Fall 2015 Newsletter - International Nonsuch Association
Fall 2015 Newsletter - International Nonsuch Association
Fall 2015 CBNA Newsletter 1 Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch® Association Fall 2015 Alexander Arendar Bandersnatch II Blue Heron Catastic Cat Rageous Chat-eau Clyde Companionship El Faro Verde Fair Wind Fate Commodore’s Log The splendor of fall is on full display. Very soon the chill of the coldest months of the year will arrive. The sailing season for most is about to become a closed entry in the cruisers’log book. This last statement may be true for most of us, although down in Solomons reports are that they are loading the lockers full of polartec garments, the tool bins with baseball bats for dealing with ice buildup topsides, and attaching their ice-breaking prow appendages for FunSuch Jade Joss Kit Kat Little Wing Manatee Phat Piu Mosso Polaris Rauch Razzmatazz Rejoice Sweety Swell Uffda Vendetta Wendy Hawk II Whiskers Zu Zu’s Petal Commodore demos boarding technique ... or cools heels? clearing away at the waterline in the sailing season to come! Should we start calling them “The Arctic Cats”? 2015 was a very successful year for the CBNA. Once again there were well over 30 boats in the fleet – in fact, closer to 40, at least on the roster. If we add the members who are “boatless” to the roster, which we do, our membership climbs to over 40. A recap of the year starts with a rementioning of our winter planning meeting/luncheon at The Boatyard Bar and Grill in Eastport in February. There, New slet t er we set the dates for our two rendezvous in 2015. We also announced that the Board of the International Nonsuch Association (INA) was coming to Annapolis in May to hold their annual spring meeting, and to invite the membership of CBNA to a dinner reception they were hosting at their meeting. When the time came, numerous members in fact did attend and heard, among other things, that the INA was exploring holding the 2016 International Rendezvous on the Chesapeake Bay. More on that later. Meanwhile, Al Burke and Jim Cosgrove who had stepped up to organize the spring rendezvous, put together the event in Fairlee Creek at Great Oak Landing. The Saturday events at the rendezvous were memorable for the very nice parade of sail we had on the upper Chesapeake Bay north of Fairlee Creek, whose unique narrow entrance we all got to experience once again, or for the the very first time, in some cases. Perhaps the most memorable thing was the epic thunderblasting we took right as we gathered in the comfort and safety of the marina restaurant for dinner that evening. It was great to be inside watching the boats endure the storm down at the dock slips outside. Thank goodness Jim Cosgrove stayed on top of things-CBNA during the summertime! He kept in touch with George and Dottie Pacharis about the fall rendezvous. Luckily George and Dottie Commodore continues ... Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association ® Registered Trademark of Mark Ellis Design Limited Fall 2015 CBNA Newsletter were going to be at their home on Chalk Point, off the West River in Galesville, and they graciously offered to host us there, again, as they have several times before. Jim put all the details together in little time, and the September rendezvous he planned was a great success. There was no letter “I” hurricane, for one thing, the reception on the Pacharis’patio was just fantastic, and the sailing event on Saturday and the dinner at “Pirates’ Cove” restaurant that evening were wonderful events we all shared. We all owe a lot of thanks to George and Dottie, to Jim for organizing the rendezvous, to Jim Hauser for his steadfast launch services to the anchored boats, and to all the participants attending by land as well as by sea. Now to readdress the topic of the INA Rendezvous for 2016. While the attendees of the CBNA fall rendezvous socialized on the Pacharis’ patio, we also discussed the potential awarding by the INA of the honor of hosting this rendezvous on the Bay. The conclusion of those assembled was that we should decline the honor – for a variety of very good reasons. At the same time however Butch Garren decided to sound out the members of the Solomons flotilla (The Arctic Cats) about hosting the 2016 fall CBNA rendezvous, with the additional idea of extending an invitation to all other Nonsuchers from outside the Bay. I can report to you that plans for just such a rendezvous are already well underway, and you can see some details about that elsewhere in this newsletter, as well as on the INA website. Much more on that to follow, for sure, and please give serious thought to attending the rendezvous and especially offering your ideas and help to Solomon Nonsuchers. Finally, we are making plans for a mid-winter membership planning luncheon again in the Annapolis area. The tentative date, which is all but fixed for certain, is February 20, 2016. We will meet in a restaurant in Annapolis that offers quiet or privacy, or both, and ample parking as well. Stay tuned. Have a wonderful Fall and Holiday Season, and see you in Annapolis in February! 