Testnet User Guide


Testnet User Guide
User Guide
Testnet 6
Copyright Prevas AB 2010
This guide was produced by Prevas AB
KS003B03/EN V9
Prevas AB
Box 1909
S-651 19 Karlstad
Phone: +46 54 147400
Fax: +46 54 147499
About This Guide................................................................................................................ 7
Purpose and Content ............................................................................................. 7
Conventions .......................................................................................................... 8
How do I Use the Guide? ..................................................................................... 9
What Is Not In the Guide ...................................................................................... 9
User Interface ....................................................................................................... 9
R-State .................................................................................................................. 9
Product Numbers .................................................................................................. 9
General Description of Pages.............................................................................................. 9
Page Objects ....................................................................................................... 10
Buttons................................................................................................................ 10
Commands and Keys .......................................................................................... 10
Uppercase and Lowercase Letters ...................................................................... 11
About Testnet.................................................................................................................... 11
About Testnet System ....................................................................................................... 11
Testnet Web Menu ............................................................................................................ 12
Main Menu Description .................................................................................................... 15
Different Categories of Users ........................................................................................... 15
Analyst ................................................................................................................ 15
QAnalyst ............................................................................................................. 15
QOperator ........................................................................................................... 16
Administrator ...................................................................................................... 16
QAdministrator ................................................................................................... 16
System Administrator ......................................................................................... 16
Starting-up Testnet ............................................................................................................ 16
How to Select Your Database ............................................................................. 16
How to Login ...................................................................................................... 17
How to Change Your Password .......................................................................... 17
Description........................................................................................................................ 19
Create a Curvedata Report ................................................................................................ 19
Curvedata Result Sheet ....................................................................................... 20
Criteria Sheet ...................................................................................................... 22
Save a Search...................................................................................................... 23
Description........................................................................................................................ 25
Create an Infodata Report ................................................................................................. 25
Infodata Result Sheet .......................................................................................... 26
Save a Search...................................................................................................... 28
Testnet User Guide
Contents  i
Description ........................................................................................................................ 31
Create a Machtime Report ................................................................................................ 31
Machtime Result Sheet ....................................................................................... 32
Machtime Chart Sheet ........................................................................................ 32
Preparation Time ................................................................................................ 33
Max Time ........................................................................................................... 33
Save a Search ...................................................................................................... 34
Description ........................................................................................................................ 35
Create a Measdata Report ................................................................................................. 35
Measdata Result Sheet ........................................................................................ 37
Summary/Measure Point Sheet ........................................................................... 39
Finding the Tolerance Interval ............................................................................ 39
Create a Summary/Measure Point Sheet, part 1 .................................................. 40
Create a Summary/Measure Point Sheet, part 2 .................................................. 40
The Trend Sheet ................................................................................................. 42
The Node Deviation Sheet .................................................................................. 44
The Capability Analysis Sheet ............................................................................ 46
The Timeplot Sheet ............................................................................................ 47
The Overall Capability Sheet .............................................................................. 49
The Pareto Sheet ................................................................................................. 50
The Continuous R&R Sheet................................................................................ 50
The Continuous R&R Pareto Sheet .................................................................... 52
The Continuous R&R Testpoint Sheet................................................................ 53
The Continuous R&R Teststation Sheet ............................................................. 54
The Gauge R&R Sheet ....................................................................................... 55
The Gauge R&R Pareto Sheet ............................................................................ 56
The Gauge R&R Testpoint Sheet ....................................................................... 57
The Instability Sheet ........................................................................................... 58
The Capability report .......................................................................................... 58
Continuous R&R Report ..................................................................................... 61
Gauge R&R Report............................................................................................. 64
Repeatable measurements ................................................................................... 67
Faulty/IdNo Sheet ............................................................................................... 68
Save a Search ...................................................................................................... 69
Description ........................................................................................................................ 71
Create a TQReport Report ................................................................................................ 71
Yield Report Sheet.............................................................................................. 72
Save a Search ...................................................................................................... 74
Description ........................................................................................................................ 75
Create a Weekdata Report ................................................................................................ 75
Test Information Sheet........................................................................................ 76
Save a Search ...................................................................................................... 78
Description ........................................................................................................................ 79
Create a Weekdata_Summary Report ............................................................................... 79
Test Information Sheet........................................................................................ 80
Save a Search ...................................................................................................... 81
View Protocol
ii  Contents
Testnet User Guide
Description........................................................................................................................ 83
How to View Protocols ..................................................................................................... 83
Print Protocol
Description........................................................................................................................ 87
How to Print Protocols ...................................................................................................... 87
Protocol for One Individual ................................................................................ 87
Protocol for Multiple Individuals ....................................................................... 88
Fault Outcome Graph
Description........................................................................................................................ 89
Create a Fault Outcome Graph.......................................................................................... 89
Save a Search...................................................................................................... 90
Fault Outcome Report (Products)
Description........................................................................................................................ 93
Create a Fault Outcome Report (Products) ....................................................................... 93
Save a Search...................................................................................................... 95
Fault Outcome Report (Report Locations)
Description........................................................................................................................ 97
Create a Fault Outcome Report (Report Locations) .......................................................... 97
Save a Search...................................................................................................... 99
Fault Report Positions vs. Fault Codes
Description...................................................................................................................... 101
Create a Fault Report Positions vs. Fault Codes ............................................................. 101
Save a Search.................................................................................................... 103
Yield Graph
Description...................................................................................................................... 105
Create a Yield Graph ...................................................................................................... 105
Save a Search.................................................................................................... 106
Yield Report (Products)
Description...................................................................................................................... 109
Create a Yield Report (Products) .................................................................................... 109
Save a Search.................................................................................................... 111
Yield Report (Report Locations)
Description...................................................................................................................... 113
Create a Yield Report (Report Locations) ...................................................................... 113
Save a Search.................................................................................................... 115
Description...................................................................................................................... 117
How to Search for Blob Files.......................................................................................... 117
Test Details ....................................................................................................... 118
Quality Analysis
Description...................................................................................................................... 121
Testnet User Guide
Contents  iii
How to use Quality Analysis ........................................................................................... 121
Tables ............................................................................................................... 122
Example ............................................................................................................ 125
Views ................................................................................................................ 127
Perform an Analysis.......................................................................................... 135
Export to Excel ................................................................................................. 137
Displaying the query ......................................................................................... 137
Saving the query ............................................................................................... 137
Using a saved query .......................................................................................... 137
Description ...................................................................................................................... 139
How to use Products ....................................................................................................... 139
Product Attributes ............................................................................................. 140
Products ............................................................................................................ 141
Product Relations .............................................................................................. 144
Product Structure .............................................................................................. 146
Group Products ................................................................................................. 146
Report Groups .................................................................................................. 148
Products from PRIM ......................................................................................... 149
Relations from PRIM ........................................................................................ 151
Description ...................................................................................................................... 153
How to use Modelling ..................................................................................................... 153
Report Locations............................................................................................... 154
Areas ................................................................................................................. 157
Lines ................................................................................................................. 158
Test Categories ................................................................................................. 161
Production Goals .............................................................................................. 164
Fault Possibilities .............................................................................................. 165
Modelling Example ......................................................................................................... 167
Product Description .......................................................................................... 167
Production Description ..................................................................................... 168
Modelling ......................................................................................................... 171
Surface-mounting Area ..................................................................................... 172
Printed Board Assembly Area .......................................................................... 173
Final Mounting Area ......................................................................................... 173
Overview of the Modelling Example ................................................................ 173
Description ...................................................................................................................... 175
How to use Basedata ....................................................................................................... 175
Work Flow to Add Base Data ........................................................................... 176
Fault Codes ....................................................................................................... 178
Fault Classes ..................................................................................................... 180
Fault Categories ................................................................................................ 182
Action Codes .................................................................................................... 184
Measurement Points.......................................................................................... 186
Manufacturers ................................................................................................... 188
Alarm Codes ..................................................................................................... 190
Alarm Categories .............................................................................................. 191
Test Station Admin
Description ...................................................................................................................... 195
How to Start Test Station Admin Tool............................................................................ 195
iv  Contents
Testnet User Guide
Mapping............................................................................................................ 196
Translate Product .............................................................................................. 197
Translate Test Program..................................................................................... 199
Translate Test Criteria ...................................................................................... 201
Cardmark Settings ............................................................................................ 202
Protocol Handling
Description...................................................................................................................... 205
How to Start Protocol Handling Tool ............................................................................. 205
Store tab............................................................................................................ 205
QSP Insert tab ................................................................................................... 208
BT Send tab ...................................................................................................... 209
Week Goal
Description...................................................................................................................... 211
How to Start Week Goal Tool ........................................................................................ 211
Description...................................................................................................................... 213
How to Start Users Tool ................................................................................................. 213
User Groups
Description...................................................................................................................... 217
How to Start User Groups Tool ...................................................................................... 217
Description...................................................................................................................... 221
How to Start License Tool .............................................................................................. 221
System Settings
Description...................................................................................................................... 223
How to Start System Settings Tool ................................................................................. 223
System Settings tab ........................................................................................... 223
Test Station Admin Settings tab ....................................................................... 226
Glossary of Terms
Measdata Capability Report ............................................................................................ 231
Testnet User Guide
Contents  v
About This Guide
Purpose and Content
The purpose of this user guide is to provide an overview of Testnet, and to provide
support in day-to-day usage of Testnet_Web. This User Guide is intended for people
new to Testnet as well as the seasoned user.
The Introduction, which you are reading now, contains a general description of
The Testnet section describes common Testnet procedures, such as starting up, as
well as the different user categories of Testnet.
The Curvedata section describes an Excel application that enables viewing of curve
data from different tests.
The Infodata section describes an Excel application that helps you to search and
view test information from the database.
The Machtime section describes an Excel application that enables you to analyze the
usage rate of the test station for up to a month.
The Measdata section describes an Excel application that enables viewing of
measured values from different tests.
The TQ Report section describes an Excel application that enables viewing of test
and repair data from both Testnet and Quality database.
The Weekdata and Weekdata_Summary sections describe Excel applications that
show the test results for a specific week or a specified period of weeks.
The View Protocol section describes how to view the test protocols.
The Print Protocol section describes how to print test protocols as PDF files.
The Fault Outcome Graph section describes an Excel application for viewing fault
outcome on production data.
The Fault Outcome Report (Products) section describes an Excel application for
viewing fault outcome on production data.
The Fault Outcome Report (Report Locations) section describes an Excel
application for viewing fault outcome on production data.
The Fault Report Positions vs. Fault Codes section describes an Excel application
for viewing fault report on positions versus fault codes on production data.
The Yield Graph describes an Excel application for viewing yield on production
The Yield Report (Products) section describes an Excel application for viewing
yield on production data.
Testnet User Guide
Introduction  7
The Yield Report (Report Locations) section describes an Excel application for
viewing yield on production data.
The Blob section describes how to retrieve and view blob files stored together with
test protocols.
The Quality Analysis section describes a tool for analysing quality data.
The Products section describes how to handle product structures needed when
making input.
The Modelling section describes how to model plant for analysing quality data.
The Basedata section describes how to administrate Basedata for Quality database.
The Protocol Handling section describes how to correct protocols rejected by the
Store, QSPInsert or BTSend applications.
The Week Goal section describes how to set up week goals for weekly reports.
The Users section describes how to add new users and assign levels of access
through User Groups.
The User Groups section describes how to handle user group administration.
The License section describes how to handle application license.
The System Settings section describes all settings for application and how to change
Glossary explains the terms used in the guide.
Index offers an easy-to-use search function.
To make the guide as easy to read as possible, we have tried to be consistent in our
use of terminology.
The following conventions are used:
These pictures correspond to the buttons
on the screen.
If there is no picture of a button, this is
how a button is illustrated.
Keys on the keyboard.
Used to emphasise special terms or
Name of a tab or a window.
Name of a window menu.
Indicates which menu command you
should select from the Testnet main
menu to open a given tab or window.
Result sheet
This can be an Excel result sheet from
Weekdata, Infodata or Measdata.
An instruction to activate a button on the screen using the mouse is written like this:
Click on
Click on [Button].
An instruction to use a key on your computer's keyboard is written like this:
8  Introduction
Testnet User Guide
Press <Key>.
An instruction that comprises a series of steps is written like this:
This is step 1
This is step 2
How do I Use the Guide?
When learning to use Testnet it is a good idea to look at the system whilst reading
the guide and. Don‘t try to read the entire guide from beginning to end. Simply
choose the section that interests you and use the guide as reference in times of need.
What Is Not In the Guide
A detailed description of Testnet System is not included in this guide. For a more
detailed description of Testnet please refer to the System Administrators Manual.
User Interface
Testnet uses the Windows platform. The user interface consists of folders that
correspond to work assignments. In the folders there are tabs for the various
functions supported by Testnet.
The design of the user interface follows the same standards as Windows as far as
possible. However, the following is worth noting:
If a button is grey, it means that
no item has been selected for
the operation in question.
Operators with a low level of access and experience may only perform
certain commands. Contact your Testnet administrator if you need
access to additional commands.
A check box can be filled or emptied by clicking on it, or by moving
into it and pressing the space bar.
You can move the cursor between fields using the TAB key. You can
move the cursor within a filed using the <Left> and <Right> arrow
An R-state is the revision number of a product. Testnet can handle products with or
without an R-state (described in "ST1D, Numbering and Revision Rules").
Product Numbers
Testnet can handle both external product numbers as well as Ericsson product
numbers. The external product numbers are described in EN/LZB 101 01/1D,
"External Product Numbers".
General Description of Pages
Testnet's functions are divided into different groups. You can reach these groups
from a menu that appears when you have logged on to Testnet. When you have
chosen a group, by clicking on its menu item, a new page is opened which includes
all the functionality in the chosen group.
Most of the pages in Testnet are constructed in a similar way. Buttons and regularly
occurring functions are described below, as a general description. Pages that include
Testnet User Guide
Introduction  9
functions other than those described below will be described together with their
respective work description.
Page Objects
Testnet tabs consist of different objects:
Text field
This text field is used for entering text. Some of these fields can
be used together with a barcode reader (for example to enter
serial numbers). The Combo-box (below) is a special type of
text field.
The Combo-box is the same as the text field, but also holds a
list of alternatives. Clicking on the little arrow to the right
opens a scroll down list.
There are a number of buttons present in most of the tabs. The
functions for these buttons are described later on in this
chapter. Buttons that are contained only within a certain tab are
described in the chapter describing the tab, or in the step-bystep instructions.
Check box
The check box is used to enable or disable the alternative next
to the check box. By marking the check box, the alternative
next to it will be enabled. Clicking in the check box will make
it switch between an enabled and disabled state.
Radio button
The radio button is used to enable one out of a set of several
mutually exclusive alternatives. Clicking one of the coupled
radio buttons in a group will enable it.
The list or matrix is used to display data. It is possible to mark
any row in the list to perform actions on the selected item. The
list is filled with data from the database when the
corresponding [Retrieve] button is clicked.
Some buttons appear in several places in Testnet. They always have the same
function. Other buttons are described in the descriptions for each tab or function
This button opens saved data, such as selection
parameters for example.
This button will save data, such as parameters or
Commands and Keys
These are the conventions used in this user guide.
"Click" will be used in sentences like these; "click on [Button]" or "click on the
Check box check box". There are several ways to accomplish the desired action,
depending on your equipment:
10  Introduction
You can place the mouse pointer directly on the screen and click once
on the left mouse button (or equivalent).
You can press the <TAB> key repeated times until the desired button is
selected. Then press <ENTER> to activate the button. The TABsequence normally follows the natural workflow.
Testnet User Guide
Type the data in a field or box.
Search Criteria
Search criteria are used to find specific information in the Testnet database, and
transfer the result to the active list. Enter a search criteria and click on the button that
fetches the data. Any information matching the search criteria will be displayed in
the list.
Pressing the <TAB> key moves the cursor to the next box on the screen.
The combo-box indicates that there are a limited number of options. Open the
scrolling menu inside the box and select a row in the list.
Uppercase and Lowercase Letters
As an administrator you should consider how information is entered (typed) into
Testnet. You need to differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters, since the
system interprets them as different characters.
The best way of avoiding this problem is to be consistent, such as by always entering
uppercase letters.
About Testnet
Testnet is a test data acquisition system. This system enables the supervision of tests
and allows you to track any faults that may occur with the product. Testnet connects
test, analysis and repair stations to a common database.
Testnet interfaces with Bartrack. There are two different Bartrack interfaces. One
interface enables test stations to receive the product number, R-state and
manufacturing date for each individual that is to be tested from Bartrack. Test
production comments can be received from Bartrack. The other interface sends the
test status back to Bartrack. The test type can also be sent to Bartrack.
Test information can automatically be sent to quality database.
About Testnet System
The Testnet applications are integrated in the Testnet system. The following picture
describes the Testnet system and its components:
Testnet User Guide
Introduction  11
The test result files are transmitted from the test station to the PDOXCOMM directory
where they are placed in a queue.
Pamela is the Windows interface between the test station and Testnet.
The Store application saves protocols, whereas the Fetch application retrieves
protocols from the Testnet database.
Store and Fetch are run on a dedicated server in the network. Store detects files
that are received by TestnetIN and interprets them. If the file is approved then the
protocol is stored in the database TNETDB. If the protocol is rejected it is renamed as
a ―*.rrr‖ file and can be corrected by using the Testnet_Web application.
PDOXCOMM receives query files from the test stations. These files are then
intercepted by Fetch and, once approved, returned to PDOXCOMM as protocol files.
If the file is not approved then an empty file is created on PDOXCOMM.
PDOXCOMM provides a barrier between the database and the test stations, thereby
ensuring that the test stations cannot in any way change the database.
Testnet Web Menu
The Testnet Web menu opens a number of web pages that are grouped into three
different groups:
12  Introduction
Test Reports
TQ Report
View Protocol
Print Protocol
Testnet User Guide
Quality Reports
Fault Outcome Graph
Fault Outcome report (Products)
Fault Outcome report (Report locations)
Fault report positions vs fault codes
Yield Graph
Yield report (Products)
Yield report (Report locations)
Quality Analysis
Teststation Admin
Protocol Handling
Week Goal
System Administration
Testnet User Guide
User Groups
System Settings
Introduction  13
Main Menu Description
The different parts that make up Testnet are divided into three groups:
System Administration
Below is an example of the main menu:
The exact contents of the main menu depend on set-up and access rights.
Different Categories of Users
In Testnet, users are divided into three different categories or user groups. But there
is a possibility to create new user groups to suit your own needs.
The Analyst has access to Analysis Test reports that help to analyse different
aspects of the test results. The Analyst also has access to the View Protocol and Blob
The QAnalyst has access to Analysis Quality reports that help to analyse different
aspects of the quality. The QAnalyst also have access to the Quality Analysis tool.
Testnet User Guide
Testnet  15
The QOperator has access to Analysis Quality reports that help to analyse different
aspects of the quality. The QOperator also have access to the Quality Analysis tool.
Administrators oversee the handling of test protocols and can edit week goals.
Administrators have access rights to all Analyst functions additionally.
QAdministrators have access to Products and Modelling. QAdministrators also have
access rights to all QAnalyst functions additionally.
System Administrator
The System Administrator updates user profiles. They have access to every
function in Testnet.
Starting-up Testnet
To start Testnet, enter the web address in your browser.
The following logon page will appear on the screen.
To be able to log on, you need a User ID and a Password, both of which you
should have received from your administrator.
After you login for the first time you might be prompted to change your password.
Rules for the new password are set up in the SYS_SETTINGS table in database.
How to Select Your Database
16  Testnet
Go to the Database field.
From the drop-down list select the database you want to work with.
Testnet User Guide
How to Login
Enter your user ID in the User ID field.
Enter your password in the Password field
Click on
to log in.
How to Change Your Password
There are two different scenarios when changing the password:
You have to change password for example when logging in first time or
your password expired.
You want to change your password.
When you have to change your password a message will be displayed and a
button which will let you access the change password page. If you want to
change password check the Change password check-box.
Type your old password in the Old Password field.
Type your new password in the New Password field.
Enter the same new password again in the Verify new Password
Click on
to log in and change the password.
When you log in, your user rights will be validated against information stored in the
database. The Testnet main menu that appears after your login is based on your user
authorisation. For example, if you are registered as an analyst, then the Analysis
menu will appear.
You can also:
Testnet User Guide
To exit the browser you can select File/Exit from the menu bar.
If you want to login as another user, click on
link. You will then return to the Login page.
or click the Logout
Testnet  17
Curvedata is an application that finds information about specific curves from tests
that have been carried out on a product.
As the information is presented in an Excel sheet, it is possible to produce the report
in several ways, for example, table or graph format.
As Curvedata is an Excel application all normal Excel features are available. In
addition, some special Curvedata functions exist:
Gives you the possibility to show or hide columns.
Enables you to sort data.
Gives you the possibility to filter information.
Create a Curvedata Report
This is how you create a Curvedata report:
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Analysis - Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
There are three ways you can search for a Product. If you click in the
list of available products the selected product will appear in the
Curvedata  19
product number field and the combo box will display “Exact”. You
can also select “Starting with” in the combo box and supply the
beginning of the product number, for example ROA. You can also let
the product combo display option “All“ and instead limit the search in
other ways.
The R-state search works just as Product.
Select the Test Software if you want to limit your search on the
software just as for Product and R-state.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover. The year should
be entered first, followed by month and then day (YYYY-MM-DD).
For example, the 23rd of March, 2008 will be entered like this: 200803-23. You can also click the calendar button
selecting your date.
and get help with
Select whether the search criteria should include all cardmarks (All),
exclude cardmarks (Without) or include a specific cardmark
Note: If you choose Specific you have to enter a list of maximum 40
cardmarks. For example, ABX1 will include cardmarks A, B, X and 1
in the search.
