Employees are our greatest asset Employees are


Employees are our greatest asset Employees are
1 | 2015
International news & information of the fischer group
Employees are our greatest asset
Only employee oriented companies can thrive
fischer Hydroforming:
Cleaning better and
deburring more efficiently
fischer Canada:
Growing and
fischer South Africa:
25 years of
fischer Germany
Great teams all over the world
fischer group helps
educates in the International
Business program
Dear Business Partners,
Dear Colleagues,
Student from the Cooperative State
University is starting in October
Our cover story is about our workers, without
whom we could not meet all the customer
requirements and challenges of tube production,
tube technology, and hydroforming, as well as
in the production of fuel cells and in machine
technology. Although the focus is in the report
of the main plant in Achern, the core message
applies to all fischer companies around the
world. Without these companies, our current
developments would not be at all possible:
The growth and accompanying expansions in
the United States and Canada
The development of hydroforming capacities
in Mexico and China
The new intralogistics in Austria
25 successful years in South Africa.
All this – and much more – has been successfully
realized by fischer teams around the world.
Now and then – people
make the difference
Exchange of information within the group and
international collaboration play a major role in
the process. They make it possible for us to deliver
the same high fischer quality world-wide and to
react flexibly to customer requirements.
Sincere thanks to all who make this possible
every day.
Yours sincerely,
Hans-Peter Fischer
Managing Director
of the fischer group
Dear Business Partners,
Dear Colleagues,
Since 1969, our employees have been our greatest
asset. There were not so many employees in the
beginning as there are now. Nevertheless, we try
to deal with everyone today as personally and
like a family as we did in the beginning years.
Many of our employees have been with us for
many years. Loyalty, reliability, endurance, and
job satisfaction are key to the company’s history,
which is basically the history of one large family.
I am happy and proud to have these people for
so long in the company. Just like many other
colleagues who are devoting themselves to
the success of the fischer group – even among
younger workers, who are really going all out
in the training workshop. You are the ones who
make the difference. With you, the fischer group
will continue to move forward. Many thanks!
Yours sincerely,
Two employees should be highlighted especially.
They have been with us for over 40 years: Thomas
Gaiser and Gebhard Schütt. They witnessed
the beginnings of tube production and many
turbulences on the path to the international fischer
group. They have been committed to and stood up
for the company. When it was necessary, they paid
no attention to closing time or weekends.
fluid 1 | 2015 // 2
The Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW)
is taking on the economic globalization and is offering the
“BWL – International Business” degree program. The fischer group
is supporting the program and has been training Ms. Silvia Huber
since October 1, 2015 together with DHBW.
With its global mind and intercontinental subsidiaries, the fischer
group was the perfect company to promote the degree program and
qualify committed young professionals. Linguistic and intercultural
skills as well as the mastery of international business activities are part
of the company’s daily operations. In the words of Hans-Peter Fischer:
“We wish Ms. Huber all the best and look forward to fresh ideas from
research and the university.
Main Theme
fischer group: Employees are our greatest asset ....................................... 4
fischer team spirit:
For more than 40 years – Thomas Gaiser and Gebhard Schütt ............... 6
fischer Rohrtechnik: Moving heavy parts easily ...................................... 7
fischer Rohrtechnik:
Prototype construction and start-up management ................................. 8
fischer group Achern: Wire mesh containers in the flow ......................... 9
fischer Germany: ACHEMA 2015 – valuable contacts in Frankfurt ........ 9
fischer Hydroforming:
Cleaning better and deburring more efficiently ..................................... 10
Publisher: fischer group, Gewerbegebiet 7, 77855 Achern, Germany
Eco Talk
fischer group Achern: DIN EN ISO 50001:2011 certified ....................... 12
fischer eco solutions: Fuel cells in maritime applications ...................... 13
fischer Canada: Growing and expanding ............................................... 14
fischer USA:
Full steam ahead – for Winglet tubes and a new 97,000 square foot
tube plant ............................................................................................... 15
fischer Mexicana:
International collaboration with multiple benefits................................. 16
fischer Austria: From Domino Day to an intralogistical concept ........... 17
fischer South Africa: 25 years of progress .............................................. 18
Team Talk
fischer Mexicana: Blind and seeing children play together .................... 20
Editorial staff: Dr. Michael Kühner (responsible)
Contributors to this issue: Hans Fischer, Hans-Peter Fischer, Dr. Stefan
Geißler, Thomas M. Prell, Dr. Heinz Paar, Erich Kotzenmacher, Horst
Wiesenberger, Manfred Seewald, Thomas Jörger, Dr. Jochen Baurmeister,
Daniel Hennig, Thomas Gaiser, Gebhard Schütt, and Jens Helmbrecht
Hans Fischer
Contact: Tel. +49 7841 6803-0, Email: sales@fischer-group.com
Design: Frank & Konsorten Werbeagentur, Lahr
Founder and Chairman
of the fischer group
Printed by: Straub Druck+Medien, Schramberg
Picture credits: fischer group, Jörg Wilhelm, fotolia
fluid 1 | 2015 // 3
Main Theme
Main Theme
Employees are our gr eatest asset
Only employee oriented companies can th rive
Lasting success is always the result of the continuing
commitment of dedicated people. Company founder
Hans Fischer is convinced of this: “We are happy that
our people are able to stick together so well. Only in this
way can we live up to our own high standards.”
