August 2016 PN Journal - College of Licensed Practical Nurses of


August 2016 PN Journal - College of Licensed Practical Nurses of
August 2016
AGM and Annual CLPNM Awards Luncheon Held in Winnipeg June 6, 2016
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
Cheryl Geisel LPN
District I – Elisa Wiebe LPN
District II – Camille Martyniw LPN
District III – Rodney Hintz LPN
District IV – Lindsay Maryniuk LPN
District V – Jodi La France LPN
District VI – Patricia Smythe LPN
Public Members – Darlene Barbe
– Tricia Conroy
– Judy Harapiak
– Diwa Marcelino
– Susan Swan
Jennifer Breton LPN, RN, BN
Vicky Bering
Executive Assistant
Buffie Babb, B Comm (Hons), CPA, CGA
Interim Business Manager
Renata Neufeld, BA (Hons), MPA
Consultant, Policy, Governance
and Communications
Carrie Funk, LPN
Deputy Registrar
Ask a Practice Consultant
2015 Continuing Competence Program Audit Report
Wanted: CCP Auditors
CCP Information
Get Involved!
New CLPNM By-Laws
Have You Been Accepted into a Practical Nursing
Program in Manitoba?
2017 Registration Renewal
2016/2017 CLPNM Fee Schedule
2018 Preauthorized Payment Plan
2016 Office Closure Dates
Dina Bering
Registration Coordinator
September 5, 2016
Kennedy Gagawchuk
Can We Reach You?
Kathy Halligan, BA (Hons), CTESL, CACE
Consultant, Credential Assessment
Janice Benson, LPN
Conduct Case Manager
President’s Message
October 10, 2016
November 11, 2016
Office closed 16:30pm December 22, 2016 and re-opens 9:30am January 3, 2017.
Fragrance-Free Notice
Nina El Hussiny, BA
Administrative Assistant
In response to health concerns, CLPNM has a Fragrance-Free Policy and is a scent-free
environment. Please do not use scented products while on the CLPNM premises for
work, education, appointments, or other business.
Tracy Olson, LPN
Consultant, Practice
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
To advertise in the Practical Nursing
Journal, please contact:
McCrone Publications Inc.
Toll Free: 1-800-727-0782
Fax: 1-866-413-9328
463 St. Anne’s Road
Winnipeg, MB R2M 3C9
Telephone: (204) 663-1212
Toll Free: 1-877-663-1212
Fax: (204) 663-1207
Publications Agreement #40013238
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
Registration renewal season is nearly upon us. Once again this year,
renewal applications will be submitted online through the CLPNM’s
online registration renewal system.
Here are a few other ways that the
CLPNM is embracing technology
to reduce our impact on the
environment, cut down on costs
to help avoid fee increases, and
generally make things easier for
applicants, students, graduates and
As of May 2016, the Canadian
Practical Nurse Registration
Examination is now administered by
computer. Computer-based testing
provides writers more flexibility
when choosing writing dates and
locations. This change has also
assisted the CLPNM in keeping fees
low, by saving costs on exam facility
rentals and invigilators.
Internationally Educated Nurses,
who wish to apply for a nursing
license in Manitoba and most other
provinces, now submit applications
online to a single National Nursing
Assessment Service.
The CLPNM now delivers all
notices about Practical Nursing
Journal publications, as well
as new and revised regulatory
bulletins, fact sheets, interpretive
documents, and other information
relevant to your practice, by
email. This significantly reduces
our usage of paper as well as mail
and copying costs.
The CLPNM’s online Public Register
and Employer Verification System
provide online access to real-time
information about those who are
authorized to practice the profession,
and any conditions or notations related
to their registration.
The CLPNM Board, and some
committees, now access their meeting
information packages electronically
through a confidential and secure
portal, significantly cutting down on
paper, mail and copying costs.
A recorded version of our
Continuing Competence Program
Information Session is now
available online on both the CLPNM
website and the CLPNM YouTube
channel allowing you to view the
session any time that is convenient
for you.
Recorded overviews of the CLPNM Code
of Ethics and the Credential Assessment
application process are also available
on the YouTube channel.
Any follow-up directions issued by CCP
auditors to CCP Audit participants will
be sent by email for the first time this
year instead of by registered mail. This
will help to reduce CLPNM costs, which
in turn helps to avoid fee increases for
members, and will also provide better
access to auditors’ directions for LPNs
who travel during CCP Audit season.
– Cheryl Geisel, LPN
Here are some things we are looking
at for the future:
Remote participation in CLPNM
Annual General Meetings
Electronic voting in Board elections
If you have any questions, or would
like to make a suggestion about how
else we could embrace technology to
support you better, please send me a
line at I would
love to hear from you.
