Section DB DATABASE - Microsoft Access
Section DB DATABASE - Microsoft Access
Section DB DATABASE - Microsoft Access About Access 2007 Access 2007 is part of Microsoft Office 2007. It is an important productivity tool for business. Microsoft Access provides an inexpensive yet powerful database solution for small-scale projects. Databases are designed to offer an organized mechanism for storing, managing and retrieving information. They do so through the use of tables. If you‘re familiar with spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel, you‘re probably already accustomed to storing data in tabular form. It‘s not much of a stretch to make the leap from spreadsheets to databases. In this set of labs you will learn the basics of Microsoft Access 2007. You will learn how to create database objects like table, queries, forms, and reports. In preparation of completing this set of labs you should review the pages pertaining to the ―Database and Information Management‖ chapter in the textbook. 1 Lab Assignments: DB-1 Review a PowerPoint presentation on Access 2007 DB-2 Take a good look at Access 2007 DB-3 Create a database and database objects using Access templates DB-4 Setup Tables- Inventory Database for WorldCraft DB-5 Create Forms- Inventory Database for WorldCraft DB-6 Create Queries- Inventory Database for WorldCraft DB-7 Format and Print an Order Report- Inventory Database for WorldCraft DB-8 Assessment Folder: 133DB Input: Access_2007_Intro.ppsx Practice.accdb Output: Training Contacts.accdb WorldCraft Inventory.accdb Gateway Criteria: The next page of this section is an Assessment Hand-In Sheet which must be turned in with all Access 2007 Labs. Your instructor will announce the “Possible Points” associated with each lab assignment. 2 ASSESSMENT. Name: Date: Lab SECTION DB: DATABASE _______________________________________________ _______________________ Section: _______________ Description / Check List Possible Points Earned Points ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ DB-1 Review a PowerPoint presentation Open and view Access_2007_intro.ppsx DB-2 Take a good look at Access 2007 Open Access The Navigation Pane, the ribbon Quick Access Toolbar, The Microsoft Office Button Print (DB-2 #1): Access Print Screen DB-3 Create a database and database objects Create a database and a table Create and format a form and report Print (DB-3 #1): Print ―Contacts‖ table Print (DB-3 #2): Print ―Training Tasks‖ table Print (DB-3 #3): Print ―Training Task‖ form Print (DB-3 #4): Print ―Contact AddressBook‖ report Print (DB-3 #5): Print ―Contact Phone List‖ report DB-4 Setup Tables Setup tables Print (DB-4 #1): Print relationships report DB-5 Create Forms Create a form Print (DB-5 #1): Print ―WorldCraft Suppliers‖ table Print (DB-5 #2): Print ―WorldCraft Products‖ table DB-6 Create Queries Create ―Asia Jewelry‖ query Create ―Items to Order‖ query Print (DB-6 #1): ―Asia Jewelry‖ query Print (DB-6 #2): ―Items to Order‖ query Print (DB-6 #3): modified ―Items to Order‖ query DB-7 Format and Print an Order Report Modify ―Items to Order‖ query. Create and format ―WorldCraft Products‖ report Print (DB-7 #1): Print the ―WorldCraft Products‖ report DB-8 Assessment Create and Print: One minute paper TOTAL: Total of Points for All Assigned Labs 3 Lab DB-1 Take a good look at Access 2007 via a PowerPoint presentation. 1. Open and view the file ―Access_2007_intro.ppsx‖. If this file is not in your 133DB folder on your USB drive then go to the CST site and download it at: On this webpage you will find it in the Tutorials section. 2. Preview the presentation. 3. Nothing needs to be printed as part of this lab (DB-1). Just sit back and relax as you take in the information on the slides. You will practice in Access 2007 the concepts learned in this presentation within labs DB-2 and DB-3. 4 Lab DB-2 Take a good look at Access 2007 Exercise 1: The Getting Started page Open Access 1. Open Microsoft Access 2007 from the Start menu on your computer. 2. You see Getting Started with Microsoft Office Access. 3. Find the Template Categories pane on the left. Scan that list. Don't click anything yet. 4. Look at the middle of the page. Here you can create a blank database, or select a template to download a pre-built database. Because you haven't clicked a template category, you see Featured Online Templates. 5. Look farther down. Templates aren't the only things that you can get from Microsoft Office Online. Scan that section to see what's available. 6. Look at the Open Recent Database pane on the right. It contains the name of databases recently opened. 5 Exercise 2: The Navigation Pane Pull down the Office button and Open the file called Practice.accdb form your 133DB folder. Close the Access Help window if it comes up. If the file is not in your 133DB folder get it here: Copy it to your 133DB folder. Close the Access Help window if it comes up. 1. Look for the Navigation Pane on the left. If the pane is not open, you will see only its title. To open the pane, press F11. (It‘s a toggle key) 2. Notice three tables, Book Details, Customer Details, Publisher Details, and Form called Customer Details. These are objects in the data base. All objects will be accessed through this Navigation Pane. Navigation Pane 6 3. At the top of the open pane is a downward-pointing triangle in a circle. Click it to see a list of the views available in the Navigation Pane. 4. Scan through that list to get an idea of the choices you can make here. If you make changes be sure to reset the two options back to Object Type and All Access Objects as shown in the picture above. Exercise 3: The Ribbon 1. In the Ribbon, click the Home tab if it is not already selected. 