NASA study
NASA study
*,ed_ F N/LRA INTERIOR LANDSCAPE PLANTS FOR INDOOR AIR POLLUTION ABATEMENT FINAL REPORT--SEPTEMBER B.C. Wolverton, Principal Anne 15, 1989 Ph.D. Investigator Johnson, M.S. and Keith Bounds, Sverdrup This work was jointly Programs--Technology Contractors of America National Aeronautics John Science Stennis Technology, supported Utilization (ALCA). by and Inc. the Division, NASA Space Technology Center, Office Administration Center Laboratory MS of and the Associated and Space C. Stennis Space M.S. 39529-6000 Commercial Landscape CONTENTS. Abbreviations and Introduction Acronyms Chemicals Economical Used Benzene Solution In The Plant Formaldehyde and and ..................... 2 Tests ................................. 3 ............................ Selective Analysis Discussion 3 5 5 Detector 6 Analysis for Trace Metabolites ...... .................................................... Air Filter 8 8 System ................................ 8 ...................................................... 9 ................................................................. Acknowledgments References Pollution ..................................................... Carbon-Houseplant Summary Screening Air ......................................................... Methods Microbiological Results to Indoor ...................................................... Chromatograph-Mass Activated 1 .................................. Trichloroethylene Gas v ............................................................... A Promising, Materials ................................................ 18 .......................................................... 18 ................................................................ 19 FIGURES 1. Indoor 2. Man's air purification interaction microorganisms, 3. Removal inside 4. filter Removal inside carbon and filter houseplants and activated carbon... experimental of benzene chambers and using golden 4 trichloroethylene pothos from in an 8-in. the air activated system .................................................... experimental of benzene chambers using 3 soil, water ............................................. of high concentrations sealed combining with his environment--plants, of low concentrations sealed carbon system and golden 16 trichloroethylene pothos from in an 8-in. the air activated system .................................................... 17 .°° III PREC, EDING P:IGE E-,;'LA_',!K 't.,.. _,"_':" FILMED TABLES ° Trichloroethylene Houseplants . Benzene Chemicals During . Benzene Removed a 24-h Exposure Benzene Removing Benzene after from in Potting Removal Being Period Exposed and from a Sealed by 11 ...................... Experimental Chamber 12 Chamber by Houseplants 12 .......................................... a Sealed Exposure Experimental Period Experimental Soil and the Same During for Several 10 Chamber Period Experimental Soil Bacterial Chamber by .......................................... a Sealed Foliage Chamber Experimental from by .............................. a 24-h Exposure a Sealed a 24-h All Plant Experimental a Sealed Period Removal During Removal Houseplants . from Period Chamber .............................. Experimental by Houseplants Removed Houseplants ° from Experimental Period Exposure Soil During Trichloroethylene a Sealed a Sealed a 24-h a 24-h Exposure During . from Removed and from a 24-h Exposure During Formaldehyde Houseplants o During Removed Houseplants , Removed 24-h Chamber Potting Soil after Periods 24-h Periods by 13 by Exposure Counts of a Chinese to Benzene ................................................. iv Chamber .............................. 14 ................. Evergreen Plant in a Sealed 14 ABBREVIATIONS AND Term ACRONYMS Definition ALCA Associated EPA Environmental GC gas chromatograph HP Hewlett-Packard NASA National PCA plate TCE trichlorethylene UF urea formaldehyde UFFI urea-formaldehyde cfu/g colony cm centimeter cm 2 square g gram h hour in. inch m meter mE milliliter min minute m3 cubic meter p/m parts per million S second yr year /zL microliter °C degrees Landscape Contractors Protection Aeronautics count and Agency Space agar foam forming units centimeter Celsius V of America insulation per gram Administration INTERIOR LANDSCAPE INDOOR AIR .PLANTS POLLUTION FOR ABATEMENT INTRODUCTION During the late in heating to help 1970s, when the energy and cooling alleviate efficiency costs, spiraling included buildings energy other allergy-related contributed designed reduced fresh are also manufacture energy