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
Cheryl Derry RN, an instructor at
Assiniboine Community College
in Winnipeg, was nominated
by her Diploma in Practical
Nursing students for the 2016
Educator Award. The Educator
Award recognizes and honours
the outstanding contribution
of an LPN educator who has
strengthened the quality of
practical nursing education in
Manitoba by providing leadership,
commitment, creativity and
innovation in the delivery of
practical nursing programming.
The recipient demonstrates a
commitment to educate and
promote the utilization of LPNs
to their full scope of practice,
and actively promotes excellence
in practical nursing education.
Cheryl was presented with this
award at CLPNM’s Annual General
Meeting held on June 6, 2016.
The 2016 Educator Award recipient,
Cheryl Derry and CLPNM’s President,
Cheryl Geisel.
Question: I am an LPN on an adult medical unit. I have a personal Facebook© social media page that I use
to keep in touch with family and friends. Recently, a client sent me a message through this site and invited
me to become her Facebook “friend.” Would communicating with a client on Facebook be considered a
violation of the nurse-client relationship?
The use of technology today can
prove to be fun and convenient, but
it can also present risk if not used
appropriately. “The ease of posting and
the commonplace nature of sharing
information via social media may
appear to blur the line between one’s
personal and professional lives. The
quick, easy, and efficient technology
enabling use of social media reduces
not only the time it takes to post
content and simultaneously, the
time to consider whether the post
is appropriate and the ramifications
of inappropriate content” (National
Council of State Boards of Nursing,
2011). Licensed practical nurses (LPNs)
are held accountable for conducting
themselves in a professional manner
that respects the nurse-client
relationship, fosters trust, promotes
respect for the profession, and
protects clients’ rights to privacy and
Social media can be defined as the
use of the internet to post or publish
information and/or to participate in
discussions. Some methods include,
but are not limited to: websites,
blogs, social networks, online forums,
and chat rooms. A medium, such as
Facebook, is considered one of these
methods. When engaging with social
media and other forms of electronic
communication, the LPN is required,
at all times, to comply with CLPNM’s
Standards of Practice and Code of
Ethics related to communication, ethics,
and professionalism. Failure to do so
may result in a referral to the CLPNM’s
Investigation Committee regardless
of whether the use of technology
occurred on personal or employer time.
Professional boundaries are defined
as “limits that protect the space
between the professional’s power and
the client’s vulnerability. Maintaining
appropriate boundaries safeguards
both the patient/client and the nurse
by controlling or limiting this power
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
differential. This boundary setting
allows for a safe connection between
the nurse and the patient based on
the patient’s needs” (Holder, 2007).
The nurse is expected to maintain
professional boundaries with
clients when using social media and
electronic communications, just as
the nurse would be expected to in
the physical world.
Establishing and maintaining
appropriate boundaries is a
professional standard, set out in
both CLPNM’s Standards of Practice
(Practice Standard IV) and Code
of Ethics (Ethical Standard V). The
nurse’s duty is to respect and
enforce all professional boundaries
while maintaining the therapeutic
nurse-client relationship to ensure
the delivery of safe, competent, and
ethical care.
Some ways to safeguard the
boundaries between a professional
therapeutic relationship and a nonprofessional personal relationship
not posting pictures of yourself in
a clinical environment;
not revealing personal contact
details to your clients (cell or
home phone number, email
addresses, etc.), and
not making friend requests or
accepting friend requests from your
clients on Facebook or other social
media sites.
Registrants of the CLPNM (licensed
practical nurses, graduate practical
nurses and student practical nurses)
must be mindful of legislation, the
CLPNM’s governing standards, and
of employer policies to ensure they
are not advertently or inadvertently
publishing, displaying, or participating
in forms of communication that
could be a violation of a client’s right
to privacy or the standards of the
profession. By being conscientious,
prudent, and using professional
judgment, the nurse ensures that the
positive, productive, and enjoyable
benefits of electronic communication
and social media are shared by
The CLPNM has published a
Regulatory Bulletin entitled “Electronic
Communication and Social Media” to
provide practical nurses, employers and
the public with information regarding
the expectations of CLPNM’s registrants
using electronic communications and
social media in both their personal
and professional lives. This Regulatory
Bulletin may be found on the CLPNM
website at
uploads/Regulatory-Bulletin-SocialMedia-Sept-2014.pdf .
For further information pertaining to
LPN practice in Manitoba, please visit
the CLPNM website at
or contact the CLPNM office at, 204-663-1212 or
CLPNM. (2014). Regulatory
Bulletin: Electronic Communication
and Social Media. Winnipeg, MB.
CLPNM. (2004). Standards of
Practice. Winnipeg, MB.
