Summer 2014 - Illiana Christian High School


Summer 2014 - Illiana Christian High School
2014 Graduation
On Friday, June 6, one hundred and
forty-nine seniors, all dressed in their
emerald green robes, many wearing
bedazzled or creative design caps, joined
together at Family Christian Center to
celebrate their accomplishments as one
body. Before the ceremony, Principal
Peter Boonstra led us in a practice round,
instructing us in how we should come
into the ceremony and how we should
receive our diplomas. During practice,
the receiving of diplomas went well,
but the coming in procedure was a bit
of a train wreck. Seniors were walking
up the wrong staircases and standing in
the wrong spots, but eventually we all
managed to figure out how to get into the
correct order and the appropriate spots.
The graduation ceremony itself
began with Brian Terpstra, a senior
whom the graduates selected to
welcome the graduates, their families
and friends. After cracking a few jokes
and telling a few stories, Brian shared an
important lesson which he had learned.
He emphasized how we should respect
those in authority and, in the years to
come, be God-honoring witnesses to
everyone. He urged us to have integrity
in our day-to-day lives, demonstrating
that we are living for the Lord.
The 2014 chapel committee then led
the audience in the reading of a litany
which they wrote to honor the graduates.
The litany included each subtheme that
was covered in chapel the past year and
how the class could apply it to their
Mr. Rob and Mrs. Mary Lagerwey
were the teachers chosen by the senior
class to give the graduation address. They
began with a hilarious and heartwarming
self-made video which was a
spoof of the song, “Love is an
Open Door,” from the popular
Disney movie, Frozen.
Then the Lagerweys talked
about their personal lives and
how they make it a practice to
havean“open door” at their house,
welcoming anyone at any time.
They see this form of hospitality
as a way of demonstrating integrity
in their everyday lives. After stressing to
the graduates the importance of having
integrity in the next chapter of their lives,
they welcomed anyone to come over for
dinner anytime.
After the Lagerweys’ dynamite
stories and lessons, it was diploma time.
The students stood up, one row at a time,
and walked across the stage, one by one,
while comments were read about each
graduate. The variety of gifts and talents
that were shared about the graduates
really demonstrated the amazing
creativity the Lord has for making each
one of us.
The last speaker of the night was
Andrew Clark, this year’s valedictorian.
He talked about how we need to set
good examples of who we are in Christ.
We shouldn’t wait till we’re older to
serve the Lord; we must start now, and
serve Him every day of our lives. He
reminded us that “We are Illiana,” and it
is our responsibility to be good examples
to others.
The teachers then ended the
ceremony by singing “The Lord Bless
You and Keep You.” With that blessing,
the graduates were ready to leave the
Family Christian Center and celebrate
their years of hard work and their
finishing up the school year strong.
Go Vikings! And Congratulations, Class
of 2014! – Monique VanderMolen
2014 Awards
Richard Vanden Berg Memorial Scholarship:
Cassidy Robertson, Monica Smits
Jim Huizenga Memorial Scholarship:
Hannah Byma
Luke Witvliet Memorial Scholarship:
Emily Horvat, Becca Niehof
Cathy Beezhold-Peerbolte Memorial Scholarship:
Leah Ipema
Joshua Daniel De Boer Memorial Scholarship:
Glenn Haag
Calvin Scholarship:
Janna Vree
Vernon J. Boerman Memorial Scholarship:
Jonathan Boer
Principal’s Leadership Award:
Kenye’ Askew
Illiana Citizenship Award:
Josie Van Drunen
Rotary Citizenship Award:
Brittany Boss
Andrew Clark
Leah Ipema
Continued on page 2
Pa g e 2 sUMM ER 2014
Continued from front page
2014 Scholarships
Every year, Illiana awards five scholarships – four to
students in our senior class and one to a returning junior.
These scholarships are given in memory of someone who has
touched Illiana in a special way. Family members have chosen
to honor the legacy of these individuals by establishing a
scholarship in their name. The scholarships are awarded to a
student who best exemplifies the requirements of the specific
scholarship. The requirements for each are very different
because they reflect the personality and interests of the
person for whom the scholarship is named. The scholarships
are the Vernon J. Boerman, Joshua Daniel DeBoer,
Jim Huizenga, Richard Glen VandenBerg and Luke Witvliet
Memorial Scholarships; the 2014 recipients are listed on the
front page of this newsletter. These scholarship awards, some
of which have been given for over 20 years, are never taken
for granted.
