Pointsec PC Administrator’s Guide Version 6.2, A July 2007 © 2003-2007 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. This product and related documentation are protected by copyright and distributed under licensing restricting their use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. No part of this product or related documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written authorization of Check Point. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, Check Point assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. This publication and features described herein are subject to change without notice. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and FAR 52.227-19. TRADEMARKS: ©2003–2007 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. Check Point, AlertAdvisor, Application Intelligence, Check Point Express, Check Point Express CI, the Check Point logo, ClusterXL, Confidence Indexing, ConnectControl, Connectra, Connectra Accelerator Card, Cooperative Enforcement, Cooperative Security Alliance, CoreXL, CoSa, DefenseNet, Dynamic Shielding Architecture, Eventia, Eventia Analyzer, Eventia Reporter, Eventia Suite, FireWall-1, FireWall-1 GX, FireWall-1 SecureServer, FloodGate-1, Hacker ID, Hybrid Detection Engine, IMsecure, INSPECT, INSPECT XL, Integrity, Integrity Clientless Security, Integrity SecureClient, InterSpect, IPS-1, IQ Engine, MailSafe, NG, NGX, Open Security Extension, OPSEC, OSFirewall, Pointsec, Pointsec Mobile, Pointsec PC, Pointsec Protector, Policy Lifecycle Management, Provider-1, Safe@Home, Safe@Office, SecureClient, SecureClient Mobile, SecureKnowledge, SecurePlatform, SecurePlatform Pro, SecuRemote, SecureServer, SecureUpdate, SecureXL, SecureXL Turbocard, Sentivist, SiteManager-1, SmartCenter, SmartCenter Express, SmartCenter Power, SmartCenter Pro, SmartCenter UTM, SmartConsole, SmartDashboard, SmartDefense, SmartDefense Advisor, Smarter Security, SmartLSM, SmartMap, SmartPortal, SmartUpdate, SmartView, SmartView Monitor, SmartView Reporter, SmartView Status, SmartViewTracker, SofaWare, SSL Network Extender, Stateful Clustering, TrueVector, Turbocard, UAM, UserAuthority, User-to-Address Mapping, UTM-1, VPN-1, VPN-1 Accelerator Card, VPN-1 Edge, VPN-1 Express, VPN-1 Express CI, VPN-1 Power, VPN-1 Power VSX, VPN-1 Pro, VPN-1 SecureClient, VPN-1 SecuRemote, VPN-1 SecureServer, VPN-1 UTM, VPN-1 UTM Edge, VPN-1 VSX, Web Intelligence, ZoneAlarm, ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware, ZoneAlarm Antivirus, ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite, ZoneAlarm Pro, ZoneAlarm Secure Wireless Router, Zone Labs, and the Zone Labs logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. or its affiliates. ZoneAlarm is a Check Point Software Technologies, Inc. Company. All other product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The products described in this document are protected by U.S. Patent No. 5,606,668, 5,835,726, 5,987,611, 6,496,935, 6,873,988, 6,850,943, and 7,165,076 and may be protected by other U.S. Patents, foreign patents, or pending applications. For third party notices, see “THIRD PARTY TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS” on page 267. Contents Preface Chapter 1 Who should read this guide? ............................................................................... 1 Related Documentation ...................................................................................... 1 Contact Information ........................................................................................... 3 Overview of PC Security ...................................................................................... 3 PC Security Methods and Technologies ........................................................... 4 Pointsec PC Security Features and Benefits.......................................................... 5 Managing Pointsec PC........................................................................................ 6 Deploying Pointsec PC........................................................................................ 6 Languages Supported in Pointsec PC ................................................................... 7 Pointsec PC in a Common Criteria EAL-4 Environment .......................................... 7 An Administration Overview Administration Levels ......................................................................................... 9 System Administrator .................................................................................... 9 Administrator.............................................................................................. 10 User Level ....................................................................................................... 11 Typical Permissions for Roles ....................................................................... 11 Overview of the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC) .................................. 13 PCMC Dialog .............................................................................................. 14 PCMC Menu Bar ......................................................................................... 14 Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings Accessing Local Settings .................................................................................. 17 Status Information ...................................................................................... 19 Encryption Information ................................................................................ 19 Editing Settings ............................................................................................... 20 Hardware Device Settings ............................................................................ 20 Install Settings ........................................................................................... 21 Logon Settings............................................................................................ 25 Remote Help Settings.................................................................................. 27 Screen Saver Settings.................................................................................. 28 System Passwords Policy Settings................................................................. 29 Wake-on-LAN Settings................................................................................. 30 Windows Integrated Logon Settings............................................................... 32 The Export to CSV File Button ...................................................................... 34 The Print Settings Button ............................................................................ 34 Printing Settings .............................................................................................. 34 Exporting Settings to a CSV File ........................................................................ 36 Viewing the Event Log Database ........................................................................ 36 Filtering Log Entries .................................................................................... 39 Exporting Logs................................................................................................. 41 Chapter 3 Configuring Group and User Account Settings Local Settings for Groups and User Accounts...................................................... 43 System Settings for Groups .......................................................................... 45 Chapter 4 Group Authority Levels What Is a Group Authority Level (GAL)? ......................................................... 61 Using GALs To Create a Tiered Authority Structure ......................................... 62 Table of Contents i Master Installation GALs.............................................................................. GAL Sanity Checks...................................................................................... GALs and Permissions ................................................................................. GALs and Remote Help................................................................................ 63 68 68 69 Chapter 5 Managing Groups and User Accounts Creating Group Accounts .................................................................................. 71 Default Values and How the Effective Values of Settings are Determined .......... 74 Adding a User Account to a Group ..................................................................... 77 Password Authentication.............................................................................. 80 Dynamic Token Authentication ..................................................................... 81 Smart Card Authentication ........................................................................... 86 Chapter 6 Working with Configuration Sets Root Directory Path .......................................................................................... 89 Directory Paths ........................................................................................... 90 Creating a New Set .......................................................................................... 91 Exporting/Importing Set Configurations .............................................................. 96 Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles About Pointsec PC Profiles.............................................................................. 101 Converting Pre-6.2 Profiles to 6.2 Profiles................................................... 102 Installation Profiles ................................................................................... 102 Update Profiles......................................................................................... 103 Upgrade Profiles ....................................................................................... 103 Uninstall Profiles ...................................................................................... 103 What’s in a profile? ................................................................................... 103 Creating a Profile Based on Another Profile or Local Settings......................... 104 Before Creating Profiles .................................................................................. 105 Working with Profiles – an Overview ................................................................. 105 Sets......................................................................................................... 106 Deploying Pointsec PC for the First Time ..................................................... 107 Updating Pointsec PC Settings ................................................................... 107 Updating Pointsec PC Software .................................................................. 107 Removing Pointsec PC using a Profile ......................................................... 108 Creating and Deploying Installation Profiles ...................................................... 108 Creating a New Set.................................................................................... 108 Creating an Installation Profile ................................................................... 113 Creating an Update Profile .............................................................................. 121 Difference between Remove and Mark for Removal....................................... 122 Uninstall Profiles ...................................................................................... 122 Ensuring that Administrator Accounts Exist on Both the Admin Machine and all Client Machines............................................................................................... 123 Deploying Pointsec PC Using an Install Profile.................................................. 124 Deploying in an MSI Package .......................................................................... 125 Verifying a Pointsec PC Deployment................................................................. 126 Running Pointsec PC as a Service on a PC ....................................................... 127 Pointsec Service Start Service Account Specifics ......................................... 127 Creating and Deploying Update Profiles............................................................ 129 Creating an Update Profile ......................................................................... 130 Working with Accounts in an Update Profile ................................................ 130 Deploying an Update Profile....................................................................... 130 Pushing Update Profiles to Computers ............................................................. 130 ii How does the Update Profile Affect a Logged-on User? ................................. 131 Chapter 8 Upgrading Pointsec for PC 4.x and 5.x Installations Overview .................................................................................................. From Which Legacy Versions Can You Upgrade?........................................... Requirements for Upgrading a 4.x/5.x Client................................................ The Process of Upgrading .......................................................................... The Characteristics of an Upgrade Profile .................................................... Configuring an Upgrade Profile................................................................... Legacy Account Handling........................................................................... Upgrade Operations................................................................................... Chapter 9 133 135 135 135 136 139 139 140 Upgrading from Pointsec for PC 6.x.x to Pointsec PC Upgrading from 6.x.x to 6.2 ............................................................................ 145 Before Upgrading ...................................................................................... 145 Performing the Upgrade............................................................................. 146 .................................................................................................................... 148 Chapter 10 Using a Service Start Account Pointsec PC Service Start Service Program - pstartsr.exe.................................... 150 Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account ............................................. 152 General Requirements ............................................................................... 162 What does the Pointsec Service Start Service Do? ........................................ 163 Example of Setup...................................................................................... 163 Upgrade from Pointsec 4.x/5.x Installations ................................................. 164 Chapter 11 Pointsec PC Logging Functionality The Local Event Database............................................................................... 165 The Local Log File.......................................................................................... 166 The Central Log File ....................................................................................... 167 Manually Transferring the Local Log File to the Central Log File ......................... 168 Timestamps and the Windows Event Log .......................................................... 168 Exporting Logs............................................................................................... 168 Viewing a Local Log File ............................................................................ 169 Chapter 12 Remote Help Implementing a Remote Help Procedure .......................................................... 171 Types of Remote Help .................................................................................... 172 Verifying Users .............................................................................................. 173 Providing Remote Help ................................................................................... 173 Chapter 13 Pointsec PC Utilities Pointsec PC Password Synchronization............................................................. 177 Synchronizing Using the Windows Password for Authentication in Pointsec PC Preboot 178 Synchronizing Using the Pointsec PC Preboot Authentication Password for Authentication in Windows ...................................................................... 179 Windows Password Complexity Requirements............................................... 180 Pointsec PC Wake-on-LAN (WOL) .................................................................... 180 Setting up WOL ........................................................................................ 180 WOL Logon Example ................................................................................. 181 Pointsec PC Windows Integrated Logon (WIL) ................................................... 181 Security Features on WIL-enabled Computers .............................................. 182 User Perspective on WIL ............................................................................ 183 Table of Contents iii Administrator Perspective on WIL ............................................................... 183 Pointsec PC in Multi-language Environments .................................................... 183 Language Support ..................................................................................... 183 Support for Multi-language Keyboards......................................................... 184 Switching Keyboard Layouts....................................................................... 184 Single Sign-On (SSO) ..................................................................................... 185 About SSO ............................................................................................... 185 SSO and Password Changes ....................................................................... 185 Entrust SSO ............................................................................................. 185 Entrust Profile Revocation.......................................................................... 186 Windows Smart Card ................................................................................. 189 Enabling SSO ........................................................................................... 189 Chapter 14 Removing Pointsec PC Uninstall Profiles ........................................................................................... 191 Creating an Uninstall Profile ...................................................................... 191 Configuring Uninstall Profiles ..................................................................... 193 Deploying an Uninstall Profile .................................................................... 193 Windows Add/Remove Programs ...................................................................... 194 Chapter 15 Recovery, Repair and Bootable Media The Pointsec PC Recovery File ........................................................................ 197 If the Recovery File Path is not Found.............................................................. 197 Recovery and the Pointsec PC Version on the Client .......................................... 198 Recovery via the Start menu....................................................................... 198 Recovery from the PCMC ........................................................................... 198 Creating a Recovery Disk from the PCMC.......................................................... 199 Creating a Recovery CD-ROM .......................................................................... 201 Recovering Information................................................................................... 202 Using Slave Drive Functionality to Recover Information................................. 202 Booting from Alternative Media ....................................................................... 205 Accessing the Alternative Boot Media Menu................................................. 205 Appendix A Being Authenticated by Pointsec PC About Authentication...................................................................................... 207 Navigating................................................................................................ 208 Ensuring that your Computer has not been Tampered with ............................ 208 Being Authenticated for the First Time............................................................. 208 Using a Fixed Password ............................................................................. 209 Using a Dynamic Token ............................................................................. 211 Using a Smart Card/USB Token .................................................................. 212 Synchronizing Passwords ................................................................................ 216 What if I forget my password?.......................................................................... 217 What if I don't have access to my token/smart card? .......................................... 218 Pointsec PC Single Sign-on (SSO) ................................................................... 219 Appendix B Status Information When Exported to File Appendix C Pointsec PC Permissions Permissions: With Pointsec PC Service Start..................................................... 227 Recommended Users................................................................................. 227 Required Permissions ................................................................................ 228 Permissions: Without Pointsec PC Service Start ................................................ 228 Permissions: Remote Desktop ......................................................................... 228 iv Windows User Account Registry Permissions..................................................... 229 Appendix D Language Support Support for Tier 1 Languages ..................................................................... 231 Support for Tier 2 Languages ..................................................................... 231 Appendix E Language Packs Installing Language Packs............................................................................... 233 Before Installation of Pointsec PC............................................................... 233 After Installation of Pointsec PC ................................................................. 234 Language Packs ............................................................................................. 234 Legacy Language Pack (Default) ................................................................. 234 2 - Americas............................................................................................. 234 3 - Scandinavian and Baltic ....................................................................... 235 4 - Asia and Pacific (APAC)........................................................................ 235 5 - Europe 1............................................................................................. 236 6 - Europe 2............................................................................................. 236 7 -All ....................................................................................................... 236 Appendix F Keyboard Layouts Supported Keyboard Layouts ........................................................................... 237 Appendix G PS Control Command Line Utility Using the PS Control Utility ............................................................................ 239 Options .................................................................................................... 240 Commands ............................................................................................... 240 Error Codes .............................................................................................. 241 Examples of Using the PS Control Utility ..................................................... 241 Smart Cards, Smart Card Readers and their Drivers ........................................... 242 Managing Smart Cards, Smart Card Readers and Drivers............................... 243 Exporting a Machine’s Status Information......................................................... 243 Export Status File ..................................................................................... 244 Installing Language Packs............................................................................... 247 Appendix H The pslogexp.exe Log Export Utility pslogexp.exe Utility Syntax and Commands ...................................................... 249 Syntax ..................................................................................................... 249 Commands ............................................................................................... 250 Examples of Using the pslogexp.exe Utility ....................................................... 250 Correct Display of National Characters in Exported Files .................................... 251 Appendix I Pointsec PC and IBM RRU Installing the InstallRRU.msi Package ............................................................. 253 RRU Functionality on a Pointsec PC Machine ................................................... 253 Accessing................................................................................................. 253 Using....................................................................................................... 254 Appendix J Pointsec PC Common Criteria Configuration Common Criteria EAL4 Configuration Requirements .......................................... 256 Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Sizes ...................................................... 256 All Partitions Encrypted, Boot Protection Enabled ........................................ 256 No Delete Access to the Pointsec File Share ................................................ 256 Wake on LAN............................................................................................ 256 Table of Contents v Windows Integrated Logon ......................................................................... User Level Privileges ................................................................................. Local Administration Disabled .................................................................... Administration and Configuration via Profiles............................................... Software Upgrade between Common Criteria Versions Only............................ Password Requirements............................................................................. Password Synchronization Requirements ..................................................... Maximum Failed Logons before Reboot ....................................................... Appendix K 257 257 257 257 258 258 258 258 Importing Encryption Keys Preparing to Use Imported Encryption Keys ...................................................... 259 Key Import Directory Structure ................................................................... 259 precheck.txt File ....................................................................................... 260 precheck.txt Settings for Encryption Key Import ........................................... 260 Administrator Checklist for Importing Encryption Keys....................................... 261 End-user Interaction During Installation ........................................................... 262 Appendix L Glossary Index ........................................................................................................... 271 vi P Preface Preface This preface contains background information on PC security and Pointsec PC benefits and features, as well as a general discussion of how Pointsec PC Enterprise Workplace Edition (hereafter referred to as Pointsec PC) is designed and how it should be deployed. Who should read this guide? Administrators who will be deploying and administrating Pointsec PC, and providing Remote Help within their organization should read this guide. Related Documentation This release includes the following documentation: TABLE P-1 Pointsec PC documentation Title This document contains... Pointsec PC Installation Guide Instructions and information on how to install Pointsec PC the first time, the so-called master installation. 