EFBeef 2013 Sale Catalog
EFBeef 2013 Sale Catalog
Some animals that sold through the 2012 Sale Y863--Art Linton Y848--JMAR, Mossy Creek, Dan Kniffen & ABS Global Bulls Selling in the Sale that are in the AHA Top 200 Lists $BMI index Lot 1 –Z060 Lot 2 –Z007 Lot 3 –Z002 Lot 4 –Z042 Lot 5 – Z088 Lot 6 – Z080 Lot 7 – Z020 Lot 10 – 212Z Lot 12 – Z058 Lot 17 – Z001 Lot 18 – Z076 Lot 19 – Z055 Lot 20 – Z066 Lot 23 – Z018 Lot 24 – Z010 Lot 25 – Z034 Lot 26 – Z096 Lot 27 – Z029 Lot 28 – Z057 Lot 29 – Z081 Lot 30 – Z003 $CEZ index Lot 3 –Z002 Lot 21 –Z044 Y847--Mike Greathouse $BII index Lot 2 –Z007 Lot 3 –Z002 Lot 4 –Z042 Lot 5 – Z088 Lot 7 – Z020 Lot 12 – Z058 Lot 18 – Z076 Lot 20 – Z066 Lot 23 – Z018 Lot 24 – Z010 Lot 25 – Z034 Lot 26 – Z096 Lot 27 – Z029 Lot 28 – Z057 Lot 29 – Z081 $CHB index Lot 1 –Z060 Lot 2 –Z007 Lot 3 –Z002 Lot 4 –Z042 Lot 5 – Z088 Lot 7 – Z020 Lot 8 – 205Z Lot 12 – Z058 Lot 18 – Z076 Lot 20 – Z066 Y818--Jason Busenbark 2012’s International tour groups included this group of 41 from Argentina, Paraguay, Chile & Brazil Fellow Cattlemen, “FOREMOST, PROFICIENT & TESTED” – More than just herdsire names, FOREMOST in our program we breed beef cattle and TEST them to find the ones PROFICIENT at lowering risk and increasing $Profitability. We believe we are getting more PROFICIENT at hitting the $Profitability target every year. The beef cattle business continues to resonate with opportunity for the future, for young and old alike. The path also continues to be lined with the trappings/potholes of the inefficiencies of the past. This is where the EFBeef program excels. We are diligently using proven genetics to breed beef cattle with less risk and more reward for the commercial cow/calf operator. Our selection criteria tree continues to follow the order of importance for profitability and good cattle; (1) fertility, (2) calving ease, (3) growth, (4) end product value and (5) maternal ability (especially cow size). You will not find more cattle in one group that are higher for the genetics of $Profitability than those offered here. After the driest summer anyone can remember we received a couple timely rains and were able to graze late into the fall. All the calves were fence line weaned from their mothers in late fall and left on stockpiled fescue until January 13. At that time the bulls were gain tested for 75 days on silage, using our slick bunk feeding method with access to free choice hay. The results are bulls that were fed enough to measure genetics differences but aren’t burnt up. They are ready to breed cows. For those cow/calf operators selling calves at weaning time, the EFBeef genetics will provide as much $Profitability potential as any outfit selling bulls. For those retaining ownership through harvest, it doesn’t get any better than EFBeef bull genetics and the $Profitability they bring. We would be remiss without thanking Bob Greives for his tireless labor helping us get ready for this sale and for producing some excellent Revolution sons for this offering. We welcome you to our 2013 offering. This year marks the 65th anniversary of seedstock production from the Ellis family’s current location. If we can help you make plans to be with us, please call, we are here to help you increase your profit. Sincerely, The Ellis’ 1 ary ivers n n A 65th Bull and Female Sale Saturday, April 13, 2013 • 1 p.m.CST • 2 p.m. EST Sale at Ellis Farms, Chrisman, Illinois Sale Day Phone--765-665-3207 Sale Staff JoelBirdwell, Birdwell,Auctioneer............................405-368-1058 Auctioneer............................405-368-1058 Joel Joe Rickabaugh, AHA..................................816-842-3757 ...............................816-842-3757 Joe Rickabaugh, AHA. John Meents, AHA.....................................419-326-6921 John Meents, AHA.....................................419-326-6921 JimReed..................................................417-860-3102 Reed..................................................417-860-3102 Jim Randy McCaskill........................................217-242-1262 Randy McCaskill........................................217-242-1262 Lou Ellen Harr,Cattle CattlePreparation...............419-685-0549 Preparation...............419-685-0549 Lou Ellen Harr, Dale Mullins..............................................317-503-2798 26455 North 2300th St. Chrisman, Illinois 61924 765-665-3207 765-665-3239 Fax efbeef1@aol.com • www.efbeef.com Phil & Joyce • 765-665-3207, cell 765-230-7543 Matt & Lisa • 217-666-3438, cell 217-712-0635 Joe & Lauri • 765-665-0095, cell 765-366-5390 Location: The sale site is at the Ellis Farm, four miles north and eight miles east of Chrisman, IL or three miles north and three miles west of Dana, IN. Terms: The terms of the sale are cash or check unless prior arrangements have been made with the owners. Settlements are to be make with the clerks of the sale before removing cattle from the grounds. All stock will be at the buyers risk as soon as bid off, but the owners will attend to loading in compliance with the instructions from the purchasers. This Year--Teleconference Option Available teleconference number for bidding 888-296-6500 passcode #555118 Health: Proper health papers will be available. Acknowledgements Critical Insights/Craig Hays.... Ultrasound Data Technician Ultralnsights Processing Lab Inc........ Ultrasound CUP Lab Lee Denzer........................................ Carcass Evaluation West Central Vet Services/Rockville...............Veterinarian Food Animal Vet/Dr. Dave Dixon & Dr.Chuck Hannon........ Embryologists Linda Reed........................................................ Catalog Accommodations EPDs: The stated EPDs are from the Spring 2013 Evaluation of the American Hereford Association. Updated yearling weights/scrotal data/EPD’s will be available approximately 1 week prior to sale. Contact Joe Ellis if you wish to receive this info when available. Or visit the www.efbeef.com website. Bids: The auctioneer in charge will have final say in regard to all bids. We hope everyone can attend, but those who cannot may call bids to any of the sale representatives. Danville, IL. --30 Minutes from Farm Best Western Regency Eastgate Dr. (I-74, exit # 220) 217-446-2111 Holiday Inn Express Eastgate Dr (I-74 exit #220) 217-442-2500 Fairfield Inn Eastgate Dr (I-74, exit 220) 217-443-3388 Comfort Inn Eastgate Dr (I-74, exit #220) Super 8 Motel 377 Lynch Rd (I-74, Exit #220 217-443-4499 Air Travel: Indianapolis International Airport is about 80 miles from the farm. Liability: Any person attending the sale does so at their own risk. Neither owners nor any person connected with the sale assumes any liability, legal or otherwise. Catalog Material: Statements from the auction box take precedence over material printed in this catalog. Tuscola, IL.