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Proceedtnqs of the 7th Iniernatumal Workmg Conference Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 011 A reappraisal of an old fumigant, carbon disulphide, under modern farm storage conditions YongLm Ren and Sylvia E Allenl Abstract patented fumigant Carbon disulphide , an old fumigant fallen mto disuse, exammed Results and tnaled bromide, alternatrve fumigant by may hmrt ItS new data IS not Widely known to control history from emissions The data covers gram quahty, and residues of carbon disulplude It m France, msects m processed bromide (MeBr) residues on gram products were and processmg mdistmguishable analysis (hmits of quantification w/w) m Resnfues by current were <0 degraded methods bromide, wheat from the same source NSW (Hilton et al Extensive and the mamtenance Results 1987) Ghaly (1960) of seed starch fumigation Introduction Compansons for fumigants m to thiS need an old fumigant, and tnaled of nee (e Stored Gram Research Laooratory, g hardness, broken ratio and and qualities (such as cookmg test, iodine and alkah test) were not affected by CSz at a concentration (Ghaly of 400 mglL 1960) and moisture grams, wheat flour, pohshed rice and legumes IS lower than Sorption of CSz on and seems to be mamly physical Mapes and Shrader (Rafle 1954 and Tan (1957a) reported 120 and 40 ppm of CSz had declmed <0 Carbon that CSz and before any turnmg, 25 ppm respectlvely Munsey 3 months after to < 2 5 ppm and et al (1957) added lOppm CSz to commerCial baker's flour, and then carned out It was the first commerCial bakmg studies bread I (XIU et al of 13 - 19% fumigatIOn, dlsulphlde (CSz) IS the oldest fumigant used for commerCial large scale msect control m gram storage CSz does not affect seed reSidues found m commerCially fumigated wheat treated With carbon which IS m the process of bemg phased out and also With phosphme m content 1994) m sealed storage are made With methyl bromide, Carbon growers of 200 mglL sorptlon as most of thiS IS recoverable or under the threat of bemg Withdrawn from In response 1998) by Austrahan showed that CSz had no effect on the that for methyl bromide, dlsulphlde was re-exammed CSz germmation and plumule length of Nahda vanety nee even high doses (400 - 800 mglL) The physical value, use a gram With phosphine, at rmllmg output) the process, fumigant work m Chma on more than 20 seed species charactenstics New fumigants are reqUIred as replacements a gram 1998) viability even at a concentration used m sealed storage to replace many of the uses of methyl where favourably showed that unhke methyl bromide, reported m this paper indicate that carbon disulplude can be bromide and m particular viability IS desirable Carbon As carbon disulphide penetrates disulphide IS also used currently Unhke methyl mg/L) plumule length even at high doses (150 CSz as Chma (NI 1983, Tan 1994 and Yang et al of 5ppb carbon disulphide had no effect on germmation 1984) are still used in vertical silos Without recirculation m (C~) and the same as levels present m products made from unfurrngated (Bond m the mixed With nonflammable components such as carbon dioxide processed 005 mglkg, Bemg the first fumigant It IS the only fumigant used m certain parts of the mass well and compares yet It leaves These residues are extensively storage vme the use of CSz as a fumigant entomology replaced world (Bond 1984) dunng grape flammability, relatively higher and longer term residues than phosphme (PH,) which along With methyl on gram IS lower than that for methyl m ongm the high natural carbon disulphide physical agamst m gram and sol! IS a landmark of apphed However, and IS mamly m 1869, 64667), disulphide has now largely fallen mto disuse because of ItS food Usmg sealed storage lower doses of carbon disulphide (27g/m3) were found