CLPNM. (2014). Code of Ethics.
Winnipeg, MB.
Holder, Karen & Schenthal,
Stephen. (2007). Watch Your
Step: Nursing and Professional
Boundaries. Retrieved from
National Council of State Boards of
Nursing, Inc. (2011). White Paper:
A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of
Social Media. Retrieved from
Other Resources
Government of Manitoba. (2001).
The Licensed Practical Nurses
Act of Manitoba:
Government of Manitoba.
(2013). The Personal Health
Information Act. Retrieved from
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
About the Audit
The CLPNM’s Continuing
Competence Program (CCP)
supports the profession’s
commitment to safe, competent
care and lifelong learning.
Participation in the program is
an expectation of all licensed
practical nurses (LPNs), per The
Licensed Practical Nurses Act,
and a requirement for annual
registration renewal. In order to
monitor participation in continuing
competence activities, the CLPNM
conducts an annual review referred
to as the CCP Audit. The audit
supports the CLPNM in meeting
its mandate to ensure that LPNs
provide safe, competent and ethical
nursing care.
Each year, 10% of Manitoba’s
LPNs are randomly selected for the
audit. Those selected are asked
to submit documentation of their
CCP activities including: at least
two learning plans completed
during the previous year, at least
two projected learning plans for
the upcoming registration year,
and completed questionnaires
that provide the CLPNM with
additional information about the
nurse’s practice. Independent
practicing LPNs also submit policy
manual excerpts and nursing care
documentation tools they use in
their independent practice.
During the course of the audit,
these materials are reviewed for
completeness and to confirm
that the nurse’s learning plans
and professional development
activities are contributing to their
competence, relevant to their
area of practice, and consistent
with all other requirements of the
program. To ensure consistency
and objectivity, CCP materials are
independently reviewed by two CCP
auditors. CCP auditors are external
active practicing LPNs in good
standing, appointed by the Board.
The CCP audit takes place over
three phases allowing registrants
multiple opportunities to succeed in
meeting the program’s expectations.
A registrant who is deemed to meet
the requirements of the program
during any of the audit phases is
not required to participate in any of
the subsequent phases.
To support LPNs selected for
the audit, the CLPNM offers CCP
information sessions free of
charge at the CLPNM office and
via teleconference. The CLPNM
also has several fact sheets and
a detailed CCP instruction guide,
which are available to registrants
and employers on the CLPNM
website. Registrants may also
call the Practice Department for
In 2015, 354 LPNs were selected
to participate in the audit,
including 32 independent
practising LPNs. Of the total
number selected, 32 did not
continue to be registered with
the CLPNM, and therefore were
excluded from the audit sample.
An additional 8 LPNs did not
complete the follow-up direction
provided during the course of
the audit, and as a result, their
provisional licenses for 2016 were
revoked. 314 LPNs successfully
completed the audit. The tables
below provide a summary of audit
results in 2015, and over the past
three years.
More information about the CCP and the audit is available on the CLPNM
website at:
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
2015 Audit Summary
Audit Results, 2015, by Cumulative %
Demonstrated continuing competence
Practicing LPNs
Employed LPNs
All LPNs
By end of Phase 1
By end of Phase 2
By end of Phase 3
By completion of audit
Did not demonstrate continuing competence
By completion of audit
Multi-Year Audit Summary
Audit Results, All LPNs
Demonstrated continuing competence
By end of Phase 1
By end of Phase 2
By end of Phase 3
By completion of audit
Did not demonstrate continuing competence
By completion of audit
By the end of April 2016, all 314
LPNs who participated in the 2015
CCP Audit met the requirements of
the program. Upon each registrant’s
successful completion of the audit,
their 2016 provisional license was
converted to a fully approved license.
With a commitment to life-long
professional development and
compliance with the CCP, Manitoba’s
licensed practical nurses (LPNs) will
continue to be known as reliable
and safe members of the health care
team. While continuously aiming for
excellence in nursing practice, LPNs will
continue to develop their appreciation
for the impact of their learning within
their practice. Registrant compliance
with the CCP can lead to increased
public confidence in the individual
LPN providing their care, and to the
profession as a whole. As evidenced by
the 2015 CCP Audit, the CLPNM and
its registrants embrace the importance
of ongoing professional growth and
development for the maintenance of
safe and competent nursing practice.
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
The annual Continuing Competence Program (CCP)
audit is dependent upon active practicing licensed
practical nurses’ (LPNs) participation.
Auditors are active practicing LPNs who are
responsible for assessing submitted CCP materials.
Appointed auditors are provided support and clear
guidelines regarding their duties with the peer
auditing process.
