Twenty-Five Years - splc-r


Twenty-Five Years - splc-r
Service Anniversaries
Twenty Years
Michael Tracy Walker, St. James Operations - GOM Capline SPVR4
Jill E. Derise, HOUCBD - Control Center
Cynthia C. Kam, HOUCBD - Offshore Schedulers
Robin M. Babin, Empire/Nairn Operations - GOM Offshore Operations East
Thomas L. Gates, HOUCBD - Offshore Schedulers
Stuart L. Joergens, Memphis/Dyersburg/Obion Station - GOM Tech-craft SUPT SUPVR2
Charles D. Leblanc, Gibson Operations - GOM Offshore Operations Central
Ray Palacio, Signal Hill Terminal - WR-Signal Hill/Van Nuys
Twenty-Five Years
Donald W. Hooker, HOU Area/COLEX TERM - GOM Tech/Craft SUPT SUPVR2
Delia A. Del Fierro, HOUCBD - Order MGMT-SOPUS/MOTIVA Operations
Kerivin D. Bryant, HOU Area/COLEX TERM - GOM Pasadena COLEX
Sidney S. Cross, Bakersfield Tank Farm/Renfro - WR-Pipeline DIST-LOWER SJV-MTC
Thirty Years
Rudolph J. Alexis, Empire/Nairn Operations - GOM Offshore Operations East
Ruth A. Black, Patoka Operations - GOM Capline
Ricky R. Davis, Port Arthur Area - GOM Technical-Projects
Danny L. Eldridge, Liberty Station - GOM Tech-Craft SUPT SUPVR2
Marty Gendron, Sorrento Ops - GOM Tech-Craft SUPT SUPVR1
George E. Grobe, Houma District - GOM HO-HO OPERS SUPVR1
Michael D. Biddle, Port Arthur Area - GOM Tech-Craft SUPT SUPVR1
Eric M. Boykins, Signal Hill Terminal - WR-Signal Hill/Van Nuys
Michele M. Musmanno, HOUCBD - MOTIVA OPRNS-NE/MID-ATL/Gulf Coast
Darryl K. Northcutt, Port Arthur Area - GOM Port Arthur OPRNS
Keith G. Ordoyne, Napoleonville Maintenance - GOM-Tech Craft SUPT SUPVR1
James W. Scherer, HOUCBD - Business Processes & System Support
Thirty-Five Years
Nancy R. Groves, HOUCBD - ENV Tech Support
Gail A. Melton, New Orleans - Operations-Distributions
Everardo A.Pena, Bakersfield Tank Farm/Renfro WR-Pipeline DIST-LOWER SJV-OPRS
Wraa W. Rose, Stockton Terminal - WR-San Jose/Stockton
Green, Carol M., HOUCBD -Distribution Finance Americas
Rachael A. Miller, HOUCBD - ECON REG & TARIFF Services
Donald G. Popp, Patoka Operations - GOM Tech-Craft
Spring 2008 Issue
Please email story ideas to:
• Shell Zoo Day
• SPLC Hosts
Outreach . . . . . . . 2
• Carson Firefighter
Training . . . . . . . . 2
• Golf
Tournament . . . . 3
• World Ag Expo. . 4
• Getting to Know
Richard Labat . . . . 5
• SPLC Bike Tour . . 6
• Wildlife Refuge
CD-ROM. . . . . . . 7
• Welcome
Abhishek Narula 8
• Welcome Aboard. 8
• 2008
Graduates . . . . . . 9
• One Tree Closer. 12
• ICAF Studies
Program . . . . . . . 13
• To Your
Health . . . . . . . . . 14
April 19, 2008, was a great day for Shell
employees and their families. Greg
A. Smith, GOM Regional Manager,
wanted an employee recognition day
that the whole family could enjoy and
decided that the perfect place for this
event was the New Orleans Audubon
Zoo. It was also a great opportunity
for Shell to contribute in revitalizing
the zoo, since it was devastated by
Hurricane Katrina.