to be efficaceous The sorption of bromide, Patent No used for commercial bulk gram, carbon disulplude as an IS supported S as a gram, soli and space fumigant and and by pubhshed Egyptian and Chmese data which Austraha, (U pathogen phylloxera and for many years CSz was Widely used With methyl where msect resistance The possibility of remtroducmg m was used sealed farm storage are compared a fumigant m the process of being Withdrawn, also With phosphme, use under modern for carbon disulphide IS re- patented 1867 and used as a fumigant for gram m the US m 1896 companed example, CSIRO DIVISIonof Entomology • They found no extra CSz m the With bread from Mapes and Shrader (1957) untreated flour For found by reducmg CSz rates of apphcatlon by one third (from 120 ppm to 38 ppm) , C<mberra GPO Box 1700 ACT 2601. Austraha 516 Proceedmqs of the 7th Iniernational Worhng Conference on Stored- product Protection. - Volume 1 residues of CSz can be reduced 40 times (from 6 0 ppm to 14 ppm) m flour New evidence has shown that CSzrates of application can be reduced by applying It m a sealed storage, and CSz residues can be further reduced by forced amng (Hilton et al 1998) The object of this paper ISto re-examine CSzas a fumigant under today's storage conditions and quality management Also to bnng CSz use up to modern standards of safety and efficacy, through being able to reduce the dose of CSz, and further reduce residues and the nsk of explosion This reexanunation of CSzm response to the phasing out of methyl bromide IS part of a general philosophy of having alternatives, both new fumigants and old where applicable, so that there IS not reliance on anyone chemical o Materials and Methods Laboratory procedures Samples and Chemscals Wheat samples used m laboratory tests were Australian Standard White (ASW, 10 6% moisture content, w/w wet baSIS) Australian barley (var Schooner, 10 3 % moisture content, w/w) , chick peas (Desi-type var Amethyst, 11 5% moisture content, w/w) , peas (10 5% moisture content, wIw ), paddy (10 5% moisture content, w Iw ) and sorghum (11 5 % moisture content, wIw) were used for germination and sorption tests All of the above samples were free of msecticide Carbon disulphide as a hquid (99 9% punty and 1250 gIL density) was purchased from Ajax Australia Methyl bromide (99 8% purity) was purchased from Matheson Gas Products (Cucamonga, CA) Phosphine was prepared by the FAO method (Anon 1975) Germmauon. Tests Wheat, barley and chickpeas samples (10 g) were exposed at 25( ± 2rC to CSz(150 mglL) m 250 ml bottles capped with a Mmmert mjectIon system The concentration of CSz m the headspace was measured at timed mtervals, and the samples were used for germination tests after 7 -14 days exposure Germination tests were carned out accordmg to the pnnClples stated m International Seed Testmg AsSOCiation Methods (1976), adapted by Ghaly and Van Der Touw (1982) Fifty seeds were saturated With approximately 40 mL of distilled water and wrapped m 2 rolled crepe filter papers (500 mmX 330 mm each) The seeds were arranged 30 mm apart on the top half of the sheet (I e 250 mm x 330 mm), usmg a seed countmg board, and the lot covered by foldmg the lower half over them Each doubled sheet was saturated With water and loosely rolled from one Side to the other, perpendicular to the base It was then held together With a rubber band and put m an upnght posItion m the germmatlOn cabmet, at 25°C The number of germmated 517 seeds was counted after 8 days (total germmation test) and the plumule length was measured at 8 days Each expenment was also replicated four times The data were analysed statistically for standard error and vanance Determmaium of Sorption of CSz on Gram and Pulses Gram and pulse samples (wheat. barley, paddy, sorghum, peas and chick peas) of 180 g were placed m bottles (250 ml ) which were equipped With a screw on rnmmert valve (Alltech 24 mm Mmmert Valves. Code 95326) Fumigant to achieve 25 mg/L was injected mto the bottles, and also mto bottles without sample This empty flask was used as a control to calculate the concentration applied Fumigant m the headspace was injected into a gas chromatograph at timed intervals. and the concentration (C) in the headspace determined The ratio (C/Co) of the headspace concentration (C) and mitral concentration (Co) IS expressed as sorption It represents the proportion of original dose remaimng and It IS plotted against time after dosing Samples were tested at 25 ( ± 2 rc and 90 - 95 % filhng ratio and all samples were made m tnphcate Determuuuum of CSzMovement Through Wheat The procedure used was as descnbed m Desmercheher (1994) Fumigants were blown through a 11m column of wheat, of total volume 7 9 L. at an airflow rate of 200 mil mm Fumigants (10 ml of PH3 and MeBr gas and 20 fLlof CSzliquid) were applied Simultaneously to the column Via a 500 ml flask at the bottom of the column and their concentrations were measured at the top of column Analys1.'! of Carbon Dzsulphlde Reeuiues Two methods were used for determmmg CSz residues m wheat, wheat fractions (such as flour. germ. pollard and bran) and wheat products (such as sponge cake, bread. uncooked pasta and uncooked noodles) (a) Method A This method was developed by Ren (1997) and Ren and Desmarcheher (1998) In thiS procedure, a Panasomc model microwave oven eqUIpped With time and power programmmg was used The microwave power emission ranged from 270 to 900 W The sample (15 g) was placed m a compressed bottle of 250 ml, which was eqUIppedWith a screw on mmmert valve (Alltech 24 mm Mmmert Valves. Code 95326) A cycle of microwave Irradiation and headspace analYSISfollowed by 50 sec standmg was repeated until the amount of fumigant m the headspace either remamed constant or started to declme (b) Method B ThiS method was based on an AOAC procedure modified by Daft (1987) and further modified (DesmarchelIer et al 1998a) by usmg gas-tight systems and headspace chromatography The wheat sample (50g) and 50 ml 'Daft solutIOn' (acetone (80%) m 25% phosphonc aCid solution) (Daft 1988) was placed m a 270 ml Erlenmeyer flask, fitted With a septum ConcentratIOns m the headspace were determmed after steepmg for 31 ± 3 hours, at room Proceedmgs of the 7th Iniernai cmol Worktng Conference on Stored-product Protectum - Volume 1 temperature (25 ± sc ) DIluted C~ standards were prepared by addition of a known volume of liquid C~ into a 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask contammg 5 glass beads (e g 2 p.L m 500 ml grves 6 25 After rmxmg by shaking, the diluted gas mg-L of C~) standard was used to prepare both fornfied samples and standards The fortified samples were prepared by mjectmg a known volume of the diluted gas standard mto 'Daft solution' (50 ml) m a 270 ml Erlenmeyer flask contammg 50 g of untreated wheat Determinaium. of CSz Conceniratums Carbon disulplude levels were determined using a Shimadzu GC6AMgas chromatograph equrpped with a flame photometric detector (FPD) , sulphur filter and aIm /- 3 mm glass column packed with HayeSep Q (Alltech 2801) Operation conditions were an oven temperature of 140°C and an mjection temperature of 200°C AnalYSISof C~ m the headspace over solvents or m the liquid phase required complete elution of the solvent or solvent vapour from GC column before further mjections, so a mrmmum mterval of 15 mrn was kept between injections Commercial scale studies Held Tratls FIeld trtals were conducted on wheat m a sIlo at the SGRL (Stored Gram Research Laboratory) sIte m Canberra, ACT m May, 1997 The sIlo used was a welded steel, self outloadmg sIlo of 55 m3 capacIty Before loadmg, the bm was sealed by coatmg nvets