Warton to The Polesworth School
Warton to The Polesworth School
Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Warwickshire County Council 20 October 2015 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Notice This document and its contents have been prepared and are intended solely for Warwickshire County Council’s information and use in relation to WCC Walked Routes to School. Atkins assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in connection with this document and/or its contents. This document has Page 24 pages including the cover. Document history Job number: 5142634 Revision Purpose description Document ref: WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-RP-D0003 Originated Checked Reviewed Authorised Date P01 Draft for WCC comments MPN BM SJB AJ 01/10/15 P02 Final Issue MPN BM SJB AJ 20/10/15 Client signoff Client Carolyn Burrows, Warwickshire County Council Project WCC Assessment of Walked Routes to School Document title Warton to The Polesworth School Job no. 5142634 Copy no. 1 Document reference WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-RP-D-0003 Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Table of contents Chapter Pages 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Introduction Commission and Terms of Reference Scope Notes and clarifications 4 4 5 5 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Route from Warton to The Polesworth School Section A Section B Section C 6 6 7 8 Appendices 10 Appendix A. Drawings provided by Warwickshire County Council 11 Appendix B. Traffic Count Locations (WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-DR-D-0005) 13 Appendix C. Traffic Counts 15 Appendix D. Photograph Locations (WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-DR-D-0006) 17 Appendix E. Photographs 19 Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School 1. Introduction 1.1. Commission and Terms of Reference Atkins Highways and Transportation has been commissioned by Warwickshire County Council to undertake an assessment of the walking routes available between Warton and The Polesworth School. The team undertaking the assessment was as follows: Mike Neal BSc (Hons), EngTech TMICE Assistant Engineer, Atkins Transportation Ed Moore Technician, Atkins Transportation The checker for this document was: Briony Mucklow BSc (Hons), MSoRSA Road Safety Engineer, Atkins Transportation The independent checker for this document was: Sarah Blick MEng (Hons) Assistant Engineer, Atkins Transportation The reviewer for this document was: Aleksandra Jadanowska CEng CIHT WMHA Framework Quality Coordinator, Atkins Transportation The assessment comprised a desktop review of the information provided in the assessment brief and site visits, which were carried out during daylight hours on 01/10/2015, 12/10/2015 and 13/10/2015. During the site visits it was warm, dry and bright. Atkins was provided with base mapping and route origin information by Graham Stanley of Warwickshire County Council. Details of the information provided are included in Appendix A. Traffic count locations along the route are indicated on the plan included in Appendix B. Traffic counts undertaken during peak periods are included in Appendix C. Photograph locations along the route are indicated on the plan included in Appendix D. Photographs referred to in the Appendix D plan are included in Appendix E. Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 4 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School 1.2. Scope Warwickshire County Council (WCC) currently provide free bus services to children attending their nearest qualifying school and who live within a two mile radius for children under the age of eight, extending to a three mile radius for children aged between eight and sixteen. As part of a number of proposed changes to the School Transport Policy moving forward, WCC are considering introducing ‘Walked Routes to School’ in order to replace the current free school bus service provided and reduce spending on school transport. Atkins was commissioned to provide a review of the existing walking routes to schools in order to ascertain whether it is feasible and safe to remove the free school bus services. The assessment criteria used to determine the safest route enables an understanding as to the improvements which may be required to improve child safety and security, with the strategy as a whole contributing to the delivery of other benefits such as environmental improvements and health benefits. The purpose of this report is to identify the most suitable, direct route from Warton to The Polesworth School. Sections of the route which are considered to be unsafe will be identified in order to give WCC the opportunity to review the findings in the report, and develop potential solutions. Atkins has based the assessment