ツ7z銑 - Southern Union State Community College
ツ7z銑 - Southern Union State Community College
SOUTHERN UNION STATE COMMUNITY COIン LE(〕 E TRANSFER EQUIVALENCY FORM Megan Dり 「 our NAME COLLEGE COURSE STUDENT# GRADE HOURS 227978 EQUIVALENT 5Q Baker College of Allen Park SC1101C Human A&PI Baker College of Allen Park sCl102C Human A&Pi A U niversity B10201A&PI 5Q A {333鋤 A 400 ART300 Art lntegration Eastern Michigan (333S) for Elem Tchr B10202A&P‖ ART 100 Per S Spratin z/ ∼ ∠ ツ 7z銑 ´ ADVISOR SIGNATURE J´ /み DATE ′ 才 も Nancy Bramlett From: Steve Spratlin Sent: To: Thursday, March L2, 20L5 9:17 AM Nancy Bramlett Re: or this one? Subject: < sspratlin@suscc.edu > I think this one would count as an Art Appreciation and cvcn our卜 Iumanitics.I arn not so convinccd on thc Philosophy coursc. Lct mc know if you nccd any othcrinfo from mcl Stcvc Onヽ /ed,Mar ll,2015 at 6:26 PM,SOUTHERN UNION STATE COMMUNITY COLIン EGE <teS0011Cgcsource.com>wrotc: INSTITUTION:EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY OCATION:YPSILANTI,MI DATA SET:EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY 2005-2007 Iッ ART300 ARTINTEGRATION FttR THE ELEMENTARY TEACHER Undcrstanding,apprcciation and awarencss of art in its varicd contcmporary and multicultural contcxts.Emphasis on thrcc main arcas:a) apprcciation and undcrstanding ofthe suttcct;b)art COnccpts and processcs,aCSthetic cducation,and thcir relationship to general cducation;and c)integration of art into the gcncral classroo■ l proccdurcs to enhancc leaming.Non― art maOrs only・ UNITS:4 DEPARTMENT:ART Sent on behalf of : Nancy Bramlett Report generated via TES @ http://tes.collegesource.com 3ltU20ls =::::-::::: =:::::::::::::::::::::::: :=: = This message and any attached materials are intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Interception or other unauthorized use is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender by reply-email and immediately delete copies from your records. Steve Spratlin Associate Dean of Instructional Programs and Fine Arts Department Chair Southern Union St. Comm. College SOUTHERN UNION STATE COMIヽ 4UNITY COLLEGE 丁RANSFER EQUIVALENCY FORM NAME Kayla Moon COLLEGE COURSE SttU DEN丁 # 227273 GRADE HOURS EQUiVALEN丁 COM 156 COM POSI丁 10N UNIVERSiTY OF PHOENIX ANDCOMM‖ B 3.00 i‖ i胤 :ir.m bnes/Jυ ADV:50R SiGNAttURE 多― /f‐ /s DAttE Page I of5 ′″7″7多 飾 ¨ Library Classroom Program │ Account Phoenixconnect Careers Materials Discussion Assignments Grades COM/156 UNIVERSITY COMPOSITION AND COMMUNICATION II Start Date: 1112612012 COURSE DESCRlPTION This course builds upon the foundations established in COMh55. lt addresses the various rhetorical modes necessary for effeciive college essays: nanalion, illustration, description, process analysis, dassific€tion, delinilion, comparison and contrast, cause and effed, and argumentation. ln addition, requirementsfor research essays, induding the use of outside sources and appropriate formatting, are considered. WEEK 1 - TOPTC 1: IDENTIFYING COMPONENTS OF RESEARCH WRITING ObJectives Explain the purpose of research-writing. ldentify the steps in lhe research writing process. Complete a research plan based on a chosen topic. Materials Textbook used ln thi3 courso: READ| NG: Mclean, S. (20111. Witing for success (1st ed.). lrvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge, lnc. Readin93 tor Week Ono: Appendix A Appendix B READING: Ch. 