Spring, 2014 - Downtown Farmington


Spring, 2014 - Downtown Farmington
Main St.Messenger
Farmington Downtown Development Authority
S p r i n g 2 0 1 4 , Vo l u m e 1 1 , I s s u e 1
By Melissa Andrade, DDA President
Spring is a time of
renewal and growth, so it’s
appropriate that this issue
of the Main Street
Messenger focuses, in part,
on the community’s newly
expanded Downtown
Development Authority
Board of Directors. Since
last year at this time, the
DDA board has grown to a
full complement of nine members, and
five of the nine are relatively new.
New board members mean fresh
ideas. In 2014, the Design Committee
plans to create artful, attractive
storefront covers for new businesses to
use when renovating their space. This
committee is also aiming to review
and amend specifications for sandwich
boards. Both will make our downtown
signage more consistent and
attractive. The board has adopted a
Block Captain plan, in which each
member will work with specific
merchants to foster a better working
Calendar of Events
Downtown Farmington is
About Business and
Business Updates
2-5 Meet the DDA Board and
Learn What’s in the Works
for Your Downtown
Art on the Grand
6-7 Merchants’ Corner
MS Committee Updates
relationship between the
merchants and the DDA.
The winter’s thaw brings a
feeling of renewed energy.
This spring, we will feel pep
as we walk from our new
Cake Luv Café for a banana
cupcake to GG’s Boutique
for the perfect sun dress.
The Farmington Brewing
Company is also much
Even Riley Park will boast a new
spring look that complements the
beautifully finished Grove Street
project. These enhancements to our
downtown help to define what we’ve
known all along – that Farmington is a
class act, a destination we are proud to
call home.
We often measure life by the number
of new experiences we have
accomplished, but let’s keep in mind
what remains steady – an amazing
group of volunteers and our successful
businesses such as Starbucks, Clothes
Encounters, the Village Shoe Inn and
Focal Point to name a few.
If you make time to talk to the locals,
you’ll find you may have to wait in
line to plan a weekend party at
Painting with a Twist; or that Salathiel
Palland, of Off the Beaten Path Books
& Emporium, is proud to be
nominated for the Outstanding Main
Street Business of the Year Award for
Oakland County downtown
revitalization; or that Vera Lucksted
has successfully organized cash mobs
to help support Farmington
Like so many of those who live or
work in our beloved town, the DDA
Board of Directors is committed to the
vibrancy of Downtown Farmington, its
merchants and community. We strive
for a sense of self and place in the
service of others.
It’s fun and it’s happening – in Downtown Farmington!
Ladies, call your girlfriends and make plans to
get out on Thursday, May 1. Many businesses in
Downtown Farmington will be open late that
evening from 5:30-9 pm for the second
Downtown Farmington Ladies Night Out. Enjoy
a fun night of shopping, savings and surprises
without the guys. It will be a great opportunity
to explore Downtown Farmington.
Every participating business will have a
special activity or treat just for you – free
tastings, demonstrations, product specials and
Watch for updates on the web at
www.DowntownFarmington.org and on our
Facebook page.
Main St.Messenger
Spring 2014, Volume 11, Issue 1
New Businesses
Cake Luv Café
33335 Grand River Avenue
In the Village Mall
Little Tree
Massage Therapy
23629 Liberty Street
Metro Work Space
33316 Grand River Avenue
Myslinski CPA
32716 Grand River Avenue
Peaceful Spirit Studio
33335 Grand River Avenue
In the Village Mall
Raven Writing Studio
33335 Grand River Avenue
In the Village Mall
23631 Farmington Road
Vincent Pastue
Annette Knowles
248-473-7261 Fax
23600 Liberty Street
Farmington, MI 48335
Find us
on Facebook
Main St.Messenger
Editor, Pat Shelton
Layout & Design, Peggy Castine
By Mayor Bill Galvin
This is my first time writing
this column as Mayor and as
a member of the DDA board.
Allow me to say that I am
very excited to be part of the
DDA and contribute to
Downtown Farmington.
Over the past year, City
Council supported a
reorganization of the DDA.
As a result, it has partnered
with other local organizations,
such as the Greater Farmington Area
Chamber of Commerce, to run some of
the events. This shows that the DDA
wants Downtown Farmington to remain
It is making significant efforts to
support growth and redevelopment of
Downtown Farmington. We are actively
working to attract new
businesses and residents,
while retaining our long-time
partnerships and neighbors.