As a self-regulating professional, contributing
to the work of the College of Licensed Practical
Nurses of Manitoba (CLPNM) offers opportunities
for LPNs to continue to meet their practice
standards in addition to offering a resume-building
The CCP audit occurs in three phases every year from
January to April. Auditors spend 1 to 3 days auditing
during each phase. CCP auditors are compensated for
time spent auditing.
If you are interested in serving as a CCP auditor,
please submit your resume to:
The College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
463 St. Anne’s Road
Winnipeg, MB R2M 3C9
or by email at
For further information, please contact the CLPNM at
(204) 663-1212.
Do you want to learn more regarding your professional obligations to the Continuing Competence Program
1. Visit the CLPNM website at
2. Read the CCP Instruction Guide and watch a recording of a CCP Information Session at
If after reviewing this information you still have questions about the CCP, you may register online for an
in-person CCP Information Session or you may contact the CLPNM Practice Department at,
204-663-1212 or 1-877-663-1212 toll-free.
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
Have you ever thought
about becoming
more involved in your
Opportunities are
available for licensed
practical nurses (LPNs)
to participate directly
in the regulation
and governance of
their profession in
one or more of the
following roles:
Practice Auditors
Practice auditors observe, evaluate
and report on the practice of an LPN
on duty, when assigned to do so by
the CLPNM. The CLPNM maintains a
pool of practice auditors from various
areas of practice, each of whom may be
appointed when the need for an audit
Investigators gather information about
the practice or conduct of an LPN, when
an investigation is directed by the
Investigation Committee. The CLPNM
maintains a pool of investigators, each
of whom may be appointed when the
need for an investigation arises.
Education Approval
Committee Members
The Education Approval Committee
(EAC) reviews, evaluates and makes
recommendations to the Board of
Directors on matters related to
practical nursing education programs
in Manitoba. The EAC generally meets
3-4 times a year.
Investigation Committee
The Investigation Committee (IC)
reviews and facilitates the resolution of
complaints against LPNs, in accordance
with The Licensed Practical Nurses Act.
The IC generally meets for two full
days every 6-8 weeks. The IC may
also convene emergency meetings in
between scheduled meetings.
Discipline Committee
The Discipline Committee conducts
hearings and makes findings regarding
the practice or conduct of LPNs in
accordance with The Licensed Practical
Nurses Act. When matters are referred
to the Committee, the Chair will select a
panel from among the members of the
Committee to hold a hearing. Panels are
convened only as required.
These roles may be a good fit for you if
you are:
• currently registered as an LPN in good
standing with the CLPNM;
• able to carry out the role in a manner
that serves and protects the public
interest above all else;
• flexible with your schedule and able to
attend the occasional daytime meeting;
• able to arrange for your own
transportation, and
• prepared to serve for at least a two-year
The CLPNM provides orientation,
training, honorariums, and travel
If you can see yourself in one
or more of these roles, please
visit the CLPNM website at to fill in a
brief expression of interest. The
CLPNM will contact you for further
information before any appointments
are made.
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
Changes to the CLPNM By-Laws were passed at the Annual General Meeting on June 6, 2016. Some of these changes
have direct implications for CLPNM members, which include:
new electoral districts for the
election of LPNs to the CLPNM
clarified eligibility criteria for
membership on the CLPNM Board;
new obligations for members to
respond to all formal requests
for information from the
CLPNM within 30 days,
unless another timeframe is
notify the CLPNM within 30
days of any change in name,
personal contact information,
employment information, or in
the case of Student Practical
Nurses, in their student status;
notify the CLPNM within 30
days if the member is under
investigation or has been
charged or convicted of any
offence under federal law, or
of any offence under provincial
law except for a Highway
Traffic Act offence, or if his or
her name has been entered on
the adult abuse and/or child
abuse registry;
practice as a Student Practical
Nurse, and use the title
Student Practical Nurse or SPN,
only if currently enrolled in
a CLPNM-approved practical
nursing education program;
clarification that a Student
Practical Nurse and Graduate
Practical Nurse may only practice
under the supervision of another
nurse (LPN, RN, RPN), but not
under the supervision of a
medical practitioner;
clarification that a signed
undertaking with the CLPNM is a
binding agreement, a breach of
which constitutes professional
misconduct, and
a new provision authorizing the
CLPNM to charge interest on any
fines and costs, ordered by the
CLPNM Investigation Committee,
Discipline Committee or Board
that are in default.