changes improved that air exchange. It was determined to the workers' health a contributing factor that However, the airtight problems. various equipment because of the energy upon the health problems headaches, and sealing Similarly, and efficiency of buildings synthetic building organic compounds, have been and furnishings placed in these types of materials used in their and design. Man himself should living in a closed, of people to maximize the workers began to complain of various drowsiness, respiratory and sinus congestion, materials, which are known to emit or "off-gas" linked to numerous health complaints. The office buildings felt at both the gas pump Two of the design and symptoms. significantly was being costs. superinsulation occupation of these buildings, such as itchy eyes, skin rashes, crunch were being be considered poorly are present ventilated health or remodeled buildings recently have varying have been reported in the United nations of the western world. of indoor to a phenomenon estimated degrees air pollution, very apparent place such as an airplane contribute organization source area. This becomes in a confined All of these factors collectively One world another of indoor period called "sick building Problems of time. syndrome." 30 percent air pollution. when when a large number for an extended that approximately States and Canada especially of all new of this type as well as in most other highly developed Two major problems with indoor air pollution are the identification of the trace chemicals and their correlation with diseaselike symptoms. Energy-efficient buildings that are filled with modern possibly furnishings interact of these chemicals The problems over the symptoms and reactive of indoor past Manchester, and high-tech with each other. ten byproducts air pollution years.(1-27) England, off-gas hundreds of volatile below present may adversely Dr. Tony Pickering sick building in naturally ventilated of the syndrome buildings which indicate can be attributed Now pollution that most that it is unlikely that symptoms associated some of these buildings. Hospital near and has learned contained the highest of microorganisms. On the other hand, the highest levels of symptoms mechanically ventilated buildings containing low levels of microorganisms. his analyses which limits, by many investigators Wythenshawe extensively organics detection affect inhabitants have been studied and documented has studied are minimal equipment Even at concentrations that levels are found The results with sick building in of syndrome to microorganisms. environmental is a realistic threat scientists to human and government health, agencies how can the problem agree that be solved? indoor air A PROMISING, ECONOMICAL TO INDOOR AIR POLLUTION SOLUTION The first and most obvious step in reducing from building materials and furnishings before indoor air pollution is to reduce off-gassing they are allowed to be installed. The National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) identified indoor with sealed space 16 years ago.(1) Although contamination habitats problems for off-gassing over in these sealed environments all new materials that air pollution problems a final solution has not been found, are to be used in future space associated to the NASA trace does screen structures. Another promising approach to further reducing trace levels of air pollutants inside future space habitats is the use of higher plants and their associated soil microorganisms.(28-29) Since man's existence relationship on Earth with plants he attempts problems to isolate will arise. himself answer to these on Earth or in space, achieved, however. this ecological in tightly Even without off-gassing into tightly air pollution problems. The depends sealed buildings the existence problems take along C. Stennis for over 15 years. system an intricate be obvious from this ecological of synthetic own waste products If man is to move nature's life support Space Center, NASA Professor involving it should away of hundreds man's is obvious. he must a life support microorganisms, sealed environments, At John puzzle upon and their associated organic would into closed system. that when system, chemicals cause indoor environments, This is not easily has been attempting Josef Gitelson of the USSR to solve and his team of scientists and engineers have also been working with closed ecological systems for many years in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia.(30) Only recently, however, have critical parts of this complex puzzle begun to come together. Although maintaining the balance of the complete cycle involves treating and recycling sewage, toxic chemicals, and other industrial air pollutants, only indoor In this study evaluated of using the leaves, as a possible plant air is addressed systems roots, means here. soil, and associated of reducing for removing indoor microorganisms air pollutants. high concentrations cigarette smoke, organic solvents, and possibly radon This air filter design combines plants with an activated The rationale for this design, volumes moving large organic chemicals, by the carbon which of contaminated pathogenic filter. evolved Plant air through and their being conducted National As NASA base, along to test this hypothesis Laboratories looks in Oak toward Ridge, associated the possibility with large numbers studies, carbon and possibly such as microorganisms is based on bed where radon then smoke, are absorbed destroy the eventually converting all of these that the decayed radon products in the plant tissue. Experiments for NASA been a novel approach air pollutants treatment an activated (if present), up by the plant roots and retained have has been designed from this work. carbon filter as shown in Figure 1. pathogenic viruses, bacteria, and the organic chemicals, air pollutants into new plant tissue.(31"37) It is believed would be taken of plants Additionally, of indoor from wastewater microorganisms roots ecological water and at the Department are currently of Energy Oak Ridge Tennessee. of sealing people inside a Space Station, of plants the ecology of such a closed environment 2 or moon (interactions GOLDEN POTHOS ......... .. ACTIVATED CARBON ........ POTTING \ SQUIRREL CAGE FAN (15-30 CFM) SOIL ELECTRIC MOTOR / TIMER EXCESS Figure 1. Indoor air purification between man, plants, system combining microorganisms, soil, etc.) must As plant studies continue at Stennis Space identifying trace chemical contamination, metabolites that This joint (ALCA) may be off-gassed effort covers between two years of data be further and activated evaluated. carbon. See Figure 2. Center, emphasis is being placed not only on but also on identifying any volatile organic by plants NASA houseplants themselves. and the Associated on the potential Landscape Contractors use of houseplants of America as a tool in solving indoor air pollution problems on Earth, and has gone a long way toward reminding man of his dependence on plants for his continued existence and well-being on our planet. CHEMICALS USED IN THE PLANT SCREENING TESTS Benzene Benzene gasoline, is a very commonly inks, of detergents, Benzene to be oils, paints explosives, plastics, mutagenic to and is also present and rubber. pharmaceuticals, has long been known carcinogenicity used solvent bacterial to irritate cell in some tests. Evidence In addition, and in many it is used in the manufacture dyes. the skin and eyes. Furthermore cultures basic items including and has shown also exists that benzene it has been shown embryotoxic activity may be a contributing and factor 4q_o E 0 o 0 c_ Q. i Q_ E I= o i.m. q_ °,w.. ,4= qw 0 q) q_O I= °l.b c_ c_ 14,. 4 to chromosomal causes aberrations drying, benzene and leukemia inflammation, has been reported blistering, in humans. Repeated and dermatitis. to cause dizziness, Acute weakness, skin contact inhalation euphoria, with benzene of high levels of headache, nausea, blurred vision, respiratory diseases, tremors, irregular heartbeat, liver and kidney damage, paralysis, and unconsciousness. In animal tests, inhalation of benzene led to cataract formation and diseases causes of the blood headaches, diseases and lymphatic loss of appetite, of the blood system, systems. Chronic drowsiness, including exposure nervousness, anemia to even relatively psychological and bone marrow low levels disturbances, and disease. Trichloroethylene Trichloroethylene Over (TCE) 90 percent industries, of the is a commercial TCE produced but it is also used in printing 1975, the National carcinomas Cancer was observed this chemical a potent Institute with a wide variety in the inks, paints, reported in micegiven product is used metal lacquers, that an unusually TCE by gastric of industrial degreasing and varnishes, and adhesives. high incidence intubation. uses. dry-cleaning In of hepatocellular The Institute considers liver carcinogen. Formaldehyde Formaldehyde is a ubiquitous chemical found in virtually all indoor environments. The major sources, which have been reported and publicized, include urea-formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI) and