bolts and holes WIth a sl!tcone putty, Sl1astIc1Mfrom mSlde the bm The bm was fl1ledWlth approxImately 40t wheat and pressure tested, as descnbed m Banks and AnlllS (1980) A half-Me of greater than 4 mmutes was achIeved The wheat was treated WIth 1500 g (1200 ml) C~ 38 ppm. w/w or 27 g m -3 by pounng C~ through a plastic funnel and pIpe onto hessIan placed on the surface of the wheat Safety consIderations of time taken to dose and any spIlls were the major concerns To mllllmise nsk, gloves were worn and a dry run Wlthout C~ was carned out pnor to dosmg The bm remamed sealed for 6 days, outloadmg after amng for 1 day Gas samples were taken WIth a DYNAVCpump (Model ODl) through Nylon !tnes (3 mm mternal dIameter), and collected m Tedlar bags Gas samplmg poSitions were m the centre of the bm, at dIstances of 1,2, 3 and 4 m below the gram surface, at the bottom and the top of the bm (mslde) m 4 eqUldlstant dlrectLOnsand m the central headspace Concentrations of C~ were measured by GC On outloadmg, wheat (3 t) was transferred mto three Bulka bags. each of 1 - 1 5 t capacIty Ten to fIfteen samples of 0 5 kg were taken from the wheat streams, WIth a glass jar as It entered each Bulka bag Insect tested were stored product msects T1'1bolmm castaneum stram CTC4 (50 adult and 50 larvae) , 518 Rhzopertha domuuca stram CRD2 (50 adult) and Sitophil us oryzae strain CLS2 (50 adult) The media within the test insect containers was 95% wheat and 5 % wheat flour The contamers were placed 15m below the surface of the gram, at different distances from the center of the bin pnor to fumigation They were constructed of a perforated stamless steel cyhnder , diameter 22 mm, height 100 mm , with a cone at each end, to enable them to be inserted mto the gram The contamers were removed dunng outloadmg of the gram Insects were counted when removed from the bm, and again after holding penods of 4 and 8 weeks at 30°C Wheat samples used m held trails were Australian Standard White (ASW, 10 6% moisture content, w/w wet baSIS) and msecticide free Carbon disulplude as a liquid (99 9% purity and 1250 gIL density) was purchased from Ajax Australia M~llmg and Bakmg Trtuls The outloadmg wheat (3 t ) was transferred to the BRI (Bread Research Institute) SIte withm 5 hours of outloadmg to carry out wheat cleanmg and millmg studies, WhICh represent usual commercial practice The usual BRI commercial formula and procedure were used m the bakmg, noodle and pasta processmg studIes Levels of C~ were measured by GC Results and Discussion Laboratory studies The Effect of C~ on Get'nnnatwn and Plumule Length The germmatLOnrate of wheat, barley and chIck peas was unaffected by exposure to 150 mglL of C~ as shown m Figure 1 The standard error hom 4 rep!tcates of 50 seeds was less than 2 5 % m all cases The time of exposure rangmg from 7 - 14 days at a dose of 150 mglL, dId not dlIDmlsh the germmatIon potential for all three type of seeds. That IS, C~ had no deletenous effect on the germmatIon of wheat, barley and chIck peas at eIther hIgher levels (150 mglL) of C~ or longer penods (14 days) of exposure. ThIS result IS consIstent WIth that found on 20 fumIgated seed and gram speCIes whIch mcluded grams, legumes, 011contammg seeds and vegetable seeds, where the CSz concentration reached 200 mglL for exposure penods of 48 hours (XlU et al 1987) XlU also mdlcated that the order of effect of fumIgants on germmatlon of 20 seed specIes was ethylene OXIde> methyl bromIde > sulphuryl fluonde > carbon dlsulphlde Here CSz had the lowest phytOtOXICItyGhaly (1960) reported that C~ has no effect on the germmatLOn and plumule length of Nahda vanety nce even at hIgh doses (400-800 mglL) , 48 hours exposure and 16% m01sture content Verma (1988) had exammed the effect of C~ on seed germmatIon, where the germmatIon rate of dner wheat IS unaffected at hIgh Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 concentrations for long periods, but the germination rate decreases with increasing moisture content. 