Vol 9 Iss 2 Call Me Spearhead...!


Vol 9 Iss 2 Call Me Spearhead...!
Call Me Spearhead...!
The Official Publication of the
Association of 3d Armored Division Veterans
April 2009
Volume 09, Issue 2
Another Fort Campbell Visit by Dan O’Leary, 1CAV 2, 33AR 3, 1962-1964
Special points of
• A couple of sto-
ries from Association Vice President, Dan O’Leary
• Read comments
received from all
around the world
• Get active with
the Association;
included is a ballot for the election to the Board
of Directors.
Inside this issue:
VP O’Leary’s update 1
on the “Rakkasans” 2
President’s Message
Reunion Registra- 3
tion & Membership
Board of Directors
Reunion Details
Store order form
and renewal form
“Sir, Can You Help? 8
On January 29, 2009 while visiting my
was the first time I had met him and he is a
sister in Nashville, Tennessee we went out
great guy. We spent about an hour and a
to Fort Campbell for a day. When we arhalf swapping stories about the early sixrived our first stop was the 101st Airborne
Division Museum where we spent 45 minJust before lunch time Sheila Patton, the
utes with Dan Peterson who runs the muwife of former 1/33 Command Sergeant
seum. Had a
nice chat with
arrived at HH
thanked him for
his help at our
Nashville Reunabout Iraq and
ion. Dan arthe good times
ranged for the
at the reunion
regimental colin 2006. We all
ors to be prethen went to
sent and prothe 33rd Dinvided a dianing Facility for
logue on each
lunch, no more
Mess Hall. The
food was great
stop was at Susan O’Leary; 1SG Randel Underhill; Dan O’Leary, CPT John Richie just like I reHeadquarters and Headquarters Troop of
member from our 2006 reunion visit. The
the 1/33 Cavalry. I was surprised to see
four of us talked so much and for so long
Captain Richie come out the door to greet
that the staff finally asked us to leave so
us. If you were at the Nashville Reunion he
was the Lieutenant who was in charge of
I had twelve of the Association of 3d Arthe
mored Division 33rd Armor coins with me,
First Sergeant Underhill was in the doorso I gave one to Sheila Patton for her husway as we entered the HHT building. This
(Continued on page 2)
Message From The President Daryl W. Gordon, 6FA 2 HHB, 1967-1970
Well, hello everyone. Here we are once
again quickly approaching our annual
membership meeting and reunion. We will
be in St Louis, Missouri this year and we
are very excited about returning to the Midwest again where we will be for the next
couple of years. In 2010, we intend to return to the Louisville, Kentucky area. That
is a change from the previous announced
destination of Columbus, Ohio; so be sure
to make a note of that change.
As is the usual, we will be holding an
election for the Board of Directors at the
annual meeting. We will be electing three
members and we have four candidates for
the three positions. Please take the time to
read the bios for all of the candidates on
page 3 of this newsletter. If you plan to
attend the reunion, you probably should
wait until then to cast your ballot. But, if
you can’t make the annual membership
meeting and reunion, please take the time
to consider the leadership of the Association and mail the ballot at the bottom of
page 3 with your selections marked to the
Association Secretary. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully so that your
vote is counted the way you want it. The
elections are extremely important to the
(Continued on page 5)
Page 2
Call Me Spearhead...!
Rakkasans (continued from page 1)
First Sergeant
Jay Morse
C Troop 1/33 Cavalry
band, who is now the Brigade Command
Sergeant Major. I handed the others to
First Sergeant Underhill to split with First
Sergeant Morse of C Troop 1/33 Cav. First
Sergeant. Morse was tied up in a meeting
elsewhere and was not able to get free.
Anyway, First Sergeant Underhill said he
had a good idea on what to do with the
coins. We talked for a
while again back at
HH Troop and then my
sister and I headed
back to Nashville.
I did get to go back
on Saturday and was
able to meet First Sergeant Morse then. We
had coffee at the PX.
While at the PX, Captain Earnhart, the CO
of C Troop happened
to be in the area. We
talked for about 30
minutes or so; then
First Sergeant Morse
and I went off post for
lunch and we had Chinese. We stopped at
the Cavalry Store and
again bumped into Captain Earnhart.
I received so many thank you’s from all of
the troopers at 1/33 Cavalry and even a
few hugs. I really enjoyed every moment of
this great visit with a bunch of great guys!