The more people work together and the longer they are
with the company, the better the in-house expertise will be
able to develop, the growth and improvement comes from
experience and collaboration. This is true, by the way, not
only for the highly qualified foremen, technicians, and engineers, who continue to develop the technical know-how
of the fischer group. It is also true for the workers and production employees who mass produce the highest fischer
quality through their diligence and commitment. Hans
Fischer points out further: “For us it was never an option to
relocate our production to low-wage countries. The heart of
the fischer group lies in Achern. Here we have developed the
processes and technologies that today are used worldwide.
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Without the local interaction here – and in the exchange of
information with our subsidiaries – this would never have
High degree of satisfaction
and many years of affiliation
The fischer group is fortunate to have a satisfied and highly
qualified workforce. This is reflected, among other things, in
an extremely low turnover rate and in most cases a very long
company affiliation in Achern. “Despite the size of the company, the atmosphere here is still very family-like,” stresses
Hans Fischer, who still likes to play a round of cards with
his colleagues at lunch break. Two employees in Achern have
been in the company almost as long as the founder himself.
(> more about this on the next page) Many have followed
their example, and it is not unusual that father and son or
daughter are working in the company.
Sowing expertise and
harvesting top results
It is of course the human interaction that is the fertile
ground for putting into practice the leading professional
expertise for developing, manufacturing, and further processing welded tubes and components of stainless steel
and other high quality materials and alloys. In doing so, the
fischer group has always relied on first-class qualifications
and development opportunities. Thomas Gaiser started his
career as an apprentice and is the production manager of
fischer Edelstahlrohre now. Hans Fischer is still confident:
“Today’s apprentices will be tomorrow’s top people.” Professional expertise is sown here and top results are harvested. This has been true not only since the fischer group in
Achern has had its superbly equipped training workshop or
has been working together with regional universities. Based
on this conviction, many dedicated employees were trained
or became further qualified in the past as well.
Certainly a good
and modern working
environment with
solid social benefits
as well is conducive
to employee satisfaction and the attractiveness of the fischer group as an employer. Other companies
are having great difficulties in finding qualified personnel in
Achern and the surrounding area. “We have been fortunate in
being able to cover our personnel needs from unsolicited applications,” Hans-Peter Fischer, one of the founder’s sons and
today’s Managing Director, is happy to say. “The children of
our employees frequently apply for an apprenticeship position
– apparently because their parents have really enjoyed working for us.” The fischer group will thus continue to be able to
develop its greatest asset – and thereby also realize its global
claim to leadership. With people who completely stand behind
it – with hand and heart.
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Main Theme
fischer team spirit
fischer Rohrtechnik
With us almost from the beginning
Moving heavy parts easily
For more than 40 years – Thomas Gaiser and Gebhard Schütt
Automatic material handling at the hydroforming press
Both men stood as machinist apprentices with Hans Fischer alongside
the machine. Both are certified Master Craftsmen in Metal. And both have
been in the company for over 40 years. Thomas Gaiser started on August 1,
1973, and Gebhard Schütt started eight months later, on April 3, 1974.
“For me, Hans Fischer is the best boss imaginable,” Gebhard Schütt, who
is today a technical planner, says with satisfaction. Thomas Gaiser, the current
production manager of fischer Edelstahlrohre, is also completely happy with
his employer: “We have of course also experienced hard times. But we were
always a super troupe, almost like a big family.” Gebhard Schütt adds, “We have
witnessed everything from the first tube machine until today. It all adds up
to a lot.” During the rapid growth, both men passed through different areas
of responsibility in the company. Both have worked internationally for the
fischer­group. Gebhard Schütt helped in 1988 with installing the tube machines
at fischer Canada. Thomas Gaiser took inventory during a company takeover
in Mexico in 1999.
