FLORIDA D SiGN - Meghan Candler Gallery
FLORIDA D SiGN - Meghan Candler Gallery
FLORIDA D SiGN V L M • 16N2 HARfvl Lm ~ R ot '\ 111d"11 a m 13ca h ~ummunitv <.on <. 'IVcd h urban planners Andre.. uan , and 1-t.zabcth PI <Hcr-Z berJ.. •mrrc ~cd l)r R, hard I ran<.u, wife K1m and thcu three ynun~ chd dren W1th ns re~on villugc am<.·mtu:..., and 11" ~t unmn~-: lo 1111on on th~: barncr 1 l<md between the.- tlantK <..c. n and the lnd1an R•vcr t h ~ ommumty w ' thl' •deal I• at1 n fnr their new 'il r·round n.:\lden<..t' To <..n:att· the fam1l\' environment the s u..:ht th I ranco' a cmblcd dc"~ncr u~<1n . <.hu fer mith, Jr hitc t con aync and bu rlder Da id roum - all of whom had v1 rkc.:d wit h rhc ow nc . n othe-r pr jects hey love 10 build hQu ·s, and th y knc1v what th 1 ntcd - an undcr<.t atcd. dc!o(ant home. Al~o . they love to colic t antique<>, art and lurnnurc, o the wanted ABOVE: In the front enerior, carriage hoU5es w1th guest apartments mark the entrance to thiS Vero Beach home. Finished with white, steeltroweled stucco, the facade blends English- and American-style archited.ure reminiscent of homes 1n Charleston. S.C. Wr11611Jarootl Cell- mg. well paneling and pilasters. provide an example of arch' ect Scott layne's fine millwork des1gn. The heavy, hand-carved ant1que pine m1rror hints at designer Susan Schuyler Sm1th's use of anttques !h1oughou1. '/THE WOOD FLOORING IN THE FO,YER COMES FROivt 100-YEAR-O,LD LOGS LEFT IN RIVERS," LAYNE SAYS. th ' dc,ign to ltl cn t·pora tc old illld new, mith 'ilY' · J,,, r ir~ d I · rc no \\' nerl carl ' 20 t h - u:~ntu · Briti -; h ar hi tc 1 ir Ed w111 Luy tt tl<. la y nl· ' " '' · 'I dc<.igncd nn tl tir lc Vero Beach rroj ~·u ' lor the rranc..o ... and l..tK' W thi' rc,i dc nu· had lO h<.: dea n, 1. li-.h, ilnd include wood lloonng a nd ftnc mill wo rk " room 111 turn , took W("ill ~ re with the <.d e lion and ~"orkmamhtp ol hUJidmg ma tcriak "\'('c worked hand -tn -g lovc wi th L:wnc " he .. ;:~y ,_ ''That ' 1\lhat ma ke, the hom~.', d~·, ign 'li<.U::~ 'l ul I :1 nc qrikt·, a lonna! n ote with th · hnme\ front l ' X t L·ri r, where il pair nf I..J rl'i agc hou~c' llanh<. a bnd ~Lit pc d •>u rr ard \Xlc wa nted the I ·elmg c)! il com po und , and l . nc gave u' that 1 nv.Ky Kun ' a ' · u ~ cv o nd a quJdr;mt of roya l palm' the whttL' ' ' u ,, home with blu e.: huttc and a woo d - hinglcd rool c.on ju rcs an earlie r e ra . t the cnt ran e, ta tdy "olll hcmstyle oiUi nn fril rn e th ' mahoga n doon ay. In id e, rnith ralt cd a trano;i tional design Wi th the fa mily'.; ol lc ti no an , anu qucs and fu rni<.hing<. "Pn or to con trtl tion, wt: rc icwcd all of th e Fra nc.<h' fum i ~h inn and anri flll t:'> , an d 1 ickcd out the pic.:<.r:<. th ey wanted 1 u c," mi th .;ay, "To rdurbi'>h the older pic C\ I cho <.: fahri with intcr{·,ting tcxtll re~ ;md p <lttCrn ' " In the livi ng room , ·mit h <.cb.:tcd a l m.o,~ - kcy ra ku c, in tcm1ingli ng !.Oft b iLIC, gold <111d heigc agains t a backgrou nd of lig ht tau pe walls , wh ite mi llwork and mold in To create an :1mbiance of ea'-y lom1a li ty, .. he iuxtaJ o c' J modem and anti CJuc piece . u h a:. a CIIHcm porary ofa and an ant ique, rough -he' n JWH: mirro r. An antique tra>• t;~ bl e from the nw n'·~· coli c tio n pro 1dcs the pcrlcct ountcrpoull It> a tunh:mporary annie"' h;11r A umlonnl y tradn1onal <,tyle envd~•r the Ioyer lurlll,h<:d ... impl)' w1th an ant1que he t oml tenter l!tblc. Ugh t from a 19th ·<. ' nlll• wed• h lantern ta~t' a wam1 glow 1m r dam1cd pmc floonnt-; hewn from rc vcr d n cr I S' The l1 mg room and Inver\ mutt•d <.olor chcmc~ y1cld w hnHht r ,hade., m the dmmg room , where lu CIUU' raspberry fabn<. dre "c~ the nwncrs· anllfiUC Frcn h <.:hai• · -he 1brant hw: add, a lot of punch • mil h .. a ' modern pamtmJ<: add.., tnnill vanct ., lar~<: the otht:r f(><llll\ , ~· m,th temper' the: ontem t orary element'> wnh an11quc . <;u h il' the chc~l h the Willi and \vcdi,h (.h;mdel.er ov~:rhcad 1 flr,t glim the gcntk-m(·n' den app •ar.. tradttlonal \\l"lth a crackled leather '~>fa . hla kpamted <.O<.I..tad tab!<: and il barrel ha1r w1tl nailhead tnm n ilb~tra t pillntlllg mfu't" the room 1 llh modem tolor. 111 ''TO ME, JT SEEMED LlKE A SLlN PORCH/' SMlTH SAYS REGAROrNG THE BREAKFAST AREA. ontempora1 _onvenien e h~racteriz the kitdlL'n , which wa~ ·u~tom d~.:~1 gn~::d hy Layne Here, r~l a irn ed p in~: noorin, painted a blu •!!raV h u ~· aml -; n<J('l~ ton c otmtcrtop'> complem~.:nt th ~: ilbinetrv Jnd Lool tJi nlc o;. tccl applia nccs _ Adja en t to the kitchen . the breakfast area cnLom pa~se~ a <.un -lilkd room urrounded by wi ndo1 •. 'To me. it ~ccn 1 cd like a sun po1 h." "mith a . "I c.·mph-.~izL·d t hi~ using light. nuhby linen lor the dra pe l<~ h ric Then. I dropped the drapcric a bit 10 howca,t: tht: out S ide .~ whuc FormiQ Pa on· table and wedbh lamcrn' highlight tht: ro om'<- ka n- lml·d im · pkity. wh ile ash-wood chair~ with apple-green tu~hilm, , provide a complementary cont-ra"! Calm ing nt:utrJI ton<: '"ith blue: and 1vhi tt: c:n t'- ·vokc: a pe aceful atmo~ p h ere in the be droom . Hcrt: , a contcmpora bed wit h w hi te bc:d coven ng a cu tO m ·dc, tgned beige linen benc h and a '"lOS h ar r form 3 cool and re thtl retreat. ht: u~::~i~n te m w a~ ac om modating . organized and meld ed old and nc:' together t ) J ma~ter mak e , livable lamtly home," Ki m ·a . ABOVE: Wnh 1 $old Chicago brick floonng, the breakfast atea captures the charm of colonial dmmg In keeping wnh the period. the owners' chc11rs feature a 19th·cemury destgn. ABOVE LEFT: "I created a modem. European kitchen, and then Uted to give 1 a sense of age by add1ng the butcher blodc., soapstone countenops and reclaimed pme floonng, • layne says. SOURCES ltymg Room Sofa, oval wood tray table, SQuare OCCasKlfl<lltable by ~fa, table lamps and artwork · Dwne~· Cof1ect1on Sofa fabnc - Old World Weavers, D&D Building, New York, NY Accent pillows • Carleton V. Ud., Design West. Inc., DCOTA, Dan,a Beach, H; Rose Tarlow-Melrose House, Los Angeles, CA; Manuel Canovas. Cowtan & Tout. D&D Bwldiog. New York, NY Striped chair, ouoman, armless chairs and bench & f European Upholstery, Vera Beach, Fl DnOOWJ fabciC - Houles USA, DCOTA Dania Beadl, FL Armless cha1r fabnc Waverly, F. Schumacher & Co., DCOTA, Dania Beach, FL Bench fabric Classic Cloth, Inc., Plamville, KS Cocktatllable - Raben Allen Design, foxboro. MA Square occasronal table by chair, demilunes and mrrror · Spectrum lntenor Destgn, Vera Beach. Fl Area rug Stark Carpet Corp., DCOlA, Dama Beach, Fl 0 0 0 £.ow Center table and chest · Spe<l!um lntertor Design, Vero Beach, FL Chair by chest, mrrrors, artwork and figure on chest - Owners' Collection Starrway - Custom designed by Moulton Layne Architects, Vera Beach. fL Fabncated by Croom