Then it is time to select a Test Criteria. Click on the wanted criteria
in the list. If you want to have only individuals tested with those
specific test criteria in your result check the checkbox below the list.
You can only view one curve at a time so select one item in the
Measurement Point. If the list is empty this test has no curves.
You can use a serial number filter by clicking in the check box Filter.
Then a serial number filter table is displayed in the current page:
Enter the ID number(s) or serial numbers you want to search for in the
30 text fields.
You can import serial numbers from a semicolon-separated file by
clicking on the [Browse…] button and selecting the file you wish to
import in the navigator window that appear. The input file must be a
list with ID numbers with a semi colon (;) on each row, see example:
10. Click on
Curvedata Result Sheet
Below is an example of a Result sheet:
20  Curvedata
Testnet User Guide
The Curvedata: Selection sheet displays information about the individuals
contained in the search criteria.
The report is laid out as follows:
Columns A – C contains global product information
Columns D – O contains test information
To print the report, select File/Print.
How to Show/Hide Columns
To make the report easier to read you can choose which columns to show.
to open the Show/Hide Columns dialog
Click on
Select the columns that you want to include in the report.
Click on
How to Sort Information
Information in the Curvedata: Selection sheet can be sorted.
Testnet User Guide
Click on
Choose the sort criteria from the drop-down lists.
Curvedata  21
Select whether to sort by Ascending or Descending order by
clicking the relevant radio button.
Select whether you want a Header row or not by clicking the relevant
radio button.
If you click on
the Sort Options dialog box will appear:
Here you have the possibility to enter further sorting options. Click on
to return to the previous menu or click on
to confirm
the sort options.
Click on
to sort the information.
How to Filter Information
When you click on
you activate the Excel filter function, thereby making it
possible to filter out the rows that you are not interested in.
Criteria Sheet
If there are any limits for the curve, they are displayed in a separate sheet in Excel.
This is an example on how it could look:
22  Curvedata
Testnet User Guide
Save a Search
In Curvedata it is possible to save a search. One reason for saving your own search
could be, for example, that you are interested in following up certain products. You
can specify these products in a search, and each time you need reports for these
products, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create a Curvedata
Report. When you have filled in all criteria select Save this search
check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [ << ] and [ >> ]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
Testnet User Guide
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Curvedata  23
Infodata is an application that finds information about tests that have been carried
out on a product, for example, how a product has been tested.
As the information is presented in an Excel sheet it is possible to produce the report
in several ways, for example, table or graph format.
As Infodata is an Excel application all normal Excel features are available. In
addition, some special Infodata functions exist:
Gives you the possibility to show or hide columns.
Enables you to sort data.
Gives you the possibility to filter information.
Shows only individuals that have failed the latest test.
Create an Infodata Report
This is how you create an Infodata report:
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Analysis - Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
Infodata  25
There are three ways you can search for a Product. If you click in the
list of available products the selected product will appear in the
product number field and the combo box will display “Exact”. You
can also select “Starting with” in the combo box and supply the
beginning of the product number, for example ROA. You can also let
the product combo display option “All“ and instead limit the search in
other ways.
The R-state search works just as Product.
Select the Test Software if you want to limit your search on the
software just as for Product and R-state.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover. The year should
be entered first, followed by month and then day (YYYY-MM-DD).
For example, the 23rd of March, 2008 will be entered like this: 200803-23. You can also click the calendar button
selecting your date.
and get help with
Select whether the search criteria should include all cardmarks (All),
exclude cardmarks (Without) or include a specific cardmark
Note: If you choose Specific you have to enter a list of maximum 40
cardmarks. For example, ABX1 will include cardmarks A, B, X and 1
in the search.
You can use a serial number filter by clicking in the check box Filter.
Then a serial number filter table is displayed in the current window:
Enter the ID number(s) or serial numbers you want to search for in the
30 text fields.
You can import serial numbers from a semicolon-separated file by
clicking on the [Browse…] button and selecting the file you wish to
import in the navigator window that appear. The input file must be a
list with ID numbers with a semi colon (;) on each row, see example:
If you do not want to see the individuals that passed first time click in
the check box Hide first passed.
Click on
Infodata Result Sheet
Below is an example of a result sheet:
26  Infodata
Testnet User Guide
The Infodata: Selection sheet displays information about the individuals
contained in the search criteria.
The report is laid out as follows:
Columns A – E contains global product information
Columns F – V contains test information
To print the report, select File/Print.
How to Show/Hide Columns
To make the report easier to read you can choose which columns to show.
to open the Show/Hide Columns dialog
Click on
Select the columns that you want to include in the report.
Click on
How to Sort Information
Information in the Infodata: Selection sheet can be sorted.
Testnet User Guide
Click on
Choose the sort criteria from the drop-down lists.
Infodata  27
Select whether to sort by Ascending or Descending order by
clicking the relevant radio button.
Select whether you want a Header row or not by clicking the relevant
radio button.
If you click on
the Sort Options dialog box will appear:
Here you have the possibility to enter further sorting options. Click on
to return to the previous menu or click on
to confirm
the sort options.
Click on
to sort the information.
How to Filter Information
When you click on
you activate the Excel filter function, thereby making it
possible to filter out the rows that you are not interested in.
How to Only Show Individuals That Have Failed
By clicking on
, the Infodata: Selection sheet only shows the
individuals that have the highest test count‘s pass/fail flag = ‗N‘ and the Action Code
is not 99 (Code 99 = scrapped).
Save a Search
In Infodata it is possible to save a search. One reason for saving your own search
could be, for example, that you are interested in following up certain products. You
can specify these products in a search, and each time you need reports for these
products, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create an Infodata
Report. When you have filled in all criteria select Save this search
check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
28  Infodata
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
Testnet User Guide
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [ << ] and [ >> ]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
Testnet User Guide
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Infodata  29
Machtime is an application used to view the usable time of a node (test station).
With Machtime it is possible to see when every test-run was started and when it
finished, on a specific test station.
The results from these findings are presented in both graphical and numerical format.
The Machtime graph is displayed as a two-dimensional grid. Days are shown on the
X-axis and Time on the Y-axis.
As the information is presented in an Excel sheet it is possible to produce the report
in several ways, for example, table or graph format.
As Machtime is an Excel application all normal Excel features are available. In
addition, some special Machtime functions exist.
Create a Machtime Report
This is how you create a Machtime report:
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Analysis - Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
Select the Test Station number.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover. The year should
be entered first, followed by month and then day (YYYY-MM-DD).
For example, the 23rd of March, 2008 will be entered like this: 2008-
Machtime  31
03-23. You can also click the calendar button
selecting your date.
Click on
and get help with
Machtime Result Sheet
Below is an example of a result sheet:
The Machtime: Selection sheet displays information about the search criteria.
The report is laid out as follows:
Columns A – F contains information on passed tests
Columns K – P contains information on not passed tests
To print the report, select File/Print.
Machtime Chart Sheet
Below is an example of a chart sheet:
32  Machtime
Testnet User Guide
The bar chart appears in a spread view. Each coloured box represents whether an
object has passed or failed. A green box means the object has passed the test(s), and
red shows the object failed.
Preparation Time
PreTime is the calculated total time that the test has been in rest due to reloading
purposes, for example, when a new test object is being inserted.
How to View Preparation Time
Select Machtime/Preparation Time from the menu.
The following dialog box will appear:
Select Preparation time enabled.
Enter the expected test preparation time in the Preparation time (s)
Click on
The time taken to load the test objects will now be accumulated and presented on
screen as yellow bars.
Max Time
Max time is the expected time needed to perform a test. For example, if it is known
that a test should be completed within ten minutes (600 seconds), set the Max time
value to 600 seconds, and it will be possible to see tests that required longer test
To fully benefit from the Max time function you need to have previous knowledge of
the node (test station), for example, you need to know:
Whether more than one product is tested at this station.
How long did it take to run the original test? This is important because
when a test program is revised it can take longer to run.
How to View Max Time
Select Machtime=>Max Time from the menu bar.
The following dialog box will appear:
Select Max time enabled.
Enter the maximum time expected for a test to run in the
Max time (s) field.
Click on
The time taken to test the objects will now be accumulated and presented on screen
as blue bars.
Testnet User Guide
Machtime  33
Save a Search
In Machtime it is possible to save a search. One reason for saving your own search
could be, for example, that you are interested in following up a certain test station.
You can specify the node in a search, and each time you need reports for the test
station, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create a Machtime
Report. When you have filled in all criteria select Save this search
check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Run a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [ << ] and [ >> ]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criteria are displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
34  Machtime
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Testnet User Guide
Measdata is an application used to analyse measurement data from the test results.
With this application you can look at the distribution of measurement points as well
as the trend that they are following. It is also possible to make a summary of this
analysis and create a sheet of the faulty per individual.
By creating a node deviation sheet you can easily see if a test station (node) is
As the information is presented in an Excel sheet it is possible to produce the report
in several ways, for example, table or graph format.
As Measdata is an Excel application all normal Excel features are available. In
addition, some special Measdata functions exist:
Shows the previous sheet.
Shows the next sheet.
Opens the search criteria dialog box.
Show selected columns only. The [Hide col.] button
hides selected columns.
Show selected rows only. The [Hide rows] button
hides selected rows.
Deletes marked columns.
Deletes marked rows.
Opens the sort criteria dialog box.
Opens the Excel filter dialog box.
Marks failed measurement values according to the
selected limit or criteria file.
Shows the latest tested individuals.
Create the Measdata menu.
Create a Measdata Report
This is how you create a Measdata report:
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Analysis - Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
Measdata  35
There are three ways you can search for a Product. If you click in the
list of available products the selected product will appear in the
product number field and the combo box will display “Exact”. You
can also select “Starting with” in the combo box and supply the
beginning of the product number, for example ROA. You can also let
the product combo display option “All“ and instead limit the search in
other ways.
The R-state search works just as Product.
Select the Test Software if you want to limit your search on the
software just as for Product and R-state.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover. The year should
be entered first, followed by month and then day (YYYY-MM-DD).
For example, the 23rd of March, 2008 will be entered like this: 200803-23. You can also click the calendar button
selecting your date.
and get help with
Select whether the search criteria should include all cardmarks (All),
exclude cardmarks (Without) or include a specific cardmark
Note: If you choose Specific you have to enter a list of maximum 40
cardmarks. For example, ABX1 will include cardmarks A, B, X and 1
in the search.
Then it is time to select a Test Criteria. Click on the wanted criteria
in the list. If you want to have only individuals tested with those
specific test criteria in your result check the checkbox below the list.
You can filter data by selecting rows in Measurement Point list and
then check the Filter check box.
You can use a serial number filter by clicking in the check box Filter.
Then a serial number filter table is displayed in the current page:
Enter the ID number(s) or serial numbers you want to search for in the
30 text fields.
You can import serial numbers from a semicolon-separated file by
clicking on the [Browse…] button and selecting the file you wish to
import in the navigator window that appear. The input file must be a
36  Measdata
Testnet User Guide
list with ID numbers with a semi colon (;) on each row, see example:
10. To change the main filter check Filter checkbox.
The Main Filter selections will appear:
Click the relevant radio button and then enter the Start/End Time. (in
the format HH:MM:SS)
From the drop down list for Day of Week click on the relevant day or
choose All.
11. If you want to see repetitions, attributes and notes for measurement
points check the checkbox:
12. Click on
Measdata Result Sheet
Below is an example of a result sheet:
The report is laid out as follows:
Testnet User Guide
Columns A – B contains the ID number
Column C shows the product number, R-state and software id of the
Column D shows the node number where the test was performed
Column E shows how many times the individual has been tested
Column F shows whether the individual passed or failed the test
Column G shows the cardmark
Column H shows the limit file
Column I shows the date and time of the test
Measdata  37
The remaining columns show test results. The column header shows the name of the
test point and information on the latest search criterion is shown in the Measdata:
Selection box (see below).
All information included in the report is sorted by ID number (serial number).
Above the test result columns, the following information is displayed:
These rows are headers to information to the right of the header:
Set value:
Expected test result
Lim type:
The limit you set, where:
X = max value
M = min value
P = plus/minus limits
L = high and low limit
B = equal to
N = no limit
Lim 1:
First limit value (left)
Lim 2:
Second limit value (right)
Name of test point
Unit of test value
To print the report, select File/Print.
To see values that are above or below the values you have set, click on
. The data outside the limits is then shown in red.
To see individuals with the highest test count (latest test) click on
The result is visualized as a Measdata result sheet.
In addition to the main result sheet, you can view the following information:
38  Measdata
Summary/measure point sheet
Trend sheet
Node deviation sheet
Capability analysis sheet
Timeplot sheet
Overall capability sheet
Pareto sheet
Continuous R&R sheet
Testnet User Guide
Continuous R&R Pareto sheet
Continuous R&R testpoint sheet
Continuous R&R teststation sheet
Gauge R&R sheet
Gauge R&R Pareto sheet
Gauge R&R testpoint sheet
Instability sheet
Capability report
Continuous R&R report
Gauge R&R report
Faulty/idno sheet
Save as JPG-picture
Glossary Graphs
These alternatives are available by selecting Measdata from the menu bar and then
clicking on desired menu item.
Summary/Measure Point Sheet
The summary/measure point sheet can be created to show either all measure points or
only measure points that have been pre-selected.
Measurement values within +/- 180% of the tolerance interval are included in the
Finding the Tolerance Interval
If Two Limits Have Been Set
If we take, for example, four as the minimum limit and six as the maximum limit the
distance between four and six equals 100%. The minimum and maximum limits set
at 180% are 3.2 and 6.8 respectively. See below:
Note: Only measurement points between 3.2 and 6.8 will be used for the statistic
If Only One Limit Has Been Set
Note: If only one limit has been set, then Measdata will create a fictitious limit by
reflecting the existing limit in the average value. See below:
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  39
Note: If all measurement values have failed then the average value will be treated as
if it was situated on the correct side of the limit.
Create a Summary/Measure Point Sheet, part 1
To create a summary/measure point sheet, using selected measure points:
In the Measdata: Selection sheet mark the columns you are interested
Note: If more than one column is to be selected then you need to hold
down <Shift> on your keyboard at the same time as you click on the
Select Measdata/Create the summary/measure point sheet from the
menu bar
Select the radio button Use selected measure points.
Click on
The following is an example of the summary sheet:
You can sort the summary table either by test point, number of faults or total DPMO.
Create a Summary/Measure Point Sheet, part 2
To create a summary/measure point sheet using all measure points:
Select Measdata/Create the summary/measure point sheet from the
menu bar.
Click the radio button Use all measure points.
Click on
Note: After you have clicked on
is complete.
, status messages will appear until the sheet
The summary table can be sorted either by test point, number of tested, number of
faults or total DPMO.
Below is an example of the Summary/Measure Point sheet:
40  Measdata
Testnet User Guide
Note: If High/Low Capability is lower than 1 then the figure is presented embossed.
Example: To the right in the Summary/Measure Point sheet following information
Information found on this part of the Summary/Measure Point sheet:
 Yield.
 Norm test.
 Continuous data, divided into Capability and Instability data with DPMO
value and confidence interval for its DPMO value.
 Attribute data with DPMO value and confidence interval for its DPMO value.
 Total DPMO.
 Overall capability table.
Detailed explanation of the different columns, see Glossary.
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  41
Below is an example of the Overall capability table:
The information in the overall capability table consist of a frequency table that shows
the occurrence of measurement points that got capability values within certain given
intervals, field for total yield with confidence interval and total dpu with confidence
interval. A mean value in DPMO is shown, divided into capability, instability,
attribute and total DPMO. Confidence interval is 95 %.
The Trend Sheet
The Measdata trend sheet presents the measurement values for a selected
measurement point. This sheet can only be created if the result sheet or the summary
sheet has been activated. The measurement values are shown as crosses on the graph.
With the trend sheet you also have the possibility to show a trend line. This trend line
can indicate whether the measurement values are drifting.
How to Create a Trend Sheet
To create a Trend sheet:
42  Measdata
Click on the column you are interested in, in the Measdata: Selection
Select Measdata/Create the trend sheet.
The following sheet will appear:
To modify the graph click on
will appear:
, the following dialog box
Testnet User Guide
By clicking a radio button you can select one of three ways to view the
trend sheet:
+/- 180% - this shows data for the limits you have set plus
data that is 40% over and under these limits.
All shows all results.
User defined enables you to enter:
Min scale
Max scale
To set the trend line, select either Show trend line 5% or Show
trend line 10% radio button. To hide the trend line again, select the
Hide trend line radio button.
You can view the graph ‗by order‘ or ‗by time‘. The default is set to ‗by time‘, to
change this to ‗by order‘ click on
. To return to ‗by time‘ click on
Below are examples of the different views:
Trend Sheet by order, show trend line 5%.
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  43
Trend Sheet by time, show trend line 5%.
The Node Deviation Sheet
In the Measdata node deviation sheet it is possible to see if a test station (node) is
drifting. This sheet can only be created if the summary sheet is activated. It is
possible to show the node deviation for all the measurement points in the
summary/measure point sheet or for a selection.
How to Create a Node Deviation Sheet
44  Measdata
Click on the row you are interested in, in the Measdata
summary/measure point sheet.
Note: If you do not select a row then all measurement points will be
Select Measdata/Create the node deviation sheet from the menu
Select one of the radio buttons Use selected measure points or
Use all measure points.
Below is an example of the sheet that will appear:
Testnet User Guide
The graph to the left of the sheet shows ―Average per node‖. See
Whereas the graph to the right of the sheet shows ―Capability index
per node‖. See below:
Average/node: In this graph the limit values are shown as red lines,
and the y-axis shows the number of tests carried out.
Capability index/node: If the distribution is centred this graph
corresponds to the expected fault rate. The x-axis shows capability and
the y-axis shows the number of tests.
The data for the graphs is gained by double clicking on a Test Point
in the table. This row will be highlighted with yellow and an arrow
will appear in column A to indicate which Test Point the graphs are
based on.
There are two ways to sort the data in the table:
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  45
Sort A/d (Average/distance) - This is the difference between the
maximum and minimum average value/distance between the high and
low limit value.
Sort Ci max/Ci min – Maximum capability index/minimum capability
You can see the above information on-line, by clicking
To activate a filter click on
An arrow will appear on the Test Point, if you click on this a dropdown list will appear. Click on the test point you require. See below:
To hide or show the number of times the different test points have
been tested at the different nodes click on
The Capability Analysis Sheet
The Measdata capability analysis sheet presents the distribution of the selected
measurement point and information about process data and overall capability. This
sheet can only be created if the result sheet or the summary sheet has been activated.
The graph in the Capability sheet shows the distribution of measured values with its
limit values and a normal distribution curve. Measurement point specific calculations
are presented in the ‖Process data‖ and ‖Overall Capability‖ boxes.
How to Create a Capability Analysis Sheet
To create a capability analysis sheet:
46  Measdata
Click on the measurement point you are interested in, in the Measdata:
Result sheet or click on a row in the Summary Sheet.
Select Measdata/Create the capability analysis sheet from the menu
Testnet User Guide
Below is an example of the Capability analysis sheet:
The Timeplot Sheet
The Measdata timeplot sheet presents two graphs showing the selected measurement
point values and a table including process data and overall capability. This sheet can
only be created if the result sheet or the summary sheet has been activated.
The graphs in the Timeplot sheet presents one timeplot covering all measured values
and one timeplot covering all measured values with outliers omitted. The selected
measurement point values may be sorted in different ways; Timeplot per Node,
Timeplot per R-state or Timeplot per Cardmark. To reset the sorting, click the
―Timeplot all‖ button.
Measurement point specific calculations are presented in the ‖Process data‖ and
‖Overall Capability‖ boxes.
How to Create a Timeplot Sheet
To create a Timeplot sheet:
Click on the measurement point you are interested in, in the Measdata:
Result sheet or click on a row in the Summary Sheet.
Select Measdata/ Timeplot sheet from the menu bar.
Below is an example of the Timeplot sheet:
To sort the measurement point values in different ways use the buttons on
the right side of the graphs. The following sort buttons are predefined:
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  47
48  Measdata
Click on button
to sort the measured values by Node.
Below is an example of the Timeplot per Node graph:
Click on button
to sort the measured values by R-state.
Below is an example of the Timeplot per R-state graph:
Click on button
to sort the measured values by Cardmark.
Below is an example of the Timeplot per Cardmark graph:
Testnet User Guide
4. Reset the graphs by clicking on button
The Overall Capability Sheet
The Measdata overall capability sheet presents overall information for all
measurement points in the summary/measure point sheet. This sheet can only be
created if the summary sheet has been activated.
The graph in the overall capability sheet shows the number of measurement points
that have capability value within certain given intervals and the staples in the graph
may be divided into capability, instability and attribute data. The table below the
graph shows the calculated base data for the graph. Example of the overall
information in the table:
How to Create an Overall Capability Sheet
The summary/measure point sheet is activated.
To create an Overall Capability sheet:
1. Select Measdata/Create the overall capability sheet from the
Below is an example of the Overall Capability sheet:
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  49
The Pareto Sheet
The Measdata Pareto sheet presents overall information for all measurement points
from the summary/measure point sheet. This sheet can only be created if the
summary sheet has been activated.
The 10 bars in the Pareto sheet shows most frequently failing measurement points
concerning Total DPMO (Capability, Instability and Attribute data), Failure rate,
Capability (CKP and DPMO), Instability DPMO and Attribute data DPMO.
How to Create a Pareto Sheet
The summary/measure point sheet is activated.
To create a Pareto sheet:
Select Measdata/Create the Pareto sheet from the menu bar.