One of the scholarships given each year is the Richard
(Rick) VandenBerg Memorial Scholarship. I had the
privilege of not only knowing Rick, but also of being his very
good friend. I remember getting to know him shortly after
my family moved to Lansing; the VandenBergs lived just a
few blocks away from my house. We spent time together in
the summer riding our bikes and skateboards, playing video
games and trading baseball cards. Our birthdays were one
day apart; he was one day older than I was, so our classmates
would get birthday treats two days in a row.
As we got older, we stayed close, sharing classrooms at
Illiana and even riding the bus together on our way to school.
Rick was just like every other kid I knew and did the same
things the rest of us did. In fact, most people didn’t know there
was anything different about Rick at all. The only difference
was a kidney disease that he struggled with from birth.
It was complications from that disease that led to his passing
in 1993, just before our junior year at Illiana.
Despite fighting this ailment his whole life, Rick never
expected any special treatment from his friends and was
just like everyone else. He was always a strong Christian
example to those around him, choosing to use his ailment as
something to give strength to others rather than using it as a
crutch for himself. He gave inspiration to his entire class here
at Illiana. I’ll never forget Rick, and I always think of the great
person and Christian example he was when I pass the plaque
with his picture on it in the main hallway of Illiana Christian
High School.
This is just my story and connection to Rick, but each of
the scholarships has a story with a family behind it, and I’m
sure there are many people that could talk and reminisce for
hours about Vern Boerman, Joshua DeBoer, Jim Huizenga
and Luke Witvliet.
A memorial scholarship at Illiana is an excellent way for a
family to honor their family member and who that person was.
It also offers financial assistance each year to an Illiana senior
heading off to college. All of these memorial scholarships
continue to remind the entire Illiana community that life is
short, so it is important to live each day of our lives for God’s
We want to continue the legacy of the individuals and
families represented long into the future. If you would like
to contribute to any of the named scholarships above, please
feel free to send a gift at any time. Doing so will honor the
memory of those represented by the scholarship by allowing
an Illiana student to carry that legacy into the next step of
his/her life. – Steve Holwerda
2014 Department Awards
Julee Wolke
Kelley Walsh
Elizabeth Boss
Business Technology: Jessica Gillespie
Drama (Crew): Hannah Ter Haar
Drama (Stage): Mackenzie Chapman & Kelley Walsh
Kelley Walsh
Family and Consumer Science: Alexa Beezhold
Andrew Clark
Industrial Technology: David Eriks
Hannah Ter Haar
Andrew Clark
Physical Education: Martin Jansma
Andrew Clark
Social Studies: Rachel Fosdal
Brett Detmar
Instrumental Music Award: Jessica Billups
Eric Simmons
Vocal Music Award: Josie Van Drunen
National Choral Award: Madeline Beezie
SUMM ER 2014 Pa g e 3
Alumni and
Friends Trip
On June 9, forty-one “seniors” boarded a coach bus
driven by Illiana alumnus Rob Hoeksema and headed for
our nation’s capital with our fearless leader, Jeff White,
at the helm. We made a dinner stop in Sauder Village,
Ohio and then traveled to Cleveland to spend the night.
The next day we traveled to Potomac Falls and enjoyed
the unbelievable beauty that God has created. Our
next stop was the Pentagon where we saw the 9/11
Memorial, a moving reminder of a very sobering
event in our nation’s history.
On Wednesday, we traveled to the Air Force
Memorial and the Iwo Jima Memorial. Then it was on to
the Washington Cathedral. Our lunch stop was in the Ronald
Reagan building where Jeff usually brings his high school
seniors. We soon realized 8th graders were in large supply in the
food court there! Our afternoon stops included the Tidal Basin,
the FDR Memorial, the George Mason Memorial, the Thomas
Jefferson Memorial, Christ’s Church where George Washington
attended, and Old Town Alexandria.
