flat-coat files


flat-coat files
Newsletter of the Northeast Flat-Coated Retriever Club
In this Newsletter
Calendar of Events 2 In Memory 3 & 4 WC/WCX 5 Equipment Trailer 6 Newsletter News 7 Parvovirus 8 Member Brags 9 & 10 Supported Entry 11 & 12 Member Bits 13 Titles/Awards List 14 Morris & Essex 15 FCRSA Field Initiative 16 FCRSA Announcement 17 2015 Dues Renewal 18 President’s Message
Where did that beautiful summer and fall go? How
quickly the warm seasons pass in Northern New England. My
Thanksgiving Day picture is of Hannah and Carrie against a
background of cedars and SNOW.
Much has happened since my last letter. The Fun Day in
September was cancelled due to a parvovirus outbreak. Gratefully
all but one very understanding member got the word in time. (See
more on parvo on page 8). Our WC/X was a successful, fun event
with both FCRs and our Golden friends participating. (See more
on page 5). The Supported Entry on November 22 just before
Thanksgiving was also a happy get-together. (See more on page 11
12). We’ve been busy!
Over the winter, I’m hoping that I can plan some smaller
social events in the further corners of the region. My hope is to
have members host small mid-day pot luck lunches or teas. Then
those assembled can go for a walkabout with their FCRs at some
nearby dog friendly park or walk known by the host/hostess. I’d
like to get to know more of the members of this club in a smaller
setting and try to learn more about the history and direction of this
Nancy Cavallo will be our Sweeps Judge on March 15,
2015 for another Supported Entry at the Sporting Dog Show in
West Springfield, MA. Nancy is the originator and co-editor of
the Flat-Coated Retriever: Directory of North American Dogs.
The last edition was published in 2011.
Flat-Coat love is the Best!
Fall 2014
Finally, it is with regret that I inform you that Jill
Kuchinos has decided to step down from the Board for the
moment. I do hope that she reconsiders and will join us again.
For the brief time that she served, she brought the positive, high
level of enthusiasm that I’d hope she would. The Nominating
Committee, ably led by Shirleen Roeder, will be presenting a two
year Slate of Directors and Officers for vote at the Annual
Meeting. The meeting will be held this year at a new location on
March 22, 2015 at MasterPeace Dog Training, (264 Fisher Rd.,
Franklin, MA, 508- 553-9300).
Sally Young
Calendar of Events
(802) 862-2773
N.E. Sporting Group Show March 15, 2015
West Springfield, MA
Kate Horgan-Burke
(978) 272-1036
Annual Meeting March 22, 2015
Training. Franklin, MA
Patricia Temple
Sally Young
Morris & Essex Dog Show
Don Bierer
(508) 653-0028
Don Bierer
(508) 653-0028
Beth Brock
(860) 343-3195
Kate Horgan-Burke
(978) 272-1036
Gary McManus
(860) 859-3970
MasterPeace Dog
October 1, 2015
Franklin Township, NJ.
Web Site
Check out our website (NEFCRC.org) for results,
forms, events, and photos. Webmaster Kristen
Sobanski can be contacted at percussion98@juno.com
Address Changes
Please direct all address, e-mail, and phone changes to
Don Bierer at donbierer@comcast.net or (508)
Shirleen Roeder
(203) 271-1843
Kristen Sobanski
(860) 319-7046
Ruth Sumner
(860) 669-6959
NEFCRC Representative to FCRSA
Kurt Anderson
(203) 234-0833
NEFCRC Breed Rescue Coordinator:
Jenn Tower
(413) 547-2522
Newsletter Editor:
Ruth Sumner
Newsletter Deadline
Please send newsletter submissions to:
E-mail address: rusumner@mac.com
Mailing address: Ruth Sumner
146 Cow Hill Rd.
Clinton, CT 06413
(860) 669-6959
(860) 669-6959
Cancer Studies Support Team:
Newsletter Advertising Rates:
or litter announcement
Half-page (no photo)
Full-page with photo
Fall 2014
There When You Need Us
Or contact any Team member directly:
Gay Coffin jcoffin121@gmail.com 828-877-4499
Gen Dever gendever@aol.com 612-251-5872
Maggie Minkiewicz maggiemink03@yahoo.com
Patti Skorupa patti@skorupa.com 510-438-9109
George Smilas
January 27, 1946 - November 5, 2014
We’ve lost a valued club member, great sportsman, and wonderful friend. George Smilas left
us after a long and valiant fight against a rare form of ALS. He will always be remembered for his
warm smile and welcoming ways. Below are a few comments from his many friends.
Kate Horgan-Burke - George and Sally
were the first two FCR people I met when I
went to my fundamental class with the
Yankee folks in 1996 or 1997. We tried to
get their girl Lexi and my first male
together but it wasn't meant to be.
Terry Uminsky - The one time President of
our Club, I never saw George walk past
somebody he knew without saying hello and
engaging in friendly conversation. He
sincerely loved the dogs, and he will be
sorely missed.
Denise Staples - We will always
remember his smile and welcoming
personality at shows and NEFCRC
Beth Brock - George and Sally were the
first 2 David and I met when we joined
the club. George was always gracious
when asked about help in the field. Our
thoughts and prayers are with Sally.
Jim Pickunka - The retriever community
will miss a wonderful, respected man that
generously donated his time judging hunt
tests. George's love for his wife Sally, his
flat-coated retrievers and the sport could
always be seen through his ever present
Fall 2014
Paul and SusanYoung - The day George
joined Yankee Waterfowlers we became a
better club. A kind man with a big heart,
infectious smile and a deep love for his
dogs, he made everyone around him feel
comfortable and welcome.
Dave and Cheryl Palmer - George was a true
gentleman. We are blessed to have known him
through our mutual love of hunting retrievers and
the Yankee Waterfowlers
Hunting Retriever Club.
He will be sadly missed.
Deb Westcot - He and Sally are one of the main reasons Bob and I joined the NEFCRC. 11 years
ago, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, Bob and I went to the Big E dog show to see the FlatCoats. We had lost our FCR that April and were trying to meet breeders and owners. Joan Dever
had suggested going to this dog show and had put us in touch with Bunny Millikin, although we
had yet to meet her. We had never been to a large dog show before, and never an indoor one. We
watched the FCRS being shown, did not understand anything, but did catch the attention of George
and Sally. They invited us to come to the Agility building later to watch a few FCR's there. We did
wander over in time to see Sally run one of their FCRs. When she finished, she brought us over to
their crate set-up , and we ended up talking with them for a long time. Bob and George discovered
their mutual interest in hunting, and George and Sally explained all about the NEFCRC. That was
quite helpful; when we met Bunny two weeks later, we actually knew a few things.
Fall 2014
West Thompson Lake, North Grosvenordale, CT, October 4, 2014
Joe Juza and Chris McCluer did another great job organizing everything from workers, to birds,
equipment, food and much more. Our judges, Bunny Millikin and Charles
Lanagan, were a great team and made the tests challenging but fun as
well. This turned out to be a very successful day. We were very lucky with
the weather which, at first, seemed to be determined to ruin the day.
However, our judges made sure things moved along quickly as did our
marshals Sally Bridges and Kate Horgan-Burke and everyone else who
lent a hand. It didn’t start raining until all testing was over and we were
high and dry in the pavilion where Kate Horgan-Burke’s husband Russ
had started cooking the BBQ. Somehow two hot dogs got to be the center
of entertainment and photos.
Of the 15 dogs who ran the Working Certicate test, there were seven qualifiers: three were FCRs and four
Coastalight Anahorish Quinn, JH
Northern Lights A River Runs Through It, JH
Grousemoor Almosteden First Splash of Spring, BN, RN
Annie Catterson
Becky Ellis
Sally Nettleton-Smilas
Of the 18 dogs (there had been 20 entries) who ran the Working Certificate Excellent test, there were
five qualifiers: four were FCRs and one Golden.