When I arrived back home in New Jersey
from this trip, I received two emails one
each from First Sergeant Underhill and
First Sergeant Morse. The 1/33 Cavalry
had a Command Class A Inspection on
January 30 and both of the First Sergeants
had given coins as awards to the outstanding troopers at the inspection. The
coins for HH Troop went to Staff Sergeant
Matthew Jones (HQs),
Hester (Medics), Specialist
O`Dowd (S-2), Specialist Brian Miller (S3) and Specialist
Hendy (S-1). The coins
for C Troop went to
Specialist Joshua Childers, Sergeant David
Coleman, Sergeant.
Zacharia Oeland and
Class Sean Wolff.
The unit will be deploying overseas again
some time next year,
and we will again support them personally
and through “Adopt-A-Vet”. A great bunch
of guys, and I am proud to have met and
know them.
Dan O’Leary and
granddaughter, Ashley
Goddard and Post
Commander Don
Kristen Depuy,
daughter of Steve
Depuy and Don
AMVETS Post #77 in Sewell, New Jersey recently held their Annual Scholarship Dinner. In
attendance were three LIFE Members of the Association of 3d Armored Division Veterans.
Don Feldman who is the Post Commander, and Dan O`Leary and Steve Depuy who were
there because of the scholarship awards.
Dan’s granddaughter Ashley Goddard and Steve's daughter Kristen Depuy both received recognition and a check from the Sid and Anna Bomze Scholarships.
One surprise from the dinner was that another recipients, Joshua Buntz. Is the brother of
Thomas Buntz, who was one of the A3ADV Adopt-A-Vet recipients two years ago. Tom was
present and Dan who heads up Adopt-A-Vet finally had the pleasure of meeting him.
Page 3
Volume 09, Issue 2
I served in Gelnhausen Company B 2/48th Infantry Regiment 73-76. Scored Expert on the M-60 MG in AIT so I was M-60
Gunner for a while, until I got my Military License on a M-113, Track Driver was Great no more M-60. Received my Acting
Sergeant Stripes at 19, and then went before the board at 20 received my E-5 then it was 11B40, re designated later
11B20, During my time in the 2/48th I attended Winter Warfare Training with the 10th SF given at Bad Tolz class 76-14.
Received Race Relations 3 training, Received a Certificate of Recognition from my Company and One from Battalion. My
Awards include the Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Expert Qualification on M-60 MGM-79 Grenade Launcher, Sharpshooter on Auto Rifle-and Grenade. I was a Team Leader, Squad Leader then Sergeant
Command Track Driver, My Squad while I was Squad Leader Received Infantry Squad 1975 at REFORGGER. I am currently
a web page author for 5CAV and 18 & 36 INF. Robert M. Briggs, candidate for Director.
Served with the Division in HHC, 3-32 Armor and B Co, 2-67 Armor 1985-1989. I am currently serving on the Board of
Directors and filling the position of Association Secretary (since 2005). I have been a member of the Association since July
of 2000 and have served on the board much of that time, including serving as the Association President from 2001 to
2004. If re-elected, I will continue to serve and support the Association with the same effort and enthusiasm of this past
service. Thank you.
Kevin W. Colson, incumbent A3ADV Director and Secretary.
President of the 3d Armored Division Association 1998-1999 and 2003-2004 and member of Board of Governors for at
least 15 of the past 20 years. Have chaired or co-chaired ten of their annual reunions in the past twenty years. Since
2003, I have been President of the KIO (Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio Chapter of the WWII Association. My original contact
with the A3ADV was with Rod Thomas in 1998 to work for a joint meeting of the A3ADV and 3d AD Association but that was
not successful. Worked with Steve Depuy and Brian Hathaway to hold a joint reunion in Peoria, Ill in 2001, but there were
scheduling conflicts. Finally got the wheels back on at Grand Rapids, Michigan, resulting in both BOD'S agreeing to hold
the 1st joint reunion in Columbus, Ohio in 2004.I worked with Kevin Colson and Paul Smith and Daryl Gordon. It was considered successful by many. My goal if re-elected is to continue to help keep the wheels greased so things will run
smoothly and pick up momentum. A wise philosopher once said "One person with a belief is equal to a force of 99 who
have only interests!” And I am three years wiser. William “Bill’ Ruth, incumbent A3ADV Director.
Folks…this is about me continuing on the board. Work has not allowed me to attend anything this past term. I continue
as a General Manager for a non-profit company, Skookum, providing employment to folks with severe disabilities. In my
case, lots of travel and site visits as we on-board more and more wounded warriors across the country. Susney, the company below, is my own little outfit publishing stuff. I can’t attend this year. At the moment we are awaiting award of a major contract with Customs and Border Protection to upfit all their vehicles. We’ve established business partners in several
states to more localize the work closer to the customer. I participate as much as I can and will do what I can, if re-elected. I
am a founding member of the Association and leave the decision to you.