All CLPNM members are encouraged to review the new By-Laws and
to contact the CLPNM with any questions. The new By-Laws can be
accessed on the CLPNM website at:
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
Have you or someone you know
recently been accepted into a
practical nursing program in
Congratulations on taking your first
steps into the wonderful world of
nursing! Students who are enrolled
either full-time or part-time in
a practical nursing program in
Manitoba are required to register
with the College of Licensed
Practical Nurses of Manitoba
(CLPNM). Programs that require you
to have student registration with
the CLPNM include:
• The Diploma in Practical Nursing
(DPN) Program
• The Practical Nursing
Qualification Recognition (PNQR)
• The Practical Nursing Refresher
(PNR) Program
How do I apply to the student
practical nurse register?
A CLPNM representative may
attend your school’s orientation
session and provide a presentation
about the CLPNM; at around this
same time, you will receive an
application from your school to
apply for Student Practical Nurse
(SPN) registration. If you are not at
the session or your school did not
provide you with an application
package, you can contact the CLPNM for
the information.
From your first day of classes you have
four (4) weeks to apply to the student
register. In order for your application to
be considered complete, you will need to
submit the following documents (and fee):
• A completed SPN application form;
• Payment of fees;
• A Criminal Record Check (CRC) for
Vulnerable Sector Search issued within
the last 12 months;
• A Child Abuse Registry Check (CARC)
issued within the last 12 months;
• An Adult Abuse Registry Check (AARC)
issued within the last 12 months, and
• Proof of identity, such as a notarized
copy of a valid Manitoba driver’s license
or Canadian passport.
The CLPNM will accept original copies or
notarized copies of the above required
documents. (All copies must be notarized
by a Notary Public.) Once the CLPNM has
received these documents you will not
need to submit them to the CLPNM again
unless you are otherwise notified.
Please be aware that even if you have
submitted these documents to your
school, it does not mean that they have
automatically been forwarded to the
CLPNM. It is your responsibility to ensure
that we have received these documents
by the deadline.
All documents must be submitted to the
CLPNM by mail or in person; we do not
accept them by fax or email.
How much does the SPN registration
cost and how do I pay?
The current SPN application fee is
$52.50. You can pay for your SPN by
credit card, money order or by debit if
you come in person to the CLPNM office.
How long does my student practical
nurse registration last?
Your student registration is valid for
a maximum of twelve (12) months.
Please note that your student license
matches the start date of your program
regardless of when you pay for it. This
is important to know because your
registration has to match the year of the
program you are in, and your expiry date
must match your program start date.
For example, if you begin a program
in September 2016, but you pay for
your license in November 2016, your
student license would still be dated
for September 2016. Additionally, your
expiry date for your student license
would still be September 2017. If the
nursing program you are taking is longer
than twelve (12) months (i.e. the DPN
program), you must remember to renew
your student registration. To see if you
are currently registered, please go to
the CLPNM website at
and click on Find a Nurse, which can be
found on the homepage.
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
What happens to my student
registration if I withdraw from my
nursing program?
If you withdraw from your nursing
program voluntarily, or if you are
unsuccessful, you change cohorts, or
you transfer schools (including changing
campuses within the same school), you
must immediately notify the CLPNM.
Once the CLPNM has been notified by
your school, your student registration
is automatically cancelled. Please note:
if you decide to re-join a program, you
must re-apply for student registration
even if it is within the same twelve (12)
month period.
What is important to know about my
student registration?
According to The Licensed Practical
Nurses Act (2001) all students taking a
practical nursing program in Manitoba
are required to have their name on
the student register. Whether you are
currently taking courses in class or out
on clinical practice, you must be on the
CLPNM’s student register.
The CLPNM requires the following
information for you to be listed on the
student register:
• Name
• Address
• Email address
• School you are attending
• Student number
• If you are a full time or part time
As per the CLPNM By-Laws, it is your
responsibility to update the CLPNM with
changes to any of the above information
within 30 days of the change.
I have applied! How do I know if I am on
the student register?
Once all of your documents and
payment have been submitted and
approved by the CLPNM, you will be
sent a confirmation email. The email
will also contain information on how
to access your online receipt, and
how to view your registration on the
CLPNM website. CLPNM no longer hands
out paper registrations/registration cards.
Confirmation of registration is now on our
public register at:
What happens if I apply late?
You are considered late if the following
documents (and fee) have not been
received and approved by the CLPNM
within four (4) weeks of the start of your
• A completed application form
• A Criminal Record Check (CRC) for
Vulnerable Sector Search
• A Child Abuse Registry Check (CARC)
• An Adult Abuse Registry Check (AARC)
• Proof of identity, such as a notarized
copy of a valid Manitoba driver’s license
or Canadian passport.
• The fee of $52.50
If you are late in applying to the student
register you must pay a late fee of $52.50
in addition to your student application fee
of $52.50 for a total of $105.00.
Depending on how late your application
is, you may also have to undergo a
registration assessment by the CLPNM’s
Executive Director. This assessment, for
a fee of $78.75, will occur if you apply
more than 8 weeks after starting in the
program; the fee must be paid prior to the
registration assessment.
