Maxfield Parrish: Raymond Han


Maxfield Parrish: Raymond Han
May & JUNE
Maxfield Parrish:
Art of Light and Illusion
May 23 – September 7, 2015
Sponsored in part by The Morgan McReynolds
Group at Morgan Stanley.
As one of the most popular American artists of the twentieth century,
Maxfield Parrish created fantastic images of fairy-tale figures and idyllic
landscapes in a style that was all his own. Through a prolific career
that spanned from the 1890s through the 1960s, Parrish became
one of America’s first truly “public” artists. The mass reproduction
of his paintings—originally intended as book and magazine
illustrations, advertisements, calendars, and murals—ensured his
reputation as one of the most widely-known figures in the history
of art. It has been said that in 1925 a lithograph of his most wellknown painting Daybreak could be found in one out of every four
American homes. Parrish’s magical artwork continues to capture the
imagination and inspire today’s artists, musicians, and filmmakers.
The exhibition features approximately 45 pieces, including paintings,
prints, and sketches. Photographs show Parrish’s influence in
contemporary films. It also includes props, models, and tools that
illustrate the intricate creative process used by Parrish, enabling
him to produce these fantastical works of American art.
Food For Thought - Maxfield Parrish: Art of Light and Illusion
Wednesday, July 1, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
and Wednesday, August 26, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
with Paul D’Ambrosio, President and CEO of the Fenimore Art Museum
(Cover) Maxfield Parrish (1870-1966). Interlude, 1922. Oil on linen canvas. 84 in. x 60 in. Memorial Art Gallery of the University
of Rochester: Lent by the Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester. (Above) Maxfield Parrish (American,
1870–1966) Masquerade, 1922. Oil on board, 17 x 14 in. High Museum of Art, Atlanta; Gift of Ruth Jernigan McGinty, 1998.87
Raymond Han:
Still Lifes and Figures
June 20 – December 31, 2015
Raymond Han, an American painter born
in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1931, is a master of still
life and figurative painting. He is best known for
his realist works which display tight renderings of
figures and objects against pearly backgrounds.
Han’s more recent works include brilliant color
fields that warm the otherwise de-saturated
palette. The exhibition features approximately
20 of Raymond Han’s large scale paintings.
Food For Thought Raymond Han: Still Lifes and Figures
Wednesday, July 29, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
with Jason McCoy, President of Jason
McCoy Gallery in New York City
Raymond Han, Awakening Spring
An exhibition for
every taste!
Marc Chagall’s Magic Flute:
Highlights from the Metropolitan Opera
on view through December 31, 2015
Sponsored in part by Nellie and Robert Gipson, and
Lady Juliet Tadgell and Dr. Christopher Tadgell.
In our continuing series of exhibitions that complement The
Glimmerglass Festival’s summer schedule, the Fenimore Art Museum
presents costumes, masks, and images from the Metropolitan Opera’s
1967 production of Mozart’s The Magic Flute, designed by famed artist
Marc Chagall. From backdrops to visuals for publicity, Chagall’s bold style
elevated this colorful 18th-century masterpiece to even loftier heights.
The exhibition features six outlandishly vibrant costumes and four fantastical masks,
each designed and hand-painted by Chagall himself. Alongside are photographs
and other related artifacts that assist in telling the story of his influence on this
particular production. The pieces are on loan from the Metropolitan Opera.
Food For Thought - Marc Chagall’s Magic Flute
Wednesday, June 17, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
and Wednesday, July 15, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
with Chris Rossi, Associate Curator of Exhibitions
Papagena Costume, 1967. Designed by Marc
Chagall. Worn by Loretta Di Franco. Courtesy
of the Metropolitan Opera Archives.
Photo by Richard Walker
Real and Imagined:
Autopsy for
a Nation:
The Paintings of Steven Skollar
on view through December 31, 2015
Enjoy 15 fascinating works by painter
Steve Skollar, who has steadily
built an international reputation for
his extraordinary portraits of both
toys and people. Working with a
technique that calls to mind 17thcentury Dutch masters and classic
illustrators such as Maxfield Parrish,
Skollar uses his superb technical
mastery to make witty commentary
on the human condition.
Left: (detail) Steven Skollar, Twilight;
Right: Steven Skollar, Kentile
The Death
of Abraham
on view through
December 31, 2015
Commemorating the
150th anniversary of
Abraham Lincoln’s
assassination, this
exhibit includes
handwritten autopsy
and physician’s notes by Dr. Joseph
Janvier Woodward and Dr. R. K. Stone,
from which the final reports were
derived. The notes detail the physical
damage done by the assassin’s
bullet. View other Lincoln-related
items from the period of his death.