particle board or pressed-wood products. Consumer paper products, including grocery bags, waxed papers, facial tissues, and paper towels, are treated with urea- formaldehyde (UF) resins. Many common household cleaning agents contain formaldehyde. UF resins are used as stiffeners, wrinkle resisters, water repellants, fire retardants, and adhesive binders in floor formaldehyde kerosene. covering, include Formaldehyde reactive chemical disease cigarette backing, smoke and permanent-press and heating and cooking clothes. Other sources fuels such as natural of gas and irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and throat. It is a highly that combines with protein and can cause allergic contact dermatitis. The most widely reported of the upper carpet symptoms respiratory attributed Protection Agency is strongly homes. suspected tract from exposure to formaldehyde (EPA) has recently of causing to high levels of this chemical and eyes and headaches.(2,3) exposure conducted was asthma. research a rare type of throat Until cancer recently, However, which indicates in long-term include irritation the most serious the Environmental that formaldehyde occupants of mobile MATERIALS The AND following METHODS ALCA plants Common Bamboo Chinese English Ficus original a healthy cane Chemical constructed from nurseries in our local area. soil, just as they were received between tests. Stern's Craig" Miracle-Gro They were kept in their from the nursery, fertilizer and were maintained was used to keep the plants in for the project. contamination to the following Two chambers Two larger "'Janet Spathiphyllum "'Mauna Loa'" Chrysanthemum morifolium Dracaena deremensis "'Warneckei'" were obtained condition Ficus benjamina Gerbera jamesonii Dracaena deremensis Dracaena marginata Dracaena massangeana Sansevieria laurentii tongue pots and potting in a greenhouse Name Chamaedorea seifritzii Aglaonema modestum Hedera helix palm evergreen ivy Mother-in-law's Peace lily Pot mum Warneckei tested Scientific Name Gerbera daisy Janet Craig Marginata Mass cane/Corn All plants were screened: tests were measuring chambers conducted in four Plexiglas chambers, which were dimensions: measuring Width* Depth* Height* 0.76 0.76 0.76 (30) (30) (30) 0.76 0.76 1.53 (30) (30) (60.5) The tops of the small chambers and side sections of the large chambers were removed to allow entry. Bolts and wing-nuts ensured complete sealing of the lids and created airtight chambers for testing. Constant illumination was provided during the testing from a bank of Damar Gro-lights that encircled the outside of each chamber. Mounted on the inside of each chamber has a coil of copper tubing through which water at a temperature of 7 °C was circulated. This cooling coil prevented the Gro-lights from causing excessive heat buildup inside the chambers and minimized any fogging from plant respiration in the chambers. The chambers also contained two small removable ports, each 0.6 cm (1/4 in.) in diameter, through which contaminants could be introduced and air samples could be obtained. A small fan was used to circulate air within each chamber. *Each dimension is given in meters (m); the equivalent in inches (in.) is given in parentheses. All testswereconductedfor a periodof 24h. Experimental testingincludedsealinga selected plant in the Plexiglaschamber,injectingoneof the threechemicalsinto the chamberin the methoddescribed below,andcollectingairsamplesimmediatelyfollowingchemicalintroduction, at 6 h and, finally, 24 h later. Leak testcontrols,whereinthe samechemicalswere injectedinto an empty,sealedchamber,wereconductedperiodicallythroughoutthe study. In addition, soil controlswithout plantsweretestedto determineif the potting soil and associatedmicroorganisms wereeffectivein removingthe different chemicals.Thesecontrol testswereconductedby usingpotsof the samesizecontainingthe samepottingsoil as the pottedplantsusedin actualtesting.Experimental procedurethenfollowedthesameorder asdescribedabove. Benzenetestingat high concentrations wasperformedby introducing35#L of benzene into thechamberusinga 50#L microsyringe.The benzenewasinjectedonto a ,_:mall metal trayattachedto the chamberwalljust belowtheintroductionport andallowedto evaporate with the helpof the fan insidethe chamber.A periodof 30min wasallowedfor complete evaporationof the benzeneprior to withdrawingthe initial sample. Samplingwasdonewith a Sensidyne-Gastec air samplingpumpandgasdetectortubes specificfor benzeneconcentrations rangingbetween1 and100p/m. In sampling,a 200-mL