IFSA-Butler Scotland - IFSA (Butler University)


IFSA-Butler Scotland - IFSA (Butler University)
IFSA-Butler Scotland
University of Edinburgh
Housing Guide
IFSA-Butler Scotland Office
35 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7JF
Freephone: 0800 731 3271
Email: scotland@ifsa-butler.org
Twitter: @StudyAbroad_SC
Facebook: Ifsa-Butler Scotland
Housing Options at the University of Edinburgh
Self-Catered Options
College Wynd/Kincaid’s Court/Robertson’s Close
Darroch Court
East Newington Place & New Arthur Place
Fraser Court
Hermit’s Croft
Meadow Court/Sciennes/Spottiswoode Street
Nicholson Street/South College Street/South Clerk Street
Warrender Park Crescent & Warrender Park Road
Abbeyhill, Deaconess, Mansion Fountainbridge, Murano & Shrubhill
Catered Options
Pollock Halls
Map of Pollock Halls
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Bed Size
Bed Linen
Cleaning Contract
Internet & Telephone Access
Science & Engineering Students
Housing Options at the University of Edinburgh
Residence MapPollock Halls and other University of
Edinburgh accommodation locations
As a study abroad student, you are guaranteed housing at the University of
Edinburgh. You should consider a number of factors when choosing your preferences:
1. Location - would you prefer to live closer to city centre amenities or your class
2. Catering - would you prefer to be on a meal plan or cook for yourself?
3. Special accommodations - If you require any medical or special accommodations,
please ensure to disclose this so we can ensure that it is facilitated such as a
private bathroom or single gender housing. This may limit your choices.
You should consider whether you prefer to be closer to the Humanities & Social
Sciences (HSS) campus at George Square or the Science & Engineering (SCE)
campus at Kings Buildings. Informatics (Computer Science) is considered a
Humanities & Social Science course and these classes take place at George Square.
More information and maps of residence locations can be found on the following page
and here: www.accom.ed.ac.uk/media/4309/ug%20guide%202014.pdf.
Housing at the University of Edinburgh is split into two options: self-catered and
catered. Self-catered options do not include a meal plan and students have access
to kitchen facilities and cook all their meals independently. Catered options include
a meal plan with two meals a day supplied: breakfast and an evening meal. Catered
residences are located at Pollock Halls. The meal plan bill will be sent during the
semester and is charged as a supplemental fee. More details can be found here: www.
ifsa-butler.org/university-of-edinburgh.html. It is not possible to select Pollock Halls
and opt out of the meal plan.
Special Accommodations
Please note that single gender housing is only available in self catered residences.
Private bathrooms are only available in Pollock Halls for catered students and
Abbeyhill, Deaconess, Mansion Foutnainbridge, Murano and Shrubhill for self-catered
Blackwood Crescent
College Wynd
Darroch Court
David Horn House
East Newington Place
Fraser Court
Holland Annexe
Accommodation site codes
Hermit’s Croft
Kitchener House
Kincaid’s Court
Mylne’s Court
Morgan Court
New Arthur Place
Richmond Place
Robertson’s Close
Sciennes Place
South Clerk Street
Warrender Park Crescent
Warrender Park Road
West Mains Road
Self-Catered Options
Self-Catered Options
College Wynd/Kincaid’s Court/Robertson’s Close
East Newington Place & New Arthur Place
College Wynd, Kincaids Court and Robertson’s Close are self-catered flats located on
the Cowgate. The Cowgate is a popular evening location and as a result, noise levels
can be higher than at other residences. The flats normally consist of 4-5 bedrooms
which share a kitchen and bathroom. . It is a 10 minute walk to George Square and a
30 minute walk to Kings Buildings. The residences all comprise of single bedrooms with
study space and shared bathrooms. Each bedroom has a single bed, a wardrobe, chest
of drawers and desk. The following facilities are provided:
Stove top & oven
Pots & Pans
Fridge/Ice box
Ironing board (no iron)
New Arthur Place & East Newington Place are self-catered flats located a 10 minute
walk from George Square. The flats normally consist of 4-5 bedrooms which share
a kitchen and bathroom. The residences all comprise of single bedrooms with study
space. Each bedroom has a single bed, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and desk.
The following facilities are provided:
The following facilities are not provided:
Bed Linen or towels
Darroch Court
Fraser Court are self-catered flats located a 10 minute walk from George Square
and close to Pollock Halls. The flats normally consist of 3-5 bedrooms which share
a kitchen and bathroom. The residences all comprise of single bedrooms with study
space. Each bedroom has a single bed, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and desk. The
following facilities are provided:
Darroch Court are self-catered flats located close to the University of Edinburgh
gym. The flats normally consist of 5 bedrooms which share a kitchen and bathroom.
The residences comprise of single bedrooms with study space and shared bathrooms.
