Regional overview of virological surveillance 2010/2011
Regional overview of virological surveillance 2010/2011
Joint ECDC/WHO Euro Influenza Surveillance Meeting (3rd EISN/ECDC Annual General Meeting) Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7-9 June 2011 Global Virological Surveillance (Focus on Europe): 2010/11 Influenza Season Dr Rod S Daniels (CNRL co-ordination team) WHO-CC, Virology Division, NIMR, London, UK. Review of 2010-11 Northern Hemisphere Influenza Season. Canada & USA A (H3=NS>H1p)>>B West/North Europe A(H1p>NS>>H3)>B East Euro/Cent-East Asia A(H1p>>H3>NS)>>B Source: FluNet - WER (no 22, 2011, 86, 222-227) Influenza virus detections, From 2010 week 45 to 2011 week 18 Data source: FluNet (, Global Influenza Surveillance Network (GISN) 17 May 2011. Percentages of influenza out of all positive influenza detections. A(H1N1)pdm09 A(H3N2) Flu A (not subtyped) Flu B No activity or no data 1-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. © WHO 2011. All rights reserved. Data source: WHO, GISN Map production: Global Influenza Programme World Health Organization The 2010-11 Influenza Season in Europe Sentinel Non-sentinel Sentinel: % Influenza Positive Sentinel Surveillance: Individual Countries within the ECDC & WHO EURO Regions Spain A>B Slovenia B=A England A>B Ukraine B>A France A=B Moldova A>B Norway B>A Greece A>B Denmark A Russian Fed A>B Germany A>B Israel A>B Specimens Received 2010-11 Influenza Season: ECDC/WHO EURO Member States MONTH A Country DECEMBER Austria Belgium Croatia Denmark Finland France Georgia Germany Ireland Israel Italy Latvia Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom JANUARY Belgium Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Germany France Georgia Greece Ireland Israel Italy Latvia Malta Moldova Netherlands Portugal Romania Russia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom FEBRUARY Czech Republic Estonia Ireland Italy Greece Latvia Malta Moldova Russia Spain Turkey Ukraine MARCH Estonia Georgia Greece Ireland Latvia Malta Romania Russia Spain Turkey Ukraine 1 5 1 H1N1pdm Number Number received antigenically characterised 6 22 10 5 2 20 1 8 10 6 16 8 5 2 20 1 8 8 8 5 5 6 6 5 3 4 1 5 1 6 23 5 7 1 2 1 6 19 5 7 4 40 0 in process 1 2 13 9 1 0 13 4 H3N2 B B Victoria lineage Number Number received antigenically characterised Number antigenically characterised 2 1 3 3 17 17 1 20 1 12 2 2 2 2 9 9 3 0 4 4 1 7 2 7 2 2 1 2 1 8 9 2 1 9 2 1 7 44 6 22 2 7 2 2 2 6 2 0 49 10 41 8 2 1 1 0 2 3 6 2 3 6 3 23 3 23 8 6 2 3 5 2 3 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 1 1 10 1 1 3 3 1 1 5 1 8 30 2 4 54 5 2 11 5 1 2 1 14 31 8 16 in process 4 52 4 2 3 5 0 2 1 13 21 20 3 6 4 20 in process in process in process 1 32 2 1 9 1 7 17 8 5 1 26 in process 1 in process in process in process 6 8 4 2 in process 15 1 2 6 in process in process 1 in process 1 1 2 7 8 3 1 1 in process 8 1 in process 13 1 2 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 4 6 3 5 in process 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 4 1 16 1 2 4 3 5 2 3 in process in process 1 1 1 1 in process 1 1 22 7 