Matthew & Rachelle Pregeant and daughter, Chandler
Audubon Zoo sustained significant
wind damage from the hurricane.
However, all zoo animals survived,
except for two river otters and one
bird. The five sea lions were evacuated
to Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas,
so they could receive proper care while
the organization operated with limited
funding and staff resources. On May
30, 2006, the Zoo schedule expanded
to six days a week, Tuesday through
Sunday (in conjunction with the
Audubon Aquarium of the Americas reopening and its operating schedule).
DaZhanee and Kairee, grandchildren to Bill Pimley
The Zoo staged its annual events
beloved by area residents (Earth Fest,
Mother’s Day, Soul Fest, Boo at the Zoo
and the Louisiana Swamp Fest) and was
approached by community partners
to serve as a venue for fund-raising
concerts. The 2006 Louisiana Swamp
Fest attracted 16,000 visitors and the
2007 Nature Festival attracted 16,777
visitors. The 2008 festival will be held
November 1 – 2. Plans are underway for
the Zoo’s fifth annual “Noon Year’s Eve”
event held in partnership with Radio
Disney. Clearly, things are getting back
to normal at the Audubon Zoo, largely
in part to organizations, like Shell, who
contribute to its growth and use its
Connor, son of Keith Smith
Approximately 400 Shell employees and
their families attended this employee
recognition day at the Audubon Zoo.
“The weather was great and the
families really enjoyed this day,” said
Tina Brignac, Event Coordinator. Upon
arrival, a Shell Pipeline Family Day T-shirt
was given out to everyone at the event.
Another special group was also awarded
the same t-shirts—the monkeys! “The
kids were so surprised that the monkeys
had on the same shirt that they were
wearing,” continued Brignac.
The Shell Zoo Day was complete
with a picnic atmosphere with all the
trimmings — hot dogs, hamburgers,
chili, chips, baked beans and potato
salad. A snowball stand was even set up
and provided a refreshing snack for all
attendees throughout the day. A face
painter entertained the children, who
were also able to ride a carousel and
could spend as long as they wanted in
the park. A space walk was set up, and
kids were seen jumping the entire day—
from 10am to 3pm. By far, the best part
of the day for everyone was the all-youcan-eat ice cream!
To Your Health: Health…Fitness…Where would you like to be?
Vivian Scarlet
Born 3/11/08
6 lbs. 12 oz.
Granddaughter of
Karyn and Larry Penney
DaZhanee and Kairee,
grandchildren to Bill Pimley
Blake Herzog
Born 10/1/07
Age in picture:5-1/2 months
Grandson of Ray Herzog
Katie, daughter of Jason Dollar
Brooke, daughter of
Randy Jones
Riley Ann Waun
Born 3/28/08
6 lbs. 10 oz. 19 in.
Grandson of Frank Rinehart
David Brignac with
grandson, Carter
Emma, daughter of
Joseph Chamberlain
Did you know cardiovascular diseases, including
stroke, are our nation’s No. 1 killer? To urge
Americans to join the battle against these
diseases, since 1963, Congress has required
the president to proclaim February “American
Heart Month.” During American Heart Month,
the American Heart Association raises funds
for research and education and passes along
information about heart disease and stroke.
“The highlight of this event was definitely
seeing the kids’ faces light up. Even the
adults enjoyed the day of sunshine and
great food,” said Brignac.
Riley, son of
Joseph Chamberlain
Victoria and Harrison,
grandchildren of
William Coburn
Carson, daughter of
Keith A. Smith
Mariella, daughter of
Mike L. Smith
Tyler, son of Randy Jones
In the spirit of American Heart Month, the South
Capline Area St. James employees participated
in a Health and Fitness Fair conducted by the A.