2. Here you see groups and commands for very frequent activities, such as View and Paste, New and Delete, Find and Replace. Scan the groups and commands to get a sense of what's here and how it's organized. 7 3. Now click the Create tab. 4. Here the groups are organized by database objects. Notice how quick it is to create a new table, form, report, or query with the commands you see. Point at Form Design on the ribbon within the Forms group to read what you can do with that command and similar commands on this tab. Exercise 4: The Quick Access Toolbar 1. Right-click Form Design. 8 2. Click Add to Quick Access Toolbar. Look at the Quick Access toolbar, and you'll see the added command there. 3. Repeat this process with Table Design and Report Design to add them to the Quick Access Toolbar. 4. On the Quick Access Toolbar, right-click any one of the commands you just added. Click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar. This icon is now removed from the quick access toolbar Exercise 5: The Microsoft Office Button 1. Click the Microsoft Office Button and scan the menu. 2. Note the Recent Documents list. You don't have to be on the Getting Started page to view and use this list. 2 9 3. Point at menu commands to see which ones have submenus. 4. Click Access Options. Have a look around, and then close this window. Keyboard shortcuts Have you been wondering? Here's how to see them. 1. Press the ALT key. Look at the Ribbon. Those letters tell you the shortcuts. (If you don't see letters, press ALT a bit more slowly.) 2. Press H. You have selected the Home tab. 3. Notice how many more letters you see. 4. Press the Alt-Print-Screen keys on the keyboard to copy the Access window to the clip board. Then open WordPad, paste the screen and print the document. With a pen or pencil write DB-2 #1 on the printout. Place it in your folder. 5. If you're interested, press onward and keep exploring the shortcuts. 6. Close Access 2007 by clicking the Office button then Exit Access. 6 10 Lab DB-3 Create a database and database objects Exercise 1: Exercise 2: Exercise 3: Exercise 4: Exercise 5: Create a database. Create a table. Enter data into tables Create and format a form. Create and format a report. Exercise 1: Create a database 1. Open Microsoft Access 2007 from the Start menu on your computer. Note: If you are continuing from DB-2 you will want to close out of Access as DB-2 suggests, then reopen it as stated in this step. If you do not do this, you will not see the screen below. 2. In the Template Categories pane on the left, click Business. 3. You see the Business database templates in the middle of the page. Click Contacts. 3. 2. 4. 11 4. On the right side of the page, you see information about the Contacts database template. In the File Name box, name your database Training Contacts.accdb. Then click the folder icon next to the name and be sure to select the 133DB folder on your USB drive, click ok. Then to save to your USB drive Click Download (or Create Button). (If a Microsoft Office dialog box come up click continue) 5. There's your database, with the Contact List form open. (If you see a window asking you for feedback, close it.) 5 Exercise 2: Create a table 1. Press F11 to open the Navigation Pane. Click the downward-pointing triangle in a circle at the top of that pane. 2. In the list that opens, click Object Type. These are the objects created for you in this pre-built database. 12 3. Suppose you want a table in which you can list tasks that you're assigning to these contacts. On the Ribbon, click the Create tab. 4. In the Tables group, click Table Templates. In the list of templates, click Tasks. 4 5. Access 2007 adds a table to the Training Contacts database. The table opens in Datasheet view called Table1, and you can see from the field names that this table is designed for tasks. 6. Above the field names is a tab for this new table, with the table's temporary name in it (Table1). Right-click that tab, click Save, and name the table Training Tasks when you save it. Click OK. 7. The name in the tab changes. Next to this tab is another for the Contact List form. You can use either these tabs or the Navigation Pane to switch from one database object to another. 8 8. At this point, if you notice a field List box you may close it by clicking on the close ―x‖ to the upper-right of the box. You may or may not see this. 13 9. Also, if you see a Security Warning like the one shown click the close ―x‖ to the far right of the warning to close it. 10. Right click the Training Tasks tab then select close to close it. 11. Do the same for the Contact List tab to close it. 12. You should now have no open database objects and the Navigation Pane should be open. Exercise 3: Enter data into tables 1. At this point you have two Tables listed in the Navigation Pane, called Contacts and Training Tasks. They currently have no data stored in them. 2. Let‘s input some data in the Contacts table. Open the table Contacts by double clicking the table in the Navigation Pane. You should now see the Contacts tab open showing the table. 