--(1 Hour from Farm) Super 8 Motel On US Hwy 36 West of Town (I-57 exit #212) 217-253-5488 Rockville, IN--(35 Minutes from Farm) Billie Creek Inn On US Hwy 36 East of town 765-569-3430 Registration Certificates: Certificates of registration will be transferred to the purchaser at the sellers expense. All calves born prior to the sale will be registered at the sellers expense. Association Recognized Defects: All Herefords selling are guaranteed free of AHA recognized defects, DL, HY & IE. All Angus selling are guaranteed free of AM, NH & CA. 2 ELLIS FARMS DONOR FLUSH FROZEN EMBRYO GUARANTEE ELLIS FARMS REPEAT BUYER POLICY Again, we are offering a “repeat buyer credit policy”. If you purchased an animal in our 2012 spring sale, you will receive 5% off your total purchase in this year’s sale. This policy will be ongoing and will apply to next year’s sale also. If you did not purchase in our 2012 sale, but make a purchase in this year’s sale, you’ll receive 5% off your purchase in next year’s sale should you decide to be a repeat customer. This 5% discount is determined after all credits have been subtracted from the gross purchase price. Seller guarantees six (6) high quality/frozen embryos (Quality Grade 1 or 2) sired by the bull of the buyer’s choice. Buyer will receive all embryos produced. Less than six (6) embryos will have the price prorated back accordingly. Buyer will pay applicable flush and embryo freezing fees. The buyer will purchase and supply the semen for the embryo flush. Ellis Farms will supply semen free of charge on any of the sires they own. Semen not owned by Ellis Farms will be the purchaser’s responsibility. All semen/embryo shipping costs are the purchaser’s responsibility. The Flush will be conducted by Food Animal Vet Service, Rensselaer, Indiana. ELLIS FARMS BULL INTEREST RETAINAGE POLICY Please notice that ALL bulls selling are 1⁄2 interest and full possession. We are retaining a semen interest only on the bulls. This means the bull is totally in your control in how you want to handle him, and you get 100% of the salvage value of the bull. Simply, we have the right to a share of semen sales revenue from the bull if at some time in the future semen sales become a possibility. If you sell the bull to another breeder, Ellis Farms retains the semen interest. We recommend that a certified technician plant frozen embryos. Although we don’t guarantee a percentage pregnancy rate on embryos, typically, planted embryos will average 50% conception. Environmental and recipient cow conditions will vary embryo conception rates. Realistically, it is unlikely that large amounts of semen will be sold from many bulls. However, the reason we are keeping interests in some bulls is that they are often “discovered” later in life, after they have proven themselves in the breeding pasture. Even bulls sold to commercial herds may become popular at a later time, especially as carcass data is collected on their calves Ellis Farms offers its customers help in delivery if you do not bring your trailer on sale day. We typically make trips regionally to deliver bulls and females. Although we don’t guarantee free delivery, we’ll do everything within our power to get your animals to a convenient central location or your ranch. We guarantee that it will cost $250 or less to deliver your bull within the United States. A WORD ABOUT DELIVERY If you purchase a bull that we retain an interest in and you choose to collect some semen from that bull as an “insurance policy” for your own use, that semen is 100% yours. Ellis Farms may wish to collect semen from the bull, either for within herd use or to build a jointly-owned semen bank for sale purposes. If you are not interested in collecting semen on the bull, Ellis Farms has the right to collect the bull for their own use and in that case will pay all collection expenses. Semen collection will be arranged at the convenience of the owner of the possession interest. If you purchase a bull calf and castrate him for a show steer, then Ellis Farms waives the right to a semen interest. ELLIS FARMS VACCINATION PROGRAM Cows – Fall Vaccination • Spirovac L6 • Dectomax Pour-On • Scour Bos Calves – 6 Weeks of Age • Vision 7 • Piligard Pinkeye 1 • Bovishield Gold 5 ELLIS FARMS BREEDING GUARANTEE We guarantee that all breeding cattle sold by Ellis Farms, both bulls and females, are fertile to the best of our knowledge. If a bull is injured at any time in the 12 months following the sale so as to make them functionally infertile, we will provide you with a satisfactory replacement (if available), or issue you a credit equal to the bull’s purchase price minus the salvage value received for that bull. If a female is determined to be a non-breeder, then we would ask you to sell her and would offer you the difference of her purchase price minus the salvage value as a credit in any future EF sale. All credit is good until it is used and does not expire. We would ask you to contact us before you cull your infertile animal. Calves - at Weaning Time • Vision 7 • Bovishield Gold FP5 + L5 • Dectomax Pour-On Yearling Heifes – Prior to Breeding • Bovishield FP5 + L5 • Dectomax or Ivercide Pour-On First-Calf Heifers – Prior to Calving • Scour Bos 9 This is not a life insurance policy however. We will not replace a dead animal if it is killed or dies for any reason. We would suggest that normal care still needs to be exercised toward these animals and that particularly the yearling bulls not be allowed to get too thin. This guarantee is in addition to the Suggested Sale Terms and Conditions of both the American Hereford Association (AHA) and American Angus Association (AAA). Cows - Prior to Breeding •Bovishield Gold FP5 + L5 • Dectomax or Ivercide Pour-On Bulls – Prior to Sale • Have been fertility tested by Bill Nolan, Interglobe Genetics/Pontiac, Illinois. • Dectomax or Ivercide Pour-On 3 Lot 1 EFBEEF U208 Fortune Z060 (DLF,HYF, IEF) BULL • P43286297 • CALVED: APR 4, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z060 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 P42896690 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET FELTONS LUTE 680 FELTONS C9 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 FELTONS KATE P38 EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EFBEEF N014 MAGGIE U311 P42896772 BP AF KFF MAGGIE 782R 81L EF 821C FELLIS K334 EF J126 THYRA L528 GERBER GRANGER 113G KFF KLONDIKE MATTIE 237G CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 1.52.1 711022358 0.2711.7 0.052 0.66 0.41 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 30 EFBEEF Foremost U208--Sire of Lots 1-6 Lot 2 EFBEEF U208 Fortune Z007(DLF, HYF, IEF) BULL • P43286246 • CALVED: FEB 27, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z007 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF FORMOST U208 P42896690 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET 30 40 0.33 / 130 13.37 / 115 1.14 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 P42896690 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET 5.45 / 123 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF P230 STELLA U320 P42896733 EF K376 STELLA N058 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS KATE P38 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EF G886 VICTORIA K389 22 35 40 0.33 / 130 11.94 / 102 1.02 37 41 0.26 / 102 13.43 / 115 1.17 4.59 / 103 • No holes dataset, has done everything at the top end. Dam is another sweet uddered Proficient daughter. Homozygous Polled. Lot 5 EFBEEF U208 Fortune Z088 ET(DLF, HYF, IEF) BULL • P43286323 • CALVED: APR 21, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LEZ088 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 17289 6511011204 10837.2 41 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 16788 6731501174 10537.8 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.81.3 6699 1245 2.1862.1 0.046 0.33 0.60 39 FELTONS LUTE 680 FELTONS C9 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 FELTONS KATE P38 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 44 EFBEEF U208 Fortune Z042 ( DLF,HYF,IEF) FELTONS LUTE 680 FELTONS C9 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 FELTONS KATE P38 4.16 / 94 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 5.4-0.8 701042055 4.4742.5 0.043 0.74 0.44 BULL • P43286280 • CALVED: MAR 29, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z042 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 P42896690 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET 1.21 EFBEEF SCHU-LR PROFCNT N093BAR JZ TRADITION 434V SCHU-LAR 13X OF 809 N093 GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K P43083983 SCHU-LAR 809 OF 309 3008 ET RRH MR FELT 3008 SCHU-LAR 309 OF 29J 14E ET • Spreading 0 to 100 birth to yearling is VERY unique. Only 10 animals in the breed do it and this stud