C. Lewis YMCA staff on February 26, 2008. Bill
Osterhout, Area Operations Supervisor, presented
the idea to Bob Hill, Capline Area Manager. Bill,
along with Leonard Thomas, Capline Safety
Representative, coordinated the event with
the YMCA staff. Approximately 30 employees
attended the event and enjoyed the day
participating in the health assessment. “Everyone
thought that it was a great idea to start the year
with a health assessment in order to set goals for
a healthier lifestyle in the future,” said Debbie
LeBlanc, office assistant, St.James.
The YMCA staff conducted an
assessment on each employee
based on results of the tests
performed. The assessment
- Health history
- Overall assessment of height/weight
- Body composition - bio-electric
- Resting heart rate
- Resting blood pressure
- Flexibility measurement - sit and
reach trunk flexibility test
- Muscular endurance test
(one-minute timed half sit-up test)
- Muscular strength test - bench
press test
- Cardiovascular evaluation - three
minute step test
A’Myah Rochelle York
Born 3/6/08
6 lbs. 5 oz. 17.5 in.
Daughter of
Rodrick and Shannon York
Maximiliano R. Valdez
Born 3/26/08
9 lbs. 10 oz.
Son of
Ramiro and Blanca Valdez
James Turner Murphy
Born on 3/21/08 7 lbs. 10 oz. Son of
Jay and Tamara Murphy
Adele Marie Forrest
Born 3/24/008
3 lbs. 12 oz. 16.25 in.
Daughter of
Holli & Kevin Forrest
SPLC Hosts an Evening of Public Awareness and Outreach
On April 16, 2008, SPLC in Houma, LA held a Community Open
House to educate its neighbors about the facility, pipeline safety
awareness and to give just a general overview of SPLC’s operations.
Emergency responders, elected
officials, neighboring businesses
and residents were invited to
come out and learn about the
Shell Pipeline facility.
A one-hour presentation was
given on pipeline awareness and
safety, and guests were treated to a fried seafood dinner. There
were also prize giveaways such as Shell gas cards.
“The open house was very successful. Terrebonne Parish President
Michel Claudet, councilmen, coast guard, state police and
surrounding businesses and residents came out to learn more about
who we are, what we do and how to protect our infrastructure
at Shell Pipeline,” said Ed Landgraf, SPLC Gulf of Mexico Public
Awareness Coordinator.
Carson Terminal Firefighter Training
Southern California Shell Pipelines’ Carson Terminal recently provided
six different firefighter-training sessions during the month of February.
Over 150 firefighters from all over Los Angeles County were trained
on the Ethanol loading process at the Carson Terminal. Regardless of
company affiliation, Carson supplies over 70 percent of Ethanol for the
entire Los Angeles basin. The firefighters that participated in the training
had the opportunity to encounter Ethanol via rail cars and tanker trucks
owned by a third party, as well as pipelines and tanks owned by Shell.
Lunch and a tour of the Carson Ethanol Rack were also included.
“I was surprised to see that many of the firefighters had minimal knowledge of the Carson Terminal
and thought the terminal was still a refinery,” said Teri Wohlgemuth, Operations
Coordinator. For more information, contact Teri at
Shell Participates in the Louisiana Minority Business Council’s 4th Annual Golf Tournament
On April 2, 2008, 15 Shell employees
participated in the Louisiana Minority
Business Council’s (LAMBC) 4th Annual Golf
Tournament. The event was held in New Orleans,
LA, at the Audubon Park Executive Golf Course.
from assisting the registration desk and performing
lunch duty, to stuffing party bags and driving the snack
and drink carts around.
Donnavan Swaby, GOM Procurement Manager said,
“Shell’s sponsorship of the LAMBC Golf Tournament is
proof of our company’s commitment
to diversity and inclusiveness; not just
within the company but in its supplier
base as well. This event provides a
unique opportunity to network with
a broad spectrum of suppliers and
lay foundations upon which future
strategic relationships can
grow. Through participation
in events such as these,
Shell facilitates the growth
of companies that are
an integral part of the
communities where we live
and operate.”
