OVAS News January 2013 - Otter Valley Aquarium Society
OVAS News January 2013 - Otter Valley Aquarium Society
OT TER VALLEY WATERLINE AQUARIUM SOCIETY VOL. 7 • JANUARY 2013 • NO. 1 A HEALTHY AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! O THIRD ROW FROM THE BACK nce again John Todaro was gracious enough to open his wonderful home to us for the club holiday party. Everyone brought a contribution to the meal, which John must have spent days preparing. Before sitting down to dinner we were treated to a tour of the house and the fish room. Not only is John a great cook but he is also an accomplished craftsman and artisan. There is more to this man than meets the eye After some good food, good conversation and good company the night seemed to end all to early. I would like to Thank John for his hospitality and good will. Once again a great time was had by all. Hope your Holiday Season is a pleasant one. We will see each other again in the New Year. So till next time. Brian Scott This month’s event is an NEC DVD Rhonda Wilson co-author of The Simple Guide to Planted Aquariums & columnist for TFH EASY AQUARIUM PLANTS Elections • Monthly Auction • Dues 1 THIS MONTHS SPEAKER . WE MEET AT 7PM AT THE MACLURE LIBRARY IN honda Wilson has been keepPITTSFORD, VT. ing aquariums since she was ALL MEETING ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. about six years old and currently keeps about 80 tanks in her fishroom. Rhonda started converting her aquariums into natural aquariums about Happy New Year • 1213 15 years ago, by cutting down on • Jan 8 DVD of Rhonda Wilson equipment usage and adding more Easy Aquarum Plants plants to her tanks. She enjoys collecting different types Fish Room Monthly Auction of plants, fish and invertebrates. Rhonda must regularly • Feb 12 Discussion Meeting or Field trip to thin her tanks due to excessive plant growth, Doug Conklin’s She started out as a livebearer enthusiast, and • Mar 12 Speaker TBA - Monthly Auction has kept a variety of fish in natural aquariums for • Apr 9 Field trip Joan Snider’s Fishroom years, successfully breeding several species. Rhonda Directions snider6959@gmail.com is also a former president of the American Livebearer Association. • May 14 Annual Auctuon in Rutland, VT Rhonda co-authored the book, The Simple • Jun DTBD* Summer Picnic @Echo Lake Guide to Planted Aquariums and she has been a • Jul DTBD* Shop Hop monthly columnist for Tropical Fish Hobbyist, writing • Aug DTBD* Local Collecting Trip The Planted Tank column. Rhonda also maintains The *Date To Be Determend Natural Aquarium website http://naturalaquarium.com a website that has been helping aquatic gardeners with information for the planted aquarium for over 12 years, with an emphasis on low-tech, natural aquariums and aquatic plants. QUICK MONTHLY TIPS Her talk will be on Native North American Aquatic Plants in Nature and in the Aquarium. reshwater tanks should be kept at a consistent I have seen this presentation live at the 37th level, also, to make sure the filter system NEC Convention and it’s well worth seeing again. works properly and heaters are not exposed There will be elections and dues payments. Please attend this important first meeting of to the air. If there is insufficient, water level the filter will stop and possibly break and the heater you society. coil, if exposed, could crack the glass. This could be dangerous to both you and your fish. R 2013 CALENDAR OF EVENTS F The New Magazine of Freshwater Aquariums and Tropical Discovery Subscribe Now! AmazonasMagazine.com Benson’s Pet Center A Full Line Pet Supply Store For All of Your Furry, Feathery, and Scaly Needs. OVAS Members Receive 10% Off Purchase! www.bensonspet.com Clifton Park 12 Fire Rd. 518-973-1007 2 Saratoga 3083 Route 50 518 584-7777 Colonie 197 Wolf Rd 518-495-1738 Queensbury 118 Quaker Rd 518-793-6655 LOCAL NEC SOCIETIES’ EVENTS PIONEER VALLEY AS Meets 1st Tuesday of the month at the Springfield Science Museum, 21 Edwards St., Springfield, MA at 7:00pm. Free parking in lot. Public welcome. More info contact: Dave & Linda Giza (413) 283-8680 or email: mike@berkshiredesign.com, or for directions go to pvas.net NEW ENGLAND CICHLIDS Meets 1st Saturday of the month and start at 6:00 pm at the Lutz Children's Museum 247 S. Main St, Manchester, CT., 06040. For more info: necichlids.com NEW HAMPSHIRE AS Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7pm in room 110 at Somersworth High School, 11 Memorial Drive located just off of route 9 in Somersworth, NH. For info. NewHampshireAquariumSociety.com. Directions go to MapQuest. TROPICAL FISH CLUB OF BURLINGTON Meets 2nd Thursday of the month at the VFW Hall, 73 pearl St., Essex Junction, VT. Free parking in the back. Contact David Banks for info 802-372-8716 or dbanks@together.net or www.tfcb.org BROOKLYN AS Meets 2nd Friday of the month at 7:30pm at NY Aquarium, Bklyn, NY. More info: BrooklynAqauriumSociety.org NORWALK AS Meets 3rd Thursday of the month at Earthplace, The Nature Discovery Center, 10 Woodside Lane, Westport, CT. Open to