carries the most $Profitability of them all. Dam and granddam both have impeccable udder quality. Lot 4 13.83 / 119 BULL • P43286241 • CALVED: FEB 25, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z002 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 21 0.3 / 118 Lot 3 EFBEEF U208 Fortune Z002 (DLF,HYF,IEF) CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 4.30.0 721011854 3.9821.8 0.086 0.46 0.58 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1 6485 7341141214 10937.8 26 38 • A recognizable stud from early on with strong base width and nice muscle shape. Dam carries an exemplary udder, plus the Foremost daughters have level udders with teats on the corners. Full brother to last year’s high selling bull. Homozygous Polled. FELTONS LUTE 680 FELTONS C9 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 FELTONS KATE P38 EFBEEF SCHU-LR PROFCNT N093BAR JZ TRADITION 434V EFBEEF N093 JACKIE X650 GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K P43091735 EFBEEF P230 JACKIE S761 EF F745 FRANK P230 EF 336Z TONETTE 801B 35 17 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1831026651041181 10638.7 5.84 / 131 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 P42896690 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET FELTONS LUTE 680 FELTONS C9 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 FELTONS KATE P38 FELTONS LEGEND 242 SCHU-LAR 24U OF 402 242 P42937124 SCHU-LAR 402 OF 20K 24F ET FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS G15 MW LLL FARLEY 24F SCHU-LAR 20K OF 26C 517 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 5.10.5 651041951 2.1851.6 0.058 0.64 0.54 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio • We really like how this bull performed. Dam is a sweet uddered female that is 7 generations deep and 32 years of EFBeef breeding. 32 21 27 40 0.26 / 82 11.99 / 97 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 18490 56491 1127 10037.8 1.11 4.35 / 100 • Very short marked with big goggle eyes. His flushmate sisters lit up the ultrasound sheet. Dam was the high selling female in the Schu-Lar dispersal. Maternal brother to ABS Global roster member Schu-Lar Red Bull. Homozygous Polled. Lot 6 EFBEEF U208 Fortune Z080 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 1.72.2 6499 1345 1.8911.5 0.045 0.32 0.42 BULL • P43286316 • CALVED: APR 13, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z080 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 P42896690 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF P230 JACKIE S761 P42739829 EF 336Z TONETTE 801B FELTONS LUTE 680 FELTONS C9 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 FELTONS KATE P38 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS KATE P38 EF X53 TURNER 336Z EF MS IMPROVER 52M $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 30 18 26 35 0.26 / 104 10.97 / 99 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 18096 6121091074 10634.6 4 1.05 4.63 / 106 • Lot 6--The Foremost’s perform at the top end of all measurable traits. This bull is no different. Maternal brother to dam of Z007(Lot 2). Lot 7 EFBEEF HPB X651 Tested Z020(DLF,HYF,IEF) BULL • P43286259 • CALVED: MAR 13, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z020 EBEEF FOREMOST U208 EFBEEF U208 FORTUNE X651 ET P43091736 EFBEEF P606 MABEL N174 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 EF G824 MABEL N174 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF P230 KATE X623 P43091705 EFBEEF 957 KATE U346 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS KATE P38 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF G825 KATE R428 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.30.9 6898 1245 2.7792.0 0.087 0.24 0.75 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 39 21 35 41 0.31 / 122 11.59 / 99 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 17397 6621031182 10638.5 1.04 5.92 / 133 EFBEEF U208 Fortune X651 ET--Sire of Lot 7 Lot 8 • Dark Red with lots of eye pigment. No other 2012 born bull has his across the board level of index $Profitability. Has extra growth in a moderate stature package. Line bred top and bottom of pedigree. Dam has a gorgous teat structure. Sire is the newest Select Sires roster member, X651, that has tested well in the AHA Young Sire Tests. GG Revolution 205Z (DLF,HYF,IEF) BULL • P43303569 • CALVED: FEB 20, 2012 • TATTOO: 205Z FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R P42593689 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS G15 REMITALL ONLINE 122L HH MISS ADV 786G 1ET SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 GG MISS R117 007X P43127398 GG MISS L1 ADV 606S KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 HVH MISS HUDSON 83K 8M HH ADVANCE 3194N MISS MASTER PLAN 306 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.91.6 691062661 4.6851.4 0.038 0.85 0.19 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 26 MSU TCF Revolution 4R--Sire of Lots 8-10 Lot 9 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS G15 REMITALL ONLINE 122L HH MISS ADV 786G 1ET SPARKS TREND 2007 GG MISS PUCKSTER 002X 43127393 GG MS KAYLEE R125 715T R PUCKSTER 2013 R MISS PATEND 1315 SHF RADAR M326 R125 GG MISS L1 DOM 502 20 36 0.34 / 119 13.76 / 106 1.17 3.67 / 97 • This rugged Revolution x Rib Eye son puts almost every trait in the Top 10% ranking. Has good eye set and a goggle eye on one side. GG Revolution 206Z (DLF,HYF, IEF) BULL • P43303570 • CALVED: FEB 21, 2012 • TATTOO: 206Z FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R P42593689 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N 19 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 17896 7331071202 10337.4 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 4.60.9 671032861 3.2930.5 0.011 0.98 -0.03 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 16 17 9 33 0.28 / 98 13.07 / 101 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 17694 7171041157 99 34.4 1.16 3.88 / 103 • The Revolutions have become a yard stick by which breed leader genetics are measured. 206Z puts calving ease/growth in the Top 10% of the breed. Scurred. EFBEEF N014 Crwn Fellis U307ET--Sire of Lot 11 Lot 11 EFBEEF U307 Fellis Z035 (DLF,HYF,IEF) Lot 10 GG Revolution 212Z (DLF, HYF, IEF) BULL • P43286273 • CALVED: MAR 24, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z035 BULL • P43303574 • CALVED: MAR 3, 2012 • TATTOO: 212Z FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R P42593689 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS G15 REMITALL ONLINE 122L HH MISS ADV 786G 1ET KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SCHU-LAR 6U OF 5P M326 ET P42947117 SCHU-LAR 5P OF 203 490 RRH MR FELT 3008 KCF MISS 459 F284 FELTONS 490 SCHU-LAR 203 OF 1F 121 ET 26 35 0.24 / 84 12.04 / 93 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 180 91609 891146 9837.7 1.04 BAR JZ PUCKSTER 892H R MISS PATEND 421 EF F745 FRANK P230 EF G824 MABEL P297 27 3.79 / 100 • Full brother to herd sire 101Y and full brother in blood to Accelerated Genetics roster member Huth Revolution Y001. Scurred. R PUCKSTER 2013 EFBEEF 2013 MABEL X624 P43091707 EFBEEF P230 MABEL S627 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 22 EF 821C FELLIS K334 EF J126 THYRA L528 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.62.7 6692 1447 1.7901.1 0.038 0.67 0.29 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 5.20.1 5893 2251 4.6921.6 0.037 0.47 0.42 31 EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EFBEEF N014 CRWN FELLIS U307ET P42883002 FELTONS KATE P38 19 22 35 0.24 / 94 12.66 / 109 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1791056461011120 10035.3 5 1.21 3.46 / 78 • A nice built son of the powerful U307 sire. Scanned leaner with more ribeye for higher yielding cattle. Double bred to P38. From a cow family that has walked