St John`s News View from the Vicarage
St John`s News View from the Vicarage
Dec 2015/Jan 2016 Issue No. 19 ST JOHN’S, WELLING 020 8303 1107 editors: David & Nicola Foot View from the Vicarage Joy to the world! The Lord has come; Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing, And heaven and nature sing, And heaven, and heaven and nature sing! Based on Psalm 98, Isaac Watts’ Advent hymn was published in 1719 and reminds us of some important themes for Christmas. I have been known to be a bit of a Grinch over recent Christmases – encouraged by the consumerism and tinsel that seems a bit tarnished. I am annoyed that a recent glossy brochure for a local garden centre’s Christmas offerings had not one Christian symbol or mention of the significance of Christ’s birth - not even a wise man! saddened by loss, or not find enforced family time (or lack of it) that happy an experience, but the truth of the coming of Christ has to be good news. The barrier between God and humanity, broken by our sin is broken by the unselfish act of God coming down to earth in Christ. No wonder the angels sang – and we should too! How do we go about preparing Him room? household (this may be just you), and the start of Luke’s Gospel? Maybe to prepare Him room we need to be generous to others. How about thinking about matching gift giving with a gift to Tearfund so others can have a bit more joy, or inviting someone round for lunch (or a mince pie)? As for me, I am looking for a hammer and the mug given to me by Steve Webster three years back when I was being particularly unseasonal and I will commit to wishing people a Joy filled Christmas, and meaning it. Maybe the French have got it right. Joyeux Noel! Maybe we need to begin by decluttering But I must stop saying ‘bah humbug’ and our lives a bit. Maybe some of the things start saying ‘joy to the world’ because that we usually do need to go. How about is the truth. Christmas is THE time of joy. starting a house prayer time over this God is reconciling himself to us by coming period if it is not part of your usual as a child and as a King. We may be practice? Maybe read Psalm 98 as a Adam Foot, Vicar St John’s News The first Christmas singing group rehearsal was tonight as I write and so, surely, Christmas must be on the horizon but in complete contrast, I arrived home to hear the breaking news of the atrocities in Paris. How our world needs to hear and apply the message of the Prince of Peace… and not just at Christmas time. Autumn Events have included: The very special Adult Baptism service back at the end of September when Lisa Mitchell, Paul Finch, Liz Andrewartha, Louise Russell and Greg Corbett publicly declared their faith in Jesus Christ. A greatly appreciated Prayer Ministry training day with Jeannie Morgan. A thought provoking Remembrance Day Parade Service, followed later in the day by a Memorial Service, particularly for those who have been bereaved during the past twelve months. The candles relatives lit at that service will be lit again at the Christmas Carol service. Autumn Opportunities have included: Two ongoing Alpha courses, and an inter-church Youth Alpha course, all of which are providing the opportunity for guests to investigate the Christian faith, and they are! The Holy Spirit away day/ weekend enabled everyone who was able to come the opportunity to allow God to touch them individually. Men’s curry nights and a ladies’ breakfast! Our sermon series and Housegroup studies from Paul’s letter to Romans, which is proving challenging and helpful in clarifying the nature of our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. Autumn Family News: We were delighted to officially welcome Mary and Louisa Willy into the church family, as they were baptised on 18th October. Alan Overton is in hospital following a fall and hip replacement and Steve Read is recovering from surgery to remove his gall bladder (and a massive stone did I hear?). Andy Bond was ordained Priest at Rochester Cathedral on 26th September. Mike and Jenny Cossor have just welcomed a new little Grandson, Oliver! AND many congratulations to David Foot and Sarah Mallon who have just announced their engagement! Estelle Woodcock Travel and translation English to adults in a language school in Zaragoza. This was My name is Rachel and I am currently in challenging but also rewarding as I saw my my fourth year studying modern languages students progress. I enjoyed immersing (German, Spanish and Portuguese) at the myself in Spanish culture – and food! I also University of Exeter. managed to find some time to do some travelling, visiting Stuttgart, As part of my course I Frankfurt, Dresden, Verona, got to spend my third Venice, Nice, Salamanca, year abroad. I spent the Barcelona and Andalusia – to first half of the year name a few! It was a fantastic working as a technical opportunity to meet new people, translator in Berlin. explore new places and experience Initially, the work was new cultures. quite daunting but over time I grew more Now I am in my final year, the work confident and learnt a is definitely more challenging. I am lot. I loved living in Berlin as it is such a about to embark on my dissertation and vibrant city with a fascinating history. I then decide on my plans