LAMBC serves the state of Louisiana
as one of 39 regional minoritypurchasing councils affiliated with
the National Minority Supplier
Development Council. “The LAMBC
Golf Tournament helps to fund the
organization’s operating
costs. This network serves
to promote procurement
opportunities among the
council’s minority suppliers,
and nurtures relationships
between buyers and sellers
who increase the number
of minority firms actively
engaged in corporate
Along with the golf
supply chains,” said Donald
tournament, there was a
R. Smith, GOM Public
crawfish boil and barbeque
Awareness Manager. In
that allowed many different
addition, the LAMBC
minority vendors to network
Golf Tournament supports
with several companies.
the council’s aggressive
Grand prizes of Shell gas
outreach programs, which
cards were also given out
helps to identify and
to the winning golf teams.
(l to r) Darwin Lyons- Chemical POD Manager, Donnavan Swabycertify minority suppliers,
GOM Procurement Manager, Terry Becnel- Metro Marketing
When asked if there was a
Representative, Donald Smith- Public Awareness Manager
as well as acquaint them
memorable moment that
with representatives of the
occurred during this event,
corporate purchasing community.
Smith replied, “Donnavan Swaby
was given the nickname of ‘Plywood’,
Shell Pipeline served as the Title
Tiger Wood’s little brother!”
Sponsor for the LAMBC Golf
Tournament, with many other
Proceeds from this event contribute
companies supporting their efforts,
to the Louisiana Economic
such as Chevron, Entergy, Exxon
Opportunity Conference and Expo,
Mobil, Halliburton, BP America, Bell
which allow maximum opportunities
South and Conoco Phillips. “This
for networking, discussion and
was a great time and opportunity
face-to-face exchanges between
to network and interface with
corporate buyers and minority
our fellow companies in the area.
business entrepreneurs. For more
Being the Title Sponsor meant we
information on how to participate
needed many volunteers to help
in next year’s tournament, contact
with this tournament,” continued
Donald R. Smith at donald.r.smith@
Smith. The volunteers from Shell
Pipeline participated in everything
Shell Delivers Pipeline Damage Prevention message to World’s Farmers
at the 41st Annual World Ag Expo
On February 12-14, 2008, five employees from Shell’s Western Region—Dan
Coburn - Public Awareness Rep, Karin Johnson - Operations Support Rep,
Gary McNatt - Operations Support Rep, Victor Garcia - Team Leader and Ron
Oppelt -Maintenance Foreman participated in the 41st Annual World Ag Expo
in Tulare, California. Shell’s participation involved hosting an exhibit booth to
promote awareness of underground pipelines near farming operations and
the systems to prevent damage to pipelines. The Shell employees informed
participants about Pipeline Safety Awareness and educated farmers about the
“One Call” number that must be called before beginning any excavation or
soil disturbing activities.
The Farm Show began in 1968, and was held at the
Tulare County Fairgrounds in Tulare, California. When the
three day run of the first show was complete, this new
show proved to be successful, especially after exhibitors
were lining up to sign contracts for the second show in
1969, before the first one had even ended. The first show
attracted 157 exhibitors with 28,000 attendees. By the
second year, the show doubled in both attendees and
exhibitors and continued the rapid growth throughout
the future years. Known as the World Ag Expo since
2001, today, the Expo is host to over 100,000 attendees,
1,200 volunteers and 1,600 exhibitors.
The Expo was host to an array of free dairy, irrigation
and ag-related seminars covering timely issues and
challenges facing the agriculture sector. Show-goers
from across the nation traveled to the Expo and there
was an impressive showing of international guests from
74 countries as well.
Shell hosted approximately 2,000 guests to the booth
where Shell trinkets and excavator brochures displaying
the emergency and “Call Before You Dig” phone numbers
were offered. For more information about this event,
please visit the Web site at
Ritchie Labat is the Line Integrity Technician for
Shell Pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico Region. He
has been with Shell for almost 16 years, and 14 of
those years were spent working with the Louisiana
Offshore Oil Port (LOOP), LLC. Ritchie has been
married to his wife, Tori, for 18 years and
they have two sons, Jace and Luke,
and a daughter, Shelbi.