Below is an example of the Pareto sheet:
The Continuous R&R Sheet
The Measdata Continuous R&R sheet presents repeatability and reproducibility
analyses of continuous production test data (running production, first tests of
different units). The continuous R&R analyses require more than one test station to
analyze data from and a minimum level of five tested units per test station (in
50  Measdata
Testnet User Guide
remaining cases, test station variation can only be estimated by Gauge R&R
The continuous R&R sheet is made for all test points in the summary/measure point
sheet. The sheet can only be created if the summary sheet has been activated and the
selection only contains values with test count of one. If your selection contains test
counts greater than one you will get a warning:
Important to consider when using continuous R&R is that this analysis method
cannot separate products or operators from test stations. If the products tested in the
different test stations are from different populations the analyses will point out those
differences as differences in repeatability and/or reproducibility. Differences due to
variation in operator behaviour running the different test stations will also be pointed
out in the same way.
How to Create a Continuous R&R Sheet
To create a Continuous R&R sheet:
Select Measdata/Create the Continuous R&R sheet from the
Testpoints in Continuous R&R sheet can be sorted either by testpoint or by total
R&R DPMO loss.
Below is an example of the Continuous R&R sheet:
Example: To the right in the Continuous R&R sheet the following information
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  51
Information found on this part of the Continuous R&R sheet:
Repeatability Standard Deviation Ideal
Reproducibility Standard Deviation Ideal
No of nodes used in calculations
No of deviating nodes found in analyses
Capability repeatability DPMO loss
Capability reproducibility DPMO loss
Instability reproducibility DPMO loss
Attribute reproducibility DPMO loss
Total repeatability and reproducibility DPMO loss
Detailed explanation of the different columns, see Glossary.
The Continuous R&R Pareto Sheet
The Measdata continuous R&R Pareto sheet presents an overview of the result of the
continuous repeatability and reproducibility analyses.
This sheet can only be created if the Continuous R&R sheet has been activated, and
is created for all testpoints in that sheet.
How to Create a Continuous R&R Pareto Sheet
To create a continuous R&R Pareto sheet:
Select Measdata/Create the Continuous R&R Pareto sheet
from the menu.
Below is an example of the Continuous R&R Pareto sheet:
52  Measdata
Testnet User Guide
There are two diagrams in the sheet. The first diagram, ―Overall Total R&R DPMO
loss‖, shows the overall total R&R DPMO loss for all testpoints in Continuous R&R
sheet. The diagram is based upon the overall table on the right top of Continuous
R&R sheet. The second diagram shows the top ten failing testpoints concerning total
continuous R&R DPMO loss.
The Continuous R&R Testpoint Sheet
The Measdata continuous R&R testpoint sheet presents continuous repeatability and
reproducibility analyses for a specific testpoint. This sheet can only be created if the
Continuous R&R sheet has been activated, and is created for a specific testpoint in
that sheet.
How to Create a Continuous R&R Testpoint Sheet
To create a continuous R&R testpoint sheet:
Click on a row in the Continuous R&R sheet
Select Measdata/Create the Continuous R&R testpoint sheet
from the menu.
Below is an example of the Continuous R&R Testpoint sheet:
There are four different graphs in this sheet created for a specific testpoint. In the
first two timeplot graphs, all individual measurements are grouped by test
station/node name. This gives an overall picture of how the different nodes behave,
both in their position (mean value) and the spread (standard deviation). The second
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  53
timeplot graph shows a better resolution since outliers have been removed. This
graph is to be interpreted as data for ―normal production‖, and allows for a more
thorough comparison between nodes.
The two last graphs show graphical comparisons between nodes with regard to their
spread and position. The thin red line is calculated as the standard deviation best
level (upper chart), and the total mean for all measurements (lower chart). The
confidence intervals are set to standard level, 95%.
For further explanations of the graphs see Measdata Capability Report.
The Continuous R&R Teststation Sheet
The Measdata continuous R&R teststation sheet presents a list of testpoints that are
found deviating during the continuous R&R analyses. Deviating testpoints are listed
per teststation. This sheet can only be created if the Continuous R&R sheet has been
activated, and is created for all testpoints in that sheet.
How to Create a Continuous R&R Teststation Sheet
To create a continuous R&R teststation sheet:
Select Measdata/Create the Continuous R&R teststation sheet
from the menu.
Below is an example of the Continuous R&R Teststation sheet:
54  Measdata
Testnet User Guide
The Gauge R&R Sheet
The Measdata Gauge R&R sheet presents Gauge R&R analyses for all testpoints in
summary/measure point sheet. Performing Gauge R&R analyses requires repeated
testing of same units in a planned experiment, for example five units to be measured
in a randomized way four times each in three different test stations. Number of units
and repetitions must be decided due to the situation and requirements. This requires
repeated testing of same units in a planned experiment.
The Measdata Gauge R&R sheet can only be created if the summary sheet has been
activated and the selection contains individuals tested several times on different test
stations. If your selection doesn‘t contain correct data you will get a warning:
How to Create a Gauge R&R Sheet
To create a gauge R&R sheet:
Select Measdata/Create the Gauge R&R sheet from the
Below is an example of the Gauge R&R sheet:
Testpoints in the Gauge R&R sheet can be sorted either by testpoint or by total
Gauge R&R DPMO loss.
Example: To the right in the Gauge R&R sheet the following information appear.
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  55
Information found in the Gauge R&R sheet:
No of nodes
No of distinct categories
Reproducibility divided into %Contribution, %Study variation,
Parts divided into %Contribution, %Study variation, %Tolerance
Interaction divided into %Contribution, %Study variation, %Tolerance
Reproducibility divided into %Contribution, %Study variation,
Total Gauge R&R divided into %Contribution, %Study variation,
Product DPMO
Total Gauge R&R DPMO loss
Detailed information of different columns, see Glossary.
The Gauge R&R Pareto Sheet
The Measdata Gauge R&R Pareto sheet presents overview graphs for the
repeatability and reproducibility analyses performed in Gauge R&R sheet.
This sheet can only be created if the Gauge R&R sheet has been activated.
How to Create a Gauge R&R Pareto Sheet
To create a Gauge R&R Pareto sheet:
Select Measdata/Create the Gauge R&R Pareto sheet from
the menu.
Below is an example of the Gauge R&R Pareto sheet:
56  Measdata
Testnet User Guide
For detailed information of the graphs, see Glossary Graphs.
The Gauge R&R Testpoint Sheet
The Measdata Gauge R&R testpoint sheet presents Gauge repeatability and
reproducibility analyses for a specific testpoint. This sheet can only be created if the
Gauge R&R sheet has been activated.
How to Create a Gauge R&R Testpoint Sheet
To create a gauge R&R sheet:
Click on a row in the Gauge R&R sheet.
Select Measdata/Create the Gauge R&R testpoint sheet from
the menu.
Below is an example of the Gauge R&R Testpoint sheet:
In the first graph, %Contribution and %Tolerance is plotted grouped by the
categories Total Gauge R&R, Repeatability, Reproducibility and Part-to-part.
%Contribution shows how much each category contributes to the overall observed
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  57
variability in all the measurements (per measurement point). %Tolerance shows how
much of the total tolerance range a category is covering. A high value on
%Contribution but low on %Tolerance reveals a poor system with no real yield
The second graph is a run chart by Id.no, a summary chart with all measurements
grouped by units (each frame), and by test station (each coloured series). This makes
it easy to spot differences between/within test stations.
The third graph is a run chart by test station, a summary chart with all measurements
grouped by test station/node (each frame), and by units (each coloured series). This
makes it easy to spot differences between/within units.
The Instability Sheet
The Measdata instability sheet presents all values that are calculated as instabilities
for all measurement points. All id numbers with instabilities found are presented in
this sheet. This sheet can only be created if the summary sheet has been activated.
How to Create an Instability Sheet
To create an Instability sheet:
Select Measdata/Create the instability sheet from the menu.
Below is an example of the Instability sheet:
The Capability report
The Measdata capability report presents capability information for measurement
points generated as an MS Word report. This report can only be created if the
summary sheet has been activated.
The Capability report contains an initial page with overall information and followed
by a number of pages with test point specific information. A glossary is included in
the Capability report with explanations of the test point specific information.
How to Create a Capability report
The summary/measure point sheet is activated.
To create a Capability report:
58  Measdata
Select Measdata/Create the capability report from the menu bar.
Select one alternative from the measurement point selection window.
Testnet User Guide
N.B. When the alternative Use selected measurement points is selected,
the summary information on the initial page is affected. The following text
is added on the initial page to indicate the limitation: ―Only a selected
number of measurement points in the report‖.
Enter information in the Create Capability report form. This dialog box
shows the selected product number and the period of time you want
the report to cover.
Select Testpoint sort order, by total DPMO is default.
Select Number of testpoints in report. The number of
measurement points that will be written to the report.
Enter Save report in directory, initial path set to
C:\Measdata\Reports. The report directory is created
according to \[root directory]\[Product number from date –
Until date]\
Enter Report template in directory, default path is set.
The MS Word template used to create the report is named
Enter Report file name, default name is given a
combination of product number and date interval for the
Enter report title.
Click on the button
to generate the Capability
The initial page in the capability report contains the following information:
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  59
Ericsson header information and logotype, product information,
information about how many test points that are analyzed in the report, a
Pareto graph with the most frequent failing measurement points concerning
total DPMO, an overall capability graph showing the measurement points
capability value and a table with calculated base data for the overall
capability graph.
This is an example of the first page:
60  Measdata
The second page contains help information; it explains what kind of
information is presented for each test point. Page three and four holds
a glossary with information about the terms used in Measdata. The
following pages hold the measurement point information. The example
below shows one page with information about two measurement
Testnet User Guide
Continuous R&R Report
The Measdata continuous R&R report presents continuous repeatability and
reproducibility information for selected testpoints in an MS Word report. This report
can only be created if the continuous R&R sheet has been activated.
The Continuous R&R report contains an initial page with overall information
followed by a number of pages with test point specific information. A glossary is
included in the Continuous R&R report with explanations of the test point specific
How to Create a Continuous R&R report
The continuous R&R sheet is activated.
To create a Continuous R&R report:
Testnet User Guide
Select Measdata/Create the continuous R&R report from the menu bar.
Enter information in the Create Continuous R&R report form. This
dialog box shows the selected product number and the period of time
you want the report to cover.
Select Testpoint sort order, by total DPMO is default.
Select Number of testpoints in report. The number of
measurement points that will be written to the report.
Select Testpoint selection. By default testpoints with
total DPMO > 100 is checked, indicating that only
Measdata  61
testpoints with total DPMO > 100 will be included in report.
Uncheck this if all testpoints shall be included in report.
Enter Save report in directory, initial path set to
C:\Measdata\Reports. The report directory is created
according to \[root directory]\[Product number from date –
Until date]\
Enter Report template in directory, default path is. The
MS Word template used to create the report is named
Enter Report filename, default name is set.
Enter report title.
Click on the button
R&R report.
to generate the Continuous
The initial page in the continuous R&R report contains the following
Ericsson header information and logotype, product information,
information about how many test points that are analyzed in the report and
shows two overview graphs from the continuous R&R analyses.
This is an example of the first page:
62  Measdata
Testnet User Guide
Testnet User Guide
The second page contains help information, it explains what kind of
information is presented for each test point. The following pages hold
the measurement point information. The last pages in the report hold a
glossary with information about the terms used in Measdata. The
example below shows one page with information about one
Measdata  63
measurement point:
Gauge R&R Report
The Measdata Gauge R&R report presents Gauge repeatability and reproducibility
information for selected testpoints in an MS Word report. This report can only be
created if the Gauge R&R sheet has been activated.
The Gauge R&R report contains an initial page with overall information followed by
a number of pages with test point specific information. A glossary is included at the
end of the Gauge R&R report with explanations of the test point specific
How to Create a Gauge R&R report
The Gauge R&R sheet is activated.
To create a Continuous R&R report:
64  Measdata
Select Measdata/Create the continuous R&R report from the menu bar.
Enter information in the Create Continuous R&R report form. This
dialog box shows the selected product number and the period of time
you want the report to cover.
Select Testpoint sort order, by total DPMO is default.
Select Number of testpoints in report. The number of
measurement points that will be written to the report.
Enter Save report in directory, initial path set to
C:\Measdata\Reports. The report directory is created
according to \[root directory]\[Product number from date –
Until date]\
Testnet User Guide
Enter Report template in directory, default path is set.
The MS Word template used to create the report is named
Enter Report filename, default name is set.
Enter report title.
Click on the button
R&R report.
to generate the Continuous
The initial page in the gauge R&R report contains the following
Ericsson header information and logotype, product information,
information about how many test points that are analyzed in the report, a
Pareto graph with the most frequent failing measurement points concerning
total R&R DPMO, a overall R&R DPMO graph showing the measurement
points R&R DPMO value and a table with calculated base data for the
overall R&R DPMO graph.
This is an example of the first page:
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  65
The second page contains help information; it explains what kind of
information is presented for each test point. The following pages hold the
measurement point information. The last pages hold a glossary with
information about the terms used in Measdata. The example below shows
one page with information about one measurement point:
66  Measdata
Testnet User Guide
Repeatable measurements
It is possible to view repeatable measurements in Measdata. This is possible if you
have checked the ―Repetitions, attributes and nodes‖ checkbox at the bottom of the
search page.
Testpoints with repeatable measurements are presented together with testpoints
without repeatable measurements in a sheet looking almost the same as the usual
Measdata result sheet. But there are some new columns included in the result sheet
for testpoints with repeatable measurements: CNT, TIME STAMP, ATT1, ATT2,
ATT3 and ATT4. If the points have notes an additional column is added:
Testnet User Guide
Measdata  67
Information about whether repeatable measurements exist or not are always present
in the Measdata result sheet, in the information textbox ―Rep. results exist‖ as Yes or
No. This information is also included in MS Word reports.
Faulty/IdNo Sheet
In the Measdata faulty/idno sheet it is possible to see the number of faulty
measurement points per individuals.
How to Create a Faulty/IdNo Sheet
68  Measdata
Select Measdata/Create the faulty/idno sheet from the menu bar.
Below is an example of the sheet that will appear:
Testnet User Guide
You can sort the Faulty/IdNo table either by the Id.no, Tested or Faulty columns.
Save a Search
In Measdata it is possible to save a search. One reason for saving your own search
could be, for example, that you are interested in following up certain products. You
can specify these products in a search, and each time you need reports for these
products, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in the section ―Create a
Measdata Report‖. When you have filled in all criteria; select Save
this search check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [ << ] and [ >> ]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
Testnet User Guide
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Measdata  69
The TQReport is an application for visualising information about tests and repairs
that have been carried out over a specific time period. Data is displayed both from
Testnet and from Quality database
The information contained in the reports is obtained from the Testnet database.
Create a TQReport Report
This is how you create a TQReport report:
Click on
in the Analysis - Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover. The year should
be entered first, followed by month and then day (YYYY-MM-DD).
For example, the 23rd of March, 2008 will be entered like this: 200803-23. You can also click the calendar button
selecting your date.
Testnet User Guide
and get help with
Select one or multiple Area by clicking on the items in the list. If you
want to select all, click the *. Then the list of lines is filled with
appropriate data.
Select one or multiple Line by clicking on the items in the list. If you
want to select all, click the *. Then the list of test categories is filled
with appropriate data.
TQReport  71
Select one or multiple Test Category by clicking on the items in the
list. If you want to select all, click the *. Then the list of products is
filled with appropriate data.
Select one or multiple Product by clicking on the items in the list. If
you want to select all, click the *.
Click on
When the report is created a new dialog box is opened where the user can select
settings for creating report sheets.
The search result is displayed according to the selections in one ore multiple sheets
depending on the data.
Yield Report Sheet
The TQReport result sheet information is grouped together by using different
colours. The different areas are described in the following table:
Yield Information
Name of the test place and name of the product. These are
from t05_config.xls where they are mapped on product
number of test and product.
Start date in search-End date in search-Last date in interval
for yield presentation.
Number of approved, failed and total number of first time
72  TQReport
Testnet User Guide
Yield calculated on number of approved first time tests
divided with the total number of first time tests. Confidence
interval yield calculated on 95% confidence.
Symptom - the measurement point's description sent with
test record from test place. If data is missing "No symptom"
is displayed.
Code - the measurement point's code sent with test record
from test place. If data is missing "--" is displayed.
A - Number of failed first time tests.
% - Number of failed first time tests in regards to the
number of first time tests.
AI - Number of faulty individuals regardless of first time
tests or not.
Test Place
Information (green)
Number of failed and total number of first time tests on this
test place.
The yield for this test place. Calculated on number of
approved first time tests for this test place divided by total
number of first time tests for this test place.
Test place number.
Repair Loop
Information (orange)
Here successful actions on the fault from test generation 1.
If other generation was chosen the actions connected to that
is displayed.
Successful action is the inputs that get approved in next test
or approved in later tests without the symptom reoccurring
in later generations.
Entered faults - Number of failed individuals in first time
tests that have successful action.
Retest - Number of individuals that have no entered action
and the unit has been approved.
No fault found - Number of individuals where fault code
for ―No fault found‖ has been entered in troubleshoot
Functional fault - Number of individuals where fault code
for "Functional fault" have been entered in troubleshoot.
Sma - Number of individuals where fault code that belongs
to "sma" fault have been entered in troubleshoot. The fault
codes that belong to sma faults are defined in configuration
file. Positions can be given for certain products that not
will be counted as sma faults.
Other faults - Number of individuals where other fault
codes have been entered in troubleshoot.
In repair loop -Number of the failed individuals that still
are in repair loop. That is all individuals not passed in test.
Scrap - Number of scrapped units. OK id - Number of
failed individuals passed in test.
The pie chart displays the distribution of faults for the
failed units.
Measurement Value
Information (blue)
Limits, unit and value for measurement point from test
Red = failed unit not reported by troubleshoot.
Testnet User Guide
TQReport  73
Blue = failed unit reported by troubleshoot
Green = approved unit not reported by troubleshoot
Green = approved unit reported by troubleshoot
In comment for measurement value is this information
displayed: Id number, Test generation, Test date and time,
Approved test, Test place, Fault symptom, Measurement
value, measurement value for next test, Fault description
and Comment from troubleshooter.
Save a Search
In TQReport it is possible to save a search. One reason for saving your own search
could be, for example, that you are interested in following up certain area, line and
test category. You can specify these criteria in a search, and each time you need
reports for these data, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in the section ―Create a
TQReport Report‖. When you have filled in all criteria select the Save
this search check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [ << ] and [ >> ]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
74  TQReport
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Testnet User Guide
Weekdata is an application for visualising information about tests that have been
carried out on a product over a calendar week period. The information gained by
using Weekdata can be used to improve quality.
The information contained in the reports is obtained from the Testnet database.
Create a Weekdata Report
This is how you create a Weekdata report:
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Analysis - Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
There are three ways you can search for a Product. If you click in the
list of available products the selected product will appear in the
product number field and the combo box will display “Exact”. You
can also select “Starting with” in the combo box and supply the
beginning of the product number, for example ROA. You can also let
the product combo box display the option “All“ and instead limit the
search in other ways.
The R-state search works just as for product.
Select the Test Software if you want to limit your search on the
software just as for product and R-state.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover. The year should
be entered first with two digits, followed by week number. For
Weekdata  75
example, week 23, 2008 will be entered like this: 0823. You can also
click the calendar button
and get help with selecting your week.
Select whether the search criteria should include all cardmarks (All),
exclude cardmarks (Without) or include a specific cardmark
Note: If you choose Specific you have to enter a list of maximum 40
cardmarks, for example ABX1 will include cardmark A, B, X and 1 in
the search.
Click on
When the selection is completed, the spreadsheet will display the search result in an
indexed list.
By double-clicking on a row in the list, a corresponding result sheet will appear.
To return to the start sheet from the Test Information sheet, select Weekdata/Back
to start sheet, from the menu bar.
Test Information Sheet
Below is an example of a Test Information sheet:
The test information sheet is made up of one graph and three tables.
76  Weekdata
Testnet User Guide
Test Information Graph
The test information graph consists of the following:
Fault rate with confidence interval based on week information.
Four weeks average curve.
Target line.
The graph is always based on a ten-week period from the selected end week in the
search criteria.
By clicking on the radio buttons you can choose whether to show or hide curves on
the graph. You can also scale the graph between 10 and 100 percent in steps of 10
percent by changing the drop-down box.
Test Information Tables
The tables show the following:
Information from the graph.
A summary (as a percentage) of the failure rate.
The failed test groups. These are shown in a Pareto list, which can be
sorted in three different ways.
You can enter the order of the test groups to reflect the actual test
sequence. Enter the order of your choice in the Test Ord. column and
then select the Show relative radio button. The failure rate will be
calculated relative to that order and the number of tests performed.
If you double-click on a row in the Test group column, the Test point sheet will
To return to the calling sheet click on
Format sheet for printout
It is possible to format the current sheet to fit the A4 paper on printouts. It also
removes radio buttons etc in the test sheets. Select Weekdata/Adjust format to A4
printout from the menu bar.
Testnet User Guide
Weekdata  77
Save a Search
In Weekdata it is possible to save a search. One reason for saving your own search
could be, for example, that you are interested in following up certain products. You
can specify these products in a search, and each time you need reports for these
products, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create a Weekdata
Report. When you have filled in all criteria select Save this search
check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [ << ] and [ >> ]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
78  Weekdata
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Testnet User Guide
Weekdata_Summary is an application for visualising information about tests that
have been carried out on a product over a calendar week period. The information
gained by using Weekdata_Summary can be used to improve quality.
The information contained in the reports is obtained from the Testnet database.
Create a Weekdata_Summary Report
This is how you create a Weekdata_Summary report:
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Analysis - Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
There are three ways you can search for a Product. If you click in the
list of available products the selected product will appear in the
product number field and the combo box will display “Exact”. You
can also select “Starting with” in the combo box and supply the
beginning of the product number, for example ROA. You can also let
the product combo display the option “All“ and instead limit the
search in other ways.
The R-state search works just as for product.