1 Related Documentation TABLE P-1 Pointsec PC documentation Title This document contains... Pointsec PC Deployment Guide Describes an imaginary, but realistic, customer environment and how to deploy Pointsec PC on the computers in that environment. Pointsec PC Quick Start Guide Contains guidance related to among other things, the master installation, configuring installation profiles, and deploying via the installation profiles. Pointsec PC Release Notes • • System requirements Current information about the product, such as • new features and functions in the current release, • problems that have been fixed since the previous release, and • any known issues about the current release. 2 Contact Information Contact Information If you require information on Check Point’s other security products or services, or if you should encounter any problems with Pointsec PC, please visit our web site or call us. TABLE P-2 Telephone Web site Contact information Technical Support Sales The Americas 972-444-6600 1-800-429-4391 International +972-3-6115100 https://secureknowledge .checkpoint.com/. http://partners.us.checkpoint.com Here you can search for a Check Point sales partner near you. Our SecureKnowledge center is a comprehensive self-service database designed to quickly and easily answer all of your technical installation, configuration and upgrade needs on Check Point products. Overview of PC Security With computer security becoming increasingly important, almost all focus has been on securing large, multi-user machines. This makes sense because mainframes and large servers are not only major repositories of data, they are also crucial to daily operations. However, there is an equally serious and growing risk of compromise to the many smaller, mostly single-user, machines such as desktop and laptop PCs, as well as even Pocket PC, Palm OS and other PDAs. These computers frequently store an enterprise’s most current and valuable information. Increasingly, portable computers also store passwords, logon scripts, and certificates used to access the enterprise network. The small size and portability of these computers mean that they are also much more vulnerable than large machines are to theft or illicit access. Preface 3 PC Security Methods and Technologies An additional and often unrecognized problem is that a PC is the most available and vulnerable starting point for access to a network. Studies of computer crime reveal that insiders pose the largest threat. Clearly, providing secure PCs is an essential component of establishing network security. PC Security Methods and Technologies A variety of methods and technologies have been employed to secure PCs and their contents, including physical controls (cables, locks on power supplies, anchored docking stations, etc.) and electronic means such as data encryption, user authentication, audit logs and tracking utilities. Physical access control is becoming less relevant, with users insisting on portability. Consequently, there is an increasing emphasis on electronic protection. There are two general types of electronic PC security: file and full disk encryption, and boot protection/authentication. The following graphic illustrates the difference between unprotected data, standard file encryption and Pointsec PC protection: FIGURE P-1 4 Pointsec PC Security Features and Benefits File and Full Disk Encryption File encryption enables users to protect vital data. It is usually easy to implement but is subject to user discretion regarding what to secure, and the willingness of users to consistently follow security procedures. Given this dependence on user compliance, organizations seeking to enforce a security policy often find file encryption insufficient. Unlike file encryption, which leaves security holes, Pointsec PC encrypts the entire disk sector by sector, including the system files, temp files, and even deleted files. The encryption is user-transparent and automatic, so there is no need for user intervention or user training. Because the encryption occurs in the background without noticeable performance loss, there is no user downtime. This provides enforceable security that cannot be bypassed by the user. Boot Protection/Authentication The importance of boot protection is often misunderstood or confused with the BIOS password schemes offered by computer manufacturers. Boot protection means authenticating users before a computer is booted. It prevents the operating system from being subverted by unauthorized persons using any of the widely available password cracking tools. These tools have proliferated on the Internet and can be used with devastating effect. Unfortunately, most BIOS-level protection schemes are fatally weak and cannot be tightly linked with full disk encryption. Boot protection has the further advantage of providing an effective deterrent to illicit network access via network-connected machines, especially if these machines are linked as part of a VPN. While controlling access to the computer is important, this does not by itself protect the data stored on the disk. For example, a simple boot floppy disk could be used to bypass boot protection. Alternatively, removing the drive and placing it in another computer will make the file accessible to brute-force hacking attempts. Even in those rare cases where the drive itself is secured with a password, the data is not encrypted and is therefore vulnerable to several types of attacks. To secure this data, it must be encrypted. Once encrypted, the files will be inaccessible to any unauthorized person. Pointsec PC Security Features and Benefits Pointsec PC secures desktop and laptop computers from unauthorized physical access, using both boot protection and full disk encryption. Pointsec PC provides the following security functions: • Strong user authentication Preface 5 Managing Pointsec PC • Support for user identification using dynamic tokens, USB tokens and smart cards • Secure Remote Help for users who have forgotten their passwords • Central configuration and administration • Keyboard lock and screen saver for Windows-based computers • Limited number of failed logon attempts with automatic locking • Audit logging of events such as successful and failed logon attempts With Pointsec PC, all logical partitions/volumes are boot protected and encrypted. The careful integration of boot protection and automatic encryption provides a high degree of security with minimal impact on users. Boot protection prevents subversion of the operating system or the introduction of rogue programs, while sector-by-sector encryption makes it impossible to copy individual files for brute force attacks. Full disk encryption secures the data even if the disk is removed and loaded into a controlled machine. This ensures security by allowing an organization to determine the security level instead of leaving it up to the user to see that the information is encrypted. Pointsec PC uses full disk encryption to guarantee that unauthorized users cannot access or manipulate information on a protected computer, from either available, erased or temporary files. Pointsec PC safeguards the operating system and the important system files (which often contain clues to passwords for Windows), shared devices and the network. Managing Pointsec PC Pointsec PC administration is designed to allow central control of policy and security settings, decentralized deployment and daily administration. Using Pointsec PC profiles, system administrators are able to install and configure the system, delegate authorization throughout the network, modify the system for local conditions, and assign the properties and authorization of individual users. Pointsec PC allows simple but powerful local and central logging of system information, group information and individual user account information. Deploying Pointsec PC The Pointsec PC program is first installed and configured on a Pointsec PC administrator’s workstation. Once Pointsec PC has been configured on that workstation, the system administrator can configure a Pointsec PC 6 Languages Supported in Pointsec PC installation profile containing all the information and software necessary to install and manage Pointsec PC on the PCs to which it is deployed on the network. Note - When Pointsec PC is installed on a client using deployment software such as SMS or Tivoli, the service that runs the msi.exe must be run as LOCAL_SYSTEM, and the service must have “Interact with desktop” activated. If the service is run as a normal user account, the installation will fail. Languages Supported in Pointsec PC Pointsec PC supports the following languages in the preboot environment, in the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC), and in the tray application: • English • French • German • Japanese • Italian • Spanish All other languages into which Pointsec PC has been localized are supported only in the preboot environment and in the tray application. See Appendix E, “Language Packs” for a complete list of the languages into which Pointsec PC has been localized. Pointsec PC in a Common Criteria EAL-4 Environment Pointsec PC is a flexible security product. However, in a Common Criteria (CC) EAL-4 environment, not all possible Pointsec PC configurations are permitted. We recommend that administrators installing, deploying and managing Pointsec PC in a CC-validated environment do the following: • Pay particular attention to notes and other CC information in this guide • Read and comply with the requirements documented in Appendix J, “Pointsec PC Common Criteria Configuration” Preface 7 Pointsec PC in a Common Criteria EAL-4 Environment 8 1 Chapter An Administration Overview Pointsec PC should be managed using different levels of authority. It can be managed from the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC) on any computer that has Pointsec PC installed. This gives administrators control over and easy access to higher-level functionality without being tied to any one machine. This chapter explains different levels of authority, how to use them, how to access administration functions from any computer, and how to establish the initial system settings. Administration Levels Many businesses define only two levels of authority: a system administrator, who has full authority, and users whose authority is limited to logging on and receiving remote help. But you can also configure Pointsec PC to have many levels of administration: a system administrator level and several other administrator levels. These levels allow for centralized control of the creation of the profiles that are used to install, update, and uninstall Pointsec PC on client computers while simultaneously allowing local control of the deployment of those profiles. With Pointsec PC you can implement a hierarchical system for administration. An example of such an administration hierarchy, using a system administrator level and an administrator level, is described below. System Administrator You can configure the system administrator to have the highest authorization level in the administration of Pointsec PC. 9 Administrator See Chapter 3, “Configuring Group and User Account Settings”, and note the screen image of Privileged Permissions in the PCMC below, which illustrates security-sensitive settings that you might want to restrict to sysadmins. See also the description of authority levels in Chapter 4, “Group Authority Levels” on page page 61. In the example below, system administrators will, among other things, be able to perform the following tasks in the system: • Create and manage profiles • Configure system settings • Add and remove administrators and user accounts • Configure settings for administrators and user accounts • Give Remote Help to users who are locked out or have forgotten their passwords. Figure 1-1 At least two competent individuals must be designated as system administrators to manage Pointsec PC and the security of the information it contains. It is imperative that Pointsec PC system administrators receive adequate training and are not careless, willfully negligent or hostile. Pointsec PC system administrative personnel should follow the instructions provided in this guide. Pointsec PC system administrators must keep their authentication data private. Administrator Administrators should be given more limited authority in relation to what has been defined for the system administrator in the system settings. 10 User Level An administrator can add, remove and change certain settings for specific users. Administrators are not allowed to work with users who have higher administration privileges than they do, nor can they raise their own authorization level. Administrators are usually allowed to provide Remote Help and to modify profiles. Only users who can be trusted to follow and abide by the instructions provided in this guide should be designated as Pointsec PC administrators. Pointsec PC administrators must keep their authentication data private. Note - By default, Pointsec PC administrators have the same authority as users. The system administrator determines the amount of authority an administrator has by configuring the authority settings in the System Settings dialog box. For more information, see below. User Level Users have limited authority, according to what has been defined by the system administrator in the system settings. Each user is assigned an account with a unique user identity and password that together authorize access to the entire hard disk. Authorized Pointsec PC users must keep their authentication data private. Typical Permissions for Roles This section describes an example of a hierarchic authority structure to give you an idea of how permissions can be configured to give different specific users different levels of authority. The following tables list Privileged Permissions, Permissions and Remote Help settings for a possible structure with Pointsec PC user accounts, administrators, and system administrators. This structure provides a good level of security, but you will probably want to define your own structure. Table 1-1 Privileged Permissions Privileged Permissions User Administrator System Administrator Change Permissions for User Accounts X Change Privileged Permissions X Create User Accounts X Create Groups X Create Profiles X Remove User Accounts X Chapter 1 An Administration Overview 11 Typical Permissions for Roles Table 1-1 Privileged Permissions Privileged Permissions User Administrator System Administrator Remove Groups X Remove Profiles X Edit System Settings X Table 1-2 Permissions Permissions User Administrator System Administrator Change Password X Change Single Sign-On X View Logs X X Uninstall X X Provide Remote Help X X Management Console Logon X X Edit System Settings X Create Recovery Media X Table 1-3 Remote Help Settings Permissions/Remote Help User Administrator System Administrator Provide ‘Reset Password’ X X Provide ‘One Time Logon’ X X Receive ‘Reset Password’ X Receive ‘One Time Logon’ X For more information, see “Configuring Group and User Account Settings” on page 43. 12 Overview of the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC) Overview of the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC) The Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC) gives you quick and easy access to all Pointsec PC functions. To start the PCMC: 1. Click Start, navigate to the Check Point program group and select Pointsec PC → Management Console. The Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC) program starts: Figure 1-2 Note - If you start the PCMC on a computer that has a network connection but no access to Internet, the PCMC can be slow in starting. The PCMC’s .exe file is signed with a digital signature for security, and when this file starts, Windows attempts to reach the publisher’s Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to see if the .exe file’s certificate has been revoked. If the CRL cannot be reached via the network connection, it takes a long time for the PCMC to start. To circumvent this delay, open Internet Explorer, select Tools → Internet Properties or Internet Options (depending on the version). Click the Advanced tab. In the Settings window, scroll down to the heading Security and clear the Check for publisher’s certificate revocation check box. Click OK. Chapter 1 An Administration Overview 13 PCMC Dialog PCMC Dialog In the PCMC dialog, you can select an option either in the folder tree to the left or by clicking the active link in the relevant dialog box image in the pane to the right, for example, “Go to Local”. The PCMC dialog contains the following options: Table 1-4 PCMC Dialog Option Description Local Installation Select to manage the local installation of the Pointsec PC. Remote Installation Select to manage profiles, logs, and recovery files for remote installations. Remote Help Select to help locked-out users change the account password or temporarily logon. PCMC Menu Bar The menu bar contains the File and Help menus. The File menu contains the following options: Table 1-5 File Menu Options Option Description Extend Authority Enables system administrators and administrators to use PCMC on any computer where Pointsec PC has been installed. See “Extending Authority” on page 14 for more information. Import Set Configurations... See Chapter 6, “Working with Configuration Sets”. Export All Set Configurations... See Chapter 6, “Working with Configuration Sets”. Exit Select to save any changes you have made and exit Pointsec Admin. Extending Authority The Extend Authority option enables administrators to use PCMC to access administrator functions on any computer with Pointsec PC installed. To extend authority: 1. From the File menu, select Extend Authority. The Extend Authority dialog box opens: 14 PCMC Menu Bar Figure 1-3 2. Do one of the following: • Enter the user account name and authenticate with an authorized administrator password, and if you use a smart card for authentication select Use inserted smart card. Click OK. • If you are locked out, click Remote Help to receive assistance logging on. After authentication, you can manage Pointsec PC from this computer. Chapter 1 An Administration Overview 15 PCMC Menu Bar 16 2 Chapter Configuring System Settings This chapter provides a general introduction to the system settings with which you configure Pointsec PC. System settings are related to installation, the hardware devices used for authentication, logon, Wake-on-LAN, required path specifications, and a number of other aspects of the product such as Remote Help, screen savers and hibernation. Other settings - those for Groups and User Accounts - are relevant for volume access, logging on, authentication, permissions, Remote Help, single sign-on and password synchronization. These settings are described in Chapter 3, “Configuring Group and User Account Settings”. Accessing Local Settings Local settings are settings for the machine on which you are logged on, usually the machine on which Pointsec PC is first installed and from which the installation of Pointsec PC will be deployed to all clients. The PC Management Console (PCMC), shown below, allows you to work with system, local and remote settings. It provides wizards for defining, among other things: sets, groups, and users accounts. To access the local settings: 1. Start Pointsec and select one of the following: • Local in the folder tree to the left • Go To Local under Local Installation in the main panel 17 Accessing Local Settings Figure 2-1 The Local dialog box is displayed: Figure 2-2 18 Status Information Status Information The following Status information is displayed in the main panel: Table 2-1 Status Information Status field Explanation Locally installed version The version of Pointsec PC currently installed on this machine. Preboot User Account The name of the user account that authenticated at preboot. PCMC User Account The name of the user account currently logged on to PCMC. Windows Integrated Logon enabled The current value specified for the Windows Integrated Logon Enabled setting: On or Off. Last Recovery Update Date and time the most recent recovery file was created. Last Recovery File Delivery Date and time a recovery file was last copied to its target directory. The target directory is the directory specified under Recovery Path in the Install settings under System Settings. Last Log File Update Date and time the log file was last updated by Pointsec PC. Last Log File Delivery Date and time the log file was last written by Pointsec PC. The file name of the log file is the same as the name of the machine. The log file is written to the same directory or directories as specified in Set Central Log Path (Install settings under System Settings). Last Local Update Date and time of the most recent change to a Local setting; also contains the user account name that made the change. Last Update Profile Date and time the most recent update profile was downloaded and the path, including the profile name, from which is was downloaded. Encryption Information The following Encryption information relevant to each volume is displayed: Table 2-2 Encryption Information Text Explanation Encrypting name nn% Displays the progress of encryption, including the name of the encryption algorithm and the percentage of encryption completed. Fully encrypted name States that the volume is fully encrypted and the name of the algorithm used to encrypt it. Decrypting nn% Displays the progress of decryption as the percentage of decryption completed. Unencrypted States that the volume is unencrypted. Error An error has occurred during encryption or decryption. Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 19 Editing Settings Note - If a disk is neither encrypted nor boot protected, it is not listed/displayed in the encryption information in the PCMC. Editing Settings To edit settings: 1. In the main panel under Actions, click Edit Settings. The folder tree is displayed in the left panel. 2. Click the folder of the settings you wish to edit. See the following for descriptions and editing details of the various system settings. Hardware Device Settings Hardware Devices contains the following settings: Figure 2-3 Table 2-3 Hardware Device Settings Setting Description Minimum Group Authority Level Required Group authority level required to edit the Hardware Devices settings. Enable PCMCIA Enable connection of smart card readers to a PCMCIA port. Enable Serial Enable connection of smart card readers to a serial port. Enable USB Enable connection of smart card readers to a USB port. Enable Mouse in Preboot Enable mouse support in the Pointsec PC preboot environment. Enable Low Graphics Mode Enable low-graphics mode in the Pointsec PC preboot environment. Allow a Slave Hard Drive Allow the system to use another encrypted drive as a slave drive. Allow Hard Drive To Be Slaved Allow this drive to be a slave drive in other Pointsec PC systems. 20 Install Settings Install Settings Install contains the following settings: Note - For a description of group settings, see Chapter 3, “Configuring Group and User Account Settings”. Figure 2-4 Table 2-4 Install Settings Setting Description Minimum Group Authority Level Required The minimum group authority level required to edit the Install settings. For example, if you set this to 7, user accounts with the group authority levels of 9, 8, and <=7 can edit the Install settings. For more information on group authority levels, see Chapter 4, “Group Authority Levels” on page 17. Organization Name of the organization. This name is displayed in the Information about Pointsec PC dialog box, which is accessed by right clicking on the Pointsec PC icon in the system tray and selecting Information. Maximum length of this value is 255 bytes. Note that all UNICODE characters are not 1 byte in length, but can be 1, 2 or 4 bytes. Thus the length of the value you input depends on the length of the characters in the character set you use. Product Owner Owner of the Pointsec PC product. This is included in Information about Pointsec, which is displayed by clicking on the Pointsec PC icon in the system tray. The maximum length of this value is 255 bytes. Note that all UNICODE characters are not 1 byte in length, but can be 1, 2 or 4 bytes. Thus the length of the value you input depends on the length of the characters in the character set you use. Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 21 Install Settings Table 2-4 Install Settings Setting Description Select Language Sets the language that will be used in the client preboot interface, the client system tray, and the client single sign-on dialog (if single sign-on is active on that client). This language must be one of the languages installed on the machine. If the language specified is not installed on the machine, the language will be set to US English or, if French (Canadian) is specified and not installed, to French. For more information on installing languages, see Chapter D, “Language Support”on 231. Product Serial Number Serial number of the Pointsec PC product. If necessary, this can be changed by right-clicking on the serial number and choosing Change value. A dialog opens where you can either enter your new licence number manually under Pointsec PC Legacy serial number/Check Point Licence or click the Browse button to import a Check Point licence (.lic) file. Pointsec PC supports only one single licence, not multiple licences. This number, with its last six digits masked, is included in Information about Pointsec, which is displayed by clicking on the Pointsec PC icon in the system tray. 22 Install Settings Table 2-4 Install Settings Setting Description Set Update Validation Password The administrator uses Set Update Validation Password to set the password clients will use to validate update profiles they pull from a shared folder. This password is crucial to the update or uninstall process and has a maximum length of 31 bytes. Note that all UNICODE characters are not 1 byte in length, but can be 1, 2 or 4 bytes. Thus the length of the value you input depends on the length of the characters in the character set you use. The update validation password (UVP) on the client is initially set by the installation profile, or manually on the client machine via System Settings/Install/Set Update Validation Password. Example: The UVP on the admin machine is changed to B, and the admin machine deploys an update profile to the clients. This profile has been saved on the admin machine after the UVP has been changed to B (Note that this saving is necessary if the UVP in the profile is to be updated to the current UVP of the admin machine). This deployed profile actually contains both UVPs A and B, and when clients pull the update profile, they accept it because it contains A and, in addition, they recognize that the UVP has been set to B in this profile, so they change their UVPs to B. Now, if a client changed its UVP to C and was used to deploy a UVP (containing UVPs B and C) to all other clients, after pulling the profile the clients would have UVP C. Once they have C, none of these clients will accept an update profile deployed from the admin machine that still has UVP B. Set Log Password The log password prevents unauthorized access to both local and non-local logs. Note that changing the log password triggers Pointsec PC to create a new Central Log file, which has a unique name. The log password cannot be imported into a profile based on local settings; therefore, the log password setting must be specified in a profile that is ‘based on local’. Enable Export of Status to File If enabled, the status information is exported in a file to the directory specified in the Set Central Log Path setting. If no path is specified, the file is not written. For a detailed description of the status information in the file, see Appendix B, “Status Information When Exported to File” on page page 221. Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 23 Install Settings Table 2-4 Install Settings Setting Description Set Upgrade Path Path to the directory or directories from which the installation will download software upgrades. Enter the path(s) to the directory or directories where the Pointsec PC system administrator will place the program upgrade files. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... Pointsec PC downloads these software upgrades automatically in the background at predefined intervals or the next restart. See “Working with Installation and Update Profiles” on page 101 for more information. Set Update Profile Path Path to the directory or directories from which the installation will download update profiles. Enter the path(s) to the directory or directories where Pointsec PC is to look for update profiles to use when updating system and user information. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... Pointsec PC downloads these profiles according to the predefined update interval. Default is every third hour or at the next restart, i.e. when the Pointsec PC Tray program is loaded next. See “Working with Installation and Update Profiles” on page 101 for more information. Set Recovery Path Path to the directory or directories from which the installation will store recovery data. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... Set Central Log Path Path to the directory or directories in which the installation will store a copy of the local log file. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... 24 Logon Settings Table 2-4 Install Settings Setting Description Set PKCS#11 dll Path The path to the PKCS#11 dll file. This setting is used only if you use smart cards and have specific reasons for not using the default method of accessing smart cards. Setting a PKCS#11 path is required if you are going to use the smart card differentiation feature. When smart card differentiation is in enabled, these serial numbers are stored together with user information in a database. When a user tries to log on with a smart card, the PKCS#11 dll collects the smart card ID and certificate and compares these to the smart card ID and certificate information already stored in the user account. This makes it possible to have the same certificate on multiple smart cards while the system can still differentiate between different users by the different smart card IDs. Windows cannot register the PKCS#11 dll file automatically, the path to the file has to be set manually. The dll file is distributed with your smart card so the location depends on the smart card used, refer to your smart card manual to find out where the dll is located. As an example, the PKCS#11 dll file distributed with Aladdin smart cards is found under: WINDOWS\system32\eTpkcs11.dll. Pointsec Service Start Account Username The Windows account to use when starting the Pointsec PC service. Specify the account in the form: [Domain]\[Username]. See Chapter 10, “Using a Service Start Account” on page 149 for more information. Pointsec Service Start Account Password Windows account password to the account that starts the Pointsec PC service in Windows. See Chapter 10, “Using a Service Start Account” on page 149 for more information. Note - Pointsec PC will always use the first available path and will not continue to look for newer files in other paths. Pointsec PC maintains fail-safe communication with these locations by using transactions to communicate. By definition, transactions ensure that only correct and uninterrupted data will be stored and available. Note - All paths should be to network shares that are located using a secure but accessible UNC path. Logon Settings Logon contains the following settings: Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 25 Logon Settings Figure 2-5 Table 2-5 Logon settings Setting Description Minimum Group Authority Level Required The minimum group authority level required to edit the Logon settings. For example, if you set this to 7, user accounts with the group authority levels of 9, 8, and <=7 can edit the Logon settings. For more information on group authority levels, see Chapter 4, “Group Authority Levels” on page 17. Logon Verification Set the number of seconds that the verification text for a successful logon is displayed, or disable the display of the logon verification text. Set Max Failed Logons Before Reboot Set the maximum number of failed logons allowed before a reboot is invoked or disable this function. This setting does not apply to smart cards: a smart card handles the maximum number of failed logons internally, that is, the smart card itself handles what to do when this maximum is exceeded. The value of the Max Failed Logons Before Reboot must be set to three or fewer in a Common Criteria validated environment. Skip Management Console Logon When this setting is selected, Pointsec PC reuses the credentials entered for preboot authentication for the logon to the Management Console. Thus, no manual logon to the Management Console is required. This will work only if the user account has permission to access to the Management Console. This setting and the Windows Integrated Logon setting (under “Logon Settings” above) logon cannot both be enabled at the same time. If they are, the system will deny you access to the Management Console. 26 Remote Help Settings Table 2-5 Logon settings Setting Description Allow Hibernation and Crash Dumps Allow the client to be put into hibernation and to write memory dumps. This setting is enabled by default. This setting, when selected, enables Pointsec PC protection when the workstation is in hibernation mode. It also enables the writing of memory dumps. On the Pointsec PC-protected workstation, all volumes selected for encryption must be fully encrypted before Pointsec PC will allow hibernation. See the current release notes for information on operating system and hardware requirements. When a machine is hibernating, only the Pointsec PC user account that initiated the hibernation may logon to preboot authentication. To allow another user account to use this machine, a Remote Help session is required. Consider operational security management when enabling hibernation. As Pointsec PC supports one-time logon and remote password change in hibernation mode, you must ensure that the user requesting this help is legitimate. For more information, see chapter 12, “Remote Help” on page 173 for more information. If this setting is changed, the PC must be rebooted before the change takes effect. A dialog box will be displayed, informing you about this. For hibernation to function, the system disk on which Windows is installed must be encrypted. Hibernation will not function with boot-only protection. Remote Help Settings Remote Help contains the following settings: Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 27 Screen Saver Settings Figure 2-6 Table 2-6 Remote Help settings Setting Description Minimum Group Authority Level Required The minimum group authority level required to edit the Remote Help settings. For example, if you set this to 7, user accounts with the group authority levels of 9, 8, and <=7 can edit the Remote Help settings. For more information on group authority levels, see Chapter 4, “Group Authority Levels” on page 17. Enable Remote Help Enable Remote Help functionality? Select Yes or No. By selecting this option, you enable users to use Remote Help on this computer. The corresponding group and/or user account settings must also be selected to enable providing and/or receiving Remote Help: Permissions -> Remote Help -> Receive One-Time Password or Receive One-Time Logon or Provide One-Time Password or Provide One-Time Logon. For Remote Help to function, both the user account of the Remote-Help provider and of the Remote-Help recipient must exist on the computer. Note also that the Remote-Help provider’s group authority level must be equal to or higher than the group authority level of the Remote-Help recipient. Use 20-Character Challenge Select to use a 20-character challenge instead of the default 10-character challenge in Remote Help sessions. Screen Saver Settings Screen Saver contains the following settings: 28 System Passwords Policy Settings Figure 2-7 Table 2-7 Screen Saver settings Setting Description Minimum Group Authority Level Required The minimum group authority level required to edit the Screen Saver settings. For example, if you set this to 7, user accounts with the group authority levels of 9, 8, and <=7 can edit the Screen Saver settings. For more information on group authority levels, see Chapter 4, “Group Authority Levels” on page 17. Set Screen Saver Text Specify the text that will be displayed in the Pointsec for PC screen saver. Allow Windows Screen Saver Select to allow the Windows screen saver. Clear the checkbox is you do not want the Windows screen saver to be used. System Passwords Policy Settings System Passwords Policy contains the following settings: Figure 2-8 Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 29 Wake-on-LAN Settings Table 2-8 System Password Policy settings Setting Description Minimum Group Authority Level Required The minimum group authority level required to edit the System Passwords Policy settings. For example, if you set this to 7, user accounts with the group authority levels of 9, 8, and <=7 can edit the System Passwords Policy settings. For more information on group authority levels, see Chapter 4, “Group Authority Levels” on page 17. Windows Complexity Requirements If enabled, Pointsec PC will enforce password requirements similar to the Windows Complexity Requirements: • The password must at least be six characters long. • The password must contain characters from at least three of the following four categories: • • English uppercase characters • English lowercase characters • Base 10 digits • Non-alphanumeric (for example: !, $, #, or %) The password must not contain the username. Require Letters and Digits Both letters and digits must be used in passwords if this setting is active. Case Sensitivity Accept upper- and lowercase letters in passwords. If the value of this setting is “No”, all letters are interpreted as uppercase regardless of their case when entered. Allow Special Characters Allow the use of the following other special characters:; ! " # $ % && ' ( ) * + , - . / : < = > ? @ { }. Allow Consecutive, Identical Characters Allow more than two consecutive, identical characters in passwords. Require Upper and Lower Case The password must contain both upper and lower case characters. Allow Embedded Space Characters Passwords may contain embedded space characters. Allow Leading or Trailing Space Characters Allow leading or trailing space characters or both. Allow Password of Adjoining Characters Allow a password to consist of a series of characters from adjoining keys on the keyboard. Set Minimum Length Set the minimum length for passwords. Wake-on-LAN Settings Wake-on-LAN contains the following settings: 30 Wake-on-LAN Settings Figure 2-9 Table 2-9 Wake-on-LAN settings Setting Description Minimum Group Authority Level Required The minimum group authority level required to edit the Wake-on-LAN settings. For example, if you set this to 7, user accounts with the group authority levels of 9, 8, and <=7 can edit the Wake-on-LAN settings. For more information on group authority levels, see Chapter 4, “Group Authority Levels” on page 17. Enable Wake on LAN Enable Wake-on-LAN functionality. This setting will cause the computer to automatically boot after the time specified under Wake On LAN Set Start Delay, below. For more information see Chapter 13, “Pointsec PC Utilities”. On a machine on which Wake-on-LAN is enabled, carrying out either of the following actions will disable Wake-on-LAN: (1) entering any keystroke in the PPBE authentication window, or (2) successfully logging on to the PCMC. After either of these actions, Wake-on-LAN must again be enabled via this setting. In a Common Criteria validated environment, this setting must be disabled. Set Start Delay The delay in minutes after which a Wake-on-LAN boot starts. Allow Windows Logon Allow a Windows logon after a Wake-on-LAN boot. Set Expiration Date Set the date on which the Wake-on-LAN functionality will be disabled. Set Max Number of Logons Allowed Set the maximum number of Wake-on-LAN logons allowed, if any. Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 31 Windows Integrated Logon Settings Windows Integrated Logon Settings The Windows Integrated Logon (WIL) function enables users to log on without preboot authentication. This functionality is described in “Pointsec PC Windows Integrated Logon (WIL)” in Chapter 13, “Pointsec PC Utilities”. Windows Integrated Logon (WIL) contains the following settings: Figure 2-10 32 Windows Integrated Logon Settings Table 2-10 Windows Integrated Logon (WIL) settings Setting Description Minimum Group Authority Level Required The minimum group authority level required to edit the Windows Integrated Logon settings. For example, if you set this to 7, user accounts with the group authority levels of 9, 8, and <=7 can edit the Windows Integrated Logon settings. For more information on group authority levels, see Chapter 4, “Group Authority Levels” on page 17. Windows Integrated Logon Select this to enable user accounts to log on without preboot authentication, that is, to bypass authentication at startup. Note that this setting affects all your users. See the information on WIL in “Pointsec PC Windows Integrated Logon (WIL)” on page 181. In a Common Criteria validated environment, this setting must be disabled. If both Windows Integrated Logon and Change Credentials in the Pointsec PS Tray (Figure 3-4 on page 46) are enabled, Change Credentials in the Pointsec PS Tray will be disabled and grayed out in the tray menu. Note that this setting and the Skip Management Console Logon setting (under “Logon Settings” above) cannot both be enabled at the same time. If they are, the system will deny you access to the Management Console. Set PPBE Failure WIL Message The text specified in this setting is the message that will be displayed to the user when WIL has been disabled automatically. Enable Network Locations Awareness Enables or disables the Network Locations Awareness function. Set Network Locations Specifies the IP addresses that the Network Locations Awareness module will ping during Windows boot. Set Max Failed Windows Logon Attempts Maximum number of logon attempts in Windows before WIL is automatically disabled. This value is reset after a successful logon has been performed. Display Enable WIL Switch Displays the 'Enable WIL' switch in the tray icon menu and in preboot. This setting enables the user to disable WIL if the user, for example, is to remove the computer from the network to work from another location, it saves the user from a reboot at the next start-up when WIL is automatically disabled. Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 33 The Export to CSV File Button Table 2-10 Windows Integrated Logon (WIL) settings Setting Description Enable Hardware Hash Specifies if a hardware hash from the BIOS ROM area together with data from the CPU will be calculated to ensure that the hard drive has not been tampered with. Bypass PPBE WIL Message This setting will be reflected in PPBE when the user selects the 'Don’t show this message again'-checkbox in the PPBE WIL message dialog. This setting is useful for users who regularly disconnect their computers from the network and do not want to see the message explaining that WIL has been automatically disabled each time. Set WIL User Screen Saver Time-out Time in minutes before the screen saver is activated for WIL users. The Export to CSV File Button The Export CVS File button in the Local dialog box allows you to export the settings to a tab-separated CVS file. Note that you can also right-click a group or user account folder and select Export to CSV to export the settings for just that folder. The Print Settings Button The Print Settings button in the Local dialog box allows you to print the settings, for a group or user account folder that is selected. Note that you can also right-click a group or user account folder and select Print to print the settings for just that folder. Printing Settings The Print Settings option in the Local dialog box allows you to print the local settings. Note - Before printing local settings you must have already set up the printer or printers you want to use. 34 Printing Settings Figure 2-11 To print local settings: 1. Click Print Settings. The Print dialog box is displayed: Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 35 Exporting Settings to a CSV File Figure 2-12 2. Select a printer and click OK to print the settings. Exporting Settings to a CSV File The Export Settings to CVS File option in the Local dialog box allows you to export the settings to a file as tab-separated CSV values. Viewing the Event Log Database The View Event Log Database option in the Local dialog box allows you to view the event log database as necessary. 36 Viewing the Event Log Database Figure 2-13 To view the log: 1. Click View Event Log Database. The Log Viewer dialog box is displayed: Figure 2-14 Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 37 Viewing the Event Log Database Note that you can export the log by clicking on the Export button. Then specify the name of the file that will contain the log, as well as the file type in the Save as type drop-down box. Valid file types are XML, CSV (Comma Separated Values) and TSV (Tab Separated Values). Then click Save. Each log entry contains the following elements: Table 2-11 Log Entry Elements Heading Explanation Priority This includes both the icon that represents the type of event (Info, Warning, Error, Success, or Failure) and the level of that type of event (Low, Normal, High). ID Each event has a unique ID, and you might be requested to provide this ID when communicating with Pointsec Support. Timestamp The timestamp showing when the event was recorded in the log. Description Text that describes the event. To view detailed log entry information: 1. Do one of the following: • Double click the log entry you want to see in more detail. • Right click the entry you want to see in more detail and select Details. The Log Entry Details dialog box is displayed: 38 Filtering Log Entries Figure 2-15 To exclude events from the display list: 1. Right click the entry you wish to exclude from the list and select Hide this kind. All events with the same ID will be excluded from the display list. To redisplay them, click Apply. Filtering Log Entries The logs can be customized to contain the information you desire. You can select any combination of event type (Info, Warning, Error, Success, Failure) and event level (High, Normal or Low for Warnings), and only those types and levels selected will appear in the log. User account name, description text and timestamp filter can also be filtered for. Event Type You can select the types of events to be included in the log from the list below. To select event types to be displayed in the log: 1. Select the checkbox of the event type(s) you want included in the log, and click Apply. Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 39 Filtering Log Entries The following types of events can be displayed: Table 2-12 Event Types Event type Description Info An informational event. Warning A warning event is issued to make the administrator aware of something. Error Signifies a Pointsec PC error. Success Signifies a successful action, for example, a successful logon. Failure Signifies a unsuccessful action, for example, a failed logon or a failed password change. Event Level Each event is assigned a level of either High, Normal or Low. The level is displayed immediately to the right of the icon that represents the type of event. Figure 2-16 To select event levels to be displayed in the log: 1. For each type of event, select the level of event you want to appear in the log. Click Apply. User Account Name To filter events according to user account name: 1. Enter the user account name in the Filter for User Name field and click Apply. This field is not case sensitive and all input is displayed in upper case characters. Description Text To filter events according to description text: 1. Enter the description text in the Filter for Description Text field and click Apply. This field is case sensitive. 40 Exporting Logs Timestamp Filter To filter events according to timestamp: 1. Select Timestamp Filter. The corresponding fields of the Logs dialog box are activated: Figure 2-17 2. Select one of the following: • Before Displays all events before the date and time you specify in the End field. Note that you can filter for all events before a certain date (without specifying a specific time on that day) by clearing the time of day in the field in which the time is specified. • After Displays all events after the date and time you specify in the End field. Note that you can filter for all events after a certain date (without specifying a specific time on that day) by clearing the time of day in the field in which the time is specified. • Within Time Span Displays all events within the dates and times you specify in the Start and End fields. Note that you can filter for all events between two dates (without specifying a specific time or times on one or both days) by clearing the time of day in the field in which the time is specified. Similarly, you can filter for events between two times on one day. 3. Click Apply. Exporting Logs The log export functionality allows log content to be exported in the following formats, which support import into other management and data systems: Comma Separated Values (CSV), Tab Separated Values (TSV) and XML. This includes logs from Local Settings or from a configuration set. Export can be done on the basis of selectable criteria. Chapter 2 Configuring System Settings 41 Exporting Logs To export logs: 1. Select Export Local Log Database in the Local dialog box: Figure 2-18 The Save As window is displayed: Figure 2-19 2. Specify the name of the file that will contain the log, as well as the file type in the Save as type drop-down box. Valid file types are XML, CSV (Comma Separated Values) and TSV (Tab Separated Values). 3. Click Save. 42 3 Chapter Configuring Group and User Account Settings This chapter provides a general introduction to the settings that can be specified for both groups and user accounts. These settings are related to volume access, logging on, authentication, permissions, single sign-on and password synchronization. Each setting has a default value, but a value that has been set (specified) always overrides a default value. Thus, for certain important settings, for example, those related to password policy, you may want to set the values rather than relying on the defaults. Local Settings for Groups and User Accounts To open the Local Settings: 1. Start Pointsec and select one of the following: • Local in the folder tree to the left • Go To Local under Local Installation in the main panel 43 Local Settings for Groups and User Accounts Figure 3-1 2. The Local dialog box is displayed: Figure 3-2 44 System Settings for Groups 3. Click Edit Settings and the folder tree under Local is displayed in the left panel. This group of settings can be specified for both groups and user accounts. 4. Do one of the following: • For group settings Under Groups, expand the System folder to see the folders that contain Group Settings. • For user settings Under User Accounts, expand the tree for a user (ADMIN in the example below) and then expand the Account Settings folder that is displayed; you will see the folders containing the account settings. You also see that the same settings exist for both groups and user accounts: Figure 3-3 System Settings for Groups 1. Click System under Groups and the following setting is displayed: Chapter 3 Configuring Group and User Account Settings 45 System Settings for Groups Figure 3-4 Table 3-1 System settings for groups Setting Description GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) The GUID is a unique reference number that identifies each group and user account. GUIDs are used internally by Pointsec PC to guarantee each group and user account’s uniqueness. Group Settings 1. Click Group Settings and the following settings are displayed: Figure 3-5 Table 3-2 46 Group Settings Setting Description Logon Authorized User accounts in this group are allowed to log on. System Settings for Groups Table 3-2 Group Settings Setting Description Set Screen Saver Timeout Time in minutes before the screen saver is activated. Set Expiration Date The date on which this group will expire. Set Group Authority Level Set the group authority level for this group. See “Group Authority Levels” on page 61 for detailed information on group authority levels. Logon Settings 1. Click Logon under Group Settings and the following settings are displayed: Figure 3-6 Table 3-3 Logon settings Setting Description Set Max Failed Logons Set the maximum number of failed logons allowed before the account is locked. For smart card users, the smart card is locked when the maximum number of failed logons configured for the individual smart card is exceeded. However, the Pointsec PC Set Max Failed Logons setting is not used for smart cards. Therefore, the user account using the smart card will not be locked even though the smart card is locked. Chapter 3 Configuring Group and User Account Settings 47 System Settings for Groups Table 3-3 Logon settings Setting Description Set Logon Limit Set the maximum number of successful logons allowed before the account is locked. Set Failed Attempts Before Temporary Lockout Set the number of failed logon attempts before a temporary lockout occurs. Set Temporary Lockout Time Set the duration in minutes of a temporary lockout. Authentication Settings Fixed Password Pointsec PC supports Unicode characters in passwords. See “Keyboard Layouts” on page 237 for the keyboards (locale codes) supported and “Language Packs” on page 233 for the languages supported. 1. Click Fixed Password and the settings are displayed: Figure 3-7 48 System Settings for Groups Table 3-4 Fixed Password settings Setting Description Windows Complexity Requirements When enabled, each time the password is changed, Pointsec PC will enforce password requirements similar to the following Windows Complexity Requirements: • The password must at least be six characters long. • The password must contain characters from at least three of the following categories: – English uppercase characters – English lowercase characters – Base 10 digits – Non-alphanumeric symbols (for example:!, $, #, or%). • The password must not contain the username. Uppercase and lowercase characters other than English characters can also be used; contact Microsoft for information on exactly what can be used. If the new password does not meet the criteria described above, the password change is rejected and a message communicating this is displayed to the user. Passwords are checked at the following times: • When changed in Pointsec PC preboot authentication. • At Windows logon. • When changing password via the PCMC. Require Letters and Integers Require that both letters and integers be used in passwords. In a Common Criteria validated environment, this setting must be enabled. Case Sensitivity Accept uppercase and lowercase letters in passwords. If the check box is cleared, all letters are interpreted as uppercase regardless of their case when entered. Allow Special Characters Allow the use of the following special characters:! “# $% & ' () * +, -. /:; < = >? @ {} Allow Consecutive, Identical Characters Allow more than two consecutive, identical characters in passwords. In a Common Criteria validated environment, this setting must be disabled. Chapter 3 Configuring Group and User Account Settings 49 System Settings for Groups Table 3-4 Fixed Password settings Setting Description Require Upper and Lower Case Require that passwords contain both uppercase and lowercase characters. In a Common Criteria validated environment, this setting must be enabled. Allow Embedded Space Characters Allow passwords with embedded space characters. Allow Leading or Trailing Space Characters Allow leading or trailing space characters, or both. Allow Password of Adjoining Characters Allow passwords to consist of a series of characters from adjoining keys on the keyboard. Set Minimum Length Set the minimum length for passwords. In a Common Criteria validated environment, The value of this setting must be 8. Set Minimum Age Set the minimum age of passwords in days, or no limitation for password age. Minimum password age is the number of days the password must exist before being changed. Set Maximum Age Set the maximum allowed age of a password in days. If you have specified a maximum age at the group level, and later decide you want it set at the user account level, do the following (Do not use “Disable”, which only disables the feature): 1. Right click Set Maximum Age in Group Settings. 2. Select Reset value. 