Where did you grow up?
Thibodaux, Louisiana
What are some of your hobbies?
My hobbies include camping, boating and enjoying the outdoors with my kids. I especially enjoy adventure
motorcycling riding through the back roads of North America -USA and Canada, and soon Mexico.
What is your dream job?
I would work as an Adventure/Travel Writer and Photographer—
although I can’t write too well!
What is your favorite memory at Shell?
My favorite memory was the day I moved over to Shell Pipeline
in Gibson, LA.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
I played drums in a country band throughout high school and
What are your plans for the future?
My plans are to travel the United States, take a motorcycle trip to Alaska with my two boys when they get
older and enjoy my family.
Ritchie recently participated in the Shell Eco-Marathon of the Americas that was held at the California Motor
Speedway in Fontana, CA. The event was from April 8-12, 2008, and was for high school and college students.
Their mission was to build a “car” (motorized tricycle with an aerodynamic, light-weight outer shell) and see
who could achieve the highest fuel mileage. The teams were given a small amount of fuel and then had to
complete the required laps around the track. Once finished, their fuel consumption was checked. A high
school from Indiana won first place with almost 2,900 miles per gallon (MPG). The European Eco-Marathon
had a team that set a new world economy record with an average fuel consumption of 10,705 MPG. Ritchie’s
duties for this event included site prep, directing attendees to the registration tent and traffic direction. “One
of the things I enjoyed most about this event was not only meeting the students but also meeting other Shell
employees working in all aspects of the business throughout North America.”
SPLC Participates In MS Bike Tour
With the common goal to end MS… NOW… the 2008 BP MS150 Bike Tour
from Houston to Austin was a success with the support of 340 Team
Shell riders.
Each rider was challenged to raise a minimum of
$700 to successfully exceed the team’s fundraising
goal of $225,000! A big ‘THANK YOU’ goes out
to Shell Pipeline for your monetary contributions
at all levels towards this effort. As a global
organization, we are committed to being a good
neighbor by participating in activities that help
with the challenges that face our communities.
Multiple sclerosis is a disabling disease that
attacks the central nervous system with common
body symptoms that include but are not limited
to tingling, numbness, blindness and paralysis.
This heartbreaking disease impacts the lives of
many in our Shell Pipeline family such as our
brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and neighbors,
among others.
Although the cyclists endured a very windy
two-day ride among other road challenges, the
support from fellow Shell Pipeline employees was
key towards everyone meeting and exceeding
their goals.
Picture from L/R – Russell Duplechain, Mark Baker, Bill Garrison,
Sharon Bevers, Katlin Ashley and Maria Thomas
challenge, or in a different team - thank you
for your participation and contribution!
Shell Pipeline – Your contributions in all
levels were key as we look forward to a
world free of MS!!
Overall, the following Shell Pipeline riders raised
an average of $8,200: Mark Baker, Sharon
Bevers, Katlin Ashley, Kelly White, Michael
J. Coyne, Russell Duplechain, Bill Garrison,
Ken Stoll, Bryan Arnold, Andy Du and Maria
To learn more about MS or ways you
can help, please visit
Fellow riders, whether you rode for a
loved one affected by MS, a hobby, a
Shell Pipeline brings Delta National Wildlife Refuge to life
through interactive CD-ROM
Exploration of Delta National Wildlife Refuge
(DNWR) will now be possible through a newlyreleased interactive educational CDROM.
the development and production of 5,000 copies of
the CD for free distribution.
The multi-level interactive CD-ROM
catalogs the rich flora and fauna of
this remote wildlife refuge, located
near the mouth of the Mississippi
River. It explores the natural
processes of delta formation on
the Mississippi River and the
importance of delta wetlands
in protecting Louisiana from
storm surges, all with lively
graphics. It features interviews
with Service scientists who
discuss their careers in studying
and protecting these resources
and with local residents who
visit and enjoy the refuge.
