January 2016 - First Presbyterian Church of Highlands
January 2016 - First Presbyterian Church of Highlands
First Presbyterian Church of Highlands FROM THE PASTORS JANUARY 2016 MEET OUR FOOD COORDINATOR..................2 CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING………………...2 GIFT WRAP……………….3 CAROLSING………...….....3 LESSONS & CAROLS...........4 CHRISTMAS EVE.................4 CHOIR NEWS…………..…5 BOLIVIA TRIP …………….5 NEW MEMBERS………..…5 BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES….……....6 Here in the month of January the days of winter can be dreary and cold. In January the sun shines low on the horizon. The sun comes up too late and sets too soon. Plus, frosty mornings and frosty nights remind us it’s “the dead of winter.” January has the feeling of being a rather empty month. The colors of Christmas have faded and the flowers of Easter are a long way from blooming. Springtime seems long away. If all these remarks make you melancholy, listen to this story about a man who was living a kind of January month. He had reached a sense of spiritual emptiness. He felt cold, dry, and lifeless. Overworked. Over-pressured by demands. Exhausted. He described himself as feeling like a hand-operated water pump. Too many demands and too many people needing his help had left his well dry. In trying to replenish the well he went to a spiritual director for advice, a nun. He expected she would offer soothing words. He expected her to boost his ego by telling him how he had lived a life of sacrifice as an unselfish person. When you feel low it helps to hear words that describe you in positive terms. Such words can lift you up. He also thought she might suggest he take some time off, even take a vacation. But no, she said none of that. She didn’t say anything positive about his character. Nor did she recommend a vacation. What she said was this, “There’s only one thing to do when your reservoir runs dry. You have to go deeper.” The prophet Jeremiah gives this same advice. He says those who trust in God are like a tree sending roots deep down into the soil where the water lies. Then, when the drought comes, its leaves are green and it still bears fruit (Jer. 17:8). Without deep roots, the tree would wither and die. Going deeper, trusting deeply in God, gives life in the empty, cold seasons of life. God does not promise to let us live only in springtime. Every life has grey, empty winter days. To endure such days, it is important to have a faith that goes deep. A faith that drinks deeply from the living God. Such a faith is tenacious. Such a faith never gives up. Such a faith goes deeper. As the Apostle Paul says, faith in the love of God “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (I Cor.13:7). CHURCH CALENDAR…….7 LECTIONARY..…...........…..8 2016 WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT YOU? As we reflect on the fullness of the Christmas season, we give thanks for so many hands that made each event and activity of our ministry together beautiful, poignant, and incredibly special. The Worship Ministry Team continued to provide a beautiful space and services for us, the Congregational Care Ministry Team provided a lovely reception and two wonderful luncheons. Behind the scenes, the staff continued to work so hard to keep the office in good order and to look out for the needs of all who walked through the door. We also give thanks to Marty Boone and Pat Mulherin for so many wonderful photos throughout the year – the pictures speak volumes! Page 2 WELCOME MARTY, NEW FOOD COORDINATOR We are delighted to announce that Marty Rosenfield will be joining the staff of FPCH as our Food Coordinator, beginning in January. Marty has been cooking for most of his life, but most recently owned Lakeside restaurant in Highlands with his wife, and FPCH member Donna Woods. He has also recently started serving as Executive Director of the Highlands Food Pantry. We are so pleased for Marty to join us and share his wonderful talents with us! CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING The annual Highlands Tree Lighting Ceremony took place on Saturday, November 28th on the lawn of Highlands United Methodist Church. Members of our Chancel Choir and Sacred Sounds Handbell Choir participated in the ecumenical service, which this year drew record crowds. Page 3 GIFTWRAP & LUNCHEON The Women’s Study Group met on Wednesday, December 9th at 10am in the church library to wrap Christmas gifts for their sponsored Christmas family. Immediately following, the group enjoyed a luncheon and fellowship in Coleman Hall. CAROL SING Our annual Carol Sing, open to the community, was held on December 5th after the Highlands Christmas Parade. Stell Huie was the song leader, and Angie Jenkins accompanied on piano. Page 4 Lessons & Carols Our annual Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols service took place on December 13th, with guest musicians Valerie Whitcup, harpist; Linda Lancaster, flutist; and Emily Scheider, oboist; participating in the service along with the chancel choir. Choir member Mary Lou Worley opened the processional hymn with a solo, and John and Sandy Barrow offered the litany for the lighting of the Advent candles. Christmas Eve Service Our Christmas Eve service featured harpist