2 2 9 3 9 in process 3 3 3 2 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 259 215 4 1 5 5 8 1 5 1 3 3 2 4 5 6 in process in process 32 537 354 1 1 APRIL Malta Total Received = 1066 B Yamagata lineage Number Number received antigenically characterised Number received 1 0 = insufficient HA titre for antigenic characterisation 98 55 102 38 30 A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses Propagated in cell culture - MDCK cells or others Recent reports of a reduced frequency of isolation - not seen in all laboratories Antigenic analyses of A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza viruses (Turkey RBCs) Haemagglutination inhibition titre 1 Post infection ferret sera Viruses Collection date Passage History A/Cal 7/09 F05/10 A/Eng A/Auck A/Bayern A/Lviv A/HK A/C'church 195/09 3/09 69/09 N6/2009 2212/2010 16/2010 F06/10 F17/09 C4/33/09 C4/34/09 F21/10 F30/10 HA1 amino acid substitutions associated with low HI titre & changes in receptor binding REFERENCE VIRUSES A/California/7/2009 A/England/195/2009 A/Auckland/3/2009 A/Bayern/69/2009 A/Lviv/N6/2009 A/Hong Kong/2212/2010 A/Christchurch/16/2010 2009-04-09 2009-04-28 2009-04-25 2009-07-01 2009-10-27 2010-07-16 2010-07-12 E2/E4 MDCK1/MDCK4 Ex/E3 MDCK4/MDCK2 MDCK5 E4 E2/E1 5120 5120 5120 320 1280 5120 5120 5120 5120 5120 160 160 5120 2560 5120 5120 5120 160 160 5120 5120 1280 2560 2560 640 1280 5120 2560 2560 2560 2560 640 1280 5120 2560 2560 5120 5120 160 640 5120 5120 2560 2560 2560 160 320 5120 5120 A/Valladolid/53/2010 A/Athens/230/2011 A/Palencia/37/2011 2010-12-10 2011-01-18 2011-02-10 MDCK1/MDCK2 1st/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK2 1280 160 1280 2560 160 1280 2560 160 1280 640 1280 640 640 640 1280 2560 320 1280 1280 320 640 A/Ireland/72392/2010 A/Denmark/120/2010 A/Nordrhein-Westfalen/14/2010 A/Estonia/54626/11 A/Ioannina/GR6664/2011 A/Kaluga/1/2011 2010-12-07 2010-12-21 2010-12-22 2011-02-16 2011-02-21 2011-03-14 MDCK3/MDCK1 MDCK6/MDCK1 C2/MDCK1 MDCK 1/MDCK3 MDCK3 E1/E1 1280 640 160 1280 2560 2560 640 160 160 1280 2560 2560 640 80 320 2560 2560 2560 640 640 640 640 640 1280 1280 1280 640 640 1280 2560 640 640 320 1280 2560 2560 A/Baden-Wuttermberg/14/2010 A/Trieste/04/2011 A/Paris/2301/2010 A/Trieste/12/2011 A/Estonia/54086/11 A/St. Petersburg/100/2011 2010-12-27 2010-12-27 2010-12-30 2011-01-13 2011-02-08 2011-03-14 C3/MDCK1 III MDCK/MDCK1 C1/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK1 MDCK 2/MDCK3 E1/E1 40 640 160 320 320 1280 80 160 320 160 160 1280 160 160 160 160 80 1280 160 640 160 640 320 640 320 640 1280 640 160 1280 A/PaisVasco/RR6909/10 A/Stockholm/15/2010 A/Trieste/11/2011 A/Larissa/GR190/2011 A/Israe/lL-1227/2011 2010-12-01 2010-12-13 2011-01-11 2011-01-17 2011-01-26 P1 MDCK-SIAT/MDCK1 C3/MDCK1 II MDCK/MDCK1 1st/MDCK2 P1 1280 160 1280 1280 2560 1280 160 640 2560 2560 1280 160 640 2560 2560 640 640 1280 1280 1280 A/Zamora/55/2010 A/Salamanca/63/2010 A/Netherlands/2/2011 2010-12-16 2010-12-28 2011-01-03 MDCK1/MDCK3 MDCK1/MDCK3 xMDCK2/MDCK1 1280 2560 320 1280 2560 160 1280 2560 160 A/Finland/26/2010 A/LaRioja/RR6968/2010 A/La Rioja/RR6966/2010 