Each bedroom has a single bed, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and desk. It is a 10
minute walk to George Square and a 30 minute walk to Kings Buildings. The following
facilities are provided:
Stove top & oven
Pots & Pans
Fridge/Ice box
Ironing board (no iron)
The following facilities are not provided:
Bed Linen or towels
Stove top & oven
Pots & Pans
Fridge/Ice box
Ironing board (no iron)
The following facilities are not provided:
Bed Linen or towels
Fraser Court
Stove top & oven
Pots & Pans
Fridge/Ice box
Ironing board (no iron)
The following facilities are not provided:
• Bed Linen or towels
• Hangers
• Toaster
• Utensils/crockery
• TV
Hermit’s Croft
Hermit’s Croft are self-catered flats located a 15 minute walk from George Square.
Self-Catered Options
Self-Catered Options
The flats normally consist of 4-5 bedrooms which share a kitchen and bathroom. The
residences all comprise of single bedrooms with study space. Each bedroom has a
single bed, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and desk.
walk to George Square and a 25 minute walk to Kings Buildings. The residences all
comprise of single bedrooms with study space and shared bathrooms and kitchens.
Each bedroom has a single bed, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and desk.
The following facilities are provided:
The following facilities are provided:
• Stove top & oven
• Pots & Pans
• Fridge/Ice box
• Kettle
• Microwave
Ironing board (no iron)
Stove top & oven
Pots & Pans
Fridge/Ice box
Ironing board (no iron)
The following facilities are not provided:
Bed Linen or towels
Meadow Court/Sciennes/Spottiswoode Street
Sciennes/Meadow Court & Spottiswoode Street are self-catered flats. They are
all situated around the Meadows and a 5 minute walk to George Square and a 25
minute walk to Kings Buildings. The residences all comprise of single bedrooms with
study space and shared bathrooms and kitchens. Each bedroom has a single bed, a
wardrobe, chest of drawers and desk.
The following facilities are provided:
• Stove top & oven
• Pots & Pans
• Fridge/Ice box
• Kettle
• Microwave
Ironing board (no iron)
The following facilities are not provided:
• Bed Linen or towels
• Hangers
• Toaster
• Utensils/crockery
• TV
The following facilities are not provided:
• Bed Linen or towels
• Hangers
• Toaster
• Utensils/crockery
• TV
Warrender Park Crescent & Warrender Park Road
Warrender Park Road & Warrender Park Crescent are self-catered flats located a 10
minute walk from George Square. The flats normally consist of 4-6 bedrooms which
share a kitchen and bathroom. The residences all comprise of single bedrooms with
study space. Each bedroom has a single bed, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and desk.
The following facilities are provided:
• Stove top & oven
• Pots & Pans
• Fridge/Ice box
• Kettle
• Microwave
Ironing board (no iron)
The following facilities are not provided:
• Bed Linen or towels
• Hangers
• Toaster
• Utensils/crockery
• TV
Nicholson Street/South College Street/South Clerk Street
South Clerk Street and South College Street are self-catered flats. It is a 5 minute
Self-Catered Options
Abbeyhill, Deaconess, Mansion Fountainbridge, Murano & Shrubhill
These are all private student housing residences that are used by the University of
Edinburgh. They are self-catered flats located all a 20-30 minute walk from George
Square. The flats normally consist of 4-6 bedrooms which share a kitchen. The
residences all comprise of single bedrooms and private bathrooms with study space.
Each bedroom has a double bed, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and desk.
The following facilities are provided:
• Stove top & oven
• Pots & Pans
• Fridge/Ice box
• Kettle
• Microwave
Ironing board (no iron)
The following facilities are not provided:
• Bed Linen or towels
• Hangers
• Toaster
• Utensils/crockery
• TV
Catered Options
Pollock Halls
Pollock Halls is the group of catered residences located on Holyrood Park Road. It is
a 20 minute walk to George Square and a 30 minute walk to Kings Buildings. Pollock
Halls is divided into different houses with different facilities.
All meals take place in the John McIntyre Centre (JMCC). 14 meals are served per
week: breakfast (Monday-Friday), dinner (Monday-Sunday and brunch (Saturday &
Sunday). You are required to purchase your own food for all other meals. Pollock Halls
is not recommended for any students with dietary requirements or food intolerances
as meal options are more limited.
Pollock Halls has a number of common facilities which all houses share including a
computer lab, a DVD library, a café and a convenience store.
Most houses such as Baird, Ewing, Lee & Grant consist of shared or single bedrooms
with shared bathroom facilities. Chancellor’s Court, John Burnett & Masson House
consists of single bedrooms with private bathrooms.