We had a big day on Thursday. and found out what
Jeff means when he says, “It’s only four short blocks.” Not!
We started with a
tour of Mt. Vernon
and then enjoyed
lunch at the Inn. After
lunch we toured the
U.S. Capitol and met
Rep. Pete Visclosky.
Then it was on to
the Supreme Court
and the Library of
Congress. In the
evening we enjoyed
a stroll and saw
the White House
On Friday, we
spent the morning at
Arlington Cemetery.
Four of the eight
servicemen in our
group participated in the wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb
of the Unknown Soldier. It was truly a moving experience.
How grateful we are to the men and women of our country
who have and still are defending our freedom! We visited
the WWII, Vietnam, Lincoln and Korean Memorials and then
went to the Kennedy Center.
Saturday was our last touring day. We spent the morning
at Ford’s Theater, and then it was on to the National Archives
to view the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution. We also took a Tour of the Archives. In the
afternoon our group went to various Smithsonian Museums.
We had a free evening and although some of us (who shall
remain nameless) got separated from the group, missed the bus
and had to take the subway back (not to mention the trolley and
lots of additional walking) a great time was had by all!
I cannot recommend highly enough taking this type of
trip in the future. Steve Holwerda joined us in Washington and
was another valuable asset, shepherding our group and making
sure none of us got left behind. Thanks, Steve! Jeff White was
an exemplary guide! We enjoyed our devotions on the bus,
the testimonies given for God’s glory and our times of praise
and worship. New friendships were formed, and we all gained
a greater knowledge of our nation’s history. If Illiana ever offers
a trip like this in the future, please sign up – right after my name.
– Sandra Prince
In the challenge
of His service
Academic Honors
Pa g e 4 sUMM ER 2014
2013-14 Fourth Quarter Honor Roll
Listed below are the names of students whose fourth quarter grade point average
qualifies them for Honors. (3.00-3.49 with no grade below a C-)
Buiter; Everett
Conrad; Scott
Dykstra; Jaimie
Garrett; Jazmine
Kats; Alaina
Keith; Sara
Kortum; Hannah
Krajewski; Holly
Last; Caleb
Lopez; Carla
Maurello; Hannah
Miedema; Jacob
Novotny; Gina
Pickard; Brittany
Riemersma; Avrey
Schaaf; Kyle
Schoon; Sarah
Schreiber; Margot
Sella; Dominique
VanDam; Max
VanderWoude; Hanna
VanEssen; Emily
VanProyen; Hope
Wiltjer; Heather
Anderson; Joy
Barnes; Aaron
Boss; Luke
Brouwer; Candice
Davis; Tabitha
DeBoer; Jennifer
DeJong; Nicole
DeWindt; Lorna
DeYoung; Colin
Eberly; Amanda
Ericks; Katelyn
Eriks; Kayla
Groen; Brittany
Hale; Mark
Hayes; John
Hillegonds; Jack
Kimmel; Chandler
Knapper; Aaron
Lytle; Garret
Lyzenga; Daniel
Oppenhuis; Brett
Patricks; Elyssa
Riemersma; Aaron
Roeda; Parker
Rubien; Samantha
Ryan; Imani
Schutt; Tyler
Smits; Drew
Sroczynski; Stanley
VanBeek; Sydnee
VanDeel; Alyssa
VanDerAa; Brooke
VanDrunen; Chad
VanKalker; Amanda
VanKalker; Payton
Zandstra; James
