anti-stall systems
anti-stall systems
UNIVERSITY OF WEST BOHEMIA FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF POWER SYSTEM ENGINEERING Inovace předmětu „TEORIE PROUDOVÝCH STROJŮ “ v rámci projektu CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0006 JET ENGINES COMPRESSORS UNSTABLE WORKS INTRODUCTION ● ● Unstable compressor work is phenomena, which is happened in specific compressor working mode. Unstable work is accompanied by a rapid changes of pressure and velocity of flowing media. This phenomena also causes the decreasing middle value of pressure on compressor outlet, vibrations of compressor parts and intensive sound effects. Result of unstable work are partial possibly full compressor or turbine damage INTRODUCTION Fig. Evolution of parameters during compressor stall CHARACTERISTIC Fig. Compressor characteristic with borders of stable work STABLE/UNSTABLE WORK a) stable b) stall c) unstable work - high values of losses Fig. Types of unstable work STABLE/UNSTABLE WORK φ1 – angle of tangent to profile mean curve at rotor blade grid inlet [°] β1 – relative velocity angle of air at rotor blade grid inlet [°] i – angle of attack [°] w1 – relative velocity at rotor inlet [m.s-1] COMPRESSOR STALL As soon as working point starts move from design point to lower values of mass/air flow rate at point P will starts the phenomena of “STALL”. Basically: Qm↓ → c1↓ →i↑ → β1↓→ → at point P – stream secession in suction face of profile → p2>p1 → stream starts move backward and starts pulsate The phenomena of “STALL” exist for every value of RPM (n). Curve created by P points is called SURGE/STALL LINE!!! This line determine area of stable/unstable work of compressor. COMPRESSOR STALL Q m=1 A1 c1=2 A2 c 2=konst. 2 c 2 A 1 = 1 c 1 A 2 1 2 n 2 p = 1 p1 1 2 n 1 p =C n p1 c 2 1n C =konst. c1 COMPRESSOR STALL Change of πC cause change of c2/c1 ratio. High ratio c2/c1 cause compressor STALL!!! Change of πC cause: ● RPM (n) ● Total temperature before compressor (T1T ) UNSTABLE WORK As soon as working point starts move from design point to HIGHER values of mass/air flow rate at point R will starts the phenomena of stream secession. Basically: Qm↑ → c1↑→-i↑ → β1↑→ → at point R – stream secession in pressure face of profile → p2T< p1T → stream do not pulsate, but there are HIGH LOSSES of πCT and ηCT. With regard to engine mode, that part is irrelevant – doesn't draw the line behind point R LOCAL AND ROTATING STALL ● ● ● Stall area will rotate in oposite direction of rotor blade rotating with speed v= λ-u. That speed depends by number of rotating areas. Rotating stall could be on whole blade or in part of blade and could be just in one but also in more blades. In stator stall area will rotate in direction of rotor blade rotating LOCAL AND ROTATING STALL Fig. Rotating stall LOCAL AND ROTATING STALL Fig. Types of rotating stall ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Bleed valve anti stall system ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Bleed valve and bleed belt anti stall systems ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Bleed valve anti stall systems TV2-117(Mi-8) ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Bleed valve anti stall system – TV3-117 engine ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Compressor characteristic after using bleed valve anti stall system ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Vortex ring anti stall system – principle of work ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Vortex ring anti stall system – principle of work ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Vortex ring anti stall system ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Vortex ring anti stall system – RD-33 (MIG-29) ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Vortex ring anti stall system – R-29 (MIG-23) ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Variable vanes anti stall system – principle of work ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Variable vanes anti stall system ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Variable vanes anti stall system TV3-117 (Mi-24) ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS LPK HPK Fig. Dual-spool anti stall system ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Dual-spool anti stall system – principle of work ANTI-STALL SYSTEMS Fig. Dual-spool anti stall system REFERENCES ● ● ● ● Otis, Vosbury: Aircraft gas turbine powerplants – Jeppesen: 2002 Rolls royce – The jet engine, 1996 Hanus D., Maršálek J, : Studijní modul 15, Turbínový motor, CERM, s.r.o. Brno 2004 Kadrnožka J.: Tepelné turbíny a turbokompresory, CERM, s.r.o. Brno 2004 DISCUSSION... ...QUESTIONS
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