Downtown Farmington
is about business and
Last year we completed
many projects. If you recall, it
was less than a year ago that
the “old pylon sign” came
down and quite literally
changed the landscape along Grand
River Avenue. The Grove Street streetscape project was a long-anticipated
accomplishment for the DDA.
Fortunately, we have no major
construction projects planned for 2014.
It will be a great summer for Downtown
By Melissa Andrade and Pat Shelton
The DDA Board,
nine members strong,
works on your behalf
to continually support
existing Downtown
Farmington businesses as well as find new
entrepreneurs to
bolster and grow the
community. Its
mission is to promote
and enrich a vigorous
downtown business and
Around table, L-R, are DDA board members
residential district while
Melissa Andrade, Bill Galvin, Kathy Platzke,
retaining and enhancing
Dan Higgins, Rachel Gallagher, Val Greer, Les Key,
the walkable, Main Street
Sean Murphy and Tom Buck.
atmosphere through
activities that strengthen its business base,
continue to take our downtown to the
foster community interaction, enhance its
next level by working to bring desired
functionality and visual appearance and
shops to our vacant storefronts,
ensure walkability to and within the
encourage customers to shop in
downtown area. Working toward
Downtown Farmington and ensure that,
increasing business in downtown as well
as our community develops, it remains
as the activity and vibrancy of the City
attractive within its historic quaint nature.
will strengthen Farmington as
Melissa Andrade, President, is a
destination for families of all ages.
Farmington resident and founder/teacher
A key focus for 2014 is the recruitment
of Silver Tree Yoga of Farmington. She
of volunteers to serve on the DDA's Main
Street Committees. These committees
Continued on page 3
Main St.Messenger
Spring 2014, Volume 11, Issue 1
Continued from Page 2
Melissa Andrade and daughter
Sofia, then 2 years old
was appointed to the Board in 2011.
“Yoga reminds me to remain calm
and focused so that in everyday life I
can pause to approach a situation with
equanimity. With the variety of topics
presented to the DDA board and
diverse approaches to work toward
them, yoga serves me well. It helps me
take a step back and look at the big
picture before moving to a decision. It
also allows me to view all situations as
new opportunities.”
“What still impresses me most about
Farmington are the volunteers. So
many are self-starters who don’t wait
for direction; they are enthusiastic,
passionate and dedicated. Many of my
students now volunteer for Downtown
Farmington. I serve this community
because the volunteers inspire me.”
Melissa and her husband, Brad
Lowell, have lived in Farmington for
nearly ten years. Brad regularly
volunteers as well. One reason Melissa
enjoys helping in Farmington is how it
influences her 5-year daughter, Sofia.
“Sofia is often with me when I’m
downtown and many people regularly
acknowledge her and say hello. I like to
think that the community will know
her and be there to watch out for her
as she grows up. I am glad she can
blossom among the people I like to
work with and respect.”
Renewed to the DDA board this year,
former Farmington Mayor Tom Buck
is one of the historic Cook building
owners as well as owner of 2Thynk, a
consulting company helping to
"manage the strategic agenda" for
corporate clients, offering planning,
analysis, leadership development and
succession management tools.
Tom and his wife Karen have lived in
the Farmington community since
1979. They built their home on
Whittaker in 1993. Their two sons,
Andrew and Jon, are Farmington High
School graduates.
Over the years, as a Farmington
resident, Tom has volunteered his time
and efforts to many organizations
including serving for eight years on
City Council. When his boys were
young and in Farmington schools, he
helped on school committees. Another
early contribution to the community
was the establishment of the first film
festival in Downtown Farmington. In
2001, he and Bob Brown, a Farmington
friend in the movie business, put
together the Farmington Funny Film
When not
working or
volunteering his time,
Tom enjoys
Karen and Tom Buck
time with
“I was pleased to see Metro Work
Space establish a location in
Farmington as it could potentially
bring in 30-40 clients working,
shopping and dining in the City.
I think we all need to keep our
antennas up for similar enterprises
and invite those people to join us in
our fine community.”
Another new 2014 member of the
board, Rachel Gallagher, Secretary,
has spent her entire working career in
Downtown Farmington. She’s been a
first-hand witness to the activity and
changes that have taken place for
more than 25 years.
