June - Beach Cities Quilters Guild


June - Beach Cities Quilters Guild
Volume 16, Number 9
June 2008
MEETING DATE — Thursday, June 12, 2008
HAPPY (HALF) HOUR — 6:30 to 7:00 P.M.
BUSINESS — 7:00 to 9:30 P.M.
Best known for her use of color and her craftsmanship, Gabrielle Swain is a former theater rat who began making quilts in 1983. Her works range from realistic to abstract, and use a variety of techniques. She is currently
exploring the study of nature and the relationship between man and the environment. She has authored two
beautiful books and a DVD on appliqué, and has been featured in both national and international publications.
She has been the featured artist in many quilt shows and has won numerous awards at the shows in Paducah
and Houston. Her list of credits would take another page! Gabrielle currently lives in Texas with her husband
Ron, and studio cat, Busby. We are very fortunate to have her joining us in June!
Anyone available to assist the speakers with book and pattern sales, or holding quilts during the meetings
should contact Marian Mapes.
Please join us for dinner with Gabrielle Swain at Sarducci’s restaurant
in the San Juan Capistrano Depot at 5:00 p.m. prior to the Guild meeting.
PLEASE call or email Marian Mapes to reserve your spot for dinner.
June: Gabrielle Swain, www.gabrielleswain.com
July: Melinda Bula, www.melindabula.com
August: Jane Sassaman, www.janesassaman.com
September: Hollis Chatelain, www.hollisart.com
October: President’s Quilt Presentation
November: Diane Gaudynski, www.dianegaudynski.net
December: Holiday Program
The Beach Cities Quilters Guild was established to promote quilting and other fabric arts in the South Orange County area. Membership is $30 per year, October
through September. Guests are welcome at meetings for a $5 guest fee (free in December). For membership information, contact Nancy McBride at 22751 Via Tercero, Mission Viejo, CA. 92691. Web Site: beachcitiesquilters.org. Listed email and phone numbers are for BCQG business only please.
Beach Cities Quilters Guild
Board Committee Chairpersons
Marco Forster Middle School
Meetings are held the second Thursday of
each month in the Cafetorium of
Marco Forster Middle School
25601 Camino del Avion
San Juan Capistrano
Next Board Meeting
June 19 @ 6:00 P.M.
at A Time to Sew
28461 Marguerite Parkway
(at Avery)
Please call Marsha Burns at 496-4525 if you will be
unable to attend.
Directions: I-5 to Avery Parkway exit. Turn east
(toward mountains). Make an immediate left turn
into Avery Center driveway (next to Del Taco).
Proceed through parking lot. A Time to Sew is in
the building in the back (close to the freeway). If
you get to the light at Marguerite/Avery, you have
gone too far—make a safe U-turn at the light, then a
right into the Avery Center. A Time to Sew will be
straight ahead, on the left.
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Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
Notes from the President
It is merely days until our quilt show! We will be looking for volunteers up
to the date of the show. ―Participate‖ is a big word but you will be so grateful that you did. You will meet so many new people, learn what it takes to
put a quilt show together, eat good food that always seems available, and be
part of BCQG’s biggest event that we have every two years.
I Love My Sammi,
made for the
Southern California
Samoyed Rescue
by Marsha
quilted by Rusty Crow
When I first joined BCQG I sat in my chair, sort of in the middle of the
room as I sure did not want to look as if I did not have any friends! Well,
each meeting that I went to I learned that many of the women next to me
were the same each month. Of course, we talked, laughed and enjoyed the
meeting. The next thing I knew I was signing a piece of paper ―asking‖ to be
on the Board. Yikes! I had no idea what I was signing up for but I figured
that if my new friends were doing this, so should I!
I began on the Hospitality table, and then moved to Show & Tell; Facilities
had me next. Then, guess what happen? I agreed to CHAIR the 2006 quilt
show. What was I thinking? Double: yikes, yikes!!
Well, that lead me to where I am today—President! I look back at my travels though BCQG and realize that I may have worked hard on whatever was
my current job, but it gave more back to me than I ever gave. It is true with
all of the other areas of my life where I volunteer; it always makes me happier.
What does all this mean to you? Well, we are looking for a nominating committee and will be nominating a new board for the 2008-2009 year at
BCQG. I encourage each of you to consider signing up; get involved, lend a
hand and participate!!