Select the Test Software if you want to limit your search on the
software just as for product and R-state.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover. The year should
be entered first with two digits, followed by week number. For
Weekdata_Summary  79
example, week 23, 2008 will be entered like this: 0823. You can also
click the calendar button
and get help with selecting your week.
Select whether the search criteria should include all cardmarks (All),
exclude cardmarks (Without) or include a specific cardmark
Note: If you choose Specific you have to enter a list of maximum 40
cardmarks, for example ABX1 will include cardmark A, B, X and 1 in
the search.
Click on
When the selection is completed, the spreadsheet will display the search result.
Test Information Sheet
Below is an example of a Test Information sheet:
The test information sheet is made up of one graph and three tables.
Test Information Graph
The test information graph consists of the following:
Fault rate with confidence interval based on week information.
Four weeks average curve.
Target line.
The graph is always based on a ten-week period from the selected end week in the
search criteria.
By clicking on the radio buttons you can choose whether to show or hide curves on
the graph. You can also scale the graph between 10 and 100 percent in steps of 10
percent by changing the drop-down box.
Test Information Tables
The tables show the following:
80  Weekdata_Summary
Information from the graph.
A summary (as a percentage) of the failure rate.
The failed test groups. These are shown in a Pareto list, which can be
sorted in three different ways.
Testnet User Guide
You can enter the order of the test groups to reflect the actual test
sequence. Enter the order of your choice in the Test Ord. column and
then select the Show relative radio button. The failure rate will be
calculated relative to that order and the number of tests performed.
If you double-click on a row in the Test group column, the Test point sheet will
To return to the calling sheet click on
Format sheet for printout
It is possible to format the current sheet to fit the A4 paper on printouts. It also
removes radio buttons etc in the test sheets. Select Weekdata/Adjust format to A4
printout from the menu bar.
Save a Search
In Weekdata_Summary it is possible to save a search. One reason for saving your
own search could be, for example, that you are interested in following up certain
products. You can specify these products in a search, and each time you need reports
for these products, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create a
Weekdata_Summary Report. When you have filled in all criteria select
Save this search check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
Testnet User Guide
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Weekdata_Summary  81
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [ << ] and [ >> ]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
82  Weekdata_Summary
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Testnet User Guide
View Protocol
The View Protocol tool enables you to search for and view test protocols stored in
Testnet database.
How to View Protocols
This is how you search for protocols to view:
Select menu option View Protocol.
The following page will appear.
Testnet User Guide
There are three ways you can search for a Product. If you click in the
list of available products the selected product will appear in the
product number field and the combo box will display “Exact”. You
can also select “Starting with” in the combo box and supply the
beginning of the product number, for example ROA. You can also let
the product combo display the option “All“ and instead limit the
search in other ways.
The R-state search works just as for product.
Select the Test Software if you want to limit your search on the
software just as for product and R-state.
Enter the period of time you want the blob. The year should be entered
first, followed by month and then day (YYYY-MM-DD).
View Protocol  83
For example, the 23rd of March, 2008 will be entered like this: 200803-23. You can also click the calendar button
selecting your date.
and get help with
Select whether the search criteria should include all cardmarks (All),
exclude cardmarks (Without) or include a specific cardmark
Note: If you choose Specific you have to enter a list of maximum 40
cardmarks. For example, ABX1 will include cardmarks A, B, X and 1
in the search.
You can choose to enter a specific serial number, by selecting
“Exact”. You can also select “Starting with” in the combo box for
Individuals and supply the beginning of the serial number, for example
The search result is displayed in the table below the search criteria:
To view the protocol click on the appropriate row in the table and the protocol is
Measurement groups are displayed in the table with black text. Passed
measurement points are green and failed are red. To view details for a
measurement point or group double-click the row in the table and a popup
window is displayed with detailed information.
It could like something like this for a measurement group:
84  View Protocol
Testnet User Guide
Measurement point:
Curve measurement point:
If the protocol contains instruments they are displayed in a table below the
measurement table.
Testnet User Guide
View Protocol  85
In this table you can double-click to view instrument details.
The popup is displayed with the detailed information.
86  View Protocol
Testnet User Guide
Print Protocol
The Print Protocol page is only available on some sites. The tool enables you to
create PDF files of protocols stored in Testnet database.
Not all protocols can be printed this way, the underlying Protocol print service has to
be configured which products that are allowed to print protocols for.
How to Print Protocols
This is how you print protocols, select menu option Print Protocol
The following page will appear.
There are two ways to print protocols, you can supply one serial number in input
field or you can supply a file with product numbers, R-states and serial numbers.
Protocol for One Individual
Enter a serial number in the text field Individual and then click
If you have entered a serial number that doesn‘t exist in Testnet database you will
get an error message.
When the protocol is printed to PDF, it is zipped and you get a message asking if
you want to open or save the resulting file.
Testnet User Guide
Print Protocol  87
If you want to keep the file we recommend that you save it locally and then open
the zip-file.
The file contains the protocol if you are allowed to printout it. The name is first
the serial number and then the test program with possible ―/‖ characters
exchanged with ―_‖. If it is allowed to printout several different test types there
might be multiple PDF files in zip.
In each zip-file there is also a file (errors.log) which holds information about
missing tests, not allowed products and other possible faults. If no errors the
included file is empty.
Protocol for Multiple Individuals
If you click the [Browse…] button you get a file dialog where you can point to a
file with the proper file format, named *.txt.
File format
The format of the file must be:
Serial number<TAB>Product number<TAB>R-state
Serial number2<TAB>Product number2<TAB>R-state2
This is an example of a valid file:
When the protocols are printed to PDF, they are zipped and you get a message
asking if you want to open or save the resulting file. This is the same handling as
described for one single individual.
88  Print Protocol
Testnet User Guide
Fault Outcome Graph
The fault outcome graph provides information on the fault outcome and on the
number of faulty and tested products. The report is presented as a graph of the
selected report location and period.
The information is presented by report location and period as well as for the
select product or report group. If you choose a report group, the results for every
product in the report group will be combined and presented together.
The report is based on the test and inspection inputs that were made during the
specified period.
The report is based on ―first-time yield‖—that is, if an individual is tested several
times at the same report location, it will not be included more than once in report.
The information contained in the reports is obtained from the Quality database.
Create a Fault Outcome Graph
This is how you create a Fault Outcome graph:
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Quality – Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
There are three ways you can search for an Area. If you click in the
list of available areas the selected area will appear in the area field and
the combo box will display “Exact”. You can also select “Starting
with” in the combo box and supply the beginning of the area, for
example AREA5. You can also let the product combo display the
option “All“ and instead limit the search in other ways.
Fault Outcome Graph  89
The Line search works just as for area.
Select the Test Category if you want to limit your search on the test
category just as for area and line.
You can also if you want limit the search on product or report group by
selecting the wanted setting in Product frame.
Enter the end of the period of time you want the report to cover.
Depending on which item selected in the Based on combo-box the
formatting of End of period is different. You can click the calendar
and get help with selecting your date. The start and end
times of each day can also be specified for the search.
You can also specify an order number to limit the search. If you want
international description of fault codes check the check-box.
Click on
When the selection is completed, the spreadsheet will display the search result.
Save a Search
In Fault Outcome graph it is possible to save a search. One reason for saving your
own search could be, for example, that you are interested in following up certain
area. You can specify this area in a search, and each time you need reports for these
criteria, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
90  Fault Outcome Graph
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create a Fault
Outcome Graph. When you have filled in all criteria select Save this
search check box:
Testnet User Guide
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [<<] and [>>]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
Testnet User Guide
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Fault Outcome Graph  91
Fault Outcome Report (Products)
The fault outcome report (products) provides information on the fault outcome
and the number of tested and faulty products. The fault outcome is presented in
descending order as a top-ten list, that is, the worst fault outcome first, which
makes it possible to compare the fault outcome of different report locations.
The information is presented for every product or report group for a specified
period. If you choose a report group, the results of the products in the report
group will be combined and presented together. Every report location through
which a product from the report group passes will be included in the report.
Test input or inspection input is required for generating a fault outcome report.
The report is based on ―first-time yield‖—that is, if an individual is tested several
times at the same report location, it will not be included more than once in report.
The total of tested and rejected in the report header is all tests not only first-time
The information contained in the reports is obtained from the Quality database.
Create a Fault Outcome Report (Products)
This is how you create a fault outcome report (products):
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Quality – Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
Fault Outcome Report (Products)  93
There are three ways you can search for an Area. If you click in the
list of available areas the selected area will appear in the area field and
the combo box will display “Exact”. You can also select “Starting
with” in the combo box and supply the beginning of the area, for
example AREA5. You can also let the product combo display the
option “All“ and instead limit the search in other ways.
The Line search works just as for area.
Select the Test Category if you want to limit your search on the test
category just as for area and line.
You can also if you want limit the search on product or report group by
selecting the wanted setting in Product frame.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover. You can click
the calendar buttons
and get help with selecting your dates. The
start and end times of each day can also be specified for the search.
You can also specify an order number and max number of rows to
limit the search. If you want international description of fault codes
check the check-box.
Enter the Area and Line.
Enter a Test category.
10. Add the test category to the bottom list by clicking on .
11. Repeat step 9 and 10 for the desired number of test categories.
12. To remove a test category, select it in the list and click on .
13. Click on
When the selection is completed, the spreadsheet will display the search
94  Fault Outcome Report (Products)
Testnet User Guide
Save a Search
In Fault Outcome Report (Products) it is possible to save a search. One reason for
saving your own search could be, for example, that you are interested in following up
certain area. You can specify this area in a search, and each time you need reports for
these criteria, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create a Fault
Outcome Report (Products). When you have filled in all criteria
select Save this search check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [<<] and [>>]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
Testnet User Guide
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Fault Outcome Report (Products)  95
96  Fault Outcome Report (Products)
Click on
Testnet User Guide
Fault Outcome Report (Report
The Fault Outcome report (report locations) gives information on the fault
outcome and the number of faulty and tested products. The fault outcome is
presented in descending order as a top-ten list, that is, the product with the worst
outcome is presented first.
The report presents information for every product for a specific report location
and period.
The report is based on test and inspection inputs made during the specified
The report is based on ―first-time yield‖—that is, if an individual is tested several
times at the same report location, it will not be included more than once in report.
The total of tested and rejected in the report header is all tests not only first-time
The information contained in the reports is obtained from the Quality database.
Create a Fault Outcome Report (Report Locations)
This is how you create a fault outcome report (report locations):
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Quality – Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
Fault Outcome Report (Report Locations)  97
There are three ways you can search for an Area. If you click in the
list of available areas the selected area will appear in the area field and
the combo box will display “Exact”. You can also select “Starting
with” in the combo box and supply the beginning of the area, for
example AREA5. You can also let the product combo display the
option “All“ and instead limit the search in other ways.
The Line search works just as for area.
Select the Test Category if you want to limit your search on the test
category just as for area and line.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover. You can click
the calendar buttons
and get help with selecting your dates. The
start and end times of each day can also be specified for the search.
You can also specify an order number and max number of rows to
limit the search. If you want international description of fault codes
check the check-box.
Click on
When the selection is completed, the spreadsheet will display the search result.
98  Fault Outcome Report (Report Locations)
Testnet User Guide
Save a Search
In Fault Outcome graph it is possible to save a search. One reason for saving your
own search could be, for example, that you are interested in following up certain
area. You can specify this area in a search, and each time you need reports for these
criteria, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create a Fault
Outcome Report (Report Locations). When you have filled in all
criteria select Save this search check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [<<] and [>>]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
Testnet User Guide
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Fault Outcome Report (Report Locations)  99
Fault Report Positions vs. Fault
The Fault report (positions versus fault codes) displays the following information
on each faulty product:
Product number, R-state and product designation.
How many times the product has been tested and how many times it
was faulty.
Depending on whether the report is sorted according to ―positions per fault code‖
or ―fault codes per position,‖ the presentation contains:
The sum of all faults and the sum of all fault points. The number of
faults multiplied by the fault points which are distributed among the
fault codes used for reporting the faults.
The sum of all faults and the sum of all fault points distributed
among the reported positions of the faults.
The information is presented for each report location, for the specified period
and product or report group. If you choose a report group, the results of the input
products will not be combined, which means it is possible to obtain statistics on
individual products in the group by descending into the product structure.
You can also state a fault category when you create the report. Only the fault
codes that are linked to this category will be displayed in the report.
You can choose to sort the information according to fault codes for each position
or positions for each fault code.
The report is based on the fault and inspection inputs that were made during the
specified period.
The information contained in the reports is obtained from the Quality database.
Create a Fault Report Positions vs. Fault Codes
To create a fault report positions versus fault codes report:
This is how you create a fault report positions versus fault codes report:
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Quality – Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
Fault Report Positions vs. Fault Codes  101
There are three ways you can search for an Area. If you click in the
list of available areas the selected area will appear in the area field and
the combo box will display “Exact”. You can also select “Starting
with” in the combo box and supply the beginning of the area, for
example AREA5. You can also let the product combo display the
option “All“ and instead limit the search in other ways.
The Line search works just as for area.
Select the Test Category if you want to limit your search on the test
category just as for area and line.
You can also if you want limit the search on product or report group by
selecting the wanted setting in Product frame.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover.. You can click
the calendar buttons
and get help with selecting your dates. The
start and end times of each day can also be specified for the search.
You can also specify a fault category, a fault class and an order
number to limit the search. If you want international description of
fault codes check the check-box.
Determine whether the information is to be presented according to
Fault codes per position or Positions per fault code.
Determine whether the report is to be sorted according to Points
or Number of faults.
If you want the report to comprise only one or a few fault codes,
type search criteria in the field Fault code. You can use the
wildcard (*).
Click on
When the selection is completed, the spreadsheet will display the search result.
102  Fault Report Positions vs. Fault Codes
Testnet User Guide
Save a Search
In fault report positions versus fault codes report it is possible to save a search.
One reason for saving your own search could be, for example, that you are interested
in following up certain area. You can specify this area in a search, and each time you
need reports for these criteria, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create a Fault
Report Positions vs. Fault Codes. When you have filled in all criteria
select Save this search check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [<<] and [>>]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
Testnet User Guide
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Fault Report Positions vs. Fault Codes  103
Yield Graph
The Yield graph provides information on the yield and the number of approved
and tested products. The report is presented in the form of a graph for the
selected report location and period.
The information is presented by report location and period as well as for the
select product or report group. If you choose a report group, the results for every
product in the report group will be combined and presented together.
The report is based on the test and inspection inputs that were made during the
specified period.
The report is based on ―first-time yield‖—that is, if an individual is tested several
times at the same report location, it will not be included more than once in report.
The information contained in the reports is obtained from the Quality database.
Create a Yield Graph
This is how you create a yield graph:
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Quality – Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
There are three ways you can search for an Area. If you click in the
list of available areas the selected area will appear in the area field and
the combo box will display “Exact”. You can also select “Starting
with” in the combo box and supply the beginning of the area, for
example AREA5. You can also let the product combo display the
option “All“ and instead limit the search in other ways.
Yield Graph  105
The Line search works just as for area.
Select the Test Category if you want to limit your search on the test
category just as for area and line.
You can also if you want limit the search on product or report group by
selecting the wanted setting in Product frame.
Enter the end of the period of time you want the report to cover.
Depending on which item selected in the Based on combo-box the
formatting of End of period is different. You can click the calendar
and get help with selecting your date. The start and end
times of each day can also be specified for the search.
You can also specify an order number to limit the search. If you want
international description of fault codes check the check-box.
Click on
When the selection is completed, the spreadsheet will display the search result.
Save a Search
In Yield graph it is possible to save a search. One reason for saving your own search
could be, for example, that you are interested in following up certain area. You can
specify this area in a search, and each time you need reports for these criteria, just
use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
106  Yield Graph
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create a Yield
Graph. When you have filled in all criteria select Save this search
check box:
Testnet User Guide
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [<<] and [>>]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
Testnet User Guide
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Yield Graph  107
Yield Report (Products)
The Yield report (products) provides information on the yield and the number of
approved and tested products. The results are presented for every product for a
selected report location and period. The yield is presented in an ascending order
as a top 10 list; that is, the worst yield first. This makes it possible to compare
various report locations.
The report can also provide information on process reliability, which measures
the likelihood of a product or report group passing every chosen test on a line.
Example: A product passes three test locations as it is manufactured on the line.
The yield for each respective test is 90%, 80% and 90%. Thus, process reliability
is: 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.9 = 0.648 which is 64.8%.
The information is presented for every product or report group for a given
period. If you choose a report group, the results for the products will be
combined and presented together. Every report location that a selected product
has passed (or one or more products from a report group) will be included in the
To view the process reliability values, you must choose a specific area and line
along with the test categories that interest you.
The report is based on the test and inspection inputs that were made during the
period specified.
The report is based on ―first-time yield‖—that is, if an individual is tested several
times at the same report location, it will not be included more than once in report.
The total of tested and rejected in the report header is all tests not only first-time
The information contained in the reports is obtained from the Quality database.
Create a Yield Report (Products)
This is how you create a yield report (products):
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Quality – Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
Yield Report (Products)  109
There are three ways you can search for an Area. If you click in the
list of available areas the selected area will appear in the area field and
the combo box will display “Exact”. You can also select “Starting
with” in the combo box and supply the beginning of the area, for
example AREA5. You can also let the product combo display the
option “All“ and instead limit the search in other ways.
The Line search works just as for area.
Select the Test Category if you want to limit your search on the test
category just as for area and line.
You can also if you want limit the search on product or report group by
selecting the wanted setting in Product frame.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover. You can click
the calendar buttons
and get help with selecting your dates. The
start and end times of each day can also be specified for the search.
You can also specify an order number and max number of rows to
limit the search. If you want international description of fault codes
check the check-box.
Enter the Area and Line.
Enter a Test category.
10. Add the test category to the bottom list by clicking on .
11. Repeat step 9 and 10 for the desired number of test categories.
12. To remove a test category, select it in the list and click on .
13. Click on
When the selection is completed, the spreadsheet will display the search result.
110  Yield Report (Products)
Testnet User Guide
Save a Search
In Yield Report (Products) it is possible to save a search. One reason for saving your
own search could be, for example, that you are interested in following up certain
area. You can specify this area in a search, and each time you need reports for these
criteria, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create a Yield
Report (Products). When you have filled in all criteria select Save
this search check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [<<] and [>>]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
Testnet User Guide
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Yield Report (Products)  111
112  Yield Report (Products)
Click on
Testnet User Guide
Yield Report (Report Locations)
The yield report (report locations) gives information on the yield and on the
number of approved and tested products. The yield is reported in ascending order
as a top-ten list, that is, the worst yield is displayed first.
The information is presented by product, pre-selected report location and period.
The reports are based on the test and inspection inputs that were made during the
selected period.
The report is based on ―first-time yield‖—that is, if an individual is tested several
times at the same report location, it will not be included more than once in report.
The total of tested and rejected in the report header is all tests not only first-time
The information contained in the reports is obtained from the Quality database.
Create a Yield Report (Report Locations)
This is how you create a yield report (report locations):
Testnet User Guide
Click on
in the Quality – Reports window,
and then on
The following page will appear.
There are three ways you can search for an Area. If you click in the
list of available areas the selected area will appear in the area field and
the combo box will display “Exact”. You can also select “Starting
with” in the combo box and supply the beginning of the area, for
Yield Report (Report Locations)  113
example AREA5. You can also let the product combo display the
option “All“ and instead limit the search in other ways.
The Line search works just as for area.
Select the Test Category if you want to limit your search on the test
category just as for area and line.
Enter the period of time you want the report to cover. You can click
the calendar buttons
and get help with selecting your dates. The
start and end times of each day can also be specified for the search.
You can also specify an order number and max number of rows to
limit the search. If you want international description of fault codes
check the check-box.
Click on
When the selection is completed, the spreadsheet will display the search result.
Tot. tested: The total number of tested or inspected individuals. The same
individual may be counted more than once if it has been tested more than one
Tot. rejected: The total number of faulty individuals from test or inspection. The
same individual may be counted more than once if it has been tested or inspected
more than one time.
Table data: The table can be based on individual data or batch data.
If individual data is used, each individual will be counted one time only. The
yield shown in the table will be the first-time yield.
If the table is based on batch data, each individual may be counted more than
once. The yield shown in the table will be a total yield.
Sum: The last row of the table contains two sums for the Tested and Rejected
columns. These sums will not correspond to the previously mentioned
Tot. tested and Tot. rejected values (see Table data, Tot. tested and Tot.
rejected earlier).
114  Yield Report (Report Locations)
Testnet User Guide
In the sum row, you can also find the Average yield: This yield is based on the
data from the table in the report. Each individual will be counted only once if the
table is based on individual data. Even if the individual has been tested or
inspected more than once.
If the table is based on batch data, the yield will be based on individuals that may
be reported more than once.
Save a Search
In Yield report (Report Locations) it is possible to save a search. One reason for
saving your own search could be, for example, that you are interested in following up
certain area. You can specify this area in a search, and each time you need reports for
these criteria, just use the saved search.
How to Save a Search
Select the search criteria you want just as in section Create a Yield
Report (Report Locations). When you have filled in all criteria select
Save this search check box:
Supply a name for your search so you can load it later.
When you click
the search is saved and can be loaded later.
Repeat steps 1-2 for each selection criteria you want to save.
How to Re-use a Saved Search
If you have saved searches when you enter the report, there will be
some additional buttons displayed:
Navigate through the saved searches by clicking the [<<] and [>>]
buttons. Make sure your wanted search criterion is displayed.
Click on
How to Delete a Saved Search
Testnet User Guide
Make sure the criteria for the search you want to delete is displayed.
Click on
Yield Report (Report Locations)  115
The blob tool enables you to search for blob files stored together with protocols
in Testnet database.
Only protocols that have blob files will be visible in this tool.
How to Search for Blob Files
This is how you search for blob files:
Select menu option Blob.
The following page will appear.