for the future. I really spent the second half of my year teaching like Exeter, so in some ways it will be sad Animals behaving badly, part 2 I want to share some true-funny-sad stories of our lives before we came to Bexley. Edd and I both wanted a small holding - we read a lot of books on what not to do with animals and vegetables! Our first buy were chickens. We found a property in Lincolnshire with land – a fantastic four bed detached house with 2 ¼ acres plus all our buildings! We decided to build a large run (or so we thought!) opposite our kitchen window for the chickens, so we didn’t have too far to go and collect the eggs. We then bought a cockerel to fertilise the eggs. Not many people like cockerels because of the noise and they can be quite cruel to chickens. Most chickens succumb to a cockerel as he really does rule the roost. Our big cockerel (Gercha) kept on pecking at our limping cockerel (Hoppy) so we took him out of the cage and let him walk where he pleased. We had him so tame that in the end he used to peck on our back door each morning for his food which we fed him by hand. He used to sleep in our front porch! three weeks. In the meantime we attempted to make some potato wine. It turned out very strong, so we called it Tate whiskey. We thought that in time it would ferment. When the time came for the eggs to hatch, we had friends up to see the exciting event and to try our wine out. “Yuk!” It was awful! When the first egg started to crack, we whooped and cheered and jumped Baptism I can’t really point out a moment in my life where I became a Christian. Being in a Christian family, it’s been more of a gradual growth of my relationship with God. As I wasn’t baptised as an infant, I’d wanted to for several years, but wanted to wait until I had a better understanding of what getting baptised means and the significance of it. I’ve been going to Dubsters and 3Dub since I was 11, and have been to both Youth Alpha and Soul Survivor twice, but it’s only been in the past year or so that my relationship with God has stepped up a gear. to move on but it is also an exciting prospect. During my first two years in Exeter I attended the university chapel regularly as well as the University of Exeter Methodist and Anglican Society (affectionately nicknamed MethAng). We are a group of students from different denominations and faiths who meet every Monday evening for fellowship, prayer, worship and discussion – and not to mention tea and biscuits! I was the Vice President of MethAng in my second year and I still find time to go this year, despite my increased workload. We have links with the chapel and several churches in the community and the society is affiliated to SCM (Student Christian Movement). Rachel Belsham for joy! Over the next few days 70 yellow fluffy chicks - God’s gift - hatched. And what a gift this was, the first hatching and the last of our Tate whiskey. Oh and one of the things I forgot to mention - after we had finished making the Tate whiskey, we put all the left over ingredients (and there was a lot!) into the chicken and pig food. We should have spread it over a few days but we didn’t give a second’s thought as to what could happen. They loved it! But then as they sat on their perches they kept falling off… our realisation as we laughed…!!! Boy did we take a lot of eggs that week! Twink Upson opportunity to get baptised now as I’m stepping into the role set out for me as a faithful servant. At the Baptism I shared my testimony which, to my relief, I didn’t completely forget half way through! I’d wanted Beryl from Oasis to help baptise me however, Gercha made it frightening to go in the being unable to get in, we had to settle cage to collect eggs; you had to be ready with her standing at the side whilst laying for him. One day our daughter, Tina, came a hand on me. She decided to grab my over. I asked her to collect the eggs for me, hand whilst Adam was saying the final few warning her of our rogue cockerel, but he words before the dunk. This put me in the came at her so quick, one of his very sharp slightly awkward situation of wondering claws cut her leg. Her husband had to take whether I should let go once I was being her to our local hospital to get it dressed. lowered, or to keep my left arm unbaptised! ;) In hindsight, having gone for We started to get more chickens, so much When I changed schools for sixth form last the latter, I’m just glad I didn’t pull her in so that we had to move to a bigger place. year, I took opportunity of the new with me! Still, all ended well, aside from Gercha was in his element. We had eggs environment and new friends to start to Beryl getting her sleeve wet. coming out of our ears so we started selling make God the focus of my day-to-day life. them. Then the day came when it was time In March, I started going to Oasis Getting baptised was for Gercha to go. He was so big! Community Church in Meopham. Since the next small step for I’ve been going, there’ve been several me in a lifetime of Built onto our kitchen was what they called prophetic words said over me about serving God. Thanks a “Whelping Room”, where our last owners serving God, especially through leading to everyone who came kept their puppies etc. We bought an worship. At