'l I of Vvfiting for Success: section 1.1: v\riy Res€arch? Section 1.2: Steps of the Researci Writing Process Section 2.1: Choosing a Topic Section 2.2: A Plan for Researcfi Section 2.3: Writing Your Own Research Proposal Olher Materials ,or Week One: SUPPLEMENT: Video "Oftice Hours: Narowing a Topic" Video Transcript: 'Office Hours: Nano^ring a Topic" SUPPLEMENT: Video "Nanowing Central ldeas' Video Transcript: Nanowing Central ldeas SUPPLEMENT: Exercise: Clauses Appendix D Assessment Please see the inslrudor-issued syllabus for further details on assignments. Participation/Discussion Questions WEEK 2 . TOPIC 1: GATHERING AND EVALUATING INFORMATION ObJectives ldentify strategies for gathering reliable information. Evaluate the credibility of sources. lulaterials Roadings for Week Trrc: REAOING: Ch. 1 1 of Witing for Success: Section 4.1: Locating Useful Resources Section 4.2: Evalualing Research Resources Section 4.3: Strategies from Managing Source lnformation https://portal.phoenix.edu/classroom/coursematerials/com 156120121126/OSIRIS:43519136 31212015 SOUTHERN UNION STATE COⅣ IMUNITY COLLEGE TRANSF[R EQUIVALENCY FORM NAME COLLEGE Northe rn STUDENT# Monica Glow M ichiga n U COURSE niv Northern Michigan Univ HOURS EQUIVALENT Bl 201 Human Anatomy A 3.00 AND Bl 202 Human Physiology C 5.00 B10201&202*see note C 3.00 PSY PSY 110 Fundamentals lllinois State University 224178 of Psychology 200 per B. Catchings This student took BIO 201 at another college and we have credit on t'script. can you put = BIo 202 on the 5 hour physiology class so it will not keep her from registering in future? I know she must transfer both anatomy & phys to get the credit from these separate classes but this will.iust help her in registering. lf this does not make sense, let me know. fu-r-7r/ DATE Nancy Bramlett From: Sent: To: Brent Catchings <bcatchings@suscc.edu> Monday, September 22,2074 3:32 PM Nancy Bramlett Subject: Re: PSY 200? Agrccd. I saw that. A■ er looking at their school wcbsite l was morc comfortablc with thc idca though.I think whatthcy mcant by thatisifyou arc going to bc a Psychology maor you would havc to takc anothcr course, but fbr all others this coursc was llnc. On Mon,Sep 22,2014 at l:06 PM,Nancy Bramlctt<nda宙 sの suscc.edu>wrote: Ok′ thanks.lt worried me because it said′ not for creditin PSY malor.″ From : Brent Catchings [ma ilto : bcatchings@suscc.ed u] Sent: Monday, September 22,2014 12:06 PM To: Nancy Bramlett Subject: Re: PSY 200? Yes. 'fhat should work. I also looked at their online catalog. On Mon,Scp 22,2014 at ll:54 AM,SOUTHERN UNION STATE COMMUNITY COIフ < >wrote: Brent,would you say thisis equalto PSY 200? INSTITUT10N:ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY LOCATION:NORMAL,IL SEARCH CRITERIA:psy PSY l10 FUNDAMENTALS OF PSYCHOLOGY A rcvic、 v and critical analysis of psychology's rllost innucntial cxplanations of human bchavior.Notfbr crifhad PSY lll.Studcnts lnay bc expccted to participatc in expcrimcnts.Not forcrin PSY maOr.May not bc taken undcr the Crcdit/No crcdit option.Follllerly EXPLAINING HUMAN BEHAVIOR.MC― IS:Middlc Corc― Individuals and Socictics. UNITS:3 PREREQUISITE:ENG 101 or COM l10 or concurrentrcglstration OFFERED:FaH Semester,Spring Scmester DEPARTMENT:PSYCHOLOGY 1 Iノ EGE File8oufld》 Ⅳ12/2015 SuCC_studenl services SOUTHERN UN10N STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRANSFER EQUiVALENCY FORM STUDENT# 222315 GRADE HOURS [QUIV^1璽 Samantha Sharp cOuRSE 〕 S160 General Butler Community 、 一 BIOL 198 PrinciPles Kansas 3.00 PSY 200 A cq!!989of 3 4.∞ B 4.∞ nsas Stelg U ni,ttlly. (ansas state 9n!g!ty Mirrnbio10Ⅳ QlcleEl-- PhvSiOl● gv (rete Univrslw v!--' - o. r _ l^a.r Abehfe FSHS l10 intro tO Human h^、 ● ▲:^^“ Yan(rq State UnivrsitY nto ?20 General MiffobiologY・ じ10 ιUよ MATI'I 205 Gen Calculus ng.t.e- Blo 103 Prin of state univrsity B10L455 Cenera: Ka 6eneral-l5Yc!9gL `n'ffatt 2008) C 8.00 C 3.00 C 3.00 owen ,n oer Eddle pl=g PSY 210 Human Crowth 8t DeVelottent_ said it syllabus and Steve Owen Student presented course BtO both in and covered the topics was ok' lt was 8 hours 201&202.lsthereanYwaYtoenterbothequivalencies on our sYstem? er4nlinePnntPreview aspx?d∝ id=5503485 川′indexscan面 ng corn/V5/1耐 ineX/田 ′ “ ハ hltpノ ハ 1/1 Nancy Bramlett From: Sent: To: Subject: Eddie Pigg <epigg@suscc.edu> Wednesday, September 04,2013 L2:1"6 PM Nancy Bramlett Re: Kansas St U math