Zandstra; Robert
Alderden; Sarah
Allen; Jannae
Boer; Jonathan
Brown; Briannah
Coutain; Taylor
DeYoung; Alexander
DeYoung; Nathan
DiNuzzo; Andrea
Easter; Chanel
Ebbens; Colton
Genous; Alexis
Groen; Hannah
Hanson; Jocelyn
Herman; Daniel
Hillegonds; Derek
Huizenga; Lydia
Kamstra; Bradley
Krajewski; Gina
Lindemulder; Kaitlin
Ogunjimi; Oluwadamilare
Pratscher; Marissa
Prince; Madison
Pruim; Zack
Reynhout; Grant
Reynhout; Katherine
Russell; Frank
Smit; Hunter
Smith; Nissi
Tiemersma; Benjamin
VanderWall; Leah
VanderWoude; Sydney
Veurink; Jonathan
Allen; Jada
Beezie; Madeline
Bombino; Jessica
Brummel; Austin
DeVries; Rebecca
DeVries; Trevor
Frederick; Victoria
Genovese; Samantha
Hilliard; Khamron
Howard; Jarrin
Huang; Judy
Hudson; Shani
Jonkman; Caleb
Kimmel; Matthew
Klapak; Joanne
Lang; Marissa
Mickles; Paris
Moes; Nicole
Pals; Mark
Pawlowski; Emma
Perkins; Khayla
Pitsenberger; Kent
Rietveld; Rachel
Skrbina; Joseph
Tempelman; Collin
VanRoekel; Mackenzie
Warner; Sierra
Wegner; Hannah
SUMM ER 2014 Pa g e 5
2013-14 Fourth Quarter High Honor Roll
Below are the names of students whose fourth quarter grade point average qualifies them for
High Honors. (3.50 or higher and are not enrolled in more than one study hall)
Adeyefa; Tola
Baker; Zion
Barth; John
Batterman; Jessica
Beezhold; Ethan
Boender; Joshua
Bonner; Ashley
Bouwer; Collette
Buiter; Everett
DeJong; Dale
Detmar; Erik
DeYoung; Jessica
Dunham; Elyse
Dykstra; Joel
Eberly; Jason
Eenigenburg; John
Fuller; Nia
Gibson; Laci
Gossage; Blake
Herman; Dillon
Hillegonds; Luke
Hoekstra; Ethan
Huisman; Zachary
Ipema; Amanda
Keith; Sara
Knot; Juliana
Maatman; Madalyn
Mazrimas; Emma
McGuire; Jensen
Miller; Asia
Murrin; Alyssa
Musch; Kyle
Neibert; Abigail
Peerbolte; JP
Pelke; Christian
Perkins; Lenora
Schaaf; Kyle
Schipper; Eden
Shaffer; Sydney
Simmons; Trinity
Skrbina; Benjamin
Smith; Deborah
VanDam; Max
VanderWoude; Hanna
VanderZee; Kayla
VanKalker; Ming
VanTil; Melanie
Verhagen; Mia
Vree; Samuel
Weemhoff; Kassidy
Zander; Danielle
Barrera; Joanna
Barrera; Joseph
Beezhold; Claire
Bonnema; Cole
Botma; Sara
Buikema; Brandon
Carlson; Lauren M
Crevier; Emmanuella
Ebbens; Noah
Galloy; Joel
Gibson; Jon
Ipema; Emily
Kim; Won
Klain; Madison
Lagestee; Abigail
Murrin; Ashley
Osika; Paige
Otte; Emily
Otte; Jonathan
Otte; Steven
Smith; Jordan
Spoelman; Emmajean
Ude; Ngozi
VanderZee; Ryan
VanDrunen; Hilary
VanMilligan; Andrew
Wiltjer; Deanna
Wondaal; Nicholas
Zandstra; Matthew
Hall; Nickolas
Herrera; Rachel
Johnson; Kalie
Kamp; Diane
Ketelaar; Chad
Kortum; Laura
Kostelyk; Joel
Krygsheld; Daneen
Laninga; Kristen
McGuire; Thomas
Mejan; Logan
Mollema; Danae
Mulder; Karlen
Oyeyemi; Olamide
Perschbacher; Bryan
Petrarca; Jamie
Reinsma; Lauren
Rietveld; Stephanie
Schoon; Holly
Smit; Leah
Smith; Azariah
Smits; Rachel
Stammis; Andrew
VanBeek; Andrea
VanderBent; Emily
VanderWoude; Sara
VanderZee; Chad
VanderZee; Jacklyn
VanDrunen; Daniel
VantHoff; Samuel
Vroom; Alexandra
Wagenveld; Lito
Alderden; Aaron
Barnes; Ryan
Bergsma; Joel
Bonnema; Kylie
Bouwer; Miranda
Buiter; Abigail
Buiter; Justin
Bultema; Logan
Carlson; Lauren N.
