder members of our congregation. The camera and audio equipment will be church property and may be available for use by other church task forces. Homelessness Task Force for $625 to cover the cost of cleaning the space provided to the Interfaith Winter Shelter by First United Church. We also wish to give our immense thanks to the projects that applied which we were not able to fund this year, we thank you for your service to the world and please apply again in the future. -- The Social Justice Funds Committee, Bret Davis Eartheart, chair Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 5 Seeking the Spirit Building Community Changing the World Welcome to Our Newest Members The following people signed our Membership Book on Sunday, December 18. Kim Cramer I am an Indiana native from Crawfordsville. I lived in Indianapolis for the past 25 years and one year ago I moved to Bedford and was introduced to the Unitarian Universalist Church by Lea Brown, who I am now honored to be married to! We are working towards moving to Bloomington so we can participate and enjoy more of the church’s activities. Rebecca Davis Rebecca Davis moved from California to Bloomington 3 ½ years ago with her husband, Robb, and two daughters, Anna Cady and Eliza, who keep her schedule pretty full. Rebecca is a former teacher and actress who loves working with children of all ages and abilities. She has enjoyed getting to know the vibrant community that is Bloomington. She is not much of a “joiner” but feels very comfortable participating in and supporting the UU church here in Bloomington. She is grateful to have found such a welcoming place for her family. Sarah Flint and Patsy Flint Patsy Flint Patsy was born in Genoa, Italy to American parents, and her father’s many promotions meant many moves within the US. Patsy and her husband Matt owned a 300-seat, fine dine restaurant in Michigan City, Indiana, called “Matt Flint’s Tinkers Dam.” Patsy moved to Bloomington 3 years ago to be close to her daughter Sarah and watch her granddaughter Jane (now 10) grow up. She is very happy to have found the UU church. She enjoys Chalice Circles, Fellowship Dinners, ARE classes, Parents of Adult children, and Life Stories. She volunteers at the Homeless Shelter and is studying Shambala, a Buddhist technique for westerners. Carla Schick Hi. My name is Carla Schick. I am a 40 year old native of Bloomington. I grew up here, and attended Indiana University. I graduated in 1996 with a degree in nursing. For the last 15 years, I have worked in primarily emergency departments. I am a mother of 2 beautiful children: Thorin, 14, and Rowan, 9. I have a wonderful family here in Bloomington, and boyfriend who complements me perfectly. I love Bloomington and the UU Church. I thought I was odd, never fitting into the churches I attended growing up, I just didn’t realize until adulthood that I was in the wrong church; I was a Unitarian Universalist. Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 6 Jennifer Whitaker A native of Indiana and a Bloomington High School North graduate, Jennifer Whitaker is glad to be back home after spending 17 years away. She has, during her long absence, lived and worked in New York City, Orlando and Tampa, Florida, Los Angeles and Ningbo, China. Primarily she has worked in theater, film and English language instruction for non-native speakers. Jennifer enjoys her visits to the UU church every Sunday and is glad to have found such an accepting and FUN place to express her spiritual beliefs. Judy Witt A native of northwest Iowa and retired as Development Director of WFIU and WTIU. Moved to Bloomington in 1977 and joined UU a few years later. Keeps busy volunteering at Teachers Warehouse which she helped found, with Rotary activities and staying in touch with the extended family that she and Lee created. That family consists of one biological son and 3 daughters and 4 sons that have chosen them. The UU Church is impressive for its social activity and positive diverse congregation. She enjoys the thought-provoking Sunday messages. She enjoys reading, politics and time with Rudy, their cocker spaniel. Lee Witt Lee is the son of a minister who took his family from Colorado to Iowa, Minnesota, and California. A graduate of Illiff School of Theology, he retired in 2002 as State Program Consultant to local Aging Programs. He enjoys gardening, nature, arts, music and volunteering at Teachers Warehouse. He moved to Bloomington in 1977 and became a UU Junior High Sunday school teacher and youth leader. He is glad to return and renew friendships and make new ones. FEB 28 is the last day to redeem 2011 Goods and Services Auction items. Please contact your buyer and buyers, contact your donor. We want you to enjoy your purchases by Feb. 28. Attendance and Offering We have 452 certified members, as of 2/1/11. Our current membership is 487. Sun, Dec 11, 9:15: 154; 11:15: 277; RE: 94 Total: 525 Sun, Dec 18, 9:15: 126; 11:15: 196; RE: intergen Total: 322 12/11 non-pledge offering: $813; 12/4 non-pledge offering: $323 Total donated to Planned Parenthood of Indiana: $ 323 Our members voted in June 2011 to give 25% of our Sunday non-pledge offerings to Planned Parenthood of Indiana, July 2011 through June 2012, to help with its work in our community. For info on Planned Parenthood, visit Grocery Card Sales: Dec. 11 $1993, income to UUCB: $98.15; Dec. 18 $2870, income to UUCB: $136.50 Next Prologue newsletter: Monday, January 2; deadline for articles 10:00 a.m. Please send articles to The Prologue is published on the first and third Mondays of each month, with exceptions. Dates of the next few issues: Jan. 2, Jan.17 (Jan 16 is MLK Day), Feb. 6, Feb. 20 (even though it is Presidents Day). Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 7 Seeking the Spirit Building Community Changing the World Our Folks… Continuing best wishes for quick healing to Harlan Lewis, Bev Freese, and Marjorie Crosby who all recently had knee replacement surgery. Abigail Mitchell, an alumna of the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, recently won first prize in the 2011 "Vokal Genial" international singing competition in Munich with the Munich Radio Orchestra. Abigail taught in our Religious Education program while she was a student at IU. Congratulations to Zoe Kromm, of our childcare staff, upon the recent birth of her baby daughter. If you would like us to include an item of a pastoral nature (weddings, births, illnesses, condolences, special achievements, etc.) in your life in an issue of The Prologue, please send the info to Carol Marks at by 10:00 a.m. on the 1st or 3rd Monday of the month. Radical Holiday Hospitality Do you have room at your December Holiday table for one more person, or even two? Over the holidays there are folks such as students who live too far away from their families to be able to travel home, and being alone over the holidays is not pleasant. If you are willing to invite someone into your home to share a meal at Christmas please contact Judy Bennett or leave a message for her at church 332-3695. If you are hoping that someone will invite you, please also contact Judy. Congregational Directory Available Members and Friends: Pick up your paper Congregational Directory for 2011-12 in Room 204. Please initial by your name in the office copy when you pick up your copy. This directory is also available to members and friends online, 24/7. See below. Access Your Congregational Directory and Pledge Records Online! Members and friends of our congregation can get access to their own pledge records or the congregational directory on-line, anytime of day or night. Here’s how: Go to click on Full Calendar; you are now in Churchdb! Click Login on upper right Click Retrieve Password-- it will be sent to your email (you only need to do this once) Log in with your username and password Choose Church member in the drop down menu, then Proceed Click “Stewardship” , “Treasure”, “details” or “View Pledges” to see your contribution info OR, Click “Directory” to get contact info for anyone in our congregation. Questions, contact Erica or Ginger at REMEMBER that if those holiday gifts are not just right for you, they may be perfect for the Goods and Services Auction on March 4, 2012. Church offices will be closed December 24-31. In case of a pastoral emergency, please call Reverend Macklin at 812-322-0205 or Reverend Breeden at 812-360-1779. Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 8 Seeking the Spirit Building Community Changing the World From the Stewardship Committee The Stewardship Campaign for 2011-2012 raised $443,194. At our last meeting the Stewardship Committee looked at giving levels within the congregation: UUCB Monthly Pledge Levels 2011-2012 355 pledges - $443,194 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 $ 0 - $30 (109) $ 31 - $60 (88) $ 61 - $90 (39) $ 91 - $100 (24) $101 - $200 $201 - $400 $401 - $600 $600 - $1000 (43) (36) (11) ( 5) The median annual pledge in our congregation is $600 ($50 per month). The average annual pledge is $1277 ($106 per month). Your Stewardship Committee is already hard at work planning the campaign for 2012-13 which will take place in the spring of 2012. If you have ideas, thoughts, concerns about the campaign, we want to hear from you, . “Stewardship includes the way we encourage people to lead generous lives, and how we use all the resources at out command to strengthen our religious faith and make the world a better place. . . . Fund raising includes the variety of methods we use to ask parishioners for money.” From Creating Congregations of Generous People by Michael Durall --Joan Caulton. Stuart Yoak, and Jackie Hall for the Stewardship Committee You can still join the 355 households who made their financial commitment for this year. Call the church office at 812-332-3695 or pledge online by going to and selecting "Donate." Family-Friendly New Years Eve! The Children’s Task Force invites everyone, young and old, big and small, old and new to help us celebrate the good times we’ve had in 2011 and make wishes for 2012. We will provide punch, play games, dance, sing, have crafts from around the world and celebrate the New Year with multiple countdowns. Please join us from 4:00 pm-8:00 pm on Saturday, December 31st in Fellowship Hall. Kindly bring a party food to share. (No alcohol, please.) Contact Adrienne Summerlot for more information or to help with the festivities. This event is free, but freewill donations made by those attending will support the ongoing projects of our Children’s Task Force. Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 9 Seeking the Spirit Building Community Changing the World Community Connections Faith in action in Our Community Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy Award Nominations Sought The City of Bloomington’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration Commission is soliciting nominees for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy Award. The award recognizes and affirms those who have made significant contributions in the areas of race relations, justice and human rights, and is presented annually in January. Nominations can be made online at or forms are available from the City’s Community and Family Resources Department, City Hall, 401 North Morton Street, Suite 260. The deadline for nominations is January 6, 2012. Info: Craig Brenner, or 812-349-3471. Cookie Bakers United! Awesome job everyone! We had a great selection and almost completely sold out. Our cookie customers were very impressed and sugar saturated happy. The Cookie Walk Committee thanks you, the Bazaar organizers thank you and our church thanks you. You were a hit! Your cookie committee, Mary Jo Conley and Meg Sears Get the Latest on facebook Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington is on Like us! You do not need to have a facebook account to be able to read our facebook page:, where late-breaking news is often posted. Silver & Gold Sunday Brunch Groups In January, you will have a chance to make new friends by joining a Silver & Gold Sunday Brunch group. Three “newcomers” and three “oldtimers” will get together to share a meal after services on three occasions between January and May. Brunch may be held in a home or a restaurant. Home hosts provide the main dish and guests bring the side dishes. If the group agrees, a host may choose to have the group eat in a restaurant (pay for your own meal). A host and start-up date will be assigned for the first meal, and then the group will be responsible for setting future sites, dates and times. This event is designed for those ages 14 and over. Family-friendly food events for children include Family Worship and all-church potlucks. To register please see brochures available at the church , or contact Judy Bennett, Membership Coordinator 332-3695. UU Men’s Group Meets Every Three Weeks The UU Men’s Group meets every three weeks. For information, contact Russ Boulding 812-336-8396 BULLETIN BOARD BABYSITTING. Need a babysitter on New Year’s Eve? Esa Pollock of our childcare staff is raising money for her Harmony School Senior Project. Contact Esa for details, Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 10 Seeking the Spirit Building Community Changing the World Knitting Group Meets January 11 The knitting/crochet group will meet again on Wednesday, January 11th at 7:30 p.m. All skill levels welcome. We will continue to meet on the second Wednesday evening every month during the winter, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 207B. Come and join us! Judy Bennett, Membership Coordinator Humanist Discussion Group Meets on Sundays A Humanist Discussion group has formed as part the Adult Religious Education program. This group is an opportunity for regular, open, wide-ranging discussions of issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, evolution, and the nature of the universe. Info: Harold Ogren, . The group meets on the first and third Sunday of the month at 12:45 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Next meeting is January 8 (even though it is the 2nd Sunday) Organizational meeting 12:45, Fellowship Hall. Vote on discussion topics for the next few months. Please think about topics you would like to present! Women’s Alliance January 5 The Women's Alliance will meet January 5 at 11:30 a.m. for brown bag lunch in the Fellowship Hall. The program, by Emily Perry, is about "Susie's Place," a child advocacy center working with abused children. Beverage and dessert will be provided. Hosts are Sandy Taylor and Jan Skinner. Exploring Unitarian Universalism January 8 and January 12 For those who are thinking of joining our congregation, the next Exploring UU class will be held on two successive Sundays, January 8 and 12, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the Library. Child care is provided in Room 108. To participate, sign up at the welcome table on any Sunday up to and including January 1. Remember, if you were in the cancelled November class, you must sign up again. Be sure to include the names of all adults who will participate, and whether you will need child care. Hope to see you there. What To Do If You Receive a Scam Email Several members of our congregation have been affected in recent weeks by fraudulent email messages. Even the FBI does not understand clearly the motivation of the perpetrators of these misleading and alarming messages. If you receive an email from an individual pretending to be someone from our congregation claiming to need your help getting money: * delete all emails of this kind * don't respond to the emails * don’t open any attachments or click on any links in the email * don't EVER pay any money or fees * don't reveal your full identity * don't reveal any financial or personal information, such as your bank account number, social security number, driver's license number, passport number or credit card details * don't ever travel to meet the sender For more information on email scams and how to report them, see this website: Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 11 The Prologue Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington 2120 N. Fee Lane Bloomington, IN 47408-1646 st 1 class pstg here 812-332-3695 The Rev. Mary Ann Macklin, Minister The Rev. Bill Breeden, Minister Monday, December 19, 2011 Return Service Requested For more calendar information, go to and click on “Full Calendar”. Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 12
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