As the title SPN is protected, if you have
not registered as a student prior to
participating in your clinical practicum,
you are not able to hold yourself out as an
SPN, which includes signing SPN after your
name when you are charting or displaying
the designation on a nametag. Only those
who are on the student register are able to
sign a chart with the SPN designation.
What happens if I do not apply at all?
Ultimately, if you do not apply to
the student register, your ability to
apply for graduate practical nurse
(GPN) registration will be impacted.
You will be expected to apply and
pay for all registration fees for your
student registration, including late
fees, and you will have to undergo a
registration assessment by the CLPNM’s
Executive Director (at your own cost)
prior to being eligible to apply for GPN
registration. As you must have your GPN
registration before you begin working in
Manitoba, this will impact how quickly
you can begin working after you finish
your practical nursing program. Also,
you are required to have your GPN
registration in order to sit the Canadian
Practical Nurse Registration Exam
(CPNRE); therefore, your ability to sit
the exam on time may be impacted. Any
missed exam sittings may be considered
a failed attempt. Furthermore, as a
member of the CLPNM, you may be
found in breach of your obligations
that may result in a referral to the
Investigation Committee for further
Are you or someone you know getting
ready to start the second year of a
practical nursing program in Manitoba?
Congratulations! You have made it
through your first year as a practical
nursing student. As a reminder, students
who are enrolled either full-time
or part-time in a practical nursing
program in Manitoba will receive an
email reminder to renew their student
How do I know if I have to renew?
Student registrations are only valid for
a total of twelve (12) months. If you
are beginning your second year of the
DPN program, or if you are continuing
your PNR program beyond twelve (12)
months, you are required to renew your
student registration.
Before your student license expires you
will receive an email from the CLPNM
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
with instructions on how to renew your
student registration. It is important
that you keep your email address upto-date with us to ensure you receive
your notification and other important
information about GPN and CPNRE
How do I renew?
Student renewals are now completed
online on the CLPNM’s website:; you will not receive a
paper copy of the renewal form. You
must complete your registration renewal
before your student registration expires,
which includes paying the renewal fee
of $52.50.
Prior to your renewal being approved
you will have to provide the CLPNM with
proof of identity, such as a notarized
copy of a valid Manitoba driver’s license
or Canadian passport.
If you have already submitted your
Criminal Record Check (CRC) for
Vulnerable Sector Search, Child Abuse
Registry Check (CARC) and Adult Abuse
Registry Check (AARC) you do not need
to resubmit these documents unless
you have been advised to do so by the
Once you have submitted all of the
requirements for student registration
renewal, you will receive an email from
the CLPNM approving your registration.
What happens if I am late or do not
Registering late (after your first year
student registration expires) means
that you are in school without a
student license. You will need to
complete your application form online
and pay a late fee of $52.50 (for a total
of $105.00).
You may also be subject to an
assessment by the CLPNM’s Executive
Director, which includes payment of
an assessment fee of $78.75. If you do
not renew your license, your ability to
apply for your GPN registration may be
impacted, as well as beginning to work
and to sit the CPNRE.
ANXIETY–Practical Intervention Strategies
Winnipeg: November 24, 2016
This workshop provides practical and accessible strategies which can be applied across
the lifespan and address the physical, emotional, cognitive and social aspects of anxiety.
–Understanding and Supporting
Winnipeg: November 25, 2016
This workshop’s purpose is to increase the understanding of Borderline Personality
Disorder (BPD) from the perspective of all those impacted, including caregivers, family
members and those diagnosed.
–Strategies from Leading Frameworks
Winnipeg: October 18-19, 2016
This workshop provides participants with a deeper understanding of
cognitive behavioural, strengths based, narrative and solution focused
Winnipeg: December 6, 2016
Participants of this workshop will develop a clear understanding of how to assess the
potential for violence and respond with a diverse set of tools and strategies.
Winnipeg: October 20, 2016
This workshop will provide awareness and skill-building in core areas
related to the helping role including: ethics, case management,
communication, diversity, trauma and promoting helper resilience for
those working in the Social Services field.
AUTISM–Strategies for Self-Regulation, Learning and
Challenging Behaviours
–Strategies for Approaching Resistance
Winnipeg: November 2-3, 2016
This workshop will provide practical strategies for working with high need
individuals around self-regulation, learning practices and challenging
Winnipeg: December 13, 2016
This workshop will provide a general overview of the common mental health issues for
children and youth, signs and symptoms, themes for treatment and the controversies that
surround some of the diagnoses.
Winnipeg: December 14-15, 2016
This experiential workshop will equip helping professionals with new strategies that will
strengthen their therapeutic relationships and maximize potential for motivating change.