3. Click OK. 4. Specify the new maximum age for each user account. Password History 50 Number of passwords that must be used before a previously used password may be used again. Note that passwords created in the PCMC are not saved in the password history. System Settings for Groups Note - If you specify that a group of accounts must use fixed passwords, you must ensure that the settings for the passwords meet strict security standards: • Always specify complex passwords that require letters, numbers, special characters and spaces. Do not include repeating characters. • Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters. • Use non-alphanumeric symbols such as the dollar sign ($) and percentage symbol (%). • Pointsec PC supports Unicode characters in passwords. See “Keyboard Layouts” on page 237 for the keyboards (locale codes) supported and “Language Packs” on page 233 for the languages supported. • Make sure the password does not include any word that can be found in a dictionary – you can use parts of words. • Make sure the password can be remembered without having to be written down. • When deploying Pointsec PC, create a policy to go with the password, including end-user education and enforcement as well as a procedure for action if someone forgets their password or simply cannot get it to work. Smart Card 1. Click Smart Card and the settings are displayed: Figure 3-8 Chapter 3 Configuring Group and User Account Settings 51 System Settings for Groups Table 3-1 Smart Card settings Setting Description Certificate Expiration Warning The time in days before the certificate expires and a warning is displayed to the user. Certificate Expiration Action The action that will be taken when a certificate expires. Certificate Revocation Action The action that will be taken when a certificate is revoked. Windows Smart Card Insertion/Removal Handling These settings make it possible to control the action taken when a smart card-authenticated user removes the smart card. 1. Click Windows Smart Card Insertion/Removal Handling and the following settings are displayed: Figure 3-9 52 System Settings for Groups Table 3-2 Windows Smart Card Insertion/Removal Handling settings Setting Description Use Pointsec Token Insertion/Removal Handling Enables/disables the Pointsec PC . If this feature is disabled, the Windows Token Removal Handling feature is used instead. Action If Smart Card Is Removed Action that will be taken if a smart card is removed. The following actions can be set: • • • • • Do nothing - the user continues to be logged on. Lock the workstation – the screen lock is activated and the user needs to re-authenticate. Log off the user – the system returns to the initial Windows user logon screen. This log off action will be forced after 30 seconds. Log off and shut down – the system logs off the user, closes all open applications and saves data before shutting down the system. The shutdown will be forced after 30 seconds. Shut down immediately – the systems shuts down immediately without any regard to open applications or data being processed. Privileged Permissions Settings 1. Click Privileged Permissions and the following settings are displayed: Figure 3-10 Chapter 3 Configuring Group and User Account Settings 53 System Settings for Groups Table 3-3 Privileged Permissions settings Setting Description Change Permissions Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to change permissions. Change Privileged Permissions Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to change privileged permissions. Create User Accounts Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to: • Create user accounts. • Edit other user accounts’ names. • Edit other user accounts’ fixed passwords. Note that this setting does not allow these accounts to change/edit their own names or fixed passwords; to do that the Permissions setting, Change Credentials must be enabled. See Permissions Settings, below. Create Groups Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to create groups. Advanced Profile Editing Set whether or not to allow the following: • Opening and editing of profiles created in versions of Pointsec for PC prior to the current version. • Changing the GUID on groups and users. Create Profiles Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to create profiles. Remove User Accounts Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to remove user accounts. Remove Groups Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to remove groups. Remove Profiles Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to remove profiles. Edit System Settings Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to edit the system configuration under System Settings. Grants the account the authority to change the local system settings on the computer they are logged in to. These changes can be overridden with an update profile. When this option is not selected, editing system settings will not be available to the user account. See “Working with Installation and Update Profiles” on page 101 for more information. Access to Local Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to access Local in the Pointsec PC folder tree. Access to Remote Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to access Remote in the Pointsec PC folder tree. Permissions Settings 1. Click Permissions and the settings are displayed: 54 System Settings for Groups Figure 3-11 Table 3-4 Permissions settings Setting Description Change Credentials Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to change their own fixed passwords and/or credentials. Note that for account(s) to be able to change other user accounts’ fixed passwords and/or user account names, the Privileged Permissions setting Create Users must be enabled. See Create Users under Privileged Permission settings, above. To create a temporary smart card user, this setting must be set to Yes. Change Single Sign-On Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to change the single sign-on settings. When this option is selected, the account’s SSO setting can be changed when being authenticated by Pointsec PC. For more information on SSO, see Chapter 13, “Pointsec PC Utilities”. View Logs Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to view logs. Uninstall Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to uninstall Pointsec PC. Grants the account the authority to remove Pointsec PC from this system. If the account does not have this privilege, an administrator must go to the computer to remove the software. Pointsec PC can only be removed by two user accounts that both have this authority. A Pointsec PC user alone cannot remove Pointsec PC. See “Removing Pointsec PC” on page 191 for more information. Chapter 3 Configuring Group and User Account Settings 55 System Settings for Groups Table 3-4 Permissions settings Setting Description Management Console Logon Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to log on to the Management Console. In a Common Criteria validated environment, this setting must be disabled on all clients. Create Recovery Media Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to create recovery media. Allow Logon to Hibernated System Set whether or not to allow the account(s) to log on to a system hibernated by another account. Change to Fixed Password Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to be changed to use fixed password authentication. Change to Dynamic Token Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to be changed to use dynamic token authentication. Change to Smart Card Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to be changed to use smart-card authentication. Change Credentials in the Pointsec for PC tray Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to change their credentials in the Pointsec PC tray. When authenticating to change credentials in the Pointsec PC tray, the Pointsec PC authentication dialog box has a Remote Help button. This button enables only One-time logon; Remote password change is not availble via this Remote Help button. If both Windows Integrated Logon (see Figure 2-10 on page 32) and Change Credentials in the Pointsec PC Tray are enabled, Change Credentials in the Pointsec PC Tray will be grayed out and disabled in the tray menu. Remote Help 1. Click Remote Help and the settings are displayed: 56 System Settings for Groups Figure 3-12 Note - For Remote Help to function, both the user account of the Remote-Help provider and of the Remote-Help recipient must exist on the computer. Note also that the Remote-Help provider’s group authority level must be equal to or higher than the group authority level of the Remote-Help recipient. Table 3-5 Remote Help settings Setting Description Provide ‘Remote Password Change’ Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to provide Remote Password Change for other user accounts. For a user account to be able to provide Remote Help, this option must be also be selected in both the client system settings and the user account properties. Provide ‘One-Time Logon’ Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to provide One Time Logon for other user accounts. For a user account to be able to provide Remote Help, this option must be also be selected in both the client system settings and the user account properties. Chapter 3 Configuring Group and User Account Settings 57 System Settings for Groups Table 3-5 Remote Help settings Setting Description Receive ‘Remote Password Change’ Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to receive Remote Password Change. For a user account to be able to receive Remote Help, this option must be also be selected in both the client system settings and the user account properties. Receive ‘One-Time Logon’ Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to receive One-Time Logon. For a user account to be able to receive Remote Help, this option must be also be selected in both the client system settings and the user account properties. Response Format Select whether to use Numeric or Alphanumeric format for the response in Remote Help. Single Sign-On Settings 1. Click Single Sign-On and the settings are displayed: Figure 3-13 Table 3-6 Single Sign-On settings Setting Description Enable SSO Set whether or not single-sign-on functionality is to be enabled for the account(s). Entrust SSO Set whether or not Entrust single-sign-on functionality is to be used by the account(s). Smart Card Triggers Windows SSO logon? Set whether or not to allow using a smart card to trigger the Windows SSO logon. 58 System Settings for Groups Password Synchronization Settings 1. Click Password Synchronization and the settings are displayed: Figure 3-14 Chapter 3 Configuring Group and User Account Settings 59 System Settings for Groups Table 3-7 Password Synchronization settings Setting Description Synchronize Windows Password to Preboot Synchronizes Pointsec PC password and Windows password by setting the Pointsec PC password to the Windows password. When a user changes the Windows password, Pointsec PC will prompt for the Pointsec PC password and then synchronize it with the new Windows password. This setting can be enabled together with Synchronize Preboot Password to Windows (below) so that in whichever environment the password is changed it will be synchronized with the password in the other environment. Password synchronization must be inactivated in a Common Criteria validated environment. Synchronize Preboot Password to Windows Synchronizes the Pointsec PC password and the Windows password by setting the Windows password to the Pointsec PC password. When a user changes the Pointsec PCs password, Pointsec PC will prompt for the Windows password and then synchronize it to the new Pointsec PC password. This setting can be enabled together with Synchronize Preboot Windows to Preboot (above) so that in whichever environment the password is changed it will be synchronized with the password in the other environment. Password synchronization must be inactivated in a Common Criteria validated environment. 60 Chapter Group Authority Levels 4 This chapter describes the Pointsec PC group authority levels. What Is a Group Authority Level (GAL)? Authority means, among other things, the right to carry out an action. A group authority level (GAL) relates to which actions that user accounts in a group can carry out. A GAL is a mandatory setting for each group. The GAL is assigned when the group is created, and the GAL can be changed once the group has been created. Every user account in a group inherits the group’s GAL. But GALs cannot be assigned directly to user accounts. A GAL is also a mandatory setting for System Settings. When you do an master install, the Required Group Authority Level for each System Settings folder is set to the most secure value by default. A GAL consists of a combination of a number and an optional operator, see the descriptions of “Group-Authority-Level Number” and “Equal-Authority-Level Operator”, below. Group-Authority-Level Number A group authority level (GAL) contains a number from zero to nine (0-9) that is set for each group and for each System Settings folder in the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC). Nine is the highest GAL, and zero is the lowest. A user account with a given GAL level can change the settings etc. of groups with a lower GAL: for example, user accounts that have the GAL nine, can access and edit settings for all user accounts with a GAL of eight and lower, user accounts with a GAL of five, can access and edit settings for all user accounts of four and lower, and so on. Therefore, the GAL numbers are always displayed together with the less than operator: <, for example, <9. 61 Using GALs To Create a Tiered Authority Structure See Figure 4-1, below. Equal-Authority-Level Operator To enable user accounts with the same GAL to edit each other’s settings, an equal authority level operator can be enabled by selecting the Equal Authority Level checkbooks when assigning the GAL to a group. See Figure 4-1, below. If this operator is enabled for, say, Group A, Group A can edit the settings of all user accounts that have GALs equal to or lower than Group A’s GAL. Therefore, GALs consisting of both a number and an equal-authority-level operator are displayed together with the less than or equal to operator: <=, for example, <=9. Again, the user accounts of a group inherit the group authority level of their group. Group authority level cannot be set for an individual user account, it can be set only for a group. See Figure 4-1, below. Figure 4-1 Using GALs To Create a Tiered Authority Structure Using group authority levels (GALs), you can make a tiered authority structure to suit the security requirements of your organization. Here is an example of such a structure: 62 Master Installation GALs • System group has Group Authority Level (<=9). This group contains corporate recovery accounts based on dynamic tokens stored in the Chief Security Officer's safe. • Security Officer group has Group Authority Level (<=9). A team established by the Chief Security Officer to generate the Mandatory Security Policy (MSP) for the enterprise and create highest level group and account structure. • WebRH group has Group Authority Level (<=9). Provided by webRH update profile importation or execution. This group is managed in the Pointsec PC internal context and set to the required Authority Level automatically. • Software Delivery Security Team group has Group Authority Level (<=5). This group contains trusted members of the Software Delivery team who have Security responsibility to ensure secure update and deployment operations. • Workstation Support Team group has Group Authority Level (<=4). This team is the direct, on-site support organization that provides direct assistance to users in the organization and does not have authority to affect the Mandatory Security Policy, nor does it make changes to the Wake on LAN. • Users group has Group Authority Level (<1). This is the group for the users normally operating the computer and who are not authorized for any further capabilities with respect to configuration. • System Settings, except for Wake-On-LAN (WOL) settings, are set to the Minimum Required Group Authority Level of 9 to protect the Mandatory Security Settings (their default value). • Wake on LAN (WOL) settings are set to Minimum Required Group Authority Level of 5 so the Software Delivery Security Team can create Update Profiles enabling Wake on LAN for their distributions. Master Installation GALs During a master installation, the GALs listed below are assigned by default. They can of course be changed by a user account with the required authority. The Systems Group When you do a master installation, Pointsec PC assigns the Systems group, which is automatically created in a master installation, the highest GAL: <=9. Chapter 4 Group Authority Levels 63 Master Installation GALs The System Settings Folders During a master installation, the Minimum Required Group Authority Level for each System Settings folder is by default set to 9. Note - Note here the absence of the ‘less than’ operator and the ‘equal to’ operators. If, for example, the value displayed for a Minimum Required Group Authority Level is 7, user accounts with the following GALs can edit the relevant settings: <=9, <9, <=8, <8, and <=7, but a user account with <7 cannot. Other Groups of User Accounts Pointsec PC assigns new groups other than the Systems group the GAL: <1. GALs for New Profiles (Not Based on Local Settings or Another Profile) The information below concerns GALs when defining a new profile. Silent Installation, Interactive Installation, Silent Upgrade, and Interactive Upgrade Profiles For the profiles listed in the heading above: • All local System Settings are added to the profile, but their Minimum Required Group Authority Levels are changed to the highest level the user can change. • The user cannot set the Minimum Required Group Authority Level of System Settings folders to higher than the highest GAL the user can edit. • The GAL of groups in the profile cannot be set higher than the group authority level the user can change. Update Profiles For update profiles: 64 • All system settings are blank. Depending on the local system setting Minimum Required Group Authority Level, the System Setting folders are marked read-only. That is, if a System Setting folder is read-only in the Local settings, the folder will also be read-only in the profile settings. • The user cannot set the Minimum Required Group Authority Level of System Settings folders to higher than the highest GAL the user can edit. • The GAL of groups in the profile cannot be set higher than the GAL the user is allowed to change. Master Installation GALs GALs for New Profiles Based on Local Settings The information below concerns GALs when defining a new profile that is based on local settings. Silent Installation, Interactive Installation, Silent Upgrade, and Interactive Upgrade Profiles For the profiles listed in the heading above: • All local System Settings are added, with their current Minimum Required Group Authority Level. If the user has a lower GAL, the System Settings become read-only. • The user cannot set the Minimum Required Group Authority Level of System Settings folders to higher than the highest GAL the user can edit. • The GAL of groups in the profile cannot be set higher than the group authority level the user can change. • All groups with a GAL that the user can change are inserted into the new profile. But groups with a higher GAL than the user can change are not inserted into the new profile. Update Profiles For update profiles based on local settings: • All System Settings with a Minimum Required Group Authority Level that the current user can edit are inserted into the update profile and can be edited by the user. The System Settings that have a higher Minimum Required Group Authority than the user can edit are blank in the update profile (not imported), and they are displayed as read-only. That is, if a System Settings folder would be read-only in the Local settings, the folder will not contain any settings, and it will also be read-only in the update profile settings. • The user cannot set the Minimum Required Group Authority Level of System Settings folders to higher than the highest GAL the user can edit. • The GAL of groups in the profile cannot be set higher than the group authority level the user can change. • All groups with a GAL that the user can change are inserted into the new profile. But groups with a higher GAL than the user can change are not inserted into the new profile. GALs for New Profiles Based on Another Profile The information below concerns GALs when defining a new profile that is based on another profile. Chapter 4 Group Authority Levels 65 Master Installation GALs Silent Installation, Interactive Installation, Silent Upgrade, and Interactive Upgrade Profiles For the profiles listed in the heading above: • All local System Settings are added, with their current Minimum Required Group Authority Level. If the user has a lower GAL, the System Settings become read-only. • The user cannot set the Minimum Required Group Authority Level of System Settings folders to higher than the highest GAL the user can edit. • The GAL of groups in the profile cannot be set higher than the group authority level the user can change. • All groups are added with their current GALs. If the user has a lower GAL than the group’s GAL, the group (and its users) are displayed as read-only. Update Profiles For update profiles: • All System Settings with a Minimum Required Group Authority Level that the current user can edit are inserted into the update profile and can be edited by the user. The System Settings that have a higher Minimum Required Group Authority than the user can edit are blank in the update profile (not imported), and they are displayed as read-only. That is, if a System Settings folder would be read-only in the profile settings, the folder will not contain any settings, and it will also be read-only in the update profile settings. • All groups with a GAL that the user can change are copied from the old profile and inserted into the new profile. But groups with a higher GAL than the user can change are not inserted into the new profile. • The user cannot set the Minimum Required Group Authority Level of System Settings folders to higher than the highest GAL the user can edit. • The GAL of groups in the profile cannot be set higher than the group authority level the user can change. GALs and Existing Profiles The information below concerns GALs when editing existing profiles. Opening and Editing a Pre-Pointsec PC 6.2 Profile in the 6.2 PCMC When opening and editing pre-Pointsec PC 6.2 profiles in the 6.2 PCMC: 66 Master Installation GALs • The Minimum Required Group Authority Level of each System Settings folder is set to the highest GAL the user can edit. • The user cannot set the Minimum Required Group Authority Level of System Settings folders to higher than the highest GAL the user can edit. • The GAL of groups in the profile cannot be set higher than the group authority level the user can change. • Because pre-Pointsec PC 6.2 groups do not have a Group Authority Levels, the groups in the profile are automatically assigned the highest GAL the user can edit. (If the user is <6 all groups are given GAL <=6). • When the profile is saved, it will be saved as a Pointsec PC 6.2 profile. Opening and Editing Pointsec PC 6.2 Profiles When opening and editing Pointsec PC 6.2 profiles: • If the user opening the profile has lower GAL than the minimum group authority level required for a System Settings folder in the profile, that folder is set to read-only. • If the user opening the profile has lower GAL than that required to edit a group in the profile, that group is set to read-only. • The user cannot set the Minimum Required Group Authority Level of System Settings folders to higher than the highest GAL the user can edit. • The GAL of groups in the profile cannot be set higher than the group authority level the user can change. • Edited or new groups can never be set to a higher GAL than the GAL the user can edit. Opening and Editing Local Settings in Pointsec PC 6.2 When opening and editing Local settings in Pointsec PC: • If the user opening the Local settings has a lower GAL than a Minimum Required Group Authority Level for a System Settings folder in the profile, that folder is set to read-only. • The user cannot set the Minimum Required Group Authority Level of System Settings folders to higher than the highest GAL the user can edit. • If the user opening the Local settings has a lower GAL than that required to edit a group in the profile, that group is set to read-only. Chapter 4 Group Authority Levels 67 GAL Sanity Checks • The user cannot set the Minimum Required Group Authority Level of System Settings folders to higher than the highest GAL the user can edit. • The GAL of groups in the profile cannot be set higher than the group authority level the user can change. • Edited or new groups can never be set to a higher GAL than the GAL the user can edit. GAL Sanity Checks The following sanity checks are related to GALs. They are performed when saving after editing Local settings or a profile’s settings: • 1.Low group authority level on groups When the group or groups with the highest GAL do not have permission to change groups with the same GAL (see “Equal-Authority-Level Operator” on page 62), it is possible to create groups with settings that never can be changed. If this occurs when editing a local profile, the sanity check prohibits saving the profile and thus forces either a resolution of the problem or a cancel. If this occurs when creating/editing other profiles, the sanity check issues a warning. • 2.No group has a high enough GAL to edit System Settings If one or more of the System Setting folders require a higher GAL than that of any of the groups in the profile, this sanity check is triggered. If this occurs when editing a local profile, the sanity check prohibits saving the profile and thus forces either a resolution of the problem or a cancel. If this occurs when creating/editing other profiles, the sanity check issues a warning. • 3.No group has a Group Authority Level of <=9 When creating a installation profile (or a 4.x/5.x upgrade profile) a warning sanity check recommends that the administrator should define at least one administrator group with a GAL of <=9. GALs and Permissions GALs are a complement to the Permissions and Privileged Permissions in the PCMC, and the three of them combine in innumerable ways. Here is a summary of important aspects of each: Group Authority Levels (GALs) Group Authority Levels: • 68 Control who affects whom and who can affect which System Settings GALs and Remote Help • Are mandatory for each group • Must be specified of each folder under System Settings. • Cannot NOT be specified for any user account • Are inherited by the user account from its group Permissions and Privileged Permissions (PCMC) Permissions and privileged permissions in the PCMC: • Control who can affect what • Are defined for each group and user account • Are inherited • Filter which settings can be configured in the PCMC • Filter which parts of the PCMC are enabled and which are disabled for each user account GALs and Remote Help A Remote-Help provider’s group authority level must be equal to or higher than the group authority level of the Remote-Help recipient. Chapter 4 Group Authority Levels 69 GALs and Remote Help 70 Chapter 5 Managing Groups and User Accounts This chapter explains how to create and manage Pointsec PC groups and user accounts on the computer on which you have installed Pointsec PC. In Pointsec PC, a user account always belongs to one (and only one) group. This means that before you create any user accounts, you must first create one or more groups to contain user accounts. Note - You cannot move a user account from one group to another, but must instead delete the user account from its current group and then redefine it in the other group. Creating Group Accounts Once the installation of Pointsec PC is completed and you have opened the PC Management Console, you can see that a group called System has already been created. And under the System group folder, there is a tree of User Accounts where you will find the two users you defined during installation (in this example, DAPA and ADMIN). You can now create new group accounts if desired. 