The CD was debuted and
distributed free of charge at an
open house at the main branch
of the Plaquemines Parish
Library on Thursday, May 15,
2008. The CD was produced
by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFWS) and the
Friends of Louisiana Wildlife
Refuges, and made possible
by a grant from Shell Pipeline
Company, LP.
“During a consultation with the
USFWS, it became apparent
of their desire and need for
quality educational materials that
could be distributed to the general
public. The Service felt that public
awareness and knowledge of the
environmental significance of
the DNWR is critical for the
Delta’s future. Shell Pipeline
requested a list of educational
tools from the USFWS that
could be utilized to meet
this objective. Subsequent
discussions led to the selection of
an Educational Interactive CD as
the tool Shell would fund to assist
the USFWS’s public education
effort,” said Neal Stidham, Staff
Engineer, Shell Pipeline HSSE.
Delta National Wildlife Refuge
was established in 1935, to preserve
habitat especially important for
migrating waterfowl. Thousands of ducks
and geese winter here at the southern
end of the Mississippi Flyway. The refuge’s
remote location, with no road access,
makes it difficult for many people to
visit. The CD features video footage and
still photography of the refuge from the
air and from the many waterways that
lace the 49,000 acre wetland. The refuge
includes parts of the active delta of the Mississippi
River, where new marshland is being created as river
silt is deposited. The refuge’s crevasse program aids
this process by creating new channels for river water
and silt to reach open bays and create land.
Copies of the CD are available to the public, free
of charge. Contact Byron Fortier of USFWS at
Shell funded the CD through
the Friends of Louisiana Wildlife
Refuges, a non-profit organization
that provides significant
volunteer services
tovarious Louisiana
Wildlife Refuges. The CD
is educational and suitable
for all ages but targeted
for the 11-13 age group. In
combination with the Friends
of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges,
Shell’s funding provided for
L-R in the picture above: Diane Barth.; Byron Fortier, Project
Manger (for the cd); Jack Bohannan, Delta Refuge Manager; Ed
Landgraf, Shell Pipeline; Brian Bergeron, Shell Pipeline.
Meet Abhishek Narula - Development Group Summer Intern
On May 12, 2008, Abhishek Narula joined the Control Center as an intern for
the Development Group. Living many miles away from his native home, New
Delhi, India, Abhishek is a senior at the Georgia Institute of Technology and is
working on a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering. Major Simmons will
be mentoring Abhishek for the summer. Abhishek’s tasks will include but are
not limited to performing enhancements and corrections to the Vector system
and conducting testing for a future OPSIS software upgrade.
Name: Abhishek Narula
Age: 22
School : Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA
Major: Electrical Engineering (Senior)
Home Town: New Delhi, India
Music I like: Blues and Jazz
Favorite Food: Mexican and Chinese
In my free time: Playing the guitar, working out,
playing/watching sports (big college football fan),
reading/discussing philosophy
to Shell and to the
CC for the summer!!