Soul Survivor this year, and was a part of it. incubator, and between us and our friends another was said over me about serving we put 90 eggs in it to hatch within the next Him in my friendship group. I took the Greg Corbett Growth in Egypt Chris and Angela Chorlton, with Anna (12), Isaac (9) and Noah (7), are CMS mission partners working in partnership with the Anglican Diocese of Egypt, and live in Maadi, a district in the south of Cairo. Angela sent an email in early October saying that they had been very busy with Angela's parents visiting while it was Isaac's birthday. She has also been helping to organise a retreat for 41 ladies from the Cathedral congregation, the theme being 'listening and encouraging'. She has now come to the end of 5 years teaching at the international preschool, as she wanted to do something different, and is now teaching at the children's school as well as being on the school board, and said that God really guided her into these new things. Last April, Chris was appointed interim priest in charge and continues to hold the fort in the Cathedral while the council interview new candidates for a permanent priest. He is doing very well and enjoying it, but with that as well as the Episcopal Training Centre (ETC) and the Arabic Light Party Church in Maadi he finds he is very busy. However, Angela is now more available to help Chris out with his many duties. Please continue to pray for our friends! Give thanks: For the continued good work of the ETC and the growing congregation at the Cathedral. That the children are very happy and enjoying their school and friendships. Pray: For their next step to leave Egypt after 11 years of service, and for wisdom and guidance as they explore different options. For the political situation, which seems fairly calm and under tight control at the moment. There will be parliamentary elections soon, so pray for good candidates to be wise, just and protective to the minorities of refugees and Christians there. For peace and stability. We had a great time at the Light Party on 31st October. We gathered together for an exciting and fun-packed evening of pumpkin carving, apple-bobbing, dancing and party games. At the end we enjoyed a delicious meal of hot dogs. Thank you so much to Laura and her team for organising a great event for so many to enjoy! Isabel Broadie Linda Howell To receive regular Link Letters, please contact me: Tel 020 8317 7623; Email Re-affirming faith comfort when my wife had a major operation. I know that there is ONE so POWERFUL who makes things right and For anyone who may not know me, I am and I felt that that no human can offer. I feel that I want Sharon and I have been part of St John’s he answered to express my belief and that he will look for the last eight years. I am married to them. I became after me forever. I feel that my role as Paul, who has been newly appointed as a Christian at protector for my wife and family is now church treasurer. I have just started a Soul Survivor shared with God and this makes me feel Foundation in Ministry course, currently when I was 18 less burdened. I am able to cope with life being run by the Diocese of Rochester and but my trigger easier and I am starting to know God’s as one of my reflections I have been asked for being baptised was when I was love for me. to write is about Baptism. speaking to a non-Christian friend and One of the sharing my thoughts about being baptised: reasons Re-affirmation by full immersion is an she became so enthusiastic about it! why I outward sign of a person who wishes to Before my baptism, I was feeling very wanted to follow Jesus, to turn away from the excited. I wanted to be able to share this get baptised darkness to his light, to ask for forgiveness big part of my life and who I am with my is that it of their sins and reaffirm the vows their family. It was also a good time for me to marks a parents made for them as children in their share my faith with others because of how new baptism service. Although this is an act of God has brought me out of the darkness of beginning of faith by us, many changes are happening years of depression. I now feel free and faith in God, and also to wash away my to the heart of a person and God is very lighter and glad to be alive. God had past and wrong doing. much a big part of this! revealed his love to my HEAD and now it has moved to my HEART. ~~~~~ After having a chat with Louise Russell and Paul Finch, this is why they felt called Paul Finch So the day was a massive celebration for to take this step in faith. It is hard trying to do life on your own. I all, hearing faith stories, getting wet and have tried to do life my way but worried a eating lots of cake after. If you would like ~~~~~ lot and had many anxious thoughts. My to know how they are doing now, maybe outlet was to challenge my anxiety and to be brave, share coffee after church and Louise Russell give it to God. This has brought me peace. ask them! I can remember talking to God as a child It is a comfort to know that he can take it, Sharon Finch and asking him big questions about life as no-one on earth can. It gave me great The 16th housegroup! The 16th housegroup was formed in September 2014 and is the first that meets at a lunchtime. It