volumeof air fromthechamberwasdrawnthrougha Gastectube.Detectionof a colorchange in the benzene-specific indicatorreagentpresentin the tubemeasuredthe concentrationof benzene. Introductionandsamplingof TCE wasperformedin a similar manner,exceptthat the indicatingreagentin the Gastectubeswasspecificfor TCE. The levelsof TCE that could be detectedrangedfrom 1 to 25 p/m. Because formaldehydeis a water-soluble chemicalandis routinelysuppliedasa 37.9percentsolutionin water,it wasnecessary to utilizea differentmethodto introducethischemical into thetestchambers. The formaldehyde solution was placed into a gas scrubber apparatus, which was attached Tygon tubing, to both an air pump Air was bubbled through chamber as a gas. The time necessary in the two chambers was determined 120 s for the large chamber. benzene Sampling and to the chamber the formaldehyde range was performed Because air pump of the formaldehyde-specific the Sensidyne-Gastec 1 p/m concentrations, solution inlet using pieces and introduced of into the to achieve the desired concentrations of formaldehyde experimentally to be 50 s for the small chamber and and TCE using a Sensidyne-Gastec detection sample equipment tubes in the same as that used for tubes. The was 2 to 20 p/m. was not sensitive a gas chromatographic manner and formaldehyde-specific method enough was developed for testing less than for low-concentration analysis of benzene and TCE simultaneously in single sample. For the low-concentration benzene-TCE studies, two chambers of similar size were used, having volumes of 0.868 and 0.694 m 3. Benzene equal volume and allowed formed and TCE were introduced mixture of benzene to evaporate by using and TCE. for a 30-min period the air pump to withdraw into the chambers The sample before using a I-#L was injected the initial of an tissue sampling. 200 mL of air through 7 volume onto a Kimwipe Sampling a glass tube was percontaining Tenaxadsorbent.The sampleswereanalyzed promptly interfaced 5890 gas chromatograph to a Hewlett-Packard an HP Ultra 2 capillary (HP) column and flame GAS CHROMATOGRAPH-MASS FOR TRACE After chemical injection, (1/4-in.) outside air samples diameter air pump. beginning using a Tekmar Model cooled ended separation the sample ANALYSIS was conducted both reached entered onto 18-cm with Tenax adsorbent, contaminants were desorbed from desorber Rtx--volatiles dioxide, from the chambers the into a HP 5890 GC equipped capillary column. and then followed The GC oven a temperature at 0 °C, and a rise in temperature when the temperature MICROBIOLOGICAL Using unit with steel tubes packed chemical Restek to 0 °C using carbon on the GC, the sample were collected 5000 automatic at 0 °C, with a 30-s hold program air desorption (GC) equipped detector. DETECTOR stainless Trace with a 30-m, 0.32 mm inside diameter, was initially ionization SELECTIVE 500-mL using the Sensidyne-Gastec tubes using a Supelco METABOLITES (7-in.) by 0.6-cm Tenax Model program of 8 °C/min. The 200 °C, for a total run time of 25.5 min. After an HP 5970 mass using a scanning range selective detector. of 35 to 400 atomic mass Analysis of units. ANALYSIS potted plants and potting soil controls, surface and subsurface regions (approximately analyzed by means of the pour plate technique 1-g samples of soil were taken from 10 cm in depth). Samples were subsequently to determine the number of "colony forming units" per gram of sample (cfu/g). Plate count agar (PCA) was utilized microbiological medium. Plate count data reflect bacteriological counts. as the primary Triplicate samples were taken both before and after exposure of the plants and soil to benzene and TCE. Following incubation at 25 °C for 24 h, samples were examined for the presence of bacteria. Due to the inherently these microorganisms After plate count cultures on PCA were then subjected identification. of asexual Fungal and ACTIVATED as shown removal Complete described. and fungal Sabouraud's dextrose of biochemical were examined samples agar, have elapsed. were isolated. respectively. Stock Bacterial tests in order to aid in preliminary by light microscopy of benzene Analysis Samples of 2 h, or until all trace AIR FILTER in Figure tissue taped volatilization tube and air pump. and actinomycetes, to search for the presence spores. onto a Kimwipe previously and rate of fungi until three to five days of incubation CARBON-HOUSEPLANT for simultaneous growth both bacterial to a series isolates sexual Air filters designed injected be detected data were recorded, were maintained isolates 5-min. cannot slower l were tested in one of the large Plexiglas and TCE. inside occurred followed Benzene the chamber and TCE in 500/_L and were allowed and 100-mL air samples on the Supelco desorber were drawn chemicals SYSTEM initially were removed. 