71 Creating Group Accounts Figure 5-1 To create a new group account: 1. Right click Groups. The New Group button is displayed: Figure 5-2 2. Click the New Group button and enter a group name in the New Group dialog box: Figure 5-3 3. Click OK. The new group is now listed in the tree under Groups (in this example ABC Group). Note that there are currently no user accounts in the User Accounts folder in ABC Group: 72 Creating Group Accounts Figure 5-4 4. In the Group Settings folder for the new group you have created, configure the relevant group settings (see Chapter 3, “Configuring Group and User Account Settings”, for details on configuring these settings): Figure 5-5 Table 5-1 Group Settings Setting Description Logon Authorized Allow user accounts in this group to log on. Screen Saver Timeout Time in minutes before the screen saver is activated. Expiration Date Date this group will expire. Expand the Group Settings folder tree for the new group, and you will see the folders as described in Chapter 3, “Configuring Group and User Account Settings”: Chapter 5 Managing Groups and User Accounts 73 Default Values and How the Effective Values of Settings are Determined Figure 5-6 Default Values and How the Effective Values of Settings are Determined If no value has been specified for a setting in either the group or user account, the default value for that setting prevails; see the Default column in the tables below. When the values set for a group and a user account in that group differ, Pointsec PC sets an effective value, that is, one value that is used for that setting. The tables below list what the effective value will be. In most cases, Pointsec PC selects the more secure value. In the tables below, the value Nearest means that if the value is set in a user account, that value is the effective value even if a different value is set for this setting in the group; it if is set only in the group, that value will be the effective value, and it if is not set in either user account or group, the default value will be the effective value. Table 5-2 Password effective values and default settings Password Settings Effective Value if Group and User Account Differ Default Require Letter and Integers Enabled Disabled Enable Case Sensitivity Disabled Disabled Allow Special Characters Enabled Disabled Allow Consecutive, Identical Characters Disabled Disabled Require Upper and Lower Case Enabled Disabled Allow Embedded Space Characters Disabled Disabled Allow Leading or Trailing Space Characters Disabled Disabled Allow Password of Adjoining Characters Disabled Disabled 74 Default Values and How the Effective Values of Settings are Determined Table 5-2 Password effective values and default settings Password Settings Effective Value if Group and User Account Differ Default Set Minimum Length The larger of the two values Six characters Set Maximum Age The smaller of the two values Disabled Password History The larger of the two values Disabled Table 5-3 Logon effective values and default settings Logon Settings Effective Value if Group and User Account Differ Default Set Max Failed Logons The smaller of the two values Disabled Set Logon Limit The smaller of the two values Disabled Attempts Before Temporary Lockout The smaller of the two values Disabled Temporary Lockout Time The larger of the two values Disabled Table 5-4 Privileged Permissions effective values and default settings Privileged Permissions Settings Effective Value if Group and User Account Differ Default Change Permissions Disabled Disabled Change Privileged Permissions Disabled Disabled Create User Accounts Disabled Disabled Create Groups Disabled Disabled Create Profiles Disabled Disabled Remove User Accounts Disabled Disabled Remove Groups Disabled Disabled Remove Profiles Disabled Disabled Edit System Settings Disabled Disabled Table 5-5 Permissions effective values and default settings Permissions Settings Effective Value if Group and User Account Differ Default Change Password Disabled Disabled Change Single Sign-On Disabled Disabled View Logs Disabled Disabled Uninstall Disabled Disabled Remote Help Disabled Disabled Chapter 5 Managing Groups and User Accounts 75 Default Values and How the Effective Values of Settings are Determined Table 5-5 Permissions effective values and default settings Permissions Settings Effective Value if Group and User Account Differ Default Management Console Logon Disabled Disabled Create Recovery Media Disabled Disabled Allow Logon to Hibernated System Enabled Enabled Change to Fixed Password Disabled Disabled Change to Dynamic Token Disabled Disabled Change to Smart Card Disabled Disabled Change Credentials in the Pointsec for PC tray Disabled Disabled Table 5-6 Single Sign-On effective values and default settings Single Sign-On Settings Effective Value if Group and User Account Differ Default Enable SSO Disabled Disabled Use Entrust for SSO Disabled Disabled Smart Card insertion triggers Windows SSO logon Nearest Disabled Table 5-7 Password Synchronization effective values and default settings Password Synchronization Setting Effective Value if Group and User Account Differ Default Synchronization Mode Nearest Disabled Table 5-8 Remote Help effective values and default settings Remote Help Settings Effective Value if Group and User Account Differ Default Provide ‘Reset Password’ Disabled Disabled Provide ‘One-Time Logon’ Disabled Disabled Receive ‘Reset Password’ Disabled Disabled Receive ‘One-Time Logon’ Disabled Disabled Response Format Nearest Numeric 76 Adding a User Account to a Group Adding a User Account to a Group As discussed above, once the installation of Pointsec PC is completed and you have opened the PC Management Console, you can see that a group called System has already been created. Under the System group folder is a tree of User Accounts where you will find the two user accounts you defined during installation. Figure 5-7 These two users are assigned what can be called ‘system administrator privileges’, for example, all the Privileged Permissions and all the Permissions except Create Recovery Media are set to Yes. Almost all other user accounts you define will be assigned significantly more restricted privileges than those of a system administrator. To add another user account to the group: 1. Right click User Accounts and the Add User Account button becomes active: Figure 5-8 2. Click the Add User Account button to activate the User Account wizard: Chapter 5 Managing Groups and User Accounts 77 Adding a User Account to a Group Figure 5-9 Table 5-9 User Account dialog fields Field Description User account name The name must be 1-31 characters long. Pointsec PC supports Unicode characters in user account names. See “Keyboard Layouts” on page 237 for the keyboards (locale codes) supported and “Language Packs” on page 233 for the languages supported. 78 Adding a User Account to a Group Table 5-9 User Account dialog fields Field Description Type of user account The type of user account can be: • • • Normal A regular user account is usually created for users of the computer on which you are working. This account can also be used as an administrator account and be included in a profile when you deploy Pointsec PC. Service User What distinguishes a service user from other users is that a service user must use Remote Help’s Remote Password Change to gain access to the system the first time. After access is granted via Remote Password Change, the service user can reboot the system and log on without requiring this type of Remote Help. But when another user logs on, the service user account is locked, and the service user will need Remote Help’s Remote Password Change to log on to log on again. Temporary A temporary account is usually created for users on the computer on which you are working to limit the time the user can access the computer. This account can also be used in a profile to create user accounts when you deploy Pointsec PC. When someone logs in using a temporary user account on a Pointsec PC-protected computer, they are prompted for a new user account name and password. To create a temporary smart card user, the user account must have the user account setting Change Credentials set to Yes. This setting is located under Group/User Account → Permissions → Change Credentials. If more than one temporary user account is deployed to a machine, when the first temporary user logs on Pointsec PC will display the name of the user currently logged onto Windows with the new Pointsec PC user account name. But when the second (and third, etc.) temporary user logs on, Pointsec PC displays the temporary user account name as the new user account name. The user must enter another user account name to be able to continue - the temporary user account name cannot be used. Based on the new user account name and password, Pointsec PC creates a new user account and deletes the temporary account. This makes deploying Pointsec PC easy, as one Pointsec profile can be used for all computers and you do not need to know exactly which user is on what computer. For more information on profiles, see chapter 7, “Working with Installation and Update Profiles” on page 101 Chapter 5 Managing Groups and User Accounts 79 Password Authentication Table 5-9 User Account dialog fields Field Description Authentication method Authentication for this user account will be done via: • • • Password Dynamic Token Smart Card 3. After specifying the logon name, type and password authentication method, click OK. Note that defining a temporary user account is done the same way as with a normal user account. Password Authentication 4. Fill in the password details: Figure 5-10 Table 5-10 Password fields Field Description Password The password must meet the criteria you have specified for fixed passwords in Group Settings. Note that while you enter the password and confirm that password in the Confirm Password text box, the text ‘Invalid Password’ is displayed to the right of the Password text box. This text is displayed until the password meets all the criteria that have previously been configured for passwords. 80 Dynamic Token Authentication Table 5-10 Password fields Field Description Confirm Password Enter the password you entered in the Password text box. Force change of password at next logon Selecting this option forces the user to specify a new user account password at the next logon. Password Rules Length Adjoining Characters Retype Match Consecutive, Identical Characters Special Characters 5. Click Next, and after viewing the result do one of the following: • If you are satisfied, click Finish. • If you want to make changes, click Back, make the changes and click Finish. Use the above process to define any other user accounts that will use password authentication. Dynamic Token Authentication To use dynamic token authentication: 1. Enter logon name and type of account, and select Dynamic Token: Figure 5-11 2. Click Next. 3. Do one of the following: • To enter token values manually, see the procedure “Manually Entering Token Values” on page 82. Chapter 5 Managing Groups and User Accounts 81 Dynamic Token Authentication • To enter token values by importing a file, see the procedure “Entering Token Values by Importing a File” on page 83. Manually Entering Token Values To enter token values manually: 1. Choose Add dynamic token by manually entering values and click Next: Figure 5-12 2. Enter the information required: Figure 5-13 82 Dynamic Token Authentication Table 5-11 Dynamic Token dialog fields Field Description Dynamic Token Serial Number Serial number, usually found on the back of the dynamic token. Dynamic Token Key Enter the token key you received from Pointsec with the token. Challenge Length A number from 1-8. Response Length A number from 1-16. Challenge Format Choose either Hexadecimal or Ascii. Response Format Choose either Friendly or Decimal. 3. Click Next and do one of the following: • If you are satisfied, click Finish. • If you want to make changes, click Back, make the changes and click Finish. Figure 5-14 Entering Token Values by Importing a File 1. Choose Add dynamic token by importing from file and click Next: Chapter 5 Managing Groups and User Accounts 83 Dynamic Token Authentication Figure 5-15 2. Navigate to the directory containing your tokens and select a file to import: Figure 5-16 3. Enter the password, which is the Encryption key in the key file you intend to import. Click OK: 84 Dynamic Token Authentication Figure 5-17 The tokens are imported: Figure 5-18 4. Click Next and do one of the following: • If you are satisfied, click Finish. • If you want to make changes, click Back, make the changes and click Finish. Chapter 5 Managing Groups and User Accounts 85 Smart Card Authentication Figure 5-19 Smart Card Authentication A reminder: in order for smart card authentication of a user account to function, note that you must correctly specify the type of smart card readers you will use under Hardware Devices in System Settings. For details, see “Logon Settings” on page 25. Furthermore, you must ensure that the required drivers are installed for the smart cards and smart card readers you will use. See “Smart Cards, Smart Card Readers and their Drivers” on page 242 for details. To choose smart card authentication: 1. Enter the logon name and type of account, and select Smart Card: Figure 5-20 2. Click Next. 86 Smart Card Authentication Selecting the Smart Card Certificate To select the smart card certificate: 1. Select one of the smart card certificates listed under Issued to: Figure 5-21 Note - Pointsec PC will not allow you to associate the same certificate with two user accounts. When Pointsec PC detects that you are attempting to do so it issues an error message and makes an entry in the log, and the wizard closes. Examine the log for more information about the error. The wizard looks for certificates locally in Personal Store and, if accessible, on smart cards and USB tokens, as well as in Microsoft Active Directory. If a certificate is stored in more than one place, it will be listed as many times as the wizard finds it. When selecting a certificate listed multiple times, it does not matter which of the listed instances of that certificate you choose. Review the Location column in the list to determine if the a certificate is listed more than once. 2. Click OK. 3. Click Finish to complete the creation of a user account that uses a smart card for authentication: Chapter 5 Managing Groups and User Accounts 87 Smart Card Authentication Figure 5-22 88 6 Chapter Working with Configuration Sets Configuration sets, hereafter referred to simply as sets, are used as share points from which you can carry out your remote management. Typical remote management tasks include installing (and uninstalling) Pointsec PC on remote clients, updating the configuration on remote clients, providing one or more centralized points for storage of logs, and so on. Root Directory Path Best practice is to use the set to provide a central configuration point for a root directory path, as shown in the illustration below. Figure 6-1 The root directory path points to a shared folder on a server. When you define a set, one of the things you will do is specify the paths to the directories here. These paths are described below. 89 Directory Paths Directory Paths The following directory paths should be created: Profile Storage The Profile Storage directory is where profiles are stored while you edit them in the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC), prior to their being published. As long as the profiles are in this directory, they cannot be pulled by clients. It is a dedicated share for profile development. This directory path must be specified when you define a set. Update Profile The Update Profile directory is where update and uninstall profiles are placed so they can be pulled by the clients. By specifying subdirectories for individual client computers, you can target your updates to individual client computers. In a profile, this path is referred to as the Update Profile Path. Set it by editing the profile and specifying the path to use in System Settings → Install → Set Update Profile Path. Install The Install directory is where you store installation packages, installation profiles, and other configuration files that are to be used during the installation, for example, the precheck.txt file and the files in the oemvar folder. Central Log This is the directory to which clients copy their log files. In a profile, this path is referred to as the Central Log Path. Set it by editing the profile and specifying the path to use in System Settings → Install → Set Central Log Path. Recovery The Recovery directory should be the target directory for client’s recovery files. This is the directory in which Pointsec PC stores recovery files. Recovery files contain information required to decrypt the Pointsec PC-protected computer. For more information on recovery, see Chapter 15, “Recovery, Repair and Bootable Media”. In a profile, this path is referred to as the Recovery Path. Set by editing the profile and specifying the path to use in System Settings → Install → Set Recovery Path. 90 Creating a New Set Upgrade Place the upgrade source package and any supporting configuration files in this directory. This is the directory from which clients will pull the upgrade source package and other supporting configuration files. In a profile, this path is referred to as the Upgrade Path. Set it by editing the profile and specifying the path to use in System Settings → Install → Set Upgrade Path. Creating a New Set To create a new set: 1. Start the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC) and select Remote: Figure 6-2 2. Click New Set and the Create New Set Wizard opens: Chapter 6 Working with Configuration Sets 91 Creating a New Set Figure 6-3 3. Enter a descriptive name that makes clear what the configurations and profiles belong to. You can select Automatically create a directory structure if you want Pointsec PC to create folders. This requires that you have previously configured a root directory on which the directory structure will be created. This root directory must be a shared folder on the network, for example: \\<server name>\<shared folder>... You must also have the required permissions to create the directories. If these conditions are met, and you specify the shared folder under Enter the root directory in which the directories will be created, the PCMC automatically enters the following subfolders to the shared folder and displays them in the relevant fields of the wizard: • <shared folder>\Profile Storage • <shared folder>\Update Storage • <shared folder>\Install • <shared folder>\Log • <shared folder>\Recovery • <shared folder>\Upgrade 4. Click Next: 92 Creating a New Set Figure 6-4 5. Specify a storage path, the path to a directory that will hold the profiles while you edit them. Best practice is to specify paths in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... The profiles you are working on will be stored in this directory until you publish them. As long as they are in the storage directory, you can edit them, and they cannot be pulled by remote clients. Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 6. When no more paths are to be added, click Next: Figure 6-5 7. Specify an update profile path, the path to a directory from which clients will pull update and uninstall profiles. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... In the profile, this path is referred to as the Update Profile Path. Set by editing the profile and specifying this path in System Settings/Install/Set Update Profile Path. Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 8. When no more paths are to be added, click Next: Chapter 6 Working with Configuration Sets 93 Creating a New Set Figure 6-6 9. Specify an Install path, the path to a directory containing the Pointsec PC installation package. Best practice is to specify paths in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 10. When no more paths are to be added, click Next: Figure 6-7 11. Specify a log path, a path to a directory into which the clients in the set will copy thier log files. Best practice is to specify paths in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... In a profile, this path is referred to as the Central Log Path. Set it by editing the profile and specifying a path in System Settings → Install → Central Log Path. Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 12. When no more paths are to be added, click Next: 94 Creating a New Set Figure 6-8 13. Specify a recovery path, a path to a directory into which the clients in the set will copy thier recovery files. Best practice is to specify paths in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... In the profile, this path is referred to as the Recovery Path. Set it by editing the profile and specifying a path in System Settings → Install → Recovery Path. Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 14. When no more paths are to be added, click Next: Figure 6-9 15. Specify an upgrade path, a path to a directory in which upgrade package files are located and from which clients downoload these files. Best practice is to specify paths in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... In a profile, this path is referred to as the Upgrade Path. Set it by editing the profile and specifying a path in System Setting → Install → Upgrade Path. Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 16. When no more paths are to be added, click Next: Chapter 6 Working with Configuration Sets 95 Exporting/Importing Set Configurations Figure 6-10 17. Create the set by clicking Finish. Figure 6-11 The set is created. Note that the set configuration is saved when the set is created. Exporting/Importing Set Configurations Set configurations can be exported from one PCMC and imported into another PCMC. All set configurations, and individual set configurations can be exported or imported. 96 Exporting/Importing Set Configurations Exporting All Set Configurations To export all set configurations, select Export All Set Configurations....in the PCMC File menu. A browser window is displayed. Browse to the directory in which you want so store the set configurations, and click Save. Figure 6-12 Exporting One Set Configuration There are two ways to export a single configuration set: First Alternative 1. Right click a set in the PCMC folder tree and select Export Set Configuration.... A browser window is then displayed. 2. Browse to the directory in which you want so store the set configurations, and click Save. Figure 6-13 Second Alternative 1. Select a set in the PCMC folder tree and then click the Export Set Configuration button under Actions on the right-hand side of the window; see Figure 6-14, below. A browser window is then displayed. 2. Browse to the directory in which you want so store the set configurations, and click Save. Chapter 6 Working with Configuration Sets 97 Exporting/Importing Set Configurations Figure 6-14 Importing a Set Configuration There are three ways you can import a set configuration: First Alternative 1. Select Import Set Configuration... in the PCMC File menu. A browser window is displayed. 2. Browse to the directory in which you want so store the set configuration, and click Open. Figure 6-15 Second Alternative 1. Right click Remote in the PCMC folder tree and select Import Set Configuration...; see Figure 6-16, below. A browser window is then displayed. 2. Browse to the directory in which you want so store the set configuration, and click Open. 98 Exporting/Importing Set Configurations Figure 6-16 Third Alternative 1. Click Import Set Configuration under New Configuration Set in the PCMC Remote window; see Figure 6-17, below. A browser window is then displayed. 2. Browse to the directory in which you want so store the set configuration, and click Open. Figure 6-17 Publishing Profiles Directly from the Profile List You can publish a profile directly from the list of profiles in the PCMC. Update and Uninstallation Profiles To publish an update or uninstallation profile in the profile list: 1. Right click the profile, and the Update Profile paths that have been configured in the set are displayed as selectable choices under Publish profile to. 2. Select the configured update profile path you want, and the profile is automatically copied to the selected path. Chapter 6 Working with Configuration Sets 99 Exporting/Importing Set Configurations Installation Profiles To publish an installation profile in the profile list: 1. Right click the profile, and the Install paths that have been configured in the set are displayed as selectable choices under Publish profile to. 2. Select the configured Install path you want, and the installation profile is automatically copied to the selected path. Figure 6-18 100 7 Chapter Working with Installation and Update Profiles This chapter explains how to create Pointsec PC profiles that are used to: • Install Pointsec PC on the computers (client machines) in your networks • Uninstall/remove Pointsec PC from client machines • Manage the user accounts, groups and other settings on client machines About Pointsec PC Profiles Pointsec PC profiles contain user and group account information, the settings which control which volumes are to be encrypted, who can access the drives, privilege levels and update settings. There are four types of Pointsec PC profiles: • Installation profiles • Update profiles • Uninstall profiles • Upgrade profiles, for information on upgrade profiles, see “The Characteristics of an Upgrade Profile” on page 136. Note - Spaces are not allowed in profile names. For example, update_profile.upp is a valid profile name, but update profile.upp is not valid. 101 Converting Pre-6.2 Profiles to 6.2 Profiles Converting Pre-6.2 Profiles to 6.2 Profiles Pre-6.2 profiles can be used in 6.2 only if you convert them to 6.2 profiles. To convert a pre-6.2 profile to a 6.2 profile: 1. Move the pre-6.2 profile to a 6.2 Profile Storage path. 2. Open the pre-6.2 profile in the Pointsec PC 6.2 PCMC. 3. Verify that the 6.2 serial number/license is used by checking System Settings 4. Install → Product Serial Number. 5. Convert and save the pre-6.2 profile by clicking OK. The converted profile can now be used in Pointsec PC 6.2. Installation Profiles There are two types of installation profiles: • Silent install • Interactive install Note - Fragmented Disks 2 MB of contiguous disk space is required for Pointsec PC installation. If this amount of continuous space is not available, the installation will fail. In general, it is considered good practice to avoid fragmented disks to enhance overall performance. It is also considered good practice to defragment disks prior to installing Pointsec PC. Note - In Common Criteria validated environments, all administration and configuration of client installations must be done via profiles. The only local administration allowed is the initial administration of an administration installation, which is then used to create an initial installation profile to be used to install the clients. All updates and new installation profiles for both clients and administration are then maintained via profiles, created on an administration installation. In a Common Criteria validated environment, only silent installation profiles should be used to deploy Pointsec PC. Silent Installation Profiles A silent installation profile contains the group and user account information and system settings. When a silent installation profile is deployed on a computer, Pointsec PC is installed on the computer without any interaction with the user. 102 Update Profiles Interactive Installation Profiles An interactive installation profile contains the group and user account information and system settings. When an interactive installation profile is deployed on a computer, Pointsec PC is installed on the computer with some interaction with the user. Note - If you deploy Pointsec for PC using interactive installations, you may want to suppress the Reboot needed dialog box, which is normally displayed at the end of the installation dialog. To suppress this dialog box, assign the value ReallySuppress to the MSI REBOOT property in the following way: setup.exe /v”REBOOT=reallySuppress” Note that there is no space between the “v” and the first double quote (“). Update Profiles An update profile contains new settings to be deployed on Pointsec PC-protected computers. See “Creating and Deploying Update Profiles” on page 129 for more information. Upgrade Profiles For information on upgrade profiles, see “The Characteristics of an Upgrade Profile” on page 136. Uninstall Profiles An uninstall profile contains the settings needed to remove Pointsec PC from a computer. What’s in a profile? All profiles contain system settings. Group settings and user account settings are optional, but each user account must belong to a group. System Information System information includes paths to the central server where recovery files, update profiles and software updates are stored. It also contains settings related to, for example, installation, hardware devices, Wake-on-LAN, and Remote Help. Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 103 Creating a Profile Based on Another Profile or Local Settings In addition to the system information described above, installation profiles also contain information on which disk volumes are to be protected by Pointsec PC, the type(s) of security (encryption and/or boot protection) to be used, and the encryption algorithms to be used. Group Information Group information contains the system settings for local groups and their authorization, including the user's right to receive Remote Help and security settings such as keyboard lock. Group information also contains the privileges for system administrators, administrators, and user accounts at the group level. User Account Information User account information contains settings for individual user accounts, including the account’s authorization for different volumes, Remote Help and security settings such as time-out settings for the screen saver and unlocking the keyboard lock. User account information also contains the privileges for system administrators, administrators and user accounts. Creating a Profile Based on Another Profile or Local Settings To facilitate the specification of the system settings, group settings, and user account settings information in a new profile, you can base the new profile on • An existing profile, or • The local settings of the computer on which you create the profile. When you base a new profile on local settings or an existing profile, you can select which settings you want to use (if however you do not choose to base it on Group Settings, the User Account Settings choice will be grayed out and cannot be selected). Note - A new installation or upgrade profile inherits the Pointsec PC/Check Point license number of the computer on which it is created even if Base new profile on Existing profile or existing settings is not selected. 104 Before Creating Profiles Before Creating Profiles Before you create any Pointsec PC profiles, it is a good idea to create the directories where you will store the profiles. Note - We recommend that you create the directories on a network share with RWXD share permissions for all users. If you do not want to specifically define these permissions for all users, you should use the Pointsec Service Start service. See “General Requirements” on page 128 for details. This share must be secure and backed up regularly. To create profile directories: 1. Create the following directories: • Storage This is the directory that will hold profiles while you edit them. The profiles will remain in this directory until you publish them; see “Publish Path” on page 107. As long as they are in the storage directory, they cannot be pulled by remote clients. • Update This is the directory from which clients will pull profiles. Note that the path to this directory must be set in the profiles that are put in this directory. In the profile, this path is referred to as the update path, and is set by editing the profile and setting this path in System Settings → Install → Set Update ProfilePath. • Recovery This is the directory in which Pointsec PC stores information about the Pointsec PC-protected computers. This information is needed to provide Remote Help; see Chapter 12, “Remote Help” for details. It is also used to recover encrypted information in the event of an operating system crash. For more information on recovery, see Chapter 15, “Recovery, Repair and Bootable Media”. Working with Profiles – an Overview The following graphic provides an overview of working with Pointsec PC profiles: Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 105 Sets Figure 7-1 Sets Profiles are organized into sets. Each profile much belong to a set. Sets are meant to help you locate and work with your profiles. For example, you might want to have a set for each department’s profiles if they differ. Storage Path As you will see below, each set contains the specifications for a storage path and a publish path. The storage path is the directory path to the directory in which you will store profiles while you configure them prior to deployment. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... 106 Deploying Pointsec PC for the First Time Publish Path The publish path is the directory path to the directory from which clients will pull the profiles. Profiles are put in this directory when the administrator has finished configuring the profile and decided that the profile is ready to be deployed. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... Deploying Pointsec PC for the First Time Generally, when deploying Pointsec PC for the first time, you create and save an install profile on a secure workstation. You then move the install profile to a publish directory, a secure shared directory on the network. Note - The users on the computers on which you wish to install Pointsec PC must have read and execute permissions to the shared directory. The install profile can be started from any device that can map a drive and run an executable file. Updating Pointsec PC Settings As changes in security requirements and personnel occur, you will need to update the settings that have been deployed on Pointsec PC-protected computers. You do this by creating and placing an update profile in the Update directory on the designated file server. Note - The users on the computers on which you wish to update security settings or make other changes must have read and execute permissions to this directory. Pointsec PC-protected computers regularly check this directory for new update profiles. When they find a new update profile they download it and implement the changes. For more information, see “Creating and Deploying Update Profiles” on page 129. Updating Pointsec PC Software Whenever a new version of Pointsec PC becomes available, you can easily deploy it to computers in your network. You simply create a software update profile and place it in the SW_Update directory. Note - The users on computers on which you wish to update Pointsec PC, must have read and execute permissions to this directory. Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 107 Removing Pointsec PC using a Profile Removing Pointsec PC using a Profile If, for any reason, you need to remove Pointsec PC from computers in your network, you can do so by placing an uninstall profile in the Update directory. See Chapter 14, “Removing Pointsec PC” for more information. Note - The user accounts on computers from which you wish to remove Pointsec PC must have read and execute permissions to this directory. Creating and Deploying Installation Profiles The first profile we will create and deploy is a silent install profile, the most commonly used profile when deploying Pointsec PC for the first time. Creating a New Set To create a new set: 1. Start the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC) and select Remote: Figure 7-2 2. Click New Set and the Create New Set Wizard opens: 108 Creating a New Set Figure 7-3 3. Enter a descriptive name that makes clear what the configurations and profiles belong to, for example “Set_Accounting” for a set that contains the configuration and profiles for the accounting department, “Set_Development”, etc. You can select Automatically create a directory structure if you want Pointsec PC to create folders..... Click Next: Figure 7-4 4. Specify the storage path, the path to the directory that will hold the profiles while you edit them. Best practice is to specify all the paths in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... The profiles you are working on will be stored in this directory until you publish them. As long as they are in the storage directory, you can edit them, and they cannot be pulled by remote clients. Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 5. After clicking Add, click Next: Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 109 Creating a New Set Figure 7-5 6. Specify the update profile path, the path to the directory from which clients will pull update and uninstall profiles. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... Note that this path must also be set in the profiles that are put in this directory; in the profile, this path is referred to as the update profile path, and is set by editing the profile and setting this path in System Settings → Install → Set Update Profile Path. Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 7. After clicking Add, Click Next: Figure 7-6 8. Specify the Install path, the path to the directory from which clients will pull installation profiles. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 9. After clicking Add, Click Next: 110 Creating a New Set Figure 7-7 10. Specify the log path, the path to the directory in which the set’s log is located and to which clients copy their log files. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... Note that this path must also be set in the profiles that are put in this directory; in the profile, this path is referred to as the update profile path, and is set by editing the profile and setting this path in System Settings → Install → Central Log Path. Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 11. After clicking Add, Click Next: Figure 7-8 12. Specify the recovery path, the path to the directory in which the set’s recovery files are located and to which clients copy their recovery files. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... Note that this path must also be set in the profiles that are put in this directory; in the profile, this path is Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 111 Creating a New Set referred to as the update profile path, and is set by editing the profile and setting this path in System Settings → Install → Recovery Path. Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 13. After clicking Add, Click Next: Figure 7-9 14. Specify the upgrade path, the path to the directory in which upgrade package files are located and from which clients download these files. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... Note that this path must also be set in the profiles that are put in this directory; in the profile, this path is referred to as the update profile path, and is set by editing the profile and setting this path in System Settings → Install → Upgrade Path. Note that you must click Add for the path to be included in the set. 15. After clicking Add, Click Next: Figure 7-10 16. Create the set by clicking Finish. 112 Creating an Installation Profile Figure 7-11 Creating an Installation Profile The process of creating and deploying an installation profile involves: • Creating the profile. • Adding group and user accounts. • Configuring the profile settings. • Deploying the profile to computers in the network; see “Deploying Pointsec PC Using an Install Profile” on page 124. Note - Before you can create any profiles, the Profile Validation Password (Local → Edit Settings → System Settings → Install) must be set. To create an installation profile: 1. From the window that displays information about Set Accounting, do one of the following: • Click New Profile • Start PCMC and click Remote and then New Profile: Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 113 Creating an Installation Profile Figure 7-12 The New Profile Wizard is displayed: Figure 7-13 2. Click Next. 3. Select the set in which you want to include this installation profile. Click Next: 114 Creating an Installation Profile Figure 7-14 4. Select Installation, silent. Click Next: Figure 7-15 5. Enter the name of the new profile (in this case, install_accounting). Note - Spaces are not allowed in profile names. For example, update_profile.upp is a valid profile name, but update profile.upp is not. 6. Enter and confirm the password, which will be required when you want to edit the profile. Note - The password policy applied to the password specified here is the password policy of the user account that is currently logged on and is creating the new profile. See “Authentication Settings” on page 48 for more information on the settings that can be specified for fixed passwords. 7. Click Next: Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 115 Creating an Installation Profile Figure 7-16 8. If you want to base the profile on the local settings of the computer on which you are creating the profile, or on an existing profile select Existing profile or local settings: Figure 7-17 9. If you select to base the profile on Existing profile or local settings, you must then either browse to an existing profile or specify which local settings the new profile is to be based on (System, Group, or User Account), then click Next: 116 Creating an Installation Profile Figure 7-18 10. View the information and, if satisfied, complete the creation of the profile by clicking Finish: Figure 7-19 The installation profile you just created is now displayed among the profiles under Set Accounting: Figure 7-20 Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 117 Creating an Installation Profile The System Settings in the Profile You Just Created The profile that was just created will contain the values for the settings that will be set on the client machines installed with this profile. Note - The log password cannot be imported into a profile based on local settings; therefore, the log password setting must be specified in a profile that is ‘based on local’. If it is not specified in, for example, a installation profile based on local settings, the clients that are installed using this profile will not have a log password set until it is specifically specified on that client, either manually or via an update profile. Sanity Checks When you click OK, Pointsec PC performs a number of ‘sanity checks’ on the profile that you want to save. The Settings That Might Have Undesirable Effects window displays the results of the sanity checks, for example: Figure 7-21 The following ‘sanity checks’ are performed on the profile: • Does at least one account have access to the Management Console? At least one user account with access to the Management Console is required to be able to perform administration on the machine. • Are there any accounts in the profile for which no type of authentication has been defined? This warning occurs only when you create a profile ‘based on local settings’. You must manually set the authentication: 1. Right click each user in the tree structure. 2. Select Name and Authentication. 118 Creating an Installation Profile 3. Define the authentication details. • Do you really want Windows Integrated Logon enabled on this machine? Windows Integrated Logon bypasses all preboot authentication. • Is at least one user account defined in this installation profile? If no user accounts are defined in the profile, no user account will be able to log on to the machine on which Pointsec PC is installed with this profile. • Do at least two user accounts in the profile have permission to create recovery media? Recovery media cannot be created, and the system cannot be recovered, unless at least two user accounts have permission to create recovery media on the machine on which Pointsec PC is installed with this profile. • Do at least two user accounts in the profile have permission to uninstall Pointsec PC? You will not be able to remove Pointsec PC from the machine on which it has been installed with this profile unless the profile contains at least two user accounts that have permission to perform uninstall. • Has an expiration date been set for each temp user account in the profile? Usually an expiration date should be defined for each temp user account. If this is not the case, you will be warned about each temp user account that does not have an expiration date defined. To make changes to settings that have caused a warning in the Settings That Might Have Undesirable Effects window: 1. Click Cancel and alter the relevant setting or settings. Each time you click OK the sanity checks are performed, and any warnings of problematic settings will be displayed. If none of the sanity checks produce a warning, the profile is created. 2. If you want to accept the settings that cause the warnings, click OK in the Settings That Might Have Undesirable Effects window, and the profile will be created with the problematic settings. And when the profile is created, it is prepopulated with the local System Settings of the machine on which the profile was created. If any of these values have not been set on the local machine, the Pointsec PC default values will be used. It is good practice to examine the System Settings in the profile and make any required changes. Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 119 Creating an Installation Profile Figure 7-22 Creating Groups and User Accounts in the Profile The next step is to create groups and user accounts in the profile you have created. To create groups and user accounts: 1. At the profile symbol in PCMC Remote, double click the profile, create groups, and create user accounts. 2. Define a group that contains at least two administrator user accounts. 3. Best practice: Create another group in which you define a temporary user account. It is preferable to work with group settings rather than with individual user account settings. Note - There are two reasons a specific group must be created for the temporary user: • The settings should be completely separate from those of the administrator accounts. • This group can be used to delete user accounts created with a temporary user account. For instructions on doing this, see “Deleting user accounts created with a temporary user account” on page 121. Which Settings Should Be Defined? 4. Examine the default settings in the installation profile and decide if they are to your satisfaction: 120 • System Settings See Chapter 2, “Configuring System Settings” for a description of these settings. If not, change the settings to the desired values. • Group settings for the Administrator group The permissions for this group (XREF to permissions tables) and note that Administrators probably have stricter rules for passwords than normal user accounts do. • Group settings for the group containing the temp user. Creating an Update Profile The profile is now ready. Deleting user accounts created with a temporary user account To delete user accounts created with a temporary user account: 1. Create an update profile based on the install profile containing the temporary user account, based only on Groups. 2. Open the update profile for editing and remove all groups except the one that contains the temporary user. 3. Mark the only remaining group for removal. 4. Save the profile by clicking OK. 5. Place this profile in the Update folder on the client machine from which you want to remove the user account. Note - Do not place the profile in the Publish Profile directory because this will cause the deletion of all user accounts created with the temporary user account. Deploying Smart Card Drivers Together with Smart Card User Accounts in Installation Profiles When creating smart card user accounts via installation profiles, it is important that the required smart card drivers exist on the machine prior to logon. This is necessary if smart card user accounts are to be able to log on directly at first-time authentication. To install smart card drivers at the same time as Pointsec PC is installed: 1. Add the Driver setting to the precheck.txt file. Specify each driver file name if more than one driver is involved, separating the file names with semicolons (no spaces are allowed). Below is an example in which the smart card driver files msc_p11.bin and prd_ccid.bin are specified: Drivers=msc_p11.bin;prd_ccid.bin Creating an Update Profile An update profile is used to change the settings on a system that has already been installed. You can either create an update profile from scratch or based on an already existing installation or update profile. An update profile contains only the changes you want to make to the target installation(s). For example, if you want to change only one setting, you specify only that setting. Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 121 Difference between Remove and Mark for Removal Difference between Remove and Mark for Removal Remove Remove deletes all data regarding the user or group in the profile. If you deploy this profile, it will not affect the users or groups you just removed because there is information left in the profile regarding these users or groups. Mark for Removal When marking a group or user account for removal, the group or user remains in the profile and acts as a container for sending the information to remove the group or user on the machine(s) the profile is deployed to. Summary of Differences Mark for Removal is used to remove things at remote machines; in other words, all the information about the user or group is in the profile because it has to be sent to the client(s) where it will remove the user or group. The information must be sent to the client, so it is designated as “Mark for Removal” to signify to the admin that this user or group will be removed on the client machine(s). Remove simply removes data from the profile, and is a way to edit the contents of a profile. You might have five groups, and want to update a setting for only one of the groups. In this case, you could remove the four groups you do not want to affect, leaving only the group you want to change in the profile. Uninstall Profiles A uninstall profile cannot be edited, and requires authentication by two administrator user accounts. The machine on which you create the uninstallation profile must contain at least two system administrator accounts that are also on the clients you want to uninstall. To complete the creation of the uninstall profile, Pointsec PC prompts for the authentication of two system administrators before the profile is created (these two system administrator accounts must also exist on the client). 122 Ensuring that Administrator Accounts Exist on Both the Admin Machine and all Client Machines Ensuring that Administrator Accounts Exist on Both the Admin Machine and all Client Machines Pointsec PC 6.0 creates unique user accounts. Even if you define a user account with the same name on two different machines, these are actually two different accounts in that they have the same user account name but unique GUIDs, which means they are unique user accounts (In Pointsec PC 6.0, a GUID is the internal user account ID). Keeping track of which administrator user accounts are defined on which machines can be of critical importance. This is illustrated in the following example of a scenario involving installing Pointsec PC and subsequently attempting to uninstall it from a machine using an uninstallation profile. Manually Installing Pointsec PC on the Admin Machine Manually install Pointsec PC on what will be called the admin machine. In the process of installing Pointsec PC you will have defined two administrator user accounts, let us call them Admin_A and Admin_B. To create an installation profile: 1. On the admin machine, create an installation profile, which you will use to deploy Pointsec PC to 100 client machines. 2. In the installation profile, define two administrator user accounts, Admin_C and Admin_D. These administrators are authorized to authenticate the uninstallation of any of the 100 clients that will have Pointsec PC installed on them via this installation profile. 3. Deploy the installation profile to the 100 client machines, and assume that Pointsec PC is installed on the 100 client machines. 4. Create an uninstallation profile that you will use to remove Pointsec PC from one machine. In the process of creating the profile, the two administrator accounts on the admin machine, Admin_A and Admin_B, must authenticate the uninstall profile. 5. Deploy the uninstallation profile to the machine from which you want to uninstall Pointsec PC. You will see, however, that Pointsec PC is not uninstalled from the machine. Why Pointsec PC is not uninstalled Pointsec PC is not uninstalled from the target machine because the client machines were installed with an installation profile that included Admin_C and Admin_D. When the target machine checked the uninstallation profile, which was created on the admin machine, it finds that it was authenticated by Admin_A and Admin_B, two administrators who are unknown to the target machine (which knows of only Admin_C and Admin_D). For this reason, the profile is not activated on the target machine. Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 123 Deploying Pointsec PC Using an Install Profile You might think that you can define Admin_A and Admin_B on the target machine via an update profile. But what this will result in is the creation of two user accounts named Admin_A and Admin_B on the target machine, but although these accounts have the same name as the accounts on the admin machine, the accounts on the target machine had GUIDs that are different from those of the Admin_A and Admin_B accounts on the admin machine. Ensuring that the Required User Accounts are on the Machines that Require them To get the relevant user accounts on the machines that require them: Alternative 1 1. Install Pointsec PC on the admin machine. 2. Create the installation profile you will use to install Pointsec PC on the client machines. 3. Create an update profile based on the installation profile used to install on the client machines, including Admin_A and Admin_B in this update profile. Thus, Admin_A, Admin_B, Admin_C, and Admin_D will be on the admin machine and Admin_C and Admin_D will be on the client machines. 4. Update the admin machine using the update profile created in the previous step. Alternative 2 1. Install Pointsec PC on the admin machine. 2. Create the installation profile that you will use to install Pointsec PC on the client machines. 3. Uninstall Pointsec PC from the admin machine. 4. Use the installation profile created above to install Pointsec PC on the admin machine after adding Admin_A and Admin_B to the profile. Now Admin_A, Admin_B, Admin_C, and Admin_D are in the admin machine and Admin_C and Admin_D are on the client machines. Deploying Pointsec PC Using an Install Profile This section explains how to deploy Pointsec PC using a login script. You can initiate a Pointsec PC silent install profile from any computer that can map a drive and run an executable file. 124 Deploying in an MSI Package To deploy Pointsec PC: 1. Copy the contents of the SetupFiles directory on the Pointsec PC CD to the Install directory that contains the install profile. Note - In order for installation, recovery, and updates to function correctly, user accounts on Pointsec PC-protected computers must have RX permissions to the entire Pointsec PC directory structure to handle temporary information and updates. 2. Create and distribute the following login script to the computers on which you want to install Pointsec PC: If Not Exist %homedrive%\progra~1\Pointsec for PC\pscontrol.exe goto Install Exit :Install start \\[servername]\[installdirectory]\msiexec.exe /i "Pointsec for PC.msi" /q exit The next time the users log in and the script runs, Pointsec PC will be installed with the settings you have configured in the install profile and the computers will be Pointsec PC protected. Note - In order to log error information from a failed installation, the user executing the script also needs rights to create folders and files in the Install directory. Local administrator permissions are required in order to install. Deploying in an MSI Package Note - When Pointsec PC is installed on a client using deployment software such as SMS or Tivoli, the service that runs the msi.exe must be run as LOCAL_SYSTEM, and the service must have “Interact with desktop” activated. If the service is run as a normal user account, the installation will fail. Windows XP If you are deploying Pointsec PC on Windows XP: the Pointsec PC MSI package can be started using msiexec.exe /i "Pointsec for PC.msi". Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 125 Verifying a Pointsec PC Deployment The following parameters are supported: Table 7-1 Supported parameters Parameter Explanation /i Installation /x Uninstallation /L Logs installation information /q Silent installation Note - Pointsec PC does not support any other parameters, transforms or modifications to the .msi package! Windows Vista Windows Vista requires higher admin rights than Windows XP when installing. You do not have these higher rights automatically even if you are logged in as administrator on Vista, and therefore you cannot start the msi-file in the same way as on Windows XP. However, these rights have been added to the autorun.exe so if you run the autorun.exe it will generate an msiexec command line with the correct rights. You can use the same parameters for the autorun file as for the msi-file. The parameters you use for the autorun file will automatically be added to the msiexec command, for example: the command autorun.exe /install=q generates the command line msiexec /i "Pointsec for PC.msi" /q Verifying a Pointsec PC Deployment When you have deployed Pointsec PC on the clients, it is important to verify that Pointsec PC has been installed and that the clients’ volumes have been encrypted. 1. Verify the deployment by checking the text files found in the predefined Log directory/directories on the file share(s). One text (.txt) file for each client machine is created in the Central Log directory if the System Settings → Install → Enable status export to file checkbox has been selected in the profiles. The text file tells you if Pointsec PC has been installed, which volumes have been encrypted 126 Running Pointsec PC as a Service on a PC (provided that the client machine actually has been encrypted), and if a recovery file has been created for the specific client machine. The text files contain the client machine’s name in the file name, for example: london_office_pc_1.txt, london_office_pc_2.txt, london_office_pc_3.txt and so on. 2. Check the recovery (.rec) files found in the predefined Recovery directory/directories on the file share(s). The number of recovery files should correspond to the number of clients deployed; that is, there should be 200 recovery files in the directory/directories if Pointsec PC was deployed to 200 clients. Each recovery file is identified with the client machine’s name in the file name, for example: london_office_pc_1.rec, london_office_pc_2.rec, london_office_pc_3.rec and so on. Running Pointsec PC as a Service on a PC The Pointsec Service Start service allows system administrators to limit user access to the Pointsec network share and the respective recovery, update profile and software update directories. Authentication to the share is made with the account assigned to the Pointsec Service Start service. For more information, see Chapter 10, “Using a Service Start Account” on page 149. Note - This documentation does not cover permissions required to install Pointsec PC from a network share. Pointsec Service Start Service Account Specifics The account assigned to the Pointsec Service Start service must be a domain or Microsoft Active Directory account in order to allow the service to authenticate across the client systems and file share properly. It is also strongly recommended that this account be treated as a service account, not a normal user account. Additional specific authorization and restrictions (enforced by Group Policy Objects [GPOs] or system policies) should be applied to the service account. A strong and lengthy password is also recommended to secure this service account. Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 127 Pointsec Service Start Service Account Specifics General Requirements On the Local PC • The logged-on user account requires List, Read, Write, Execute, Modify and Delete permissions to the local Pointsec program folder, generally: C:\Program Files\Pointsec. • The logged-on user account requires full permissions to the Pointsec registry items on the client PC, generally: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pointsec Mobile Tech\Pointsec. • The account configured as the Pointsec Service Start account requires List, Read, Write, Execute and Modify permissions to the local Pointsec program folder, generally: C:\Program Files\Pointsec. • The account configured as the Pointsec Service Start service must be a member of the Administrator group on the local PC. • The account configured as the Pointsec Service Start service account requires full permissions to the Pointsec registry items on the client PC, generally: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pointsec Mobile Tech\Pointsec- On the Network share • The user account logging on to the local client PC requires no permissions on the network share once service is configured. • The account configured as Pointsec Service Start requires full control to the network share. What does the Pointsec Service Start Service do? Once the Pointsec Service Start service is configured, it handles: • Creation of recovery file • Download of update profiles placed in the update path • Download of system upgrade package (patch files) Limitations Computer-specific Update Profile Folder A computer-specific update profile folder is not created in the update profile path, since this is not done via the Pointsec Service Start service but by a process running in the user context (currently). Note - If the folder is created manually, it will be used as normal. 128 Creating and Deploying Update Profiles Software Updates Software updates are downloaded and completed on the local PC, but the upload of the log files from the update is not transferred, since this is not done via the Pointsec Service Start service but by a process running in the user context (currently). Workaround possibility In this scenario it is possible that a package can be written for provision through a login script or systems management tool that executes C:\Program Files\Pointsec\PpupdLog.exe with a Run As operation, where the user account has the necessary rights to the Pointsec file share. Example of Setup The following is an example of the setup: 1. Create a domain-wide account (hereafter called ServiceAccount) that all client PCs within the organization can use (e.g., added to the Power Users on each machine via GPO). This account also needs to be present on the local machines with the permissions described above. 2. Create a network share and assign full permission on the share, including sub-folders and content to the ServiceAccount. Other permissions can be set as desired. 3. Install Pointsec. 4. Set the Pointsec Service Start service to log on with the ServiceAccount. If configured correctly, the creation of recovery file, download of update profiles and download of software upgrades is now performed via the account assigned to the Pointsec Service Start service. Note - If you are installing by means of an install profile, the Pointsec Service Start service can be configured prior to rebooting the system when completing the installation. Doing so should avoid a possible -2 error when logging on (caused by limited permissions for the logged-on user to the recovery folder). Creating and Deploying Update Profiles You can easily update security settings on Pointsec PC-protected computers by creating and deploying an update profile. The best way to create an update profile is to edit the original install profile and save it as an update profile. Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 129 Creating an Update Profile Creating an Update Profile To create an update profile: Working with Accounts in an Update Profile You can add, edit and delete group and user accounts on a Pointsec PC-protected computer by configuring accounts in an update profile. Editing and Deleting Accounts in an Update Profile To edit or delete an account: Deploying an Update Profile Note - All computers on which you want to update Pointsec PC must have read and execute permissions to the Update directory. Pointsec PC-protected computers check for update profiles every three hours, or if the computer is not connected to the network, the next time the user next logs on to the network. Deploying an Update Profile to a Specific Computer The first time a Pointsec PC-protected computer retrieves an update profile, it creates a unique folder in the update profile path. Whenever you need to deploy a specific update profile to the computer, you can do so by placing the profile in this folder. Pointsec PC uses the name of the computer as the folder name. Pushing Update Profiles to Computers If you want a Pointsec PC-protected computer to search for an update profile outside the set interval, you can achieve this by using Pointsec PC’s Push feature. This feature enables updates to be imported even if the computer goes off-line once the update has been placed on the system. To push an update profile: 1. On the local system, create the sub-folder Work in the Pointsec folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\Pointsec\Work. 130 How does the Update Profile Affect a Logged-on User? Pointsec PC checks if the Work folder is present on the local system. If Pointsec PC finds an update or software update profile in the Work folder, Pointsec PC verifies that the update is new, imports it and deletes the update from C:\…\Pointsec\Work. The import is completed within 10 seconds. Pointsec PC then continues using the normal update interval as specified. How does the Update Profile Affect a Logged-on User? If an update profile affects the logged-on user, Pointsec PC will execute the new settings in one of two ways. Depending on the settings, they will be implemented either immediately or the next time the user logs on after rebooting the computer. If the update profile contains a deletion of the logged-on user, this will be implemented immediately and Pointsec PC will lock the keyboard and start the screensaver so as not to allow the user access to the system. Note - On Windows NT/2000/XP, Pointsec PC will display an additional warning informing the user of what has happened. Chapter 7 Working with Installation and Update Profiles 131 How does the Update Profile Affect a Logged-on User? 132 8 Chapter Upgrading Pointsec for PC 4.x and 5.x Installations Upgrading is the process of replacing one version of software with a newer version of that software. This chapter describes how a 4.x or 5.x version of Pointsec for PC can be replaced with Pointsec PC 6.2. Note that versions 4.x and 5.x are often called legacy versions below. For details on upgrading from Pointsec for PC 6.x.x to Pointsec PC 6.2, see “Upgrading from Pointsec for PC 6.x.x to Pointsec PC” on page 145. Overview The (legacy) Pointsec for PC 4.x or 5.x functionality is used to perform the upgrade to Pointsec PC 6.2. This means that the upgrade of legacy clients is performed by distributing/deploying “upgrade packages” to the 4.x/5.x Directory path for software upgrades or to the Pointsec/Work folder on the client computers. Note - It is not possible to perform an update by executing the Pointsec PC MSI package. During the upgrade of a Pointsec for PC 4.x/5.x version to Pointsec PC 6.2 the following things should be noted: • Protection of volumes is retained. • Legacy user/group and system settings are discarded. • Legacy user accounts can be kept or upgraded. 133 Overview • Upgraded legacy users keep their names and status. For example, legacy accounts that are locked will be locked after upgrade. • User credentials are upgraded for legacy password and dynamic token accounts. The credentials for legacy smart card accounts cannot be upgraded, and these accounts are therefore converted during upgrade. • An Upgrade profile is used to control the upgrade. Via the profile it is possible to: • Configure which legacy accounts that shall be preserved during upgrade. • Add new user accounts and groups. • Specify the System Settings, Group settings, and User Account settings that will be set in the upgraded installation. Remote Help Upgraded legacy accounts can be used to provide Remote Help, but upgraded legacy accounts that use a fixed password to authenticate must have successfully logged on once before they will be able to provide Remote Help on the upgraded system. Therefore, it is recommended that you always include in the upgrade profile at least one user that is able to provide Remote Help. Conversion of Special Legacy Accounts During upgrade, legacy TEMPSERVICEUSER users are converted to “service user”-type accounts, see “Pointsec PC Service Start Account and the Recovery File” below. Smart Card Accounts During upgrade, smart card accounts are either removed or converted to temporary smart card accounts/fixed password accounts with a password specified by the upgrade profile. If temporary smart card accounts are used, the users must re-associate the smart card at Windows logon. Recovery File During the upgrade, a recovery file for the upgraded version is created and stored in the Recovery path. If the creation of this file fails, the upgrade is aborted. Pointsec PC Service Start Account and the Recovery File If a Pointsec PC service start account is configured in the upgrade profile, it will be used to store the recovery file in the Recovery path. 134 From Which Legacy Versions Can You Upgrade? During upgrade, the Pointsec Service Start Service in the 4.x/5.x version of Pointsec PC, and information about the account configured to run the service, will be removed. Consequently the 4.x/5.x version of the Pointsec Service Start Service will not be used for recovery file handling during or after upgrade. From Which Legacy Versions Can You Upgrade? You can upgrade to Pointsec PC 6.2 from the following legacy versions: • Pointsec for PC 4.1 sr 2.14 or later • Pointsec for PC 4.2 sr 1.4 or later • Pointsec for PC 4.3 • Pointsec for PC 5 x.x Requirements for Upgrading a 4.x/5.x Client The following requirements must be met to upgrade a Pointsec for PC 4.x/5.x client: • Upgrade from the installed 4.x/5.x version must be supported (see above). • Encryption on the client computer to be upgraded must be completed, that is, no encryption may be in progress on that computer. • The currently logged in user must have access to all protected volumes. • Upgrade is not supported on computers to which USB hard disk drives or USB flash drives are attached. The Process of Upgrading The Pointsec PC administrator should perform the following operations to upgrade the product on the clients: 1. Install Pointsec PC 6.2 on a machine; this is referred to as the ‘master installation’. The master installation is used to create upgrade profiles and to construct an upgrade package. 2. Create the upgrade profile that will be used for this upgrade. Before creating the upgrade profile, the central administrator must do an inventory of the legacy accounts, legacy groups, and the legacy settings that exist on the clients. The information collected in the inventory will enable the central administrator to create an upgrade profile that will upgrade the clients correctly. This inventory must be performed manually. Chapter 8 Upgrading Pointsec for PC 4.x and 5.x Installations 135 The Characteristics of an Upgrade Profile 3. Create the upgrade package via the upgrade wizard, which can be accessed in the PCMC at Remote → Create 4.x/5.x Upgrade Package. 4. Deploy the upgrade package, if this has not been done via the wizard. 5. Check the progress of the upgrade on the clients by monitoring the central log file directory for the log files from the upgraded clients. 6. Restart the upgrade on the clients on which it has failed. Most of these steps are explained in detail below. The Characteristics of an Upgrade Profile Settings That Are Specific to Upgrade Profiles Upgrade profiles are similar to installation profiles, but they are unique in having the following settings (found under Groups → ... → Group Settings → Upgrade, see Figure 8-1, below): • Choose Upgrade Action. • Choose How To Convert Upgraded Legacy Smart Card Accounts. • Set Password for Converted Legacy Smart Card Accounts. • Limited Volume Access Accounts • Default Legacy Group Note - Upgrade profiles do not have volume protection settings because the protection is inherited from the legacy installation. Upgrade Settings Figure 8-1 136 The Characteristics of an Upgrade Profile The following Upgrade settings are found under Group Settings: Table 8-1 Upgrade settings Text Explanation Choose Upgrade Action This setting determines how legacy accounts matched by the group/account will be upgraded. The following values can be set for groups and for legacy accounts: • • • Choose How To Convert Upgraded Legacy Smart Card Accounts Ignore = Legacy account(s) are ignored (handled by default group for authority level) Upgrade = Upgrade legacy account(s) and utilize settings for matching group. Remove = Remove legacy account(s). Credentials for legacy smart card accounts cannot be upgraded, so they must be converted during upgrade. This setting determines how to convert these accounts. Note that this parameter has no effect unless the parameter 'Legacy accounts handling' is set to ‘Upgrade’. • • • Remove Convert to temporary smart card accounts Convert to fixed password account Set Password for Converted Legacy Smart Cart Accounts Set the password for the legacy smart card accounts that, during upgrade, will be converted to temporary smart card accounts or password accounts. Limited Volume Access Accounts Specifies the action that will be taken when accounts without access to all volumes are found. • • Abort Installation Remove legacy accounts Default Legacy Groups In an upgrade profile, a group can be marked as Default Legacy Group for one or several legacy authority levels (Sysadmin, Admin, and User). This is done by right clicking the group and selecting Default legacy group. A legacy user is primarily upgraded according to the settings specified for a group (in the upgrade profile) whose name is the same as the legacy group to which the legacy user belongs. If no group name in the profile matches the user’s legacy group name, the user is upgraded according to the settings for a group designated the Default legacy group for the user’s authority level. If no Default legacy group is found, the user is removed. Chapter 8 Upgrading Pointsec for PC 4.x and 5.x Installations 137 The Characteristics of an Upgrade Profile Legacy Accounts Legacy accounts are added to profiles for two purposes: 1. To specify a specific upgrade action for an account in a legacy installation. 2. To enable management on user-account level for individual upgraded accounts. 3. You can add legacy accounts to the upgrade profile. But for legacy accounts, you can specify only the legacy user account name, and set the Upgrade Action (and implicitly the group membership). The Two Types of Upgrade Profile: Silent and Interactive Update profiles can be either silent or interactive. You choose whether you want to create a silent or an interactive profile in the PCMC’s New Profile wizard. The profile type determines whether the upgrade will be interactive or silent. Recommendations The following recommendations apply to upgrade profiles: • All legacy users can be preserved during upgrade. However, we recommend that legacy users with the authority level User are upgraded and that legacy users with the authority level Admin and Sysadmin are removed and replaced with new user accounts. With this approach, all information (including credentials) related to the administrative accounts is available in the PCMC. This enables you to create installation/update profiles with the same administrative accounts and thereby unify the configuration of clients with different backgrounds (upgraded from 4.x/5.x or the direct installation of 6.x). Note that an upgrade profile can be based on an installation/update profile and that you thereby can achieve this effect in reverse order. 138 • The upgrade profile should contain at least one new account with the authority level and permissions required to perform Remote Help for all users. • The Update Profile Path, Recovery Path, Central Log Path, and Upgrade Path specified in the upgrade profile should be different from those used for the 4.x/5.x versions. • The parameter Limited volumes access should be set to Abort installation. If the setting Remove accounts is used, the following scenario will result in one or several volumes not being upgraded correctly: • A user with access to all volumes is logged on to Pointsec PC. • Upgrade is performed in the Windows environment, and the computer is restarted. Configuring an Upgrade Profile • Another user with limited volume access logs into the legacy PPBE. • Upgrade is done on all volumes to which that user has access. The other volumes are not accessible and therefore cannot be upgraded. Configuring an Upgrade Profile An upgrade profile can be based on: • Local settings • An update profile • An installation profile When you create a new upgrade profile that is not based upon local settings or on another profile, the new upgrade profile will contain three groups: Sysadmins, Admins, and Users. Each of these groups has the Default legacy group setting for the corresponding legacy authority level. Note that the default groups can be renamed and removed in the same way any other normal group can be. Sanity-Check Warnings Related to the Configuration of an Upgrade Profile In addition to the warnings relevant for installation profiles, the following situations trigger warnings for upgrade profiles: • No new account has been specified in the upgrade profile. • No default group exists for one or more of the legacy authority levels. • The group authority level for the legacy sysadmin default group is lower than the group authority level for legacy admin default group. • The group authority level for the legacy admin default group is lower than the group authority level for legacy user default group. Errors Related to the Configuration of an Upgrade Profile In addition to errors relevant for installation profiles, the following situations trigger errors for upgrade profiles: • The setting, Upgrade Action, has been assigned the value Ignore for a group that is a default group for a legacy authority level. Legacy Account Handling How legacy accounts are upgraded is determined by the contents of the upgrade profile and by the following four legacy parameters for the account: Chapter 8 Upgrading Pointsec for PC 4.x and 5.x Installations 139 Upgrade Operations • Legacy account name • Group name • Authentication method • Authority level Analysis of Legacy Accounts During upgrade, the upgrade profile and these parameters are analyzed to determine whether the account will be upgraded or removed. Remove: The account is removed and will not be present in the upgraded Pointsec PC installation. Upgrade: The account is retained during upgrade, and it becomes a member of one of the groups specified in the profile. The account will receive the settings specified for the group in the upgrade profile. The analysis that attempts to match a legacy account to an user account in the upgraded system is primarily based on the legacy account’s group name and secondarily based upon its authority level. Upgrade Operations This section describes how specific upgrade operations can be performed via upgrade profiles. Upgrading All Legacy Accounts in a Legacy Group To upgrade all the accounts in a legacy group, define the group in the upgrade profile and set the Upgrade Action to Upgrade. Removing All Legacy Accounts in a Legacy Group To remove all accounts in a legacy group, define the group in the upgrade profile and set the Upgrade Action to Remove. Removing All Legacy Accounts To remove all legacy accounts, set the Upgrade Action to Remove in all groups. Note that in this case new accounts must be added via the upgrade profile. Removing/Upgrading a Specific Legacy Account in a Legacy Group Create a legacy account in the upgrade profile with the same name and group as the account and set Upgrade Action to Remove/Upgrade. Creating the Upgrade Package To create the upgrade package, use the upgrade wizard, which you will find in the PCMC. 140 Upgrade Operations 1. Select Remote in the folder tree to the left: Figure 8-2 PCMC Remote 2. Click Create Upgrade Package, and the wizard opens. Then click Next. Figure 8-3 Input File information Chapter 8 Upgrading Pointsec for PC 4.x and 5.x Installations 141 Upgrade Operations The Create Upgrade Package window contains the following information: Table 8-2 Create Upgrade Package Information Text Explanation Select directory containing the Pointsec PC installation package The directory that contains the installation package for version of Pointsec PC to which the clients will be upgraded. Use the serial number of the local installation Clients accept only upgrade packages that have been created with their current serial number. If the serial number used on the local machine is identical to the serial number used by the clients, the Use the serial number of the local installation checkbox can be selected. Serial number currently used by clients Clients accept only upgrade packages that have been created with their current serial number. If the serial number used on the local machine is not identical to the serial number used by the clients, enter the serial number used by the clients in the text box. Algorithm Select the algorithm Blowfish/CAST or AES/3DES used by the clients that will be upgraded. Upgrade profile The upgrade profile to be used in the upgrade package. 3. Click the ... button, and browse to the directory that contains the installation package for version of Pointsec PC to which the clients will be upgraded. Select that directory. Some of the files used in the upgrade package are located in the Pointsec PC installation package, that is why it needs to be selected. 4. If the serial number used on the local machine is identical to the serial number used by the clients, select the Use the serial number of the local installation checkbox. If the serial number used on the local machine is not identical to the serial number used by the clients, enter the serial number used by the clients in the Serial number currently used by clients field. 5. Select the algorithm, Blowfish/CAST or AES/3DES, that will be used by the clients that will be upgraded. 6. Using the ... button, browse to and select the profile to be used in the upgrade package. Then click Next. 142 Upgrade Operations Figure 8-4 Upgrade package summary 7. If satisfied with the package information summary, click Finish. Figure 8-5 Upgrade package The actual package created will be similar in structure to the package shown above. Deployment The upgrade package is deployed by copying it to the 4.x/5.x Directory path for software upgrades or to the Pointsec/Work folder on the client computers. Error Handling and Logging All major upgrade actions that are performed and any error that occur during upgrade are logged in a clear text log: Upgrade_[computername].log. During upgrade, the file is stored in the update folder in the Program files.../Update folder. If the upgrade fails, the file is uploaded to the “Directory for software upgrades”. If the upgrade is successful, the files is stored in the [Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Pointsec/Pointsec for PC...] directory. This file contains valuable information for tracing upgrade problems. Chapter 8 Upgrading Pointsec for PC 4.x and 5.x Installations 143 Upgrade Operations Restarting the Upgrade Upgrade can be restarted in two ways. The first solution is the recommended way to restart, while the other way can be considered a fall-back solution when the first solution does not work: Solution 1: • Create a new upgrade package via the PCMC. • Distribute the upgrade package to the clients’ Software update directory/work folders. Solution 2: • Clear the registry values PatchLast and PatchNetLast in key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pointsec Mobile Tech\Pointsec on the clients. • Remove the files in C:\Program Files\Pointsec\Update on the clients. • Distribute the upgrade package to the clients’ Software update directory/work folders. Recovery Most of the upgrade operations are performed in Windows. However, to finalize the upgrade, the system must be restarted and the user must authenticate once in the legacy PPBE. If the upgrade fails after restart, recovery must be performed on the system. Depending upon the progress of the upgrade process, recovery is performed via a recovery media for the legacy installation or/and the upgraded installation. If the upgrade fails after restart, and the system becomes inaccessible; perform the following steps: 1. Create recovery media for the legacy version. 