Congratulations to the new class of the Gulf of Mexico Region
Aaron Allen
Derrick Allison
Don Banks
Aaron Bardwell
Patrick Bonneval
John Brooks
Michael Dillman
Brady Eldridge
Fredrick Ford
Chester Green
James Hicks
Charles Johnson
Charles Johse
Jerry Juncker
Josh Lakomiak
Micah Lamaison
Josh Morvant
Ron Pitre
Mike Zuvich
(not pictured)
The 2008
Celeste Lynn Stovall Academy of Our Lady HS
Daughter of Gary & Tara Stovall
Thomas Justin Gates Willis High School Son of Tom Gates
Jared Powers Magnolia High School
Son of Heather and Bill Powers
Ryan Hondroulis
Archbishop Rummel HS
Son of Raye Ann & Marvin Hawley
Eric Alan Pace
Fountain Valley High School
Son of Robert and Linda Pace
Gonzalo (Trey) Rocha
Pasadena Memorial HS
Son of Roger D. James
Jeff Dolinar
Stockdale High School
Son of Mike and Ann Dolinar
Erin Lipinsky
Lamar High School Daughter of Dana Lipinksy
Suzanne LeBlanc
Nicholls State University Daughter of Chuck LeBlanc
Renee Bourgeois
Nicholls State University
Daughter of Debbie Bourgeois
George Emmett Honses
Archbishop Rummel High School
Son of George and Jamie Honses
Emily LeBlanc
Nicholls State University Daughter of Chuck LeBlanc
Jennifer Sokira
Texas A&M, Daughter
of John & Susan Sokira
Joshua Edward Honses
Archbishop Rummel High School
Son of George and Jamie Honses
Jacob Braud
H. L. Bourgeois High School
Son of Annette and Jody Braud
Sean Howell
Broadmoor High School
Son of Danny and
Terri Howell
Khoa Nguyen
Christ Our Rock Lutheran
High School, Exchange
student of Jeffrey Lape
Alexandria Nicole Domagala
Roseville High School
Daughter of John
and Nadine Domagala
Reed Lape
Christ Our Rock Lutheran
High School
Son of Jeffrey Lape
Ryan D. Steib
Destrehan High School
Son of Charles Steib
Andrew Simonds
Kingwood High School
Son of Florence Brennan
Kade Thetford
Arlington High School
Son of Cary and
Krenna Thetford
Cary Thetford
University of Phoenix
Corey Fuller
Cy-Falls High School, Son of
Dennis and Debra Fuller
Sarah Eilek
East Ascension High School
Daughter of Bill Eilek
Katherine Magurite Ellis
Dutchtown High School
Daughter of Tania Ellis
Seth Carter
Deer Park High School
Son of Cindy Parker
Joseph Reynolds
Cypress Falls High School Son of Tom and Mary Reynolds
Melinda Merola
University of Texas (at Austin)
Daughter of Ray Merola
Janice Hutchinson
H. L. Bourgeois High School
Daughter of Jerry and Mona
Erin Elyse Donnelly
University of California at
San Diego, Daughter of Bob
Donnelly, Cindy & Jud Teague
Michael Ryan Whitcomb
Archbishop Rummel High
School, Son of Larry and
Joanna Whitcomb
Jenna Danielle Rampon
Northshore High School
Daughter of Jim
and Becky Rampon
Anne “Frannie” Bourgeois
Louisiana State University
Daughter of Edward & Janel
Yvette Ventura
University of Southern
California, Daughter of
Edward and Mary Ventura
Lorraine Ventura
California State University
Daughter of Edward and
Mary Ventura
Jennifer Marie Smith
Sam Houston State University
Daughter of Greg
and Brenda Smith
Jonathan Edward Smith
East Ascension High School
Son of Greg
and Brenda Smith
Mark A. Hughes Jr.
Rossville Christian Academy
Son of Mark
and Tracey Hughes
Jonathan Michael Domagala
United States Merchant
Marine Academy, Son of John
and Nadine Domagala
Brittany Bergeron
Belle Chasse High School
Daughter of
Bryan and Holly Bergeron
Phillip Randolph Barker II
The Woodlands High School
Son of Phillip
and Joni Barker
Kelly LeBlanc
Our Lady of the Lake College
Daughter of Debbie LeBlanc
Stephanie Lindsay
Lewis and Clark Law School
Daughter of Donald Popp
Shell Pipeline Helps Bring Los Angeles
One Tree Closer to One Million
The Shell Foundation is helping make Los Angeles a little greener by contributing to the Los Angeles Million Tree
Initiative. A total of $500,000 was given to the city of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Conservation Corps and North
East Trees to help support this environmental program.
“Shell not only made a donation to support this program but we also got our hands dirty and participated in
a great day of tree planting as well,” said Alison Chassin, External Affairs Manager, US
Western Region Downstream.