The following facilities are provided:
Stove top & oven
Pots & Pans
Fridge/Ice box
Ironing board (no iron)
The following facilities are not provided:
Email: accommodation@ed.ac.uk
Email: EdinburghFirst@ed.ac.uk
Catered OptionsPhone: 0131 651 2189
Fax: 0131 667 7271
Pollock Halls of Residence
Map of Pollock Halls
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Bed Size
Bed size can vary between residences at the University of Edinburgh. The following
residences have single beds:
Single Bed (American twin bed)
College Wynd
Darroch Court
Fraser Court
Hermit’s Croft
Kincaid’s Court
Meadow Court
New Arthur Place
Double Bed (American full bed)
Mansion Fountainbridge
Nicholson Street
Spottiswoode Street
South Clerk/College Street
Robertson’s Close
Warrender Park Crescent/Road
Bed Linen
Useful phone numbers
Visit Scotland: 0131 332 2433
City Cabs: 0131 228 6876
Lothian Buses info: 0131 555 6363
First Edinburgh bus info: 08708 72 72 71
Rail enquiries: 08457 48 49 50
Edinburgh Airport: 0131 333 1000
British Airways (reservations): 08708 50 98 50
British Airways (flight info): 0870 55 111 55
British Midland Airways: 0870 60 70 555
KLM UK: 08705 074 074
Bed linen is not provided at the University of Edinburgh except for Masson House in
Pollock Halls. Bedding packs for all residences are available to purchase via your MyEd
account when you accept your housing. Bedding packs for students living in Pollock
Halls cost £20 and contain 1 duvet and 1 pillow. Bed linen is provided at Pollock
Halls and laundered once a week. Bedding packs for students living in flats cost £25
and contain 1 duvet, 1 duvet cover, 1 pillow, 1 pillowcase and 1 fitted sheet. If you
purchased a bedding pack, it will be in your room upon arrival. If you choose not to
purchase a bedding pack, there will be plenty of opportunities to buy bed linen and
supplies during your IFSA-Butler orientation.
Catering Options
The University of Edinburgh have a number of catering options available on campus.
It is possible to load money onto a university card which you can then use at the
Frequently Asked Questions
following venues to purchase food:
Central area
Library Cafe, George Square
Absorb Cafe, Appleton Tower
Exchange Cafe, Business School, Buccleuch Place
ECAfe, Lauriston Place
Chapters Restaurant, Moray House, Paterson’s Land
Bar@JMCC, Pollock Halls
ECCI Café, Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, Infirmary Street
Other areas
KB Café, Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library, King’s Buildings
Upstairs Cafe, Michael Swann Building, King’s Buildings
The Drum, QMRI, Little France
Dolly’s, Roslin Institute
View Cafe, Easter Bush
Darwin Café, Darwin Building, King’s Buildings
The Eng Inn, Hudson Beare Building, King’s Buildings
Please see here for more details on the cashless catering system at the University
of Edinburgh - http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/information-services/helpconsultancy/card/cashless-catering-faqs
The University of Edinburgh offers a weekly cleaning service for the common
areas of all university residences except for Meadow Court, Abbeyhill, Deaconess,
Mansionhouse Fountainbridge, Murano and Shrubhill. At Pollock Halls, bedrooms are
also included in the service and are cleaned once a week. Students who live in selfcatered residences must clean their own individual bedrooms. The cleaning staff
may refuse to clean if the common areas are not kept in an appropriate manner. All
residences have a vacuum cleaner students may use.
with a student of another gender. Single gender housing can be requested but not
Guests are permitted to stay for a maximum of two nights and must sign in at the
residence site office for fire safety regulations. Likewise, you must sign out of your
residence if you plan to be absent overnight. The exact dates of your housing contract
can be found on your University of Edinburgh Housing Contract which can be accessed
via your MyEd account.
Heating & electricity are included in the cost of your accommodation. Please note
that heating may not be available 24 hours a day.
Internet & Telephone Access
All university residences offer telephone and internet access in each bedroom.
Wireless internet access is available in each residence. You may need to use a wired
connection to access the wireless initially.
All students have access to a coin operated laundry system within their residence.
Laundry costs approx. £1.50 for a wash cycle and £1 for a dry cycle.
Housing transfers are available but the University of Edinburgh impose a 3-4 week
‘settling in’ period where no transfers are allowed. This period is to allow all students to
arrive at university and for roommates to have time to get to know each other.
Science & Engineering Students
You can find the dates of your housing contract via the MyAccommodation tab in
your MyEd account. You can print out your housing contract as proof of your address
which you will need if you wish to open a bank account.
Science & Engineering classes predominantly take place on the Kings Building
campus. If you would prefer to live closer to this campus. The University of Edinburgh
recommend that you select Fraser Court or Nicholson Street as your first
preferences. Please note that Informatics (computer science) courses take place in
George Square and not at Kings Buildings.
Residential accommodation at the University of Edinburgh is mixed gender and
students in self-catered flats or student houses may share bathroom facilities. All
bedrooms are single sex and students are never expected to share bedroom facilities
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are a SCE student and choose to live closer to the central campus, the
University of Edinburgh run a shuttlebus service to the Kings Buildings. The timetable
can be found here - http://www.ed.ac.uk/staff-students/students/shuttlebus. There
Frequently Asked Questions
will be more information about the shuttlebus in the launch pad you receive upon arrival.
Frequently Asked Questions
Supermarket map
If you choose the self-catering option, Edinburgh has many supermarkets and specialist
food shops where you can purchase food. Please see the following page for a map of local
Accommodation is provided during vacation periods including Spring Break. The exact
dates of your accommodation will be available via your MyEd.