I promise it will bring many smiles to you!
Marsha Burns
TLC Quilters is a group that meets on the first Friday
of the month at Material Possessions to make quilts
for those (mostly children) in need. The group was
formerly known as Binky Patrol but the name was
changed when Wendy Hager, owner of Material Possessions, decided to give the quilts directly to different
organizations. Recently many of the quilts have gone
to the families at Camp Pendleton.
In addition to ten BCQG members (Wilma Bosch,
Janet Cowart, Jo Ann Lockett, Carolie Malenius,
Peggy Mayer, Marilyn McNamara, Lea Mathieu,
Rachael Severance, Brenda Sirignano, Mariann Thurman) another ten to fifteen ladies regularly participate.
Some participants make quilts from beginning to end;
others do whatever tasks need to be done. This group
of ladies has completed almost 1,000 quilts over the
last 10 years!
Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
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Saturday, June 7th at 1 p.m.
Thank you doesn’t seem an appropriate response for all the wonderful
quilts that have been donated for the quilt show auction. As always you
ladies have helped out with beautiful quilts. As of this writing, we have
either in hand or promised 30 fabulous items for the auction. Please make
sure you plan your day on Saturday for a few hours to come to the auction.
We have been showing the quilts at each guild meeting plus Leonor has
been printing them in the newsletter. As another reminder, there will be a
power point presentation showing all the quilts during the morning hours
of the show on Saturday. Lyn Mann, our extraordinary auctioneer always
makes it a fun event. Remember, payment is by cash or check only, NO
Pat will be away the last two weeks in May so if anyone still has a quilt
they would like to donate, please contact either Julie Greenspan or Monica
AGAIN, thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU.
Julie Greenspan, Pat Pardoen, and Monica Shafer
Place: A Time To Sew
28641 Marguerite Parkway
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
(949) 364-6372
Times: Thursday, May 22, 2008
4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Friday, May 23, 2008
4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Friday, May 30, 2008
4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
12 Noon – 4:00 p.m.
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Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
May Attendance: 242
Members: 223 - New Members: 5
Speaker: 1 - Guests: 13
There are currently 520 members in good standing and 3 newsletter subscribers.
Welcome new members:
Linda Ault, Zoe Brown, Diane Lipson, Lyn McQuerry, Dolores Schiffer
All members are reminded to please check in at the Membership table before the meetings. This gives us an accurate
count for attendance and helps us plan the appropriate number of chairs for the meetings.
The new 2007-2008 membership cards and directories will continue to be distributed at meetings. Please have
a friend get yours if you are unable to attend.
Please remember to wear your name badge at all meetings. It’s a great way for new and existing members to get acquainted! (A fine of $0.25 is payable if it is not worn.) New members are expected to have a badge made within three
months of joining the Guild.
A very special thank you to Lynn Blackburn, Jane Salem and Soley Wendell for helping at the May meeting while
I was home recovering from knee surgery.
Nancy McBride, Vice President, Membership
June Birthdays
Fern Luhnow
Betty Koskinen
Nancy McBride
Barbara Trulis
Suzette Blake
June Bauer
Jean Bull
Jill Hendrickson
Patti Nylander
Becky Reed
Brenda Sirignano
Eileen Auer
Sharon Scholfield
Marianne Cunningham 14
Julie Greenspan
Barbara Ward
Veronica Dibble
Kar Hofmann
Diane Brewer
Karla Hendrix
Linda Rogers
Kris Kouzelos
Debbie Myers
Diane Collins
Stephanie Maher
Carol Wilford
Jackee McMichael
Marie Taylor
Zoe Brown
Deborah Komatsu
Jean Carr
Marion Gleadhill
Miriam Harris
Charlene Kallas
Debbie Reiner
Vanda Bresnan
Matthew Patton—Dee’s
adorable one year old
Some of our other
special May
meeting guests
Madge—1 year old yellow
lab in training to become a
Guide Dog for the Blind
Marianne on her ten hour
drive home. Why does he
look so tired?
Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
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Marsha Burns’ President’s Quilt – From the Mountains to the Sea
It’s that time of year again to honor President Marsha Burns for all her hard work by making her a wonderful
quilt. Marsha’s theme was chosen because she loves both the mountains (Big Bear) and the Sea (the Pacific
Ocean). We are combining the two and doing a quilt that reflects both of her loves.