3. Enter these two records listed below along with ONE additional friend (or made-up person). Start by clicking on the Company name field and key “Delta College”, press the tab key to move to the next field, then key the last name “Wyzkiewicz” and so on till you get to the last field… Then start keying the second record (always tab past ID because it is automatically generated and is the key field. It will always be a unique number probably starting with 1, 2, 3, and so on…) Lastly key a third record of your choice. Field Name First Record ID: (leave blank – tab past) Company: Delta College Last Name: Wyzkiewicz First name: Kevin E-Mail Address: Job Title: Instructor Business Phone: (989) 686-9420 Home Phone: (989) 456-7890 Mobile Phone: (989) 123-4567 Fax Number: (989) 456-7890 Address: 123 Circle Drive (fields continued on next page) Second Record Third Record (yours) (leave blank – tab past) Northwood Smith Jane Instructor (555) 123-4567 (555) 686-1234 (555) 686-4321 (555) 123-4576 123 Square Drive 14 City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Country/Region: Web Page Notes: Attachments: Bay City MI 48123 USA (leave blank – tab past) (leave blank – tab past) Note: The webpage field Midland is clickable because the MI field is a hyperlink data 48321 type. USA (leave blank – tab past) (leave blank – tab past) (leave blank – tab past) (Shown as Paper clip symbol) 4. When you are finished, the table Contacts is now populated with three records. It should look something like this. 5. Print the table Contacts. Follow the steps below to prepare the document for printing. a) Click the Office button b) Mouse over Print. c) Select Print Preview d) In the page layout group within the ribbon select Landscape. e) Click the Margins button then select Narrow. f) Your table should now print on two pages. g) Click the print button in the print group. Click the OK button in the print dialog box. h) Put the printed document in your folder and label it DB-3 #1 i) In the Close Preview group click Close Print Preview to get out of the print preview screen. 15 6. Now let‘s input some data in the Training Tasks table. 7. In the Navigation Pane double click the Training Tasks table to open it. Notice that it is an empty table. 8. Just like the previous table, enter the two records listed below. Again the ID field is the key field and does not need data entered. Just tab past it and an auto-number will be assigned. Save time when entering the Priority and Status fields by entering the data by using the pull-down arrow within the field instead of typing in these fields. Field Name First Record Second Record ID: Title: Priority: Status: % Complete: Description: Start Date: Due Date: Attachments: (leave blank – tab past) Office 2007 Training (1) High In Progress 50% Office essentials 8/16/2007 8/27/2007 (leave blank – tab past) (leave blank – tab past) Windows Vista Training (2) Normal In Progress 25% Vista Level 1 8/16/2007 1/1/2008 (leave blank – tab past) (note: Attachments shown as a Paper clip symbol) 9. Print the table Training Tasks. Follow the steps below to prepare the document for printing. a) Click the Office button b) Mouse over Print. c) Select Print Preview d) In the page layout group within the ribbon select Landscape. e) Click the Margins button then select Narrow. f) Your table should now print on one page. g) Click the print button in the print group. Click the OK button in the print dialog box. h) Put the printed document in your folder and label it DB-3 #2 i) In the Close Preview group click Close Print Preview to get out of the print preview screen. 16 Exercise 4: Create and format a form 1. If the Training Tasks table is not open, click its tab or select it in the Navigation Pane to open it. On the Ribbon, if the Create tab is not selected, click it. 2. In the Forms group, click Form. This will create a new form. 2 3. Easy, wasn't it? The new form has controls matching the fields in the table you based it on. And the new form has the same name on its tab as the table you based it on. 4. You should also note that it uses the same data as the underlying table you based it on. Any records you type in the Training Tasks table will show up in the Training Tasks form. 5. Save the form the same way you saved the table (right-click the Training Tasks tab then save), and then you will see Training Tasks under Forms in the Navigation Pane. 5 6. The new form is open in Layout view, and you can see Form Layout Tools on the Ribbon, with the Format and Arrange tabs. 17 7. Click the Priority label within the Form. In the Font group, click Bold and Font Color to make the label more visible (Red). You see the changes in the form as you make them. Have a little more fun if you like. 7 8. Change over to Form view. Form view allows you to page through the records while not allowing any editing of control objects. You do this by clicking on the View button. But first, note the View button has two positions. Do not click the view button yet, simply mouse over it now. Note the two positions, upper and lower positions. Upper Lower 9. The Upper button is a toggle between Form view and Layout view. These are the most important views in this object. 10. But let‘s do this. Now click on the lower portion of the view button, you will see a pulldown menu. This shows all views available for an object. Select Form view from the list. 10 18 11. Page through the two records in the Form by pressing the PageUP and PageDown keys several times on your keyboard. You will move from field-to-field then to other records in the form. Again, note the same data you typed in the table now comes through the form. 12. Click the lower portion of the view button then select Design View from the pull down menu. Design view allows you to change many graphical aspects of the form. 13. In the Form Header located at the top, Click to insert the word ―Important‖ before the words ―Training Tasks‖. The new heading should say ―Important Training Tasks‖. 