Summer Newsletter
Summer Newsletter
Highspire Herald A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION FOR THE RESIDENTS OF HIGHSPIRE BOROUGH 640 Eshelman Street, Highspire, PA 17034 Phone 717-939-3303 - Inside this issue: Highspire Historical Society News 2 Schedule of Highspire Fire Department Upcoming Events 3 Ice Cream Social 3 2016 National Night Out 3 Important Information About Your Trash & Recycling Collection 4 Compost Facility 4 Pavilion Rentals 4 Borough Speed Limits 4 Borough Crosswalks 4 Swimming Pool Regulations 4 Codes/Zoning Information 5 Trees, Grass, Weeds & Bushes 5 3 Big Reasons Why You Should Not Wash Your Car at Home 5 Upcoming Dates & Events 6 Summer 2016 HOW SHOULD YOU MANAGE YOUR HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE (HHW)? The best method of managing your HHW is to prevent its generation in the first place. This involves selecting the least toxic item ‘to do the job’, and buying only the minimum amounts necessary. Buying in large quantities is not a bargain if half of it has to be discarded. If your materials are still useable, check with friends, neighbors, churches or other non-profit groups to see if they might be able to use them. If you are unable to donate your items, consider using Dauphin County’s curbside HHW Program that is available to each household for FREE, one time per year. The program is simple! STEP 1 - Call 1-800-449-7587 to schedule your curbside collection. STEP 2 - In 1 to 2 weeks you will receive an HHW kit in the mail. The kit is used for the collection of your HHW. STEP 3 - Sit your HHW kit at your curb on the scheduled collection date. If you are unable to participate in Dauphin County’s HHW Program or you have no other option but to discard the materials, you may legally dispose of them in your regular household trash pick-up; provided that . . . 1. You have looked at the label for any disposal directions and have complied with them. Fall 2016 ISSUE 2. Liquids that are water based have either been allowed to evaporate or non-water DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES based liquids have been absorbed with a material such as vermiculite, cat litter, or IS AUGUST 1ST sawdust so that there are no freestanding liquids. Submit articles to the Borough office at 640 Eshelman Street, 3. The remaining residue has been carefully packaged to prevent leakage while the material is being transported to the disposal facility. Highspire or email them to, and they 4. The material is placed out for disposal in small quantities, over several collection may be published in the next periods. newsletter. You can find more information on Solid Waste Management & Recycling by calling 717-982-6772, or online at Find Out How State Representative Patty Kim Can Help You! Contact Her Office At: 8 South Front Street Steelton, PA 17113 717-986-1673 (Phone) 717-986-1677 (Fax) (Website) (Email) Page 2 Highspire Herald HIGHSPIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWS The Highspire Historical Society meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Wilson House, 273 Second Street, with the exception of cold weather months, when the meetings are held at St. Peters Lutheran Church on Broad Street. Should you have any questions, please call 717-566-6828. 2016 Flea Market Dates For all flea markets, the Historical Society is in need of slightly used house wares, linens, toys, tablecloths, books, clothes & jewelry. Donations of baked goods are also needed. Individual stands are $5.00 per space (bring your own table or blanket), and are held at 273 Second St., Rear at Lusk Ave. from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. Please call 717-566-6828 if you have any questions. All money raised is used for the maintenance of the Wilson House (outside & inside painting, yard upkeep, etc.). Saturday, July 23 (Rain Date July 30) This will be our “Christmas in July” flea market “Work Day” at the Wilson House will be on Saturday, July 9th from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Come wearing old clothes, and help rake, pull weeds, etc. to spruce up the Wilson House. We need your help! Saturday, June 4th, 2016 - OPEN HOUSE at the Wilson House from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. John Beck will speak on John F. Kennedy beginning at 3:00 pm. Display cases will be on view for guests, and light refreshments will be served. Please park at the rear entrance at Lusk Avenue. Sunday, June 26th, 3:00 pm (weather permitting) Walking Tour given by Don Ruth. The tour will begin at the Wilson House; be sure