110 100 90 80 o Barley 70 ~ '-" 60 Wheat (l,) 1a 1-0 50 t:: .Q ... Cl:l III Chick pea 40 t:: '§ 30 (l,) 0 20 10 ---, 0 Untreated 168 185 240 336 Time of exposure to 150 mg/L carbon disulphide (hours) Fig. 1. Percentage gerrninabilityof wheat, barley and chick pea at initial dose 150 mglL of CSz and different lengths of exposure compared with untreated grains. Carbon disulphide had no affect on the plumule length of germinated wheat, barley and chick pea (Figure 2). The standard error in plumule length was less than 8 % of the mean value in all cases. Unlike hydrogen cyanide (HCN) , CSzcan be used at higher levels without decreasing plumule length. This result is similar to the effect of carbonyl sulphide on plumule length of germinated wheat at a dose of 100 mg.L (Ren et al. 1997). Sorption of Fumigants on Grains Results for sorption show that CSz is much less strongly sorbed than MeBr. The decay of the fumigants in the headspace is shown in Figure 3, which plots the ratio of concentration to applied concentration (CICo) against time (the standard error in sorption of fumigants was < 4 % of the mean value in all cases). They are typical sorption curves, that is, the loss of fumigants from the gas phase followed the expected pattern, with an initial rapid sorption giving way to a long term trend after about 10 hours from dosing. Sorption of CSzon tested grains and pulses was less than for MeBr. The decay of CSzis relatively slow and concentrations that are effective against insects are still present over the 519 exposure period in all commodities tested. Even after 160 hours fumigation, loss was less than 50% and 30% for wheat, barley respectively. For sorghum, paddy, peas and chick peas > 30 % of the dose remained after 6 days. Conversely there was a remarkably rapid sorption rate for MeBr found for all tested grains and pulses in this study. Methyl bromide will disappear by reaction in few days when applied to peas and chick peas or paddy and sorghum. Movement of Fumigants Through Wheat Fumigant concentrations in the effluent gas are shown in Figure 4, for all concentrations greater than 1 ppm, v/v. Carbon disulphide moved through wheat in a similar manner to the two most widely used fumigants, PH3 and MeBr. The chromatography of PH3 and CSzwas essentially identical with respect to retention time, peak width and degree of tailing. However, methyl bromide has a broader peak and greater tailing, consistent with stronger sorption. Differences in sorption are less obvious in this system of blowing fumigants in an airstream than in a static test. Carbon disulphide moved rapidly through or was blown out of a wheat column, to levels below 1 ppm in the intergranular air. Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored-product Protection. - Volume 1 10 9 8 0 Barley 7 ~ ao 6 t 5 m '-' Wheat l:: ..2 (\) 4 III Chick pea '"S e~ Po. 3 2 o Untreated 168 185 240 336 Time of exposure to 150 mg/L of carbon disulphide (hours) Fig.2. Plumule length of wheat, barley and chick pea at initial dose 150 mglL of compared with untreated grains. CSz and different lengths of exposure standard cleaning and conditioning of wheat from the field treatment with CSz. Residues of CSz are progressively reduced during cleaning and conditioning of wheat before milling (Figure 5). Levels of CSz in wheat on outloading from the silo at the SGRL site were approximately 7 mglkg (ppm, w/w), which is below the Australian MRL of 10 mg/ kg. There was a small amount of CSz(0.03 - 0.08 mglkg) in unfumigated wheat, which we believe to be natural levels. Under natural conditions, CSz can be produced from carbonyl sulphide (COS) and conversion and