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
Keeping your personal contact information up-to-date with the College of Licensed Practical Nurses
of Manitoba (CLPNM) will ensure you do not miss important information about your profession, your
practice and your license.
The CLPNM’s primary means of
communicating with registrants
is by email. By email, we send out
information on new and revised
practice requirements, registration
deadlines and other matters that
may affect your practice and
Accurate contact information is
especially important during the
registration renewal window,
which will open this year on
September 1. Registration renewal
notices, including notifications
about selection for the Continuing
Competence Program Audit, will
be sent to you by email this year,
due to the potential for disruption
to Canada Post service. During
the renewal window, we might
also need to reach you by email
or phone to confirm information
in your renewal application or to
gather more information if your
application was incomplete. Outof-date contact information could
affect your renewal application
and impact your license for the
coming year.
Under CLPNM By-Law, registrants have
an obligation to notify the CLPNM of
any changes to contact information
throughout the registration year.
To update your contact information,
or to check its accuracy, log into
your online CLPNM registration profile
available from If you
have forgotten your user ID or password
for the registration system, find out how
to recover them by visiting www.clpnm.
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
All current LPN
registrations will expire
November 30, 2016.
Starting September 1, 2016, you will
be able to log in to the online renewal
registration system to submit a 2017
renewal application. The deadline for
renewal is November 1, 2016. Renew
early to allow CLPNM time to contact
you before the deadline if there is an
issue with your application. Between
November 2, 2016, and November 30,
2016, you may still apply to renew your
registration for 2017, but late fees will
Current active practicing registration
expires on November 30, 2016. After
this date, if your registration has not
yet been approved by the CLPNM,
you will not be permitted to practice
as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).
The privilege of using the title LPN is
protected, and as such only those who
hold current active practicing registration
are permitted to use the designation or
work in that capacity.
RENEW EARLY for the lowest fee!! All
renewal applications must be reviewed
and processed by the CLPNM prior
to being approved. A complete 2017
registration renewal application includes:
an accurate and completed renewal
application via the CLPNM’s online
registration system;
projected practice hours for the
period from December 1, 2015 to
November 30, 2016;
a declaration of participation
in the Continuing Competence
Program (CCP);
CCP Audit materials (if applicable);
verification of hours (if applicable);
full payment of all applicable fees,
full payment of any outstanding
amounts owed to the CLPNM.
All registrants applying to renew
their registration must comply with
the CCP requirements. Information
regarding the CCP is available on the
CLPNM website.
If you are required to submit
verification of your practice hours,
you will be notified by email only;
therefore, you must regularly check
for CLPNM correspondence. If you
have been randomly selected to
participate in the CCP Audit, you will
be notified on your renewal notice
and on your online CLPNM profile.
Please note that if you are selected
for verification of hours and/or the
CCP audit, your 2017 registration
renewal will not be approved until
the required documents have been
received by the CLPNM; moreover, it
is your responsibility to ensure these
documents, in their entirety, have
been received by the CLPNM prior to
November 1, 2016, or late fees will
Please note that the CLPNM may
require additional information or
clarification in order to process
your renewal application. The CLPNM
may contact you via email, regular
mail and/or telephone to request
information prior to approval of your
2017 registration. Any additional
information or documents requested
must be received before the deadline
of November 1, 2016 to avoid late
November 2, 2016 –
November 30, 2016
If your complete 2017 registration
renewal application, additional
information or documents (if
requested), and the applicable fees
are not received by the CLPNM by
midnight on November 1, 2016, the
late fee of $105.00 will apply. Late
fees are in addition to the registration
renewal fee and are not included in
Preauthorized Payment Plan (PPP)
withdrawals. Your application for
renewal will not be approved by the
CLPNM until all fees are paid in full,
and it is your responsibility to ensure
all requirements have been met.
December 1, 2016 –
December 15, 2016
In the unlikely event that you do not
complete the renewal process in its
entirety by November 30, 2016, per
LPN Regulation 22(1), your registration
will be considered to be in default
and you will no longer be authorized
to practice as an LPN in Manitoba.
Individuals who practice as an LPN
without current registration are
subject to an unauthorized practice
penalty fee and may be referred to
the CLPNM’s Investigation Committee
for professional misconduct.
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
If you miss the November 30, 2016
deadline you may reactivate your
registration between December
1 and December 15, 2016. You
will be able to access the online
renewal application form and you
must provide any outstanding
documentation or requirements, as
well as pay the following fees prior to
The Public Register only lists current
or pending registration statuses, not
those that are expired or cancelled.