Corral; Kristen
Crevier; Alejandra
Cruse; Carlie
DeJong; Nathan
DeYoung; Benjamin
DeYoung; Kaitlynn
Fiene; Nick
Galloy; Adam
Haan; Aaron
Aardsma; Stephanie
Askew; Kenye
Beezhold; Alexa
Billups; Jessica
Boender; Molly
Boss; Brittany
Boss; Elizabeth
Brucer; Anne
Bult; Samuel
Byma; Hannah
Chapman; Mackenzie
Clark; Andrew
Clausing; Alexandra
Claybrooks; Donte
Cooper; Kristine
Dekker; Trevor
Detmar; Brett
Duesing; David
Durham; Andie
Dykstra; Anthony
Eriks; David
Fosdal; Rachel
Gibson; Austin
Groen; Tiffany
Haag; Glenn
Hofstra; Hallie
Horvat; Emily
Huizenga; Nicole
Ipema; Leah
Iwema; Derek
Jansma; Martin
Kocoj; Joshua
Kostelyk; Paige
Lindemulder; Paige
Miller; Coty
Murrin; Dennis
Niehof; Rebecca
Oyeyemi; Oluseyi
Riemersma; Alex
Robertson; Cassidy
Schutt; Greta
Sikma; Amanda
Smit; Madeline
Smits; Monica
TerHaar; Hannah
Terpstra; Brian
Teune; Kayla
Timmer; Debora
Trotter; Bianca
VanderMolen; Monique
VanderWoude; Natalie
VanDrunen; Faith
VanKalker; Kyle
VanTil; Benjamin
Vree; Janna
Vroegh; Kevin
Walsh; Kelley
Wolke; Julee
Wondaal; Anthony
Pa g e 6 sUMM ER 2014
The spring sports season has officially ended and once again, Illiana’s teams had a great season. Even though it was a very
difficult spring because of the several weather-related challenges, the parents, coaches, and athletes adjusted well and ended up
with a record-breaking season.
Girls’ Soccer – The Varsity girls had a great season, finishing with a
10-5-2 record. They came in second in the Metro Conference and had four
All-Conference athletes: Emma Pawlowski, Alex Clausing, Anne Brucer,
and Madison Prince. The JV team also had a good season, finishing 7-2-7.
The girls worked very hard and improved their skills throughout the year.
Both levels had wonderful, Christian young women who grew both as soccer
players and as Christians.
Girls’ Softball – The Varsity girls,
co-champions in the Metro Suburban
Conference, had a record-breaking season.
One highlight was beating Glenbard
South, a team which had lost only one
Conference softball game in three years.
It was the first Conference Championship
for Illiana softball since we joined the
Metro. The team finished with a record of
17-14 and had five All-Conference players:
Kat Witting, Ashley Wiltjer, Brooke
VanDerAa, Tatum Oppenhuis, and Cassidy
Robertson. The JV was 7-14 overall and
3-8 in Conference play. They had a good
team and really grew as players as the year
went on.
Girls’ Track – The Girls’
Track team continued to excel
this year. Finishing 1st or near
the top of most invitationals,
they won the TF South Dual
and finished in 2nd place at the
TF South Invite and the Chicago
Christian Invite. They finished
4th in the Metro Suburban
Conference. The team not only
had a number of girls break school
records, but they also competed
downstate. Alexa Beezhold
broke her own school record in the 800m run and finished 11th in
State in that event. She was All Conference and All Sectional. The other event that made
it downstate was the 3200m Relay team. They finished 11th in State. The members of
that event were Gabby Kreykes, Hilary VanDrunen, Emma Crevier, Monica Smits and
Alexa Beezhold.
Boys’ Tennis – Both levels of Boys’ Tennis had good seasons as they avoided the
raindrops. The Varsity finished 10-6 and did very well in Conference play, finishing in
3rd place behind tennis powerhouses
Timothy and Glenbard South. James Zandstra
was All Conference in 2nd singles. Other
tennis standouts were Kent Pitsenberger,
Jason Eberly, and Ben VanTil. Jason and Ben
qualified for State by placing 4th in sectionals
for the 1st time in 11 years. Great job, guys!