the EFBeef pastures for 36 years and 7 generations. Lot 12 EFBEEF N093 Proficient Z058 (DLF,HYF,IEF) BULL • P43286295 • CALVED: APR 4, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z058 BAR JZ TRADITION 434V EFBEEF SCHU-LAR PROFICIENT N093 P42444860 GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K BT MOHICAN TRADITION 530 BAR JZ BANNER LDY 693P GERBER WATCHFIRE 117F GERB ER 80X DIXIE 106Z FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF 957 KATE U2269 P42896674 EFBEEF G824 KATE S674 ET FELTON SLUTE 680 FELTONS C9 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 FELTONS KATE P38 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.02.8 721002359 3.8901.8 0.054 0.56 0.36 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 32 EFBEEF Schu-Lar Proficient N093--Sire of Lots 12-16 BULL • P43286293 • CALVED: APR 3, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z056 BT MOHICAN TRADITION 530 BAR JZ BANNER LDY 693P GERBER WATCHFIRE 117F GERB ER 80X DIXIE 106Z EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EFBEEF N014 KATE U280 ET P42882997 FELTONS KATE P38 EF 821C FELLIS K334 EF J126 THYRA L528 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 20 21 31 0.26 / 104 12.11 / 109 1.12 13.23 / 113 1.16 4.68 / 105 BULL • P43286306 • CALVED: APR 8, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z068 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1811006081091111 11036.6 0.32 / 126 Lot 14 EFBEEF N093 Proficient Z068 ET(DLF,HYF,IEF) CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 4.11.2 6191 2959 4.2881.5 0.043 0.43 0.25 26 27 37 • A stud Proficient out of a full sister in blood to Foremost. Dark red with excellent eye pigment. Dam’s udder is very level with teats on the corners. Homozygous Polled. Lot 13 EFBEEF N093 Proficient Z056 (DLF,HYF,IEF) BAR JZ TRADITION 434V EFBEEF SCHU-LAR PROFICIENT N093 P42444860 GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K 20 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1891097881231182 10639.7 4.13 / 94 BAR JZ TRADITION 434V EFBEEF SCHU-LAR PROFICIENT N093 P42444860 GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K BT MOHICAN TRADITION 530 BAR JZ BANNER LDY 693P GERBER WATCHFIRE 117F GERB ER 80X DIXIE 106Z FELTONS 517 EF F517 PATSY P264 ET P42528817 PATSY MR 6620 FELTONS 403 F PRINCESS A80 BB PATRIOT 3025 MISTY MR 245 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 5.02.2 5686 2351 5.4771.2 0.055 0.13 0.13 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio • Stong visually. Dam is a very productive Crown Beef x P38 and she is a flushmate sister to herd sire U307. The highest MM bull in the offering. 23 Lot 15 EFBEEF N093 Proficient Z108 • Full brother to “home run” data sire, Huth The Babe W903. His donor dam is short marked with large goggle eyes. Heterozygous Polled. BAR JZ TRADITION 434V EFBEEF SCHU-LAR PROFICIENT N093 P42444860 GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K BT MOHICAN TRADITION 530 BAR JZ BANNER LDY 693P GERBER WATCHFIRE 117F GERB ER 80X DIXIE 106Z Lot 16 EFBEEF N093 Proficient Z027 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF P230 FELLISITY W442 ET P43032216 EFBEEF K334 FELLISITY R563 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS KATE P38 EF 821C FELLIS K334 EF J126 FELLISITY L531 20 18 25 0.35 / 111 11.49 / 93 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1931026451041148 10240.3 BULL • P43334452 • CALVED: MAY 26, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z108 1.04 4.52 / 104 BULL • P43286266 • CALVED: MAR 19, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z027 BAR JZ TRADITION 434V EFBEEF SCHU-LAR PROFICIENT N093 P42444860 GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K BT MOHICAN TRADITION 530 BAR JZ BANNER LDY 693P GERBER WATCHFIRE 117F GERB ER 80X DIXIE 106Z CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.94.3 6191 2151 4.6831.3 0.057 0.24 0.41 EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EFBEEF N014 THYRA S645 P42739736 EF 151E THYRA N123 EF 821C FELLIS K334 EF J126 THYRA L528 EF 964 VICTOR 151E EF X53 LUCERNE 347Z 27 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 4.8-1.6 4668 2750 4.0510.9 0.051 0.39 0.18 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 20 22 33 -- -- CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 192117610102-- -- -- 1.15 -- $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 20 • A stout built Proficient x Frank daugther. Grandson of donor cow R563. 20 17 22 0.27 / 108 11.98 / 108 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 17084 54397 1039 10235.7 1.15 3.64 / 83 • Calving ease deluxe. Maternal brother to herd sire W420. Lot 17 EFBEEF X638 Fellis Z001 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 2.52.7 5879 1947 3.4811.5 0.077 0.22 0.38 BULL • P43286240 • CALVED: FEB 25, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z001 EFBEEF SCHULAR PROFNT N093 BAR JZ TRADITION 434V EFBEEF N093 PROFICIENT X638 ET GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K P43091722 EFBEEF K334 FELLISITY R563 EF 821C FELLIS K334 EF J126 FELLISITY L531 29 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF P230 STELLA X661 P43091746 EFBEEF P340 STELLA T018 • Lot 17--First son to sell by the 2011 high selling bull (X638). Dam was our favorite 2yr old last year for ease of keeping/udder structure & milk flow. Thick made with lots of body. FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS KATE P38 EF SCHU-LAR P340 OF 009K K376 EFBEEF F434 STELLA R501 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 19 26 28 0.38 / 149 12.43 / 107 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1781047041101144 10239.1 6 1.13 4.52 / 102 Lot 18 EFBEEF S688 Fellis Z076 ET (DLF,HYF, IEF) BULL • P43286312 • CALVED: APR 12, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z076 EF F524 FELLIS 821C EFBEEF 821C FELLIS S688 ET P426762721FELTONS KATE P62 FELTONS 524 EF VICKI SLEW 5X FELTONS SOUNDER 912 FELTONS PRINCESS K55 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS KATE P38 P42223213 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 OXH DOMINO 7002 FELTONS B72 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS E77 TELECONFERENCE OPTION Available teleconference number for bidding (888) 296-6500 passcode #555118 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 2.60.3 5982 1242 3.3752.0 0.064 0.30 0.74 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 39 22 37 38 0.34 / 107 13.65 / 110 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 18793 6571061103 98 37.6 1.28 4.21 / 97 • A total package of phenotype and performance. Dam is P38 so he is a maternal brother to multiple herd sires in purebred herds. We will be sampling this bull. Homozygous Polled. Lot 19 EFBEEF 22S Ontarget Z055 (DLF,HYF,IEF) BULL • P43286292 • CALVED: APR 3, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z055 SCHU-LAR 5N OF 9L 3008 SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S P42669011 SCHU-LAR 208 OF 1H 121 ET RRH MR FELT 3008 SCHU-LAR 9L OF 1F 821C KPH PHASE 121 SCHU-LAR 1H OF 1F 597 FELTONS DOMINO 774 EFBEEF 77R MABEL T127 ET P42795461 EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 OXH DOMINO 7002 FELTONS B72 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 EF G824 MABEL N174 Schu-Lar On Target 22S--Sire of Lots 19 & 20 Lot 21 EFBEEF Schu-Lar 3027Domino Z044 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.90.3 5996 1948 2.4101 1.4 0.044 0.46 0.45 BULL • P43286401 • CALVED: MAR 29, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z044 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 29 20 25 35 0.34 / 134 12.01 / 103 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 17490 60394 1143 10234.9 1.07 4.53 / 102 • Strong visually & strong numerically. Nice marked On Target with a cool dam that is a donor pen short list