decomposition of thiocyanate (Ren 1999). The ability of a fumigant to move through a column of grain shows an integrative effect of factors such as sorption, desorption, penetration and diffusion of the fumigant (Muthu 1973). Because CSz can more easily and quickly move through wheat in an air stream, it can be blown away from fumigated grain by ventilation in a short period of time. These advantages are essential requirements for an ideal fumigant, which should be able to be easily passed through bulk grain, and thus improve worker safety during unloading and transportation of grain after fumigation. Commercial scale fumigation and wheat processing trials Table 1. Insect mortality and progeny in field trials. The Effect of CSz on Control of Insects in Sealed Storage Results for insect mortality are shown in Table 1. Mortality at the end of exposure was complete for the tested insects, and no progeny had developed after a holding period of 4 weeks and 8 weeks at 30"C. In this trial, concentration of CSzaveraged 10.5 mg/L at day 4, and this concentration fell to 7.7 mg.L at day 6. That is, the (C x T) values of CSzagainst all tested insects of species were in the range of 1000 - 1500 mg h L -1. This result showed that CSz was highly toxic to all tested insects, and killed them quickly. The Effect of Cleaning and Conditioning on CSzResidues in Wheat Residues of CSzwere determined at various stages of the Species T. castaneum (adult) T. castaneum (larvae) R. dominica (adult) S. oryzae (adult) %) Mortality( at end of fumigation Progeny after 4 weeks Progeny after 8 weeks 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 Cleaning of wheat reduced residues of CSz from 6.7 mg/ kg to 4.5 mglkg. That is, approximately 30% of the CSz 520 Proceedmqs of the 7th International Worhng Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 rmllmg and baking of wheat from the field treatment with residues were removed dunng wheat cleanmg (Figure 5) Conditionmg of wheat further reduced residues of CSz from 4 5 mglkg to 2 2 mglkg, approximately another 30% of the CSzresidues were removed durmg this stage (FIgure 5) Of the total residues 67% of the CSz was removed from outloadmg, dunng cleamng and condrtiomng In all cases, concentrations of CSzm the work space were below the TLV of 10 ppm (v/v) The Effect of Procesenu; on CSzReeuiues 1n W71Rat nulled Products Residues of CSz were determmed at vanous stages of the CSz Residues of CSzm milled products are shown m Figure 6 Of the milled fractions, flour or pollard fmal flour had the lowest residue and germ had the highest, where residues This level of residue was below the were 5 45 mglkg MRL, but higher than those m conditioned wheat, that IS the residues are to an extent concentrated m the germ Residues of CSz(2 62 mglkg) m bran were slightly above the levels m conditioned wheat Residues of CSzm flour and pollard fmal flour were 3 and 10 times the natural level of CSzrespectively 10 10 Wheat Barley 08 08 0 06 06 U 04 04 02 02 U 00 0 40 80 120 00 160 10 ~ 80 120 160 120 160 120 160 10 Peas 08 0 40 0 Paddy 08 06 06 04 04 02 02 00 00 ~<>N>~ 0 40 80 120 160 'l 10 Sorghum 08 0 06 U 04 ~ 02 06 04 ~-.-. 1 \ o2 f I 00 , 0 80 Chickpeas 08 -, S:2 40 0 40 80 120 00 160 ~ :~ 0 40 80 TIme of exposure (hours) Fig. 3. Comparative sorption data for CSz and MeBr, taken from measurement of loss of fumigant concentration (-0- MeBr and -e- CSz) 521 III the headspace Proceedings of the 7th InternationaL Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 100 -ir-CS2 ~PH3 80 -k-MeBr 60 Concentration of fumigant, (% of maximum concentration) eluting from a 1.1m column of wheat, at 40 an air flow of 200mL/min 20 o 200 150 100 50 Time of fumigants through the bulk wheat column (min) Fig. 4. Concentration of fumigant, (% of maximum GC area) eluting from a 1.1 m column of wheat, at an air flow of 200 ml min - 1, plotted against time (-()- ~, -e- PH3 and - ....