A/Soria/16/2011 2010-12-09 2010-12-16 2010-12-23 2011-01-13 MDCK1/MDCK1 P1 MDCK-SIAT SIAT1/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK1 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 A/Austria/593095/2010 2010-12-23 C2/MDCK1 1280 A/Czech Republic/32/2011 A/Estonia/55236/2011 2011-03-02 MDCK4/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK1 A/Limoges/1159/2010 A/Netherlands/219/2011 A/Moldova/448/2011 2010-12-22 2011-01-02 2011-02-07 P2MDCK/MDCK1 xMDCK2 MDCK2 G155E G155E D222G D222N TEST VIRUSES 1 Starting antiserum dilution = 1/40; 2 K119N substitution (+cho). G155X S185T 640 160 320 640 1280 1280 G155X G155X D222G K153X S185T D97N 80 320 80 320 320 640 80 320 160 160 160 640 K153X G155X 1280 1280 2560 2560 2560 1280 320 1280 2560 2560 1280 160 1280 1280 2560 320 1280 640 1280 2560 640 1280 2560 640 640 1280 320 1280 1280 1280 1280 640 320 640 640 1280 640 1280 640 1280 1280 1280 1280 2560 2560 2560 2560 1280 1280 320 1280 1280 640 1280 2560 2560 2560 2560 2560 640 640 2560 2560 2560 2560 1280 1280 640 < 640 320 40 1280 1280 < 320 320 160 640 1280 320 1280 640 80 1280 320 80 640 Vaccine virus S185T S143G A197T G155X Q223R G155E G155X R205K I216V V249L No defining node G155X N125D D222X No defining node N31D S162N(+cho) A186T D222G G155E D222N A134T S183P Phylogenetic Comparison of A(H1N1)pdm09 HA genes (HA1 coding region) Amino acid substitutions in H1 HA associated with passage in tissue culture, resulting in low reactivity in HI assays. Single amino acid substitutions between 153 and 157, often polymorphic. Liu Y et al (2010) J. Virol., 84, 12069-74 Amino acid substitutions in HA in emerging genetic groups of A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses 6 genetic groups • • • • • • SH group N125D, e.g. A/Christchurch/16/2010 Stockholm/14 group R205K, I216V, V249L England/375 group D97N, S185T, e.g. A/England/142/2010 Czech Republic/32 group N31D, S162N (+CHO), A186T Baden-Wurtemburg/14 group S143G, S185T, A197T Alborz/5607group A134T, S183P, e.g. A/Wyoming/01/2011 H1 HA amino acid substitutions associated with different genetic groups 125 216 249 185 97 205 SH group Stockholm/15 group N125D R205K, I216V, V249L 186 162 185 England/375 group D97N, S185T 197 183 143 134 31 Czech Rep/32 group Baden-Wurt/14 group Alborz/5607 group N31D, S162N (+CHO), A186T S143G, S185T, A197T A134T, S183P A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses Many genetic groups have emerged, some seem to have died out Viruses remain very similar antigenically although variants can be readily selected in MDCK cells Recent problems with isolation are being examined H3N2 viruses Problems with agglutination of red blood cells • Through the NA glycoprotein (associated with polymorphism at position 151 of the NA) – Lin YP et al (2010) J. Virol., 84, 6769-81 • Through poor binding to red blood cells of any species At the WHO CC in London virus replication in culture is detected by CPE associated with NA (sialidase) activity 63% of H3N2 viruses isolated through the season were HA –ve NA +ve Antigenic analyses of influenza A(H3N2) viruses (Guinea Pig RBCs + 20nM Oseltamivir) Haemagglutination inhibition titre 1 Amino acid substitutions compared to A/Perth/16/2009 HA 210/09 F11/10 5/10 F27/10 10/10 F03/11 SpfCk3E3/E11 E2/E4 E3/E3 E2/E3 E3/E2 E2/E3 MK1/M2/S3 E2/E2 1280 5120 40 40 160 160 < < 640 5120 80 < 160 320 < < < 40 1280 640 640 1280 80 160 < 40 640 320 640 1280 40 40 160 320 1280 40 5120 2560 40 40 < 160 1280 160 5120 5120 40 40 < 40 640 640 1280 320 160 160 80 160 2560 320 2560 2560 320 320 Perth/16 clade T212A 208/09 F7/10 S199A 15/09 F24/09 E280A 16/09 F30/09 I230V 10/07 F29/09 Y94H 67/05 F18/08 D53N History N312S Date Virus specific S45N (+cho) A/Perth V223I A/Ala N145S A/Vic S214I A/Vic L183H A/Wis R261Q A/Perth I260M A/Bris V213A A/Wis R142G Passage N133D (-cho) Collection K144N Viruses Defining genetic groups K62E Post infection ferret sera Victoria/208 clade REFERENCE VIRUSES A/Wisconsin/67/2005 A/Brisbane/10/2007 A/Perth/16/2009 A/Wisconsin/15/2009 A/Victoria/208/2009 A/Victoria/210/2009 A/Alabama/5/2010 A/Perth/10/2010 TEST VIRUSES 2005-08-31 2007-02-06 2009-07-04 2009-07-06 2009-06-02 2009-06-02 2010-07-13 2010-05-25 * * * * * * * * *X * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *V L194P, V213A * * * * * * * * * * * * * G186V, 222X, 227X R208K, 216X, N225D 2 A/Hmelnizk/ 4175/2010 2010-12-01 C1/SIAT1 640 640 < < 80 < 160 160 A/Norway/1330/2010 A/Israel/1/2011 2010-12-03 2011-01-10 MDCK1/SIAT1 SIAT1 < < < 80 80 320 320 640 80 160 80 320 80 320 ND 640 A/Stockholm/6/2010 A/Stockholm/10/2010 A/Paris/1844/2010 A/Hessen/5/2010 2010-09-29 2010-11-19 2010-11-29 2010-12-13 C2/SIAT1 C1/SIAT1 C1/SIAT1 C3/SIAT1 40 < 40 < < < < < 1280 640 640 80 160 80 1280 320 160 80 320 80 640 320 640 80 ND ND 640 80 ND ND ND ND A/Cote d'Ivoire/GR1542/2010 A/Cote d'Ivoire/GR1728/2010 A/Ghana/FS-10-4723/2010 A/Paris/2120/2010 A/Finland/40/2010 A/Israel/18/2011 2010-10-22 2010-11-08 2010-12-02 2010-12-10 2010-12-22 2011-01-21 SIAT3 SIAT3 SIAT1/SIAT1 C1/SIAT2 MDCK2/SIAT1 C1/SIAT4 < 40 40 < < 80 < 80 80 80 160 80 80 320 320 80 640 320 160 320 320 160 320 320 80 160 320 160 320 320 40 160 160 160 320 320 320 320 320 640 1280 640 160 640 640 640 1280 640 A/England/270/2010 A/Lyon/1135/2010 A/Israel/5/2011 2010-12-06 2010-12-19 2011-01-15 SIAT1/SIAT1 MDCK2/SIAT1 C1/SIAT4 < < 40 80 80 40 160 320 640 160 320 320 80 320 320 80 320 320 1280 1280 640 640 1280 1280 A/Bretagne/2248/2010 A/Galati/47519/2011 A/Genoa/01/2010 A/Moldova/378/2011 A/Valladolid/40/2011 A/Moldova/601/2011 A/Romania/55656/2011 2010-12-25 2010-12-29 2010-12-31 2011-02-08 2011-02-16 2011-02-18 2011-03-10 C1/SIAT1 MDCK2/SIAT3 MDCK2/SIAT4 SIAT3 MDCK1/SIAT1 SIAT3 SIAT2 < < 40 40 40 40 40 40 160 40 80 40 40 40 160 1280 160 320 320 320 320 320 1280 320 320 640 320 640 320 1280 320 320 320 320 320 320 2560 160 160 320 320 320 1280 1280 640 640 1280 640 1280 1280 5120 640 1280 1280 1280 1280 A/Netherlands/34/2010 2010-12-23 xMDCK2/SIAT1 < 40 160 80 80 80 1280 320 Vaccine virus ND = Not Done 1 * * * 2 Starting antiserum dilution = 1/40; Sequences of highlighted viruses are included in the HA phylogeny. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * D * D D D D * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * N8D(-cho), N158K, K189N * * I25V, E50K, P162S G5E, E50K, P162S E50K, P162S E50K, P162S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * G G * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * L3I, T481, L164V T48I, K92R T48A, Q57H, K92R, K326R N6D I192T, N246H(-cho) A198S Antigenic analysis of influenza A H3N2 viruses (Plaque Reduction Neutralisation - MDCK-SIAT) 1 Amino acid substitutions compared to A/Perth/16/2009 Perth/16 clade T212A S199A E280A I230V Y94H D53N Virus specific N312S S45N V223I N145S R261Q I260M A/Vic A/Per A/Ala 208/09 10/10 5/10 F07/10 F1777 F27/10 V213A A/Per 16/09 F30/09 R142G A/Bris 10/07 F29/09 N133D Passage History K144N Collection Date K62E Viruses S214I Defining genetic groups Post infection ferret sera L183H Neutralisation titre Victoria/208 clade REFERENCE VIRUSES A/Brisbane/10/2007 2007-02-06 E2/E4 5120 160 640 80 80 A/Perth/16/2009 2009-07-04 E3/E4 320 1280 640 320 320 A/Victoria/208/2009 2009-06-02 E3/E2 640 1280 5120 1280 1280 A/Perth/10/2010 2010-05-25 E2/E1 160 640 320 320 320 A/Alabama/5/2010 2010-07-13 MK1/MDCK2/SIAT2 80 320 160 320 640 * * * * * * * * X * * * * * * * * * * * * * * R208K, 216X, N225D TEST VIRUSES A/Peleponnese/4043/2010 2010-10-11 SIAT2 320 1280 320 640 1280 A/Hong Kong/6925/2010 2010-11-30 MDCK2/SIAT1 80 1280 160 320 320 A/Ghana/FS-4462/2010 2010-09-28 SIAT1/SIAT1 160 320 160 160 320 A/Ghana/FS-4589/2010 2010-10-22 SIAT1/SIAT1 80 320 160 160 320 A/Johannesburg/34/2010 2010-07-11 MDCK1/SIAT2 80 640 640 ND ND A/Cape Town/62/2010 2010-07-20 MDCK2/SIAT2 80 320 320 ND ND A/Johannesburg/87/2010 2010-07-26 MDCK1/SIAT2 40 320 320 ND ND A/Johannesburg/60/2010 2010-07-16 MDCK3/SIAT1 80 1280 640 ND ND A/Rhode Island/1/2010 2010-01-26 E4/E1 320 320 80 160 320 A/Stockholm/2/2010 2010-04-30 C1/MDCK1/SIAT1 80 320 160 ND ND A/Madagascar/7142/2010 2010-11-05 MDCK2/SIAT1 80 320 160 320 320 A/Argentina/28342/2010 2010-11-23 SIAT1/SIAT1 160 640 320 640 1280 A/Argentina/28367/2010 2010-11-23 SIAT1/SIAT1 80 640 320 640 1280 A/Madagascar/7184/2010 2010-11-16 MDCK1/SIAT1 80 320 160 320 320 A/Madagascar/7749/2010 SIAT3 MDCK2/SIAT2 40 320 160 320 640 A/Netherlands/9/2010 2010-12-10 2010-04-21 40 160 320 ND ND A/Bremen/1/2010 A/Bretagne/2248/2010 2010-12-17 2010-12-25 C2/SIAT1 C1/SIAT1 80 40 640 320 160 160 ND ND 640 640 A/Hong Kong/6894/2010 2010-11-26 MDCK2/SIAT1 80 320 80 160 320 A/Argentina/28370/2010 2010-11-23 SIAT1/SIAT1 80 640 320 640 640 A/Argentina/28378/2010 2010-11-30 SIAT1/SIAT1 40 320 160 320 640 A/Fes/140/2010 2010-12-30 SIATx/SIAT1 80 640 320 ND 640 ND = Not Done 1 Vaccine virus Based on 50% plaque reduction compared to serum negative controls * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * E50K, P162S Q80R, V323I Q80R, V323I L59I L3F, L59I T48A, K92R, D188Y F193Y, A198S T128A K238R K238R N6D T135A Phylogenetic Comparison of A(H3N2) HA genes (HA1 coding region) H3N2 genetic groups • H3N2 viruses split into two genetic clades: the Perth/16/2009 clade and the Victoria/208/2009 clade • Viruses in both clades are antigenically similar