14. Click the lower portion of the view button and select Form view. You should be in form view now. Look at the picture below. (note : depending on your screen size your form data may not be in two columns as shown.) 15. Print the form. Click the Office button then Print. Click OK in the print dialog box. It should fit on one page. Put the printed document in your folder and label it DB-3 #3 19 Exercise 5: Create and format a report 1. Without closing the Training Tasks form, click the Create tab. 2. In the Reports group, click Report. 3. There it is, in Layout view, with the Report Layout Tools — the Format, Arrange, and Page Setup tabs — visible on the Ribbon. And the object tab says Training Tasks. 4 4. If you see a property sheet like the one above, it is not needed. You can close it by clicking the close (x) button to the right. This property sheet is used to set properties of each control on the report and is not needed at this point. 5. The form is currently in Layout view. It shows the actual printed page borders. 6. Save the Report by right-clicking the Training Tasks tab, then select save from the list. Use the default name Training Tasks, click OK. 7. Note, in the Reports section of the Navigation Bar you will see the Training Tasks report. 7 20 8. Open another report. Open the Contact Address Book report by double-clicking it the Navigation Bar within the report section. This is a pre-formatted report that shows only address information. You will notice that this report is alphabetized by last name with some nice formatting. This is a good example showing you some of the features with reports in Access. 9. Print the report. Click the lower portion of the View button then select Print Preview. You are now in print preview. Click the Print button at the top in the ribbon. Put the printed one page document in your folder and label it DB-3 #4. 10. Click the Close Print Preview button in the ribbon at the top. 11. Open another report. Open the Contact Phone List report by double-clicking it in the Navigation Bar within the report section. This is a pre-formatted report showing only contact phone numbers. Again, you will notice that the report is alphabetized. Both reports are based on the data from the Contacts Table. 12. Print the report. Click the lower portion of the View button then select Print Preview. You are now in print preview. Click the Print button at the top in the ribbon. Put the printed one page document in your folder and label it DB-3 #5. 13. Click the Close Print Preview button in the ribbon at the top. 14. Close and save all objects in your database. Do this by right-clicking each tab and select Close. Be sure to do this to each tab. If asked to save any work click Yes. 14 15. Click the Office button then Exit Access button. 21 Lab DB-4 Setup Tables - Inventory Database for WorldCraft To survive and compete in the business world, companies and organizations need fast and reliable access to information about their products or services, customers, suppliers, and personnel. Suppose you own an adventure tour company and decide to offer a special incentive to all the clients who signed up for a tour in July of 2010. You could comb through all your files to find the clients, or you could use a relational database program, such as Access, to locate, organize, and print out a list of the clients who joined a tour in July 2010 or during any other time period you choose. Relational database program stores information in related tables that you can use to perform queries and find the information you need. To create a database, you first identify categories – called fields – that describe and organize the contents of your database, such as customers or inventory. Then you formulate queries or questions to retrieve the information you need. In this next set of labs, you will learn how to use Microsoft Access to set up a database and then ask questions to find the information you need to perform specific tasks. Inventory Database for WorldCraft Based in Dublin, Ireland, WorldCraft is a distributor of handcrafted items made by artisans from all over the world. As the office manager, you need to create a database that includes the Products table with records for 15 products and the Suppliers table with records for four suppliers. To build the database you Set Up the Tables (DB-4 lab), Create Forms (DB-5 lab), Create Queries (DB-6 lab), and then Format and Print an Order Report (DB-7 lab). Set Up the Tables You need to set up the Suppliers table as the ―one‖ table and the Products table as the ―many‖ table, which means that one supplier can supply many products. This is the most common type of relationship in a relational database. 1. Open Microsoft Office Access 2007 from the start menu, click Blank database, click the Browse button , navigate to the 133DB folder on your USB drive, type WorldCraft Inventory in the File name text box then click Create. 1 A new database is now created for you. 22 2. Create a new table called ―WorldCraft Suppliers‖ by doing the following: a. Click the View button in the Views group b. Type WorldCraft Suppliers c. Then press [Enter] key or click OK. 3. Set up three field names in the newly created table by doing the following: a. Replace ID with Supplier ID within the Field Name column, then press the down arrow key to move the insertion point to the line below Supplier ID. b. Type Supplier Name, then press the down arrow key to move down c. Type Email Address on the third row, press [Tab] key to move to the Data Type column, click the Data Type list arrow , select Hyperlink. d. Close the table, by clicking the Close ‗WorldCraft Suppliers‘ button, this is the X (close button) to the far right of the tab. e. Click yes to save the table. 