on criteria defined in the ‘Assessment of Walked Routes to School’ document, produced on behalf of Road Safety GB. These guidelines have been compiled based on existing health and safety legislation, best practice and case law. 1.3. Notes and clarifications Atkins carried out a preliminary desktop review of the routes available from Warton to The Polesworth School. Atkins then carried out an on-site assessment of the routes, this assessment consisted of: walking the most suitable, direct route; identifying acceptable and unacceptable sections along the route in accordance with ‘Assessment of Walked Routes to School’ guidelines; measuring footway and verge widths; determining visibility at existing and potential crossing points; identifying and recording speed limits along the route; observing and recording the nature of prevailing traffic and pedestrian movements during both AM and PM peak times (in terms of vehicles per minute and number of acceptable gaps in the traffic) at key point(s) along each route (where appropriate), including revisiting the busiest period; and driving the route (where appropriate) at both AM and PM peak times. The safest walking route was identified with consideration to the guidelines as detailed above and can be seen in both Appendix B (showing traffic count locations) and Appendix D (showing photograph locations). This report herein provides a summary of the route shown in drawing WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-DR-D-0005 (Appendix B) from Warton to Polesworth School and should be read in conjunction with drawing WCCWRTSATK-HGN-06-DR-D-0006 (Appendix D) which provides the locations at which the photographs referenced within this report were taken. Appendix C contains traffic flow data obtained at the site. A ‘Red, Amber, Green’ system has been used in drawings WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-DR-D-0005 (Appendix B) and WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-DR-D-0006 (Appendix D) in order to identify sections of the route which are 'safe', those that could be made 'safer' with investment, and sections of the route where it would not be cost effective to make any safer. Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 5 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School 2. Route from Warton to The Polesworth School 2.1. Section A 2.1.1. Description of route Section A is approximately 240m in length and starts at the junction of Austrey Road / Maypole Road / Church Road in Warton. This section of route begins on the southern footway of Church Road and continues in a westerly direction, crossing the entrance to Trinity Close. The section ends at the boundary of Holy Trinity, Warton on Church Road where the speed limit changes to National Speed Limit (60mph for cars on a single lane carriageway) (refer to Figure 3 Appendix E). The speed limit throughout the section is 30mph. There is a safe route through Warton utilising the uncluttered footway. Visibility is acceptable throughout the section. 2.1.2. Available Footway / Verge width At the start of this section, between the junction of Austrey Road / Maypole Road / Church Road and the junction of Church Road / Trinity Close, the footway is approximately 1.2m in width. At the location adjacent to the Post Office the footway narrows significantly to approximately 0.3m (refer to Figure 1 and 2 Appendix E) creating a pinch point. At this point pedestrians are required to walk in the carriageway for approximately 3.0m. The visibility at this location is acceptable to allow pedestrians to use the carriageway. The remaining part of Section A features a footway with a minimum width of approximately 1m. 2.1.3. Traffic flow This section of route experiences low traffic flows during AM and PM peaks (refer to Appendix B for traffic count locations and Appendix C for traffic count data). 2.1.4. Crossings Pedestrians are required to cross the side road of Trinity Close near the start of the Section A. No tactile paving or dropped kerbs are provided at this location (refer to Figure 2 Appendix E). Pedestrians are required to cross accesses to the car parks of The Boot and Hatters Arms. Vehicular movements into and out of the car parks are assumed to be infrequent and at low speeds. Visibility along Church Road is adequate which enables enough opportunity to cross at all locations safely. 2.1.5. Route Suitability With consideration to the ‘Assessment of Walked Routes to School’ guidelines this section of route has been assessed as an acceptable walking route and highlighted as Green on the drawings. This is due to the availability of footways of adequate width, good visibility and low traffic flows. The location of pinch point adjacent to the Post Office has also been assessed as an acceptable and highlighted as Green. This is due to a very short length of the footway narrowing that requires pedestrian to walk on the carriageway for 3m. This location is subject to low traffic flows and has good visibility. Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 6 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School 2.2. Section B 2.2.1. Description of route Section B of the route is approximately 1.5km in length and starts on Church Road at the boundary of Holy Trinity, Warton where the speed limit changes to National Speed Limit (60mph for cars on a single lane carriageway) (refer to Figure 3 Appendix E). The section of route continues on the southern footway of Church Road until a dropped crossing approximately 50m prior to the junction with Orton Road. At this point pedestrians are required to cross to the northern footway of Church Road (refer to Figure 4 Appendix E). Once on the northern footway pedestrians are required to follow the route. The northern footway continues from the junction Church Road / Orton Road up to the junction Orton Road / Kisses Barn Lane / Linden Road / Stiper’s Hill, where pedestrians will be required to cross Linden Road onto Stiper’s Hill (refer to Figure 5 Appendix E). Pedestrians are required to continue along the northern footway of Stiper’s Hill up to the end of this section of route. This section ends approximately 90m prior to the railway bridge on Striper’s Hill, where the speed limit returns to 30mph (refer to Figure 6 Appendix E). The speed limit for the entire length of this section is National Speed Limit (60mph for cars on a single lane carriageway). Visibility is acceptable on the whole throughout the section but is restricted around the bend on Stiper’s Hill. 2.2.2. Available Footway / Verge width Both the southern and northern footways on Church Road provide a minimum width of approximately 1.2m. The northern footway of Orton Road and Stiper’s Hill is a minimum of 0.8m wide. The footways throughout this section of route are an adequate width for pedestrians with consideration to the ‘Assessment of Walked Routes to School’ guidelines and the traffic volumes observed during the traffic counts (refer to Appendices B and C). 2.2.3. Traffic flow This section of route experiences low traffic during AM and PM peaks (refer to Appendix B for traffic count locations and Appendix C for traffic count data). 2.2.4. Crossings Pedestrians are required to cross Church Road at the existing dropped kerbs where no tactile paving is currently provided (refer to Figure 4 Appendix E). Pedestrians are also required to cross the Linden Lane which also has existing dropped kerbs although no tactile paving provision. Visibility is acceptable at the crossing locations. 2.2.5. Route Suitability With consideration to the ‘Assessment of Walked Routes to School’ guidelines this section of route has been assessed as an acceptable walking route and highlighted as Green on the drawings. This is due to the availability of footways for pedestrians throughout this section of route, low traffic flows and good visibility at crossing points. Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 7 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School 2.3. Section C 2.3.1. Description of route Section C is approximately 1.9km in length and begins at the change in speed limit at a point approximately 90m prior to the railway bridge on Stiper’s Hill (refer to Figure 6 Appendix E). This section of route continues along the northern footway of Stiper’s Hill, across the railway bridge where Stiper’s Hill becomes High Street. Pedestrians are required to continue along the northern footway of High Street, crossing to the southern footway outside Polesworth Abbey approximately 85m prior to the junction of High Street / Bridge Street (refer to Figure 8 Appendix E). Pedestrians are required to continue along the southern footway until the junction of High Street / Bridge Street where pedestrians are required to turn left and continue southbound along the eastern footway of Bridge Street until they reach the junction of Bridge Street / B5000 Grendon Road / B5000 Tamworth Road / Market Street. At this junction pedestrians are required to turn left onto the northern footway of B5000 Grendon Road and cross the carriageway using the existing controlled pedestrian crossing (refer to Figure 9 Appendix E). Pedestrians then turn right and continue along the southern footway of B5000 Grendon Road, turning left into Market Street where they continue southbound following the eastern footway. At the bridge over the Coventry Canal approximately 130m south of the junction of Market Street / Bridge Street / B5000 Grendon Road / B5000 Tamworth Road, Market Street becomes Fairfields Hill. At the end of Fairfields Hill the road bends to the left and becomes Dordon Road where pedestrians continue along the eastern footway Pedestrians are required to cross from the eastern footway of Dordon Road to the western footway in order to position themselves on the same side as The Polesworth School (refer to Figure 10 Appendix E). Pedestrians continue along the western footway up to the entrance of the school. The speed limit for this section is 30mph with High Street, Fairfields Hill and Dordon Road all containing traffic calming features. Visibility is acceptable on the whole throughout the section. 