When she was 21, Rachel opened a
bead shop on Grand River called
Yin Yang Beads, before selling it to the
current owner who changed the name
to Bead Bohemia. Rachel also worked
for John and Marie Cowley and at the
Civic Theater. She grew up near 11
Mile and Farmington and now lives in
Ladies Night Out
May 1
Farmington Farmers
& Artisans Market
Saturdays, May 17-November 8
Hosted by City of Farmington
Rhythmz in Riley Park
Fridays, June 13-August 29
Art on the Grand
Saturday-Sunday, June 7-8
Family Fun in Riley Park
June 18, July 9 & 23,
August 6 & 20
Hosted by the Farmington
Community Library
Founders Festival
Friday-Sunday, July 18-20
Hosted by the Greater Farmington Area
Chamber of Commerce
Harvest Moon Celebration
Friday-Saturday, September 18-19
Small Business Saturday
Saturday, November 29
Holly Days
Saturday, December 6
Hosted by the Farmington Area
Junior Chamber
Restaurant Week
February 2015
Get up-to-date
event information at
“The Quality Serv ice You Ex pect”
33603 Grand River Avenue
Downtown Farmington
(248) 474-4131
Robert G. Rock, President
Continued on page 4
Main St.Messenger
Spring 2014, Volume 11, Issue 1
Continued from Page 3
West Bloomfield. Her retired parents and sister live in Lewiston,
NY, her hometown.
Today, Rachel is employed at Salon Legato. She’s been with
owner Diane Cassidy for 15
years, first at Diane’s previous
business, the Village Clippers
until 2004, when Diane bought
Legato. Rachel is pleased to call
Diane her best friend and
A one-year cancer survivor,
now that Rachel feels better, she
Rachel Gallagher
is looking forward to watching
and Will Harfouche
Farmington move ahead. She
brings a tremendous amount of
enthusiasm to the DDA board. “Going forward, I’d like to see
new business in downtown, but just as importantly do what I
can to support the existing businesses, helping the small
business owners stay alive and flourish.”
The Mayor of Farmington sits on the DDA board by direction
of the city ordinance authorizing the DDA and the DDA bylaws.
Mayor Bill Galvin began his civic career about 10 years ago
when he applied for several commissions and was appointed to
the Farmington-Farmington Hills Commission on Aging. After
serving in that capacity for a few years, Bill took a break to
devote more time to his family.
In 2011 there was a vacancy on the Farmington City Council.
“The time was right from a personal perspective to get involved
again plus I felt my background would be helpful to assist the
City climb out of the recession and meet the other pending
financial challenges. I hope my experiences will also be of
assistance in supporting business development in Downtown
Bill grew up in Farmington Hills. As a boy in the late ’70s, he
often rode his bike downtown. Bill is a financial planner and
insurance agent and has been
in business since 1990. He
and his wife Shari live in the
Chatham Hills subdivision
and have since 1998. Their
daughter Brittany is 20 and
their son Brian is 16. Since
both children play ice hockey, Bill was really excited
about the new Riley Park Ice
Rink opening in Downtown
Farmington. “Not only does it
Shari and Bill Galvin
make Farmington a fourseason destination, I am
hopeful that outdoor hockey games for youth aged 4-7 can be
established there.”
Valerie Greer, Promotions Committee Chair, graduated from
the University of Toledo with a degree in art, but that’s not the
focus of her career now – well, not entirely. Valerie is co-owner
of Mike Greer Photography, now located on the second floor at
33316 Grand River in Downtown Farmington. She also spends
time helping entrepreneurs get a
start. These two things take
a lot of creativity, not unlike that of
an artist.
Valerie’s concentration on the
DDA board, specifically the
Promotions Committee, is to turn
her creativity toward getting the
merchants of Downtown
Farmington to work together.
“We really need to be incredibly
supportive of one another. I have a
love for small businesses, and want
to see them all succeed; that’s what
America was founded on. I also
want to encourage our community
Valerie Greer with
Gideon and Lenny to take pride in supporting our
Farmington business owners.”
As a small business owner, Valerie brings a different
perspective to the Board and offers fresh ideas that will help
combat common concerns and struggles in our business
community. Her well-rounded experience and skills with
marketing are especially beneficial in promoting the place of
Downtown Farmington. Valerie is very personable and work
wells with our local businesses.
The Greers have been in business for 16 years. Valerie, her
husband Mike and their three children, live in Orchard Lake.
