2.Polynesia Flyer_26aug.indd
2.Polynesia Flyer_26aug.indd
Polynesia Line Service Polynesia Line is owned by The China Navigation Company Pte Ltd (“CNCo”), the deep sea shipping arm of the Swire group, who have been a proud and committed shareholder in the Line for the last 34 years. It is a sound and well run shipping service with a strong and loyal customer base and a long pedigree of serving the South Pacific. As such Polynesia Line is the premiere shipping network from the US to the Pacific Islands, offering a fortnightly service from Los Angeles and Oakland to Tahiti, Tonga, Samoa and American Samoa and the wider Pacific. The Line has outstanding customer relationships, regional partnerships and wide market coverage and operates modern tonnage, offering a cargo profile that includes the full range of containerised options, as well as unitised, breakbulk and project cargoes. Los Angeles Oakland DIRECT PORT CALLS: Oakland • Los Angeles • Oakland • Papeete • Apia • Pago Pago Transit Times Frequency: 15 day Apia LA / Papeete 12 days LA / Apia 17 days LA / Pago 18 days OAK / Papeete 10 days OAK / Apia 15 days OAK / Pago 16 days Nuku’alofa serviced by transhipment over Apia Pago Pago www.polynesialine.com Nuku’alofa Apia Papeete PROJECT CONTAINER BREAKBULK REEFER Updated January 2015 Service Network Polynesia Line, established in 1967, was initially developed around the tuna business out of Pago Pago in American Samoa. Over the intervening years the business has grown and now Polynesia Line provides one of the most comprehensive ocean transportation services between US West Coast and Tahiti, American Samoa, Western Samoa and the wider Pacific Islands, including Micronesia. The Company operates a fortnightly frequency with direct ports of call in Los Angeles, Oakland, Papeete, Apia and Pago Pago. Transhipment to Nuku’alofa via Apia and feeder service between Hawaii and California and Washington state and California. POLYNESIA LINE Polynesia Line Ltd 3950,Civic Centre Drive, Suite 220, San Rafael, CA 94903 Tel: 1 (415) 258-0300 Fax: 1 (415) 256-1401 www.polynesialine.com AGENCY DETAILS AGENTS CUSTOMER SERVICE & BOOKINGS AGENTS INTEROCEAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION 110 Pine Ave. Suite #305 Long Beach, CA 90802 Tel: (562) 983-8855 / Fax (562) 983-5535 Email: polyexports@interoceanss.com Toll Free: (888) 542-POLY (7659) Rate Requests: (888) 925-POLY (7659) 3950 Civic Center Dr. Suite #210 San Rafael, California 94903 Tel: (415) 256-1400 / Fax (415) 256-1401 Email: sfosales@interoceanss.com AGENCIE MARITIME INTL DE TAHITI Boite Postale 274 Papeete, Tahiti Tel: (689) 428-972 Email: amitahiti@mail.pf INTEROCEAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION R141 - 757 West Hastings St. - Suite 688 Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1A1 Tel: (604) 682-4741 U.S. Toll-free (888) 925-7659 Email: interocean@telus.net TERMINALS Los Angeles TraPac, Inc. 920 West Harry Bridges Blvd Wilmington, CA 90744 Tel: (310) 830-2000 POLYNESIA SHIPPING SERVICES P.O. Box 1478 Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 Tel: (684) 633-1211 INTEROCEAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION Seattle, WA Tel: (800) 239-5844 Email: sfosales@interoceanss.com Oakland Ports America Outer Harbor 1599 MaritimeSt - Berths 20 to 26 Oakland, CA 94607 Tel: (510) 464-8600 INTEROCEAN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION Portland OR / Vancouver WA Tel: (503) 295-0515 Fax: (503) 295-0565 Email: portlandops@interoceanss.com RECEIVING FOR LCL CARGO Long Beach American Logistics International 24700 S. Main Street, Carson, CA 90745 Tel: (310) 834-2245 Oakland PCCS, Inc. 901 King Street Oakland, CA 94606 Tel: (510) 437-9049 POLYNESIA SHIPPING SERVICES Matautu-tai, Beach Road P.O. Box 2723 Apia, Samoa Tel: (685) 23210 Cell: (685) 727-5060 Fax: (685) 23581 Email: manager@polynesiashippingservices.com Pacific Forum Line P.O. Box 4 Nuku’alofa, Tonga Tel: (676) 23-012 For LCL Chill/Frozen Please Contact Customer Service www.polynesialine.com PROJECT CONTAINER BREAKBULK REEFER Updated January 2015