Grousemoor Spring Loaded, CDX, BN, MH, WCX
Breezy Hill's Grand Slam, JH, WCX
CH Breezy Hill Christmas Punch, MH, WCX
OTCH HRCH Victory Fair at Anahorish, UDX, OM2 ,MH
Christine McCluer)
Ruth Sumner/S. Stilwell
Ruth Sumner/S. Stilwell
Annie Catterson
Jeremy Kezer’s images from the NEFCRC WC/WCX tests on October 4th are now online. You can
view and order them from the following link http://jeremykezer.com/tests/2014/20141004NEFCRC/index.html
Fall 2014
NEFCRC Equipment Trailer
The new NEFCRC equipment trailer was
introduced at this year’s WC/WCX test.
The Club wishes to give special thanks to
our anonymous benefactor who made the
purchase possible. The identifying banner
shown in the picture is put in place when
the trailer is stationary at field events and
was designed by member Nancy Driscoll.
(Thank you, Nancy!)
Joe Juza has skillfully built racks, shelves,
and bins to organize the interior for storing
all the club’s field equipment. Prior to the
trailer’s arrival and employment our
equipment was scattered among members’
houses and brought separately, although
not necessarily consistently, to each venue.
It is wonderful to have everything in one
Ta Dah!
Fall 2014
Exciting NEWS about our NEW Newsletter!
For years, we have been talking about going digital with our newsletter. Now, we’ve
done it! We are digital!
Newsletter of the Northeast Flat-Coated Retriever Club
Beginning with this issue, Flat-Coat Files will be produced and distributed electronically. It
will be in glorious color. Now you can view it on the website any time you like. If you wish,
you may download it and save it to your computer, send its link to a friend, increase the size
for easy reading, search content to your heart’s content and, if you must, print it to paper in
color or black and white. It will also allow contributors and the editor the ability to add links
to other websites and dog-related articles.
For this issue only, a black and white, printed copy will be sent to all our members via the
U. S. Postal Service. After this issue, black and white hardcopies of the newsletter will be
mailed only to members who request so on the Annual Renewal Form and pay the fee. The
new $10 surcharge will barely cover the annual cost of production and postage for those
wanting the black and white paper version in addition to the electronic one.
This move offers huge savings for our club: approximately $2,000 annually on supplies and
postage … not to mention saving countless hours of collating, stuffing envelopes, and
trekking to the office supply store, the printer and finally the post office. Monies saved will
ensure that our dues remain low and important member activities are well funded for the
benefit of our entire membership. We hope everyone will enjoy this color enhanced digital
version of Flat-Coat Files and will not exercise the printed option. If you do not have a
computer or email, please call Don Bierer at 617-510-8963 to let him know.
Accommodations will be made.
Huge thanks to Ruth Sumner, our intrepid editor of Flat-Coat Files for making this happen.
Remember, the newsletter is only as interesting and informative as the content you submit.
Please send all pictures, brags, stories, ads, anything you want to share with fellow FCR
fanciers to Ruth Sumner, rusumner@mac.com for inclusion in this new form of newsletter.
Fall 2014
Fun Day Cancelled
Our club had scheduled a Fun Day for Sept. 14, 2014 at the Gardner Fish and Game Club in
Gardner, MA which had to be cancelled because of an outbreak of parvo in that area of Massachusetts.
Below is an article describing this highly contagious disease.
Canine Parvovirus: What You Need to Know
Scott P Shaw, DVM, DACVECC
A recent outbreak of canine parvovirus in southern New England has caused a lot of concern. The
purpose of the article is to provide guidance for breeders when questions regarding parvovirus arise. The
first thing you need to know is that parvovirus infection is almost 100% preventable. The recent outbreak
occurred in dogs that had never been vaccinated and as a result had no immunity. I know there are people
out there that do not believe in vaccination, but stories such as this stand to remind all of us how important
it is to vaccinate our pets.
