Big Hardboard Plant Will Gypsy Rose Strips On ly Her Gloves And


Big Hardboard Plant Will Gypsy Rose Strips On ly Her Gloves And
This is the 'first photograph of the new Lancaster and
Chester Railway terminal in Lancaster which will ho opened to the public' Saturday. Architecture of
the new station was inspired by the Coach Tavern at Williambsurg. Va., and is the only example of
proprietary colonial architecture among the railroad terminals of America. Gypsy Rose Lee will strip
a Springmaid sheet from the facade of the new terminal at 12:15 P. M. She will be assisted by John
Reed King and Clrady Cole. Openine "f Springs Pat U fni Ihr summer will follow ihp nnve-iMn 1*
me <;reat
I'nveiling" went off according to
schedule in Lancaster Saturday.
Stripteaser Gypsy Rose Lee.
who leased a tremendous crowd
by saucily removing her gloves,
wieldrd the hatchet which unveil
ed a Springmaid ?heet from the
front of the new Lancaster and
Chester railroad terminal.
MfTPr undraping the new *talion ,a replica of an old rnarh
t"vern at VVillinmsburg. Va.. Miss
Lee climbed into thp rah of *
Diesel enginp, gave two shrill
blasts on thp whistle, opened the
throttle and engineered th*1 trflin
for a shori run down thp LAC
I-Rler in the afternoon. Miss
Lee. who is now the railroad's
30»h vice president, nffiriallv op.
ened Springs Park for ihe sum
mer. The park is located abnut
12 miles from Lancaster, on thp.
hank of the Catawba River.
Thp I9.M summer season »t
Springs Park got underway with
a Iwauty contest.
Miss Janie
Mot PP. weaver in the Lancasfrr
Springs plant, won out uver 40
othrr hnautips tn claim rhp titlp
nf "Miss Springrnaid." Runner-up
was Miss Vera AckPrman and
Miss Betty Hagins was third
place winner.
A crowd n^timaied by State
Highway Patrolmen at 10.000
jammen ?hp stippt in front of the
HPW terminal for the unvpiltng.
Thousands were also present lat
PI in ihe day at Springs Park,
On the entprtalnrnpni program ,
with Miss LPP were Gradv Coif. i
well-know radio pprsonalitv and
John Rpirt King of radio and TV
GVrsy ROSr; LKP showed the crowd nothing more than i frilltlack slip at the celebration at Springs Park but sh* still stole the
how with hnr entertaining carryings-on. (Photos by Ben Bundy
Jack Rock.»
2Vi Million Dollar Project
Big Hardboard Plant Will
Near Lancaster
Plans for the construction
of a 52.,"jOO.OOO hard»K»ard plant near Lancaster
- *ve announced today by Carl \V. MuUis, Jr.
THOUSANDS watrh an the new L & C station \*
avern in Williamshur^. Va.
The station \* a repHra of the oW roach
Gypsy Rose Strips On ly Her Gloves
And Springmaid
Sheet At Lancaster
** -»~*
The plant will be located near the present
she of the MuJlis Lumber Co. on the Lancasu-r-RcK-k Hill highway.
In his announrenieni Mullis said work on
the mill would begin as soon as detailed plans
been completed. The number of persons
*jr+ f
10 be employed ha.-* nui been determined.
So far as he knows. Mull is said, the jiiiihi
will be the first of Its kind in this part of th.
country. Not long ago Mullis vtetierl a similar
plant in Oregon to siu<iy its layout, and opera
tional methods.
Hardboard is a form <.-f pressed wood which
is made ot pine waste. Heretofore the \\aste
material ' *s either been destroyed or used as
firewood. Mullis explained.

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