Lincoln Autopsy Notes from Dr. J. J. Woodward,
April 15, 1865. New York State Historical
Association / Fenimore Art Museum,
Cooperstown, New York
CLOSING SOON! on view through June 21, 2015
For 40 years, the enormous color transparencies that graced Grand Central
Terminal touched the hearts of millions. Today, they represent not only an appealing
and believable idealization of American life, but a nuanced and effective use of
photographs to create desire for the products and activities they sold. Thirty-five
of these coloramas are reproduced in this George Eastman House exhibition.
Herbert Archer. Cabin & canoe, Saddleback Lake, Maine, displayed September 16–October 7, 1968.
Copyright Eastman Kodak Co. Courtesy George Eastman House.
by Brenda
The 10th
Iroquois Art Biennial
through June 7, 2015
Brenda Mitten‘s photography
records the community of Six
Nations (including Mohawk, Oneida,
Onondaga, Cayuga, Tuscarora,
and Seneca) on an everyday basis,
and forms a perfect comparison
to the presentation of 18th- and
19th-century daily life among
the Iroquois in the Fenimore’s
outdoor site Otsego: A Meeting
Place. It also underscores the
fact that the Iroquois are still a
vibrant community in New York.
50 at 20:
Masterpieces of American Indian
Art from the Thaw Collection
on view through December 31, 2015.
The Contemporary Iroquois Art
Biennial was initiated with the
acquisition of the Eugene and
Clare Thaw Collection of American
Indian Art to celebrate and exhibit
contemporary Haudenosaunee
(Iroquois) art. Curated by G. Peter
Jemison (Heron Clan, Seneca).
Sponsored in part by
Celebrating 20 years of the Thaw Collection at the Fenimore
Art Museum, this exhibition highlights 50 outstanding
works of North American Indian Art spanning 2,000 years.
Through the voice of Native artists, scholars, curators, and
the collector himself, the exhibition explores the tangible, as
well as intangible qualities that make a true masterpiece.
Food For Thought 50 at 20: Thaw 20th Anniversary
Wednesday, August 12, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
with Eva Fognell, Curator of the
Thaw Collection
Horse Mask, ca. 1875-1900, Nez Perce, (Nimi’ipuu)
or Cayuse, Idaho, Oregon, or eastern Washington.
Headdress Frontlet, 1840–70, Tsimshian (Coast?),
northern British Columbia. Feather Headdress, ca. 1900,
Teton Sioux (Lakota), North or South Dakota.
Brenda Mitten, Jamie Jacobs (Seneca Nation) and Lotunt
Honyust (Oneida Nation), 2014, Tonawanda, N.Y.
“A Perfect
Folk Portraits and
Early Photography
The Jane Katcher Americana Series
Lavern Kelley:
The Art of the Farm
September 19 – December 31, 2015
Lavern Kelley was a dairy farmer who lived just a few miles south
of Cooperstown on a small family farm. He had taken up whittling
as a young boy and continued to carve his entire life. His subject
matter was all around him, and included not only farm vehicles like
trucks, tractors, and plows, but also people, which he began to carve
in response to the requests of his patrons. The exhibition surveys
a full range of works by Kelley in private and public collections
– 25 carvings plus numerous drawings and photographs.
Food For Thought - Lavern Kelley: The Art of the Farm
Wednesday, September 23, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
with Paul D’Ambrosio, President and CEO of the Fenimore Art Museum
The Blacksmith, 1987, Lavern Kelley, wood and paint. Fenimore Art Museum.
October 10 – December 31, 2015
Discover how
early photography
contributed to
the demise of
folk portraiture
in the 1840-50s.
painters were deeply affected by
the invention of the daguerreotype
and their reactions to this early
photographic method varied.
Regardless of their responses, it
became clear almost immediately
that the American public would
embrace this new technology, making
painted portraits virtually obsolete, by
creating what artists and daguerreans
alike called “a perfect likeness.”
Character Tours
Experience an entertaining and
memorable tour led by a historical
character - played by an actor!
Select Sundays at 1 pm, April through
December (see website). Cost: $2.00 per
person with a paid museum admission.
James Fenimore Cooper: May 24 and 31
Catherine Ann Russell Nelson (1832), Samuel Finley
Breese Morse, oil on canvas. Fenimore Art Museum.
Seated Young Girl Working on an Album (American, ca.
1845-50). Tinted sixth plate daguerreotype. Collection
of Jane Katcher.