Thank you. Rodney Thomas, incumbent A3ADV Director.
Membership News
We would like to include in future newsletters information and news about our members and what is going on in their
lives. If there is something you would like to share, please send it to us at: president@3ad.org. It could be anything
about you, your family, your work, or whatever. We want the newsletters to be truly “newsy” and interesting. And whatever is shared with others will help us better relate to one another and make us a stronger Association. Things like
new children, grandchildren, or great grandchildren. Graduations, new jobs or opportunities. Vacations and travel. Connections with old veteran friends or veteran get-togethers. So the next time you have a big event, consider sharing it
here in the newsletter! We are always looking for feature stories for the front page; send them to us!
Total Memberships
LIFE Memberships
ANNUAL Memberships
ASSOCIATE Memberships
ACTIVE Memberships
Page 4
Call Me Spearhead...!
Election to the Board of Directors:
The nominations for election to the Board of Directors certified by the Association Secretary are: Robert M. Briggs, Kevin W. Colson, William “Bill” Ruth, Rodney Thomas. This election will be for three BOD positions and each ballot should be for three individuals only. See
page 3 for information from each candidate.
The election balloting will be by printed ballots only. The ballots with each nominee's name
listed in alphabetical order will be printed in the second quarter Association newsletter
printed for members requesting printed newsletters and in the electronic version as published to the Association web site. This newsletter will be distributed in early April of the year
of the election and will include the printed ballot form. The ballot may be printed from the
web site newsletter, copied from the printed newsletter, or detached from the printed newsletter.
Any reasonable facsimile of the official printed ballot, as determined by the Association
Secretary, and postal mailed to the address of record of the Association Secretary may be
accepted as a member's ballot.
Each member in good standing is permitted to submit only one ballot. Any member postal
mailing a ballot must identify the ballot as being their ballot by enclosing the ballot in an
envelope that clearly identifies the member by name and by address. The postmark must
match the return address on the envelope. If the member desires that their ballot be anonymous, it must be enclosed in a second interior envelope that will be separated by the Association Secretary into other mailed ballots. The Association Secretary will create a list of
those members submitting postal mailed ballots and will use this list at the annual meeting
and election to insure that no members both mail a ballot and submit a ballot in person at
the annual meeting. Postal mailed ballots must be received by the Association Secretary by
no later than noon on June 15 of the year of the election. All postal mailed ballots will be
held for tabulation at the annual meeting and election.
Only during the election proceedings at the annual meeting, the Association Secretary will
distribute ballots that are reasonably identical to those posted in the printed and electronic
second quarter newsletter. Members at the annual meeting who are identified by the Association Secretary as having already submitted a mailed ballot will not be allowed to submit
another ballot or withdraw a previously submitted ballot. The Association Secretary will announce the number of ballots received by postal mail and will provide a count of the number
of ballots distributed at the annual meeting and election. Ballots submitted at the annual
meeting and election will be co-mingled with the previously postal mailed ballots prior to
tabulation. When all ballots are combined, a temporary committee of three Association
members, none of whom may be a nominee, shall tabulate the ballots and announce the
number of votes received by each nominee. No candidate may receive more votes than the
total number of ballots previously indicated by the Association Secretary. The Association
Secretary will then announce the names of the successful nominees who will then assume
their positions as Directors.
Send your ballot form to the Secretary at: A3ADV Secretary, PO Box 526, Isle of Palms, SC
Association of 3d Armored Division Veterans
Board of Directors Election Ballot
Briggs, Robert M.
Colson, Kevin W.
Ruth, William “Bill”
Thomas, Rodney
Page 5
Volume 09, Issue 2
9th Annual Reunion Registration Form
July 15 thru July 18, 2009
(clip this form out or you may make a copy of the form to send in)
Name__________________________________________ Phone #________________________
City_______________________________ State____________________ Zip ______________
E-mail _______________________________________________________________________
Family or Guest Names_________________________________________________________
Number Ordered (how many?):
Extended Amount:
Member Registration, Thursday and Friday evening buffets, banquet and one commemorative reunion T-Shirt.