and distinct from viruses in the earlier A/Brisbane/10/2007 clade Perth/16 clade groups 162 213 212 133 260 261 Vic/210 P162S, I260M, R261Q Nor/1330 N133D (-CHO) R142G, A212T, V213A 142 Vic/208 clade groups 144 145 144 144 230 94 223 62 53 280 62 92 48 312 62 312 Rhode Is/01 Cote d‟Ivoire K62N, K144N + T48A, K92R, N312S K62E, K144N + N145S,V223I Alabama/05 K62E, K144N + D53N, Y94H, I230V, E280A, S312N H3N2 viruses Problems with H3N2 viruses• Difficulties with propagation in some cells • Difficulties in obtaining egg-isolates for vaccines Genetic groups have emerged but viruses associated with none of these genetic groups are consistently antigenically distinct from the current vaccine virus (A/Perth/16/2009) • HI assays are unreliable but the addition of oseltamivir removes NA-mediated agglutination. • VNT assays are used to back up HI data but involve much more work for viruses that do not propagate efficiently. Influenza B viruses Vaccine viruses are made in eggs Egg propagated viruses lose a CHO site • at residue 197 of HA for B/Victoria-lineage viruses • at residue 196 of B/Yamagata-lineage viruses For B/Victoria-lineage viruses, loss of the CHO site exposes an epitope well-recognised by ferrets Cell-propagated viruses that are closely related genetically to the B/Victoria-lineage vaccine virus are used to define the antigenicity of virus isolates, being „surrogates‟ for the vaccine virus Antigenic analyses of influenza B/Victoria-lineage viruses (Turkey RBCs) Haemagglutination inhibition titre 1 Post infection ferret sera Viruses Collection date Passage History B/Mal B/Eng B/Bris2 60/08 2506/04 393/08 Sh 524 F28/05 F31/08 B/Bris 60/08 F25/10 B/Paris B/HK B/Odessa 1762/08 514/09 3886/10 F11/09 F3/10 F17/10 REFERENCE VIRUSES B/Malaysia/2506/2004 B/England/393/2008 B/Brisbane/60/2008 B/Paris/1762/2008 B/Hong Kong/514/2009 B/Odessa/3886/2010 2004-12-06 2008-08-29 2008-08-04 E3/E5 E1/E6 E4/E4 C2/MDCK4 2009-10-11 MDCK1/MDCK1 2010-03-19 C2/MDCK3 1280 640 640 640 640 1280 320 80 80 10 10 10 80 160 160 20 10 20 80 320 320 40 40 40 < 40 80 80 80 80 < 20 20 160 160 160 < 40 40 80 80 160 2010-12-01 2010-12-01 2010-12-02 2010-12-07 2010-12-08 2010-12-09 2010-12-09 2010-12-10 2010-12-14 2010-12-21 2010-12-23 2010-12-27 2010-12-31 2010-12-31 1280 320 5120 1280 1280 640 1280 640 1280 2560 640 640 640 2560 20 10 640 160 20 10 40 20 160 < 20 10 < 640 < 10 320 80 40 < 40 40 1280 160 40 20 20 640 40 10 640 160 40 40 80 40 1280 80 40 20 20 1280 40 20 160 80 80 160 80 80 160 320 80 40 80 160 80 40 320 320 160 160 640 640 320 320 160 160 160 160 80 160 320 160 320 160 320 160 320 320 320 80 80 160 TEST VIRUSES 3 B/Genova/2/2010 B/Zamora/52/2010 B/Lisboa/56/2010 B/Kharkov/4178/2010 B/Lisboa/21/2010 B/Hmelnizk/4273/2010 B/Brussels/G0707/2010 B/Stockholm/10/2010 B/LaRioja/RR6969/2010 B/Ceuta/RR7185/2010 B/Latvia/12-41046/2010 B/Latvia/12-43110/2010 B/Parma/04/2010 B/Ireland/00132/2010 MDCK1/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK2 SIAT1/MDCK2 1/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK2 1/MDCK1 MDCK2 C0/MDCK1 SIAT1/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK1 