4. Create a new table called ―WorldCraft Products‖ by doing the following: a. Click the Create tab b. Click Table in the Tables group c. Click the View button in the Views group, then type WorldCraft Products as the table name, press [Enter] key or click OK, type Product ID, press the down arrow key d. then enter the remaining field names as shown below: 4d 5. Create a Lookup by completing the following steps: (A lookup allows a user to select items from a defined list. This minimizes data entry errors.) a. Click the Region Data Type list arrow b. Click Lookup Wizard c. The lookup Wizard will appear. d. Click the “I will type in the values 5a 23 that I want option” button e. Click Next f. Press [Tab] key, type Africa, press the down arrow key g. Enter the remaining regions as shown below: h. Then click next then finish after typing the remaining regions 5g 6. Create another Lookup by completing the following steps: a. Click the Category Data Type list arrow b. Click Lookup Wizard c. The lookup Wizard will appear. d. Click the “I will type in the values that I want option” button e. Click Next f. Create the list of lookup values shown below: g. Then click next then finish after typing. 6a 6f 24 7. Create an additional Lookup, but the information from this lookup will come from a table. Do this by completing the following steps: a. Click the Supplier Name data Type list arrow b. Select Lookup Wizard, then click Next to accept that you want the values to come from an existing table. c. Click Next, click Supplier Name in the Available Fields section. d. Click the Select Single Field button , this will move Supplier Name over to the Selected Fields section. e. Click next, click next, click next, click Finish, then click Yes to save the table. 8. Assign more data types to the fields in the WorldCraft Products table: a. Click the Units in Stock data Type list arrow b. Select Number c. Click the Unit Price Data Type list arrow d. Select Currency e. Click Currency in the Field Properties section below f. Click the list arrow for it, then select the Euro currency style. (€) 9. Close and save the table by completing the following steps: a. Click the save button in the Quick Access Toolbar. b. Close the table, by clicking the X (close button) to the far right of the WorldCraft Products tab. 10. When you created the last Lookup in step 7 above Access created a relationship between the two tables WorldCraft Supplies and WorldCraft Products. These relationships can control how and what data can be entered into your database. You can view relationships within Access by completing the following steps: a. Click the Database Tools tab. b. Click the Relationships button within the Show/Hide group. c. Double-click the line between the two tables (be sure to double-click on the line) d. Click the Enforce Referential Integrity check box. Then click OK. e. Compare your Relationships with the one below. The Infinity sign represents the ―many‖ side: One Supplier can supply many Products 25 11. Print the relationship diagram by completing the following steps: a. Click the Relationship Report button within the Tools group. b. Click the Print button within the Print group. Click OK. Place the print out in you folder and label it DB-4 #1. c. close the relationship report by clicking the Close button (X) to the far right of the Relationships for WorldCraft Inventory tab. If asked to save click No. d. Close the relationship window by clicking the close button (X) to the far right of the tab. 26 Lab DB-5 Create Forms - Inventory Database for WorldCraft You need to create forms into which you can enter the data for the WorldCraft Suppliers table and the WorldCraft Products table. 1. Open the WorldCraft Inventory database created in DB-4 if it is not open already. If you see a ―Security Warning‖ when opening, click the options… button then select Enable this Content, click OK. Doing this will remove the warning. You may not see this Warning in the Delta computer labs. 2. Create a form based on the WorldCraft Suppliers table by completing the following steps: a. Click WorldCraft Suppliers: Table within the Navigation pane. b. Click the Create tab c. Click the Form button in the Forms group. A form will be created. d. Change the format by clicking the More button in the AutoFormat group, then select the Trek format. Look at the screen tips as you mouse over the formats. 3. Enter three records into the newly created Form: a. Click the View button in the Views group, press [Tab] key, type America Arts in the Supplier Name field. b. press [Tab] until the insertion point appears after Email Address, then type in the email field. c. Press [Tab] twice, type Kenya Crafts in the Supplier Name field d. In the Email Address field enter as the email address. e. Press [Tab] twice, type Rainforest Cooperative with the email address , then press the [Tab] key. 4. Close and save the form by completing the following steps: a. Click the close button (X) to the far right of the WorldCraft Suppliers form tab. b. Click Yes to save the form. In the save as dialog box keep the default name and click OK. 5. Create another form based on the WorldCraft Products table by completing the following steps: a. Click WorldCraft Products: Table within the Navigation pane. b. Click the Create tab 27 c. Click the Form button in the Forms group. A form will be created. d. Change the format by clicking the More button the Trek format. in the AutoFormat group, then select e. Click the ProductID label, click the Bold button below. in the Font group. Look at figure f. Double-click the Format Painter button labels to apply bold. in the Font group, then click each of the 5f 5e 6. Enter records into the newly created Form by completing the following steps: a. Click the View button in the Views group, press [Tab] key b. Type Carved Polar Bear, press [Tab] c. Type N to show North American, press [Tab] d. Type A to show Art, press [Tab] e. Type A to show America Arts, press [Tab] f. Type 15, press [Tab] g. Type 250, press [Enter] h. Click the Previous record button toward the bottom near the status bar to move back to record 1. Compare your Form showing record 1 with the graphic below. 