Every first and third weekend of the
month at 11:00 am, see screenings of
classic and silent films in the Fenimore
Auditorium based on monthly themes.
Included with museum admission.
Maxfield Parrish: June 14 and 28,
July 12 and 26, August 9 and 23
Samuel F. B. Morse: Select
Sundays, September-December.
See website for details.
Americana Symposium
Saturday, October 10, 12-5 pm
Leading authorities in the folk
art field will present talks on the
themes and ideas explored in the
exhibition. Free to the public.
Food For Thought - “A Perfect
Likeness”: Folk Portraits
and Early Photography
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
with guest curator Jacquelyn Oak
Weekend Flicks
Film Screenings
Native American Programs
Community Exhibitions
Every weekend this summer!
Memorial Day through Labor Day
This series celebrates the people in our
region through art. The exhibitions
change each month, offering numerous
and ongoing opportunities for local
artists and organizations to be featured
in a nationally recognized museum.
Enjoy Native American interpretation and
storytelling throughout the summer at
our lakeside interpretive area - Otsego:
A Meeting Place, which includes the
new Lucy B. Hamilton Amphitheater.
See our website for information.
Fenimore Calendar of Events
Sunday, June 21
Wednesday, July 15, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Fathers’ Day - Free admission for dads!
Saturday, May 23
Tuesday, June 30, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Food For Thought - Marc Chagall’s
Magic Flute with Chris Rossi,
Associate Curator of Exhibitions
Exhibition Opens - Maxfield Parrish:
Art of Light and Illusion
Workshop: Painting “Parrish Blue”
with artist Susan Jones Kenyon
Saturday, May 23
Beginning Tuesday, June 30.
Six sessions: Tuesdays, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
through August 4
Opening of the
Lucy B. Hamilton Amphitheater
Thursday, July 16, 4 pm
NYSHA Annual Members’ Meeting and
Reception - Fenimore Auditorium
Join us for the grand opening of the
museum’s new “Lucy B. Hamilton
Amphitheater,” located adjacent to the
museum’s Native American interpretive
area Otsego: A Meeting Place on the
Fenimore’s back lawn overlooking the lake.
The Amphitheater will be alive with Native
American music, dance, and storytelling
performances from 11 am-4 pm.
Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez/Boseman Daily Chronicle
Saturday, May 23, 10 am - 5 pm
All members are welcome to the 112th
Annual Members’ Meeting for the New
York State Historical Association, followed
by a reception and a chance to tour the
current exhibitions. Featured speaker: Joe
D. Horse Capture, associate curator for
the Smithsonian Institution at the National
Museum of the American Indian.
Iroquois Cultural Festival
Museum of the American Indian.
Friday, July 17, 6:30 pm
The 2015 Annual Summer
Gala at Glimmerglen
Explore and celebrate those elements of
Iroquois culture that have crossed the divide
and become assimilated into American
culture. Expect to taste traditional Iroquois
foods, watch lacrosse demonstrations,
discover how a canoe is built, see artisans
at work, hear Native American music and
storytelling, buy unique Native American
jewelry and crafts, and visit the Thaw
Collection’s 20th Anniversary exhibition, 50
at 20. Included with museum admission.
Wednesday, June 3, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Food For Thought - Heritage Gardens
with Patrick MacGregor, Supervisor of
The Farmers’ Museum’s Pharmacy
Wednesday, June 17, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Food For Thought - Marc Chagall’s
Magic Flute with Chris Rossi,
Associate Curator of Exhibitions
Maxfield Parrish (American, 1870-1966). Mazda Lamps
Calendar: Ecstasy, 1930, lithograph. Rare Book Department,
Free Library of Philadelphia.
Reinterpret a Maxfield Parrish image and
create your own “Parrish Blue” in this exciting
new workshop. Artist Susan Jones Kenyon
will guide students step-by-step in the
whimsical conceptualization of a Maxfield
Parrish image. All supplies are provided and
beginners are welcome! Cost: $250 - includes
one ticket to Art by the Lake on August 8.
Wednesday, July 1, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Food For Thought - Maxfield Parrish:
Art of Light and Illusion with Paul
D’Ambrosio, President and CEO
of the Fenimore Art Museum
Friday, July 3, 5:30 - 7 pm
Community Exhibition Opening
and Reception - “Conversation
Pieces” featuring local artists
Gala guests enjoy an evening to remember
while supporting our wonderful museums.