Canine parvovirus first appeared in the 1970s when a feline parvovirus mutated and became
capable of infecting dogs. Since there was no vaccine available and little was understood about how to
treat the infection mortality rates approached 100% in some kennels.
Parvovirus is spread through feces and can persist in the environment for extended periods of time
(months or longer). Once infected clinical signs typically develop in 3-7 days, but it can take up to 14 days
in some cases. Parvovirus infects the rapidly growing cells located in the bone marrow and gastrointestinal
tract. This results in the clinical signs we typically see which include fever, severe vomiting and diarrhea,
and an extremely low white blood cell count. Death can occur from severe dehydration or the development
of secondary infections. Importantly, dogs remain contagious for several weeks after the signs resolve.
The good news is that there are vaccines that are highly effective at preventing canine parvovirus
infection. Infection in vaccinated individuals is exceedingly rare. If an appropriately vaccinated dog is
infected to majority of vaccine manufacturers will cover some or all of cost of treatment. You should
follow your vet’s recommendations in terms of vaccine timing since it will vary slightly depending upon
the manufacturer of the vaccine he/she uses. In general, puppies are vaccinated at 6-8 weeks of age and
then again every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks. All dogs should receive a booster at a year of age. Most vets
recommend a booster every three years after that. I do make some specific recommendations for breeding
bitches. I recommend they receive a booster 1 month before being bred. This will ensure that the
maximum amount antibody is passed to the pups in the colostrum. That being said, I recommend
additional precautions when young pups are in the house. This is particularly important if you are a
veterinary professional or work in a shelter. I always change my clothes and shoes when I get home from
work before I enter the area of our home where the pups are housed. This will hopefully prevent me from
bringing anything home from work that could hurt our young litter.
Parvovirus is resistant to most household cleaners and disinfectants. A 1:30 dilution of bleach left
in place for 10 minutes prior to rinsing it away will kill the virus. There are also commercially available
disinfectants available to veterinarians that kill the virus.
The combination of vaccination and good hygiene should keep your bitches and their puppies
parvo free.
Fall 2014
Member Brags
Liz Handlewich - Kate received her AKC Therapy
Dog Title in March. For me, this is the most
meaningful title she will receive. I believe this is
also true for her. Her
visits mean the world
to her friends, and she
knows that. She means
the world to me and I
hope she knows that
Temptation” CGC JH
Congrats also to
Apollo, “Quillquest
Voyages of Valor”
WC JH. Named after
my dad’s work on the
Apollo program, he
passed his fourth JH
test, (going four for
four) in Dixmont,
ME, July 22. The
same day, though 45
years later, that
Apollo 11 brought
the first men to the
moon. I think dad was looking down on us.
No words can ever express the reality, but THANK
YOU!!, to my good friend Gillian Impey. For her
constant support, for my lovely girl, my favorite
rocket on earth, and for the courage to try again.
Christine McCluer’s
Grousemoor Spring
Loaded, CDX, BN,
MH, WCX received
his Master Hunter
title this fall.
Fall 2014
Janet Ciarico - Trudi, Flatgold’s Divertimento in
D, JH, made quick work of her JH title, going 4
for 4 in two weekends.
She picked up the first
two legs at the
Keystone Retriever
Club double test on
August 23-24, and
earned her final two
legs at the Labrador
Retriever Club of the
Potomac tests
September 6-7. Now
the real fun begins!
Tilly, CH Explicit Secret Dreams MH WCX, and
I have had a good fall test season! She picked up
master pass #8 at the Potomac Valley GRC test in
October. And then on November 14-15, we ran
the Rappahannock
River RC test,
polar vortex and
all! In wind chills
well below 0, Tilly
did a very nice job
on her first series,
but we had to come
back the following
morning to run the
second series
(water). When we
arrived at the test site the next morning it was 19
degrees and the flooded timber pond had frozen
over! The landowner brought in a BIG tractor
and drove around in the pond to break up the
ice....then it was "dog to the line!" As much heart
as Tilly has shown again and again....this time
she truly raised the bar! She jumped in the ice
filled pond and did lovely marks, then had one of
the best blinds of the series. Tilly finished the
third series in style and we came home with pass
#9. A great way to end the season!