8 chambers volumes to evaporate were drawn, for using a Tenax and HP GC that have and at 15-min intervals were been for a minimum RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The ability of houseplants sealed experimental shown in Tables shown in Tables chambers 1 through Plants in Tables range. 1 through suited investigations through exposures to the removal found in indoor benzene, in Tables during during 4 were exposed these were conducted and more sophisticated is demonstrated 8 were collected Although the levels commonly soil to remove 3 was accomplished 4 through to 20 p/m be particularly or potting 1 through of chemicals, of which indication of one or more of these chemicals, During methods. Results the final of benzene in the plants 1. Trichloroethylene (TCE) Chamber by Houseplants they are far above year of this project, are shown Removed from a Sealed During a 24-h Exposure Plant Leaf Area (cm 2) Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii) English ivy (Hedera heix) Marginata (Dracaena in Tables (Spathiphyllum "Mauna Mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria deremensis Removed Plant 4,581 38,938 981 7,161 7,581 27,292 7,960 27,064 3,474 9,727 7,242 13,760 10,325 16,520 7,215 10,101 15,275 18,330 "Warneckei") seifritzii) cane massangeana) Craig (Dracaena Micrograms laurentii) Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea (Dracaena Total Loa") Warneckei (Dracaena Experimental Period marginata) lily deremensis "Janet Craig") 15 might and TCE (less than 1 p/m) from these studies Surface Janet data and final year of this project. to high concentrations atmospheres. of plants while gave a good Total Mass 8. The screening from 8. Table Peace and formaldehyde the first year of studies, the second using low concentrations analytical TCE, per 5 Table 2. Benzene Removed Houseplants from During a Sealed a 24-h Total Experimental Exposure Plant Surface Leaf Area (cm 2) Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii) Pot mum (Chrysanthemum English (Hedera Mother-in-law's tongue (Dracaena Peace deremensis (Spathiphyllum (Aglaonema Bamboo "Silver 107,653 4,227 76,931 1,336 13,894 2,871 28,710 7,242 39,107 7,960 41,392 3,085 14,500 7,581 30,324 10,325 34,073 15,275 25,968 Loa") Queen") palm seifritzii) Craig (Dracaena 4,581 marginata) (Chamaedorea Janet "Mauna evergreen Marginata (Dracaena Micrograms Removed Plant "Warneckei") lily Chinese Total laurentii) Warneckei deremensis "Janet Craig") ]0 by Period morifolium) ivy helix) (Sansevieria Chamber per Table 3. Formaldehyde Removed from and Soil During by Houseplants a Sealed Experimental a 24-h Total Exposure Plant Surface Leaf Area (cm 2) Banana (Musa Period Total Micrograms Removed per Plant 1,000 11,700 2,871 31,294 985 9,653 14,205 76,707 1,696 8,480 2,323 9,989 2,471 10,378 2,723 8,986 15,275 48,880 7,581 20,469 8,509 16,167 2,373 8,656 1,894 4,382 713 1,555 oriana) Mother-in-law's (Sansevieria tongue laurentii) English ivy (Hedera helix) Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea Heart leaf seifrizii) philodendron (Philodendron Elephant oxycardium) ear philodendron (Philodendron Green domesticum) spider plant (Chlorophytum Golden Janet elatum) pothos (Scindapsus aureus) Craig (Dracaena deremensis "Janet Craig") Marginata (Dracaena Peace marginata) lily (Spathiphyllum Lacy tree Chinese (Aglonema "Mauna Loa") philodendron (Philodendron Aloe Chamber selloum) evergreen modestum) vera ]! Table 4. Chemicals Experimental Removed Chamber by Household During a 24-h Formaldehyde Plants from a Sealed Exposure Period Trichloroethylene Benzene Initial Final Percent (p/m) (p/m) Removed Mass cane 20 6 70 14 11 21.4 16 14 12.5 Pot mum 18 7 61 58 27 53 17 10 41.2 Gerber daisy 16 8 50 65 21 67.7 20 13 35 8 4 50 27 13 52 20 18 10 Ficus 19 10 47.4 20 14 30 19 17 10.5 Leak control 18 17.5 2.8 20 19 5 20 18 10 Warneckei Note: Plants were maintained Initial Final Percent (p/m)(p/m)Removed in a commercial-type greenhouse Initial Final Percent (p/m) (p/m)Removed until ready for test- ing. Each test, 24-h in duration, was conducted in a sealed chamber with temperature and light intensity of 30 °C +1 and 125 footcandles _+5, respectively. Table 5. Benzene Removal from Houseplants During Golden Final Percent (p/m) (p/m) Removed ivy 0.235 0.024 89.8 Craig 0.432 0.097 77.6 0.127 0.034 73.2 