“Without such employees, the fischer group would not have come as far as
it has,” acknowledges Hans Fischer, still proud today of both of his previous
colleagues. And Gebhard Schütt adds, “No pain, no gain. That is still just as true
today. You have to always be way ahead of the pack if there is something to be
done.” He would also convey that to today’s apprentices. Thomas Gaiser nods
in agreement: “The commitment always paid off – and even after such a long
time, I still feel very good here.”
The demand for hydroforming components
has developed spectacularly. At the same
time, the size and the weight of the components has continued to grow. The tubes
weigh up to 7 kg before they go into the
press. After the hydroforming process, they
are half-filled with water and are therefore heavier. The weight, together with a
posture that requires bending far forward
while loading the press and removing the
parts, meant considerable physical stress
for the worker at the machine. That’s reason
enough to consider optimizations to facilitate health-conscious working conditions.
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Thomas Gaiser
At fischer since August 1, 1973
1973: apprenticeship as machinist
Today: production manager of
fischer Edelstahlrohre
Motto: “50 years at fischer is
a nice goal”
Hobbies: his own cars (BMW M4 sports car, BMW E30
vintage car – Bauer Alpina Cabrio), mechanics, motor
sport, bicycling and hiking, skiing and club work
(vice-chairman of the Seebach ski club)
Gebhard Schütt
At fischer since April 3, 1974
1974: apprenticeship as machinist
Today: technical planner
Motto: “Always be ahead”
Hobbies: bicycle racing, tennis,
photography, concerts & festivals
(Scorpions, Deep Purple, Pur, Grönemeyer)
Individual gripper technology
in continuous operation
After two similar concepts had already
been successfully implemented at fischer
Hydroforming in Menden, a handling robot
with an individually adjustable gripper system
has been used in Achern since January 2015
were removed individually by hand and tested.
Test parts are now automatically set aside on
demand or according to a programmed scheme.
While the worker performs all the required
measurements on the workpiece, production
continues to run automatically on the press.
and has taken over the heaviest work for the
worker. The worker must only insert the raw
parts into the parts buffer in front of the press –
and remove the wire mesh container loaded
with finished hydroforming parts after the
automatic unloading. The workstation at the
hydroforming press thus has now become
significantly healthier for the worker.
Hans-Peter Fischer is pleased with the
results: “With the handling robot, we have taken
an additional step towards back-friendly work
in production – and improved the processes at
the same time.”
The parts automation also has additional
benefits. Quality management now takes place
during ongoing operation. Previously, parts
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fischer Rohrtechnik
fischer group Achern
Prototype construction and start-up management
Wire mesh containers
in the flow
A separate division – for optimized processes
In a separate section of the
fischer Maschinentechnik’s
new hall, fischer Rohrtechnik
opened the new prototype construction
division in July 2014.
In an area specifically established for the
purpose, new tools for the further processing
of tubes can be tested and broken in
before mass production. Alex Huber
from fischer Rohrtechnik’s process
management is very pleased: “Previously we had to allocate machines
in production. This, of course,
always interrupted the
operational processes.
Now we have almost
ideal working conditions here.” The new
possibilities increase
the process reliability – and the ongoing mass
production is not interrupted. An additional
advantage is the spatial proximity to fischer
Maschinentechnik. Modifications to tools or machines can be performed within a short distance.
Furthermore, the division, which is equipped
with all the necessary machines, will facilitate
trials for the new development of components.
All in all, a number of advantages for developing more challenging and complex components
from fischer Rohrtechnik.
Perfectly equipped
New transport system for empties
Wire mesh containers are a proven storage and transport method
at the fischer group in Achern. However, problems have surfaced again
and again while transporting and handling the very practical containers. After being used, the containers must be brought to the production
floor with forklift trucks over a considerable distance from logistics.
This not only creates a considerable expense, but also increases the risk
of accidents. Furthermore, the containers require warehouse space that
could be better used, especially in production.
These machines are available
for prototype construction:
ACHEMA 2015:
Valuable contacts
in Frankfurt
fischer group exceeds expectations
CNC bending machine
Radial end forming machine
Axial end forming machine
100 ton hydraulic press
Circular saw
End cutting machine
3D measuring instrument
Tool machines
Transport and buffer storage rolled into one
To improve the situation, the idea arose that the wire mesh containers be
transported automatically via a rail system. In doing so, a portion of the
existing transport distance could be used for the high-rack warehouse.