Member Brags (cont.)
The Bierer Boys swept down on a nor'easter for the Harvest Cluster in Augusta, NJ and smiled all the
way home! It was cold on Friday; cold and wet on Saturday; and, the sun shone down upon us on
Sunday. Cody Bear got Best of Winners with 2 cross over points on Friday and Reserve Winners Dog
on Saturday. Rudy Tootie Cutie received Best of Breed all three days as well as a Group 3 on Sunday.
We thoroughly enjoyed an outstanding supported entry weekend. Thank you MAFCRC and all who
make it happen. The beautiful hand carved plaque is proudly displayed.
Gotta love this breed. Off we went pheasant hunting the
following weekend. And bagged our limit!
Don and Susan Bierer
Victory's Kodiak Grin and Bear It "Cody"
RBIS BISS GCH Blazin's Joie de Vivre CDX JH WCX HOF
According to a post spotted on Facebook, Rudy continued his winning ways and on Saturday, Nov. 29 took BOB at the
Worcester County Kennel Club Show in Worcester, MA giving him enough points to achieve Silver Grand Champion
status. - Editor.
Sally Nettleton-Smilas did a wonderful job handling her boy
“Splash," Grousemoor Almosteden First Splash of Spring, BN,
RN to his first field title at our NEFCRC WC/WCX test. It was
Sally’s first time handling in field and the team earned a WC,
one of three FCR qualifiers. George was proud.
Fall 2014
The Supported Entry
The Supported Entry just before Thanksgiving on Nov. 22 was well attended. Gwyne McClellan
from Ontario, Canada did a thoughtful and thorough job of evaluating our puppies and veterans. She
was her predictably cheerful, smiling and calm English presence in the ring. Kristen Sobanski and
Beth Brock managed to organize a splendid day with superb trophies arranged by Margaret
Uminsky. Thanks, Sue Stilwell, for cordoning off a space. All I said was, “yes, there will be a pot
luck.” Kate Horgan-Burke brought the bin of paper goods; voila there was a feast at the ring side.
We really do know how to eat! What a team!
Best Of Breed:
Best Of Opposite:
Best Of Winners:
Select Dog:
Select Bitch:
Winners Dog:
Reserve Winners Dog:
Winners Bitch:
Reserve Winners Bitch:
Working Dog:
Best Opposite Veteran:
GCh. Windy Hill Dance to the Music
GCh. Blazin's Joie de Vivre CDX JH
Blacfriar Symphony In Three Movements
Ch. Breezy Hill's Find Your Focus
Huntlane Kountry Moon RN
Blacfriar Symphony In Three Movements
Blacfriar King of the Wind
Banquo's Password Is Dare
Bertschire Visions of the Heart
Ch. Bertschire Good Grief Gromit CD RA JH
Victory's Kodiak Grin and Bear It
Banquo's Password Is Dare
Ch. Breezy Hill's Broadway Spellbound CD RA CGCA
Ch. Bear County Hannah's Halfpipe
Obedience and Rally
no qualifiers
Best Puppy in Sweeps:
Best Opposite Puppy:
Best Veteran in Sweeps:
Agility Qualifiers:
Fall 2014
Masters Standard 24"
Preferred Masters Standard 16"
The Supported Entry Brags
Don Bierer - The Bierer Boys stayed on
home turf for the NEFCRC supported entry at
the Thanksgiving Cluster in West Springfield
MA. Rudy took BOS both Saturday and
Sunday.The most fun, however, was Cody
winning Best in Sweeps for puppies, despite
being handicapped by his owner-handler.
