Deep Workbook
Deep Workbook
participant workbook This workbook belongs to: MISSION OUR MISSION AT AVEDA IS TO CARE FOR THE WORLD WE LIVE IN, FROM THE PRODUCTS WE MAKE TO THE WAYS IN WHICH WE GIVE BACK TO SOCIETY. AT AVEDA, WE STRIVE TO SET AN EXAMPLE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY, NOT JUST IN THE WORLD OF BEAUTY, BUT AROUND THE WORLD. What part of the mission resonates most with you and why? learning objectives ;nfbW_dj^[kd_gk[\[Wjkh[iWdZX[d[Åjie\<kbbIf[Yjhkc:[[f™ WdZm^[djeki[_j <ehckbWj[WdZWffbo<kbbIf[Yjhkc:[[f™ \ehX[Wkj_\kbh[ikbji eddWjkhWbboZWha^W_h OVERVIEW Z[jekhii^ehjYkji Think about a time when you were forced to take a detour. M^Wj^Wff[d[Z5 >emZ_Zoek\[[b5 ALL TRUTHS ARE EASY TO UNDERSTAND ONCE THEY ARE DISCOVERED; THE POINT IS TO DISCOVER THEM. GALILEO 4 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 Think about a time when you discovered a faster route to a destination. M^Wj^Wff[d[Z5 OVERVIEW Z[jekhii^ehjYkji >emZ_Zoek\[[b5 :_Zoek[l[hjWa[j^[ebZhekj[W]W_d5 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 5 OVERVIEW ^W_hYebehcWp[ 9WdoekÅdZj^[\Wij[ijhekj[jeoekh^W_hYebehh[ikbji5 FINISH START 6 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 FULL SPECTRUM DEEP ™ ZWha^W_hY^Wbb[d][i M^WjY^Wbb[d][iZeoek\WY[m^[dYebeh_d]dWjkhWbboZWha^W_h5 co\Wleh_j[ZWha#^W_h[Z]k[ij ]k[ijdWc[ dWjkhWbb[l[b Ykhh[dj\ehckbW \kbbif[YjhkcZ[[f™\ehckbW MAN CANNOT DISCOVER NEW OCEANS UNLESS HE HAS THE COURAGE TO LOSE SIGHT OF THE SHORE. ANDRE GIDE ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 7 FULL SPECTRUM DEEP™ 8 \[Wjkh[i_d]h[Z_[dji Kfje/)dWjkhWbboZ[h_l[Z\ehckbW IkdÆem[h"YWijehWdZ`e`eXWe_biWYjWiXk\\[hiWdZ_d\ki[^W_hm_j^ i^_d[WdZYedZ_j_ed 9WdZ[b_bbWmWnYh[Wj[iWh_Y^Yh[WcoYedi_ij[dYo\ehfh[Y_i[" ded#Zh_fWffb_YWj_edi 7hecWcWZ[m_j^Y[hj_Å[Zeh]Wd_YbWl[dZ[he_bieej^[ij^[i[di[i Zkh_d]fheY[ii_d] Kfje+b[l[bie\b_\j_dW)&#c_dkj[fheY[ii 9h[Wj[iWd_Z[WbXWbWdY[e\b_\jWdZjed[WdZZ[b_l[hijhk[#je#jed[ h[ikbjiedZWha^W_h (*jkX[ie\Yebeh\ehkdb_c_j[Zi^WZ[feii_X_b_j_[i Kd_l[hiWb£Dfhel_Z[iWZZ_j_edWbYkijec_pWj_ed\hecjhWdibkY[dYo to brightness Ki[ifbWdjfem[h_dij[WZe\f[jheY^[c_YWbi\eh[ii[dj_Wbbo ZWcW][#\h[[h[ikbji 9hk[bjo#\h[[deWd_cWbj[ij_d] CWdk\WYjkh[Zm_j^'&&Y[hj_Å[Zm_dZfem[h ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 1 2 FULL SPECTRUM DEEP™ m^o\kbbif[YjhkcZ[[f™ 5 3 DISCOVERY CONSISTS OF SEEING WHAT EVERYBODY HAS SEEN, AND THINKING WHAT NOBODY HAS THOUGHT. ALBERT SZENT-GYORGYI ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 9 COLOR THEORY Yebehj^[ehogk_p <_bb_dj^['(Yebehie\j^[Yebehm^[[b$ <_bb_dj^[XbWdaiedj^[DWjkhWbH[cW_d_d]F_]c[djY^Whj$ 10 level descriptor natural remaining pigment 10 Lightest Blonde 9 Very Light Blonde 8 Light Blonde 7 Medium Blonde 6 Dark Blonde 5 Lightest Brown 4 Light Brown 3 Medium Brown Red 2 Dark Brown Red 1 Black Red complementary pigment Violet Yellow Blue/Violet Orange Blue Red/Orange Red Green Green Green Green ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 <_bb_dj^[j^h[[bWo[hie\W^W_hijhWdZ$ COLOR THEORY Yebehj^[ehogk_p PERMANENTLY DEEP How does a permanent hair color like Full Spectrum Deep™ affect the hair strand? ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 11 series natural/natural 12 12 B/Gr extra light blonde 40 g 12Natural 4 g Light Blue/Grey 10 shade 10Natural 10 N/N lightest blonde lightest blonde 40 g 10Natural 8 g Light Natural/Natural 9Natural very light blonde 9 9N/N very light blonde 40 g 9Natural 12 g Light Natural/ 8Natural light blonde 8 light blonde light pure tones 8N/N 9 B/Gr very light ash blonde 40 g 9Natural 12 g Light Blue/Grey 8 B/Gr light ash blonde 40 g 12N 4 g Light Yellow/Green 10 Y/G lightest matte blonde 40 g 10N 8 g Light Yellow/Green 9 Y/G very light matte blonde 40 g 9Natural 12 g Light Yellow/Green 8 Y/G light matte blonde 40 g 8Natural 16 g Light Yellow/Green light natural/natural light blue/grey light yellow/green 7N/N medium blonde 40 g 7Natural 4 g Dark Natural/Natural 6Natural dark blonde 6 shade 40 g 10Natural 8 g Light Blue/Grey 12 Y/G extra light matte blonde 40 g 8Natural 16 g Light Blue/Grey medium blonde 6N/N dark blonde 40 g 6Natural 8 g Dark Natural/Natural 5Natural lightest brown 5 5N/N lightest brown 40 g 5Natural 12 g Dark Natural/Natural 4Natural light brown 4 light brown 10 B/Gr lightest ash blonde matte 40 g 8Natural 16 g Light Natural/ 7 7Natural ash extra light ash blonde 12Natural full spectrum deep™ shade customization chart COLOR THEORY natural 4N/N 7 Gr/B medium ash blonde 40 g 7Natural 4 g Dark Grey/Blue 6 Gr/B dark ash blonde 40 g 6Natural 8 g Dark Grey/Blue 5 Gr/B lightest ash brown 40 g 5Natural 12 g Dark Grey/Blue 4 Gr/B light ash brown 7 G/Y medium matte blonde 40 g 7Natural 4 g Dark Green/Yellow 6 G/Y dark matte blonde 40 g 6Natural 8 g Dark Green/Yellow 5 G/Y lightest matte brown 40 g 5Natural 12 g Dark Green/Yellow 4 G/Y light matte brown 40 g 4Natural 16 g Dark Natural/Natural 40 g 4Natural 16 g Dark Grey/Blue 40 g 4Natural 16 g Dark Green/Yellow dark natural/natural dark grey/blue dark green/yellow 2 2Natural darkest brown dark pure tones 12 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 12 12 Y/O extra light golden blonde 40 g 12Natural 4 g Light Yellow/Orange 10 10 Y/O shade lightest golden blonde 40 g 10Natural 8 g Light Yellow/Orange 9 9 Y/O very light golden blonde series copper 12 O/Y extra light copper blonde 40 g 12Natural 4 g Light Orange/Yellow 10 O/Y lightest copper blonde 40 g 10Natural 8 g Light Orange/Yellow 9 O/Y very light copper blonde 40 g 9Natural 40 g 9Natural 12 g Light Yellow/Orange 12 g Light Orange/Yellow 8 8 Y/O 8 O/Y light golden blonde light copper blonde light yellow/orange light orange/yellow 40 g 8Natural 40 g 8Natural 16 g Light Yellow/Orange 16 g Light Orange/Yellow light pure tones 7 7 Y/O medium golden blonde 40 g 7Natural 4 g Dark Yellow/Orange 6 6 Y/O dark golden blonde shade 40 g 6Natural 8 g Dark Yellow/Orange 5 5 Y/O lightest golden brown 40 g 5Natural 12 g Dark Yellow/Orange 4 4 Y/O light golden brown 7 O/R medium copper blonde 40 g 7Natural 4 g Dark Orange/Red 6 O/R dark copper blonde 40 g 6Natural 8 g Dark Orange/Red 5 O/R lightest copper brown 40 g 5Natural 12 g Dark Orange/Red 4 O/R light copper brown red/red 12 R/R extra light red/red blonde 40 g 12Natural 4 g Light Red/Red 10 R/R lightest red/red blonde 40 g 10Natural 8 g Light Red/Red 9 R/R very light red/red blonde 40 g 9Natural 12 g Light Red/Red 8 R/R light red/red blonde red/violet 12 R/V extra light red/violet blonde 40 g 12Natural 4 g Light Red/Violet 10 R/V lightest