- MeBr) . 10 ppm ~Fumigated • Untreated 4.6 ppm 2.2 ppm 0.050 0.039 ppm ppm 0.038 ppm _~.--.J Australian MRL on wheat Fig.5. At outloading from bin Carbon disulphide residues in ~ Mill cleaned wheat -. Mill conditioned wheat fumigated and untreated wheat during processing of wheat. 522 I Proceedings of the 7th International S traightrun 0.04 Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 ppm 0.14 ppm • Untreated Pollard final flo ur ~ Fumigated Pollard 1.03 ppm Germ 5.45 ppm Bran Carbon Fig.6. disulphide residues in wheat milled products Carbon disulphide residues in milled wheat products of on ~ (ppm, mg/kg) fumigated and untreated conducted commercial scale milling trials at the BRI site. Sponge cake 0.0025 ppm 0.0025 ppm Uncooked pasta 0.0040 ppm 0.0043 ppm Uncooked noodles 0.0022 ppm 0.0024 ppm Bread 0.0002 ppm ~ Untreated 0.0006 ppm D Fumigated Carbon disulphide wheat flour products Fig. 7 . Carbon disulphide residues on processed ~ residues in (ppm, mg/kg) fumigated and untreated wheat products conducted on a commercial scale milling trial at the BRI site. 523 of the 7 th International Workmg Conference on Stored-product Protectum - Volume 1 Proceedmgs FAD The Effect of Bakmg and Prccessinq an CSz Residues 111 Wheat Flour Products The flour rrulled from fumigated wheat and unfumigated wheat was used m baking studies uncooked noodles, only small residues 004 mglkg) (0 0022-0 not sigmficantly CSz m the bread, treated wheat flour, Internat These J Worhng Canf J Canberra, Australia, Wnght, With bread from untreated Trang insects quickly phytotoxicity Unhke methyl brormde , a diverse vanety of seed types and plumule The sorption these are extensively processing There were but damage degraded and disinfestation dunng no residues natural levels m untreated storage Chern sulphide as M, In Proc UK, Vol R Champ, 1994 CAB 1 78 - 82 Allen, S of method a E J ADAC Y and Ren, for Int L detenmnmg 81 ( 3 ) 638- Le E , Ren, Y Land Commercial-scale trials on Allen, S 1998b a 6th , Edited by E Apnl the carbonyl sulphide and carbon 1960 Fumigation of nee against insect pests Cairo Unrversrty, Egypt Ghaly, T H and Van Der Touw, and IS It leaves residues on gram, mainly physical m ongm Anal Banks and B and ItS effects on the quahty of the gram of carbon disulphrde on gram IS lower than that for MeBr, J Vu No 75) Ghaly, T H (> 150 mg L -I) on length even at very high concentrations spices, disulphide to wheat (CSIRD Entomology Technical Report and kills It IS low m and has no effect on germmauon Carbonyl J application of ethyl formate, the results mdicate that CSz IS highly tOXICto T value of 1000 - 1500 mg h L -I) ;< off and mites 17 - 23 residues 644 Desmarcheher, Conclusion m whole grams Stored prod H Wallmgford, multifurmgants msects (C Assoc 1994 Desmarcheher, J M, 1998a Modifications flour In this study, M Highley, E International (1957) who found no which was made from CSz compared J fumigant for control of insects of CSz were found different from those m the controls multifumigant 734 -739 Desmarcheher, pasta and In most cases, these values were results are consist WIth Munsey et al additional 70 m the range 0 0002 - 0 0025 mglkg was In uncooked Determmmg milled and low-fat gram products, citrus fruits and beverages Residues of CSz m baked found m bread and sponge cake 1987 and legumes, and processed products are shown m Figure 7 Small amount of CSz residues, J Datt, studies 336 Greenmg, above that found as samples of wheat end products in relation J of wheat H G 1984 W Furmgation 1982 high Eng TheSIS, Heat temperature Res 27 329- tnals WIth farm-stored So carbon disulphide apphed m sealed storage can be used as gram a fumigant to replace many of the uses of MeBr particularly • Practical where high rates of seed germmation Fumigation m Gram Storage' held from 11 to 22 Apnl1983 m Perth, [Edited by Ripp, BE] must be preserved Proceedings J to Agnc Master, Hilton, J M Desmarcheher, E J Wnght, Development parttClpants m Agreement thank Le the Corporatton Stored for fmanclal (GROC) Gram Research assistance of Controlled Western Austraha and international symposium Atmosphere and 673 J Cassells, A and Banks, Laboratory International Mapes, D Trang Vu for techmcal assIstance Stored (Research report) Seed Testtng AssocIatton Seed Rules for Seed Testing Wish to J H 1997 of unsealed farm bms WIth carbon disulplude CSIRD DIVISIon of Entomology, the Laboratory The authors J , S Funugauon P C Anms and V Hantos for helpful adVIce and to the Gram Research an -682 Acknowledgements The authors thank Aspects of A and Shrader, 1976 Internattonal Technol SCt S Gram Research A 1957a 4 A 3 - 177 ReSidues m laboratory fumIgated wheat and Its Buhler rrull fractions J Assoc References Mapes, D Anon 1975 Recommended measurement of methods for the detectton resIstance of agncultural pestiCIdes 16 FAD Plant ProtectIOn Bulletm, Banks, J H and Anms, P eXlstmg gram storage structures use Shejbal, grams J engmeenng 1984 1980 23 Chem 40(1) to Munsey, 12 - 25 Conversion Developments m 1, 461- 473 and protection paper 54 A 191-192 1957b J 1973 Fumgatlon and Majumder, S K 524 Z ReSIdues m off A and Klem, A K Agnc J 1989 1957 Assoc 2 off 201- 202 Some aspects of phosphme as a fumIgant gaseous pasteurIsation and Venugopal, Academy of pest control sCIences NI, Z Room, C Assoc 196-198 Chem 40(1) Muthu,M Manual of fumigation for msect control FAD plant production S grams V E , MIlls, P Agrw for modified atmosphere ElseVier, Chem 40(1). Effect of cookmg on fumIgant reSIdues of ed , Controlled atmosphere storage of Amsterdam, agrIcultural Bond, E J , C Agnc commerCIally fumIgated and pests off A and Shrader, Fumigation J EdIted, S, Mysor, by IndIa , pp 28 - 29 trials With carbon dlsulphlde Prcceedmqs of the 7th International carbon tetrachlonde an (20 mtemational 80) m silo bms symposium Controlled Atmosphere Workmg Conference on Stored-product Protectuni - Volume 1 Proceedmgs 'Practical Aspects of Ren, Y L of disulfide m Gram Storage' m Perth, Western Australia 1954 products - Sorption of carbon sulphide by wheat and flour Food Agrw 5 m Vitro Tan, X Fumigation of agncultural J Ph Sci 536 - 541 D University of 1996 Residue of common chemicals m stored Gram Storage R 1988 23(2) Effect of multiple fumigants Seed Research, 16(2) 43 on seed 241- 244 XIU, G G , Zhang, Y H , He, G C , Tang, Z , Wang, Canberra, Y J , Jia, u, K Sand X Y 1987 The safety of cropseeds fumigated With four fumigants and the effects of Land Desmarcheher , J M 1998 Release of fumigant residue from gram by microwave irradiation AOAC Int 8l( 3) 673 - 678 Ren, Y 1994 germmation Australia Ren, Y of (in press) C Verma, B thesis, for carbon - mter-conversion and soli? gram and hygiene evaluation ~55 X Ren, Y L 1997 Carbonyl sulphide as a fumigant for gram timber - efficacy towards orgamsms and formation of residues Is carbonyl sulfide a precursor carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide m fresh gram tissues and Fumigation held from 11 to 22 Apnl1983 [Edited by Ripp, BE] 657 - 662 Raie, M S 1999 m vegetation L, O'Brien, I G and Desmarcheher , J the vacuum J Yang, and plumule vigour of wheat S H, dtoxide to control Gram Storage Wang, Y N 16(2) and Xu, the stored Z 1998 8 - 20 X domuuca With mixture of CSz and CC4 Paper present m 7th Iniernai Worhng Conf Stored prod , Beijing , M Expenmental Effect of hydrogen cyamde and carbonyl sulphide on the germination SCl 47 1-5 and carbon product msects Pestle Chma, 14 -19 525 report of control October 1998 Rhyzopertha
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