Employers can verify registration
status, as well as any conditions
that may be associated with your
registration, by accessing the CLPNM’s
Employer Verification System, also
located under the “Find an LPN” link
on the website.
or costs. Furthermore, any
dishonoured payments will be
subject to administrative fees.
2017 registration renewal fee of
Administrative late fee of
A renewal guide is available on
the Annual Renewal page of the
CLPNM website.
Default reactivation fee of
Unauthorized practice fee (if
applicable) of $525.00
December 16, 2016
Effective December 16, 2016,
if you have not completed the
renewal process in its entirety, your
registration will be automatically
cancelled. If you wish to regain
active practicing registration you
must apply for reinstatement. For
further information related to the
reinstatement process, please visit
the CLPNM website and review the
information about Re-Entering the
LPN Profession.
Verifying a Registration Status
You can verify your registration
status by visiting the CLPNM website
and selecting “Find an LPN” on the
homepage. This link will lead you to
the Public Register where you can
search for your registration status.
If you wish to retire or resign from the
profession for the 2017 registration
year, you can log in to the online
renewal system during renewal time
and change your status to former
member on the confirmation tab. It is
important for the CLPNM to maintain
a record of resignations for the
purposes of health human resources
planning and in the case of a public
health emergency.
Payment Options
Acceptable methods of payment
include Visa, MasterCard, money order
or debit (in person at the CLPNM
office). Please note that cheques and
cash are not accepted.
If you are enrolled in the PPP, are in
good standing, and your registration is
approved before November 1, 2016,
no further payment is required. Any
applications received after November
1, 2016, will accrue late fees that
must be paid prior to your 2017
registration approval.
It is your responsibility to remain
informed of any outstanding
payments owing to the CLPNM,
including any unresolved fees
Receipts for income tax purposes
can be accessed on your online
registration renewal profile by
clicking on the receipts tab.
How to Access the Online
Registration Renewal System
You can renew your registration by
visiting the CLPNM website (www. and clicking on the “log
in” tab on the top right-hand side
of the page. You will log in by using
your CLPNM registration number
as the UserID and your unique
password, which will remain the
same as last year unless you have
changed it. Passwords, if forgotten,
can be retrieved by clicking on the
“forgot your password” link.
Please direct any registration
renewal questions or concerns
to the CLPNM by email at or by phone at
(204) 663-1212, toll free at
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
Active Practicing Registration Renewal Fee (Sept 1 - Nov 1)
Nov 2 - Nov 30 (add late filing administration fee 100.00)
Dec 1 - Dec 15 (add default re-activation fee 125.00)
Graduate Registration Fee
Graduate Registration Renewal Fee
Student Registration Fee
Student Registration Renewal Fee (2nd year)
Late filing administrative fee - Grad and student
Exam Fee (CPNRE)
Late Filing Administrative Fee - Exam
DNW - Did Not Write
Re-scoring Exam Fee
IEN Credential Assessment
Endorsement (currently registered in another province)
Reinstatement of Registration
After December 15 cancellation (includes a non-refundable
reinstatement assessment fee of $375)
Application for Enrolment, Active Practising Registration
Includes Practising fee of 370.00 and Initial Enrolment of 100.00
Re-assessment fee (IEN and Endorsement)
File extension fee (IEN and Endorsement)
Practice hour assessment fee
Verification of Registration
Educational Session (if directed by order of the CLPNM)
Unauthorized Practice Penalty
Appeal of Registration decision
Non-Negotiable Transaction Fee
Administrative Fee
Payment options: Visa, Mastercard, Debit, Money Order
All fees are subject to change
Pre-authorized Payment Plan (PPP) 10 payments of $38.85 on the 15th of each month from Nov/16 - Aug/17
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
Pay your 2018 registration fees in advance through the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba’s
(CLPNM’s) Preauthorized Payment Plan (PPP). This option is available for current active practising registrants who
wish to pay for their upcoming registration fees through automatic bank debit.
Automatic withdrawals for 2018 fees
will be ten equal payments of $38.85
based on the current annual fee. The
payments will begin November 15,
2016 and are withdrawn monthly up
to and including August 15, 2017.
If you are already enrolled in the plan
and wish to continue, there is nothing
you need to do.
If you wish to join, a PPP application
must be completed and submitted to
the CLPNM office in person, by mail
to 463 St. Anne’s Road, Winnipeg, MB
R2M 3C9 or by fax (204) 663-1207.
The completed application may also
be emailed to The
deadline to apply for the 2018 PPP is
October 17, 2016.
Application forms will be available
in September on the Fee Schedule
page of CLPNM’s website at www.
If you have any questions regarding
the PPP, please contact Buffie Babb,
Interim Business Manager at or (204) 663-1212.
Practical Nursing | August 2016 | College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
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