Dan Higgins was appointed to the Board in 2008, which
makes him the longest serving current member. As a
Farmington business owner, he likes to stay close to the pulse
of the community.
Dan first joined the DDA’s Main Street Marketing and
Promotions Committee – this was right in line with his bread
and butter, Visibles Marketing, Inc. A marketing company,
Visibles develops and implements unique, results-oriented
marketing strategies for clients in a broad range of industries.
Visibles has been in Downtown Farmington about 15 years and
has been serving established and
growing companies for over two
decades. Dan has unique experience in
the healthcare industry as well as the
apparel and food service industries. His
academic credentials include a Master’s
Degree in Healthcare Administration
with a Minor in Strategic Marketing and
Finance. He also holds a Bachelor’s
Degree in Economics and Accounting.
Impressed with the progress
Farmington has seen over the last
several years, particularly with the
Streetscape, pavilion, Harvest Moon
Celebration and most recently the Riley
Park Ice Rink, Dan is excited to be
serving at such a crucial time in the
history of Farmington. “The City is
Dan Higgins
becoming a gathering place. We are
and Keeva
working to make it more walkable and
Main St.Messenger
Spring 2014, Volume 11, Issue 1
Continued from Page 4
bring people from outside Farmington to downtown.”
Dan and his wife Meredith lived in Farmington Hills and are
now residents of West Bloomfield. Their son Matthew is in
college majoring in health care information systems.
Design Committee Chair Les Key, and his wife, Amanda,
discovered Downtown Farmington somewhat accidentally.
While returning from a house searching expedition just east of
Farmington, they happened upon the city
during Founders Festival.
“Driving through, we were both in awe
at the character of the town and the
vibrancy of activity on the street.” Les
spent the following few weeks searching
for a home in Farmington’s historic
district. Now a resident, he says, “Living in
the downtown is wonderful. Having the
ability to conduct most aspects of our life
within walking distance from home
creates a level of calm and easiness that is
hard to replace. Living in the downtown
also provides a liveliness that is always
Les is an architectural designer and
project manager at G.H. Forbes
Associates. Architecture appealed to Les
because of its broad umbrella of
understanding. “An architect has to have a
Les Key
vision of a space and project as a whole,
while keeping a micro-focus on the details to be successful. In
practice you have to be diverse and agile; constantly adapting
to new scenarios as they pop up. I've found the career to be
very fluid and constantly moving, keeping it interesting while
allowing me to continually learn more about related disciplines
encountered on a daily basis.” These are perfect characteristics
to bring to Farmington’s Downtown Development Board of
As Vice President of the DDA board, and
Chair of the Business Development
Committee, Sean Murphy continues his
focus to help with the recruitment and
retention of downtown businesses.
Sean says that since he was in Farmington
High School, the community has begun to
skew younger and the downtown has
become more attractive and inviting with
developments such as the Grand River
Streetscape and Cowley's façade
improvements. ”I want to preserve our
sense of community and inclusiveness
while respecting our history, as we continue
to upgrade our downtown.”
This is particularly important to Sean as
Sean Murphy
he lives within walking distance of the city
center and because he is an avid bicyclist. The
Business Development Committee he chairs is focused on
moving forward on measures that will enhance the “walkability”
and even “ride-ability” around town, as well as working toward
recruiting new, well-fitting, stable establishments so that our
downtown can become even more of a vibrant destination.
By trade, Sean is a lawyer with the Law Offices of Jason A.
Waechter in Southfield, specializing in civil litigation. He says
this career has taught him how to approach problems
analytically, how to work with different personality types, and
how to read contracts, all of which help him to be a key
contributor to the DDA board.
Sean enjoys playing trivia and is a member of a league that
meets at Basement Burger Bar Monday evenings.
Kathy Platzke, Organization Committee Chair, is the Banking
Center Officer at the downtown branch of Talmer Bank and
Trust. She also is a new 2014 board member. Kathy has been
with Talmer Bank about ten years, moving to the Downtown
Farmington branch in June 2013. “I received such a warm
welcome, felt so accepted. I enjoyed
two events in Downtown
Farmington in 2013, the Founders
Festival and Harvest Moon Dance
that I attended with my daughter,
Kayla. Both were great events and I
had the opportunity to talk with
people from the community
outside of the bank. I love what a
close-knit community Farmington is.
Kathy and
Residents and business owners alike
Kayla Platzke
care about what’s going on, showing
support by aiding and attending all of
the activities and events in the City.”