Testnet User Guide
There are three ways you can search for a Product. If you click in the
list of available products the selected product will appear in the
product number field and the combo box will display “Exact”. You
can also select “Starting with” in the combo box and supply the
beginning of the product number, for example ROA. You can also let
the product combo display the option “All“ and instead limit the
search in other ways.
The R-state search works just as for product.
Blob  117
Select the Test Software if you want to limit your search on the
software just as for product and R-state.
Enter the period of time you want the blob. The year should be entered
first, followed by month and then day (YYYY-MM-DD).
For example, the 23rd of March, 2008 will be entered like this: 200803-23. You can also click the calendar button
selecting your date.
and get help with
Select whether the search criteria should include all cardmarks (All),
exclude cardmarks (Without) or include a specific cardmark
Note: If you choose Specific you have to enter a list of maximum 40
cardmarks. For example, ABX1 will include cardmarks A, B, X and 1
in the search.
You can choose to enter a specific serial number, by selecting
“Exact”. You can also select “Starting with” in the combo box for
Individuals and supply the beginning of the serial number, for example
The search result is displayed in the table below the search criteria:
Test Details
To view details about each test in table just click the serial number in the table.
Details about the test and the corresponding blobs are displayed.
118  Blob
Testnet User Guide
Some general information about the test is displayed and all blobs are displayed
as links below the table.
If you click the link different things can happen depending on the file type, for
example if it is a zip file you will be asked if you want to save the file or open it.
If it is a text file it might open in notepad.
Testnet User Guide
Blob  119
Quality Analysis
In the Quality Analysis tool you can analyse some of the information stored in
Quality database.
By using the Quality Analysis function, you can access information directly in
the tables in the database. The analysis function is used for querying information
that cannot otherwise be obtained through various standard reports. You choose
the tables and columns you want to look at when you specify the search criteria.
How to use Quality Analysis
This is how to activate the Analysis tab:
Click on Quality Analysis in the main menu
Then the Analysis page is opened:
Testnet User Guide
Quality Analysis  121
The tables and views available in the Analysis tab are described below. Views
are two or more tables that have been combined.
There are 6 tables altogether:
The Control_Data table presents data that is entered through test and inspection
inputs. Each row in the table corresponds to a test or inspection input reported in
The table contains the following columns:
Control Identity
A running number that is assigned by database
Time of Inspection
Time when the inspection input was entered
Area Identity
Area Identity in the Area table
Production line
Test Category
Product number
Number of
Number of
Number of Rejected
Order number
Signature of the person that was logged in when the input
was done
The Controlled_Unit table stores data on the faulty products that were found
during a test; that is, it contains data from test inputs. Each ID-number entered
from the test input generates a row in the table. Inspection inputs also generate a
row in the table, but this information is only used internally.
The table contains the following columns:
122  Quality Analysis
Control Identity
A running number assigned by database
Testnet User Guide
For inspection input, this field contains the string
Comment (ID)
Shows how many times an individual has been tested at a
certain report location
The result field can accept one of two values: ―F‖ or ―T‖.
―F‖ represents a faulty individual
―T‖ stands for passed individual.
Inspected by
Assembled by
The Detected_Symptom_of_Fault table stores data for each inspection or fault
input made in Testnet:
The table contains the following columns:
Control Identity
A running number assigned by database
For an inspection input, this field contains the string
Measuring Point
Measuring group
The Cause_of_Fault table stores data for each inspection or fault input made in
The table contains the following columns:
Testnet User Guide
Fault Identity
A running number assigned by database
Time Fault Input
Time when the fault input was entered
Control Identity
A running number assigned by database
ID-number for the tested product
Fault Code
Fault Class
Product Number
Product number of the faulty component
R-state of the faulty component
Manufacturer of the faulty component
Action Code
Measurement Point
Number of Faults
Number of faults of the same type reported at a certain
Quality Analysis  123
Identity of the person that was logged in when the input
was done
Troubleshoot Time
Time in minutes it took to troubleshoot a fault at a
certain position
Repair time
Time in minutes it took to repair a fault at a certain
The price of the component
ID faulty product
The serial number of the faulty product
Batch number
The batch number of the faulty product
Action status
The actual status of the action
P, S: Successful
F, R: Failed
N: Unverified
Alarm Code
Alarm Code used in Reptile in conjunction with action
code 10 (Exchange of ID-marked unit)
The Affected_Product table presents data on every product that is affected by
the faults stored in the cause of fault table.
The table contains the following columns:
Product Number
Fault Identity
A running number assigned by database
Product State
State of product:
F: Faulty
T: Tested
The Area table presents information on the areas that have been input into the
database. Each area is automatically assigned an ID that is used in the other
The table contains the following columns:
124  Quality Analysis
Area Identity
A running number that is assigned by database
Area Name
The name of the area
Whether the area is activated or not
Written description of the area
Testnet User Guide
The example below shows how information entered during inspection, test and
fault input is presented in the various tables. The product structure used in the
example is as follows:
Product structure
Inspection Input:
The following data was input:
Report Location
Test Category:
Visual Inspection
Inspected Product
Product no:
1/KRC 114 165
Faulty Product
Product no:
1/KRC 114 165
Number inspected:
Number rejected:
Number produced:
Order no:
Fault code
Fault class
Number of faults
Comments (fault)
Check carefully
Might be the cable
After the data above has been entered and [Save] has been pressed, the following
entries are added to the tables:
Testnet User Guide
Quality Analysis  125
Table 1: Control_Data
Time of
Product Number
R-state Number of
Number of
Manufactured Inspected
Number of
1/KRC 114 165
Table 2: Controlled_Unit
Comment (ID)
Inspected by
Assembled by
Table 3: Cause_of_Fault
Fault Time Fault Control ID-number
Identity Input
Fault Fault Product number R-state Manuf- Cause Measurement Number Comment
Code Class
acturer Code Point
of Faults (fault)
2000-03-27 232
A241052465 12A
SXA 120 1095
2000-03-27 232
A241052461 13C C
ROA 119 8812
Might be
the cable
Repair Price
Table 4: Affected_Product
Product Number
R-State Position
Fault Identity
1/KRC 114 165
1/KRC 114 165
Inspection Input data
Test Input:
The following data was input:
Report Location
Test Category:
Final test
Tested Product
Product number:
1/KRC 114 165
Number Inspected:
Number rejected:
Number manufactured:
Order no:
Faulty ID-numbers
No measuring point specified
Comments (ID)
Faulty resistor
2 measuring points: BA, BL
No comments
Faulty input:
126  Quality Analysis
Testnet User Guide
Faulty Product
Product number:
1/KRC 114 165
ID faulty
Number of
After the data above has been entered and [Save] has been pressed, the following
entries are added to the tables:
Table 5: Control_Data
Time of
Product Number
R-state Number of
Number of
Manufactured Inspected
Number of
1/KRC 114 165
Table 6: Controlled_Unit
Comment (ID)
Faulty resistor
Inspected by
Assembled by
Table 7: Detected_Symptom_of_Fault
Control Identity
ID number
Measuring Point
Measuring group
Table 8: Cause_of_Fault
Fault Time Fault Control ID-number
Identity Input
Fault Fault Product number R-state Manuf- Cause Measurement Number Comment
Code Class
acturer Code Point
of Faults (fault)
2000-03-27 232
A241052465 12A
SXA 120 1095
2000-03-27 232
A241052461 12C B
ROA 119 8812
A241052463 13C C
ROA 119 8810
Repair Price
Table 9: Affected_Product
Product Number
R-State Position
Fault Identity
1/KRC 114 165
1/KRC 114 165
1/KRC 114 165
Test Input data
There are five views available in Analysis tool. Instead of separately opening two
tables, you can join them in one view, which makes them easier to look at.
There are 5 views altogether:
Testnet User Guide
Quality Analysis  127
The Control_view is a combination of the Control_Data table and the
Controlled_Unit table, as illustrated above. The view presents data from
control- and test inputs in which faulty individuals have been identified.
Control Identity
A running number assigned by the database, one
for each test and inspection input.
Area Identity
A number corresponding to an area (see the table
The line where the tests have been done
Test Category
The test category where the test was done
Product Number
Product number for the tested product
R-state for the tested product
Time of Inspection
Date and time where the input was done
Number of Manufactured
The number of manufactured products registered
at the input
Number of Inspected
The number of tested products registered at the
Number of Rejected
The number of rejected products registered at the
Order number
Free text field
Identity of the person that was logged in when the
input was done
ID-number registered as faulty at a test input. For
inspection input, this field contains the string
Comment (ID)
Free text field available in the Test input tab
Displays how many times an ID-number has been
tested at a report location
The result field can accept one of two values: ―F‖
or ―T‖. ―F‖ represents a faulty individual, whereas
―T‖ stands for tested individual.
Inspected by
The identity of the inspector.
Assembled by
The identity of the assembler.
The Fault_View is a combination of the Cause_of_Fault table and the
Affected_Product table, as illustrated above. The view shows data from
128  Quality Analysis
Testnet User Guide
control-, test- and faulty inputs. For a test input to be shown in the table, it must
end with a fault input.
Testnet User Guide
Fault Identity
Fault ID—a running number assigned by the
Time Fault Input
Time and date when the faulty input was made
Control Identity
Inspection ID—a running number assigned by the
ID-number of the tested product
Fault Code
Fault code entered at fault input
Fault Class
Fault class linked to the fault code
Product No. (Component)
Product number of the faulty component
R-state (component)
R-state of the faulty component
Manufacturer of the faulty component
Action Code
Action code entered for actual fault code
Measurement group
Measuring group for the point entered at the input
Measurement Point
Measuring point entered at the input
Number of Faults
Number of faults entered for the actual fault code
and position
Text field
Identity of the person that was logged in when the
input was done
Troubleshoot Time
Time in minutes it took to troubleshoot a fault at a
certain position
Repair Time
Time in minutes it took to repair a fault at a
certain position
Product no. (affected
Product numbers for products place between the
tested product and the faulty product (including
the tested and faulty product). Each affected
product for a fault input generates a row in this
table, but with the same fault and control identity
R-state (affected product)
R-state for the affected product
Position (affected product)
Position for the affected product
Product State (affected
State of product:
F: Faulty
T: Tested
ID faulty product
The serial number of the faulty product
Batch number
The batch number of the faulty product
Action status
The actual status of the action
P, S: Successful
F, R: Failed
N: Unverified
Alarm Code
Alarm Code used in Reptile in conjunction with
Action Code 10 (Exchange of ID-marked unit)
Quality Analysis  129
The Control_Fault_View is a combination of the Cause_of_Fault table, the
Affected_Product table, the Controlled_Unit table and the Control_Data
table, as illustrated above. For inputs to be displayed in the table, the faults must
have been entered.
Control Identity
A running number assigned by the database, one
for each test and inspection input
Area Identity
A number corresponding to an area (see the table
The line where the test was made
Test Category
The test category where the test was done
Product no. (Inspected
Product number for the tested product
R-state (Inspected Product)
R-state for the tested product
Time of Inspection
Date and time when the inspection was done
Number of Manufactured
The number of manufactured products registered
at the input
Number of Inspected
The number of tested products registered at the
Number of Rejected
The number of rejected products registered at the
Order number
Free text field, to be used optionally
Identity of the person that was logged in when the
input was done
ID-number registered as faulty at a Test input. For
inspection input, this field contains the string
Comment (ID)
Free text fields available in the Test input tab.
Can be used for optional text
Displays how many times an ID-number has been
tested at a report location
The result field can accept one of two values, ―F‖
or ―T‖:
―F‖ represents a faulty individual
―T‖ stands for tested and passed individual
Inspected by
The identity of the inspector
Assembled by
The identity of the assembler.
Fault Identity
A running number assigned by the database for
every Fault code and Position reported
Time Fault Input
Date and time of the fault input
FID Comment
Fault Input User
130  Quality Analysis
Testnet User Guide
Fault Code
Fault code entered at fault input
Fault Class
Fault class linked to the entered fault code
Product no. (Component)
Product number of the product placed on the
position of the fault. The product must not
necessarily be a component, that is, it can have
subordinate products
R-state (Component)
R-state of the product placed on the position of
the fault
Manufacturer of the faulty product
Action Code
Action taken to correct the entered fault code
Measurement group
Measurement group for the point entered at test
Measurement Point
Measurement point entered at test input
Number of Faults
Number of faults found for entered position and
fault code
Troubleshoot Time
Time in minutes it took to troubleshoot a fault at a
certain position
Repair Time
Time in minutes it took to repair a fault at a
certain position
Product no. (affected
Product numbers for products place between the
tested product and the faulty product (including
the tested and faulty product). Each affected
product for a fault input generates a row in this
table, but with the same fault and control identity
R-state (affected product)
R-state for the affected product
Position (affected product)
Position for the affected product
Product State (affected
State of product:
F: Faulty
T: Tested
The price of the component
ID faulty product
The serial number of the faulty product
Batch number
The batch number of the faulty product
Action status
The actual status of the action
P, S: Successful
F, R: Failed
N: Unverified
Alarm Code
Alarm Code used in Reptile in conjunction with
Action Code 10 (Exchange of ID-marked unit)
The Control_Cause_of_Fault_View is a combination of the Cause_of_Fault
table, the Affected_Product table and the Control_Data table. This table
shows data from control, test and fault inputs where faulty individuals are
Testnet User Guide
Quality Analysis  131
132  Quality Analysis
Control Identity
A running number assigned by the database, one
for each test and inspection input
Area Identity
A number corresponding to an area (see the table
The line where the test has been done
Test Category
The test category where the test was done
Product No. (Inspected
Product number for the tested product
R-state (Inspected Product)
R-state for the tested product
Time of Inspection
Date and time when the inspection was done
Number of Manufactured
The number of manufactured products registered
at the input
Number of Inspected
The number of tested products registered at the
Number of Rejected
The number of rejected products registered at the
Order number
Free text field, to be used optionally
Identity of the person that was logged in when the
input was done
Fault Identity
Running number assigned by the database each
time a new fault code is entered
Time Fault Input
Date and time when the input was made
Free text field for optional text. Entered in the
Fault input window (Comments (ID))
Identity of the person that was logged in when the
input was done
ID-number registered as faulty when input. For
inspection input, this field contains the string
Fault Code
Fault code entered at fault input
Fault Class
Fault class linked to the entered fault code
Product No. (Component)
Product number of the product placed on the
position of the fault. The product must not
necessarily be a component, that is, it can have
subordinate products
R-state (Component)
R-state of the product placed on the position of
the fault
Manufacturer of the faulty product
Action Code
Action taken to correct the entered fault code
Measurement group
Measurement group for the point entered at test
Measurement point
Measurement point entered at test input
Number of Faults
Number of faults found for entered position and
fault code
Testnet User Guide
Troubleshoot Time
Time in minutes it took to troubleshoot a fault at a
certain position
Repair Time
Time in minutes it took to repair a fault at a
certain position
Product No. (faulty
Product number of the faulty product, that is, the
product that ―owns‖ the position of the fault
R-state(faulty product)
R-state for the faulty product
The position of the faulty product
The price of the component
ID faulty product
The serial number of the faulty product
Batch number
The batch number of the faulty product
Action status
The actual status of the action
P, S: Successful
F, R: Failed
N: Unverified
Alarm Code
Alarm Code used in Reptile in conjunction with
Action Code 10 (Exchange of ID-marked unit)
The Control_Cause_of_Fault_Time_View is a combination of the
Cause_of_Fault table, the Affected_Product table, the Control_Data table
and the Cause_of_Fault_Time table. This table shows data from control, test
and fault inputs where faulty individuals are indicated.
Testnet User Guide
Control Identity
A running number assigned by the database, one
for each test and inspection input
Area Identity
A number corresponding to an area (see the table
The line where the test has been done
Test Category
The test category where the test was done
Product No. (Inspected
Product number for the tested product
R-state (Inspected Product)
R-state for the tested product
Time of Inspection
Date and time when the inspection was done
Number of Manufactured
The number of manufactured products registered
at the input
Number of Inspected
The number of tested products registered at the
Number of Rejected
The number of rejected products registered at the
Order number
Free text field, to be used optionally
Fault Identity
Running number assigned by the database each
time a new fault code is entered
Time Fault Input
Date and time when the input was made
Quality Analysis  133
134  Quality Analysis
Free text field for optional text. Entered in the
Fault input window (Comments (ID))
Identity of the person that was logged in when the
input was done
ID-number registered as faulty when input. For
inspection input, this field contains the string
Fault Code
Fault code entered at fault input
Fault Class
Fault class linked to the entered fault code
Product No. (Component)
Product number of the product placed on the
position of the fault. The product must not
necessarily be a component, that is, it can have
subordinate products
R-state (Component)
R-state of the product placed on the position of
the fault
Manufacturer of the faulty product
Action Code
Action taken to correct the entered fault code
Measurement group
Measurement group for the point entered at test
Measurement point
Measurement point entered at test input
Number of Faults
Number of faults found for entered position and
fault code
Troubleshoot Time
Time in minutes it took to troubleshoot a fault at a
certain position
Repair Time
Time in minutes it took to repair a fault at a
certain position
Product No. (faulty
Product number of the faulty product, that is, the
product that ―owns‖ the position of the fault
R-state(faulty product)
R-state for the faulty product
The position of the faulty product
The price of the component
ID faulty product
The serial number of the faulty product
Batch number
The batch number of the faulty product
Action status
The actual status of the action
P, S: Successful
F, R: Failed
N: Unverified
Alarm Code
Alarm Code used in Reptile in conjunction with
Action Code 10 (Exchange of ID-marked unit)
Fault Order
The order of the different fault times
Work Station ID
The identity of the work station where the fault
input was made
The username who made the fault input
User Profile
The users profile:
P: Pretroubleshooter
Testnet User Guide
T: Troubleshooter
R: Repairer
The time the individual spent at the station
Perform an Analysis
The performance of an analysis is divided into several steps.
Choose the Database table by selecting an option in the drop-downlist containing the database tables and views. A new section will be
opened and the possible columns are shown.
The columns section can be hidden and shown by clicking on [Hide]
and [View]
In the left table (Selected columns in order) all columns in the
selected database table is listed. Mark the columns that shall be included
in the query. The order can be changed by selecting a row and clicking
on [Up] or [Down]. The columns will be presented in the given order in
the result.
TIME_FOR_CONTROL has been moved down and
USERNAME has been excluded
Testnet User Guide
In the right table (Sort by) all columns in the selected database table is
listed. Mark the columns that the data shall be sorted by in the query.
Quality Analysis  135
The order can be changed by selecting a row and clicking on [Up] or
[Down]. Select if the data shall be sorted ascending or descending.
Data shall be sorted first by AREA_ID and within each area by LINE.
In the left table (Selected columns in order) it is possible to select a
row to filter on. This is done by selecting the row and clicking on
[Filter]. The filter section is opened.
The filter section can be hidden and shown by clicking [Hide] and
Enter the criteria and click on [Add].
Note: If you want to use the date as a search criterion, you have to use
ISO standard date format. The format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
Added filters can be shown in a list-box in the filter section.
The filter can be removed by selecting it in the list-box and clicking on
136  Quality Analysis
At last max number of rows has to be filled in.
Click on [Search] and the query will be executed. The result will be
presented in a table.
Testnet User Guide
It is possible to open the filter dialog by double-clicking on a value in
the table.
Export to Excel
It is possible to export a query to excel to make a report.
Make all the necessary selections to build a query.
Click on [Export to Excel] to export the query to Excel.
Excel is started and the query is run automatically and the result is
presented as a report.
Displaying the query
It is possible to display the query.
Click on the [Display] button to open a list-box with the query.
The list-box can be hidden by clicking [Hide]. The list-box will not be
updated automatically when changes are made to the query. Click
[Update] to refresh the list-box.
Saving the query
It is possible to save the query.
Click on the [Save as] button the save the query.
Using a saved query
It is possible to use a saved query.
Testnet User Guide
Click on the [Browse] button and choose the wanted file.
Click [Open] to use the query.
Quality Analysis  137
All products that are reported on must be registered in the Quality database. The
products are imported from Ericsson‘s product information management
database (PRIM). It is recommended that every site sets up a PRIM subscription
for the products. It is also possible to fetch products with Piwin. For more
information about PRIMCOM and Piwin, see the System Administrators manual.
How to use Products
This is how to activate the Products page:
Click on Products in the main menu
Then the Products page is opened:
The Products folder contains seven different tabs:
Testnet User Guide
Product Relations
Product Structure
Group Products
Report Groups
Products from PRIM
Products  139
Relations from PRIM
Product Attributes
The concepts that are used in association with the product trade in quality are
stated below:
Product Number
A number that, when combined with the R-state, gives a unique product identity.
The product number is fetched from PRIM.
The R-state, or revision state , is fetched from PRIM. The R-state is increased
each time the product is modified.
ID-number/Serial Number
An ID-number or serial number, which identifies each specific individual. One
source of ID-numbers is Bartrack.
Product Name
A product name is an informal product designation that can be fetched from
PRIM and entered manually.
Product Category
The code for a product category, which consists of two characters, provides
information on the product type. Some examples of product categories are:
ML which means material list
RF which means physical product with R-state
KO which means component.
Information on product categories is obtained from PRIM but this information is
not used.
Product Structure
A product structure is a schematic drawing that describes how a product is
assembled. The terms superordinate product, subordinate product and product
relation are used for describing the structure.
Product structure
Superordinate Products
In a product structure, a superordinate product is a product that has another
product located at one of its (subordinate) positions.
Subordinate Products
In a product structure, a subordinate product is a product that is located at a
given position within another (superordinate) product.
140  Products
Testnet User Guide
Product Relation
A product relation defines the relation between a superordinate and a subordinate
product. The relation is defined by the product number and R-state of the
superordinate and subordinate products together with the position of the
subordinate product.