Please keep in mind the following:
Marsha’s home is beautifully designed in earth-tones, the backgrounds of the blocks can be, sky-blue,
light green, beige, or sand.
Block ideas/patterns:
Plants, flowers, pine trees, palm trees, leaves, acorns, sports activities like boating, canoeing, biking,
and swimming. You can make cabins, cabanas, deer, squirrels, dogs, skis, birds, bugs, mountains, and
even little quilts! Your block can be pieced, appliquéd or foundation pieced.
Your block should measure 5 1/2‖ UNFINISHED – 5‖ FINISHED. If you are appliquéing, please make
your block larger. DO NOT TRIM YOUR BLOCK.
NO-NOs: No fish, no underwater scenes, no scary bugs or snakes!
Please feel free to embellish your block, but if you are going to add a doo-dad that might break, put it in a baggie and pin it to your block.
PLEASE SIGN YOUR BLOCK WITH YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME. Avoid signing into the margins. We will have pens at the table if you don’t have one.
Please come by the President’s Quilt table at the Guild meeting for ideas, patterns and sample blocks. We will
also need volunteers to work on Marsha’s quilt; the sign-up sheets for various jobs will be at the table also. If
you are interested in hosting a quilting bee or would like to assemble or appliqué on the quilt, please contact
Bettie Blauser. We would love for everyone to participate.
Any questions, contact Bettie Blauser at 4quilterbee@fea.net or 949-492-8355.
Bettie Blauser, Past President
MAY Door Prize Donors
Thank You to All of
Our Door Prize Donors
A Time to Sew
Capistrano Sew n Vac
Material Possessions Quilt Shop
Moore's Sewing & Fabric
Piecemakers Country Store
Q's Longarm Quilting
Rosie’s Calico Cupboard
Tall Mouse
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We have decided to extend the deadline for the Fons
and Porter magazine subscriptions and renewals to the
June meeting. It is $15 and the check should be made
payable to BCQG. We have already mailed the subscription requests that were given in March and May.
Please see Jeanne Haynes at the June meeting if you are
interested in this subscription or mail a check to her at:
186 Sandcastle
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
You may also want to talk with Jeanne if you don’t remember if you gave her a check at the April meeting
and have not replaced that check.
Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
Jan Hirth learned to sew at age 8 on a treadle machine while
in a 4-H club. She made her first quilt for her newborn
daughter. She has since made about 200 quilts.
Jan retired from teaching home economics for 21 years and
has been a quilting teacher for Capistrano Unified School
Adult School for the past 9 years. A charter member of
BCQG, she was president in 1999.
She has lived in Laguna Niguel for 37 years with her husband of 41 years, Ted. They have two grandchildren that
they often visit in Northern California. She has spent many
hours quilting along I-5.
The fabulous mini of the Guild's opportunity quilt was won
by Julia Montoya.
Janet Cook, Wendy Price, Mary Arntz
Nancy McBride had knee surgery and wasn't able to be
with us at the May guild meeting. Let's all keep sending
her cards and good thoughts.
Found in her newsletter, Leah Pariser of Leah's Quilting
had heart surgery on May 8. She had a heart valve replacement with a single bypass. Let's all let her know how
much we care! Send cards and well-wishes to her via her
Orange store: 1321 East Katella Ave., Orange, CA 92867
Our very own Marianne Cunningham was spotted at our
guild meeting—we are so glad to have her home! Keep up
the prayers for her daughter, Amanda and family.
Thanks for all of the prayers for Sheri Forrester's grandson
Ryan, he is home and doing well after surgery.
Congratulations to Barbara Trulis Knisely and Tom on
their recent nuptials! With a twinkle in her eye, Barbara
told me that "the honeymoon was absolutely wonderful!"
You go girl!
Kerry Joho fell and has hurt both ankles and feet. She
would love your cards and thoughts; also, if you are able
to provide a meal or two please call Carolyn Boden 949768-7379. You can imagine how hard it is to get around
with ―both‖ feet hurt; she could use some help right now.
We want Kerry to get well quick!
Barbara Green and Sue Peters
Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
OC Fair Is Back!