Sue Stilwell - Zen (CH Breezy Hill's Find
Your Focus) with Samantha handling, won
*Select Dog* and Best Owner Handler in an
entry of forty-three, 18-10 (8-7), for 5 more
GCH points at the Northeast Flat-Coated
Retriever Club's Supported Entry on
11/22/2014 under Clay Coady. With younger
dogs to finish, we rarely bring out our
finished dogs anymore, but Zen makes us
proud every time he steps into the ring!
An Introduction
Joelle Prince - I have a new puppy! His name is Wingmaster’s
Splendid Prince. We were visiting Bunny over Labor Day weekend.
The previous week, Bunny had received an e-mail from Maureen
Kolasa about a singleton boy pup. Given her household chemistry,
Maureen only wants to handle females. Bunny recommended that I
contact Maureen and, after an in depth application and screening
process, the rest is history. The girls chose the call name “Prince”
because they love my last name so much.
Once again, Bunny is responsible for finding a flat-coat for me.
Fall 2014
Member Bits
Heading South - The BlackGamin crew are on their way SOUTH. I can't believe that another set
of long term NEFCRC folks are emigrating to warmer climes. Gay & Bob Coffin, Richard &
Christina Silpe, Gillian Impey, and countless others must think that the south is a better place to
live and train FCRs in the winter! Wendy Jones and Andy Leinoff invite any of us to join them in
Georgia, but we’re to bring our own tents to use to sleep on our own and additional tools to help
them build their new house! Their address will be available shortly in the updated directory.
From Sally Young
Spotted on Facebook (12/4/14) - Which one is Joe? John Juza posted
this photo saying “Our mother puts this picture up every year at
Christmas.” Looks like a happy, family tradition.
Merry Christmas!
Another Facebook sighting (12/4/14) - “So
excited for Kristen Sobanski and Peter Pan Live
tonight. She trained the dog for the show and will
be giving the dog commands tonight.”
Another Peter Pan, another time - Sally Young writes . . .
My sister and I were taken to the Broadway production on
Thanksgiving weekend 1954. Mary Martin was Peter Pan. We
were sitting in the third row center. My sister who was 5 years
old at the time insisted that she must keep wearing her coat and
that no one should touch her. “DON’T touch me! I can’t take
off my coat! I’ve got fairy dust on me!” Indeed fairy dust had
been sprinkled on both of us and she KNEW she could fly!
Fall 2014
Did your dog earn a new title or special award in 2014?
Let us brag for you!
We would love to hear your accomplishments for the 2014 calendar year. A list of newly earned titles
and special awards will appear on our website for all to cheer for you. Did you earn a HIT? How
about a BIS or Group placement? A new MACH, PACH, OTCH? Great! How about a CGC, CGCA,
or Star Puppy? Perfect! New obedience, rally, agility, field, tracking, or conformation title? We want
to know!
Please send all of your brags, including the registered name of your dog (including titles), their call
name, the names of the owners on record for the dog, and a list of their accomplishments for 2014 to
our webmaster, Kris Sobanski (percussion98@juno.com) so that we can share your success! Brags
are not limited to AKC titles, but please include the venue (ie. USDAA, UKC, etc) if you have earned
a title outside of the AKC.
All submissions will appear on the brags page of our website. A sample can be viewed here
www.nefcrc.org/brags.htm .
Congratulations on all of your accomplishments this year!
Fall 2014
Morris & Essex Dog Show Fund Raiser
Jointly, NEFCRC and MAFCRC are supporting the prestigious, Morris & Essex Dog Show on
October 1, 2015 in Franklin Township, NJ.
To raise funds for our share of this endeavor, the NEFCRC will be selling two new items incorporating logos our club has used both past and present. The Wirst item is a set of four cards and envelopes, one of each of the four logos. These newly minted, folded note cards with envelopes measure 4” x 5.5” and are $10.00 per set of four.
Our second item is a handsome mug with
a very familiar NEFCRC logo. It is in
this newsletter’s heading and every email
blast, dues notice or announcement the
Club produces. These handsome mugs
are $15.00 each.