kind of female. His maternal sister is a standout in our wet 2yr olds. Scurred CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET UPS DOMINO 3027 42426386 UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 SH DIAMOND 881 UPS MS MILEHIGH 8330 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF SCHU-LAR P230 DIXIE N124 P42818999 EF SCHU-LAR K376 DIXIE N124 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS KATE P38 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 7.40.5 4569 2749 3.9781.6 0.076 0.08 0.32 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 28 Lot 20 EFBEEF 22S Ontarget Z066 (DLF,HYF,IEF) BULL • P43286304 • CALVED: APR 7, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z066 SCHU-LAR 5N OF 9L 3008 SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S P42669011 SCHU-LAR 208 OF 1H 121 ET RRH MR FELT 3008 SCHU-LAR 9L OF 1F 821C KPH PHASE 121 SCHU-LAR 1H OF 1F 597 FELTONS DOMINO 774 EFBEEF 774 MABEL T103 ET P42795459 EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 OXH DOMINO 7002 FELTONS B72 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 EF G824 MABEL N174 21 27 36 0.26 / 102 12.87 / 110 1.15 0.34 / 134 10.54 / 90 1.01 3.97 / 89 Lot 22 EFBEEF 12M Wyatt Z053 BULL • P43286290 • CALVED: APR 3, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z053 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 17490 6771051155 10337.5 25 23 • Puts fertility & calving ease in the Top 5% of breed. Should make wet females with great udder quality. Dam is from the renowned Gerber Dixie cow family that produced ABS Global roster member EFBeef Schu-Lar Proficient N093. Scurred. CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 4.3-0.2 6498 2355 2.7981.8 0.012 0.61 0.26 31 24 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1 81 98571 891058 9537.6 3.4 / 76 • A visual standout with a wide rump in a calving ease package. Strong spread birth to growth. Has white hairs in loin. Donor dam T103 is a maternal sister to new Select Sires roster member X651. KPH PHASE 121 SCHU-LAR 12M OF 1H 121 P42263809 SCHU-LAR 1H OF 1F 597 TJ PHASE III KPH VICKY R40 833 FELTONS MATTHEW 597 SCHU-LAR 1F OF 26C 517 EF 821C FELLIS K334 EFBEEF K334 KATE U246 ET P42882996 FELTONS KATE P38 EF F524 FELLIS 821C EF 151E VICKI G814 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 2.61.8 5192 1844 1.9116 1.6 -0.081 0.34 0.15 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 27 19 25 29 0.24 / 94 10.91 / 94 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 18510455787 1165 10437.6 7 .96 3.89 / 87 • A high growth 12M son with shorter markings. Dam is a large scaled P38 daughter. Lot 23 EFBEEF U332 Beef Eater Z018 (DLF,HYF,IEF) BULL • P43286257 • CALVED: MAR 11, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z018 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 P42896725 FELTONS KATE P38 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 EFBEEF 821C FELLIS S701 ET EFBEEF S701 FELLISITY X707 P43136321 EF J126 FELLISITY L531 EF F524 FELLIS 821C FELTONS KATE P62 EF F745 ENDURO J126 EF 547A CHOICETTE H978 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 2.71.3 5067 1035 1.5652.2 0.034 0.08 0.52 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 39 EFBEEF M821 Beef Eater U332--Sire of Lots 23-27 22 39 30 0.22 / 86 11.66 / 100 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 175101710111 1137 10240.1 1.09 5.56 / 125 • Big nutted, strong early growth and neat FAT to %IMF scan data. Dam is a maternal sister to the R563 donor. Lot 24 EFBEEF U332 Beef Eater Z010 BULL • P43286249 • CALVED: FEB 29, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z010 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 P42896725 FELTONS KATE P38 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 EFBEEF U208 THYRA X657 P43091742 EFBEEF J126 THYRA T093 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET EF F745 ENDURO J126 EF 151E THYRA N123 Lot 25 EFBEEF U332 Beef Eater Z034 P43286272 • CALVED: MAR 23, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z034 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.90.2 5470 1642 1.4631.9 0.023 0.31 0.31 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 34 22 33 29 0.15 / 59 12.2 / 105 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1 69 92 713 111 1087 97 37.7 1.17 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 P42896725 FELTONS KATE P38 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 EFBEEF U208 MABEL X647 ET P43091732 EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 EF G824 MABEL N174 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 2.61.0 5376 1542 1.7701.6 0.043 0.28 0.36 4.23 / 95 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 30 • Moderate, thick and visually nice. Neat FAT to %IMF scan. Dam is a neat uddered Foremost daughter. Has white hairs in loin. BULL • P43334442 • CALVED: APR 30, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z096 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 FELTONS DOMINO 774 EFBEEF 774 THYRA T116 ET P42793155 EF J126 THYRA L528 OXH DOMINO 7002 FELTONS B72 EF F745 ENDURO J126 EF F445 SARAH H948 28 28 0.18 / 71 10.25 / 88 1.00 5.21 / 117 • Another neat FAT to %IMF Beef Eater. Dam is a flushmate to Select Sires roster member X651. Lot 26 EFBEEF U332 Beef Eater Z096 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 P42896725 FELTONS KATE P38 19 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1 73 97618 961095 9835.8 Lot 27 EFBEEF U332 Beef Eater Z029 (DLF,HYF,IEF) BULL • P43286400 • CALVED: MAR 22, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z029 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 P42896725 FELTONS KATE P38 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 2.82.4 5179 1440 0.2661.9 0.034 0.09 0.22 SCHU-LAR 5N OF 9L 3008 RRH MR FELT 3008 SCHU-LAR 29X OF R436 5N SCHU-LAR 9L OF 1F 821C P43083974 EFBEEF P606 MISS PERFECT R436PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 EF F434 MISS PERFECT N033 30 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 1.04.6 5891 1444 0.3892.0 0.004 0.23 0.31 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 20 30 25 0.33 / 102 10.92 / 96 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 17998 6221041154 10838.2 1.00 4.85 / 98 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 33 • Big nutted Beef Eater out of a maternal sister to Crown Beef. 18 31 32 0.18 / 100 11.33 / 100 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 186 113757*S*1213 *S*34.7 .99 2.34 / 100 • Stout Beef Eater son that was in a single contemporary. Dam is neat uddered. This bull started shedding 1st in a group of bulls that are designed to shed early for fescue country. Recommended for mature cows. Lot 28 EFBEEF X620 Beef4 Z057 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 2.81.6 5076 1439 1.1711.6 0.036 0.15 0.34 BULL • P43286294 • CALVED: APR 3, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-057 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 EFBEEF U332 BEEF EATER X620 P43091702 EFBEEF P230 FELLISITY U210 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 EFBEEF U332 FELLISITY X614 P43091695 EFBEEF N014 FELLISITY U277 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 FELTONS KATE P38 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF K334 FELLISITY S721 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 29 20 28 27 0.25 / 98 11.21 / 96 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 17498 63599 1123 10035.9 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 FELTONS KATE P38 EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EF J126 FELLISITY L537 1.08 3.92 / 88 • Lot 28--Dam is a neat uddered Beef Eater daughter. Cow family traces 37 years and 7 generations deep in EFBeef genetics. 