The Fresh/Soph team finished 7-6 and
had a number of players improve and grow
throughout the year.
SUMM ER 2014 Pa g e 7
Wrap Up
Boys’ Baseball – The Varsity boys had a
record breaking season as well, becoming the
champions in the Metro Suburban Conference.
This was the first time since joining the Metro
that Illiana’s baseball team won the Conference title. The Varsity team also won Regional
honors in the IHSA State Tournament before
losing in the Sectionals. Their overall record
was 18-17; they were 14-4 in the Conference.
The Varsity team had four All Conference
players: Caleb Jonkman, Lucas Miedema,
Kyle VanKalker, and Jack Hillegonds. The
Frosh/Soph team also had a winning record,
finishing 18-12 and 13-5 in Conference play.
They played especially well towards the end
of the year.
Athlete of the Year
Male: Caleb Jonkman
Female: Alexa Beezhold
Boys’ Track – The Boys’ Track team continued a
program of excellence. They finished near the top
of every invitational, finishing 1st in the Michigan
Invitational, the Chicago Christian Invite, and the IHSA
Sectional. They finished 3rd in the Metro Suburban
Conference. They had four events in which they had
All Conference winners, including Nick Fiene in the
mile run, Nick Wondaal in the 2 mile run, Kevin Vroegh
in the 800 m run and the 3200m relay consisting of
Austin Gibson, Nick Wondaal, Tony Wondaal, and
Colin DeYoung. The team sent a number of runners
downstate including the 3200m relay team consisting
of Colin DeYoung, Nick Wondaal, Nick Fiene,
Tony Wondaal, Austin Gibson, and Kevin Vroegh. Not
only were these runners State champions, but they also set
a new State record. In addition, Colin DeYoung finished 7th in State in the 3200m run and
Kevin Vroegh finished in 5th place in the 800m run. AWESOME job, guys!
Boys’ Volleyball – Boys’ Volleyball continued its successful program this spring.
The Varsity team finished 13-15-1. They played well, finishing strong in most of their
tournaments. Boys’ Volleyball is not
a Conference sport, so they don’t
play a Conference schedule or have
All Conference athletes. They did,
however, have two All-Tournament
athletes: Trevor Dekker and Glenn
Haag. The Sophomores were 15-4-1,
and the Freshmen team finished 11-8.
All three levels had a very good work
ethic, growing both as players and as
Christian young men.
Scholar Athlete of the Year
Male: Austin Gibson
Female: Monica Smits
Sportsmanship Award
Male: Kyle Van Kalker
Female: Tiffany Groen
Thanks to all the athletes,
parents, coaches, fans, and
businesses who support Illiana
athletics. We appreciate all you
do as we help train our young
men and women to be
servants of Christ.
did you
...that you can give to Illiana
or pay your monthly tuition bill
without writing a check?
We now have
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
available for your convenience.
It is simple to use; just contact
Steve Holwerda at (708) 747-0515
ext. 41 for an application form.
Or, you can visit the development
page of our website,
click on the “donate now” link.
Find us on:
Facebook at
Illiana Christian
High School
Pa g e 8 SUMM ER 2014
Illiana Christian High School
U.S. Postage
2261 Indiana Avenue, Lansing, Illinois 60438
Illiana Christian
High School
In this issue...
Graduation and Awards................................ 1
Scholarship and Department Awards.......... 2
Alumni and Friends Trip................................3
2013-14 Fourth Quarter Honor Roll...............4
2013-14 Fourth Quarter High Honor Roll.....5
This Newsletter is published throughout
the year for families, alumni, and friends
of Illiana Christian High School.
Please contact us with change of address
information so that you don’t miss an issue.
Our Mission:
Illiana Christian High School is founded on the Bible as interpreted in the Reformed
creeds. We graduate academically capable young people with a comprehensive Christian
view of life committed to the challenge of serving God and others.
Contact Illiana:
Address: 2261 Indiana Avenue, Lansing, IL 60438
Phone: 708-474-0515
Spring Sports Wrap Up............................ 6 - 7
Fax: 708-474-0581
Sports Awards................................................. 7
Web Site:
Find us on:
Facebook at
Illiana Christian
High School