Kathy and her three children, Kayla, Charlotte and
Christopher, 21, 18 and 16, respectively, have lived in Novi since
2007. During the spring and summer months, Kathy enjoys
golfing and is looking forward to adding downhill skiing as a
winter sport this year.
In addition to her seat on the DDA board, Kathy is on the
board of the local Optimist Club. She hopes to strengthen her
involvement in the community, see current businesses flourish
and grow, plus all store fronts filled. She also wants to help with
Main Street program activities. Her financial background should
be of great assistance.
Note: The DDA Board of Directors meet at 6:00 pm the first
Wednesday of each month in Room A at City Hall.
6th annual juried fine arts
fair, located on Grand River
Ave. in the heart of historic
Downtown Farmington, will showcase over 100 fine artists
and crafts persons from across the country, working in
various media, including paintings, sculpture, fiber,
ceramics, glass, photography, and more. The fair will also
feature hands-on fun for children, sidewalk shopping
galore and outdoor restaurant dining.
g 2 0Volume
1 0 , V11,
o l uIssue
m e 17 , I s s u e 1
S p r i n2014,
By Colleen Carnahan, Ann Cleary and Laurie Smalis
Enjoy sweet treats at the
quaint Cake Luv Café at
33335 Grand River Ave. in
Downtown Farmington.
Felicia Tramell Johnson,
owner, has been baking
sweet delights since she was
a little girl, and now shares
her creations with the young
and young at heart.
The devotion to detail is plain to
see in each of the Cake Luv Café
custom cake creations, and the same
love and care goes into the recipes
Felicia Tramell
for the gourmet desserts offered every
Do visit the “sweetest” place in Downtown Farmington and
enjoy some fabulous delights – cookies, cupcakes, brownies
and more.
Call at 248-246-1624 or stop in Tuesday through Friday 11
am to 6 pm, Saturday 11 am to 5 pm and Sunday from 12
noon to 5 pm Check the website www.cakeluvcafe.com for
the featured cupcake flavors of the day.
Little Tree Massage Therapy, LLC is now located at 23629
Liberty Street in the brown building behind Thayer-Rock
Funeral Home. Becki Fredenburg, LMT, owner and certified
massage therapist, moved her
practice there to provide more
space for her clients.
Becki says massage therapy
reduces stress and decreases
pain and stiffness. In addition
to Becki’s services, her husband, Jeremy Peet, will now
offer meditation classes.
Winter weary residents will
find an oasis of warmth and
Becki Fredenburg
caring at Little Tree right in
and Jeremy Peet
Downtown Farmington.
Becki can be reached at 248505-0572 for an appointment or ittletreemassage@yahoo.com
Check out facebook.com/littletree massage.
Stop by Little Tree Massage Therapy, LLC for a free tour and
information on all the services provided Tuesday through
Saturday from 10 am to 7 pm. This could be a very calming
Downtown Farmington is the home of a new business at the
forefront of the “co-working” trend that is revolutionizing the
field of entrepreneurship – Metro Work Space located at
33316 Grand River in the historic Cook Building. Each member
has their own business, but interacts with other members as
they work, providing each other advice, referrals or just small
talk to break up the day. Metro provides a fully managed
office, with a receptionist, and the social experience of a
coffee house.
Memberships are available to meet a variety of business
needs. Metro Work Space
founder Todd Luhtanen decided
to base the newest Metro in
Downtown Farmington because
of the community’s mix of
working professionals and the
major transformation going on
Contact information –
248-919-3290, info@metroworkspace.com, www.metroworkspace.com, and
Myslinski CPA Accounting
Firm has a warm and friendly
atmosphere. Owner Jeffrey
Todd Luhtanen
Myslinski, CPA, CFE received his
BBA in finance from the University of
Michigan-Dearborn and his MSA in
Accounting from Wayne State University.
He recently purchased and is renovating
the old Novi Music Building at 32716 Grand
River, just west of Burger King.
Myslinski CPA offers accounting and tax
services for individuals and businesses. He
also provides payroll bookkeeping, is a
QuickBooks Pro advisor and performs annual
reviews for condominium associations.
Rates offered are hourly and fixed. You can
Myslinski set up an appointment by calling 248-939-4008
or go to the website at www.MyslinskiCPA.com
for more information.