A component is a product with no subordinate products. Even if a product has
actually got subordinate products, in reality it can be registered without
subordinate products, and is then handled as a component within the system.
The Products tab is used to add your own products or to see which products are
defined in Quality database.
This is how to activate the Products tab:
Click on Products in the main menu
Retrieve Products
To retrieve information on one or more products:
Enter the Product number and R-state as search criteria.
Select one of these three alternatives. The choice you make will
affect the time it takes to perform the search.
All Products
This alternative will select all products,
with the number of relations for the
products is calculated and shown in the
# Rel field. If no relations exist, the field
is left blank..
Only products
without relations
This alternative will only select products
that have a zero value in the # Rel field.
Only products
with relations
This alternative will only select products
that have a value other than zero in the
# Rel field.
Click on [Search] to retrieve the product(s) that match the search
criteria and the relation information.
Note: The maximum number of products that can be shown is
2000. If the result is more than 2000 products, an error message
will be displayed asking you to refine your search.
Testnet User Guide
Products  141
Add a Product
To add a product:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Enter the Product number and R-state.
If you wish, enter the Product name, Description, and
Product category.
If you wish, enter an Expire date for the follow-up on
If you wish, enter a Price for the product.
Click on [OK] to add the product to the list. Click on [Cancel] to
close the add section without saving.
Change a Product
To change a product:
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
If you wish, change the Product name, Description, and
Product category.
If you wish, enter an Expire date for the follow-up on
If you wish, enter a Price for the product.
Click on [OK] to change the product. Click on [Cancel] to close
the edit section without saving.
Delete a Product
To delete a product:
142  Products
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all products that match the search
criteria defined in the fields.
Select the product you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the product from database.
Copy a Product
To copy a product and its product structure:
Click on [Search] to fetch all products that match the search
criteria defined in the fields.
Select the product you want to copy in the list. Click on [Copy] to
open the Copy section.
Enter the destination Product number and R-state.
If you have entered the same product number you can choose to
connect to the same product places and report groups as the
product you copy from.
Click on [OK] to change the product. Click on [Cancel] to close
the edit section without saving.
View Relations
To view relations of a product:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all products that match the search
criteria defined in the fields.
Select the product you want to view relations for in the list.
Click on [Relations...] to view the products relations.
Products  143
View Structure
To view product structure of a product:
Click on [Search] to fetch all products that match the search
criteria defined in the fields.
Select the product you want to view product structure for in the list.
Click on [Structure...] to view the product structure.
Product Relations
The Product Relations tab is used to add product relationships to the products
or to see the product relationships that already exist. A product relation is the
connection between one product and another. Several relations form a product
This is how to activate the Product Relations tab:
Click on Products in the main menu.
Switch to the Product Relations tab.
Note: It is also possible to reach the Product Relations tab from the
Products tab. The selected product will be transferred to the
Product Relations tab as a parent.
Add a Product Relation
To add a product relation:
144  Products
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Enter the Product number, R-state and Position of the
product you want to have as a parent (outer product).
Enter the Product number and R-state of the product you want
to have as a child (lower product).
Click on [OK] to add the product to the list. Click on [Cancel] to
close the add section without saving.
Delete a Product Relation
To delete a product relation:
Click on [Search] to fetch all product relations that match the
search criteria defined in the fields.
Select the product relation you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the product relation from database.
Change a Product Number
To change a product number in multiple relations:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all product relations that match the
search criteria defined in the fields.
Click on [Change Product Number] to open the change product
number page.
You can delete relations you do not want to change by selecting row in
list and click [Delete].
Enter the destination Lower product number and R-state.
Click [Preview] to see a preview of the result.
Products  145
Click [Save] to save changes.
Close window by clicking [Close].
Product Structure
The Product Structure tab is used to display the entire product structure.
This is how to activate the Product Structure tab:
Click on Products in the main menu.
Switch to the Product Structure tab.
Note: It is also possible to reach the Product Structure tab from the
Products tab. The selected product will be transferred to the
Product Structure tab as a parent.
Retrieve Product Structure
To retrieve the product structure:
Enter the Product number and R-state as search criteria.
Click on [Search] to retrieve the product that matches the search
Group Products
The Group Products tab is used to group products that belong to each other in
some way. For example, two products are very closely related, but have very
different product numbers. Due to this, it will not be possible to select these two
146  Products
Testnet User Guide
products for a report. But by grouping them in a report group, it is possible to
create a report based on a report group.
This is how to activate the Group Products tab:
Click on Products in the main menu.
Switch to the Group Products tab.
Add one Product to a Report Group
To add one product to a report group:
At least one report group must exist. Use the Report Groups tab
to create a report group if there are none.
Click on [Add] to open add section.
Select the name of an existing Report group.
Enter the Product number and optional R-state. You can use
wildcard (*) to make a search by clicking on [Search]. Select a
product in the list to the right.
Click on [OK] to add the product to the report group. Click on
[Cancel] to close the add section without saving.
Add Multiple Products to a Report Group
To add multiple products to a report group:
Testnet User Guide
At least one report group must exist. Use the Report Groups tab
to create a report group if there are none.
Products  147
Click on [Add Multiple] to open add multiple section.
Select the name of an existing Report group.
Enter the Product number and optional R-state. You can use
wildcard (*) to make a search by clicking on [Search]. Select the
wanted products by clicking in the list to the left.
Click on [OK] to add all products in the right list to the report
group. Click on [Cancel] to close the add multiple section without
Remove Products from a Report Group
To remove products from a report group:
Click on [Search] to fetch all report groups that match the search
criteria defined in the fields.
Select the product you want to remove from a report group in the
Click on [Delete] to remove the selected product from the report
Report Groups
The term report group is used when two or more products are linked to a group.
You create a report group if you often need to see statistics about some products
presented in one report.
In some reports it is possible to divide the report group by product number. In
other reports, the statistics always represent the entire group. The report group
can be used in every report except the Yield report (report location) and the Fault
Outcome report (report location).
This is how to activate the Report Groups tab:
148  Products
Click on Products in the main menu.
Switch to the Report Groups tab.
Testnet User Guide
Add a Report Group
To add a report group:
Click on [Add] to open add section.
Enter the name of the Report group and a Description.
Click on [OK] to add the report group. Click on [Cancel] to close
the add section without saving.
Remove a Report Group
To remove a report group:
Click on [Search] to fetch all report groups that match the search
criteria defined in the fields.
Select the report group you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the selected report group from the
Products from PRIM
Ensure that the products you want to work with have been registered in Quality
database. You do this in the Products and Product Relations tabs in the
Products page. If the products have not been registered, you must fetch them
from PRIM (provided that you have a subscription) or enter them manually. All
products that the site subscribes to will first be delivered into the PRIM
"mailbox". To make the products available in the application, the administrator
must fetch the products from the mailbox and move them into the Quality
Testnet User Guide
Products  149
database. This function is called "Import product from PRIM". Read more in the
"System Administrators Guide".
This is how to activate the Products from PRIM tab:
Click on Products in the main menu.
Switch to the Products from PRIM tab.
Import Products from PRIM
To import a product from PRIM to the Quality database:
Enter the Product number, R-state or Arrival date as a search
Select one of these four alternatives. The choice you make will
affect the time it takes to perform the search.
All Products
This alternative will select all products,
with the number of relations for the
products is calculated and shown in the
# Rel field. If no relations exist, the field
is left blank..
Only products
without relations
This alternative will only select products
that have a zero value in the # Rel field.
Only products
with relations
This alternative will only select products
that have a value other than zero in the
# Rel field.
Click on [Search] to retrieve the product(s) that match the search
criteria and the relation information.
Note: The maximum number of products that can be shown is
2000. If the result is more than 2000 products, an error message
will be displayed asking you to refine your search.
150  Products
Select the product you want to import.
Input the Description (this field can also be filled-in within the
Products tab).
When you open the tab, the Connect to Product Places (new
R-state) and Connect to Report Group (new R-state) check
boxes will be selected. This means that the product you are
importing will be linked to the same product place as the previous
Testnet User Guide
product with the same product number. To deactivate these
functions, uncheck the appropriate check box.
To link the product to another report group, check the Connect to
Report Group box and select a report group from the drop-down
list of report groups.
Move the product by clicking on [Move]. The selected product
with all its subordinate products, that is, its entire product structure,
will be added to the Quality database, and can be accessed via the
Products tab.
If you want to move every listed product, click [Move all]. Every
visible product in the list with accompanying structures will be
added to application.
If you do not want to add every product, you can select which
products to move in the list. Click the [Enable Multi Select]
button and then you get checkboxes for each row in the list. Select
the product or products you want to add and then click on [Move].
Only the products that are checked in the table will be added to
Quality database.
You can also delete products from the table by selecting them and
clicking [Delete]. These products are deleted from the database,
which means you cannot search for them again.
To add a product with only its top level of subordinate products,
check the Move only one product level box. The selected
product and its immediate subordinate products are now added to
Quality database.
The selected products are now added to the Quality database.
Relations from PRIM
This tab is usually only used for deleting relations to products that are not to be
added when a given product structure is being imported. First delete the current
product in the Products from PRIM tab. You can then delete the associated
relations in the Relations from PRIM tab.
This is how to activate the Relations from PRIM tab:
Testnet User Guide
Click on Products in the main menu.
Switch to the Relations from PRIM tab.
Products  151
Import Product Relations From PRIM
Sometimes it is necessary to import a single product relation from PRIM. To do
Enter the Outer product number, Outer R-state, Position,
Lower product number, Lower R-state or R-state
Reference as a search criteria.
Click on [Search] to retrieve the relation or relations that match
the search criteria.
Select the relation you want to import.
Move the relation by clicking on [Move]. The selected relation will
be added to the Quality database, and can be accessed through the
Product Relations tab.
If you want to move every listed relation, click on <Move all>.
Every visible relation in the list will be added.
If you do not want to add every relation, you can select which
relations to move in the list. Click the [Enable Multi Select]
button and then you get checkboxes for each row in the list. Select
the relation or relations you want to add and then click on [Move].
Only the relations that are checked in the table will be added to
Quality database.
You can also delete relations from the table by selecting them and
clicking [Delete]. These relations are deleted from the database,
which means you cannot search for them again.
The selected product relations are now added to the Quality
152  Products
Testnet User Guide
In order to work with Testnet Quality parts, the system must have a map (model)
of the production process. This means that areas, production lines and test
categories must be defined in the system and be combined to produce report
locations. Information on faults is gathered from these various report locations.
The next section describes the logical terms used during modelling. Following
the description is an explanation of how modelling is performed, as well as things
that should be considered during each stage.
Read about modelling and look at examples: Modelling Example
How to use Modelling
This is how to activate the Modelling page:
Click on Modelling in the main menu
Then the Modelling page is opened:
The Modelling page contains six different tabs:
Testnet User Guide
Report Locations
Test Categories
Modelling  153
Production Goals
Fault Possibilities
Report Locations
A report location is a combination of an area, a production line and a test
category. In other words, a report location is a specific place in the production
facility where a certain test is conducted. The data that is collected from a test
(report location), is entered into Testnet from a terminal and then used for
generating quality reports.
In the tab Report Locations, you can create or delete report locations. You can
also create product places that link products to the report locations.
To get an overview of the modelling, you can use the tree structure, which
displays every report location and its associated linked products. Move up and
down in the structure by double clicking on the different objects.
You can choose to view the structure starting from the report locations or from
the products. Choose by clicking on in the respective radio button under the tree
structure, and click on [Build].
If you select an object in the structure the information is automatically transferred
to the text fields to the left.
When you click on [Build], the structure will be displayed according to the
search criteria in the text fields.
You can always empty the fields by clicking on [Clear].
You can also block a product place from input by clicking on the
[Activate/deactivate] button.
Product place
A product place is a term that combines an area, a production line, a test category
and a product. This is the same as combining a report location and a product.
Product places are created in order to separate test information that applies to a
specific product when several products have passed through the same test. The
administrator determines which products can be reported on at a specific report
location. This simplifies reporting for the operator, who has a limited number of
products to choose from for each report location.
This is how to activate the Report Locations tab:
154  Modelling
Click on Modelling in the main menu
Testnet User Guide
Adding a Report Location
To define a report location:
Select Area, Line and Test category in their respective drop-downlists. If [Enter Value] is selected a textbox is displayed and a new name
can be entered.
Click on [Add] to add the report location to the list.
Delete a Report Location
To delete a report location:
Select Area, Line and Test category in their respective drop-downlists or use the tree-view on the right to search for the report location.
Click on [Delete] to delete the report location.
Display Product Places
To create a list of all product places that matches search criteria:
Enter the Area, Line, Test category, Product number and Rstate in their respective fields or use the tree-view on the right to search
for the product places.
Click on [Display] to generate a list containing all the product places
and their corresponding number of fault possibilities.
Create a Product Place
To create a product place:
Select Area, Line and Test category in their respective drop-downlists or use the tree-view on the right to search for the report location.
Type search criteria in the fields for Product number and R-state, and
click on [Search].
Select a product in the list and click on [Add]. The product place is now
created as a combination of the selected report location and the selected
Delete a Product Place
To delete a product place:
Enter the Area, Line, Test category, Product number and Rstate in their respective fields or use the tree-view on the right to
search for the product places
Click on [Delete] to delete the product place.
Activate a Product Place
If you want to open a product place for input, you can activate it.
To activate:
Testnet User Guide
Select the product place in the tree-view or select/enter the Area, Line,
Test category, Product number and R-state in the fields.
If you entered the values manually, you need to select the product place
by clicking on it in the tree-view.
Note: A red cross must be displayed on top of the product symbol you
would like to activate.
Modelling  155
Click on [Activate/Deactivate] to activate the product place.
The red cross will disappear from the selected symbol in the tree-view. This
indicates that the symbol is now active.
Deactivate a Product Place
If you want to close a product place from input, you can deactivate it.
To deactivate:
Select the product place in the tree-view or select/enter the Area, Line,
Test category, Product number and R-state in the fields.
If you entered the values manually, you need to select the product place
by clicking on it in the tree-view.
Note: If a red cross is displayed on top of the product symbol you would
like to deactivate, then the symbol is already deactivated.
Click on [Activate/Deactivate] to deactivate the product place.
A red cross will appear on top of the selected symbol in the tree-view. This
indicates that the symbol now is deactivated.
Copy Product Places
It is not necessary to complete each field when you specify the product places to
be copied. The following combinations can be used:
Area, Line and Test category, whereby every product place that
belongs to the report group is copied.
Area, Line and Test category and search criteria for products,
whereby every product place linked to the stated report location and
to products that begin with the search criteria are copied.
Area, Line, Test category, Product number and R-state, whereby
only the specified product place is copied.
This is how to activate the Copy Product Places dialog box:
Click on Modelling in the main menu.
Switch to the Report Locations tab.
Click on [Copy Product Places].
Copy One or More Product Places
The combination of area, line and test category that was stated in the Report
Locations tab will be automatically displayed when the Copy Product Places
dialog box is shown.
156  Modelling
Testnet User Guide
To copy one or more product places:
Select the Report location you want to copy From by entering a
search criterion, by using the combo-boxes or by selecting in the treeview.
If you want a specific product, you can enter a Product number and
R-state, and click on [Search].
Enter the Report location to which you want to copy To.
To view which test locations will be created, click on [Preview].
To copy the product places to the current report location, click on
Click on [Close] to close the dialog box.
An area is a certain clearly defined section of the production surface. For
example, the area can be a section or a surface where a specific product is
manufactured. One or more production lines are linked to an area.
This is how to activate the Areas tab:
Click on Modelling in the main menu.
Switch to the Areas tab.
Add an Area
To add a new area:
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Modelling  157
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Type the name of the Area and a Description of the area. Set the area
to Active by marking the checkbox.
Click on [OK] to add the area to the list. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change an Area
To change an area:
Click on [Search] to fetch all areas that match the search criteria
defined in the first field.
Select the area to be changed in the list.
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Make the changes.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the edit
section without saving.
A line is a logical term that links various production steps together. A line
usually begins where production begins and ends where the product is combined
with another product or is finished for delivery. A production line can correspond
to a physical line, although this is not a requirement. Each line is linked to only
one area.
158  Modelling
Testnet User Guide
This is how to activate the Lines tab:
Click on Modelling in the main menu.
Switch to the Lines tab.
Add a Line
To add a new line:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Select the Area and type the name of the Line and a Description of the
Click on [OK] to add the line to the area. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change a Line
To change a line:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all lines that match the search criteria
defined in the fields.
Select the line to be changed in the list.
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Modelling  159
Make the changes.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the edit
section without saving.
Delete a Line
To delete a line:
Click on [Search] to fetch all lines that match the search criteria
defined in the fields.
Select the line you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the line.
Move a Line
To move a line:
Click on [Search] to fetch all lines that match the search criteria
defined in the fields.
Select the line to be moved in the list.
Click on [Move] to open the move section.
Select a new area and choose whether the inputs shall be moved to the
new area.
Click on [OK] to move the line. Click on [Cancel] to close the move
section without saving.
Rename a Line
To rename a line:
160  Modelling
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all lines that match the search criteria
defined in the fields.
Select the line to be renamed in the list.
Click on [Rename] to open the rename section.
Enter a new line and choose whether the inputs shall be moved to the
new line or not.
Click on [OK] to rename the line. Click on [Cancel] to close the rename
section without saving.
Test Categories
A test category indicates which type of test is run on the product. Some examples
of test categories are visual inspection and function test.
When giving names to test categories, you should consider the information you
want to obtain from the reports. A test category can, for example, be named to be
used by different shifts such as INSPEC_DAY and INSPEC_NIGHT. This way
you can easily extract information about each shift. It is important to consider
which test categories can be put together in the reports. These must then be
named consistently, such as INSPEC_DAY and INSPEC_NIGHT. You can use
INSPEC* when you want to see both test categories in the same report.
Each test category is linked to at least one line. The combination area-line-test
category forms a report location.
This is how to activate the Test Categories tab
Testnet User Guide
Click on Modelling in the main menu.
Switch to the Test Categories tab.
Modelling  161
Add a Test Category
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Type the name of the Test Category and a Description of the test
Click on [OK] to add the test category. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change a Test Category
To change a test category:
162  Modelling
Click on [Search] to fetch all test categories that match the search
criteria defined in the fields.
Select the test category to be changed in the list.
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Testnet User Guide
Make the changes.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the edit
section without saving.
Delete a Test Category
To delete a test category:
Click on [Search] to fetch all test categories that match the search
criteria defined in the fields.
Select the test category you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the test category from database.
Rename a Test Category
To rename a test category:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all test categories that match the search
criteria defined in the fields.
Select the test category to be renamed in the list.
Click on [Rename] to open the rename section.
Enter a new test category and choose whether the inputs shall be moved
to the new test category or not. Choose if it should be renamed to an
existing test category.
Modelling  163
Click on [OK] to rename the test category. Click on [Cancel] to close
the rename section without saving.
Production Goals
It is possible to link production objectives, stated in the yield and DPMO, for
every possible combination of area, line, test category, and product number and
R-state (that is, the product place). The objectives can be found in the different
graphs (Yield graph, Fault outcome graph and Faulty graph)
Example: If, when taking out a report, you selected Area = ―SMD‖, Line = ―*‖,
Test category = ―Visual inspection‖ and Product number = ―*‖, to see the
target result in the graph, you must first have set targets using the same criteria.
This is how to activate the Production Goals tab:
Click on Modelling in the main menu.
Switch to the Production Goals tab.
State a Production Objective
To state a production objective:
164  Modelling
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Enter Area, Line and Test category, Product number and R-state
in the fields. You can also select the report location in the tree-view.
Enter the Date from which the objective is going to count. The date
format is YYYY-MM-DD.
Testnet User Guide
Enter the Yield and DPMO values in the fields. These values will be
displayed in the Yield and DPMO graphs.
Click on [OK] to create the production objective. Click on [Cancel] to
close the add section without saving.
Change a Production Objective
To change a production objective:
Click on [Search] to fetch all production objectives that match the
search criteria defined in the fields.
Select the production objective to be changed in the list.
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Make the changes.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the edit
section without saving.
Delete a Production Objective
To delete a production objective:
Click on [Search] to fetch all production objectives that match the
search criteria defined in the fields.
Select the production objective you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the production objective.
Fault Possibilities
Each combination of test category, product number and R-state can have a
number of fault possibilities.
This combination may exist in several areas/lines. The number of fault
possibilities will be the same for all these occurrences of the combination.
All DPMO-reports (Defects Per Million Opportunities) are based on the number
of fault possibilities.
This is how to activate the Fault Possibilities tab:
Testnet User Guide
Click on Modelling in the main menu.
Switch to the Fault Possibilities tab
Modelling  165
State Number of Fault Possibilities
To state number of fault possibilities:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Select a combination of Test category, Product number and R-state
in the fields.
Select a Fault Category and enter the No of Fault Possibilities for
that category.
Click on [OK] to create state fault possibility. Click on [Cancel] to
close the add section without saving.
Change Number of Fault Possibilities
To change number of fault possibilities:
166  Modelling
Click on [Search] to fetch all fault possibilities that match the search
criteria defined in the fields.
Select the combination you want to change in the list.
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Add], [Update] and [Remove] to make changes in the table
in the edit section.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the edit
section without saving.
Delete Number of Fault Possibilities
To delete all number of fault possibilities for a combination:
Click on [Search] to fetch all fault possibilities that match the search
criteria defined in the fields.
Select the combination you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the combination.
Modelling Example
The following example shows how a production facility can be modelled in
Testnet. Each way of modelling, are defined according to the needs of the
production facility. What we want to emphasise most are the working methods
and planning that goes into modelling.
Product Description
The finished product in this example is a transceiver. The transceiver consists of
several subordinate products, as illustrated in the figure below. We will first look
at the modelling of one of the subordinate products, the PA, and its subordinate
products: the controller board and the power board. The modelling example
continues through the mounting of the PA together with other products at the
same level, including finishing work and tests of the transceiver.