On May 10, 2008, 15 Shell Pipeline Supply and Distribution and Retail
employees and their families joined in the Wilmington tree-planting event on
Lomita Avenue as part of the Million Trees LA initiative. Million Trees LA is
a cooperative effort between the City of Los Angeles, community groups,
businesses, and individuals working together to plant and provide longterm stewardship of one million trees planted where they are needed
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa launched the initiative and plans
to complete the planting of one million trees over the next several years.
The trees will provide shade and save on energy costs, clean the air and
help reduce the greenhouse gases that cause global warming, capture polluted
urban runoff, improve water quality and add beauty to neighborhoods. This approach
puts focus on the natural processes that can reduce pollution and transform Los Angeles into a sustainable, green city.
Partnering in this project are the Los Angeles Conservation Corps and North East Trees. The Los Angeles
Conservation Corps provides at-risk young adults and school-aged youth with opportunities for success through
job skills training, education and work experience with an emphasis on conservation and service projects that
benefit the community. This year marks their 20th anniversary.
North East Trees is a nonprofit environmental and youth education organization with a mission “to restore nature’s
services to improve the quality of life in resource-challenged communities.” Founded nearly 20 years ago, North
East Trees has planted over 30,000 trees, created over 35 parks and other landscape improvements including
habitat restoration along the Los Angeles River and across Los Angeles County and engaged, trained and employed
thousands of local youth to achieve this mission.
Shell Pipeline will partake in several more Million Tree planting events around Los Angeles throughout the year.
For more information on any of these programs,
please visit, or
Shell Pipeline Participates in ICAF Industry Studies Program
On Wednesday, April 9, 2008, the Industrial
College of the Armed Forces (ICAF) toured
the SPLC facilities in Houston as part of their
Industry Studies program. The students were
given a SPLC overview, and several speakers gave
presentations about pipeline engineering, asset
integrity, security, and the differences between
common carrier and joint interest pipelines. They
closed out the day with a tour and explanation of
Control Center operations.
(l to r) Dan Rolstad, Brent Byrd, Chuck Harris, Peyton
Ross, Jill Derise, Carrie Hodgins. Not Pictured: Robbie
Ralph, John Hayward, James Simmons, Jim Bertus
Presenters included Peyton Ross, Manager Asset Integrity;
Dan Rolstad, Senior Staff Engineer, Onshore Engineering;
Brent Byrd, Integrity Engineer, Asset Integrity; Carrie Hodgins,
Response Plans/Special Projects Coordinator, HSSE; Robbie Ralph, Economic
Regulatory and Tariff Director, Commercial Development; and Control Center
Manager Jill Derise.
This is the 2nd year that SPLC has provided a presentation and tour for the
ICAF students. This is an activity that provides for valuable information
sharing and promotes a positive public image of Shell pipeline, as well
as the pipeline industry in general.
ICAF is part of the National Defense University. It is the premier
Department of Defense joint education institution for national security
resource management and strategy. ICAF students, specially selected
by their branch of the military, government agency, or company as
highly promising career professionals, hold the ranks of Colonel/
Captain, Lieutenant Colonel/Commander or the civilian equivalent.
The student body is comprised of 314 experienced operators,
resource and technical managers, international fellows and industry
ICAF’s mission is to prepare selected military and civilians for senior
leadership positions by conducting postgraduate, executive level
courses of study and associated research dealing with the resource
component of national power. Special emphasis is placed on
material acquisition and joint logistics and their integration into
the national security strategy for peace and war.
The Industry Studies program of the ICAF examines the
resource component of National Security. The students are
organized into 20 Industry Studies seminars that analyze and
evaluate defense-essential industrial sectors and assess their
ability to satisfy national security requirements in peace and
“Shell Pipeline has received great feed back from ICAF
and we look forward to being a stop on their industry
tour again in the future,” said Byrd.