red/violet blonde 40 g 10Natural 8 g Light Red/Violet 9 R/V very light red/violet blonde 40 g 9Natural 12 g Light Red/Violet 8 R/V light red/violet blonde 40 g 8Natural 16 g Light Red/Red 40 g 8Natural 16 g Light Red/Violet light red/red light red/violet 7 R/R medium red/red blonde 40 g 7Natural 4 g Dark Red/Red 6 R/R dark red/red blonde 40 g 6Natural 8 g Dark Red/Red 5 R/R lightest red/red brown 40 g 5Natural 12 g Dark Red/Red 4 R/R light red/red brown COLOR THEORY gold 7 R/V medium red/violet blonde 40 g 7Natural 4 g Dark Red/Violet 6 R/V dark red/violet blonde 40 g 6Natural 8 g Dark Red/Violet 5 R/V lightest red/violet brown 40 g 5Natural 12 g Dark Red/Violet 4 R/V light red/violet brown 40 g 4Natural 16 g Dark Yellow/Orange 40 g 4Natural 16 g Dark Orange/Red 40 g 4Natural 16 g Dark Red/Red 40 g 4Natural 16 g Dark Red/Violet dark yellow/orange dark orange/red dark red/red dark red/violet 2 dark pure tones ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 13 COMPONENTS dWjkhWbi[h_[i 2N atural REMEMBER! The Natural Series number does not equal the level. 14 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 COMPONENTS natural level finder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lifting scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 15 COMPONENTS fkh[jed[i C_n[Zm_j^DWjkhWbI[h_[ii^WZ[ijeYh[Wj[Wm_Z[hWd][e\ XWbWdY[Z"jedWb\Wc_b_[i ?Z[dj_Å[ZXoj^[b[jj[hi_dZ_YWj_d]jed[¹j^[fh_cWho jed[_ij^[ijhed][ijjed["_dZ_YWj[ZXoj^[Åhijb[jj[h1 j^[i[YedZWhojed[_ij^[Yecfb[c[djWhojed["_dZ_YWj[Z Xoj^[i[YedZb[jj[h :_l_Z[Z_djeB_]^jWdZ:WhaYWj[]eh_[i0 B_]^jFkh[Jed[iWh[ki[ZjeYkijec_p[i^WZ[i.¸'( :WhaFkh[Jed[iWh[ki[ZjeYkijec_p[i^WZ[i*¸- 16 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 Light Pure Tones (Levels 8-12) Dark Pure Tones (Levels 4-7) Light Natural/Natural Dark Natural/Natural Light Blue/Grey Dark Grey/Blue Light Yellow/Green Dark Green/Yellow Light Yellow/Orange Dark Yellow/Orange Light Orange/Yellow Dark Orange/Red Light Red/Red Dark Red/Red Light Red/Violet Dark Red/Violet COMPONENTS fkh[jed[i HE WHO NEVER MADE A MISTAKE, NEVER MADE A DISCOVERY. SAMUEL SMILES ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 17 ØN UNIVERSEL aux huiles de tournesol, de ricin et de jojoba with sunflower, castor and jojoba oils UNIVERSAL ØN f u l l spectrum COMPONENTS kd_l[hiWbªd 1:1 U.S. Patent #6,099,591 net wt/poids net 8.8 oz/250 g e SPECIAL EFFECTS List the different hair color effects possible with Universal ØN: 18 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 FORMULATION: THE FOUR STEPS _Z[dj_\oj^[]k[ij½idWjkhWb ijWhj_d]b[l[bki_d]j^[dWjkhWb b[l[bÅdZ[h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 19 formulation grid going darker with 5 or 10 volume color catalyst desired level FORMULATION: THE FOUR STEPS Z[j[hc_d[Z[i_h[Zh[ikbj 3 2 1 natural level 4 going lighter with 20 volume color catalyst pre-lighten* 1 2 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 x x x x x x x 7 8 9 10 10/12† 12 2 2/4† 4 5 x 6 7 8 9 10 10/12† 12 2 2/4† 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10/12† 12 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10/12† 12 9 10 formulation equation DESIRED LEVEL 20 2 # ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 NATURAL LEVEL DESIRED SHADE