28 Notice how you minimize typing time when you create lookup fields for as many fields as possible. 7. Enter more records in to the Form: a. Click the Next record button to start a new record, press [Tab] b. Type Coral Pendant, press [Tab] c. Type As to select Asia, press [Tab] d. Type J for Jewelry, then press [Tab]. The supplier you want is not listed. Often when you create a database, you need to go back and add data to related tables. So let‘s close this Form and add a needed record to one of your tables. e. Close the database by clicking the close button (X) to the far right of the WorldCraft Products Form tab. f. If prompted to save, use the default name and click OK. g. Double click WorldCraft Suppliers in the Navigation bar to show the WorldCraft Suppliers form. h. Click the New button in the records group, press [Tab] i. Type Far East Imports for the Suppliers Name and as the Email Address. j. Close (X) the Form. 8. Enter the rest of the records in the WorldCraft Products form by completing the following steps: a. Double click WorldCraft Products within the Navigation bar to show the WorldCraft Products form. b. Go to record 2 by clicking the next record button . c. Complete the rest of the record by entering Far East Imports for the Supplier Name, 9 for the Units in Stock, and 220 for the Unit Price, press [Enter] 29 d. Enter data for records 3 to 15 as shown in the table below (on the next page). e. Then close the final Form. 9. Print the data by completing the following steps: a. Open the WorldCraft Suppliers:Table by double-clicking it in the Navigation pane. b. Select all fields pressing the (Ctrl-a) keys on the keyboard. All fields will be selected. c. Point to one of the borders within the field heading until the pointer turns into a double headed arrow, then double click on the border. The fields should all size to fit the largest entry. If that didn‘t work drag each border and size to fit each field so no data is cut off. 9c d. Print the table by clicking the Office button then select Print, click OK. e. Put the printed document in your folder and label it DB-5 #1. Place it in your folder. f. Close the table. If you are asked to save it click Yes. g. Open the WorldCraft Products:Table by double-clicking it in the Navigation pane. h. Make sure no data is cut off. i. Click the Office button then go to Print then Print Preview. 30 j. Change to Landscape orientation by clicking on the Landscape button within the Page layout group. k. Print the table by clicking the Print button within the Print group. Label it DB-5 #2. Place it in your folder. Close the table. If you are asked to save it click Yes. 31 Lab DB-6 Create Queries - Inventory Database for WorldCraft We will now create two queries in the WorldCraft database to extract specific data. First, you view the records that relate to each of the four suppliers, and then you use the two tables that you‘ve created to ask two questions, called queries. You create a query to find out how many products you have from Asia in the Art category, then you create a query to determine the number of products with fewer than 10 items in the inventory. 1. Open the WorldCraft Inventory database if it is not open already. If you see a ―Security Warning‖ when opening, click the options… button then select Enable this Content, click OK. You may not see this Warning in the Delta computer labs. 2. Double click the WorldCraft Suppliers to open the form, then click the lower Next record button several times to view all the records associated with each of the four suppliers. See figure. 2 As a result of the one-to-many relationship you created between the Suppliers table and the Products table, you can create queries that list all the products purchased from a specific supplier. 3. After viewing all four suppliers and there associated products close the WorldCraft Suppliers form. 32 4. Now let‘s create our first query by completing the following steps: a. Click the Create tab b. Click the Query Wizard button in the Other group, then click OK to accept Simple Query Wizard. c. Verify that Table:WorldCraft Products is selected in the Tables/Queries text box d. Click the Select All Fields button to select all the fields in the Products table e. Click Next f. Click Next to accept a Detail query g. Select the contents of the Title text box, press the delete key to delete the current text. Type Asia Jewelry as the query name. h. Click the Modify the query design option button, then click Finish. The query is now in Design view. See figure below. 