Coming Attractions From Our President


Coming Attractions From Our President
From Our President
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
June 2016
Huge kudos to Pam Hadfield, Carol Culbert, Cindy Cooksey, and
gaggle of workers for an outstanding Guild Challenge! The theme, fabrics and
rules were “just challenging enough” to cause some serious thought and
FGQG Goose Tracks
I’m sure you were all as amazed at the fabulous quilts on display at the May
meeting as I was. We truly have some very creative and accomplished quilters.
I loved the way the quilts were displayed and I wished I had more time to get a
close look at them. Fortunately, you will have your chance to see them again at
our Quilt Show in June 2017. We ask ALL participants to be sure to enter their
quilts in the show so everyone can get a close-up view of them. We will ask for
your Challenge application shortly after the first of the year, so measure your
quilt and be ready to submit your quilt!
Linda Smith, President
Coming Attractions
Sherri McConnell will be our speaker for July. She is the author of the books
"Fresh Family Traditions - 18 Heirloom Quilts for a New Generation" and "A
Quilting Life: Creating a Handmade Home" as well as the prolific blogger at A
Quilting Life,, The Bees Knees, http:// A wife and mother of four, Sherri's
passion for sewing started as a young child when
she received a sewing machine for her 10th
birthday. As a teenager she sewed for herself and
others, even sewing prom dresses and wedding
attire as a part-time job. Her quilting journey
began in the early 1990's when her grandmother
agreed to help her make a quilt for her oldest
child. Quilting for over 20 years, Sherri teaches
classes and has had her designs published in
Quiltmania, Quilts & More, American Patchwork
& Quilting, and Stitch Magazine. She is a
contributing author to Sweet Celebrations with
the Moda Bake Shop Chefs. The Quilting Life lecture and trunk show will be
of both her personal quilts and family heirloom quilts. You won’t want to miss
this vibrant speaker!
Bridget Paley, 1st Vice President, e-mail:
Inside This Issue
Email Address:
Volunteer for the OC Fair
June Birthdays
All About the Challenge
June 2016
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
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Please join us at Stonefire Grill, 3966 Barranca Pkwy in Irvine (corner of
Culver and Barranca) at 4:30pm before Guild meetings. It is a great way to
meet our speaker, other guild members, and relax before the meetings.
Opportunities at the OC Fair!
Host the Demonstration Station
We are scheduled to host the Home Arts Demonstrator’s Booth on July 22 and 23 (Friday and Saturday).
We need two people for each shift FRIDAY (11:45 am – 2 pm, 2 – 4:30 pm, 4:30 – 7 pm, 7 – 9 pm) and
SATURDAY (9:45 am – Noon, Noon – 2 pm, 2 – 4:30 pm, 4:30 – 7 pm, 7 – 9 pm). You will receive a
parking pass (for the OCC lot on Adams, shuttle is available) and entry ticket to the Fair for that day.
You simply need to demonstrate some aspect of quilting arts: bring some handwork, embroidery, and/or
quilting and talk to visitors about our guild. Email Ellen Reibling ( with TWO
choices of preferred shifts as soon as possible. This opportunity fills up quickly!
Submit an entry for Arts, Crafts, Culinary, Garden & Collections at the 2016 Fair!
The submission information is available at Deadline is June 1!
Ellen Reibling
Thank you!
We are a volunteer organization and need to have fundraisers to support out programs and philanthropy
projects. Thank you to all you wonderful quilters for unselfishly using your skills, talent, and time to
support the Guild. I know that most all friendship groups are preparing quilts or baskets for the Auction
in October, appliquéing blocks for the Opportunity Quilt (which we will all purchase $30 worth of tickets
and sell as many as possible), and even working on the president’s quilt. Thank you!!
We had a fabulous team helping Tina Benson and Jo Whitley plan and set up the small quilt show in Old
Town Tustin May 7th. The show looked great and was well received by the close to 150 visitors.
Philanthropy donated one of their wonderful quilts for a fun drawing. This is what teamwork is all about!
Thank you all!
Linda Smith, President
June 2016
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
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Community Education –
Tustin Home & Garden Show
We had over 150 people come in to see the quilts Saturday at the Tustin Home and Garden Tour. All were
very impressed and we answered a lot of questions about the Guild and about Quilting. We were all out of
there well before 4 PM. The winner of the raffle Quilt was Camille Bauer of Tustin. Her daughter picked
up the quilt at my house the following Monday morning. I would term it as a very successful event. Yeah
for a fantastic group of Guild members!
Jo Whitley
Members of our guild teach the mini-workshops. These are great opportunities to learn how to make fun
projects, to make new friends, and to get better acquainted with our talented members. I am always open
to suggestions for mini-workshop teachers and classes and new facilities to hold the workshops.