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Modelling  167
The product structure for the example
In the example, the focus is on the highlighted areas of the picture.
Production Description
Below follows a brief description of the two affected sections in the plant: the
surface mounting and the radio base area. We then proceed to list the different
production stages and tests through which the boards and transceiver pass.
Surface Mounting
Three surface-mounting machines exist at the surface-mounting department. The
machines are from Panasonic, Fujitsu and Philips (note that in this case, the line,
which is the physical production line, has no connection with the term production
line in Testnet). From time to time, the controller and power boards are produced
on all three lines.
The mounting equipment performs the work in three stages:
Soldering paste is applied to the boards.
Components are mounted on the boards.
The boards pass through an oven where the components are
Finally, the boards are inspected (by means of a visual inspection). Each line has
its own visual inspection location.
168  Modelling
Testnet User Guide
Visual inspection
Mounting of components
Panasonic line
Soldering oven
Soldering paste
Visual inspection
Mounting of components
Fujitsu line
Soldering oven
Visual inspection
Mounting of components
Soldering paste
Soldering oven
Soldering paste
Philips line
The modelling example, surface mounting area
Radio-Base Area
At the radio-base area, the boards are mounted, soldered and tested. The
transceiver is also mounted and tested.
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Modelling  169
Function test
Circuit Boards
Circuit Board Storage
Component preparation for hole mounting (1)
and component mounting (2)
Visual Inspection
Circuit Boards
Production and test of
circuit boards
Second mounting and soldering
Circuit Board Storage
Mounting of Receiver/Transceiver
Mounting to
Final product
Pre-test of
Burn-In and test of
Final test of
The modelling example, radio-base area
Production of Regulator and Amplifier Boards
Each printed board assembly is produced in the same manner. The production
stages are as follows:
Surface-mounting area:
1. Application of soldering paste
2. Application of components
3. Soldering in oven
4. Visual inspection
Radio base area:
1. Components prepared for hole mounting
2. Mounting of components
3. Wave soldering
4. Solder inspection
5. Second mounting and soldering
6. Inspection of printed board assemblies
7. Function test (mechanical)
8. Final inspection
Production of Transceiver
170  Modelling
Testnet User Guide
The transceiver is produced as follows:
Radio base area:
1. Joining of the PA and other components at the same structural level
2. Preliminary test
3. Burn-in and test
4. Final test
Describe which areas need to be defined. In our example, we chose to create an
area for surface mounting, an area for the production and testing of printed board
assemblies, and an area for mounting and testing the transceivers. This gives us
the greatest possible flexibility in extracting reports, which also gives the
supervisors of each section (area) the ability to extract their own reports. If we
can extract reports corresponding to each radio base area, then we can make use
of report groups. We name the areas Surface Mounting, PBA (printed board
assembly), and Final Mounting.
List the production stages and tests that apply to the transceiver, including all
subordinate products. Imagine a line between them.
Circuit boards
Surface mounting
Final mounting
Design the logical view of production according to what you want to see in your
In our example, we wanted to be able to differentiate between the three sets of
surface-mounting equipment in the Panasonic, Fujitsu and Philips lines. This is
because we want to compare the capacity and quality of each machine.
For this reason, we created three different lines for the production phases, one
line for each set of equipment. Afterward, we gave appropriate names to the three
lines and to the two lines that we created for the radio base area.
A schematic drawing of the lines appears below:
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Modelling  171
Surface mounting area
Circuit board area
Final mounting area
Make a list of the test categories you will use, and distribute them across the
lines. Give each test category a unique name. To make the division even more
distinct, the test categories for the boards and transceivers have been distributed
between two separate figures.
Surface-mounting Area
Earlier, we chose to create three parallel lines, one for each set of surfacemounting equipment. Inspection is the same for all boards, regardless of which
line they were produced on. This means that we can create a test category that
can be linked to each of the three lines. Each link is unique. We have also created
three different report locations, which allow us to differentiate between the lines
when we enter inspection input. When entering the input, each operator specifies
which report location it applies to. Thus, it is possible to determine which
machine produced the board being inspected.
Test Category: Inspection
Surface mounting area with test categories
172  Modelling
Testnet User Guide
Printed Board Assembly Area
After the soldering is complete, the soldering is visually inspected. Since there is
only one soldering machine, the purpose of this test is to follow up the
production quality produced by the machine. We create the test category
A second inspection follows the second mounting and soldering. We call this
inspection FINAL_INSP. Finally, the board functions are tested. Thus, we create
the test category FUNC_TEST.
Circuit board area with test categories
Final Mounting Area
A preliminary test, which we call PRETEST, is conducted after the various parts
that make up the transceiver have been mounted. Burn-in follows while the
transceiver is tested again. We call this test category HEAT_TEST. To
conclude, we conduct a final test named FINAL_TEST.
Final mounting area with test categories
After having planned the areas, line and test categories, define them in Testnet
and link them to report locations.
On the following page is shown an overview of the modelling example.
Overview of the Modelling Example
This modelling example will prove itself to be very flexible for extracting various
reports. By considering the search criteria to be used and how freely you can
specify them in the report tab, and by comparing them with how you planned to
use the model, you can determine whether the model can be used for presenting
data in reports. For example, our modelling example cannot be used for
providing a combined Yield report for the surface mounting and printed board
assembly areas. If a report of this kind is necessary, we need to determine if it
can obtain the information using report groups. If not, we might have to modify
the model.
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Modelling  173
Test Category: Inspection
Area Final Mounting
A modelling example overview
It is always a good idea to plan the model very thoroughly on paper, in order to
gain a comprehensive view and to test your ideas. Ensure that everyone who has
an opinion is invited to participate. This way the model can succeed from the
174  Modelling
Testnet User Guide
Several codes have been defined in Quality database for managing faulty data.
These codes are used, for example by operators, to describe faults and associated
corrective actions during repairs. The codes are also used to classify, group and
categorise faults.
How to use Basedata
This is how to activate the Basedata page:
Click on Basedata in the main menu
Then the Basedata page is opened:
The Basedata page contains eight different tabs:
Testnet User Guide
Fault Codes
Fault Class
Fault Category
Action Code
Measurement Point
Basedata  175
Alarm code
Alarm Category
The codes, classes and categories needed depends on the tests to be run on the
products, which reports it is possible to generate, the way in which data in the
reports is to be viewed, and on how data entered.
Before you define the basic data you intend to use, decide which types of input
are to be used, such as test, fault and/or inspection input.
Test input is used when:
ID-numbers are used in production.
the test results faulty and approved are entered for one or more
products ID-number.
you want to generate Yield and Fault Outcome reports.
Test input is a prerequisite for entering fault input.
Fault input is used when:
ID-numbers are used in production.
the test results and information on faults are entered separately and
for one individual at a time.
Inspection input is used when:
input is added on a batch basis.
the test results and information on faults are input at the same time
for one or more products (without considering the ID-number).
Data from inspection inputs is used in every report.
The following description applies only to the entry of data. When importing data
from external systems, then you must study the description of each interface, in
order to determine which codes, classes and categories are required.
To determine which codes have been defined in Quality database, you open each
respective tab under the menu ―Basedata‖.
Note: When choosing the codes that will be used in production, you must also
consider the codes that are required in accordance with the company standard
and which information you are accustomed to using during analysis.
Work Flow to Add Base Data
When the base data is defined, you can follow these steps:
176  Basedata
Testnet User Guide
Define Users
Define Measurement Points
Define Fault Classes
Every fault code that is included
in the PPM reports must be linked
to one of the fault categories
Solder or Assemblage.
Define Cause Codes
Define Fault Codes
Each Fault Code is linked
to at least one Fault Class and
one or more Action Codes
Define Fault Categories
Solder and Assemblage are
pre-defined Fault Categories.
Other categories can be
defined if needed.
Define Manufacturer
Description of the workflow
Define Users
The users that will use Quality functions must be defined.
Read more about users in "Users" on page 213.
Define Measurement Points
This is an optional step.
A measurement Point is a code that is used during input to simplify the
QAnalysts task.
Read more about measurement points in "Measurement Points" on page 186.
Define Fault Classes
Fault codes are connected to fault classes. The fault class defines the severity of
the fault.
Read more about fault classes in "Fault Classes" on page 180.
Define Action Codes
This is an optional step.
An action code can be selected at input to declare what has been done to rectify
the fault.
Read more about action codes in "Action Codes" on page 184.
Define Fault Codes
The description of the fault code describes the fault in plain text.
Read more about fault codes in "Fault Codes" on page 178.
Define Fault Categories
The fault codes can be grouped into different fault categories. This may help in
the process of analysing the faults.
Read more about fault categories in "Fault Categories" on page 182.
Define Manufacturer
This is an optional step.
Testnet User Guide
Basedata  177
A manufacturer can be selected at entry of a particular fault. This may help in the
process of analysing the faults that are caused by a component from a certain
Read more about manufacturers in "Manufacturers" on page 188.
Define Alarm Code
This is an optional step.
An alarm code can be selected at entry of a particular fault ‖Exchange of IDmarked unit‖ in Reptile.
Read more about alarm codes in "Alarm Codes" on page 190.
Define Alarm Categories
This is an optional step.
The alarm codes can be grouped into different alarm categories.
An alarm category can be selected at entry of a particular fault ‖Exchange of IDmarked unit‖ in Reptile.
Read more about alarm categories in "Alarm Categories" on page 191.
Fault Codes
A fault code represents a special type of fault. Linked to each fault code is a text
that clearly describes the fault. Examples of fault codes are:
C107 = Too much soldering paste
A411 = Missing component
Fault codes are given during fault and inspection inputs. In order to use a fault
code, it must be linked to a fault class and a fault category. Each fault code can
also be linked to a correction code. The links between codes are established in
the Fault Codes tab.
In the Fault Codes tab you can:
Create fault codes
Change fault codes
Delete fault codes
Connect a fault code to a fault class
Connect a fault code to a fault category
This is how to activate the Fault Codes tab:
178  Basedata
Click on Basedata in the main menu.
Testnet User Guide
Add a Fault Code
To add a new fault code:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Type the name of the Fault Code and a Description of the fault
code. You can also type an International Description written in
English, to facilitate the exchange of information between factories
and across borders. When printing reports, the international
description can be selected and fault codes are printed according to
the international description.
Select Action Code in the combo-box.
Select Fault Category and Fault Class in each respective list to
the left and move them to the right list by clicking [-->].
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change a Fault Code
To change a fault code:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all fault codes that match the search
Select the fault code you want to change in the list.
Basedata  179
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields, combo-boxes or lists you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete a Fault Code
To delete a fault code:
Click on [Search] to fetch all fault codes that match the search
Select the fault code you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the fault code.
Fault Classes
A fault code does not indicate the seriousness of a fault. Therefore, fault classes
are used with every fault code.
In turn, each fault class is linked to a given value of fault points. These describe
the severity of the fault represented by the fault class.
Class A =
100 fault points => fault value 1,0
Class B =
50 fault points =>
fault value 0,5
Class C =
10 fault points =>
fault value 0,1
The fault classes can have any 1-character identification, and any number of
points between 0 and 100.
In order to enter fault and inspection inputs, each fault code must be linked to at
least one fault class. This link is established by the administrator. The operator
chooses from the fault codes linked to the fault classes when entering fault or
inspection inputs. Fault classes are used for generating the DPMO reports.
Note: Even when a fault class with fault value 1 (class A in the above example)
is to be used, the administrator must still link each fault code to the fault class.
The general rule is to use fault classes A and C only.
This is how to activate the Fault Classes tab:
180  Basedata
Click on Basedata in the main menu.
Switch to the Fault Classes tab.
Testnet User Guide
Add a Fault Class
To add a new fault code:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Type the name of the Fault Class, the Points and a Description
of the fault class.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change a Fault Class
To change a fault class:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all fault classes that match the search
Select the fault class you want to change in the list.
Basedata  181
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete a Fault Class
To delete a fault class:
Click on [Search] to fetch all fault classes that match the search
Select the fault class you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the fault class.
Fault Categories
In order to provide statistics, it may be advantageous to group fault codes into
fault categories. These categories are necessary for generating DPMO reports.
A fault category can for example include every fault that can be connected with a
Every fault code that is included in the DPMO reports must be linked to a fault
You can define additional categories for generating custom reports. In order to
use the fault categories, the fault codes must be linked to them. One fault code
can be linked to several fault categories.
This is how to activate the Fault Categories tab:
182  Basedata
Click on Basedata in the main menu.
Switch to the Fault Categories tab.
Testnet User Guide
Add a Fault Category
To add a new fault category:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Type the name of the Fault Category and a Description of the
fault category.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change a Fault Category
To change a fault category:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all fault categories that match the
search criteria.
Select the fault category you want to change in the list.
Basedata  183
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete a Fault Category
To delete a fault category:
Click on [Search] to fetch all fault categories that match the
search criteria.
Select the fault category you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the fault category.
Action Codes
The Action Codes tab is used to enter the type of action that has been used
correct a specific fault. Examples of codes are:
01 - Resolder
02 - Change component
03 - Scrap component
Action codes are used during fault and inspection input. The predefined action
code, Undefined, can be used when no other action code has been defined.
Action codes are not used in reports, but they can be used in the Analysis tab.
This is how to activate the Action Codes tab:
184  Basedata
Click on Basedata in the main menu.
Switch to the Action Codes tab.
Testnet User Guide
Add an Action Code
To add a new action code:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Type the name of the Action Code and a Description of the
action code.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change an Action Code
To change an action code:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all action codes that match the search
Select the action code you want to change in the list.
Basedata  185
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete an Action Code
To delete an action code:
Click on [Search] to fetch all action codes that match the search
criteria defined in the first field.
Select the action code you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the action code.
Measurement Points
The measurement point code can be used during test input. The measurement is
given as a code, and the method for using this code is voluntary. You can for
example use the code to let the measurement points correspond to the different
test points that are used during electrical tests. Another use could be to input in
which way a fault has been discovered in order to provide guidance for the
repairmen, such as low voltage or the absence of current.
Measurement points are only used in the Pareto - Measurement Points report. But
the information is also accessible in the Analysis tab.
This is how to activate the Measurement Points tab:
186  Basedata
Click on Basedata in the main menu.
Switch to the Measurement Points tab.
Testnet User Guide
Add a Measurement Point
To add a new measurement point:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Type the name of the Measurement Point and a Description of
the measurement point.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change a Measurement Point
To change a measurement point:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all measurement points that match the
search criteria.
Select the measurement point you want to change in the list.
Basedata  187
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete a Measurement Point
To delete a measurement point:
Click on [Search] to fetch all measurement points that match the
search criteria.
Select the measurement point you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the measurement point from database.
The manufacturer ID is used during fault input for identifying who manufactured
the various products.
Manufacturers are not used in any of the reports.
This is how to activate the Manufacturers tab:
188  Basedata
Click on Basedata in the main menu.
Switch to the Manufacturers tab.
Testnet User Guide
Add a Manufacturer
To add a new manufacturer:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Type the name of the Manufacturer and a Description of the
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change a Manufacturer
To change a manufacturer:
Click on [Search] to fetch all manufacturers that match the search
Select the manufacturer you want to change in the list.
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete a Manufacturer
To delete a manufacturer:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all manufacturers that match the search
Select the manufacturer you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the manufacturer.
Basedata  189
Alarm Codes
The alarm code is used during fault/repair input for Reptile.
Alarm Codes are not used in any of the reports.
In the Alarm Codes tab you can:
Create alarm codes
Change alarm codes
Delete alarm codes
Connect an alarm code to an alarm category
This is how to activate the Alarm Codes tab:
Click on Basedata in the main menu.
Switch to the Alarm Codes tab.
Add an Alarm Code
To add a new alarm code:
190  Basedata
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Type the name of the Alarm Code and a Description of the
alarm code.
Select Alarm Category in the list to the left and move them to the
right list by clicking [-->].
Testnet User Guide
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change an Alarm Code
To change an alarm code:
Click on [Search] to fetch all alarm codes that match the search
Select the alarm code you want to change in the list.
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete an Alarm Code
To delete an alarm code:
Click on [Search] to fetch all alarm codes that match the search
Select the alarm code you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the alarm code.
Alarm Categories
The alarm category is used during fault/repair input for Reptile.
Alarm Categories are not used in any of the reports.
In order to use the alarm categories, the alarm codes must be linked to them. One
alarm code can be linked to several alarm categories.
This is how to activate the Alarm Categories tab:
Testnet User Guide
Click on Basedata in the main menu.
Switch to the Alarm Categories tab.
Basedata  191
Add an Alarm Category
To add a new alarm category:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Type the name of the Alarm Category and a Description of the
alarm category.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change an Alarm Category
To change an alarm category:
192  Basedata
Click on [Search] to fetch all alarm categories that match the
search criteria.
Select the alarm category you want to change in the list.
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete an Alarm Category
To delete an alarm category:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all alarm categories that match the
search criteria.
Select the alarm category you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the alarm category from database.
Basedata  193
Test Station Admin
Test Station Admin is an administration tool used for administrating the test
stations (nodes) when automatically sending test data to quality database through
the QSPInsert windows service. The tool administrates Quality modelling
information that is used when mapping the stations to enable transfer of quality
How to Start Test Station Admin Tool
The Test Station Admin tool is started by clicking this menu option:
Then the Test Station Admin page is opened.
There are five different tabs in the test station page:
Testnet User Guide
Translate Product
Translate Test Program
Translate Test Criteria
Cardmark Settings
Test Station Admin  195
The main configuration of a test station is performed in the Mapping tab.
This is how to activate the Mapping tab:
Click on Test Station Admin in the main menu.
Add a Test Station Mapping
To add a new test station mapping:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Type the number of the Test Station.
Select Area, Line and Test Category in their respective comboboxes or select the mapping in the modelling tree-view to the right.
Check the appropriate check-boxes if mappings for Products,
Test Program, Test Criteria and Cardmarks shall be used.
If the configuration shall be used directly make sure the check-box
Use configuration to send data is checked.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change a Test Station Mapping
To change a test station mapping:
196  Test Station Admin
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all test station mappings that match the
search criteria.
Select the mapping you want to change in the list.
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete a Test Station Mapping
To delete a test station mapping:
Click on [Search] to fetch all test station mappings that match the
search criteria.
Select the mapping you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete the test station mapping from database.
Translate Product
If the Translate product checkbox is marked in Mapping tab information in this
tab is used for translation purpose. The information in Translate product
overrides or complements the earlier made mapping.
This is how to activate the Translate Product tab:
Testnet User Guide
Click on Test Station Admin in the main menu.
Switch to the Translate Product tab.
Test Station Admin  197
It‘s possible to specify which area, line and test category a certain product
number will be mapped into. These settings have no direct connection to a
specific test station, all mappings made in the mapping tab that have translate
product checked will be matched with the translate product information.
Add a Product Translation
To add a new product translation:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Enter the Product Number.
Select Area, Line and Test Category in their respective comboboxes.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change a Product Translation
To change a product translation:
198  Test Station Admin
Click on [Search] to fetch all product translations that match the
search criteria.
Select the translation you want to change in the list.
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Testnet User Guide
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete a Product Translation
To delete a product translation:
Click on [Search] to fetch all product translations that match the
search criteria.
Select the translation you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete product translation from database.
Translate Test Program
If the Translate test program checkbox is marked in Mapping tab information in
this tab is used for translation purpose. The information in Translate test program
override or complement the earlier made mappings made in previous tabs,
mapping and translate product.
This is how to activate the Translate Test Program tab:
Click on Test Station Admin in the main menu.
Switch to the Translate Test Program tab.
It‘s possible to specify which area, line and test category a certain test program
will be mapped into. These settings have no direct connection to a specific test
station, all mappings made in the mapping tab that have translate test program
checked will be matched with the translate test program information.
Add a Test Program Translation
To add a new test program translation:
Testnet User Guide
Test Station Admin  199
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Enter the Test Program.
Select Area, Line and Test Category in their respective comboboxes.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change a Test Program Translation
To change a test program translation:
Click on [Search] to fetch all test program translations that match
the search criteria.
Select the translation you want to change in the list.
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete a Test Program Translation
To delete a test program translation:
200  Test Station Admin
Click on [Search] to fetch all test program translations that match
the search criteria.
Select the translation you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete test program translation from database.
Testnet User Guide
Translate Test Criteria
If the Translate test criteria checkbox is marked in mapping tab information in
this tab is used for translation purpose. The information in Translate test criteria
override or complement the earlier made mappings made in previous tabs,
mapping, translate product and translate test program.
This is how to activate the Translate Test Criteria tab:
Click on Test Station Admin in the main menu.
Switch to the Translate Test Criteria tab.
It‘s possible to specify which area, line and test category a certain test criteria
will be mapped into. These settings have no direct connection to a specific test
station, all mappings made in the mapping tab that have translate test criteria
checked will be matched with the translate test criteria information.
Add a Test Criteria Translation
To add a new test criteria translation:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Enter the Test Criteria.
Select Area, Line and Test Category in their respective comboboxes.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Test Station Admin  201
Change a Test Criteria Translation
To change a test criteria translation:
Click on [Search] to fetch all test criteria translations that match
the search criteria.
Select the translation you want to change in the list.
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete a Test Criteria Translation
To delete a test criteria translation:
Click on [Search] to fetch all test criteria translations that match
the search criteria.
Select the translation you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete test criteria translation from database.
Cardmark Settings
In this tab it‘s possible to filter which cardmarks to send and which to block.
Cardmark configuration is possible to set for all test stations and for the result
(PASS/FAIL). This setting is only active when the Cardmark setting is checked
in the Mapping tab otherwise.
This is how to activate the Cardmark Settings tab:
202  Test Station Admin
Click on Test Station Admin in the main menu.
Switch to the Cardmark Settings tab.