4i 4j i. Click the [Region] Criteria cell, type Asia as shown in figure above. Access automatically inserts quotations ―‖ around the criteria. j. Click the [Category] Criteria cell, type Jewelry as shown in figure above. k. Click the Run button in the Results group to display a datasheet showing the results of the query. See figure below. Note: The results show all Jewelry products in Asia. 33 5. Print the query results by completing the following steps: a. Click the Office button b. Select Print then slide over to Print Preview c. Click the next page button to see the next page. Note, in the current orientation it will not fit on one sheet. d. Click the Landscape button in the Page layout group. e. Click the Print button in the Print group. Click Ok . Place the printed results in your folder and label it DB-6 #1. 6. Close the query by clicking the close button (X) to the far right of the Asia Jewelry tab, then click Yes to save the query. (Note: the newly created Asia Jewelry query icon in the Navigation pane.) 7. Let‘s create another query by completing the following steps: a. Click the Create tab b. Click the Query Wizard button in the Other group c. Click OK to select the ―Simple Query Wizard‖ d. Select the Table: WorldCraft Products within the Tables/Queries pull-down menu. e. Add all the fields by clicking the add all fields button , click Next. f. Click Next g. Change the title of the query to Items to Order, and click the Modify the query design option button. h. Click Finish. You should now see the query in Design view. i. Click [Units In Stock] Criteria cell, type <10. This is similar to steps 4i and 4j above. j. Click the Run button in the Results group to show the results of the query. k. A datasheet listing all the products with fewer than 10 units in stock appears. These are the items that you need to order. 8. Print the query results by completing the following steps: a. Click the Office button b. Select Print then slide over to Print Preview c. Click the next page button to see the next page. Note, in the current orientation it will not fit on one sheet. d. Click the Landscape button in the Page layout group. e. Click the Print button in the Print group. Click Ok . Place the printed results in your folder and label it DB-6 #2. f. Click the Close Print Preview button in the Close Preview group. Do not close the query. 34 g. Click the save button in the quick access toolbar to save the query. 9. Let‘s add a calculated field to the query by completing the following steps: (calculated fields are never stored in tables. They are always calculated when needed within queries.) a. Click the View button to change back to Design view. b. Click in the blank cell to the right of [Unit Price] 9b c. Click Builder button in the Query Setup group. d. Type the formula: Units to Order: (10-[Units in Stock]) in the Expression builder towards the top of the window. Double check that all characters are typed correctly. If one character is miss-typed the calculations will be incorrect. Formula: Units to Order:(10-[Units in Stock]) The first part ―Units to Order:‖ is the label portion of the formula. It shows up as the field heading when the query is run. 9d This formula calculates how many units you need to order if fewer than 10 items are in stock. For example, if 8 units are in stock, you need to order 2 units so that you always have at least 10 units. e. Click OK to except the typed expression. The expression is now entered in the column. f. View the results by clicking the Run button. Review the new calculated field. g. Change back to Design view by clicking the View button in the Views group. 10. Let‘s add another calculated field in the query by completing the following steps: a. Click in the blank cell to the right of Units to Order. (See figure below). b. This time we will not use the Expression builder to enter the formula, instead we will type in the formula directly into the cell. The expression builder is optional but can minimize on typing errors by creating formulas by clicking on objects. 35 c. Type: Total:[Units to Order]*[Unit Price] d. Because of the small text area, as you type the text will scroll off the screen. Be sure to type it correctly. 10a 10c. Formula: Total: [Units to Order]*[Unit Price] ―Total‖ will be the field heading. This Formula multiples ―Units to Order‖ by the ―Unit Price‖ calculating the amount needed for each item to be ordered. e. View the results by clicking the Run button. Review the second calculated field. f. Observe the Total field, check to see if the calculations are correct. Note the dollar unit sign ($). We will need to change this to euros (€). g. Change back to Design view by clicking the view button. h. Click anywhere in the Total column, then right-click, select Properties… i. In the property sheet, select the Format pull-down then select Euro. Close the Property Sheet by clicking the close box (X). j. View the query results by clicking the Run button. Confirm the Euro sign replaced the dollar sign. 11. Print the query results by completing the following steps: a. Click the Office button b. Select Print then slide over to Print Preview c. Click the next page button to see the next page. Note that even in Landscape orientation it will not fit on one page. d. Click the Print button in the Print group. Click Ok . Place the printed results in your folder and label them DB-6 #3. e. Click the Close Print Preview button in the Close Preview group. f. Close the query results datasheet. g. Be sure to save the query if asked. 36 Lab DB-7 Format and Print an Order Report - Inventory Database for WorldCraft The primary purpose for reports is to control what data appears on a printed page. In this lab, you will learn how to create a report using the Report Wizard. You will also learn how to format and customize a report with options in the Report Layout Tools. Before creating the report you will modify the ―Items to Order‖ query so it includes two fields from the Suppliers table; then format and print an Order report. 