The cost of our three-hour mini-workshops is only $20.00. They are being held at Piecemakers in Costa
Mesa, which is at 1720 Adams Ave. To register for these workshops, please sign up at our guild meetings
or contact me, Sonya Sandrachild.
June 28th, Tuesday - Vicki Johns will be teaching us how to make a Sweet
Treat Bag, appr oximately 10” x 7”, which is made fr om ten 1½” str ips,
batting, and iron-on Pellon. This bag is quick and easy to make. It is a fun
project to make for gifts, a cosmetic bag, or a small purse. This miniworkshop will held at Piecemakers in Costa Mesa from 10:00AM – 1:00PM
I, Sonya Sandrachild, will be teaching a small 45” x 45” star quilt with a keyboard
border made with ½ of a jelly r oll and a special tool, which was shown at the
March meeting. Date TBD.
Our April mini-workshop on hand embroidery taught by Hilary Field was quite successful and well
received with a large turnout.
Sonya Sandrachild, Mini-Workshop Chair
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Flying Geese Quilters Guild
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We enjoyed chatting with everyone who stopped by the Hospitality table in May to drop off their
wonderful goodies and enjoy what members brought to share! We met some great guests as well, and
hope to see them again. When you bring a guest, or meet a guest, take them on a stroll to our table and
show them what Flying Geese hospitality is all about! We appreciate your gracious contributions!
Joan Tilley and Diane Gross, Hospitality Co-Chairs
Thank you for your Philanthropy donations of time and talent. Our last sew day was a great success!!
Thanks to the 10 quilters who came and sewed, pressed, cut, sorted and organized, we were able to
complete baby blankets, burpees, pillowcases, and placemats. We sorted through our donated fabric and
cut strips for our rail fence project. Thanks, everyone!!
Many hands make light work!!
Our next sew day will be June 8 at Orange Quilt Bee
Pat Chambers will coordinate this sew day. MARK YOUR Calendar!!
This sew day will be the week before the guild meeting
Please join us to work on pillowcases, placemats, quilts and baby blankets, etc.
The June meeting will be “business as usual” for Philanthropy. Stop by our table to deliver or pickup
The work we do supports the work they do!
Thanks for all your support and time. Keep on sewing!
Pat Chambers, Philanthropy Chair
If you were at the May meeting, you heard person after person tell how and why they made their
fabulous quilts. Many of the gals said they learned a trick or technique at a workshop! Every time we
learn something it is tucked away waiting to be needed. Flying Geese Quilters Guild workshops are the
best deal in town!!! You can go to workshops by the same speakers, on the same techniques at other
locations and pay two, three, or more times what we charge!!!
My quilt is a compilation of four techniques I learned —from David Taylor, be able to pet your quilt
(FYI – he is the love of my life); Jacquie Gering – machine quilted background done with a walking
foot (I took her workshop at Road and paid $95); Peggy Timmons – she used thermolamb under her
focus motif to make it stand out from the other quilting, someone showed me how to put a shadow
behind the focus motif to make it stand out; and another speaker said that not all quilts need borders!
You don’t need to finish a project at a workshop in order to learn a very useful technique. Sign up for
Flying Geese Workshops! Learning is a good thing!!!!!
Linda Smith, President
June 2016
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
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Monthly Creations
Listening to the members!
The drawing for Monthly Creations will be moved back to the end of the guild meeting so that members
will be able to buy their tickets during the break in addition to before the meeting.
June’s Monthly Creation is this darling doll, made by Cheryl Herbstman.
Glenda McNeil, Monthly Creations Chair
Retreat Update
Dates of the next retreat are August 25-28, 2016 at Vina de Lestonnac in Temecula.
If you are new to Retreat, check out the information on our website.
Registration forms are available on the website.
Signups for the next retreat will start in June at the guild meeting. Arrive early. I will start collecting
signups at 5:30pm. Bring your completed registration form and a check for $100, made out to Flying
Geese Quilters Guild. If you cannot get to the meeting at this time, enlist the help of a friend. Do not
mail your registration to me.
Retreat pricing (per person) for August 2016*
Double Occupancy (2 twin beds per room)—2 nights $268.50; 3 nights $377.50
Single Occupancy—2 nights $368.50; 3 nights $477.50
Triple Occupancy (3 twin beds per room)—3 nights $347.50
NEW OPTION: Day Commuter—$30 per day, $15 per meal If there are no available beds at the
retreat center, this is an option as long as there is available table space. You can come for a day or
multiple days. You will arrange your own overnight accommodations.
Contact the retreat coordinator to register as a day commuter.
Please contact me with any questions.