Non-Member Registration, Thursday and Friday evening buffets,
banquet and one commemorative reunion T-Shirt. (includes discounted first year Association membership dues)
Thursday Busch Stadium and St Louis Arch area tour with a stop
at Lumiere Casino. Includes travel and tram or movie ticket at
the arch. Lunch is on your own.
Friday tour of Grant’s Farm tour. Includes seated lunch at Bevo
Mills, a local German restaurant. Then on to tour the AnheuserBusch Brewery, which includes their hospitality room for tasting.
Commemorative Reunion T-Shirt (make sure you
give us sizes!)
Grand Total:
Please indicate the t-shirt size and quantity t-shirts you have ordered (one is included for each registration);
M ______ L ______ XL ______ 2XL______
Pay by Check or Credit Card: (we accept Visa, MC, & Discover)
Credit Card Type _________ Credit Card #__________________________Exp. Date _________
Signature: ____________________________________
Message From The President (continued)
continued efforts to expand and improve this Association
that has grown beyond the expectations of the founders.
And remember, the Association is here because of you
and for you, the members. Let us hear from you!
Finally, we would like to welcome the following new
members that have joined the Association this year. In
future editions, we will have a specific section for new
members from one edition to the next. David E. Engelhardt, Tempe AZ 2-3 FA 69-70; Ted J Saunders, Mary
Esther FL, 1-33 AR 60-62; Alfonzia Braxton, Sterling
Heights MI, 1-48 IN 63-65; James Barker, APO AE, 4-32
AR 89-92; William R. Baker, Long Beach CA 2-3 FA 62-64:
Robert Svobod, Homer Glen IL, 4-67 AR 90-91; Jonathan
M. Regan, Burke VA, 3-36 IN 79-82: Samuel D. Carlson,
Acworth GA, 533 MI BN 78-80; Zane D. Clark, Hughson
CA, 2-48 IN 67-69; Thomas K. Borsilli, Bridgeview IL, 503
MP 76-78; William A Wisner, Central Square NY, HHC 3
AD 79-80; Jose A Rosadiaz, Tampa FL, HHC 3 AD 8992;James N. Hatle, Pullman WA, 2-27 FA 61-64; William
G. Minor, Van Nuys CA, 2-6 FA 79-81; Leonard G. Goodman, Palm Harbor, FL, 13 AIB 55-58; Chesley Howard
Stephens, Cumming GA, 2-6 FA 59-60; Jose M Espinoza,
Colorado Springs CO, 5-3 ADA 90-91;Richard Bewick, New
Windsor NY, 29th AIB 56-60, 48 Inf 60; David A Breiding,
Akron OH, 37 AIB 53-54; Osborne C Oakley, Charlotte NC,
23rd Eng 59-62.
Page 6
Call Me Spearhead...!
St Louis, Missouri July 15-18 2009
Ninth Annual Membership Meeting and Reunion
Hilton St Louis Airport
10330 Natural Bridge Road, St Louis, Missouri
Reservations 1-800-314-2117 (Be sure to let them know you are attending our reunion)
Remember: Hotel reservations must be made directly with the hotel. Our room rate is $84 per night and that
includes 2 free buffet breakfasts per room. For reunion registration, complete the form on the previous page of
this newsletter, Or register on line at: http://a3adv-ninth-reunion.eventbrite.com/
Photos from Wildflecken
Provided by Mike Mills
(pictured below)
Spearhead Hospitality Room welcome.
Busch Stadium/Gateway Arch Tour
Spearhead Hospitality Room
American buffet dinner
Grant’s Farm/AB Brewery Tour
Lunch at Bevo Mills Restaurant
Spearhead Hospitality Room
Deluxe buffet dinner
Annual Membership Meeting
Memorial Service
Spearhead Hospitality Room
Grand Banquet Celebration
A3ADV Store Price List (all prices include shipping and handling)
Book, Fate’s Finger
Book, Biography General Rose
Book, Wartime Journal General Rose (hardcover)
Book, Wartime Journal General Rose (softcover)
Book, Faraway Thunder
Challenge Coins (select A3ADV, Cold War, WWII, DS, 32d or 33d AR)
Flag, 3’x5’ Nylon w/Association Logo
Hat, Baseball Style, Black or Khaki
Jacket, Coach (Windbreaker Style) M, L , XL or 2XL
Lapel Pin, 1 inch
License Plate, Association Logo
Mug, Black & White, Ceramic
Mug, Stainless Steel, Traveler w/Association Logo
Shirt, Tee, 2007 Reno Reunion Commemorative
Patch, Association, 5 inch, embroidered
Patch, Spearhead, Embroidered Shoulder, 4 color
Pen, Association Logo
Print, Collector, General Rose, 15”x19”, limited issue, signed by artist
Shirt, Golf, M, L, or XL
$ 4.00
$ 7.00
$ 8.00
$ 6.00
$ 4.00
$ 3.00
Page 7
Volume 09, Issue 2
Has your membership expired or
will it expire soon?