2.3.2. Available Footway / Verge width Both the northern and southern footways of High Street provide a minimum width of approximately 1.2m. The eastern footway of Bridge Street provides a minimum width of approximately 1.5m The eastern footways of Market Street and Fairfields Hill provide a minimum width of approximately 1.2m 2.3.3. Traffic flow This section of route experiences low to medium traffic flows on Dordon Road and High Street during both AM and PM peaks and medium to heavy traffic flows on B5000 Grendon Road during AM and PM peaks (refer to Appendix B for traffic count locations and Appendix C for traffic count data). 2.3.4. Crossings Pedestrians are required to cross the side road of Coronation Avenue, dropped kerbs are provided on one side of the crossing but there is no provision for tactile paving (refer to Figure 7 Appendix E). Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 8 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Pedestrians are also required to cross numerous drive ways along the route which are assumed to be used infrequently and at low speeds. Pedestrians are required to cross High Street from the northern to the southern footway near to Polesworth Club approximately 85m prior to the junction of High Street / Bridge Street (refer to Figure 8 Appendix E). Pedestrians are required to use the controlled pedestrian crossing on B5000 Grendon Road in order to cross from Bridge Street to Market Street (refer to Figure 9 Appendix E). Pedestrians are required to cross the side road of Potters Lane where there is no crossing provision. Pedestrians are required to cross Dordon Road towards the entrance of the school. It should be noted that Dordon Road is subject to a large volume of on street parking at peak periods which may restrict visibility for pedestrians crossing the road (refer to Figure 10 Appendix E). 2.3.5. Route Suitability With consideration to the ‘Assessment of Walked Routes to School’ guidelines this section of route has been assessed as an acceptable walking route and highlighted as Green on the drawings. This is due to the availability of footways of adequate width throughout the Section C along with good visibility at crossing points. Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 9 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Appendices Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 10 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Appendix A. Drawings provided by Warwickshire County Council The following is list of information provided by Warwickshire County Council to the assessment team. Drawing Number H2S300-01 Revision - Title Home to School, The Polesworth School 3 mile radius Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 11 Austrey SHUTTINGTON PICK-UP POINT: THE TELEPHONE BOX. NO. OF PICK-UPS: 1 Shuttington ALVECOTE PICK-UP POINT: ALVECOTE LANE. NO. OF PICK-UPS: 3 WARTON PICK-UP POINT: MAYPOLE STORES. NO. OF PICK-UPS: 76 Orton on the Hill Warton POLESWORTH Polesworth TAMWORTH M4 2 Birchmoor THE POLESWORTH SCHOOL Grendon DORDON Dordon A5 BIRCH COPPICE GRENDON PICK-UP POINT: BOOT INN. NO. OF PICK-UPS: 46 Whateley Baddesley Ensor WOOD END PRIMARY SCHOOL BADDESLEY ENSOR PICK-UP POINT: BADDESLEY ENSOR LIBERAL CLUB. NO. OF PICK-UPS: 51 Key: 3 Mile Radius. The Polesworth School. 1 KINGSBURY PRIMARY SCHOOL Student Collection Areas and Numbers. KINGSBURY SCHOOL Kingsbury NOTES REV DATE BY CHK AMENDMENT - --/--/-- - - - - --/--/-- - - - COMMUNITIES PO Box 43, Shire Hall Warwick, CV34 4SX Tel: (01926) 410410 Fax: (01926) 491665 www.warwickshire.gov.uk mailto:communities@warwickshire.gov.uk Monica Fogarty Strategic Director for Communities H:\RoadSafetyUnit\SRTS\Home to School Routes\North Warks\Drawings\H2S300-01 - The Polesworth School.dwg Graeme Fitton BSc, MSc, C.Eng, MICE. Head of Transport for Warwickshire - --/--/-- - - - - --/--/-- - - - - --/--/-- - - - Based on Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of HMSO Crown Copyright and database right 2011. Ordnance Survey 100019520. All rights reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Warwickshire County Council. Drawing title HOME TO SCHOOL THE POLESWORTH SCHOOL 3 MILE RADIUS Project title Drawn by Checked by PW GS Date June 2015 Scale NTS @ A3_L Drawing number HOME TO SCHOOL H2S300-01 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Appendix B. Traffic