to wear comfortable shoes. Book Sale Saturday August 27, 2016 8:00 am to Noon at the Highspire Historical Society There will also be hot dogs @ the BBQ and chicken corn soup for sale Memberships Historical Society annual dues are now $10.00 per person, per year. No lifetime memberships. All checks can be made payable and mailed to: Highspire Historical Society c/o Mrs. J. Shank 81 Chestnut Street Highspire, PA 17034 The Highspire Historical Society is getting ready to undertake a major project. We are in the process of hiring a painting company to paint The Wilson House; this is going to be an expensive project to undertake. The cost of painting the entire exterior of the building will cost approximately $7,000.00. This project will deplete the funds that are currently in the Treasury, and the only income for this year to restore our funds will be from our three flea markets, and a book sale. If you would be interested in donating any amount of money to the Historical Society we would greatly appreciate it. All checks can be made payable and mailed to: The Highspire Historical Society c/o Steve Whittle 1681 Landvater Road Hummelstown, PA 17036 Highspire Herald Page 3 BOROUGH NEWS SCHEDULE OF HIGHSPIRE FIRE DEPARTMENT UPCOMING EVENTS Stuffed Chicken Breast Dinner June 12th 11:00 am till Sold Out Chicken BBQ June 25th 11:00 am till Sold Out Gun Raffle June 25th Raffle drawings will begin at 2 p.m., and you do not need to be present to win. Call 717-939-5111 (Firehouse) or 717-939-3214 (Shaffners Gun Shop) for more information or to purchase tickets. HERE’S THE SCOOP . . . What better way to kick off your summer then with an ICE CREAM SOCIAL !!! Stop by Highspire Memorial Park on June 5th, 2016 from 5 to ? There will be games and entertainment for your enjoyment, and food & ice cream sundaes will also be available for purchase. Chicken BBQ July 30th 11:00 am till Sold Out Chicken BBQ August 27th 11:00 am till Sold Out For more information on any of these events, you can call - Highspire Community Watch Jenna Condran - (717)736-6509 or email: at Memorial Park on Lumber Street Starting at 6:00 p.m. 7th Annual National Night Out Page 4 Highspire Herald BOROUGH NEWS HIGHSPIRE BOROUGH RESIDENTS IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR TRASH AND RECYCLING COLLECTION The Highspire Borough has renewed its Trash and Recycling Collection contract with Republic Services, which will be effective as of June 1, 2016. The new contract includes the delivery and use of a new recycling bin (see photo below) The new recycling bin will be delivered directly to your home on a future date to be determined by Republic Services. Please call Republic Services if you have any questions concerning your trash services or to schedule a bulky item pick-up at 1-800-210-9675. The bins are lifted by a mechanical device and emptied into the collection truck. Proper placement of the bin is important for the worker and public safety. They should be placed on or behind the curb line and with the metal rod facing the street. COMPOST FACILITY Located on Aviation Way beside the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Monday - Friday 7:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday and Sunday 7:00 am to noon BOROUGH SPEED LIMITS The Highspire Police Department reminds all motorists that the speed limit on Second Street is 35 mph. ALL OTHER STREETS are 25mph with the exception of Eisenhower Blvd. which is 45 mph. The Police will be actively enforcing these speed limits. As a borough resident you can help by making a conscious effort to obey all posted speed limits and road conditions while operating a motor vehicle. Together we can succeed in improving safety and the quality of life for all in our community. BOROUGH CROSSWALKS ALL MOTORISTS should be aware pedestrian and crosswalk regulations. Any driver of a vehicle shall yield the right away to any pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close as to constitute a hazard. Whenever any vehicle is stopped at any crosswalk at an intersection or at any marked crosswalk to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass the stopped vehicle. PAVILION RENTALS The pavilions at Highspire’s Memorial and Reservoir Parks are available for residents and non-residents to reserve throughout the year. The use is free for Borough residents. However, a $35.00 charge for non-residents will be collected. Please call the Borough office at 717-939-3303 to make a reservation. If the gate is locked during these hours, please call the operator on duty