Peaceful Spirit Studio will help you reconnect your mind,
body and spirit through the healing power of yoga. Nestled
in the lower level of the Village Mall, at 33335 Grand River
Avenue, Peaceful Spirit Studio offers Hatha-style yoga for
adults and children.
Owner and instructor, Jenna Degowski, says that her
teaching style is all about relaxation and healing. She teaches
all levels and all abilities and likes to keep the class sizes small
so that she can work on a more personal level with her students. Classes are
tailored to the needs of the participants on any given day so that everyone there can focus on healing.
Jenna has been practicing yoga for
over ten years. Yoga became an
integral part of her healing process
while dealing with a traumatic time of
her life. Because she understands that
stressful times can also cause financial
burdens, she likes to keep her prices
low and even has a special class where
participants pay by donations only.
Jenna Degowski
Classes are fifty minutes in length and
Main St.Messenger
Spring 2014, Volume 11, Issue 1
Raven Writing Studios, INK offers a unique approach
to the art of writing. Classes are based on a series of five
with five
classes in
each. Owner
and instructor,
Palmer helps
take their
skills to new
Robert Palmer
levels with each
workshop. From professional and corporate to writing for
therapy and healing Raven Writing Studios helps writers of all
abilities and styles. The studio also conducts team-building
workshops in the same format as the writing workshops.
Recently, Palmer was commissioned by the Farmington Youth
Assistance to lead a team-building workshop for students at
East Middle School in Farmington Hills.
Raven Writing Studios, INK is located in the lower level of
the Village Mall in the Sacred Sage space. Robert Palmer will
also travel to businesses and schools to conduct
in-house workshops. For more information
on class schedules, prices, etc. go to
www.RavenWritingStudiosINK.com or you may call
Palmer at 231-590-3967.
Jenna will even travel to hold on-location classes. She offers a
program for homeschoolers and will meet with Girl Scout
For more information on class schedules and pricing go to
the website at www.PeacefulSpiritStudio.com, follow the
studio on Facebook or call 248-579-8858.
Discount shoppers “seek the unique” at Tuesday
Morning’s upscale closeout store located at 23314
Farmington Rd. in the Downtown Farmington
Shopping Center. The discount retailer carries domestic and international closeouts of medium to high-end
name brand gifts, soft home items, home furnishings,
housewares, luggage, toys, seasonal items, gourmet food and
fashion accessories for
men, women and
children. You won’t
find seconds or
irregulars and the
merchandise is priced
well below
department, specialty
stores and catalogues.
Welcome back to
Downtown Farmington and Happy 40th Birthday to Dallasbased founder, Lloyd Ross, who started with a garage sale in
1974. He chose Tuesday Morning as the company name
because "it is the first positive day of the week." Hours of
operation are: Mon - Sat: 9 am-8 pm, Sun: 11 am-7 pm.
Store phone: 248-476-4815.
In Farmington, Main Street means business! With a renewed
priority on business development, the four committees have
been working on projects and programs that help to
strengthen and support downtown businesses.
The Design Committee developed and critiqued ideas for
the restoration of Riley Park after the removal of the seasonal
Riley Park Ice Rink. With permanent
improvements underway, the park can
continue to service gatherings, both
organized and spontaneous, while
positioning the rink for its annual
installation. What’s up next? The
Committee will continue its review of
plans for the Farmington Road Streetscape, which is
programmed for 2015.
Restaurant Week, a new venture in
Downtown Farmington, was brought to you
by the Promotions Committee this past
February. Many restaurants had discounts,
complimentary products or special menus
that showcased new items. Next up is Ladies
Night Out on May 1. Volunteers will also be
working on an annual update to the
business locator map and kiosk directories that are placed
around town.
The Organization Committee welcomed a new chair this
year, board member Kathleen Platzke of Talmer Bank. Several
talented writers have joined the Press Corps,
a wonderful team who help share good news
about activities happening in the downtown.
The Committee hosted nearly 100 volunteers
at the March appreciation event, when Chris
Barr was named the recipient of the Mary
Martin Service Award for 2013. We have an
excellent crew of volunteers and the Organization Committee
ensures that they are recognized for their efforts.
The DDA’s reinvigorated focus on business
retention, expansion and recruitment largely
falls on the shoulders of the Business
Development Committee. The newly
reconstituted Committee is learning what
tools it has at its disposal and is developing a
task list for the forthcoming year.
Would you like to be involved in one of these committees? Call
us to find out more at 248-473-7276.