2 Fall Rendezvous, Sept ember 18-20 Butch & Karen report ... As you can imagine, there are things that happen behind the scenes that the masses never see. The same happens to CBNA rendezvous’. Jim and Martha Cosgrove made a valiant effort to have the rendezvous conducted at Herrington Harbor South (maybe North) and one of the reasons was keeping the Solomons group in mind. Plagued with what appeared to be a business void at that location, the Saturday night event was moved to the Pirates Cove in Galesville. As well, George and Dottie Pacharis, previous Nonsuch owners, hosted the Friday night event at their home just across the waters from the Pirates Cove. Karen and I participated in the pizza party on Friday at Dottie and George’s lovely home on the West River. Numerous pizza options were available along with a delicious pasta salad. There were other foods available that I never reached but there was plenty for all. George and Dottie owned “Fate” a Nonsuch 30 now owned by Martha and Jim Cosgrove. As George says “we went to the dark side.” They now own a beautiful, big cruiser of some sort. If there is no mast I have difficulty describing the boats. There Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association Fall 2015 CBNA Newsletter 3 were about 25 people in attendance and it was a beautiful scene to see the Nonsuch vessels anchored right in front of the Pacharis home. Weather was perfect and the camaraderie was excellent. Commodore Ed Cook conducted a short meeting. Last year’s Solomons’rendezvous is still a subject. A favorable one at that. Discussion regarding the repeat of doing a winter meeting took place. Suggestion was that it should take place in February in the Annapolis area. Further, it needs to be at a location where The committee agrees ... CBNA Official Launch Service Mary, Karen, Butch and Ed Commodore Ed on deck. we can have a reasonable amount of quiet to conduct business. At that meeting, the locations of the spring and fall rendezvous’will be discussed. The main purpose of the winter meeting is simply to mingle and mix with one another with a common subject matter surrounded with food and drink. We reviewed the request from the INA hierarchy that CBNA consider hosting the 2016 international rendezvous. The result of that in-depth conversation was that there is not enough time to put one together and form a crack team. It was also felt that a yacht club of some sort is better equipped to host something of this nature. There was no doubt that the thought of a rendezvous in the Chesapeake would be fantastic and that we do have a lot of talented people, there was just not enough time. Commodore Ed Cook was advised to contact INA president Thor Powell immediately to advise him that we will not be hosting the 2016 international rendezvous. More September Rendezvous ... Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association Fall 2015 CBNA Newsletter 4 Raft Up Karen, Shobha, et al on the deck at Pirates Cove On Saturday Karen and I arrived at the Pirates Cove and socialized with a number of the CBNA members out on the deck of the restaurant. From there we could see the Nonsuch vessels at anchor as well as the Pacharis home. What a beautiful view on a beautiful evening. Quite enjoyable and relaxing. We had a great meal and service was superb. Martha and Jim did a great job organizing the whole event. Again, Commodore Ed spoke and thanked George, Dottie, Martha and Jim for all their work to see that this rendezvous took place. During the evening it was hinted at least four times that people would like to have another rendezvous at Solomons. See “Fantastic Rendezvous Planned” on page 5. Rendezvous “Racing” Umm, pretty sure Thomas Point Light is out there ... Committee boat Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association Two sheets to the wind? Fall 2015 CBNA Newsletter 5 Fant ast ic Rendezvous Planned ! By Butch Garren Mark your 2016 calenders now for another fantastic rendezvous in Solomons! CBNA's spring rendezvous has yet to be planned, but the Nonsuch skippers of Solomons have generously offered to organize and host next year's fall rendezvous. Member turnout was high for the last rendezvous in Solomons and by all accounts it was a smashing success in terms of fun. Unbelievable as it may seem, the next Solomons rendezvous promises to be even bigger and better! Because the INA will not be sponsoring an international rendezvous in the U.S. next year (it may be organizing an event in Halifax), the CBNA decided to reach out to all Nonsuch sailors and invite