Count Locations Warton to The Polesworth School (WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-DR-D-0005) Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 13 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Appendix C. Traffic Counts Traffic counts were undertaken at a number of locations during AM and PM peaks. Refer to Table 1 for traffic count data. In accordance with the ‘Assessment of Walked Routes to School’ Guidelines, Table 2 defines the traffic count classification and passenger car equivalent values. The number of gaps in each 5 minute period at each location and at each time exceeded the sufficient number (4 gaps) suggested in the ‘Assessment of Walked Routes to School’ Guidelines which suggests that the roads can be crossed without too much delay. Count Location 1 CHUCH ROAD, WARTON 2 HIGH STREET 3 B5000 GRENDON ROAD 4 DORDON ROAD Table 1 Count per 5 min AM or PM Peak Date Time AM PM AM AM PM AM AM PM AM AM PM AM 01/10/2015 01/10/2015 13/10/2015 01/10/2015 01/10/2015 13/10/2015 01/10/2015 01/10/2015 13/10/2015 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 13/10/2015 08:20 15:45 08:20 08:40 15:35 08:40 08:30 15:25 08:30 08:40 15:00 08:40 Car Van Bus Lorry M/C Cycle Ped 11 9 9 30 17 26 73 42 71 27 25 32 2 1 1 2 3 1 7 10 11 4 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 51 0 4 2 3 6 43 163 60 Traffic count data (refer to drawing WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-DR-D-0005 Appendix B for traffic count locations) Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 15 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Count Location AM or PM Peak 1 CHUCH ROAD, WARTON AM PM AM 01/10/2015 01/10/2015 13/10/2015 08:20 15:45 08:20 168 132 120 AM 01/10/2015 08:40 408 2 HIGH STREET PM AM 01/10/2015 13/10/2015 15:35 08:40 240 324 AM 01/10/2015 08:30 996 3 B5000 GRENDON ROAD PM 01/10/2015 15:25 660 AM 13/10/2015 08:30 1008 AM PM 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 08:40 15:00 372 372 AM 13/10/2015 08:40 432 4 DORDON ROAD Date Time Equivalent veh / hour Suggested flow level classification Low traffic flow Low traffic flow Low traffic flow Medium traffic flow Low traffic flow Low traffic flow Heavy traffic flow Medium traffic flow Heavy traffic flow Low traffic flow Low traffic flow Medium traffic flow Passenger car equivalent values (PCUs) per hour 180 156 120 Gaps per 5 min > 4 gaps > 4 gaps > 4 gaps 392 > 4 gaps 240 324 > 4 gaps > 4 gaps 1024 > 4 gaps 660 > 4 gaps 1012 > 4 gaps 372 344 > 4 gaps > 4 gaps 456 > 4 gaps Table 2 ‘Assessment of Walked Routes to School’ traffic count classification, passenger car equivalent values (PCUs) and gaps in traffic flow (refer to drawing WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-DR-D0005 for traffic count locations) Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 16 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Appendix D. Photograph Locations Warton to The Polesworth School (WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-DR-D-0006) Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 17 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Appendix E. Photographs (Refer to drawing WCCWRTS-ATK-HGN-06-DR-D-0006 in Appendix D for photograph locations) Figure 1 Pinch point in footway on Church Road, Warton next to the Post Office Figure 2 Pinch point in footway on Church Road, Warton next to the Post Office Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 19 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Figure 3 Figure 4 National Speed Limit begins on Church Road near Holy Trinity, Warton Crossing location from the southern to the northern footway of Church Road Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 20 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Figure 5 Footway provision on the northern side of Stiper’s Hill looking back at the junction of Orton Road / Kisses Barn Lane / Linden Road / Stiper’s Hill Figure 6 Beginning of 30mph speed limit on Stiper’s Hill Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 21 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Figure 7 Figure 8 Crossing point at Coronation Avenue Crossing High Street from the northern to the southern footway near to Polesworth Club Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 22 Warton to The Polesworth School Assessment of Walked Routes to School Figure 9 Figure 10 Existing controlled pedestrian crossing on B5000 Grendon Road. Dordon Road on the approach to The Polesworth School Atkins Assessment of Walked Routes to School | P02 | 20 October 2015 | 5142634 23 Briony Mucklow Atkins The Axis 10 Holliday Street Birmingham B1 1TF Briony.Mucklow@atkinsglobal.com 0121 483 5630 © Atkins Ltd except where stated otherwise. The Atkins logo, ‘Carbon Critical Design’ and the strapline ‘Plan Design Enable’ are trademarks of Atkins Ltd.