8 Lot 29 EFBEEF X620 Beef4 Z081 BULL • P43286317 • CALVED: APR 13, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z081 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 EFBEEF U332 BEEF EATER X620 P43091702 EFBEEF P230 FELLISITY U210 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 FELTONS KATE P38 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF K334 FELLISITY S721 EFBEEF N014 CRWN FELLIS U307EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EFBEEF U307 KATE X674 FELTONS KATE P38 P43091757 EFBEEF K334 KATE U249 ET EF 821C FELLIS K334 FELTONS KATE P38 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 0.83.2 5181 1641 1.1862.0 0.028 0.19 0.47 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 34 19 33 30 0.31 / 122 10.27 / 88 1.00 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 17910557589 1129 10139.0 5.82 / 131 KCF Bennett 9126J R294--Sire of Lot 30 • The highest adjusted %IMF scanning bull this year. He had strong post weaing gain. Traces 5 times to donor P38. Lot 31 EFBEEF U457 Prime Plato Z095 BULL • P43334454 • CALVED: APR 29, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z095 Lot 30 EFBEEF R294 Ben10 Z003 BULL • P43286242 • CALVED: FEB 25, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z003 CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 P42651401 KCF MISS 3008 N344 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 RRH MR FELT 3008 KCF MISS H119 L404 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 TEDDI X692 P43136343 EFBEEF P230 TEDDI U239 EF G 825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF 774 TEDDI S605 26 33 0.2 / 79 11.83 / 101 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1 77 103 550 861097 9837.9 1.12 R&R PRIME CUT 6378 ET EFBEEF 6378 KATE W484 P43032139 EFBEEF G825 KATE R428 FELTONS 517 FELTONS KATE P62 EF 821C FELLIS G825 FELTONS KATE P38 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 24 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio SREA adj IMF/ Ratio 20 NT PLATO DOMINO 1 NT HAZFORD LASO 0590 NT PLATO RUPERT 167 NT LADY LAMP VIC 251 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 0.74.0 5680 1240 0.6731.1 0.025 0.08 0.30 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 4.72.3 5495 2450 1.5102 1.7 -0.006 0.23 0.33 29 TR PLATO DOMINO 672 E132 EDISTO E132 PLATO DOM U457 ET P42904171 NT TRM MISS PLATO J21 16 0.35 / 109 11.31 / 100 1.10 5.03 / 102 • A moderate stature, big ribbed, big butted, cool looking stud. Short marked with pigment. You won’t find one bred like this anywhere else. The top side of the pedigree is known for longevity and forage ability on grass. Will have GE-EPD’s by sale day. • Sired by ABS Global roster member R294. Shorter marked and gained really well post weaning. Dam has a gorgeous udder. Lot 32 EFBEEF 049 DesignedBeef ZA46 Angus Bulls--Lot 32 & Lot 33 BULL • 17483252 • CALVED: MAR 26, 2012 • TATTOO: ZA46 B/R NEW DESIGN 036 GENETICS BY DESIGN 049 #13791489 G G CLARA 859 22 28 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 187111664111 1117 10536.0 4.1 / 92 V D A R NEW TREND 315 B /R BLACKCAP EMPRESS 76 J R JUICE Z005 G G CLARA 200 G A R RETAIL PRODUCT G A R PRECISION 1680 EFBEEF RP BARBARAMERE SA02 G A R EXT 4927 15322239 EFBEEF 62 BARBARAMERE PA42FELTONS MEAT PACKER 62 EFBEEF EXT BARBARAMERE H3 CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM MM CW MARB RE 5 $EN 3.2 $W 53 95 $F $G 0.7 0.64 $B 7 26 33 0.69 FAT 0.54 -0.001 adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio adj IMF/ Ratio -11.54 27.80 37.29 39.06 84.87 0.25 / 109 14.2 / 119 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1 94 113 727 109 1265 110 37 3.88 / 95 • A powerful made son of high proof female maker, 049. Expect this bull to provide payweight and make great daughters. Genetic By Design 049--Sire of Lot 32 Lot 33 EFBEEF 0097 Connect ZA44 BULL • CALVED: MAR 19, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-ZA44 SVF GDAR 216 LTD S A F CONNECTION #+13544928S A F ROYAL QUEEN 5084 TRAVELER 124 G D A R G D A R FOREVER LADY 718 BON VIEW BANDO 598 S A F ROYAL QUEEN 9022 G A R RETAIL PRODUCT EFBEEF RP BARBARAMERE WA 08 16560984 EFBEEF 6I6 BARBARMERE SA05 G A R PRECISION 1680 G A R EXT 4927 RITO 616 OF 4B20 6807 EFBEEF 62 BARBARAMERE M959 CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM MM CW MARB RE 8 $EN 0.9 $W 41 $F 77 0.2 0.44 $G $B 9 21 7 0.54 FAT 0.2 -0.005 adj FAT/ Ratio adj REA / Ratio adj IMF/ Ratio 2.78 27.94 21.69 35.44 49.95 0.2 / 87 9.6 / 81 CE BW BWR aWW WWR aYW YWR SC 1 81 101 645 97 1048 91 34 4.25 / 104 • Lot 33--Docility, keepability and weaning payweight from the Connection son. 9 Polled Hereford Heifers Lots 34-42 Lot 34 EFBEEF U208 Jackie Z059 Lot 35 EFBEEF U332 Christy Z016 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 P42896690 EFBEEF G824 KATE S610 ET EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 P42896725 FELTONS KATE P38 EF G 825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 EF SCHU-LAR P340 OF 009K K376EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EFBEEF P340 JACKIE U221 GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K P42896660 EFBEEF P230 JACKIE S761 EF F745 FRANK P230 EF 336Z TONETTE 801B EFBEEF 821C FELLIS S701 ET EFBEEF S701 CHRISTY X711 P43136283 FELTONS CHRISTY T15 EF F524 FELLIS 821C FELTONS KATE P62 FELTONS MANDATE 317 FELTONS KATE N34 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.11.3 5787 1644 2.6101 1.7 0.045 0.46 0.27 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 2.91.4 4262 1132 2.4621.7 0.043 0.02 0.29 30 31 HEIFER • P43286296 • CALVED: APR 4, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z059 FELTONS LUTE 680 FELTONS C9 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 FELTONS KATE P38 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 20 28 30 HEIFER • P43286255 • CALVED: MAR 5, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z026 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 21 31 21 • Nice, pigmented Foremost daughter. Dam is a maternal sister to Lot 6. A $Profitability leader. • Strong fertility, calving ease and end product value. From one of our favorite 2yr olds. Lot 36 EFBEEF U332 Fellisity Z014 Lot 37 EFBEEF U332 Fellisity Z019 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 P42896725 FELTONS KATE P38 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 P42896725 FELTONS KATE P38 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 EFBEEF 821C FELLIS S701 ET EFBEEF S701 FELLISITY X732 P43136320 EF F745 FELLISITY L559 EF F524 FELLIS 821C FELTONS KATE P62 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 EF 133N VICKI DOM 410S EFBEEF J126 FELLIS T041 ET EFBEEF T041 FELLISITY X665 P43091750 EFBEEF 774 FELLISITY R532 ET EF F745 ENDURO J126 EFBEEF G825 KATE R428 FELTONS DOMINO 774 EF 29D FELLISITY H928 HEIFER • P43286253 • CALVED: MAR 3, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z014 HEIFER • P43286258 • CALVED; MAR 11, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z019 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 1.04.1 5685 1038 1.0811.8 0.001 0.28 0.30 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 2.22.9 5280 1440 0.6792.0 0.045 0.11 0.22 32 31 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 18 31 31 • Top 2% profitability indexes. Grandam is still producing at 13 and great-granddam produced until she was 18. $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 19 31 25 • Grandam is a herd favorite great-granddam produced for 13 years and greatgreat-granddam for 18. Lot 38 EFBEEF U332 Mabel Z091 Lot 39 EFBEEF N093 Mabel Z033 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 BEEF EATER U332 P42896725 FELTONS KATE P38 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 BAR JZ TRADITION 434V EFBEEF SCHU-LAR PROFICIENT N093 P42444860 GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K BT MOHICAN TRADITION 530 BAR JZ BANNER LDY 693P