1. Open the WorldCraft Inventory database if it is not open already. If you see a ―Security Warning‖ when opening, click the options… button then select Enable this Content, click OK. You may not see this Warning in the Delta computer labs. 2. Modify the ―Items to Order‖ query to include two additional fields from the Suppliers table by completing the following steps: a. Double-click Items to Order query within the Navigation Pane to open it. b. Switch to Design view by clicking the View button c. Click the Show Table button in the Query Setup group, d. Click WorldCraft Suppliers, click Add, click Close e. Scroll to the right to view the next available blank column in the grid f. Double-click Supplier Name in the WorldCraft Suppliers table to add it to the grid. g. Double-click Email Address in the WorldCraft Suppliers table to add it to the grid. h. Click the Run button to display the query results. Note the newly added fields in the results. i. Change back to Design view by clicking the View button. j. Sort the query by SupplierName in ascending order. To do this, click SupplierName Sort cell list arrow, click Ascending 2j 37 k. Click Run button. The list of 10 products to order includes the names and e-mail addresses of the suppliers to contact sorted by supplier name. l. Save the query by clicking the disk icon in the Quick Access Toolbar. Note an additional Items to Order query icon in the Navigation bar under WorldCraft Suppliers. This is because both tables now are included in the query results. m. Close the query by clicking the close button (X) to the far right of the Items to Order tab. Be sure not to close Access. 3. Create the report by completing the following steps: a. Click the Create tab b. Click the Report Wizard button in the Reports group, the Report Wizard dialog box opens. c. Select and move the following fields from the Query:Items to Order available fields side to the selected fields side. Do this by clicking the field to be moved, then click the button to move it to the other side. Move these fields in this order: Product Name, Region, Category, Units in Stock, Units to Order, Unit Price, Total, WorldCraft Suppliers.Suppliers Name, and Email Address. See figure below to see finished results after completing this step. d. Click Next e. Click Next 38 f. Click WorldCraft Suppliers.Supplier Name in the list of groupings then click the button. g. Click Next h. Click Next i. Click the Landscape option button, then click Next j. Select the Trek report style, click Next. k. Then click Finish to preview the report. The report is shown in Print Preview. Too much space appears between some of the fields. l. Click the Close Print Preview button in the Close Preview group this view is called Design view. We will not use this view. m. Click the View list arrow (lower portion of the view button) in the Views group, select Layout View. This view is new for Access 2007. We will use this view to make changes in the design of the report. 4. In the following step you will make changes to the design and layout of the report: a. You can change your mind in the report formatting process and remove or add fields. Click Region within the report, then press the Delete key on the keyboard to remove it. 4a b. Click [WorldCraft Suppliers].[Supplier Name] within the report. 4b c. Simplify this field heading to say ―Supplier‖. Do this by Double-clicking it anywhere inside the box then remove all text, then type Supplier. 39 d. Click American Arts within the report under the newly created Supplier heading. Increase the font size to 14 pt. This will increase the font size for all data in the column. e. Click Total heading within the report. Center in by clicking the Center button the font group. in f. Click the WorldCraft Products title in the top of the report and add your first and last name. (Example: WorldCraft Products – Your Name) g. Increase the Font size of this title ―WorldCraft Products – Your Name‖ to 24 pt. h. Lastly, adjust the column widths so all data is visible and columns are attractively spaced with no data cut off. After adjusting, the report should fit on one sheet in Landscape orientation. The gray dashed lines show page edges. See figure below. 5. Print the report by completing the following steps: a. Change to Print Preview by clicking the View button list arrow (bottom portion of the View button in the Views group), select Print Preview. b. Click the Zoom list arrow within the Zoom group. Select 75% c. Click the Print button in the Print group, click OK. Place your one page printout in your folder and label it DB-7 #1. d. Save the report by clicking the disk icon in the Quick Access Toolbar. 40 e. Close the report by clicking the close button (X) to the far right of the WorldCraft Products tab. f. Close Access by clicking the Office button then click Exit Access. 41 Lab DB-8 Assessment The 1 Minute Paper Use the WordPad or Word application to write a simple and quick recap of your thoughts concerning the DB set of labs. Place your name and ―Database lab Feedback at the top‖ – use 12-point. Please answer the following questions: 1. Did you understand the directions? 2. Did you complete the labs in a reasonable length of time? 3. Are you interested in learning more about Access? 4. How can we improve this set of labs? Print your document and label it DB-8. Place it in your folder. 42