How to Size a Fiberglass Pergola Kit – pdf
How to Size a Fiberglass Pergola Kit – pdf
How to select your fiberglass pergola Use this worksheet to configure your fiberglass Williamsburg pergola. Checkboxes indicate items where a selection is necessary. Step 1: Select pergola attachment Attached Pergola An attached pergola has two columns supporting a double beam on one side and a ledger attached to a structure to support the rafters on the opposite side. Width Projection 24” 18” 20” 4 Figure 1.1 Attached Width 2 24” 20” 18” 5 3 Column Height Column Height Column Height 3 2 4 Projection 1 Width 18” 18” 3 1 24” 1 3 2 Column Height 1 24” Freestanding Pergola A freestanding pergola has four total columns, two columns supporting double beams on each side of the pergola. 4 20” 2 4 Slope Figure 1.2 Attached Projection Figure 1.3 Freestanding Width Figure 1.4 Freestanding Projection Pergola Component Key 1. Stringer: 1¾” x 1¾” spaced approximately 12” on center 2. Rafter: 2” x 8” spaced approximately 24” on center 3. Beam: 2” x 8” double beam 4. Column: Selection of six structural fiberglass column styles 5. Ledger: 2” x 8” (attached model only) WIDTH Step 2: Select overall pergola size and model Attached/ Freestanding Williamsburg pergola dimensions are measured by the overall size of the top structure: 12’ 16’ 18’ 22’ 26’ 11’/12’ Width = Beam length (Figures 1.1 & 1.3) Projection = Rafter length (Figures 1.2 & 1.4) 13’/14’ PROJECTION When measuring, be sure to note upper dimensions as well as column locations. Beams cantilever 24” from the center of columns (Figure 1.2) and rafters cantilever 20” from the center of columns (Figure 1.1). The amount of cantilever can be adjusted during installation. Rafter Count - Width (Rafters) - 12’ (6), 16’ (8), 18’ (9), 22’ (11), 26’ (13) Stringer Count - Projection (Stringers) - 11’ (10), 12’ (10), 13’ (12), 14’ (12), 15’ (14), 16’ (14), 17’ (16), 18’ (16), 22’ (20), 25’ (24), 26’ (24). Figure 1.5 shows kit sizes for both attached and and freestanding models. 15’/16’ 17’/18’ 21’/22’ 25’/26’ Figure 1.5 Available Sizes Step 3: Select column style, size, & attachment 1. 2. 3. Height - Available with 8’ or 10’ high structural fiberglass columns, which can be cut down on site. Add 18” to the height of the column to accommodate for the beam, rafter, and stringer (Figures 1.1-1.4). For attached models, the height of the bottom of the ledger can be found by adding the column height plus 8” for the beam. Remember to take any slope of the mounting surface into consideration when measuring. Style - See Figure 1.6 for column selection. Attachment - Our exclusive Tension RodTM mounting system allows Williamsburg pergolas to withstand up to 160MPH wind loads, does not require wood or metal inserts in the columns, and is easy to install. Choose from concrete or deck mounting kits. Concrete Mounting Kit Deck Mounting Kit Figure 1.6 Fiberglass Column Selection 12” x 10’ HIGH ROUND TAPERED COLUMN 10” x 8’ HIGH ROUND TAPERED COLUMN 10” x 8’ HIGH SQUARE TAPERED COLUMN 10” x 8’ HIGH SQUARE COLUMN 8” x 8’ HIGH SQUARE COLUMN 8” x 8’ HIGH SQUARE COLUMN W/ BASE Step 4: Select ColorLastTM Paint Color Structureworks fiberglass pergolas come standard with our exclusive ColorLast finishing process, allowing you to coordinate your pergola with your decking and railing or even your home trim. Our ColorLast paint is resistant to scratches and chips, protected by a 20 year warranty, and is offered in 12 standard colors (Figure 2.1) to coordinate with your design. All pergola components can be finished traditionally in a single color, or multiple colors for a more dynamic look. Finish may be custom matched to any color desired. TH TT CS FP VL GP RS BD ROPE SWING SR HG LR W I would like to specify a custom paint color Figure 2.1 ColorLast Paint Colors Step 5: Select ShadeRightTM Fixed Canopy HD (Optional) ShadeRightTM Fixed Canopy HD The ShadeRight fixed polycarbonate canopy (Figure 2.3) is a watertight system that protects your outdoor space from both sun and rain, while still providing an attractive addition to your Williamsburg Pergola. Figure 2.3 ShadeRight Fixed Canopy HD Custom Fiberglass Pergolas Custom sizes and shapes are no problem with fiberglass pergolas. If our standard sizes don’t fit, fiberglass pergolas can be custom built to meet almost any design specification. Whether it is a unique area in your backyard or a commercial project, fiberglass pergolas offer versatility and strength that can be customized to meet your needs. Provide us with your own design, or let our experienced staff assist you in designing a custom fiberglass pergola. Custom designs can be as simple as a standard kit modified to fit your project perfectly, to a one of a kind structure with unique beams, rafters, and stringers. Custom configurations are also possible, giving you even more creative control. Fiberglass pergola components will meet the look and structural requirements you need, while maintaining the refined style and unbeatable quality of our fiberglass pergolas. 3300 Dill Smith Drive Fredericksburg, VA 22408 877.489.8064 v.6-15
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