public. More info: Norwalkas.org GREATER HARTFORD AS Meets 4th Tuesday at the LUTZ Children’s Museum located in Manchester, Connecticut. For Info &directions visit www.ghasct.org. DANBURY AREA AS Meets 4th Friday of the month at Carmel Ambulance Corps Vink Dr., Carmel, NY. For more info: Rich Litsky (845) 2280372 or Joe Masi (845) 896-4793 or daas@northeastcouncil.org. PET SHOPS OFFERING OVAS MEMBERS DISCOUNTS • Aquatic Wildlife, 179D Deming St., Manchester, CT, 06040, Ph: 860.648.1166 aquaticwildlifecompany.com -- 25% off dry goods, 30% discount off livestock. • Benson’s Pet Center, 12 Fine Road, Clifton Park, NY, 12065 - 10% Discount. • Claremont Pet & Aquarium Center, 201 Washington St., Claremont, NH. Ph: 603.543.1889 10% discount on dry goods only. • Eddie’s Aquarium Centre, 1254 Rte 9, Latham, NY. Ph: 518.783.3474 eddiesaqua.com - 10% discount. • Lebanon Pet & Aquarium Center, 196 S. Main St., West Lebanon, NH. Ph: 603.298.8789 10% discount on dry goods only. • Something Fishy Aquarium Sales Inc., 219 Mohawk Ave., Scotia, NY 12302 Ph: 518.346.FISH -- 10% discount. • The Pet Advantage, 350 Dorset St., S. Burlington, VT, 05403, Ph: 802 860-1714. 15% discount with your OVAS membership card. Hours: M-F 10am-9pm Sat 10am-8pm Sun 11am-5pm. • Whitehall Pet & Supply Inc., 9869 State Rte 4, Whitehall, NY 12887, Ph: 518.499.1990 10% discount with your OVAS membership card. 3 Long Live THE EMPEROR TETRA John Todaro them in a 10 gallon tank. Set up the tank with well aged soft, slightly acidic water, and a temperature of 81˚ - 82˚F. Keep the light low and have the tank well planted or use a couple of large spawning mops. To get the largest spawn, pick a pair and move them to the spawning tank. If you have more than a pair in the spawning tank, they will eat the eggs as the pair spawn. Introduce the breeding pair and feed live foods to get them into condition. The male will drive the female very actively. The female will lay eggs one at a time among the plants, like n active and colorful fish, the Emperor tetra makes a good Myriopyllum, or the spawning mops. This will go on for several community fish if kept with other peaceful species. Like hours. Once finished, the parent should be removed, since most tetras it does best if kept in schools. They look they will eat their eggs. best in a tank with dark gravel and dense vegetation. Keep The fry will hatch out in one or two days’, once hatched, the light subdued. This can be they should be feed very small live foods. achieved by having some floating After a day or so, they will be able to take FAMILY: Characins plants in the tank; duck weed would SCIENTIFIC NAME: Nematobrycon palmeri newly hatched brine shrimp. The fry be a good choice. COMMON NAME: Emperor Tetra are hardy and not difficult to raise to The male has an elongated dor- REGION: Rivers and streams of Colombia. maturity. sal and a well developed caudal fin. The SIZE: 1 3/4 to 2 inches. REFERENCES: TEMPERATURE: Between 79˚F-82˚F. anal fin is very long with a narrow • Aquarium Atlas, Vol. 1 H. Baensch, R. dark band along the outer edges. The fe- WATER QUALITY: pH 5.0 to 7.8 and dGH 25˚ Riehl, Pub. H.A. Baensch, 1987 male lacks the elongated dorsal and anal HABITS: Peaceful Good community fish, • The Encyopedia of Freshwater Tropical it should be kept with other peaceful species. fin. Both males and females have an irides- FOOD REQUIREMENTS: Not fussy. Live, frozen & Fishes, Axelrod, Pub TFH, 1996 cent grass-green or blue green band that • The Encyopedia of Tropical Aquarium flake foods. runs from the gill cover to the caudal peFish, D. Mills, G. Vevers, Pub. Crescent SEX: Male is more colorful and has a longer duncle. hook-shaped dorsal. Female is general smaller Books, 1968 Emperor Tetras are not very prowithout a hook-shaped dorsal. • Aquarium Digest International Vol. I, BREEDING: Not a prolific species. lific species, but it is possible to breed No. 3, 1972, Pub. Tetra, 1972 A T ABOUT THE OTTER VALLEY AQUARIUM SOCIETY he Otter Valley Aquarium Society is dedicated to educating those seeking knowledge in the breeding, raising and conservation of exotic tropical fish and aquatic plants in the home aquarium. We meet the second Tuesday of each month at the Maclure Library in Pittsford, VT, at 7:00pm. Featuring knowledgeable speakers, a Q & A session, plus a small tropical fish and plant auction. Meet friendly aquarists and learn more about how to care for your fish. Free refreshments. Meetings open to the public. For information call, John Todaro @ 802 824-3743 MEMBERSHIP • Otter Valley Aquarium Society • MEMBERSHIP YES, I would like to become a member. Here’s my check for a one year membership. Please mail my membership card to the address bellow. Name___________________________Occupation_________________ Address________________________________City_________________ State____Zip______Phone______________Email__________________ Membership: Individual $20_____Family $25____Student $10_____ Make check to; Otter Valley Aquarium Society Mail to: OVAS, Tom Conway, 90 Center St., Rutland, VT 05701 4