comprises ten people who meet at 12.30 every Wednesday during term-time to chat over a lunch prepared for us by our hosts Keith and Jackie before moving to prayer and Bible study expertly led by Miriam. Current members are: Keith & Jackie Mackley, Miriam Giles, Jan Busby, Joyce Gough, Sharn Haines, Louise Jenkins, Lisa Mitchell, Pat Wootton and Liz Harris. support and care has been palpable as we have all learnt from each other and received God's blessing. This has most recently been demonstrated through our use of WhatsApp which we use to share prayer requests and keep in touch between meetings. Not only have I learnt new technology but we have all witnessed God's healing and experienced the peace and the strength that He gives. We support the church playgroup and The Leprosy Mission as a group. We were We are at present studying Romans in recently challenged, motivated and parallel to the morning service. My inspired by watching a video on the work relatively short membership has taught me of TLM and have supplemented our Bible that small group study brings new study with craft afternoons preparing for perspective and the Lamplighters Christmas insight through Fair. My school reports will shared attest to my lack of practical experiences, skills but, within a caring and discussing meaning supportive environment, and seeing the progress has been made – we passage through are so much more than a fresh eyes. Our housegroup! members comprise Christians of many It is a time of fun, friends and years standing as fellowship and recommended well as those who to all. have recently found Liz Harris faith and the mutual TOFFs join Cubs The 2nd Welling Cubs were working towards their Skills and World challenge award badges as well as their Community Impact badge 1 and invited TOFFs to join them one evening. What a busy sight outside the hall! Beavers being collected, Cubs being dropped off and some older folk making their way in. We had special visitors at Cubs recently - the lovely TOFFs! The two groups enjoyed playing Bingo together and it was great to see two generations working nicely alongside each other. The Cubs served tea, coffee and cakes and the hour Twelve TOFFs really flew by. It took about half folk were an hour for the 1st prize to be greeted and led won so there was lots of into the Cub excitement! The TOFFs’ prizes meeting, where included a bottle of wine, some we were brought biscuits and a box of tea/coffee and chocolates and the Cubs won cakes. Good some science kits. Many start to a social thanks to TOFFs for Cubs' evening! yummy chocolates at the end what a lovely surprise! Thank We all settled down to a game of Bingo. you kindly to all those who came. Cubs Numbers were called, cheers went up and will be looking forward to another Bingo finally prizes were given to TOFFs and night sometime soon! Cub winners. ‘TAPS’ closed the evening and thanks were exchanged all round for Lucie Brasova an enjoyable time. It brought memories for us as a number of us have sons who were in 2nd Welling Cubs in past years. We look forward to a future invitations, perhaps in the New Year! Wendy Cole Youth Alpha What do dog food, marshmallows on a campfire and tortuous renditions of 'Silent Night' have to do with the meaning of life? Quite a lot, it transpires... This term, Dubsters (10-14s) have clubbed together with other youth groups from across Bexley to run a Youth Alpha course at Belvedere Baptist Church. Our Friday evenings have started with up to 55 teenagers (36 regulars) eating together & playing games (may contain baked beans and dog food), followed by the night's question, be it 'Why did Jesus die?' or 'Why and how should I read the Bible?' The topics are the same as the Alpha course, presented relevantly online, with times for small group discussion. The Holy Spirit Weekend at Carroty Wood was a particular high point, providing an opportunity for the young people to deepen their relationships with each other and with God. Amidst orienteering in the rain, a campfire, and some impressive pantomime performances, our focus was learning about who the Holy Spirit is and how He changes our lives. The young people engaged with the talks and discussions and many received powerfully from the Holy Spirit during the prayer or "ministry" time. Our God met them where they were, as he will for all of us if we ask, and brought them a step closer into His heart. We have seen our young people draw closer to God and grow in their understanding of Him. They are truly inspiring and as youth leaders it is an honour to share their journey with them. Please pray for them as they continue on the path we are all on: to love and serve Jesus every day. Dubsters will resume in January on Sundays, 5.30-7.30pm at St John's. Louise Russell Source We are excited to have started meeting together on Fridays - sometimes praying together and for one another, reading the Bible and encouraging one another in our faith, and sometimes going to the pub, or ice-skating, or for a curry, or up to London. We have been learning a lot through this period of transition, and still have a long way to go. But hanging out as 18-30s is great fun, and we hope to become even more vibrant in the months to come. Nicola Foot & Ben Haughton