Oops...sorry l rnissed this onel Yes′ I think this would be equ† valent to MttH 120. On Thu,Aug 29,2013 at 2:33 PM,Nancy Bramlctt<nda宙 sの suscc.edu>WrOtC: Hi Eddic!How arc you latcly? Would this perhaps be equal to Math 120? From Kansas State lJniversity. Math 205 General Calculus and Linear Algebra. Introduction to calculus and linear algebra concepts that are particularly useful to the study of economics and business administration with special emphasis on working problems. Nancy(Da宙 s)Bramlett Acadcmic Advisor,Health Scicnccs (334)745‐ 6437 ext.5516 nbramkttの suscc.edu Eddic Pむ g Ⅳlathematics Department Chair Southern Union State ConlFnunity College 334・ 745。 6437 ext 5513 l・ Nancy Bramlett Sent: To: Stephen Owen <sowen@suscc.edu > Monday, October 14,20L3 L0:36 AM Nancy Bramlett Subject: Re: FW: Additional Class Information From: Yes it does. On Mon,Oct 14,2013 at 8:34 AM,Nancy Bramlctt<nda宙 Steve′ sの suscc.cdu>wrotc: does this B10L 455 1ook ok for BI()220?Thanks Nancy From : Samantha Smith Imailto: ssharp2 16@9mail.com] Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2013 12:26 PM To: nbramlett@suscc.edu Subject: Additional Class Information Good aftemoon! I have attached the syllabus for each course that we might need more information on to transfer. I got in contact with my professor from KIN 360 (Anatomy and Physiology) and she was able to send me all the information she had. For the Fall of 2010, she was missing the class outline but she sent a copy of the Spring version in which she taught as well. She said there was no difference between classes. My professor from BIOL 455 (General Microbiology) has been infected with malaria fbr thc majority of the summer so she was unavailable. The person who has access to the old records was also out of the offlce until August l8th. The secretary sent me the only document she was able to find which includes a better course description. If more information on these classes is needed, please let me know! I am having some difficulty getting my transcript from Kansas State sent to the Wadley office. It was marked as processed on July 24th from Kansas State but the transcript office at SUSCC is telling me they never received it. I have ordered another copy to be sent and am hoping they receive it on Monday! Thank you! Samantha Sharp 785-477 -8983 SUSCC Student ID number:222315 Nancy Bramlett From: Sent: To: Stephen Owen <sowen@suscc.edu > Monday, August 26,2013 10:24 AM Nancy Bramlett Subject: Re: FW: Additional Class Information Yes.… .stin not surc though about the tilne ofthc class that I Inentioned. On Mon,Aug 26,2013 at 8:52 AM,Nancy Bramlctt<ndavisの │ suscc.cdu>wrotc: sorry about the late reply but wanda(the temp for Ashley Minnineld)sald that you came by the ofice and that you approved this course.ljust wanted to be sure thatthere was no mix up before l have credit put on for her Steve′ Nancy From : Stephen Owen [mailto:sowen@suscc.edu] Sent: Wednesday, August 14,2013 B:21 AM To: Nancy Bramlett Subject: Re: FW: Additional Class Information How can the class meet from 8:30 a.m. to 9:20 a.m. M-F....thats less than 5 hours a week and yet it says on the syllabus 5 hours lecture and 6 hours of lab per week???? On Wed,Aug 14,2013 at 7:55 AM,Nancy Bramlctt<nda宙 sの suscc.cdu>wrotel Steve,this kinesiology course looks ok to me for BI()201&202 but can vou make sure? it is 8 credit hours with 6 hotlrs lab From Kansas State. From: Samantha Smith Imailto:ssharp216@gmail,com] Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2013 72:26 PM To: nbramlett@suscc.edu Subject: Additional Class Information Good afternoon! SOUTHERN UNION STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRANSFER EQU!VALENCY FORM NAME STUDENT# Lana Beason COURSE COLLEGE GRADE 223198 HOURS EQUIVALENT BIOL 102 & 104 lntro U niversity of Louisville Biological Systems & lab ENG L U niversity of Louisville . 