at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at 717-939-6204. of School will soon be over for the summer. While driving please remember to watch out for children running into the streets. As a reminder to parents, the street is not a safe place for children to play. The Borough provides several recreation facilities for this purpose. All swimming pools over 24” deep are regulated by the State Uniform Construction Code. These regulations pertain to any pool, portable, storable, inflatable, or permanent. Placement of any pool that can hold 24” or more of water must have a permit before being installed. Any above ground pool 24” to 47” high must have a UCC standard fence of at least 48” high around the pool. Any in ground pool 24” or more must have a UCC standard fence of at least 48” high around the pool. Any above ground pool 48” high with rigid sides does not need a fence; however, all steps or ladders must be capable of being secured, locked, or removed. All inflatable pools are regulated the same as all other pools by the UCC. Please contact the Borough Office prior to the purchase of any pool to make sure you are incompliance with these regulations. Highspire Herald CODES/ZONING CODES/ZONING INFORMATION Building and Zoning Permits are required for numerous things including new roofs, electrical service upgrades, decks, additions, fences, storage sheds, garages, swimming pools, and a multitude of other things. New floor coverings, painting, and minor repairs do not require permits. Please call the Borough Office at 717-939-3303 if you need any additional information. TREES, GRASS, WEEDS & BUSHES The Code Enforcement Office would like to remind all property owners that trees located in the borough right of way or along borough streets must comply with the Borough’s Minimum Tree Clearance Ordinance. This ordinance requires that all trees in these areas be kept trimmed to a height of 14 feet above street level and 8 feet above all sidewalks. The responsibility for such trimming lies with the property owner. Property owners are also responsible for maintaining the clear sight triangle, which is an area of unobstructed vision at street intersections. Within the clear sight triangle nothing is to be erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow in such a manner as to limit or obstruct the sight distance of motorists entering or leaving the intersection. Grass mowing season is here!! The Borough’s grass ordinance requires all weeds and grasses to be kept under 8 inches. This includes all grass and weeds located between the curb and sidewalks. Please be sure to keep on top of these nuisance issues so the Borough does not need to intervene. Do not blow grass clippings into the street or sewer drains. Also, rubbish is not permitted to accumulate on or around properties. Rubbish includes, but is not limited to, paper, rags, cartons, wood, metals, plastics and other items. Page 5 PUBLIC WORKS - MS4 3 Big Reasons Why You Should Not Wash Your Car at Home If you think it’s “greener” to wash your car at home, here are three big reasons to think again. 1) Use more water. Most people who wash their cars at home do it with a rag in one hand and a hose running in the other. Depending on the flow of water coming out of the hose, you could end up using close to a hundred gallons of water to wash one car. Most automatic car washes use between 40 and 60 gallons of water per car, which still gets the job done because the water is sprayed using high-intensity nozzles that require less liquid to wash off the same amount of grime. At self-serve car washes – where customers use a coin-operated device like a spray gun to wash off their cars – water use per car may drop to as little as 12-18 gallons per vehicle. 2) Waste more water. If you wash your car on the driveway, on the street, or in a parking lot, the water you use will simply run off into the nearest sewer. A big advantage of a car wash is that it usually captures waste water, then either recycles it on the spot to re-use in the initial rinse-off cycle of the automatic wash, or sends it to a waste water treatment plant. 