MDCKx/MDCK2 MDCK1/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK1 Vaccine virus 1 < = <10; 2 3 Hyperimmune sheep serum; Sequences of highlighted viruses are included in the HA phylogeny. Phylogenetic Comparison of B/Victoria-lineage HA genes (HA1 coding region) Antigenic analyses of influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses (Turkey RBCs) Haemagglutination inhibition titre Post infection ferret sera Viruses REFERENCE VIRUSES B/Egypt/144/2005 B/Florida/4/2006 B/Brisbane/3/2007 B/England/145/2008 B/Bangladesh/3333/2007 B/Wisconsin/1/2010 Collection Passage date History B/Fl2 B/Eg1 B/Fl1 B/Bris1 B/Eng1 B/Bang1 B/Wis1 4/06 144/05 4/06 3/07 145/08 3333/07 1/10 Sh 479 F07/05 F20/07 F24/07 F9/08 F25/08 F26/10 2007-08-07 2010-02-20 E3/E6 E3/E4 E2/E3 Ex/E4 E3/E4 E3/E2 5120 5120 5120 640 5120 1280 160 640 320 20 80 40 640 2560 1280 80 640 320 160 640 320 10 40 20 40 320 80 80 40 20 320 1280 640 40 640 80 160 640 320 20 320 320 2010-12-01 2011-01-18 2011-01-18 2011-02-01 2010-12-16 2010-12-28 2011-01-05 2010-12-20 2011-01-19 2010-12-22 2010-12-27 2010-12-16 2011-03-14 2011-03-15 SIAT1/MDCK1 C2/MDCK1 C2/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK1 C2/MDCK1 C2/MDCK1 MDCK2/MDCK1 SIAT1/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK1 C1/MDCK2 C1/MDCK1 MDCK1/MDCK1 MDCK 2/MDCK1 MDCK 2/MDCK1 5120 5120 5120 5120 1280 5120 5120 5120 1280 5120 1280 2560 2560 2560 320 640 640 160 40 160 320 640 320 160 80 80 40 160 640 320 640 320 80 160 640 1280 160 320 160 160 80 160 80 160 640 < 40 160 160 320 80 640 80 80 < 40 320 160 320 80 80 320 320 320 80 320 160 80 < 80 320 320 320 160 80 160 320 320 80 320 80 40 80 640 320 160 320 160 160 640 320 320 160 1280 320 80 80 320 2005-05-01 2006-12-15 2007-09-03 TEST VIRUSES 3 B/England/170/2010 B/Turkey/93/2011 B/Turkey/97/2011 B/Latvia/2-70/2011 B/Niedersachsen/2/2010 B/Berlin/2/2010 B/Lyon/68/2011 B/England/512/2010 B/Trieste/05/2011 B/Nordrhein-Westfalen/1/2010 B/Bretagne/2278/2010 B/Finland/33/2010 B/Estonia/55669/11 B/Estonia/55763/11 1 2 3 < = <10 ; Hyperimmune sheep serum; Sequences of highlighted viruses are included in the HA phylogeny. Phylogenetic Comparison of B/Yamagata-lineage HA genes (HA1 coding region) Influenza B viruses The majority of viruses have been of the B/Victoria-lineage (~90%) B/Yamagata-lineage viruses have been seen in a smaller number of locations. The vast majority of B/Victoria-lineage viruses are in the B/Brisbane/60 genetic clade and react well with ferret antisera raised against mammalian cell grown viruses genetically similar to egg-grown B/Brisbane/60/2008 B/Yamagata-lineage viruses most frequently fall into the B/Bangladesh/3333/2007 genetic clade and are antigenically similar to recent viruses within the clade e.g. B/Wisconsin/01/2010 Recent Changes in WHO Influenza Vaccine Recommendations SH 2009 (Sep 2008) NH 2009-10 (Feb 2009) H1N1 H3N2 Flu B A/Brisbane/59/2007-like A/Brisbane/10/2007-like B/Florida/4/2006-like (Yam) H1N1 H3N2 Flu B A/California/7/2009-like (pand) A/California/7/2009-like (pand) A Perth/16/2009-like A Perth/16/2009-like