Celebrate the twentieth anniversary of
the exquisite Eugene and Clare Thaw
Collection of American Indian Art with some
of the Thaws’ favorite objects on display
accompanied by Native American music and
song by the lake. This year only the Gala will
be held at Glimmerglen, a private estate
on Otsego Lake just north of the Fenimore
Art Museum on Rt. 80 in Cooperstown.
For more information, please call (607)
547-1418 or email
Wednesday, July 29, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Wednesday, August 5, 12, 19, and 26, 3 - 4 pm
Wednesday, August 26, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Food For Thought - Raymond Han: Still
Lifes and Figures with Jason McCoy,
President of Jason McCoy Gallery in NYC
Afternoon Art
Food For Thought - Maxfield Parrish:
Art of Light and Illusion with Paul
D’Ambrosio, President and CEO
of the Fenimore Art Museum
Monday-Friday, August 3 - 7, 9 am - 12:30 pm
Weeklong Experience - Museum
Adventure Camp - Fenimore Art
Museum and The Farmers’ Museum
See opposite page for details
Friday, August 7, 7 - 9 pm
Lake Effect Concert: Jazz ‘n Swing
with The Patti Van Tassel Quartet Lucy B. Hamilton Amphitheater
Swing to the sounds of jazz from the
1920s-1950s, outdoors at our new lakeside
amphitheater. Adults: $10, children: $5.
Friday, August 7, 5:30 - 7 pm
Community Exhibition Opening and
Reception featuring artist Bob Murdock
Saturday, August 8, 10 am - 5 pm
Art by the Lake - Fenimore Back Lawn
Thursday, September 3, 5:30 - 7 pm
Community Exhibition Opening and
Reception - Inspired by the Masters
featuring Hartwick College
Wednesday, September 23, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Food For Thought - Lavern Kelley:
The Art of the Farm with Paul
D’Ambrosio, President and CEO
of the Fenimore Art Museum
Saturday, September 26, 4 pm
Lecture and Book Signing featuring
Dr. Clifton Wharton - Fenimore Auditorium
Nature and history and art, oh my! Spark
your child’s curiosity with a week packed full
of activities at both The Farmers’ Museum
and Fenimore Art Museum. Children will play
historic games, go on nature walks, create
art projects, use their imagination to explore
art, visit with farm animals, and much more!
This standalone camp is also a great way to
continue the fun of our “Down on the Farm”
week-long experience. Ages: 6–8. Maximum:
16 children; minimum: 8 Fee: $175 or $150 for
NYSHA Members. Program sizes are limited.
Reservations are required. Please call (607)
547-1461 to register and for more information.
Wednesdays: August 5, 12, 19, and 26, 7 - 9 pm
Shakespeare’s Macbeth Lucy B. Hamilton Amphitheater
Join us for a special book rollout event
with Dr. Clifton Wharton and his new
biography “Privilege and Prejudice, The Life
of a Black Pioneer.” Wharton is a American
university president, corporate executive
and former United States Deputy Secretary
of State. Free and open to the public.
Enjoy great art, live music, delicious food
and wine, and beer tasting under a beautiful
tent on the Fenimore’s magnificent back lawn
overlooking Otsego Lake. Entry fee includes
admission to the Fenimore Art Museum and
its summer highlight exhibition Maxfield
Parrish: Art of Light and Illusion. Families can
enjoy children’s art activities and more. Adults
(13+): $10; Children 12 and under are free!
Wednesday, August 12, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Food For Thought - 50 at 20: Thaw
20th Anniversary with Eva Fognell,
Curator of the Thaw Collection
Saturday, August 22, 2 - 4 pm
Play Reading of Our American Cousin Lucy B. Hamilton Amphitheater
A staged reading of “Our American Cousin,”
the play Lincoln was attending the evening
he was assassinated, performed on the
event’s 150th anniversary. It is based on
the play by Tom Taylor and adapted by
Lowell Swortzell. This adaption of “Our
American Cousin” includes the very moment
when President Lincoln was shot, and
concludes with the ghosts of the actors
finishing the performance. Admission is
free. The play is appropriate for all ages.
A Glimmer Globe Theatre production.
Directed by Austin M. Doyle. As a
complement to the Glimmerglass Festival’s
2015 production of the opera Macbeth,
Glimmer Globe Theatre is proud to
present Shakespeare’s play in its entirety. Considered one of Shakespeare’s darkest
and most powerful works, this tragedy
dramatizes the corrosive psychological
and political effects of evil actions to fulfill
the ambition for power. This rendition,
presented by fire and starlight, is sure to
move audiences and chill them to the bone
– even in the dead of summer. $15 adults,
$12 seniors and members, $10 children.