Testnet User Guide
Add a Cardmark Setting
To add a new cardmark setting:
Click on [Add] to open the add section.
Enter the Teststation.
Select Result in the combo-box.
Specify the cardmark(s) that will be used as filter.
Select if the protocols with the cardmarks will be sent or not by
clicking the appropriate radio button.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
add section without saving.
Change a Cardmark Setting
To change a cardmark setting:
Testnet User Guide
Click on [Search] to fetch all cardmark settings that match the
search criteria.
Select the setting you want to change in the list.
Test Station Admin  203
Click on [Edit] to open the edit section.
Change the fields you want to change.
Click on [OK] to save the changes. Click on [Cancel] to close the
edit section without saving.
Delete a Cardmark Setting
To delete a cardmark setting:
204  Test Station Admin
Click on [Search] to fetch all cardmark settings that match the
search criteria.
Select the setting you want to delete in the list.
Click on [Delete] to delete cardmark setting from database.
Testnet User Guide
Protocol Handling
Protocol correction contains tools for handling protocols. With the tools you can
correct test protocols that have been rejected before they are stored in test database or
the information is sent to quality database or sent to Bartrack system.
How to Start Protocol Handling Tool
The Protocol Handling tool is started by clicking this menu option:
Then the Protocol Handling page is opened.
This page makes it possible to:
Handle protocols rejected by Store application
Handle protocols rejected by QSP Insert application
Handle protocols rejected by BT Send application
Store tab
This tab handles protocols rejected by Store application. That is protocols that
are not stored in Testnet database.
Testnet User Guide
Protocol Handling  205
This tab makes it possible to:
Retrieve rejected protocols
Add time
Inspect protocols
Show previous tests
Send protocols to the queue
Delete files
Retrieve Rejected Protocols
This function will rename the log-file store.log to SAVTOT, and place it in the
directory specified in the configuration file for web site. It will then relocate all
*.rrr files from Pamela protocol queues to the same directory. When the process is
finished a message will be displayed stating how many protocols have been
How to Retrieve Rejected Protocols
The directory where the protocols are moved to is determined by the
parameter Correction path.
Click on
Add Time
This function is an aid for correcting protocols with Test time too old, or Test
date too old errors.
How to Add Time to Protocols
To correct the protocols:
Select protocols with this kind of error.
Click on
All selected protocols will be handled. If there are no protocols selected then all
protocols (*.rrr-files) in the directory will be handled.
The protocols are handled like this:
206  Protocol Handling
The first check that is made is to see when the ID-number in the
protocol was last tested.
The date and time for the latest store is retrieved.
The new start time will be the latest start time increased by one second.
The date and the stop time will be adjusted so that the test duration
will be unchanged for the current test protocol.
Testnet User Guide
If the same ID-number occurs again during the same run of the Add
Time function the start and stop time will be increased by one second
for each new occurrence of this ID-number.
Inspect Protocols
To inspect a protocol you select the protocol in the file list. The protocol will then be
displayed in the textbox next to the list of protocols. Below the textbox, the file
length and the time of the last modification to the file are shown.
If a protocol has a log-entry in the log-file SAVTOT, you can see the log-file
description in the Description in log-file textbox. See below:
N.B. SAVTOT must exist in the same directory as the rejected protocol.
If the error description from the log-file contains an indication of an offending line
then this line will automatically be selected in the textbox. If the error is Testdate
is too old or Testtime is too old then this will be carried out without a line
indication in the log-file.
Show Previous
If the file you are inspecting is a protocol and you would like to know if the tested
protocol has been tested before, then click on
. This function
enables you to inspect data for the last ten tests that have been run on the ID-number
in question.
Send Protocols to Queue
To send the extracted/corrected protocols to the queue:
Select the protocols you want to resend to queue.
Click on
All selected protocols will be sent to the queue, if you have not selected any
protocols then all protocols (*.rrr and *.rec-files) in the directory will be sent.
N.B. If a protocol has the file extension .REC then the database is checked to see if
the protocol already exists – if so then the protocol will not be sent to the queue.
Delete Files
Select all the files you want to delete and click
Testnet User Guide
Protocol Handling  207
The selected files will be deleted.
QSP Insert tab
This tab handles protocols rejected by QSP Insert application. That is protocol
data that are not sent to Quality database.
This tab makes it possible to:
Inspect protocols
Send protocols to the queue
Delete files
Inspect Protocols
To inspect a protocol you select first the folder and then the protocol in the file list.
The protocol will then be displayed in the textbox next to the list of protocols. Below
the textbox, the file length and the time of the last modification to the file are shown.
If a protocol has a log-entry in the corresponding log-file, you can see the log-file
description in the Description in log-file textbox. See below:
Send Protocols to Queue
To send the extracted/corrected protocols to the queue:
Select the protocols you want to resend to queue.
Click on
All selected protocols will be sent to the queue, if you have not selected any
protocols then all protocols (*.rrr and *.rec-files) in the directory will be sent.
208  Protocol Handling
Testnet User Guide
Delete Files
Select all the files you want to delete and click
The selected files will be deleted.
BT Send tab
This tab handles protocols rejected by BT Send application. That is protocols
that are not sent to Bartrack system.
This tab makes it possible to:
Retrieve rejected protocols
Inspect protocols
Send protocols to the queue
Delete files
Retrieve Rejected Protocols
This function will rename the log-file btsend.log to SAVTOT, and place it in the
directory specified in the configuration file for web site. It will then relocate all
*.rrr files from Pamela protocol queues to the same directory. When the process is
finished a message will be displayed stating how many protocols have been
How to Retrieve Rejected Protocols
The directory where the protocols are moved to is determined by the
parameter Correction path.
Click on
Inspect Protocols
To inspect a protocol you select the protocol in the file list. The protocol will then be
displayed in the textbox next to the list of protocols. Below the textbox, the file
length and the time of the last modification to the file are shown.
If a protocol has a log-entry in the log-file SAVTOT, you can see the log-file
description in the Description in log-file textbox. See below:
N.B. SAVTOT must exist in the same directory as the rejected protocol.
Testnet User Guide
Protocol Handling  209
Send Protocols to Queue
To send the extracted/corrected protocols to the queue:
Select the protocols you want to resend to queue.
Click on
All selected protocols will be sent to the queue, if you have not selected any
protocols then all protocols (*.rrr and *.rec-files) in the directory will be sent.
Delete Files
Select all the files you want to delete and click
The selected files will be deleted.
210  Protocol Handling
Testnet User Guide
Week Goal
The Week Goal function enables you to add, change, fetch and delete the weekly
yield goals (WEEKGOAL table).
How to Start Week Goal Tool
The Week Goal tool is started by clicking this menu option:
Then the Week Goal page is opened.
Enter search criteria in the Product Number, Test Software, Week and Goal
fields. An * (asterisk) will search for all occurrences. The result is displayed in the
table. Click on [Search] to fetch all matching week goals.
By clicking the column header you can sort the table by that column.
By clicking on [Add] you can add more week goals, by clicking on [Edit] you can
update the selected week goal, and by clicking [Delete] you can delete the selected
week goal.
To Add an Entry
This is how you add a week goal entry:
Testnet User Guide
Week Goal  211
Enter Product Number, Test Software, Week, and Goal.
Click on
To Update an Entry
This is how you update a week goal entry:
Select the row you would like to update.
Change the Goal field.
Click on
To Delete an Entry
This is how you delete a week goal entry:
212  Week Goal
Select the row you would like to delete.
Click on
Testnet User Guide
All Testnet users must have their access rights granted by a System Administrator.
With this tool System Administrators can update and add user profiles as well as
administer passwords
In Testnet there are three different default types of users, these are:
System Administrators
This function contains a list of all users allowed to log on to Testnet. It is possible to
set passwords for existing users. Users are assigned to at least one user group to
control what level of access they have.
How to Start Users Tool
The Users tool is started by clicking this menu option:
Then the Users page is opened.
In the User ID field you can enter a search criterion. Clicking on
will fetch
all users in the database matching the criterion. If you enter a * (asterisk) all users
will be fetched.
The Search Result table contains the matching users.
By clicking on [Add] you can add more users, by clicking on [Edit] you can edit the
selected user, and by clicking [Delete] you can delete the selected user.
Testnet User Guide
Users  213
Adding a User
This is how you add a user:
to open the Add User page.
Click on
Enter the User ID and a Name.
By default, Never expires is selected. If you de-select this option, the
Expiry date for the account can be set using a date picker.
Enter the password twice, once in Password, and once in Verify
password. If the two entries do not match, you will get an error
In the Available User Groups, select which group(s) the user shall
belong to. Click on the appropriate checkbox to add the selected
N.B. The user must have at least one user group assigned.
Click on
to add the user to Testnet. If the User ID already
exists, you will get an error, and must enter a different user ID before it
is possible to add the user.
The user will be added, and the list is updated to reflect the new user.
Editing a User
This is how you change a user:
Select an existing user in the list.
Click on
Change the fields.
Click on
to open the Edit User page.
to save the new values in Testnet.
The user will be changed, and the list is updated to reflect the changes.
214  Users
Testnet User Guide
Deleting a User
This is how you delete a user:
Select an existing user in the list.
Click on
to delete the user. A confirmation dialog box is
Click on [OK] to delete the user from Testnet.
The user will be deleted, and the list is updated to reflect the changes.
Testnet User Guide
Users  215
User Groups
This function contains a list of all user groups in Testnet. Each user group contains a
list of access rights. The access rights included in a user group will control access
right for users belonging to that user group.
How to Start User Groups Tool
The User Groups tool is started by clicking this menu option:
Then the User Groups page is opened.
In the User Group field you can enter a search criterion. Clicking on
fetch all user groups in the database matching the criterion. If you enter a * (asterisk)
all user groups will be fetched.
The Search Result table contains the matching user groups.
If you click on a user group, the assigned functions are shown in the list below the
user group list.
By clicking on [Add] you can add more user groups, by clicking on [Edit] you can
edit the selected user group, and by clicking [Delete] you can delete the selected
user group.
Adding a User Group
This is how you add a user group:
Testnet User Guide
User Groups  217
to open the Add User Group page.
Click on
Enter the Group Name and a Description.
In the Available Functions, select which function(s) the user group
shall have access to. Click on the appropriate checkboxes to add the
selected functions.
N.B. The user group must have at least one function assigned.
Click on
to add the user group to Testnet. If the Group
Name already exists, you will get an error, and must enter a different
name before it is possible to add the user group.
The user group will be added, and the list is updated to reflect the new user group.
Editing a User Group
This is how you change a user group:
Select an existing user group in the list.
Click on
Change the field and the assigned functions.
Click on
to open the Edit User Group page.
to save the new values in Testnet.
The user group will be changed, and the list is updated to reflect the changes.
Deleting a User Group
This is how you delete a user group:
Select an existing user group in the list.
Click on
is displayed.
to delete the user group. A confirmation dialog box
Click on [OK] to delete the user group from Testnet.
The user group will be deleted, and the list is updated to reflect the changes.
218  User Groups
Testnet User Guide
N.B. It is not possible to delete a user group that has been assigned to a user.
Testnet User Guide
User Groups  219
This function contains a list of available functions in Testnet. To lock or unlock
functions, a license key is required. License is provided by Prevas AB.
How to Start License Tool
The license tool is started by clicking this menu option:
Then the License page is opened.
When a new license key has arrived, paste or enter it into the License Key field,
and then click on
. A new list on the right, Function Blocks with New
License Key, displays what functions are included in the new license key.
Testnet User Guide
License  221
The Expiry date is displayed for both current and new license.
In the list you can see the Function Blocks with Current License Key and
Function Blocks with New License Key.
Before the license expires, a warning message is displayed to each user logging on.
If you want to accept the new license, click on
222  License
Testnet User Guide
System Settings
This function allows the system administrator to set a number of specific settings for
How to Start System Settings Tool
The System Settings tool is started by clicking this menu option:
Then the System Settings page is opened.
This page contains two tabs one for system settings and one for Test Station Admin
System Settings tab
The tab contains a list of all visible system settings.
To change a setting, select the value in the right-hand column, and enter the new
value. In the adjacent column is a Description of the setting.
After the settings have been changed, you must click on
information in database.
Testnet User Guide
to save the
System Settings  223
This is a list of all available visible keys in the system settings in Testnet. Which
keys are visible depends on the installation. Note! Only the System Administrator is
authorized to change these values. Invalid changes may cause system failure!
Typical Value
Number of generations of
passwords that are not
allowed to be reused.
0 = Not used
1 – n = Number of old
passwords that should be
Debug tracing to trace log.
0 = No debug tracing
1 = Debug tracing to trace
List of symbols that are not
allowed for usage in user
Number of days before
license expiration when
warning message is
Max length allowed on
Minimum length required
on password.
Number of days between
required password
The system shall require
that passwords include
letters in both upper case
and lower case.
0 = No check
1 = Check that both upper
case and lower case are
The system shall require
that passwords include at
least one character that is
not a letter.
0 = No check
1 = Check that at least one
character is not a letter
Path to Pdoxcomm file
Path to where to find
Testnet protocols rejected
by Store
Path to QSPTranferPlusIN
Path to BartrackIN
Name of ODBC source for
QSP database
224  System Settings
Testnet User Guide
Data Source=
Connection string to use
for connecting to QSP
database. If this parameter
exists it will be used
instead of QSP_ODBC.
Name of database server
for QSP
Testnet User Guide
Path to where to store
protocols during
corrections (on local web
Path to where to find
corresponding store.log
Path to where to find
corresponding send.log
If you want the TQReport
to display data for one
single area. This parameter
is optional.
T05 R1.XLS
Adjust the path to the share
where your T05 R1.xls file
is located. This must be a
place where each user that
runs Testnet_Web has to
have access. It does not
have to be within the
Adjust the path to the share
where your Word
templates for Measdata
are located. This must be a
place where each user that
runs Testnet_Web has to
have access. It does not
have to be within the
Protocol Print
Used only if you have
ProtocolPrint service
installed on Workhorse.
<TAB> character
Protocol Print
Used only if you have
ProtocolPrint service
installed on Workhorse.
Used only if you have
ProtocolPrint service
System Settings  225
installed on Workhorse.
View Protocol,
URL to Fetch_WS used to
recreate protocols from
Test Station Admin Settings tab
This tab contains settings for old Test Station Admin application.
In this tab the general settings of the QSP Insert service behaviour are
configured. The settings affect how the QSP Insert handles the protocols
Two of the checkboxes represent saving or discard the protocols with
MapFailure or NoConfig. When the checkbox is checked the protocols will be
saved. The other two checkboxes handles the log-files, MapFailure.log and
TestStationList.log. When the checkbox is checked the log-files are enabled.
The currently settings are automatically loaded when the tab is displayed. The
[Refresh] button is only of use to make that the correct settings present in
picture. To activate any changes in the settings click [Save] button.
226  System Settings
Testnet User Guide
Glossary of Terms
An action is the measure taken to correct a fault.
Action Code
An action code is a code for the measure taken to correct a fault.
An area consists of a limited region or part of the physical surface in production.
The area is defined in terms of the production of a certain type of product, or it
may be related to a certain department.
Bartrack is a traceability system used for generating unique identification numbers
for individuals in production.
Cardmark is identification for a particular batch.
This is a measurement point interval. +/- 180% is divided into 45 classes.
A component is a product without subordinate products.
The week that the identification number was created in Bartrack, for example, 01 or
week 1 is the first week of the year.
In Quality Reports, the total amount of faults points are expressed as Defects per
Million Opportunities (DPMO)
Empl.no is the employee number of the person running the test.
End time
End time is the time when the test was finished.
‗Y‘ = Test OK, passed
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Glossary of Terms  227
‗N‘ = Test not OK, failed.
A fault is the cause of one or more fault symptoms.
Fault class
A fault class is used to indicate the seriousness of a fault. Ericsson uses fault
classes A, B, C and D. Each fault class is expressed in fault points, where A is
100 points, B is 50 points, C is 10 points, and D is 1 point.
Fault code
The code that identifies one or more faults.
Fault identity
The date and time of the occurrence of the fault together with the last four
characters in the operator‘s user ID.
Fault outcome
The fault outcome is a percentage that indicates the proportional amount of the
tested individuals that have been rejected.
Fault point
Fault points are linked to fault classes and rank the seriousness of a fault.
Id.no is the identification number of an individual. This is the same thing as serial
Inspection identity
See fault identity.
Measuring point
The point used during inspections in order to measure the extent of a deviation
from a set value or function.
Loc. is the test category (report location).
Node is the node/test station number where test was performed.
‗Y‘ = Test OK, passed
‗N‘ = Test not OK, failed.
Product Information Management database. A central register of products.
Each product is identified by its product number and R-state.
228  Glossary of Terms
Testnet User Guide
Product Number
The product number is a unique set of characters and digits identifying a certain
product. Together with the R-state, it is possible to handle different revisions of
the product.
Product place
The product place is a combination of a report location and a product. It does not
necessarily have to be a physical place.
Product relation
Product relation is the relationship between superordinate and subordinate
Production line
A production line describes the flow in production, and often includes a
production phase and the tests that are associated with it. The line is not specific
to the product. Therefore several different products can pass along the same line.
QSP is a quality module used for following up quality in production.
Report group
A report group is a number of products that are linked together by a common
Report location
The report location identifies the location in the production process where a
given test is done. The report location consists of the link between the area,
production line and test category.
The R-state, or revision state, together with the product number identifies a
product. It is increased for each new revision of the product.
Start time
Start time is the time when the test was started.
Sw.id is Software identification – identification for a special test program.
A test is an adjudication process that judges a products performance in relation to
an agreed set of criteria or standards.
Total yield
The total yield is the collective amount of yields from a number of consecutive
report locations.
Test comment
Comment from test station.
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Glossary of Terms  229
Test date
Test date is the date when the test was performed.
Test category.
Number of tests performed.
Test group where the fault was detected.
Test point where the fault was detected.
Identification for different software identifications (1 = normal).
Total time
Total test time in seconds.
The yield is always expressed as the ratio between tested and approved
individuals. The yield could be a fraction, such as 0.79 or a percentage, such as
230  Glossary of Terms
Testnet User Guide
Measdata Capability Report
This glossary is also found on page three and four in the MS Word Capability report.
The glossary sheet holds this information:
Defects Per Million Opportunities.
Expected DPMO:
A calculated value of DPMO of each measurement. The expected value is a
prediction of future fall-outs based on the normal distribution.
Observed DPMO:
A value of DPMO that is based upon actual faulty measurements.
Parts per million, for example defects per million (compare DPMO).
Hi limit
Hi limit corresponds to USL – Upper Specification Limit (according to doc 1524)
Low limit
Low limit corresponds to LSL – Lower Specification Limit (according to doc 1524)
Hi Cap /
Lo Cap
The capability of the measurement is calculated both towards the High limit (USL) corresponding to Hi Cap - and the Low limit (LSL)- corresponding to Lo Cap. The
lowest value of Hi Cap and Lo Cap forms the actual CPK-value (see Capability).
The low and high specification limits of a measurement. Same as Hi and Low limit.
Attribute data
Data that are not measured by (infinite) numerical values but are given attributes,
for example True/False or 1/0, are classified as Attribute data. In our case it is
referred to as Boolean data.
The percentage of the tested units that passed the test.
Pareto chart
A visual method for identifying significant problems, by arranging the data in a bar
graph by their relative sizes – from largest down. Its purpose is to identify potential
causes for further studies.
Values that are considered being too far from the population are categorized as
instabilities (outliers). Instability is determined by two formulas:
1) values outside 180% of the range of the limits and
2) values beyond 4 std from the mean value.
An index that serves as a prediction for individual measurements (or as a whole)
how capable a process is to perform within known limits. Capability is measured by
CPK (a ratio between ―a closeness to a limit‖ and the variation).
CPK=min[(USL-mean)/3std; (mean-LSL)/3std]
Important values of the index:
Testnet User Guide
Glossary  231
The process is not capable, regardless of mean value.
The process balances on the edge of good/bad.
1,33-1,5 There is a margin for shifts in the process such as
different batches, noise in equipment etc.
World class performance.
The index is equivalent with the Z value at a ratio of 3. A CPK-value of 1,33 equals
4 as Z value. (See Sigma Value)
Norm test
A Chi-square test is used to examine the population whether a normal distribution is
at hand. Values below 0,05 indicate no normality, and a transformation may take
Continuous data
Data that has infinite resolution (only restricted by the measuring device) and no
theoretic boundaries for negative and positive values. Typical measurements are
voltage, current, power etc.
Approximations to continuous data are made for those with boundaries at 0 (e.g.
current may not drop below zero), as they show characteristics as being continuous
and can be calculated as such.
Outlier Limit High
Outlier Limit Low
See Instability.
Transformation is made to make capability calculations justified since it requires
normality. When measurements are deviating from normality the transformation
may be used.
Outlier Limit high and Limit Low are the calculated values at which a value is
considered an outlier if being outside.
Two criteria are involved; the CPK-value is below 1,0 and Norm test-value shows
non-normal behaviour (see Norm test). The method used here is Area
Sigma value
For a business process, the sigma value indicates how well that process is
performing, for example Z = 1,0 is bad, Z = 4,0 is mediocre performance, Z = 6,0 is
considered ―world class‖‖). See also Capability.
Standard deviation
A statistical index of variability or variation, normally designated s or  (sigma).
 (x
 x) 2
n 1
The standard deviation is a value, based upon all measurements, that tells us how far
apart, or narrow, our measurements are as a group. When the data is normal
distributed, or approximately normal, it is known that 99,73% of the measurements
fall between ±3 standard deviations from the mean value.
Conf Interval
232  Glossary
Confidence Interval (CI) is a range where the true value most likely is within. The
certainty of such a statement is known as the confidence level, and is normally at
There are two parameters that affect the CI: the sample size and the confidence
Testnet User Guide