GERBER WATCHFIRE 117F GERBER 80X DIXIE 106Z FELTONS DOMINO 774 EFBEEF 774 MABEL T114 ET P42795460 EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 OXH DOMINO 7002 FELTONS B72 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 EF G824 MABEL N174 EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EFBEEF N014 MABEL W474 P43032162 EF G824 MABEL N174 EF 821C FELLIS K334 EF J126 THYRA L528 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 EF 29D FELLISITY J151 HEIFER • P43286326 • CALVED: APR 23, 2013 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z091 HEIFER • P43286271 • CALVED: MAR 23, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z033 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 2.31.3 4462 1536 1.3641.7 0.061 -0.05 0.46 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 4.6-0.2 4963 2650 4.9830.7 0.032 0.39 0.19 31 20 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 20 31 24 • Dam is a maternal sister to Tested X651 sire. I rather doubt one can find a heifer scanning 7% IMF that will sell anywhere else this year. $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 20 16 24 • High calving ease/strong end product. Dam is a maternal sister to the mother of Tested X651. 10 Lot 40 EFBEEF N093 Meta Z043 Lot 41 EFBEEF M326 Fellisity Z075 BAR JZ TRADITION 434V EFBEEF SCHU-LAR PROFICIENT N093 P42444860 GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K BT MOHICAN TRADITION 530 BAR JZ BANNER LDY 693P GERBER WATCHFIRE 117F GERBER 80X DIXIE 106Z RRH MR FELT 3008 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 P42361822 KCF MISS 459 F284 FELTONS 517 RRH MS VICT 6191 FELTONS 459 KCF MISS X4 B156 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 META W517 P43032173 EF F434 META N050 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 EF F517 FELLIS F434 EF J126 META L521 FELTONS DOMINO 774 EFBEEF 774 FELLISITY R531 ET P42635324 EF 29D FELLISITY H928 OXH DOMINO 7002 FELTONS B72 EF F517 FELLIS 29D EF 133N VICKI DOM 410S HEIFER • P43286281 • CALVED: MAR 29, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z043 HEIFER • P43286311 • CALVED: APR 12, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z075 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 4.91.1 4668 2145 4.6631.2 -0.008 0.44 -0.01 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 0.44.8 5586 1543 2.3109 1.6 0.009 0.25 0.32 24 29 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 21 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 21 22 • Multiple generations of great udder quality calf raisers. 17 27 30 • Highly pigmented M326 daughter out of a wonderful cow. Lot 42 EFBEEF N014 Teddi Z120 HEIFER • P43334431 • CALVED: JUN 20, 2012 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Z120 EF 821C FELLIS K334 EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 P42373963 EF J126 THYRA L528 EF F524 FELLIS 821C EF 151E VICKI G814 EF F75 ENDURO J126 EF F445 SARAH H948 FELTONS DOMINO 774 EFBEEF 774 P42694582 EF G824 TEDDI P245 OXH DOMINO 7002 FELTONS B72 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 BTF 490 7310 Lot 43 F1 Baldie Female ZA56 BIRTH DATE: 7-1-2012 Lot 44 F1 Baldie Female ZA57 BIRTHE DATE: 7-3-2012 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB -0.83.670 107 2257 -0.9108 1.2 0.045 0.440.41 Lots 45-56 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 23 13 19 37 These females were pasture exposed from 12-12-12 to 1-11-13 to GG Revolution 101Y. He is a full brother to Lot 10. • Long time family of quality udders and heavy calves at weaning. The Crown Beef’s have as much or more will to thrive than any Hereford genetics we have used. Lot 45 EFBEEF W420 Kate Y852 Lot 46 EFBEEF W420 Kate Y812 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF P230 FRANK W420 P43032117 EFBEEF N014 THYRA S645 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS KATE P38 EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EF 151E THYRA N123 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF P230 FRANK W420 P43032117 EFBEEF N014 THYRA S645 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS KATE P38 EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EF 151E THYRA N123 R PUCKSTER 2013 EFBEEF 2013 KATE W405 ET P43036606 EFBEEF G824 KATE S674 ET BAR JZ PUCKSTER 892H R MISS PATEND 421 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 FELTONS KATE P38 R PUCKSTER 2013 EFBEEF 2013 KATE W418 ET P43032209 EFBEEF G824 KATE S674 ET BAR JZ PUCKSTER 892H R MISS PATEND 421 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 FELTONS KATE P38 HEIFER • P43187504 • CALVED: APR 1, 2011 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Y852 HEIFER • P43187467 • CALVED: MAR 4, 2011 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Y812 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 4.21.2 6392 1849 1.3881.2 0.090 0.17 0.43 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.71.5 4676 1639 1.2761.1 0.011 0.19 0.18 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 25 19 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 21 32 23 19 21 24 • A really nice phenotype heifer with an impactful EPD profile. • A calving ease female with good growth and good looks. Lot 47 EFBEEF N014 Mabel Y911 Lot 48 EFBEEF P230 Stella Y826 EF 821C FELLIS K334 EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 P42373963 EF J126 THYRA L528 EF F524 FELLIS 821C EF 151E VICKI G813 EF F745 ENDUOR J126 EF F445 SARAH H948 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 EF F745 FRANK P230 P42528669 FELTONS KATE P38 FELTONS 517 FF PROSPECTITA 997 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 EF G824 MABEL P297 P42528792 EF 336Z TONETTE 873C EF F524 FELLIS 821C EF 336Z TONETTE 882C EF X53 TURNER 336Z EF 439 MABEL SLEW 105X EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EFBEEF N014 STELLA U317 P42896761 EF F745 DUREEN H969 EF 821C FELLIS K334 EF J126 THYRA L528 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 EF 547A CHOICETTE 150E HEIFER • P43241225 • CALVED: JUN 11, 2011 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Y911 HEIFER • P43187479 • CALVED: MAR 22, 2011 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Y826 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB -2.33.954 85 1946 -1.2103 0.4 -0.031 0.580.07 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.91.4 4267 1232 2.1751.5 0.050 -0.20 0.72 14 33 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 10 12 28 • Dam is a powerful Crown Beef daughter. Bred to R&R Prime Cut 6378 on 12/5/12. $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 22 32 29 • Dam is a very easy keeper and raises a high percentage of her body weight. Check out her MARB EPD. 11 Lot 49 EFBEEF U307 Thyra Y910 Lot 50 EFBEEF S701 Fellisity Y922 EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EFBEEF N014 CRWN FELLIS U307ET P42883002 FELTONS KATE P38 EF 821C FELLIS K334 EF J126 THYRA L528 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 EF F524 FELLIS 821C EFBEEF 821C FELLIS S701 ET P42672722 FELTONS KATE P62 FELTONS 524 EF VICKI SLEW 5X FELTONS SOUNDER 912 FELTONS PRINCESS K55 EF F745 ENDUOR J126 EF J126 THYRA P268 P42528798 EF X53 LUCERNE 417Z FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 EF 547A CHOICETTE 18D GK TURNING POINT X53 THYRA DOMINO 102D EF F517 FELLIS F434 EF F434 FELLISITY K374 P42087406 EF 547A CHOICETTE H978 FELTONS 517 EF MS K120 DOMINETE 233P EF 964 VICTOR 547A EF 29D FELLISITY F468 HEIFER • P43241222 • CALVED: JUN 12, 2011 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Y910 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 0.03.4 5475 1643 0.5741.1 0.005 0.30 0.08 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 22 15 20 24 HEIFER • P43241211 • CALVED: JUL 25, 2011 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Y922 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 