Construction, Vera Beach, Fl lantern fixture A. Tyner Antiques, Atfanta. GA Checkered runner Stark carpet Corp., DCOTA, Dania Beach, FL D1nrng Room Table, chatrs and artwor Owners' Collection Chair cush1on fabnc Nma Campbell, Ud., Design West, Inc., DCOTA. Dania Beach, FL Chest, mirror and table lamp Spectrum In erior ~ign, Vera Beach, FL Chandelier Lamplight Designs, Inc., Mason, TX Centerpiece Laughing Dog Gallery, Vero Beach, FL Area rug ° Falasiri Onental Rug5. Vero Beach, Fl Gentlemen's Den Sofa, cocktarl table. occas1onal tables, charr below s auway, equestnan pnnts, artwork on cabmetry and dog sculpture below s!arrway Owners' Collection Accent pillows · Coragg1o Texules; Donghra Showrooms. Inc., and Osborne & Lmle, Des1gn est, Inc., DCOTA, Danta Beach, H Wmg chair fabnc Chtna Seas. Jersey CJty, NJ Fabncated by K & F European Upholste •, Vero Beach, FL Barrel chatr and ligh ure N~ermann Weeks Co.. Inc., Nessen ShOWToom, OCOTA. Dania Beach, FL Cab1netry Custom destgned by Moulton Layne Archttects, Vera Beach, FL 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0 Fabricated by Croom Construction, Verr Beach Secreta ire below stairway, brass table lamp am table lamp with shade Spectrum lnteriO!" Design, Vero Beach, Fl Red artwork above sofa Meghan (ana F Gallery, Vera Beach, fl Area rug The atural Carpet Co., Ven e. CA 0 0 0 KiK!len Cabrneuy and island ° Custom dessgned b. Moulton Layne Architects, Vera Beach, F Fabricated by SteMatic Corp., North Palm Bt:ach, n Coastal Millwork, Rivsera Beach, FL Countertops ° Coumry Tile. Vero Beach, f Appliances - Jetson TV & Appliance Cente Vera Beach, Fl Breakfast Area Table Modem Cabinetry, Vera Beach, fl Charrs and easel - Owners' Collection Cushion fabric - Kravet, Inc., Bethpage. Drapery fabnc - Kathryn Ireland, John Rosselli, DCOTA, Dania Beach, Fl Bear Extenor/Pool Pool conttactor A & G (onere e Pools, II Vera Beach, Fl Loggia furniture Brown Jordan, OCOTA, Dania Beach. Fl Chaises Smr h & Ha •: en. Ltd., Novato, C 0 0 Master Bedroom Headboard and bench · Custom des1gned by Spectrum lmerior Design, Vera Beach, H Headboard fabnc • Zoffany. l td., Des1gn West, Inc . DCOTA. Dama Beach, FL FabriCated by K & F European Uphols ery, V~ro Beach. fL Betldl, b«l coveri~ and sham fabocs • Zoffany Ltd , De~1gn West, Inc., DCOTA Dama Beach, FL Wmg chair • JC1or1a Hagen, Hofty Hunt Miam1, Miami, FL Wrng chair Iabrie, drapery and shade trim Kravet, Inc.. Bethpage. NY Accent pillows- F. Schumacher &Co., DCOTA Danra Beach, FL Bedside table • Niermann Weeks Co., Inc .. Nessen Showroom. DCOlA, Dania Beach, Fl Bedside lamp· Spedrum In erior Design, Vero BPach, Fl Drapery, trim and shade fabrics • Scalamandn?. RonKonkoma, NY ~ rug • StarK Carpet Corp., DCOTA, [)anja Beach, FL Jhrouohout Landscape designerrarchitect • August Schwartz, Winter Park, fl Ce1lings. millwork and moldrng • Custom designed by Moulton Layne Archit~ Vero Beach, fl W1ndow~ and doors • Custom designed by Coastal Millwork, RMera Beach, H Fabricated by Croom ConstructiOn, Vero Beach, Fl Window trea tmem fabrication · Gonsman Custom Draperies, Boynton Beach, Fl FloraIs and greenery · W1lliam Bambridge Steele, Vero Beach, FL Wood and bric flooring · Croom ConstructJon, Vera Beach, F • -Beneath a pea ed blue ceilrng shaped Wlth whfte 11mbers. the mas er bedroom offers a serene haven with furnishtngs blanketed m calmrng shade~ of blue, gray and be1ge.