B/Brisbane/60/2008-like B/Brisbane/60/2008-like NH 2010-11 (Feb 2010) A/Brisbane/59/2007-like A/Brisbane/10/2007-like A/Brisbane/60/2008-like (Vic) * SH 2011 (Sep 2010) SH 2010 (Sep 2009) A/California/7/2009-like (pand) A Perth/16/2009-like B/Brisbane/60/2008-like A/California/7/2009-like (pand) A Perth/16/2009-like B/Brisbane/60/2008-like NH 2011-12 (Feb 2011) Individual countries (Member States within GISN) make the decision whether or not to adopt these recommendations to meet their country needs (based on local surveillance of circulating influenza viruses) * Due to the rare detection/confirmation of seasonal A(H1N1) viruses since March 2009, NO recommendation for inclusion of such viruses has been made since NH 2009-10. Summary of antiviral susceptibility surveillance findings Reported to WHO: September 2010 - March 2011 For A(H1N1)pdm09: oseltamivir resistance indicated, all viruses remained sensitive to zanamivir and all were resistant to adamantanes. Table 1: Rate (%) of detection of oseltamivir resistance MMM-YY* Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Overall WHO Collaborating Centre CDC CNIC NIMR VIDRIL NIID Overall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.2 0 0.4 0.7 0 0 0 1.5 0.9 0.6 0 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.3 0 0 0 4.8 2.6 1.4 0 0 0 5.8 1.8 1 0 0.7 1.2 2.2 * Month of specimen collection A(H3N2) viruses sensitive to NI antivirals, resistant to adamantanes Influenza B viruses sensitive to NI antivirals Based on Tessy/EuroFlu Reporting: 2.95% A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses oseltamivir resistant (91/3080) and observations as above for A(H3N2) and influenza B NIC UK (Eng): A(H1N1)pdm09 resistant viruses from cases with no known exposure to oseltamivir increased from 11% in 2009-10 season to at least 28% in 2010-11 season 1.5 Acknowledgements All members of National Reference Laboraties (largely WHO recognised National Influenza Centres), WHO, EISN/ECDC, WHO-EURO, Networks of Sentinel GPs/MDs……. who provide clinical specimens, epidemiologic/clinical data, virus isolates, gene sequences, HI data, drug sensitivity data…… and form the fabric of the Global Influenza Surveillance & Response System (GISRS) – formerly Global Influenza Surveillance Network (GISN). UNSUBTYPEABLE A** Ideally send matched clinical specimens and virus isolates ** Unsubtypeable A‟s by PCR should be sent to a WHO CC if circumstances are unusual ((under “Other”) WHO Shipment fund help WHO CC @ NIMR, London (WIC) WHO CC John McCauley Rod Daniels Yipu Lin Vicky Gregory Lynne Whittaker Zheng Xiang Nicholas Cattle Chandi Halai Karen Cross Influenza Group Alan Hay (retired) Steven Wharton Patrick Collins Haixia Xiao Nicole Runkler Ana Luisa Reis Michael Bennett John Skehel (retired) Support Groups Biological Services Protein Structure Physical Biochemistry Mathematical Biology HPA (Colindale) Maria Zambon Nichola Goddard Joanna Ellis Angie Lackenby Monica Galiano Catherine Thompson NIBSC (HPA) Othmar Engelhardt Robert Newman Diane Major Sanger Centre Paul Kellam
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