3,1 BIO 101 per S Owen 102 lnt. College Writing equivalencies and did not know where else to send these so lwouldn't have to repeat for when she does register for spring C,A A 3.00 ENG 101 per L Ammons yr-4.r3 DATE Nancy Bramlett Lee Ammons < lammons@suscc.edu> Tuesday, October 29,2013 3:50 PM From: Sent: To: nbramlett@suscc.edu Subject: RE: ENG 101? Nancy, Yes, that should transfer in SUSCC. Thanks, Lee -----Origi na I Message----- From: SOUTHERN UNION STATE COMMUNIry COLLEGE [mailto:tes@c.ollesesource.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 29,20'13 1:11 PM To: lammons@suscc.edu Subject: ENG 101? Lee, willthis be equal Nancy to ENG 101? INSTITUTION: UNIVERSITY OF LOU ISVILLE LOCATION: LOUISVILLE, KY :::::::::*1=== i]i1i=================== ===== ================ ENGL 102 INTERMEDIATE COLLEGE WRITING Students practice more sophisticated approaches to writing processes and products. Additional emphasis on conducting primary and secondary research, generating longer texts, and improving critical reading. Required writing consists of multiple drafts of at least 4 papers of varying lengths, with one extended documented paper. WC: Written Communication. UNITS: 3.0 PREREQUISITE: ENGL 101, or approved transfer credit for ENGL 101 DEPARTMENT: ENGLISH S RC CATALO G : 2OO2'2O03 Un ive rsity of Lo u isvi I le Sent on behalf of : Nancy Bramlett Report generated via TES @ http://tes.collesesource.com 1.0/2e/201.3 ============================================================ This message and any attached materials are intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged and/or confidential information. lnterception orother unauthorized use is prohibited. lf you receive this message in error, please notify the sender by reply-email and immediately delete copies from your records. Nancy Bramlett From: Stephen Owen <sowen@suscc.edu> Sent: To: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 3:42 PM Subject: Re: FW: BIO 103 Nancy Bramlett わυf may,ol fu′ ″″deparfmenta′ BIO 101 bccausc ofthis.… 。 requFrements On Tuc,Nov 5,2013 at 2:54 PM,Nancy Bramlctt<nda宙 sの suscc.edu>wrotc: ― 一―Original Mcssagc― ―― From:SOUTHERN l」 NION STATE COMMUNITY COLIフ EGE[mailtO:tesの collg理 osourcc.com] Scnt:Tucsday,Octobcr 29,20131:14 PM TO:SOWENSの SUSCC.EDU SuttCCt:BI0 103 Stcvc,、 vill this cqual bio 101 or 103? Nancy INSTITUTION:UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVHン LE lッ OCATION:LOUISVILLE,KY SEARCH CRITERIA:bioH 02 BIOL 1021NTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGICAIフ SYSTEMS Sclectcd topics from thc 琥 ∬肥 股常脚 1辮Iに 蹴協 概冷』 翼第驚 cducation natural sciCncc rcquircmcnt but rnay n rcquircmcnts.lJndergraduatc.ERectivc Datc:07/02/2002.Natural Sciences. UNITS:3 PREREQUISITE:Should bc taken concurrcntly with BIOIン 104 DEPARTMENT:BIOLOGY SRC CATALOG:2004-2004 Univcrsity of Louisville Coursc Dcscription Catalog Sent on bchalf of:Nancy Bramlctt Rcpo■ generated via TES@http://tcs,colkgcsource.com 10/29/2013 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 'I SOUTHERN UNION STATE COⅣ IMUNITY COLLEGE TRANSFER EQUiVALENCY FORM NAME CHEM 130 Genera Cla rk College GRADE HOURS COURSE COLLEGE Lewis & STUDENT# Alicia McCrary I Organic & biochemistry A 214333 EQU VALENT CHM 105 lntro to Organic 400 Chemistry per S Owen BIOL 130 Fund Biological Lewis&Clark College Science C 400 31()101 1ntro Biology A,VlSOR SIGNATURE Nancy Bramlett Stephen Owen <sowen@suscc.edu> Tuesday, November 05, 2013 3:50 PM Nancy Bramlett Re: chemistry From: Sent: To: Subject: Sounds more like CHM 105. On Tue, Nov 5,2013 at 3:06 PM, Nancy Bramlett <ndavis(g)suscc.edu> wrote: See attached file. Would this be Chm 104 or 105? From Lewis and Clark College. Student Alicia McCrary #214333 Nancy(Da宙 s)Bramlctt Acadcrnic Advisor,Hcalth Scicnces (334)745-6437 cxt.5516 nbramlettの suscc.cdu Stcvc(D、 vcn Scicncc Dcpartmcnt Chair Southcm Union State Colllln.Con. 334-745-6437 Ext.5336