natural remaining pigment level descriptor 10 Lightest Blonde 9 Very Light Blonde 8 Light Blonde 7 Medium Blonde 6 Dark Blonde 5 Lightest Brown 4 Light Brown 3 Medium Brown 2 Dark Brown 1 Black natural remaining pigment complementary pigment Pale Yellow Violet FORMULATION: THE FOUR STEPS i[b[YjWffhefh_Wj[fkh[jed[ Yellow Yellow/Orange Blue/Violet Orange Blue Red/Orange Blue/Green Red Green ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 21 FORMULATION: THE FOUR STEPS ]h[oYel[hW][ IjWdZWhZ\ehckbW0 H[i_ijWdj\ehckbW0 REMEMBER! When using the resistant formula, measure your Color Catalyst™ based on the amount of Natural Series used—not the total formula. GIVE ME BUT A FIRM SPOT ON WHICH TO STAND, AND I SHALL MOVE THE EARTH. ARCHIMEDES 22 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 i[b[Yjj^[Wffhefh_Wj[lebkc[ e\YebehYWjWboij™ ___________ ratio UUUUUUUUUUUlebkc[fhel_Z[iefj_cWbb_\jWdZZ[fei_j UUUUUUUUUUU#c_dkj[fheY[ii_d]j_c[_j_idejZ[j[hc_d[ZXoj^[ 9ebeh9WjWboij™lebkc[ FORMULATION: THE FOUR STEPS REMEMBER! Your Color Catalyst selection affects the deposit and tone control. The higher the volume, the less the deposit. The lower the volume, the higher the deposit. ™ ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 23 FORMULATION: THE FOUR STEPS XWi_Y\ehckbWj_edi FORMULATION EQUATION 1: = Deep Hair Color 2N atural dWjkhWb series FORMULATION EQUATION 2: color YWjWboij™ = Deep Hair Color with Tone 2N atural dWjkhWb series fkh[jed[ c_n_d]j_fi 1 2 3 24 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 color YWjWboij™ ?cW]_d[oek^Wl[W]k[ijm^e_iWdWjkhWbb[l[b(WdZmWdjijeX[Wb[l[b *m_j^h[Zjed[i$M^Wj_i^[h<kbbIf[Yjhkc:[[f™\ehckbW5 ]hekffhWYj_Y[ scenario FORMULATION: THE FOUR STEPS practice \kbbif[YjhkcZ[[f™\ehckbW natural level: desired level: tone: ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 25 FORMULATION: THE FOUR STEPS 26 ]k[ijim_j^[n_ij_d]Yebeh D[m]hemj^0( C_Z#b[d]j^i[dZi0,Yeff[h :[i_h[Zb[l[b0,Yeff[h M^Wj_i^[h\ehckbW5 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 APPLICATION \ekhijWdZWhZWffb_YWj_edi 1 2 3 4 WE DON’T RECEIVE WISDOM; WE MUST DISCOVER IT FOR OURSELVES. MARCEL PROUST ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 27 APPLICATION h[jekY^%h[\h[i^ m^WjYWdoekki[5 m^[dmekbZoekki[_j5 full spectrum deep™ full spectrum™ depositonly color treatment full spectrum deep™ + universal ØN universal ØN + pure tone M^WjmekbZoekZeZ_\\[h[djbo_\oekd[[Zjeh[[ijWXb_i^j^[^W_hYebeh5 28 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 APPLICATION virgin lighter l_h]_dZWha[h ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 29 APPLICATION alternative virgin ceh[li$b[iih[i_ijWdjWh[Wi I^WZ[_dj^[Wh[WiX[bemXWi[Zed^emh[i_ijWdjj^[oWh[je lightening or coloring. Less resistant = shade lighter More resistant = shade darker 30 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 CUSTOMIZATION YebehXWbWdY_d]m_j^kd_l[hiWbªd ]hekffhWYj_Y[ scenario YebehXWbWdY_d]\ehckbW natural level: mid-length & ends: tone: ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 31 CUSTOMIZATION XejWd_YWbj^[hWfo Service Snapshot Tools t % SZ3FNFEZ™ Penetrating Moisture or %BNBHF3FNFEZ™ Penetrating Protein t 3FmMMBCMF4QSBZ#PUUMF t 8JEF5PPUIFE$PNC t t t t Moisture/Repair Treatment $MJQT $BQF 1VSFTDSJQUJPO™ Pad )BOE3FMJFG™ 1 Shampoo Prepare the Hair (1 Minute) Following a Color Service 2 Apply Hair Treatment t % SZ3FNFEZ™ Moisturizing Treatment .BTRVFPS%BNBHF3FNFEZ™ Intensive Restructuring Treatment t #SVTI$PNC"QQMJDBUPS t )BJS$PMPS#PXM Use Color Conserve™ Shampoo and pHinish™ Prior to Treatment a c b (5 Minutes) 3 Apply Hair Masque (2 Minutes) 4 Process (5 Minutes, NO HEAT) 5 Rinse and Finish (15 Minutes) 32 Layer Over Hair Treatment Perform Stress-Relieving Hand Ritual Complete the Service ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 d TAKING IT HOME practice scenarios dWjkhWb level Z[i_h[Z look 4 blonde highlights 2 grey coverage 4 same level with a cooler, red tone 3 honey blonde, non-brassy, multidimensional result \kbbif[YjhkcZ[[f™\ehckbW ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 33 TAKING IT HOME coWYj_edfbWd BeeaXWYaWjoekh:_iYel[hoFW]["WdZmh_j[ZemdoekhjmeX[ij Z_iYel[h_[iWXekj<kbbIf[Yjhkc:[[f™. 1 2 DemjhWdibWj[oekhjefjmeZ_iYel[h_[i_djeWYj_edioekm_bb_cfb[c[dj XWYaWjoekhiWbed$ 1 I will… 2 I will… GO DEEPER! Discover more about formulating with Full Spectrum Deep™ in the Full Spectrum™ Hair Color Professional Reference Guide. 34 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 M^WjZ_ZoekZ_iYel[hedoekh<kbbIf[Yjhkc:[[f™`ekhd[o5 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 TAKING IT HOME Z_iYel[hofW][i 35 TAKING IT HOME 36 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 TAKING IT HOME THE REAL VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY CONSISTS NOT IN SEEKING NEW LANDSCAPES BUT IN HAVING NEW EYES. MARCEL PROUST ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 37 TAKING IT HOME 38 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 COLOR TALK PROFILE DISCOVER NEEDS OFFER SOLUTIONS ANALYZE THE HAIR REALISTIC DESIRED SHADE PLEASE NOTE: To complete a detailed hair analysis, please reference back. PRE-WORK LENGTH APPLICATION short medium long extra long fine BHT medium GUEST NAME: DATE: PRICE BASE PRICE + Precoloration Color Cleanse Length of hair ______________ BHT ___________ Color Cleanse ___________ Precolor ___________ PRICE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 virgin virgin new growth TEXTURE COLOR TALK PROFILE GUEST NAME: _____________________________ STYLIST NAME: ____________________________ OPTION 1 new growth OPTION 2 TAKING IT HOME YebehjWbafheÅb[ coarse CONDITION dry weak/compromised porous not porous DENSITY thin medium thick DETERMINE THE COLOR HISTORY PREVIOUS COLOR? yes no glossing glossing permanent permanent BHT BHT TODAY’S DESIRED RESULT OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 2 partial full full custom custom LIFE STYLE/THINGS TO CONSIDER OPTION 2 DIMENSION DIMENSION partial HOW RECENT? OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 1 WHAT TYPE? MID-LENGTHS/ENDS MID-LENGTHS/ENDS OPTION 1 TOTAL PRICE TIMEFRAME TO ACHIEVE DESIRED RESULT TONE TOTAL PRICE OPTION 1 TO MAINTAIN INTENSITY LEVEL TOTAL PRICE OPTION 2 USE REVERSE SIDE TO PRE-BOOK YOUR NEXT SERVICE. GUEST NAME: YOUR NEXT APPOINTMENT: DATE: TIME: ANALYSIS STYLIST: NEW GROWTH MID-LENGTH/ENDS DIMENSION NEW GROWTH MID-LENGTH/ENDS DIMENSION NEW GROWTH MID-LENGTH/ENDS DIMENSION NEW GROWTH MID-LENGTH/ENDS DIMENSION NEW GROWTH MID-LENGTH/ENDS