0.166 0.034 79.5 0.204 0.107 47.6 0.176 0.037 79.0 0.156 0.074 52.6 0.182 0.055 70.0 0.171 0.162 5.3 0.119 0.095 20.1 pothos Peace lily Chinese evergreen M argi n ata Mother-in-law's Warn ec kei Leak Soil by Initial English Janet a Sealed Experimental Chamber a 24-h Exposure Period test control control tongue 12 Table 6. Trichloroethylene Chamber (TCE) Removal by Houseplants During from a Sealed a 24-h Exposure Experimental Period Initial Final Percent (p/m) (p/m) Removed ivy 0.174 0.155 10.9 Craig 0.321 0.265 17.5 0.207 0.188 9.2 0.126 0.097 23.0 Warneckei 0.114 0.091 20.2 Marginata 0.136 0.118 13.2 0.269 0.233 13.4 0.121 0.120 0.141 0.128 English Janet Golden pothos Peace lily Mother-inolaw's Leak test Soil tongue control control During the first-year studies, for loss of chemicals from It was then assumed that sealed chambers and metabolic high chemical In an effort could rates chamber after leakage correcting be attributed expected removal the only controls to determine free of plants and pots with fresh potting to the plant the exact 9.2 used were chambers for controls, from these plants rates attributed <1.0 leaves. the removal Because to test soil without of chemicals plants. from of the low photosynthetic at light levels of 125 to 150 footcandles, to these low-light-requiring mechanism(s) involved the houseplants in chemical the were puzzling. removal from the plant-soil system, plants were tested with foliage and then the same pots and soil were tested again after removing all foliage. Controls using full plant foliage with pea gravel covering the soil were also tested (Table 7). A microbiologist themicrobial profile found Early tests demonstrated in the potting that potting effective in removing benzene studies and careful observation amounts of foliage covered the air inside the chamber. was brought into these studies to determine soils. soil, after all foliage had been removed, than pots containing full foliage determined that this phenomenon the potting Thus, soil surface, reducing contact between some of the lower leaves were removed, contact between the soil-root zone and the chamber air containing of these new studies are shown in Tables 7 and 8. 13 was more and soil. However, further occurred only when large toxic the soil and allowing chemicals. maximum Results Table 7. Benzene After Removal Houseplants Removing from a Sealed in Potting Soil all Plant Foliage Experimental Chamber and the Same Potting During 24-h Exposure by Soil Periods Initial Final Percent (p/m) (p/m) Removed 0.343 0.144 58.0 0.348 0.175 49.7 control 0.206 0.164 20.4 chamber 0.215 0.199 7.4 0.176 0.037 79.0 0.205 0.069 66.3 0.369 0.077 79.1 0.321 0.176 45.2 0.122 0.040 67.2 removed 0.175 0.062 64.6 Fresh potting soil control Leak test, empty chamber 0.099 0.091 8.1 0.262 0.254 3.1 Marginata Full foliage Foliage removed Fresh potting Leak test, soil empty control Marginata Full Full with Janet Full foliage foliage covered pea gravel Craig foliage Foliage Golden Full and soil removed pothos foliage Foliage Table Chinese 8. Benzene control Removal and Soil Bacterial Evergreen Plant After Being Exposed to Benzene in a Sealed Experimental for Counts Several Chamber of a 24-h Periods Soil Initial exposure After six weeks of intermittent exposure ]4 Bacterial Percent Counts Removed (cfu/g) 47.6 3.1 x 104 85.8 5.1 x 104 Although the bacterial studies as shown biological counts in Table factors 8, this finding with increased Data soil are constantly their capacity to continuously since it is a well-established genetically thereby increasing exposed when continuously exposed to such chemicals. toxic chemicals from wastewater. (31-37) Bacterial isolates a long period Myxococcus, found to air containing fact that indicate microorganisms This phenomenon Bacillus, Curtobacterium, Arthrobacter, Bacillus, of the in Table have 8. This the ability to as a food source is currently tongue that when such toxic chemicals as shown to utilize toxic chemicals in the soil in which mother-in-law's were Alcaligenes, and Pseudomonas. in some other yet unidentified study the air improves their ability removal Therefore, from this two-year clean is not surprising, adapt, chemical was not consistent. may also be important. the same plants and potting as benzene, correlated used to remove had been growing Flavobacterium, and Leuconostoc for Micrococcus, were found in marginata root soil. Bacteria such as Bacillus, Flavobacterium, Leuconostoc, and Micrococcus were also found in the Chinese evergreen potting soil. The peace lily potting soil contained