An additional section has been built recently. This section can today be
used as buffer storage for empty wire mesh containers. There is space for
80 containers respectively on two routes. With double stacking, a total of
320 empty containers can be stored temporarily and kept available for use
in production. The route leads over several hundred meters through the
logistics and shipping halls
over the roof of the shipping
hall to the existing conveyance path and from there
into the production hall.
Hans-Peter Fischer is very
satisfied with the new system: “A typical example for
the fischer way of thinking – question things and solve several problems
at once with amazingly simple solutions.” This has been a total success
for the wire mesh container transport system. And all that in barely
eight months – from the first conversation in April 2014 to commissioning in December 2014.
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fischer Germany
66,444 participants from all over the world found their way to
ACHEMA 2015 from June 15-19, 2015 at the Frankfurt exhibition
grounds. Over 3,800 exhibitors from 56 countries presented their innovations for the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industry. The fischer
group was part of it. “The five days clearly exceeded our expectations,”
Manfred Seewald, Head of Sales for Industry & Trade at fischer, was
happy to report. The fischer group demonstrated their expertise in
industrial tubes for the toughest conditions at their trade show booth
around a glowing tube sculpture.
The sculpture, made of tubes with glowing
liquid-filled glass sections, symbolized the
special fischer qualities: wherever liquids and
gases have to be safely transported, fischer
tubes are the first choice. Even in highly corrosive environments, at high or low temperatures, in conjunction with aggressive acids or
alkaline solutions, salt water, or special mechanical requirements, fischer tubes do what
they are supposed to: they reliably withstand
physical stresses.
fischer group CEO Hans-Peter Fischer
emphasized in this regard: “We offer our
customers highly specialized solutions from
our wide range of products: optimal alloys,
ideal wall thicknesses, and the appropriate diameters and lengths.”
Our tube specialists highlight this in their many conversations with
existing and new customers. After these positive experiences, the next
ACHEMA 2018 is already on the company schedule.
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fischer Hydroforming
Cleaning better and deburring more efficiently
New rinsing and tumble belt shot blast machines in Menden
Convincing in quality
quality and
and costs
Our own comparative studies have shown that shot blasting is clearly superior
in speed
other methods
and quality
in speed
and to
other methods,
such as barrel
such as
barrel finishing
and deburring
hand. by hand.
Your advantages
at a glance
No blocking of the cross
sections by barrel finishing
Faster processing times
Increased surface tension:
virtually free of oil and grease
fischer Hydroforming is now relying on a
new procedure to cleanly deburr the edges
of components. Instead of the previous
barrel finishing with abrasives, shot blasting is being used in a new tumble belt shot
blasting machine. The blasting is complemented by an innovative rinsing machine
with rotary drum. The procedure offers
several advantages with regard to the handling, grinding results, and also in energy
Where previously with barrel finishing blocked abrasive stones could occur in particular
component cross sections, the new procedure
no longer displays any problems. It delivers the
same high degree of quality with regard to the
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deburring as barrel finishing at only one third
of the process time.
possible to rinse parts without blasting them.
A prerequisite for good blasting results is,
however, a high level of cleanliness of the components before they go into the blast chamber.
This could not be achieved with the previous
cleaning procedures. A new rinsing machine was
thus also conceived. The parts are individually
rinsed in a rotary drum and thus become significantly cleaner than in a plunge pool. In addition, the closed sink requires considerably less
energy than the open pools previously used. The
thoroughly cleaned parts are automatically fed
to the tumble belt shot blast machine and blasted with fine stainless steel balls. Both process
steps may also be done separately. It is therefore
Dr. Stefan Geißler, Managing Director of fischer
Hydroforming, is very satisfied: “The new machine combines a number of advantages: simple operation, faster processes, a higher degree
of cleanliness of the rinsed parts, less likely
to produce complaints, and higher energy efficiency with only a slightly increased surface
hardness. With the quality of the edge after the
grinding, we expect a drop in cost compared to
hand deburring, which was becoming increasingly frequent for design requirements after a
negative edge break. You will not achieve this
same requirement with grinding but often the
technically necessary quality.”
A number of advantages
Improved technical
cleanliness and less residual
Raw edge condition after sawing process
sharp (overhang up to 0.3 mm)
The parts must still be rinsed, brushed, or
Edge condition using barrel finishing
sharp-edged (tendency to a sharp overhang)
Improved tactile perception
Improved visual perception
Dry component surface
Improved defect recognition
Edge condition, hand-deburred
using air grinder
sharp-edged (slight overhang displaced by 90°)
The parts must still be cleaned.