BCQG will have a booth at the Orange County
Fair on July 23, 2008. We will be responsible
for the booth from 12 to 9:00 p.m. with a stage
demo at 1:00 p.m. We will be looking for volunteers to help ―man‖ this booth during these
As a volunteer you will have a free pass to the
Fair so when your shift is finished you can enjoy
the sights and sounds of the Fair. While you are
doing your shift you can bring a sewing project
to work on so the day turns out to be very fun
and productive!
The program coordinator is very happy that
BCQG is coming back this year as she knows
that many people enjoy stopping by our booth
and speaking with our members. It turns out to
be a very fun afternoon for us too!
I am looking for volunteers so please contact
me if you are interested in joining us at the
OC Fair on July 23, 2008.
Marsha Burns
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May’s workshop with
Nancy Brown was another fabulous class
where students learned
the secrets to beautiful
appliqué work. The ―A‖
word was Awesome!
June 13 & 14: Gabrielle Swain is coming for a
2 day workshop ($80) this is a once in a lifetime
opportunity to take a class from this highly respected quilter. You will use photos and leaves to
design your quilt and then create it with a combination of fabrics and colored pencils. Best part, it
is hand appliqué and sewing no lugging your
July 11 & 12 Fabulous Fusible Flowers with
Melinda Bula $45 plus $12 kit fee
Friday, July 11th Coneflower: Almost full
Saturday, July 12th Sunflower—Melinda is an
award winning quilter whose new book ―CuttingGarden Quilts‖ Fusible Flowers, was released in
December and is already a big hit. Her classes are
already filling up, so call or e-mail.
August 15 &16 Jane Sassaman $45—Jane is a
contemporary quilt artist, fabric designer, author
and designer. Her quilts are shown worldwide.
Her quilt, ―Willow‖ was awarded one of Americans best 100 quilts of the century.
Friday, August 15‖Abstracting From Nature‖
Saturday, August 16 ―Bountiful Bouquets‖
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Thanks to everyone who participated in the May
Block Party. Thirty eight blocks were turned in. We
had 3 winners of 8 blocks each and 2 winners of 7
blocks each. Congratulations!
Please come visit us at the Block Party Table during
the regular meeting.
Megan Lord and Lupe Maher
Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
Megan Lord, Crazy Quilt
Welcoming Committee made
for neighbor’s baby
By Gail Brunell
Eileen Campbell, May Quilt
Yappity Yap made for the
San Clemente Animal
Shelter Auction
By Jan Hirth
Pat Pardoen, baby quilt ―Max‖ for baby Max
Nancy Ganske,
Tally in a Quiet Moment
Sandy Corbin, ―Meet Me In Paris‖
Quilted by Sandy Corbin, Barbara Green, Karen Kowalchuk
Karen Kowalchuk, ―Christmas In Paris‖
Eileen Campbell, ―Ocean Quilt‖ made for Trent
Mary Arntz, ―All Around Penguins‖
Made for her grandson, Jaren Segroves
Marsha Burns, ―I Quit‖
Diane Reho, ―The Pookie Quilt‖ for niece’s son
Jean Impey, 80 Years of Memories
made for friends
80 year old mother
Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
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July 6, 7, 8, 9, 10—Camp Watch-a-Patcher, Concordia University, Irvine, CA. For information contact:
July 25, 26, & 27—International Quilt Festival, Long Beach (NEW SHOW)
August 2 & 3—Yorba Linda Quilt Daze VII at the Yorba Linda Community Center, 4501 Casa Loma,
Yorba Linda. Admission $7.00. 10 to 4 Saturday and Sunday. For information: Franki Solesbee 714-528-5151
or email JoAnn Ardanaz at yiquiltdaze@aol.com
August 28, 29, 30—27th Annual San Diego Quilt Show at The San Diego Convention Center, 111 W. Harbor
Drive, San Diego. Guest Artist: Mickey Lawler. Contact sdqs2002@hotmail.com
September 13 – 14: Almond Country Quilt Guild Quilt Show IX- A Gathering of Quilters to be held at
the Paso Robles Event Center, 2198 Riverside Ave, Paso Robles, CA 93446, Saturday Sept 13, 2008, 10-5 and
Sunday, Sept 14, 2008 10-4. Join us! Email Contact: czelus@gmail.com Website: http://
October 14: Flying Geese Quilters Guild Auction Trinity United Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
13922 Prospect Santa Ana, CA Email Contact: ernieludwig2@cox.net Website: www.flyinggeese.net