2.31.7 4167 1232 2.7560.9 0.029 0.15 0.16 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 21 18 20 19 • A really nice daughter of powerful U307. The Thyra cow family has walked the EFBeef pastures since 1971. • The S701’s have nice style and balance. Bred to R&R Prime Cut 6378 on 12/5/12. Lot 51 EFBEEF W420 Fellisity Y808 Lot 52 EFBEEF 4404 Gerri Y990 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF P230 FRANK W420 P43032117 EFBEEF N014 THYRA S645 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS KATE P38 EF K334 CROWN BEEF N014 EF 151E THYRA N123 MF FOUNDATION MAX 2902 MF FOUNDATION MAX 4404 P42570591 MF MISS COMPLETE 2502 MF FOUNDATIAON 1199 MF MIS NICKI PLUS 1793 MF COMPLETE 1698 MF MIS MAXI PLUS 187 EF F745 FRANK P230 EFBEEF P230 VIVIAN W427 P43032126 EFBEEF 9802 VIVIAN S603 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS KATE P38 SRM MANR MASTR 103T 9802 EF K376 VIVIAN P243 EF J126 PRIME PROSPECT N019 FORSYTHE 025 P43221411 FORSYTHE 519 EF F75 ENDURO J126 EF G824 MS CARCASS K326 EF F434 VIC PROSPECT M854 FORSYTHE PROPHETESS 94 HEIFER • P43187462 • CALVED: FEB 28, 2011 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-Y808 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.01.6 5580 1745 0.9691.2 0.111 0.00 0.75 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 28 19 25 33 HEIFER • P43265300 • CALVED: NOV 6, 2011 • TATTOO; RE-PEF LE-Y990 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 0.13.8 4168 1131 0.4900.5 0.020 0.10 0.08 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 15 14 15 18 • A high volume female with high $Profitability. Observed bred to 101Y on 12/24/12. • Multi generations of good uddered females in this female. That’s why we purchased her dam in the Forsythe dispersal. Lot 53 EFBEEF T041 Stella X725 Lot 54 EFBEEF U208 Thyra X657 EF F745 ENDURO J126 EFBEEF J126 FELLIS T041 ET P42793143 EFBEEF G825 KATE R428 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 EF 547A CHOICETTE 18D EF 821C FELLIS G825 FELTONS KATE P38 FELTONS SOUNDER 957 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 P42896690 EFBEEF G824 KATE S160 ET FELTONS LUTE 680 FELTONS C9 EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 FELTONS KATE P38 EF 821C FELLIS 169E EF 169E STELLA P315 P42528762 EF F745 DUREEN H969 EF F524 FELLIS 821C EF J067 VICKI STELLA409S FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 EF 547A CHOICETTE 150E EF F745 ENDURO J126 EFBEEF J126 THYRA T093 P42819020 EF 151E THYRA N123 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 EF 547A CHOICETTE 18D EF 964 VICTOR 151E EF X53 LUCERNE 347Z COW • P43136300 • CALVED: MAY 23, 2010 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-X725 CED BW WW YW 0.5 4.6 49 80 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 26 16 MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 18 43 -1.0 88 1.60.0170.22 0.27 26 26 COW • P43091742 • CALVED: MAR 30, 2010 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-X657 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 3.9-0.1 5577 1947 1.4681.6 0.057 0.30 0.48 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 31 20 29 31 • A really dark and pigmented female. Raised one of the best scanning bulls this year. • A really niced uddered and wet Foremost daugther with excellent EPD profile. Observed bred on 12/24/12 to 101Y. Lot 55 EFBEEF P230 Juno X628 Lot 56 EFBEEF Schu-Lar 517 Dixie S711ET FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 EF F745 FRANK P230 P42528669 FELTONS KATE P38 FELTONS 517 FF PROSPECTITA 997 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 FELTONS 403 FELTONS 517 P23495300 F PRINCESS A80 F 030 PROSPECT 208 F T2 PROSPECTA 827 FF PROSPECTOR 361 FF PROSPECTITA 997 EF K376 BEEFEATER M821 EFBEEF M821 JUNO S617 P42739725 EF G892 JUNO N163 EF G825 SOLUTION K376 EF 896C FELLISITY J116 EF 821C MEATPACKER G892 EF F517 FELLISITY 841C GERBER WATCHFIRE 117F GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K P42068219 GERBER 80X DIXIE 106Z FELTONS 517 GK QUEEN TEN 782R GERBER VOYAGEUR 80X GERBER 2105 DIXIE 22S COW • P43091712 • CALVED: MAR 14, 2010 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-X628 COW • P42672725 • CALVED: APR 10, 2006 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-S711 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 1.35.4 4881 1034 1.3811.5 0.003 0.03 0.16 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 7.2-0.9 3857 1534 7.4721.4 0.066 0.02 0.17 26 28 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 18 26 24 • A nice uddered 3yr old that did an excellent job with her first calf. Observed bred on 12/16/12 to 101Y. $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 25 26 17 • The mother of donor dam U251 and maternal sister to Proficient. A tightly bred cow that outcrosses really well. Observed bred on 12/27/12 to 101Y. 12 Reference Sires P42528669 • EF F745 Frank P230 (CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF) CALVED: MAR 23, 2004 FELTONS 517 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 P23797689 FF PROSPECTITA 997 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-P230 FELTONS 403 F PRINCESS A80 FHR T2 PROSPECT 112 F W60 PROSPTESS 896 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS KATE P38 P42223213 FELTONS ENDURETT H62 OXH DOMINO 7002 FELTONS B72 FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 FELTONS E77 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 5.0 3.355 86 8 36 3.7922.20.097-0.40 1.02 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 43 25 4039 P42373963 • EF F745 Frank P230 EF K334 Crown Beef N014(CHB) CALVED: FEB 25, 2003 EF F524 FELLIS 821C EF 821C FELLIS K334 P42087288 EF 151E VICKI G814 EF F745 ENDURO J126 EF J126 THYRA L528 P42184021 EF F445 SARAH H948 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-N014 FELTONS 524 EF VICKI SLEW 5X EF 964 VICTOR 151E EF 336Z TONETTE 117E FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 EF 547A CHOICETTE 18D EF F459 FELLIS F445 EF 620A TONETTE 107E CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB -1.9 2.3 56 82 2553 -1.7 93 0.50.0160.700.32 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 16 11 14 31 EF K334 Crown Beef N014 EFBeef 821C Fellis S701 ET (CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF) P42672722 • CALVED: Apr 5, 2006 • TATTOO: RE-PEF LE-S701 FELTONS 524 EF F524 FELLIS 821C P23710473 EF VICKI SLEW 5X FELTONS 403 FF PROSPECTITA 987 MYRTLEWOOD SLEW 439 EF 133N VICKI DOM 410S FELTONS SOUNDER 912 FELTONS KATE P62 P42228839 FELTONS PRINCESS K55 FELTONS LUTE 680 FF MARCIA A71 FELTONS 517 FELTONS C98 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 0.6 2.5 49 80 4 29 3.6741.30.0470.32 0.40 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 29 18 2827 EFBEEF 821C Fellis S701 ET GG Revolution 101Y (DLF, HYF, IEF) P43175802 • CALVED: FEB 2, 2011 • TATTOO: 101Y FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R P42593689 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS G15 REMITALL ONLINE 122L HH MISS ADV 786G 1ET KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SCHU-LAR 6U OF 5P M326 ET P42947117 SCHU-LAR 5P OF 203 490 RRH MR FELT 3008 KCF MISS 459 F284 FELTONS 490 SCHU-LAR 203 OF 1F 121 ET R&R Prime Cut 6378 ET (CHB, DLF, IEF) P42763764 • CALVED: MAR 1, 2006 • TATTOO: 6378 FELTONS 403 FELTONS 517 P23495300 F PRINCESS A80 F 030 PROSPECT 208 F T2 PROSPECTA 827 FF PROSPECTOR 361 FF PROSPECTITA 997 FELTONS SOUNDER 912 FELTONS KATE P62 P42228839 FELTONS PRINCESS K55 FELTONS LUTE 680 FF MARCIA A71 FELTONS 517 FELTONS C98 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 5.00.6 651002154 4.5891.6 0.028 0.71 0.43 CED BW WW YW MM M&G CEM MCW SC FAT REA MARB 6.3 0.7 6393 1142 7.8991.90.113 -0.50 1.23 32 44 26 3845 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB 22 27 39 $BMI $CEZ $BII $CHB