Edge condition processed using shot blasting
sharp-edged (tendency to a rounded overhang)
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Eco Talk
Eco Talk
fischer group Achern
fischer eco solutions
DIN EN ISO 50001:2011 certified
Fuel cells in maritime applications
Energy management in the fischer group successfully launched
Collaborating in the National Innovation Program
Hydrogen cell and fuel cell technology
In the last issue of fluid, we reported on
our plans to introduce energy management
in the fischer group. fischer’s goals are to
monitor and reduce energy consumption,
be transparent about energy related performance, and be careful with the use of
energy and the environmental impact. After
an introductory phase of around a year and a
half, the time has arrived: all producing fischer
companies in Germany are now certified in
accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001:2011 and
are thereby systematically pursuing the planning and control of their energy use, as well as
the environmental impacts connected with it.
and recorded. Parallel to this and in accordance
with an ISO/TS 16949 quality management
system, which had been established in the company for years, an energy management system
in accordance with EN ISO 50001 is being developed and put into practice as per the Deming cycle of continual improvement process
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e4ships tests high temperature
fuel cells
Within this e4ships program, fischer eco solutions, together with the Danish fischer group
subsidiary Serenergy, is producing high temperature fuel cells within the “Pa-X-ell” project,
which is intended to be tested on a passenger
ship under the aegis of the MEYER SHIPYARD
together with its project planners. The basis
for these standardized fuel cell units, which
have a modular design and can be scaled by
interconnecting to any output size desired.
The corresponding fuel cell systems are integrated into standard 19-inch cabinets. In the
first phase, a 30 kW demonstration system is
currently being constructed on the MEYER
SHIPYARD premises. The system will demonstrate the generation of electricity, heating,
and cooling (tri-generation). Based on this, a
120 kW system will be installed in the course
of next year on a passenger ship parallel to the
conventional energy supply, and the electricity
produced will be stored in the on-board electrical system. The system will be operated by
means of an internal reformer with methanol
as the energy source.
For further details:
Goal: Systematic environmental
PDCA cycles for over
80 large consumers
After fischer Hydroforming in its Menden and
Chemnitz locations introduced and successfully accredited in December 2014 a uniform
system for both sites, the certification of fischer
Edelstahlrohre and fischer Rohrtechnik in the
main plant in Achern followed in July 2015.
In addition, the energy needs and production
emission of over 80 large consumers in 11 production halls in Achern had to be examined
In addition, the fischer group is relying on
periodically informing and qualifying employees through oral and written discussions in
shift meetings and informational media. Furthermore, we are promoting the participation
of the workforce by providing space for content-related discussions and actively use the
company’s suggestion system to generate new
ideas and to support the work of the energy
The “e4ships” lighthouse project, is part
of the National Innovation Program (NIP)
for hydrogen cell and fuel cell technology,
prominent German shipyards and shipping
companies, leading manufacturers of fuel
cells, and classification societies are collaborating with the goal of establishing the
functionality of fuel cells in the on-board
energy supply of ships under everyday conditions. Compared with conventional ship
units, fuel cells can contribute significantly
to reducing emissions. Reducing pollutants is a pressing requirement for shipping
companies, since strict environmental regulations are in force in more and more harbors, which are stipulating upper limits on
emissions (so-called ECA zones).
Shifting the focus on
energy management
After the successful introduction of the system,
the focus is now directed toward establishing a
way of thinking and the procedures in the daily
operational practice. The stronger the motivation for employees to increase energy efficiency an reduce resource consumption, the greater
the financial and environmental impact will be.
The long-term company goal of introducing
and merging energy management with a systematic environmental management has now
made considerable progress. And since fischer
Hydroforming in Menden and Chemnitz and
also subsidiary companies abroad such as
fischer Austria in Griffen are already running
certified environmental management, the next
challenge for the fischer group in Achern is already in sight.
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fischer USA
Full steam ahead
for Winglet tubes and a new 97,000 square foot tube plant
2014 represented a milestone year at fischer
USA in quite a number of ways. Many previous production records were smashed and
employment is at an all-time high. For this,
we would like to extend a big THANK YOU
to all our customers that have supported our
facility in Manchester, Tennessee over the
past years.