them to participate in the fun at Solomons. Accordingly, the following notice will appear in the next edition of the INA Update. The Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association (CBNA) cordially invites interested INA members to attend our 2016 Fall rendezvous being organized by the famous Nonsuch skippers of Solomons, Maryland. An historic waterfront town, Solomons is a located where the Patuxent River enters Chesapeake Bay, about 1.5 hours south of Annapolis, Maryland by car and about the same distance from Washington, DC. Local CBNA skippers proclaim that Solomons is home to the world’s largest fleet of Nonsuch 22s! We actually do not know if that’s true, but without a doubt Solomons offers a superb sailing location, especially in early Fall, and is the home port of many Nonsuches. CBNA’s rendezvous is scheduled for Friday, September 16 through Sunday, September 18. Planning for the rendezvous is in the early stages, but events will likely include a pizza party on Friday, a group dinner at a local restaurant on Saturday, and a luncheon on Sunday. There will be informal sailing events on both Saturday and Sunday and general Nonsuch camaraderie, fun and good times on all three days. The main location will be at the Solomons Harbor Marina, a part of the Holiday Inn. For those coming by boat, the marina has 18 slips with electricity and 3 slips without electricity available. In addition, there is a well protected anchorage in front of the marina. The hotel will offer discounted room rates for individuals who prefer to drive rather than sail to the event. The Calvert Marine Museum, with its screwpile lighthouse and many fine exhibits, is a short five minute walk from the marina. We hope you can join us and experience the beauty of the Chesapeake and the friendly hospitality of CBNA sailors. Mark your calendars and look for additional details on the forum. Tom Jones (NS 22 # 12 Kit Kat) will be our Keep-YouPosted guy. Or contact Butch Garren (NS 22 # 30 Whiskers) should you have any questions in the meantime: theengraver@comcast.net Solomons Superb Serene Sailing Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association Fall 2015 CBNA Newsletter 6 Nonsuches Knapp The Solomons Nonsuch cruise to Knapps Narrows, as we called it, included: Tom Jones, Nonsuch 22 — Could not participate as he was getting spine injections and his mother was very ill. Al Rondi na, Union 36 — Sailed solo. Ed Bahni uk , Nonsuch 26 — Crew: Butch Garren and Scott Garren Al Suydam, Nonsuch 22 — Sailed solo. Ji m H auser, Nonsuch 30 — Joined the group at Knapps Narrows. Bi l l Duncan, Nonsuch 26 — Was to either sail with us or meet us in the Choptank. We all had a great time. Al Rondina who had the beautiful air conditioned Union 36 was a true pleasure to have in the group, fit in beautifully. Jim Hauser single handed his NS 30 for the duration and was also a pleasure to have as part of the group. Bill Duncan returning from the Southern bay was planning on joining us at Knapps Narrows for the Choptank cruise but had engine issues and lost a couple of days. I did communicate with him mid cruise, but a violent storm forced him to ride it out in a hole at the Little Choptank. We rode it out at a small marina in Cambridge. It was nasty, but all ended well. Al Suydam did very well with his NS 22. Ed Bahniuk did extremely well on his first cruise with his Nonsuch 26. We had some really great sailing with winds in excess of 15 mph while in the Choptank, but the trip to and from Knapps Narrows was mostly motoring. We were concerned about the return trip due to the threat of storms; we beat them by a couple of hours. There was some interest in doing another cruise this September but everyone’s schedule and other responsibilities got in the way. This event will most likely take place again in 2016 if anyone is interested. — Butch, reporter Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association Fall 2015 CBNA Newsletter 7 And t he Winners Were ... At last year’s Solomons rendezvous, Barb and Jim Hauser (NS 30 # 461) were the recipients of a one night’s stay at the Holiday Inn in Solomons as a result of a drawing taken place during the rendezvous Friday night festivities. They chose to take advantage of that this June 2, 2015. Their visit to Solomons, after checking in, started at the museum where they met up with Butch Garren (NS 22 # 30). After the lighthouse tour, Butch took them to meet up with Ed Bahniuk (NS 26 # 92) who is the Captain on Record of the skipjack, “Dee of St. Marys.” Ed invited them on board and gave a talk regarding the “Dee.” Ed and Butch, both volunteers at the museum and members of the Patuxent Small Craft Guild (PSCG) took both Barb and Jim for a tour in both the shop and outside sites. Jim and Barb completed their afternoon inside the museum. At 6:00, Barb and Jim joined Pete Green (NS 30 # 483), Nan and Al Suydam (NS 22 # 43) along with Mary and Ed Bahniuk and Karen and Butch Garren at the local rib place called Jim Barb and Ed inside the PSCG shop reviewing a build of a paddleboat that was popular in the Chesapeake some decades ago. Boomerangs. Boomerangs is where Ed, Mary, Nan, Al, Karen and Butch meet every Tuesday evening for a rib dinner. It is called their Nonsuch meeting. Although the plans for them to sail with Butch that day failed due to terrible weather it appeared that they had a great day and will return to Solomons for that sail. — Butch Garren, corespondent Great photo of Bill Duncan’s “Joss” at Solomons on the way to lower Chesapeake Bay single-handed cruise. Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association Fall 2015 CBNA Newsletter 8 St ock Up! Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association Fall 2015 CBNA Newsletter 9 CBNA MEMBERS & BOATS On Board Skippers & Mates 2015 Jim & Nancy Andrew 2014 2007 2012 Ed & Mary Bahniuk Brooks Bridges & Maureen Farrell KO Barrett 1987 Dick & Delcy Barton 1997 Al Burke 1989 Ed & Maria Charest 2003 Ed Cook 2010 2006 2012 Jim & Martha Cosgrove Rob Crooks David Darmstadter 2002 Allan & Marily DeWall 1999 Mary Ellen & Jeff Dix 2004 Bill & Shobha Duncan 2012 Carl Engel & Ann Stuchell 1999 Bill & Janet Evans 2010 Butch & Karen Garren 2009 Ryan Gniazdowski 2010 Pete & Lynne Green 2013 Glenn & Marjorie Haggen 2008 Barb & Jim Hauser 2012 Tom Jones 2004 1996 2007 1993 2010 Len & Trudy Keimes Barbara O’Neill Mike & Rebecca Ostrow George & Dottie Pacharis Scott & Donna Paist 1993 2014 2008 Bill Parker & Billy Jordon Dan Ryan Ed Strazzini 2009 Alan & Nan Suydam 2010 Richard Uperti 2010 Phil & Mary Wagner 2004 Roland Wood 1993 John & Elizabeth Zinner Nonsuch Sail Size Sailing Port ALEXANDER CATASTIC 137 30 Magothy River 92 26 Solomons 403 30U Herrington Harbor Alumni LITTLE WING PHAT RAZZMATAZZ FUNSUCH CHAT-EAU FATE 43324 26 Larimore Point, South R. 370 30U Bush River 191 26U Whitehall Creek 173 26 Middle River 343 30U West River BLUE HERON CAT RAGEOUS FAIR WIND JOSS EL FARO VERDE COMPANIONSHIP WHISKERS ZU ZU’S PETAL UFFDA 12 22 Solomons 232 30U Wrightsville Beach, NC 514 30U South River 122 26 South River 169 30 Baltimore 465 30U Galesville 30 22 Solomons 275 30 Cambridge 483 30U Solomons JADE RAUCH KIT KAT BANDERSNATCH II 198 26U Galesville 461 30U West River 23 22 Solomons 156 26 Delaware River, NJ 40 36 South River 196 30 Rock Hall 501 503 30 26 30U Deale Rock Hall Charlottesville, VA 43 22 Solomons 71 354 Yankee Point, VA 230 26U Clements Ck., Severn R. 214 30 Chalk Point, Shadyside 505 30 Podickory Point Alumni Life Member ARENDAR Alumni PIU MOSSO SWEETY CLYDE MANATEE REJOICE VENDETTA SWELL WENDY HAWK II POLARIS Complete membership list — address, phone, email — is available: email Phil Wagner, philmw3@verizon.net. Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association Fall 2015 CBNA Newsletter 10 A SWELL SALE Cruise aboard a 26U! Enjoy generous forward salon, nix to cramped quarterberth. Help spread the word ... “Swell” i s for sale! Nonsuch 26 Ul tra, 1987. Well maintained, comfortable Ultra. Engine and electronics upgrades: Westerbeke 21A, 545 hours. New stainless shaft, coupling, PSS shaft seal, engine mounts. Speedseal water pump cover. Raymarine autopilot, 2013. Garmin chart GPS. ICOM VHF with DSC. B&G electronics: wind speed and direction, depth sounder, many functions. CQR, Danforth anchors with rodes. Doyle main, cover. Dodger. Dinghy-Tow. Shore-storage cover. Annapolis, MD. $35,000 U.S. Make an offer. Email for colorful flyer with full info: philmw3@verizon.net, 410-849-8421, cell 410-693-8132. CBNA Commit t ee, Credit s & Connect ions Commodore - Ed Cook Vice-Commodore - Jim Cosgrove Treasurer - Jim Cosgrove Newsletter - Phil Wagner Photos - Butch Garren, Phil Wagner Bay / Nonsuch Logo - Ed Charest INA - www.nonsuch.org Zazzle - www.zazzle.com/cbnastore "There is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” — K. Grahame, 1908 2016 Wint er Rendezvous Watch for emailed details of CBNA’s 2nd Annual Winter Rendezvous luncheon being planned for February in Annapolis. If you missed our 1st AWR at the Boatyard Grill last winter, you’ll surely want to attend this time. A great time was enjoyed by all! Flash ! Th is ju st in ... The CBNA newsletter is published each year for its members. Send letters, stories, photos, etc., preferably by email, to editor Phil Wagner: philmw3@verizon.net, or by mail to 1714 Westminster Way, Annapolis, MD 21401. You may visit the CBNA web pages at www.nonsuch.org ... look for us under Regional Associations. © Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association 2015. All rights reserved. Whiskers’ new, really-red cushions Chesapeake Bay Nonsuch Association
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