These items are in limited supply and will be sold Wirst come, Wirst served. Sally Young will be taking orders. Please email or call her: sally.young@uvm.edu or (802) 862-­‐2773 (Shipping costs will be added to your order) Fall 2014
FCRSA Field Initiatives
Calling All Lone Field Trainers!
Are you struggling to field train all by yourself? Do you live too distant to attend a local FCR club's
training sessions? Might you feel that field would be a lot more approachable if you could just get
some darn support? Well, fret no longer!
The National Field Committee wants to support you and your
dog in our breed's native sport.
The Field Committee has organized the Lone Trainers subcommittee to assist you. This sub-committee shall help you
locate training groups or opportunities in your area and boon
of boons, hook you up with an accomplished, interested, and
supportive mentor from within our breed!
Talk of having " the force" with
If you are interested, please do make haste to your computer or
telephone and contact us ( Nevins
at lenevins@comcast.net, 905-582-3990 or Jenn Tower
at slipstreamfcr@gmail.com).
Don’t forget the FCRSAfield Lending Library!
The FCRSA Field Lending Library is a terrific resource for the “lone” field trainer to get instruction
before and after training contacts have been made. The library has field training DVDs, books, and
even VHS tapes. The FCRSA recently funded eight new additions to our DVD collection by authors
such as Bill Hillmann, Mike Lardy, Dennis Voigt (Training Retrievers Alone) and Dave Rorem. It’s
easy to use and helps solidify what you are looking for in your training. Go to FCRSAfield.com and
choose the Lending Library tab. Any FCRSA member in good standing may borrow materials.
Fall 2014
From the 2015 Specialty Field Committee
At the 2015 Specialty Field Events, Thunder Equipment Shotgun Simulators will be used instead of popper guns. These simulators have been
used in AKC and CKC Field events by Presque Isle Retriever Club, North
Alabama Retriever Club, Jacksonville Retriever Club, Pine Ridge Retriever Club, Tulsa Retriever Club, Wichita Falls Retriever Club and others.
Several members of the FCRSA Field Committee regularly train with the
simulators and have judged events where they have been used. They
offer more reliable and safer operations, especially under wet conditions and are much less costly to operate. The 2015 FCRSA Specialty
Co-Chairs have worked with Thunder Equipment and several volunteers
to arrange for equipment and supplies at no charge to the FCRSA.
The simulators are designed to
mimic the sound of a 12-gauge
popper gun. We’ve included the
photo for those unfamiliar with the
equipment so you can see what
the simulator looks like mounted
on a gun stand.
As the Specialty approaches, expect information in Scissor Bites
and at the Specialty site providing
details for “get acquainted” sessions prior to the Field events. We
anticipate no issues with use of the
simulators. The sessions are being
held for those that want to see and
hear them in action before running a test.
Joe Skorupa and Betsy Montgomery, FCRSA Field Committee Co-chairs
Sherie Catledge and Mitch White, 2015 Specialty Field Co-chairs
Fall 2014
Membership Renewals
Time to renew your membership for
2015. The Annual Renewal Form has
been revised to include a $10 surcharge if
you want to receive mailed hardcopies of
future newsletters. All members in good
standing will continue to receive color
digital newsletters as part of their dues.
The Annual Renewal Form also requests
the year in which you joined the club
(close as you can remember). We
thought it would be interesting to list
“Member Since” information in the
membership directory.
It is more important than ever that you
include a valid email address on
the Annual Renewal Form. All Club
communications, including a reminder and
hyperlink to the newsletter, are sent using
this email address. If you have not been
receiving email notices (sent via Constant
Contact), please email Don Bierer,
donbierer@comcast.net If you choose not
to include an email address on the Annual
Renewal Form, you will not receive any
Club notices, including notice when new
newsletters are posted to our website.
Digital newsletters will always be
accessible on the website.
Fall 2014