Busting at the seams
W x
We welcome your inquiries.
optio sion
coils al
k byp
In June 2015 a new tube mill was commissioned
at our Canadian operation bringing the total
number of tube mills installed at that location
to 8. The new mill is of type RPA70 LS and is
capable of producing round, square and other
non-circular tube geometries. This new mill
New installations
It is anticipated that the commissioning of
the mill will be completed in the summer, 2016.
At that point, we will be able to offer our customer base in the USA high quality stainless
steel tubing in a wide variety of materials and
With all this activity going on at fischer our
thanks also go out to the City of Manchester for
their assistance with permits to support both of
these projects in a timely manner.
loadin trough
DB. 353, PG. 273
fixlen g
n are
For years, many of our customers in the US have
been urging fischer to expand the production of
stainless steel tubing. After fischer Mexico recently successfully launched a new large welded
tube plant, fischer has decided to answer the
call in the United States as well. An identical
mill to fischer Mexico’s line will be arriving in
Manchester, Tennessee, in February of 2016.
Currently, the site is being prepared to accept a
97,000 square foot building.
will help to alleviate some capacity restraints
which have caused lots of Oovertime
in the past
sys In addition, a new RESY central
tem has also been installed in Waterloo to deal
with the various coolant streams in our facility
more efficiently and effectively. Currently, all
coolants are locally filtered at each machine
and then returned to a sump. This requires
the maintenance of individual filter beds and
consumption of filter paper at every machine.
The new system has a single filter bed installed,
further reducing the waste stream from our
facility. A win-win situation for fischer and the
offices. Furthermore, additional meeting rooms
will be created to address the need for more privacy. The current office space will be remodeled
to function as a new lunch room / cafeteria. The
addition of the new office tower and renovations of the existing space are anticipated to be
completed by Q1 of 2016.
Answering the call: expanded
production of stainless steel tubing
The building will be completed just ahead
of the arrival of the mill.
Expansion of production and office space
The second addition will address the aging
office situation. Over the past 25 years the offices had been expanded numerous times to cope
with the growing number of staff. Recent decisions to consolidate some of our fischer Canada
and fischer USA departments in Waterloo have
increased the requirement for more space. The
construction of a 3 storey office tower will help
alleviate this bottleneck. The new offices will be
home for the Accounting, Human Resources, IT,
Health and Safety, Scheduling and the Inside
Sales departments, along with some executive
Growing and expanding
Steady continuous growth over the past 7
years has led to the decision to expand our
Canadian operation in Waterloo, ON. Two
major additions to the existing facility will
help to ensure that future needs are being
met. Commencing in the fourth quarter of
this year, a 30,000 square foot addition will
be attached to our existing manufacturing
facility to make room for further production
equipment. The first addition is expected to
be completed by year end. This will bring
the production space at this location to over
300,000 square feet.
As reported in the last edition of our fluid magazine, one of the growth areas is in the exhaust
gas recirculation (EGR) arena. This technology appears to be making inroads in the North
American marketplace and the production of
our Winglet tubes is reaching new heights. So
much so, that we are expanding our facility in
the USA by 21,500 square feet to make room for
a new Winglet mill. The building expansion is
to be completed in fall of 2015, just in time for
the arrival of the new mill. The new equipment
is currently being built in Germany by our own
fischer Maschinentechnik. Once the mill arrives
fischer Canada
The plant will consist of three bays – a receiving and storage bay for raw material, a bay
that will house the machine itself, and a storage / shipping bay that will hold finished product and cut-to-length equipment. The building
will be completed just ahead of the arrival of the
mill in February.
in Manchester, Tennessee, a team of specialists
from our parent company will be dispatched to
assemble the highly complex piece of machinery.
Once the parts coming off the new mill have
been PPAP’d by our customer and a window of
opportunity arises, the existing mill will be relocated into the new addition so that both Winglet
mills are located in the same bay. The chipless
cutter that has been specifically engineered to
recut the master lengths coming off the Winglet
lines, will also be moved into the new addition.
The new Winglet line will add approximately
8 million pieces of EGR tubes into a growing
market on a yearly basis.
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fluid 1 | 2015 // 15
fischer Mexicana
collaboration with
multiple benefits
How the entire fischer group is benefiting
from a hydroforming press change
We reported in the last fluid 1/2014 on the
relocation of the third hydroforming press
to Mexico. An existing press from fischer
Hydroforming in Menden underwent a
fundamental retrofitting in record time,
was re-built at fischer Tubtech in Mexico,
and put into operation. The background was
the relocation of component production for
an existing customer of the main plant in
Achern to Puebla, Mexico.