Valerie Von Pechy Whitcup, who offered a prelude of Christmas carols, and Dr. Michael Lancaster singing O Holy Night as the offertory. The Lancaster family led the Call to Worship and Litany for the Lighting of the Christ Candle. Rev. Curtis Fussell gave a children's sermon on the light that shines in the darkness, illustrated with flashlights for the few who were brave enough to come forward! As the finale for the service, the sanctuary lights were gradually dimmed as the congregation sang Silent Night. NEW MEMBERS CHOIR NEWS The Chancel Choir is sad to lose choir members Kelder Monar and Mary Lou Worley. Kelder moved to Sylva, NC several months ago, but has continued to make the lengthy drive to Highlands to attend weekly choir rehearsals and worship services. He and his fiancé, Heather Cruickshanks feel it is best for them to find a church home in the community in which they live. Kelder and Heather will be married in the spring. Mary Lou is moving to Prescott Valley, Arizona. Kelder and Mary Lou will be greatly missed - we wish them both the best! The Chancel Choir is taking a well deserved break during the month of January. During this time, vocal soloists will be featured in weekly worship services. You've seen their faces for quite some time now, as the two have already made themselves an integral part of our church family, but Gary Kaplan and Celia McCullough officially joined the church on December 6th. Celia recently became a member of the chancel choir. Our baritone , Stell Huie sang a beautiful rendition of Sweet Little Jesus Boy during the December 27th worship service . Watch for additional information in our next newsletter on new members, Delaine Langston, Tom Nelson, and Don & Leslie Stewart. BOLIVIA MISSION TRIP, JANUARY 4-15 Please keep Skip Taylor, Ann Greenlee, and Emily Wilmarth in your prayers as they embark on a trip to visit our partners in Bolivia. The team is traveling to provide continued support to our covenant communities in San Lorenzo, San Juan de Yapacani, Villa Amboro, and El Chore, to check on their water systems, and follow through on our covenant agreements. The team will also be meeting with the Executive Director of CSRA, a well-established community health organization based in Montero. CSRA provides many levels of public health care to local neighborhoods and communities in the Montero area. The hope is to explore the possibility of partnering with them to provide better education about clean water use. We also want to discuss how FPCH might continue to provide the most efficient and cost effective water filtration and cleaning solutions for the communities in dire need. The team will be commissioned on Sunday, January 3rd. Godspeed! PAGE 5 Page 6 February Birthdays January Birthdays Jan. 1 Jan. 5 Jan. 6 Jan. 8 Jan. 13 Jan. 14 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 25 Jan. 31 Mike Campbell Hilda Patrick Frances Brasfield Rick Demetriou Boyd Letcher Dottie Wise Judy Mergler Sandra Ballentine George Lott Lynne Browne Angie Jenkins Beth Greenlee Jim Ashford Sandy Barrow Gay Graves Mary Jo Askew Jeff Cox Bob Tietze Teeter Smith Karen Leabo January Anniversaries Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 23 Jan. 29 Nancy & Jimmy Lowe Deborah & Jim McKnight Marge & Duane Meeter Janice & Dan Topping BIRTHDAYS & A N N I V E R S A R I E S Feb. 4 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 25 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Marge Meeter Betty Fisher Russell Jobson Ann Herbert Jim Bean Bob Wright Janet Connell Carroll Peacock Nancy Chandler Bennie Jo Murray Keturah Paulk Dallis Copeland Bill Zeller Bill Gaston Joan Berryhill Jackie Hills Timothy Perry February Anniversaries Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 10 Feb. 14 Feb. 24 Feb. 28 Dee & Gary Carnes Kay & Teeter Smith Ann & Claude Sullivan Jennifer & Billy Creswell Suzanne & Bruce Sloan Triddy & Carroll Peacock November 2015Treasurer’s Report Budget Actual 744,742.00 797,706.00 (52,963.00) 716,633.00 779,496.00 (62,863.00) Operating Income and Expenses YTD Income YTD Expenses Net Income Please keep your pledges current! Please keep in your prayers these members and friends of the congregation: Kitty Byers, Nancy Cox, Ed Dietrich, George M. Dowdle (Nancy Lowe’s brother), Trisha Graves, Anna Griffin, Madaline Huie, Phil Leabo, Bill Myers (Doris Dietrich’s son-in-law), Bev Quin, Veda & Jimmy Sherard, Martha Spruill, Mary Thompson, PJ Torres (Jon & Janey Swift’s son-in-law), Erin Tulley, Veronica Vogt, Valerie Whitcup. Please keep in your prayers these members in the community and beyond: Evie Byrnes, Hugh Clark, Arde Gutierra, K.C. Hembree, Frank Jemison, Cherry Martin, Dennis Ostema, Jim Shearon, Sandra Simmons, Jonathan Whitcup (Valerie’s brother-in-law) and Lil Waller. WOMEN’S STUDIES The Morning Study Group will meet on Wednesday, January 6 at 10:15 in the library. We will study the 6th lesson in "Growing Older and Wiser". Bring a sandwich and something to share for lunch. All ladies of the church are welcome. The Thursday Circle of Friends will meet January 7, 2016, at 7:00 P.M. in the church parlor. We will discuss Lesson Five, “Stormy Water—Faith” from Come to the Waters. All ladies of the church are invited to attend. The Fourth Thursday