Pat Chambers, Retreat Coordinator
June 2016
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
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June Birthdays
Jan Barbieri
Carol Berg
Leslie Cushing
Hilary Field
Pam Hadfield
Judy Hager-Schmid
LaDean Hischke
Mary T. Howland
Carlene Lehman
Karen Ley
Edna Murphy
Carol Pukli
Claire Purcell
Becky Reed
Polly Scholl
Arlene Somerville
Judy Swytak
Sandra Usher
Beverly Ziese
Virginia Arnold and Carlene Lehman, Membership
June 2016
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
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2016 FLYING GEESE CHALLENGE - "All Creatures Great and Small"
Congratulations to all Challenge participants! Thirty-one quilts got finished for the showing! It was a
beautiful showing of creative ideas, color, and technique. Certified Judge, Linda Rasmussen, judged all
If you didn't get your quilt finished for the Challenge Showing, you can still finish it for hanging in our
Quilt Show June 2017.
Congratulations to the following quilts that will be submitted for Ultimate Guild Challenge!
Sandy Sutton - For Marlena - Who Loves All Creatures Great and Small
Joann Knowles - By the Sea
Michele Howe - Jungle Monkey Business
Sandy Harper - Peacock Sketches
Linda Smith - A New Beginning
Eileen Wintemute - Gaggle of Geese
Judy Schmid - All Creatures Great and Small
Pam Hadfield - "Welcome to My Pad"
Pam Hadfield, Carol Culbert, Cindy Cooksey, Challenge Coordinators
Amy Hutto
Cindy C0oksey
Debbie Vaupel
June 2016
Arlene Somerville
Char Raffetto
Denise Nelms
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
Carol Culbert
Darla Cox
Diane Healey
Page 7
Challenge Ribbon Awards
Judged Category
1st, Traditional Pieced
2nd, Traditional Pieced
3rd, Traditional Pieced
Marjorie Benet
Sandy Ingraham
Amy Hutto
Here Be Dragons
No Title
For Marlena - Who Loves All Creatures, Great and
1st, Traditional Applique
Sandy Sutton
2nd, Traditional Applique
Karen Henricks
Two By Two
3rd, Traditional Applique
Denise Nelms
Bald Eagle
1st, Pictorial
Michelle Howe
Jungle Monkey Business
2nd, Pictorial
Darla Cox
3rd, Pictorial
Nancy Chocek
1st, Innovative
Sandy Harper
Peacock Sketches
2nd, Innovative
Gale Slagle
3rd, Innovative
Trudy Cleveland
DNA: he Thread of Life
1st, Humor
Sandy Montooth
Goose on a Moose, Thanks, Dr. Seuss
2nd, Humor
Kaija Kleiman
Love Never Fails
1st, Original Design
Joanna Knowles
By the Sea
2nd, Original Design
Carol Culbert
Sonrisa's Dream
3rd, Original Design
Joan Curtis
Creatures of the Sea, Great and Small
Best Theme Interpretation
Judy Hagar-Schmid All Creatures Great & Small
Most Creative Use of Fabric Eileen Wintemute
Gaggle of Geese
Judge's Choice
Glenda McNeil
Yo Yo the Reindeer
Committee's Choice
Linda Smith
New Beginnings
Best of Challenge
Pam Hadfield
Welcome to My Pad
Viewer's Choice (at meeting) Eileen Wintemute
Gaggle of Geese
Eileen Wintemute
Glenda McNeil
June 2016
Fay Kerneen
Joan Curtis
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
Gale Slagle
Joann Knowles
Page 8
Ladies –
I just wanted to thank you for all the work that you did on the quilt challenge. I learned stuff I’ve never
dared. Couching, using colored pencils, uneven edge, and in addition, the judge was SO nice. She wrote
me a lot of encouraging comments and, in fact at her suggestion, I’m blocking that quilt. I’ve never
tackled that before either. I also had a major realization of how I could have improved my design. My
quilt design wall doesn’t give the same perspective as the view across the width of the cafeteria. It is a
delight to learn new stuff! Thank you.
—Joan Curtis
Judy Hager-Schmid
Kathy Hartman
Michele Howe
Pam Hadfield
June 2016
Kaija Kleiman
Linda Smith
Mickey Berg
Sandy Harper
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
Karen Henricks
Marjorie Benet
Nancy Chocek
Sandy Ingraham
Page 9
Sandy Montooth
Sandy Sutton
Sue Glass
Trudy Cleveland
Editor’s Note: Pictures are not to scale.
at Canyon Quilters’ July Fundraiser
There will be over 150 baskets and wrapped bolts of fabric
sorted into colors and themes to win.
You could win a basket of 4 yards of beautiful fabric
for as little as
Tickets will cost one for $1, six for $5, and 25 for $20!
Monday, July 18
doors open at 6:30 pm
Mark your calendar!
$5 admission to have access to the fabric deals of the year!
The Shrine Center in Kearny Mesa
5540 Kearny Mesa Road,
at the 163 Clairemont Mesa Road intersection,
just north of The Hampton Inn
June 2016
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
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Paid Advertisement
Used Brother
Innovis NX2000
Laura Ashley
Stephanie Schneider
All the attachments &
gadgets you can imagine
– lots of extra feet. Just
serviced FOR YOU!