The quick decision for this action has
proven very successful in many respects. On
the one hand, the main practical objective
has been fully achieved: the relocation of part
production for an existing client has been realized as planned. The new press is being very
well utilized for different components and has
significantly increased the flexibility of the
Mexican production. But several other additional benefits, which have emerged from the
overall project, have been added to this
primary objective.
International collaboration
for a new machine control
In the course of the retrofit for the Dunkes
press, a new customized fischer control concept was developed in collaboration with the
machine manufacturer. In the process, an international project team from the fischer group
worked together very closely. Achim Galli from
fischer Maschinentechnik in Achern, Thomas
Weiß and Thomas Buchgeister from fischer
Hydroforming Menden, and Peter Franke from
fischer Tubtech in Mexico developed a customized specification for the new machine control.
Eighteen individual optimization points have
been integrated by Dunkes into the control of
the 1,500 ton press. And the result has been
so positive that the new control is being used
at fischer Hydroforming Menden and fischer
Rohrtechnik in Achern.
Another aspect of the international collaboration within the fischer group was the
instruction and training in Achern of several
employees from Puebla. For several weeks, they
learned there with their German colleagues all
the tricks for an optimal set-up and production
on the complex machine. Achim Galli emphasized the significance of the intra-group exchange: “Ultimately we wish to work within the
fischer group globally at the same high level of
quality in order to deliver optimal results to our
On the whole, the project therefore paid off
several times over – and for 2016, an even better utilization is already foreseeable today.
fischer Austria
From Domino Day
to an intralogistical concept
Production and processing along an “aorta”
With the expansion of the pure tube production to include subsequent value creation
steps such as sawing, pressure testing, continuity tests, and grinding, the intralogistical demands increased at fischer Edelstahlrohre Austria. Because lift truck traffic was
precluded from the outset, an alternative solution was needed. At the same time, one wanted to implement the working principle of the
“U-cell” in order to transfer the textbook-based
experiences of manufacturers of piece goods
to a length goods manufacturer. Furthermore,
non-productive areas for temporary storage
were supposed to be eliminated.
Control of the value creation steps
using a small train concept
A quality circle worked out an innovative solution as a combination of a track-based priority
control on the straight stretches of the main
supply line – internally called “aorta” as on
Domino Day – and non-track-based accessi-
bility of the kidneyshaped affiliated processing stations.
The main supply line was marked
within the company
by a distinctive color,
and the operability of
the small-train vehicles was construed in
such a way that, as a
safeguard, the operator’s hands must not
be taken off the aorta
vehicles. The choice
between a non-track-based and a track-based
mode can be made with foot control.
Analogous to the physical material stream,
an EDP-based information stream has been installed, which is oriented toward the addressing
concept of the milk-run principle.
As part of the reorganization of the processes, the non-value-creating temporary storage
areas could be transformed into value-creating
transport paths and acceptance zones.
Flexibly deployed: Three hydroforming
presses with steadily increasing utilization.
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fischer South Africa over the years
1990fischer Stainless Steel Tubing S.A. (Pty) Ltd. was established in Butterworth,
operating from a rented warehouse.
1991fischer Stainless Steel Tubing S.A. (Pty) Ltd. built its own factory in, what
was then known as Verwoerdburg, between Pretoria and Johannesburg.
Roughly 2,000 square meters of factory space and 300 square meters of
office space were constructed.
1993fischer Stainless Steel Tubing S.A. (Pty) Ltd. needed to expand,
2,500 additional square meters of factory space were added.
fischer South Africa in 1991
2001fischer Tube Technik (Pty) Ltd. was founded. Additional land was bought as
office and factory space was needed of 2,300 square meters factory space
and 220 square meters of office space was built.
2002fischer Tube E.C. (Pty) Ltd. was established. New property was acquired
nearby of 36,000 square meters, of which 1,850 square meters of factory
space was built.
fischer South Africa
2004Expansion of fischer Tube E.C. (Pty) Ltd. with a further 1,200 square meters
factory space.
25 years of progress
2005fischer Stainless Steel Tubing S.A. (Pty) Ltd. expanded with an additional
2,400 square meters.
In the spirit of African and German collaboration
2007fischer Tube Technik (Pty) Ltd. needed additional storage facilities for raw
material and finished goods, therefore a new warehouse was built with 2,000 square meters of floor space.
On the 28th of May 2015, fischer South Africa­­
celebrated 25 years of successful business
operations since its inception in 1990.
In the past 25 years, fischer South Africa
has experienced continuous growth and has
always kept abreast of its micro environment,
ensuring that the future is always secure.