Check the mailing label to the
right of your name for your expiration date. If you’re due for renewal,
simply send the annual dues
amount of $25 along with this
renewal form to renew your annual membership and keep you
current with the Association.
You may also renew on the web
site at:
or www.3ad.org/501c/default.htm
for donations.
Please consider sending a tax deductible donation to help out with
the ever growing expenses for
sending out the newsletters and
maintaining the web site.
Membership Renewal Form
Email Address
City, State & Zip Code
Method of Payment
Discover Card
Exp. date
Credit Card #
Call Me Spearhead! The official publication of the
Association of 3d Armored Division Veterans.
Your donation is Tax Deductible.
Donations help sustain the
Association and allow us to continue
to serve all Veterans of 3AD.
Mail this form to:
Post Office Box 526
Isle of Palms, SC 29451
Association of 3d Armored Division Veterans
Official Merchandise Order Form
Make your selections from the
items to the left and use this
form for mail orders.
You may also view and/or order
these items on the web site at
this address:
City, State & Zip Code
How Many?
Email Address
Price Each
Item Description
Mail this order form to:
A3ADV Store
PO Box 556
Waukesha, WI 53187-0556
Method of Payment
Discover Card
Credit Card #
Grand Total:
Exp. date
Association of 3d Armored
Division Veterans
Post Office Box 526
Isle of Palms, SC 29451
Call Me Spearhead!
The Official Publication of the
Association of 3d Armored
“Sir, Can You Help?”
Looking for my father:
I search for my father. Please I need your help! His name is
Lynwood H. Merica, he was born on the 21st of November
1933 in Shenandoah, Virginia. He was stationed in the year
1960 in Friedberg, Kaserne Germany/Hessen, 52INf. a and
B.Com Message. His Identifications Card Nr. 805531.
Please help me. I need a picture and his place today. Thanks
for all you help me. My email address is dtenbusch@arcor.de
Thanks for all you help. Sincerely D. Tenbusch
TRANSLATION BY COMPUTER (it is not perfected)
Dear Sir, maybe you can help me with my WWII research.
In the battle of Rânes-Fromentel in Normandy, August 17,
1944, 6 six American soldiers were killed by a shell. They
were discovered on the road close to the house of my
friends. My friends went to alert an American unit (artillery, I
think) nearby and returned to the scene by jeep with an
American captain. This captain had the six bodies removed
but for an unknown reason left their helmets. My friends
collect one helmet and still keep it in their house.
These friends of Normandy asked me to recover the family
American of which they had the helmet. This helmet included a name and a number solely. I searched for some
information therefore in the Archives of the US Army. In February 2007, I recovered the family of Lieutenant Jason BARRON to that belonged the helmet (his brother and his sister).
Visit the web site at:
I wanted to recover the five other soldiers who were killed
with Lieutenant Jason BARRON also.
Here is the unit of these dead soldiers August 17, 1944 in
Normandy: 3rd Armored Division, 36th Armored Infantry
Regiment, Company F (2nd Battalion)
I found these soldiers solely. They all belonged to Company
F and died August 17, 1944:
BARRON Jason H O-1295652 1LT KIA 1920 SOMERSET PA
HUDSON Arthur A 34142904 PFC KIA 1923 LAWRENCE TN
KOEPL Michael E 36213174 PFC KIA 1913 CHIPPEWA WI
PRICE Jessie C 38043912 PFC KIA 1921 WILBARGER TX
I hope that you will be able to help me to confirm these
researches with the help of your Archives. It would be necessary to consult the Company Morning Reports of the 16 to
August 18, 1944 (36th Armored Infantry Regiment) but I
don't know where to find these Archives. Can be that in your
association of the veterans knew one of these soldiers or
made left of the Company F.
The Mayor of the small city of LOUGE SUR MAIRE (Orne),
will organize a ceremony June 7, 2009. A plate in stone on
which will be engraved the names of these valorous soldiers
Americans, will be installed close to the Monument to the
Deaths of the city. The family of Lieutenant Jason BARRON is
going to come from USA and one will hand him their parent's
helmet. René BRIDEAU renebrideau@yahoo.fr