Fellowship potluck dinner will be held on January 28, 2016, at 6:00 P.M. Come and meet some of our new elders: Deborah McKnight, Gerri Tulley, and Carol Hughes. Church School 9:30 Worship 11:00 am Annual Meeting of the Congregation & Luncheon 31 Church School 9:30 Worship 11:00 am 24 Ordination & Installation of Ruling Elders Church School 9:30 Worship 11:00 am Guest Musician: Garrett Whipkey, saxophonist 17 Church School 9:30 Worship 11:00 am Guest Musician: Mindy Cook, soprano 10 2:00 Memorial Service 12 26 25 8:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 3:00 Sonshine School 3:00 Sonshine School 5:30 AA 5:30 AA Sonshine School Closed Teacher Workday 19 Sonshine School Closed Martin Luther King Jr Holiday 8:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 5:30 AA 4:30 Session Meeting 5:30 AA 18 8:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 3:00 Sonshine School 9:00 HCCDC Board Mtg 5:30 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 5:30 AA 11 5 10:00 Land Stewards Meeting 10:00 Personnel Ministry Team 5:30 AA 4 8:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 5:30 AA Mission Team leaves for Bolivia TUES 3 MON Church School 9:30 Worship 11:00 am Communion Sunday & Ministry of the Farthest Pew Guest Musician: Cameron Nixon, bagpiper SUN 7 13 11:40-12:00 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 3:00 Staff - Library 5:30 Choir Rehearsal 27 11:30 Children’s Church 11:40-12:00 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 3:00 Staff - Library 20 10:00 Finance Meeting 11:30 Children’s Church 11:40-12:00 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 3:00 Staff - Library 8 Bridal Luncheon—Coleman Hall 12:00 AA 4:30 Wedding Rehearsal Office Closed New Years Day Sonshine School Closed 1 FRI 3:00 Sonshine School 6:00 Potluck Dinner 28 3:00 Sonshine School 21 3:00 Sonshine School 14 11:15-11:45 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School Session Retreat 29 11:15-11:45 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 22 Mission Team returns from Bolivia 11:15-11:45 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 15 3:00 Sonshine School 11:15-11:45 HCCDC Music 7:00 Circle of Friends Wom- 12:00 AA en’s Studies— Parlor 3:00 Sonshine School 6 11:30 Children’s Church 11:40-12:00 HCCDC Music 10:15 Women’s Studies — Library 11:30 Children’s Church 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 3:00 Staff - Library THU WED JANUARY 2016 Session Retreat Presbytery Meeting 30 23 16 9 4:00 Wedding 2 SAT Page 7 Page 8 First Presbyterian Church Of Highlands 471 Main Street P. O. Box 548 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-3175 Fax: 828-526-0784 E-Mail: fpch@frontier.com Web Page: fpchighlands.org Sanctuary hours for meditation are 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. Office hours are 9:00 to 4:30 Monday—Friday Church Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Church Services June through Labor Day weekend Communion served every Sunday 11:00 a.m. Communion served the first Sunday of every month Session Class of 2016 Children’s Ministry, Delaine Mehder Clerk of Session, Claude Sullivan Congregational Care, Carol Hughes Mission, Ann Greenlee Class of 2017 Adult Education, Chad Lucas Congregational Care, Deborah McKnight Property, Bob Tietze Vision 20/20, Tom Joyner Class of 2018—Incoming Finance, Stewart Manning Membership, Gerri Tulley Personnel, Mike Campbell Worship, Kat Evans Ministers The Congregation Staff Jennifer Creswell, Administrative Manager Steve Mehder, Church Treasurer Michael Lancaster, Director of Worship/ Music Angie Jenkins, Organist/ Music Coordinator Marty Rozenfield, Food Coordinator Kyle Clark, Property Manager Janice Mathis & Keri Raby, Nursery Assistants Mozelle Edwards, Judy Mouchet and Rita Paoletti, Sonshine School Directors Briana Jenkins, Sonshine Assistant Pastors Curtis Fussell Emily Wilmarth Lectionary Texts for January As you prepare to come to worship, here are the scripture texts that will make up the services during the month of January: January 3 Jer. 31:7-14 Ps. 147:12-20 Eph. 1:3-14 John 1: (1-9) 10-18 2nd Sunday after Christmas Day January 6 Isa. 60:1-6 Ps. 72:1-7, 10-14 Eph. 31:1-12 Matt. 2:1-12 Epiphany of the Lord January 10 Isa. 43:1-7 Ps. 29 Acts 8:14-17 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Baptism of the Lord January 17 Isa. 62:1-5 Ps. 36:5-10 1 Cor. 12:1-11 John 2:1-11 2nd Sunday After Epiphany January 24 Neh. 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 Ps. 19 1 Cor. 12:12-31a Luke 4:14-21 3rd Sunday After Epiphany January 31 Jer. 1:4-10 Ps. 71:1-6; 1 Cor. 13:1-13 Luke 4:21-30 4th Sunday After Christmas Sympathy The First Presbyterian Church family extends prayers and sympathy to the following during their time of loss: Donna Philips and family upon the death of Jim Philips who died on Dec. 8, 2015 in Highlands. Sympathy is also extended to the Matson family upon the death of Yvonne Matson who died on Dec. 2, 2015 in Cumming, GA and to the Paulk family upon the death of Don Paulk who died December 24, 2015. To provide flowers for a loved one, please fill out a flower leaflet located upstairs next to the flower calendar or downstairs located at the Receptionist’s desk.
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