Various expansions and investments were
made to facilitate this growth and optimise
production processes. These include the creation and construction of not only one, but
three operational companies, each specialising
in their own area.
fischer South Africa started as only one com-
There was a balanced mixture of German and …
fluid 1 | 2015 // 18
pany in 1990, based in Butterworth as fischer
Stainless Steel Tubing S.A. (Pty) Ltd., which then
later relocated to Centurion in 1991 with the goal
to service and better penetrate the South African
market. Specialising in manufacturing stainless
steel tubing, the company ran successfully on
its own for 10 years until a need for manipulated tubing emerged and therefore fischer Tube
Technik (Pty) Ltd. was founded in 2001. The first
orders received for manipulated tubing were destined for the export market. The following year,
fischer Tube E.C. (Pty) Ltd. was also established
to cater for larger diameter tubing, specially for
the catalytic converter industry.
Entering this section of the market was very
risky as at the time of the investment, no enquiries were yet received for larger diameter tubing.
Celebrating with mulled wine
and African culture
To celebrate the successful quarter century of
fischer South Africa, an event was held on the
premises on the 28th of May 2015. It was not an
easy task to accommodate the 500 plus guests,
including fischer South Africa staff, international guests, local dignitaries, customers and
Thorough planning and organisation was
needed to ensure that the event ran smoothly
and would be enjoyed by everyone. The event
… African elements on the anniversary program.
fischer South Africa in 2015
2008Dramatic restructuring of the three companies took place. fischer Stainless Steel Tubing S.A. (Pty) Ltd. was relocated
next to fischer Tube E.C. (Pty) Ltd. Additional building became necessary and another 4,300 square meters was added
to the existing facility. At the same time fischer Tube Technik (Pty) Ltd. expanded into the vacated premises of fischer
Stainless Steel Tubing S.A. (Pty) Ltd.
itself was African themed­
to reflect the environment
that fischer South Africa is
part of, and to celebrate the
heritage of where fischer
South Africa comes from,
various German aspects were
included to show the mixture
of the two different lands.
A traditional Oompa band
Erich Kotzenmacher, Managing Director of fischer South Africa
welcomed guests while they
enjoyed canapés that were
themed to match all the countries where fischer­ shared some history and future visions of
is present as well as some warming mulled fischer South Africa. Hans-Peter Fischer,
shared his appreciation of the many years of
wine on the approaching winter afternoon.
Guests were ushered into a large 750 square prosperous growth achieved and wished all
meter marque and were welcomed to a beau- the best for the future. Anand Pather, from
tifully decorated and aptly African themed Toyota also had kind words to share regarding
venue. Various speeches were held, including the longstanding relationship between the two
the Managing director, Erich Kotzenmacher companies.
A few traditional South African entertainment acts were held during the course of the
evening, including a traditional Marimba Band,
an African Choir, singing traditional songs and
an African Drum Circle. The evening was a
great success and everyone, from near and far,
enjoyed themselves until the end. The festivities
carried on into the night and nobody left feeling
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Team Talk
and in-service
certifications 2014
fischer Mexicana
Blind and seeing
children play together
Festejo del día del niño – 23 de Mayo 2015
120 children of the employees at fischer Mexicana celebrated Children’s Day on May 23rd
together with 30 children from the “Ezequiel Hernández Romo” Institute for the visually
impaired and blind. The home and its school have been in existence for 17 years in San Luis
Potosí and has been financially supported for 6 years by the fischer group. While playing together –
in part blindfolded – the sighted children got a feeling for the challenges of the visually impaired
children. Everyone had a lot of fun, and many new friendships were formed.
fischer Maschinentechnik
Martin Manz, Industrial Mechanic,
January 2014
Markus Fischer, Industrial Master
Craftsman, July 2014
Tobias Schnurr, State Certified
Technician, November 2014
Mario Rummel, State Certified
Technician, July 2014
fischer Edelstahlrohre
Sven von Germeten, Industrial
Mechanic, January 2014
Simon Haas, Electronics Technician,
January 2014
Corinna Kern, Specialist for Customs
Clearance, February 2014
Gerd Wiegert, EIB Specialist for
Building Services, November 2014
fischer Rohrtechnik
Patrick Lang, Parts Finisher / Specialist
for Metals Technology, July 2014
(transfer from FMT)
Jens-Manuel Lamm,
Industrial Mechanic, January 2014
(transfer from FMT)
Alexander Decker, Industrial Master
Craftsman in Metal, July 2014
Congratulations on your
successful certifications!
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