Friday, October 9, 5:30 - 7 pm
Fall Members’ Reception
Friday, October 9, 5:30 - 7 pm
Community Exhibition Opening and
Reception - Community Heroes in
Portraiture featuring SUNY Oneonta
Saturday, October 10, 12 - 5 pm
2015 Americana Symposium
Leading authorities in the folk art field
will present talks on the themes and
ideas explored in the exhibition “A
Perfect Likeness”: Folk Portraits and Early
Photography, part of the Jane Katcher
Americana Series. Free to the public.
Wednesday, October 14, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Food For Thought - A Perfect Likeness:
Folk Portraits & Early Photography
with curator Jacquelyn Oak
Workshop: Folk Art
Portraits with artist
Susan Jones Kenyon
Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 22.
Six sessions: Tuesdays, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
through Oct. 27
Paint a folk art portrait as you perceive
‘a perfect likeness.’ Artist Susan Jones
Kenyon will guide students individually as
each paints a selected image of their own,
creating a folk art likeness of the person.
All supplies are provided and beginners
are welcome! Cost - $250 (includes one
ticket to the Fenimore Art Museum.)
Elizabeth Phillips Storm, ca. 1845, Ammi Phillips, oil on canvas.
Fenimore Art Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E. Weber.
The Farmers’ Museum
Summer Calendar
Just across the street…
Add a visit to The Farmers’ Museum
and experience two great
museums for one low price.
See our new exhibition Farming’s New Era:
From Field to Table in New York State, then
stroll through our historic 1840s village featuring
authentic structures from across the region
including a blacksmith shop, tavern, and a
pharmacy - all staffed with knowledgeable
interpreters dressed in period attire. Take a
spin on the Empire State Carousel, known
as the museum you can ride, emblazoned
with well-known figures from New York State
History. Experience Lippitt Farm where you
can visit our friendly farm animals, milk a
cow, and see interpreters going about their
daily chores. You can even get a glimpse
of the world famous Cardiff Giant!
Afternoon Art
Each week children will look at a different
artwork or gallery and create an art
project inspired by what they see.
Ages 4-8. Drop in registration, cost $5
(includes museum admission). Parents are
not required to stay with their children,
but may join the fun, if they wish, at
the regular museum admission rate.
Sign-up for our monthly e-newsletters!
The Fenimore Art Museum and its sister institution, The Farmers’ Museum, thank the
individuals, foundations, corporations, and government funders whose generous support
make possible our programs, collections, facilities, and service to the public.
April 1 – May 11: Tuesday – Sunday 10 am – 4 pm. Closed Mondays.
May 12 – October 13: Open daily 10 am – 5 pm.
October 14 – December 31: Tues – Sun 10 am – 4 pm. Closed Mondays.
Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas
The Fenimore Café is open 11 am – 3 pm.
Fenimore Art Museum Shop is open during museum hours; open online 24/7.
Adults and Juniors (13-64): $12.00;
Seniors (65+): $10.50;
Children (12 and under): Free
Food for Thought
The Fenimore Art Museum is
proud to make its exhibitions and
art scholarship accessible to all by
offering a delightfully delicious series
of lunchtime lectures and exhibit
tours, led by leading experts in the
field, featured artists, curators, and
Fenimore staff. Raise a glass – and lift
a fork – in celebration of great art! All
Food for Thought programs are held
on Wednesdays from 12:30 - 2:30 pm.
Pre-registration is required, please call
(607) 547-1461. Cost: $22 for NYSHA
members, $25 non-members. Register
for three or more Food for Thought
programs at once and receive a
discounted price of $20 for NYSHA
members or $23 non-members
per program.
For more information or to
find out about our cancellation
policy, visit our website at
Fenimore Art Museum
5798 State Hwy. 80, P.O. Box 800
Cooperstown, NY 13326
For further information: (888) 547-1450
For adult groups: (607) 547-1495
For membership information: (607) 547-1536
Food For Thought and other programs:
(607) 547-1461
Research Library: (607) 547-1470
Admission is always FREE for NYSHA members, active
military and retired career military personnel.
Reduced price combination tickets to the Fenimore Art Museum,
The Farmers’ Museum, and the National Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum.
The Fenimore Art Museum and
The Farmers’ Museum are accredited
by the American Alliance of Museums.
This calendar is made possible with
public funds from the New York State
Council on the Arts, a state agency.
Nonprofit Org
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Art of Light and Illusion
MAY 23 – SEPTEMBER 7, 2015