A ureobacterium, These Bacillus, are common toxic chemicals Results when activated of the activated this research component Curtobacterium, soil microorganisms effort Micrococcus, by plant part in the development studies of an indoor such as cigarette system plant roots and the potted plant study from large volumes of air through To assure that no disease-causing carbon-plant filter, no pathogenic certain exhaust knowledge conditions, carbon the filters have been Tenax that off-gassing or any other metabolite. adsorption tubes to analyze the levels of plant metabolites As temperature rates will increase and carbon rates dioxide of trace should organic as a food into the room for microorganisms. Gas chromatograph-mass air; move and source; from the To date, air. organic were conducted the air inside the sealed indoor air pollutants them in the filter exhaust plants were normally not expect significant chemicals by screening maintained off-gassing selective detector experimental under several of at relatively of ethylene, studies chamber using indicated were negligible. along with some plant metabolite volatile can utilize were released studies and light levels are increased, removal to purify that plants give off trace levels of volatile so metabolic This biological a fan is used to rapidly was analyzed found solvents. This filter adsorbs microorganisms the ALCA plants. These low-light-requiring low metabolic rates; therefore, one would terpenes, filter. it is an essential system with plants to remove microorganisms here in that microorganisms air from microorganisms It is common reported an activated control 3 and 4. Although study, smoke and organic their associated holds them until the plant roots and therefore, bioregenerating the carbon. of biodegrading in Figures two-year air pollution of pollutants also utilizes are shown of the NASA-ALCA high concentrations it differs and Streptomyces. to be capable root growth. carbon-houseplant was not Pseudomonas, and most are known also increase chemicals. 15 it is expected off-gassing. that indoor Increased pollution removal oxygen production the rate of leaf participation in the removal 0.250 0.225 0.200 0.175 E Z I-Z ILl 0.150 0.125 Z 0.100 0.025 0.000 , , , , 0.5 , ' 1.0 TIME (h) Figure ' 1.5 2.0 [WO 3, Removal of low concentrations of benzene and trichloroethylene from the air inside sealed experimental chambers using golden pothos in an activated ]6 carbon filter system. LV8"9-0031 4O 3G 32 28 E Q. Z C_ el= I.,.Z LLI (_ Z 24 20 f...1 16 12 8 Figure 4. Removal of high concentrations of benzene and trichloroethylene from the air inside sealed experimental chambers using golden pothos in an activated ]7 carbon filter system, Studies closed effects of the beneficial system have been limited. can be expected microorganisms. Arizona, or detrimental NASA and USSR studies can expect to experience of life support. However, with complete studies effects available ecological at Stennis in Siberia on man of volatile data Center, are beginning when sealed inside facilities metabolites do not demonstrate closure Space plant involving private to present with plants man, studies a clearer in a that harmful plants, and by Biosphere picture soil 2 in of whatman and soil as his major means SUMMARY Low-light-requiring houseplants, along demonstrated the potential for improving pollutants from the air in energy-efficient with activated carbon plant filters, have indoor air quality by removing trace organic buildings. This plant system is one of the most promising means of alleviating the sick building syndrome associated with many new, energyefficient buildings. The plant root-soil zone appears to be the most effective area for removing volatile organic chemicals. Therefore, maximizing air exposure to the plant root-soil area should be considered when placing plants in buildings for best air filtration. Activated carbon filters containing fans have the capacity of polluted air and should be considered solving indoor air pollution problems. an integral part for rapidly filtering large volumes of any plan using houseplants for ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors and the editorial wish to recognize contribution the technical of Yvonne contribution Travis 18 of Willard to the preparation L. Douglas, of this report. Ph.D., REFERENCES National . Aeronautics Sciences Symposium, and Space Administration. 1974. Proceedings August TM-X-58154. 27-29, 1974. NASA of the Skylab Johnson Life Space Center. 161-68. 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