Contact me for photos
and more info. Selling
new for $2400.
(NOTE –not an
embroidery machine.)
One More Reminder
Please limit the conversation at guild
to pre-meeting or designated breaks. It
is nearly impossible for those sitting in
the back of the room to hear the
speaker, announcements, or the
officers’ presentations.
Please be kind to those sensitive to
perfumes, and refrain from wearing
your fragrances to Guild meeting.
Quilty Happenings
February 22-August 15, Call for submissions for a new exhibit exploring the modern evolution of
traditional quilt patterns. Ontario Museum of History & Art, 225 S. Euclid Ave., Ontario CA 91762. To
be exhibited Dec. 1, 2016 thru Jan. 22, 2017. For information call (909) 395-2510.
June 4 & 5, “FantaSea of Quilts” Quilt Show, presented by Beach Cities Quilters Guild. Soka
University, 1 University Drive, Aliso Viejo. Saturday 10-5pm, Sunday 10-4pm.
June 16-19, & 23-26, “Game Night” 18th Annual Southern California Quilter’s Run, 22 quilt shops.
June 25 & 26, Seven Sisters Quilt Show at the Alex Madonna Expo Center, San Luis Obispo. Saturday
9-5pm, Sunday 9-4pm.
July 18, Canyon Quilters Fundraiser—see ad on previous page.
July 29-30, “Summer in the Grove” quilt show presented by Orange Grove Quilters Guild. Garden
Grove Elks Lodge, 11551 Trask Ave., Garden Grove. Friday 12-5pm, Saturday 9-3pm. “Bring-a-FatQuarter” drawing. Bring an FQ, get a raffle ticket. Drawing each hour for all FQ’s received during that
June 2016
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
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728 Civic Center Dr.
(formerly Esondido Ave.)
Vista, CA 92084
Monday thru Saturday 10:00 am—5:30 pm
Closed on Sunday
Over 4000 bolts of the NEWEST fabrics!
Check out our 24% off Daily Sales
Stop by and be inspired—
Meet your friends at Fat Quarters Quilt Shop!
Quilting the world together one stitch at a time since
June 2016
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
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Support Those Who Support Us
Please try to shop or do business with the
Guild's advertisers. When you do, let them
know you are a Flying Geese Guild member so
that they know their advertising dollars were
well spent.
June 2016
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
Page 13
2016 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Board
Linda Smith,
Kathy Keefer, 2nd
V.P. Co-chair
Bridget Paley,
1st V.P.
Bonnie Bennett
2nd V.P. Co-chair
Jo Whitley,
Vicki John,
Standing Committees
Janel Ozar
Virginia Arnold, Carlene
Fay Kerneen - Editor
Cynthia O’Donohue—Proof
Kaija Kleiman—Photographer
Janel Ozar
Carlene Lehman
Virginia Arnold
Denise Nelms
Pat Chambers
Tina Benson
Fay Kerneen
Denise Nelms
Kaija Kleiman
Tina Benson
Pat Chambers
Special Committees
Julia Renaud
Birthday Fat Quarters
Donna Huffman
Pam Hadfield
Marjorie Benet
Door Prizes
Kristen Holden
Monthly Creation
Glenda McNeil
Opportunity Quilt
Sue Glass
Quilt Auction
Janel Ozar, Glenda McNeil
Pat Chambers
Friendship Groups
Sue Watkins
Nancy Chocek
Patti Smith
Show & Tell
Mary Lu Booker
Diane Gross & Joan Tilley
Sunshine & Shadows
Little Red Hen
Char Raffetto
UFO Challenge
Magazine Sales
Cheryl Herbstman
Gale Slagle
Mini Workshops
Sonya Sandrachild
Web Mailing
Michelle Howe
June 2016
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
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Meeting Reminder
June 13, 2016
6:00 PM Browsing and
6:30 PM Business Meeting
Rancho San Joaquin
Middle School
4861 Michelson Drive
Irvine CA 92612
Come to the meeting**
Wear your Name Tag**
Introduce yourself to someone new
Bring Goodies to share**
Return Library books
Carpool with a buddy**
Bring Show & Tell projects to share
Plan to sign up for a Workshop
Bring thank you cards**
**Fill out a door prize ticket for each of these items.
Flying Geese Quilters Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the art of quilting. Goose
Tracks is a monthly publication of the Flying Geese Quilters Guild. Deadline for newsletter submission is
Friday after the second Monday of each month. Articles in the newsletter may be reprinted if proper credit
is given. Copyrighted artwork may not be reprinted without the permission of the artist. Website: http://
Some of the graphics used in this newsletter were purchased from PCcrafter.
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