October 18 – 19: Simi Valley Quilt Guild Show Vendor mall, boutique, guest artist: Rita Verroca, AQS appraiser: Violet Vaughnes, Hoffman Challenge, live auction Sat 1pm, Kingdom Sewing Center machine drawing Sun. 3pm, door prizes, kid's treasure hunt, "Look at Me" challenge, food on site, opportunity quilt drawing
3:30 pm Sun. New bigger location, free parking See website for details Email Contact: serialquilter@dslextreme.com Website: simivalleyquiltguild.org
October 25: WFQG Sewing Room Tour, Luncheon, & Holiday Boutique. On Saturday the Wandering
Foot Quilt Guild in Arcadia is having a Sewing Room Tour, Luncheon, and Holiday Boutique at the Arcadia
First Presbyterian Church. Your ticket includes a tour of five delightful sewing rooms, a luncheon and holiday
boutique at the Church, 121 Alice Street, Arcadia, CA 91006. Quilts, Wall Hangings, Table Runners, Place
Mats, Antique Lace, and other items will be for sale. Email Contact: karincrawford@gmail.com Website:
Thanks to all the birthday ladies that brought
treats. There was a great mix of food from
fruit, sweets and even a great salad. Happy
Birthday to all that had birthdays in May.
The ―Stitching Stars‖ hosted the table this month.
A big thank you to Tanya Goffman, Joanne Florence,
Sharon Jaeger, Rachel Fernelius, Julia Renaud and
Jean Frisone, you all did a fabulous job.
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Please remember to bring your goodies in
disposable containers. If you bring them in
something that you would like back, remember to check the back table at the end of the
Sharon Gilmore, Eileen Campbell
and Sandy Jones
Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
Nickel Club is the way we fabricholics exchange 5‖ charm squares and enjoy expanding our collections
of fabrics for quilts. Each month two types of fabric will be selected for exchange. You’ll turn in your fabric
squares and pick them up the following month. You may exchange one type of fabric, both types, or none. You
may elect to participate every month or only one month. Please look at the previous newsletters for the guidelines.
If you don’t follow the guidelines,
your squares will be returned to you and NOT exchanged.
Our exchanges for the next few months are:
Turned in
May—Kaffe Fasset and Brights
June—Beige to Tan background fabrics
tone on tone only
Medium to Dark Blues (no juvenile prints)
July—Jewel tones and Batiks
The next Nickel Club sew day will be on
Tuesday, June 17, from 10 to 4 at A Time To Sew.
Any questions, call Kris Kouzelos at 443-9669, Elaine Pappas-Puckett at 831-1072,
Janet Cowart at 249-8036 or Laura Christy at 714/841-6097.
Wow! You quilters are amazing! We received
lots of quilts and cancer caps back at the May
Instead of bringing kits, I brought tops that
needed quilting and quilts that needed binding.
Out of a huge stack, I only had to bring one quilt
back home with me! If actions speak louder than
words, then our guild's statement reads:
We'll meet on June 19, from
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at A Time To Sew.
Thank you all for your support!
Monica Shafer
Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
New Library Books
Rolling Along
by Nancy J. Martin
Debbie Mumm's Colors from Nature
by Debbie Mumm
Stunning Angle Play Quilts
by Margaret J. Miller
American Doll Quilts
by Kathleen Tracy
Bit and Pieces
by Karen Costello Soltys
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Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
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Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
Stitches in the Sand—June 2008
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U.S. Postage
Mission Viejo,
Permit No. 949
Beach Cities Quilters Guild
P. O. Box 322
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693-0322
Dated Material
Please Deliver By June 1
Help me celebrate the arrival of my new Statler Stitcher
Longarm Quilting Machine. If you haven’t seen this in
action, you’re in for a treat! Call:
Lillian Gordon
Elegant Expressions of California
at 949-554-4633 and stop by for a tour of my new
Home Studio in Laguna Niguel which is packed with
goodies for quilters. And my prices can’t be beat!
Now open in Ocean Ranch,
for all your bead and embellishment needs.
Golden Lantern and Del Avion, next to Bed,
Bath and Beyond and Trader Joe's.
All cards are original designs – Each card comes
with its own display stand.
Contact Sharon at 949-582-2239 or