3) Pollute more water. Water that’s been used to wash a car can contain a wide array of pollutants. On top of all the dirt and grime on the car itself, there may also be automobile fluids, like oil, antifreeze and transmission fluid. Plus, conventional car wash detergents usually contain chemical compounds like hydrochloric acid, naphthalene, methylene chloride, sulfuric acid and phosphates. When all these chemicals run off into sewers, they ultimately end up in our waterways. They can pollute drinking water and cause problems for fish, frogs, turtles, birds and other wildlife. Many states require commercial car washes to meet specific requirements for using water wisely. Get to know the car wash in your community and ask what steps they are taking to conserve and recycle water and to use non-toxic cleansers and detergents. Look for a car wash that adheres to the water-saving guidelines suggested by The International Car Wash Association. To be a certified WaterSaver company, the car wash must agree to limit automatic car washes to 40 gallons of potable/fresh water per car, and all water discharged must be routed to water treatment centers or a septic system. Plus, the car wash must meet all local pollution control criteria. If you do decide to wash your car at home, be water-smart and limit pollution, too. Here’s how: 1) Don’t keep the hose running. Instead, fill a bucket with soap and water and use a sponge to wash one section of the car at a time. Rinse using a high-intensity nozzle that you can easily turn on and off. Pour dirty water down your utility sink drain or even the toilet, so it will eventually end up at a water treatment facility. 2) Park the car on gravel or a lawn, rather than on a driveway. You can minimize run-off by washing the car on a surface that can absorb the water. 3) Use non-toxic cleansers that will cut grime and grease without polluting the water. The biodegradable, fragrance-free, phosphate-free liquid soap you use to wash your dishes will do the job just as well on your car. 4) Add a little “elbow” grease. Use reusable sponges with a soft scrubber surface on one side to get rid of persistent dirt without scratching the paint. 5) Wipe up the interior with fragrance-free and plant-based cleansers. Most car washes – even the ones that use water wisely – still spray industrial-grade cleansers on the inside of the car. Instead, opt for plant-based sprays that won’t give you a headache or otherwise make you ill. Leave the windows open for a few minutes after cleaning to air out the car. Article by Diane MacEachern— Upcoming Dates & Events June 1, 2016 Sewer Payments Mailed June 6, 2016 School Board Planning Mtg 6:30 pm June 7, 2016 Planning Commission Mtg 7:00 pm June 7, 2016 Last Day of School & Steelton-Highspire High School Graduation 6:30 pm June 9, 2016 Civil Service Commission Mtg 6:00 pm June 14, 2016 Council Workshop Mtg 7:00 pm June 16, 2016 School Board Legislative Mtg 6:30 pm June 16, 2016 Highspire Borough Authority Mtg 7:00 pm July 19, 2016 Council Mtg 7:00 pm August 9, 2016 Council Workshop Mtg 7:00 pm June 21, 2016 Council Mtg 7:00 pm July 21, 2016 Highspire Borough Authority Mtg 7:00 pm August 16, 2016 Council Mtg 7:00 pm June 27, 2016 Highspire Historical Society Mtg Wilson House - 7:00 pm July 25, 2016 Highspire Historical Society Mtg Wilson House - 7:00 pm August 18, 2016 School Board Legislative Mtg 6:30 pm June 27, 2016 Neighborhood Watch Mtg Borough Bldg - 7:00 pm July 25, 2016 Neighborhood Watch Mtg Borough Bldg - 7:00 pm August 18, 2016 Highspire Borough Authority Mtg 7:00 pm July 4, 2016 Borough Office Closed August 2, 2016 Planning Commission Mtg 7:00 pm August 22, 2016 Highspire Historical Society Mtg Wilson House - 7:00 pm August 8, 2016 School Board Planning & Athletic Association Mtg 6:30 pm August 29, 2016 Neighborhood Watch Mtg Borough Bldg - 7:00 pm July 5, 2016 Planning Commission Mtg 7:00 pm July 12, 2016 Council Workshop Mtg 7:00 pm Borough Telephone Numbers Borough Office …………………………. Borough Fax ……………………………. Sewer Billing & Collections …………… Code Enforcement …………………….. Waste Water Treatment Plant ………... Highway Department ………………….. Police Department Non-Emergency …. Police Emergency ……………………... Highspire Constable - Ian Castaneira .. Highspire Tax Collector ……………….. Other Important Telephone Numbers 939-3303 939-3371 939-3303 939-3303 939-6204 986-1034 558-6900 911 773-9570 939-4369 Citizen’s Fire Company ……………………. Citizen’s Fire Company Rental Hall ……… Comcast Cable …………………………….. District Justice Kenneth Lenker …………... Highspire Post Office ………………………. Republic Services - Trash ………………… PPL Electric ………………………………… Steelton Highspire School District ……….. United Water ……………………………….. Verizon ……………………………………… 939-5111 939-6582 1-800-266-2278 939-6996 939-4902 1-800-210-9675 1-800-342-5775 704-3800 564-3662 1-800-837-4966 POSTAL CUSTOMER ECRWSS Highspire PA 17034 640 Eshelman Street Borough of Highspire “Your Community Since 1814” PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID HARRISBURG PA PERMIT NO. 821