DIMENSION LEVEL OF HAIR PERCENT OF WHITE MAINTENANCE TONE OF HAIR STYLIST RECOMMENDATIONS: TEXTURE OF HAIR RETURN EVERY DESIRED RESULT WEEKS POROSITY OF HAIR DESIRED LEVEL SEASONAL CHANGE FOR NEXT VISIT: DESIRED TONE DESIRED INTENSITY PRE-WORK CLEANSING FORMULA PRECOLORATION FORMULA FORMULA HOME CARE: NRP AT DESIRED LEVEL HAIR COLOR FORMULA COLOR CATALYST ™ VOLUME PROCESSING TIME b Soy ink on 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Please recycle. ©Aveda Corp., Minneapolis, MN 55449-7106 800.328.0849 USA / 763.951.6999 A9AF-70-0001 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 39 TAKING IT HOME YebehjWbafheÅb[ COLOR TALK PROFILE DISCOVER NEEDS OFFER SOLUTIONS ANALYZE THE HAIR REALISTIC DESIRED SHADE PLEASE NOTE: To complete a detailed hair analysis, please reference back. PRE-WORK LENGTH APPLICATION short medium long extra long fine BHT medium GUEST NAME: DATE: PRICE BASE PRICE + Precoloration Color Cleanse Length of hair ______________ BHT ___________ Color Cleanse ___________ Precolor ___________ PRICE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 virgin virgin new growth TEXTURE COLOR TALK PROFILE GUEST NAME: _____________________________ STYLIST NAME: ____________________________ OPTION 1 new growth OPTION 2 coarse CONDITION dry weak/compromised porous not porous DENSITY thin medium thick DETERMINE THE COLOR HISTORY PREVIOUS COLOR? yes no glossing glossing permanent permanent BHT BHT TODAY’S DESIRED RESULT OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 2 partial full full custom custom LIFE STYLE/THINGS TO CONSIDER OPTION 2 DIMENSION DIMENSION partial HOW RECENT? OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 1 WHAT TYPE? MID-LENGTHS/ENDS MID-LENGTHS/ENDS OPTION 1 TOTAL PRICE TIMEFRAME TO ACHIEVE DESIRED RESULT TONE TOTAL PRICE OPTION 1 TO MAINTAIN INTENSITY LEVEL TOTAL PRICE OPTION 2 USE REVERSE SIDE TO PRE-BOOK YOUR NEXT SERVICE. GUEST NAME: YOUR NEXT APPOINTMENT: DATE: TIME: ANALYSIS STYLIST: NEW GROWTH MID-LENGTH/ENDS DIMENSION NEW GROWTH MID-LENGTH/ENDS DIMENSION NEW GROWTH MID-LENGTH/ENDS DIMENSION NEW GROWTH MID-LENGTH/ENDS DIMENSION NEW GROWTH MID-LENGTH/ENDS DIMENSION LEVEL OF HAIR PERCENT OF WHITE MAINTENANCE TONE OF HAIR STYLIST RECOMMENDATIONS: TEXTURE OF HAIR RETURN EVERY DESIRED RESULT WEEKS POROSITY OF HAIR DESIRED LEVEL SEASONAL CHANGE FOR NEXT VISIT: DESIRED TONE DESIRED INTENSITY PRE-WORK CLEANSING FORMULA PRECOLORATION FORMULA FORMULA HOME CARE: NRP AT DESIRED LEVEL HAIR COLOR FORMULA COLOR CATALYST ™ VOLUME PROCESSING TIME b 40 Soy ink on 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Please recycle. ©Aveda Corp., Minneapolis, MN 55449-7106 800.328.0849 USA / 763.951.6999 A9AF-70-0001 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 TAKING IT HOME ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 41 TAKING IT HOME 42 ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 TAKING IT HOME ©aveda corp | all rights reserved | aveda education | full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 43 full spectrum deep™ participant workbook | 3/2012 Ieo_daed'&&feij#Yedikc[hh[YoYb[ZfWf[h$Fb[Wi[h[YoYb[$7l[ZW9ehf$"C_dd[Wfeb_i"CD++**/#-'&,KI7.&&$)(.$&.*/%KI7-,)$/+'$,///Wl[ZW$Yec
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