2. Create recovery media for the upgraded version (that failed). 3. Attempt recovery using the legacy recovery media on all volumes. Pay close attention to error messages that the recovery program displays. You can, however, ignore the “Simulated boot record differs” error message. This message depends on how the upgrade is carried out, and the problem can be fixed using the recovery media for the upgraded version. 4. Attempt recovery with the recovery media for the upgraded version and perform “Recover all”. 5. Attempt to boot the system. 144 9 Chapter Upgrading from Pointsec for PC 6.x.x to Pointsec PC This chapter describes how to upgrade Pointsec for PC 6.x.x installations to Pointsec PC. Upgrading from 6.x.x to 6.2 You can upgrade from Pointsec for PC 6.x.x to Pointsec PC 6.2 by running Msiexec.exe. At the same time, if you wish, you can also change the graphic images displayed in preboot. Before Upgrading Permissions Required to Run Upgrade Upgrading requires the permissions needed to install msi packages on the local machine. By default, the Pointsec for PC.msi program installs the upgrade using the Local System account, which has the required permissions. Changing the Graphic Images Displayed in Preboot Before you perform the upgrade, you can change the following from the Pointsec PC graphic image to, for example, your company’s logo: • Banner displayed in preboot • Background image displayed in preboot • Preboot screen saver image 145 Performing the Upgrade To change the graphics displayed in preboot authentication: 1. Create a folder named oemvar in the folder that contains the Pointsec for PC.msi file: FIGURE P-1 2. Add the relevant files (described below) to the oemvar folder. During upgrade, the files that have been added to this folder will be registered as the files to be displayed during preboot. Table 9-1 Files to add to oemvar folder Filename Description Specifications Banner.jpg Banner displayed in preboot. Jpeg images created with Photoshop 3.0 cannot be used. 447w * 98h Desktop.jp g Background image displayed in preboot. Jpeg images created with Photoshop 3.0 cannot be used. 800w * 600h Scrsvr.jpg Preboot screen saver image. Jpeg images created with Photoshop 3.0 cannot be used. 260w * 128h 3. Perform the relevant upgrade procedure as described in “Performing the Upgrade” on page 146. Performing the Upgrade Note - When upgrading, the 1_Pointsec for PC folder (from the Pointsec PC CD-ROM) must be deployed intact; that is, it must be deployed with its contents as is - none of the subfolders or files should be deleted or moved. Elements can be added to 1_Pointsec for PC as long as the original content is intact, and, for example, precheck.txt can be edited. 146 Performing the Upgrade Note - Do not use copy and paste to enter the text shown in the following instructions into the command prompt as this can alter the double quotes, which will cause the command to fail. Automatic Reboot It is possible to set up an automatic reboot after the upgrade’s silent installation. Note, however, that this might come as an unpleasant surprise to end users currently working on these machines if they are not aware that their machines will reboot without warning. If you wish to upgrade without automatic reboot, see the instructions below. Manual Reboot During the upgrade, the following upgrade log is maintained: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Pointsec\Pointsec for PC\Upgrade.log When a silent installation has completed successfully, an Upgrade Done entry is written to the upgrade log. When you see this entry in the log, the machine can be rebooted. By default, all users have full permissions to the directory that contains the upgrade log. If you experience problems writing or accessing the log, check with your administrator to determine whether the default permissions have been changed. Smart Card Drivers Are Updated When an upgrade is performed, the smart card and smart card reader .inf files in the new installation are registered. The old entries are retained unless they are replaced by new entries in the new .inf files. Then, the installed driver files are upgraded, but only if the checksums match those that were updated while the drivers were being registered. To upgrade with automatic reboot: 1. Execute Msiexec.exe as follows: Msiexec.exe /i ”PATH_TO_MSI\Pointsec for PC.msi” REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL /q To upgrade with manual reboot: 1. Execute Msiexec.exe as follows: Msiexec.exe /i ”PATH_TO_MSI\Pointsec for PC.msi” REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress /q Chapter 9 Upgrading from Pointsec for PC 6.x.x to Pointsec PC 147 2. When the upgrade log shows the entry Upgrade Done, reboot the machine. 148 10 Chapter Using a Service Start Account This chapter describes the Pointsec PC Service Start service. It also describes the creation of a Windows account you assign to run the service. Together, the service and the account allow you to strictly limit the permissions of the user accounts on client machines while still enabling those machines to access to the file share on which profiles, upgrades, recovery files, and log files are stored. In a Common Criteria validated environment, users of Pointsec PC-protected computers are allowed to have only RX permissions to the Pointsec share. This can be accomplished by setting up a Pointsec Service Start Account in the Pointsec PC profile deployed on computers. This chapter provides: • General information on the Pointsec PC Service Start service. See “Pointsec PC Service Start Service Program - pstartsr.exe” on page 150 for details. • • Guidance in defining the Windows user account that will run the service and in including this user account in the Power Users group. See “Defining the Windows User Account That Will Run the Service” on page 152 • Instructions on how to assign Log on as a service rights to this Widows user account. Log on as a service and Manage auditing and security log rights are required for the Windows user account to be able to run the service. See “Specifying the Service Start Account and Password in Pointsec PC” on page 157 • Instructions on how to specify the Windows user account in Pointsec PC so it will be used to access the file share on which profiles, upgrades, recovery files, and logs are stored. See “Defining the Windows User Account That Will Run the Service” on page 152 149 Pointsec PC Service Start Service Program - pstartsr.exe Pointsec PC Service Start Service Program pstartsr.exe The Pointsec PC Service Start service is the pstartsr.exe program. It is added to the Windows services when Pointsec PC is installed. To view the service: 1. In the Start menu, right click My Computer and click Manage: Figure 10-1 2. In the Computer Management window, click Services and Application: Figure 10-2 3. In the same window, click Services: 150 Pointsec PC Service Start Service Program - pstartsr.exe Figure 10-3 A list of services on the machine is displayed: Figure 10-4 4. Right click Pointsec service start and select Properties. The Pointsec service start Properties window is displayed: Chapter 10 Using a Service Start Account 151 Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account Figure 10-5 Here you can see the service in the path to the executable listed in the Path to executable text box. The service is PSTARTSR.EXE. Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account To use the Pointsec Service Start service you must perform the following steps, which are elaborated on the following pages: • Define the Windows user account and password that will run the service. • Assign Log on as service and Manage auditing and security log rights to the Windows user account that will run the service. • Specify the Windows account that will run the service and its password in Pointsec PC. Defining the Windows User Account That Will Run the Service To define the Windows user account that will run the service: 1. On the Control Panel, click User Accounts: 152 Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account Figure 10-6 2. Select the Advanced tab: Figure 10-7 Chapter 10 Using a Service Start Account 153 Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account 3. Click Advanced: Figure 10-8 The Local Users and Groups window is displayed. 4. Right click Users and select New User...: Figure 10-9 5. Enter the User name of the user account, enter a password, confirm the password, and click Create: 154 Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account Figure 10-10 The Windows user account that will run the service has now been created. You must still assign Log on as a service rights to this user account, and you must specify this account to Pointsec PC. Both these steps are described below. Assigning Log on as a service Rights to the User Account To assign Log on as a service rights to the user account defined via the Control Panel: 1. On the Control Panel, click Administrative Tools. 2. In the Administrative Tools window, click Local Security Policy. 3. In the tree structure on the left side of the window, under Security Settings/Local Policies/User Rights Assignment, click Log on as a service and Manage auditing and security log: Chapter 10 Using a Service Start Account 155 Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account Figure 10-11 4. Click Add User or Group: Figure 10-12 156 Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account 5. Do one of the following: • Enter the domain and user account name, then click OK. • Click Advanced, then on the Select Users or Groups window click Find Now and select the user account you have defined to run the service. Figure 10-13 You still need to specify this account to Pointsec PC so it will use this account to access the share and its directories. This is described below. Specifying the Service Start Account and Password in Pointsec PC The Windows account and password required to run the Pointsec Service Start service must be specified for Pointsec PC in one of the following ways: • PCMC • During a manual (local) installation • In an installation profile • On the Log on tab of the Pointsec service start Properties window Via the PCMC To specify the domain name and username you want to run the Pointsec Start service account in the PCMC: 1. In PCMC, go to Local and select Edit Settings. 2. Under System Settings → Install, click Pointsec Service Start Account Username, enter the domain and username in the Pointsec Service Start Account Username window, and click OK: Chapter 10 Using a Service Start Account 157 Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account Figure 10-14 3. To specify the password, under System Settings → Install click Pointsec Service Start Account Password, enter the password and verify it in the Pointsec Service Start Account Password window. 4. Click Verify and the Management Console checks whether or not you can log on to Windows with the Windows user account and password you have specified. 5. When you are finished, click OK. 158 Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account Figure 10-15 During a Manual Installation To specify the Windows account and password during a manual installation: 1. In the Access to network paths window, select Use a configured Windows account for access to the network path(s): Figure 10-16 Chapter 10 Using a Service Start Account 159 Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account In an Installation Profile To specify the domain name and the username when creating or editing a profile: 1. Under System Settings → Install, click Pointsec Service Start Account Username, enter the domain name and the username in the Pointsec Service Start Account Username window, and click OK: Figure 10-17 2. To specify the password, under System Settings → Install click Pointsec Service Start Account Password, enter the password and verify it in the Pointsec Service Start Account Password window. 3. Click Verify and the Management Console checks whether or not you can log on to Windows with the Windows user account and password you have specified. 4. When you are finished, click OK: 160 Setting up the Pointsec Service Start Account Figure 10-18 On the Log On Tab of the Pointsec Service Start Properties Window The Windows user account and password can be specified on the Log On tab on the Pointsec service start Properties window. This window (but not the Log on tab) was described above. To specify the Windows user account and password on the Log On tab on the Pointsec service start Properties window: 1. Select the Log On tab on the Pointsec service start Properties window. 2. Select This account: and enter a valid Windows domain and username in the format Domain\Username, for example Domain_A\Run_P4PC_service. 3. Enter a valid Windows password, confirm it and click OK: Chapter 10 Using a Service Start Account 161 General Requirements Figure 10-19 Note - If you define the Windows account and password in this way, the account is automatically assigned Logon as service rights, which are required to run the service. See other requirements, below. The Windows user account can also be defined via User Accounts in the Control Panel. General Requirements On the Local PC 162 • The logged-on user account requires List, Read, Write, Execute, Modify and Delete permissions to the local Pointsec program folder, generally: C:\Program Files\Pointsec. • The logged-on user account requires full permissions to the Pointsec registry items on the client PC, generally: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pointsec Mobile Tech\Pointsec. • The account configured as the Pointsec Service Start service requires List, Read, Write, Execute and Modify permissions to the local Pointsec program folder, generally: C:\Program Files\Pointsec. • The account configured as the Pointsec Service Start service must be a member of the Administrator group on the local PC. What does the Pointsec Service Start Service Do? • The account configured as Pointsec Service Start service requires full permissions to the Pointsec registry items on the client PC, generally: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pointsec Mobile Tech\Pointsec On the Network share • The user account logging on to the local client PC requires no permissions on the network share once service is configured. • The account configured as Pointsec Service Start requires full control to the network share. What does the Pointsec Service Start Service Do? Once the Pointsec Service Start service is configured, it handles: • Creation of recovery file • Download of update profiles placed in the update path • Download of system upgrade packages (patch files) Limitations Computer-specific Update Profile Folder A computer-specific update profile folder is not created in the update profile path, since this is not done via the Pointsec Service Start service but by a process running in the user context (currently). Note - If the folder is created manually, it will be used as normal. Example of Setup The following is an example of the setup: 1. Create a domain-wide account (hereafter called ServiceAccount) that all client PCs within the organization can use (e.g., added to the Power Users on each machine via GPO). This account also needs to be present on the local machines with the permissions described above. 2. Create a network share and assign full permission on the share, including sub-folders and content to the ServiceAccount. Other permissions can be set as desired. 3. Install Pointsec PC. 4. Set the Pointsec Service Start service to log on with the ServiceAccount. Chapter 10 Using a Service Start Account 163 Upgrade from Pointsec 4.x/5.x Installations If configured correctly, the creation of recovery file, download of update profiles and download of software upgrades is now performed via the account assigned to the Pointsec Service Start service. Note - If you are installing by means of an install profile, the Pointsec Service Start service can be configured prior to rebooting the system when completing the installation. Doing so should avoid a possible -2 error when logging on (caused by limited permissions for the logged-on user to the recovery folder). Upgrade from Pointsec 4.x/5.x Installations During upgrade from Pointsec PC 4.x/5.x, the 4.x/5.x version of the Pointsec Service Start Service is removed; and information about the account configured to run the service is lost. The service must therefore be reconfigured in order to function correctly. 164 Chapter Pointsec PC Logging Functionality 11 Pointsec PC can create and store event logs in a central log file that can be made available to a central management point of access. Pointsec PC also maintains local log files on each Pointsec PC-protected local machine. Note - Ensure that you use a reliable time source to set clients’ internal clocks so that the audit trail from multiple clients, will contain synchronized time stamps. Pointsec PC events are logged in one or more of the following: • Local event database • Local log file • Central log file(s) • Windows Event Log (if enabled) The Local Event Database Pointsec PC logs information about events such as login attempts, status of encryption and time of each update to the configuration. This information is saved as log events in the local event database. These log events comprise an audit trail of Pointsec PC activities on the local computer. Pointsec PC stores up to 255 events in the local event database. This information is scrambled and cannot be viewed in a text editor. It can, however, be viewed immediately after preboot authentication by clicking Show Log in the Logon Successful window: 165 The Local Log File Figure 11-1 The contents of the local event database can also be viewed by clicking View Local Log under Local in the PCMC; see below. The Local Log File The contents of the local event database are transferred to the local log file by the PC tray application (PTray.exe) each time a user logs on to Windows. The local log file (Windows 2000 and XP) is stored locally in the directory C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Pointsec\Pointsec for PC. Note that the Application Data\Pointsec\Pointsec for PC directories are hidden. The local log file (Windows Vista) is stored locally in the directory C:\Users\All Users\Pointsec\Pointsec for PC. The local log filename is composed of the computer name and the file extension .log. For example, if the computer name is DEV-PC.024, the local log file on this computer will be DEV-PC.024.log. The following events are logged directly to the local log file and are therefore never found in the internal log database: 166 • 101 Account status • 1010 Configuration setting changed The Central Log File • 1100 Profile setting changed Thus, these events cannot be viewed immediately after preboot authentication or by clicking View Local Log under Local in the PCMC. The Central Log File The central log file is a network folder to which local log files are copied. The central log file is located in the directory specified in Local → System Settings → Install → Set Central Log Path. If the central log path has been specified, the Pointsec PC tray application (PTray.exe) transfers the local log file to the directory in that path each time one of the following happens: • A user logs on to Windows The tray application calls the CentralLog.exe program, which copies the local log file to the specified directory. • The CentralLog.exe program is executed Each time the CentralLog.exe program executes, it first transfers all new log events from the local log database (which contains a maximum of 255 events) to the local log file. Then it transfers all new log events in the local log file to the central log file, and simultaneously to the Windows Event Log. The interval for log transfers can be set in the UpdateInterval registry value. See the table below for default values. The following registry values relevant to the transfer are found in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pointsec Mobile Tech\Pointsec Table 11-1 Registry settings Setting Description UpdateInterval Time interval in minutes between each transfer. Default = 180. ExtendedLogging 1 = Account status events will be included in the data transferred in each execution of the program (Corresponds to CentralLog.exe /dump). Default = 0. 0 = No account status events will be included in the data transferred in each execution of the program. This is the default. LogTransfer 1 = Events will also be transferred to the Windows Event Log. This is the default. 0 = Events will not be transferred to the Windows Event Log. Default = 1. Chapter 11 Pointsec PC Logging Functionality 167 Manually Transferring the Local Log File to the Central Log File Note - To view the central log file, you must have system administrator privileges or the corresponding privileges under Vista. Manually Transferring the Local Log File to the Central Log File To run the CentralLog.exe program manually: 1. Do one of the following: • Run CentralLog.exe and transfer the local log file to the central log file. • Run CentralLog.exe /dump, copy the user account status information to the local log file, and then transfer the local log file (which now contains the user account status) to the central log file. The manual execution can be customized using the registry values described above. When you run the CentralLog.exe program manually, you might need to run it more than once depending on how much data is to be transferred from the local log file. Timestamps and the Windows Event Log Note that the date and timestamp of an event viewed in the Windows Event Viewer might differ from the date and timestamp of that event in the local log file. This is possible because events are reported to the Pointsec PC logs and to the Windows Event Viewer via different independent interfaces. Events logged in preboot are not replicated in the Windows Event Log until the next Windows session, while events logged while operating in Windows are written directly to the Windows Event Log and thus can have an earlier time than that of corresponding events in the local log file. Exporting Logs For information on exporting logs, see Appendix H, “The pslogexp.exe Log Export Utility”. 168 Viewing a Local Log File Note - To view the central log file, you must have system administrator privileges. Viewing a Local Log File To view local Pointsec PC log files: 1. Start the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC) and select Local in the folder tree. 2. Click View Local Log Database: Figure 11-2 The local log is displayed: Chapter 11 Pointsec PC Logging Functionality 169 Viewing a Local Log File Figure 11-3 In the Filter for Description Text field, you can specify the criteria that will determine which events are displayed. You can make various selections and review additional events that Pointsec PC has logged. All log information is always available; these selections merely filter what you choose to display or print. 170 Chapter Remote Help 12 Pointsec PC users may be denied access to their workstations for a number of reasons. For example, they might have entered an incorrect password too many times or forgotten their password or, in a worst case scenario, a hacker may have tried to break into their workstation. Pointsec PC Remote Help is designed to assist users in these types of situations. All a user has to do is call his/her designated Remote Help administrator and follow the Remote Help procedure. Implementing a Remote Help Procedure Companies and organizations implement Remote Help procedures to suit their individual needs and resources. One method of implementing Remote Help is as follows: • Create designated administrator account(s) for Remote Help. The number accounts you should create depends on your organization. • Once you have created the accounts, assign them to the people who will run the Remote Help procedure. • Inform users who they should call when they need Remote Help. • For Remote Help to function, both the user account of the Remote-Help provider and of the Remote-Help recipient must exist on the computer. 171 Types of Remote Help • Table 12-1 The Remote-Help provider’s group authority level must be equal to or higher than the group authority level of the Remote-Help recipient. Remote Help settings Setting Description Provide ‘Remote Password Change’ Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to provide Remote Password Change for other user accounts. For a user account to be able to provide Remote Help, this option must be also be selected in both the client system settings and the user account properties. Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to provide One Time Logon for other user accounts. Provide ‘One-Time Logon’ For a user account to be able to provide Remote Help, this option must be also be selected in both the client system settings and the user account properties. Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to receive Remote Password Change. Receive ‘Remote Password Change’ For a user account to be able to receive Remote Help, this option must be also be selected in both the client system settings and the user account properties. Set whether or not the account(s) are allowed to receive One-Time Logon. Receive ‘One-Time Logon’ For a user account to be able to receive Remote Help, this option must be also be selected in both the client system settings and the user account properties. Select whether to use Numeric or Alphanumeric format for the response in Remote Help. Response Format • Types of Remote Help Pointsec PC provides two types of Remote Help for users who are denied access to their workstations: • 172 Remote Password Change For users who use fixed passwords and have forgotten them. This type of Remote Help is of no use to users who use either a dynamic token or smart card/USB token for authentication. Verifying Users • One-Time Logon For users who have forgotten or lost their dynamic tokens or smart card/USB tokens. Note - When Remote Help is used to authenticate a Pointsec PC user account that uses single sign-on (SSO), the recorded SSO credentials for that user account are invalidated. This is to prevent Remote Help administrators from leveraging SSO to ‘impersonate’ a user. Verifying Users Before you provide Remote Help to a user, you must be sure that the user is actually authorized to access the workstation. You can do this in a number of ways, for example: • Use predetermined questions and answers that only legitimate users know Keep a list of sample questions to ask, such as the user’s name and favorite color, wife's maiden name, brand of car, etc. Some of the questions could have randomized, fixed answers; for example, when asked about his/her favorite pet, the user could answer clouds instead of cat. Store the questions and answers in a separate database that is accessible to all Remote Help administrators. • Use voice verification software Use security software to extract unique vocal characteristics of the caller and compare them with the Pointsec PC user’s reference voiceprint. Providing Remote Help The following section describes how to access the Remote Help screen and how to help users change fixed passwords and give one-time access to workstations. To provide Remote Help: 1. Verify the user who needs Remote Help is legitimate. See “Verifying Users” on page 173 for details. 2. Using an account with Remote Help privileges, start the Pointsec PC Management Console and open the Remote Help screen: Chapter 12 Remote Help 173 Providing Remote Help Figure 12-1 3. Enter the following information: Table 12-2 Remote Help screen information Field/option Information/action Type of end-user assistance to be provided Select the type of Remote Help the user needs: • One-Time Logon If the user does not have access to their dynamic token or smart card/USB token. • Remote password change If the user has forgotten their password. End-User Account Name Enter the name of the end-user account. Helper Account Name Enter the name of the account you are using to provide Remote Help. Generate Response One to end user 1. Click Generate to generate Response One. 2. Read Response One to the user who enters it in the Response field. 3. Tell the user to press the TAB key to generate a challenge. 174 Providing Remote Help Table 12-2 Remote Help screen information Field/option Information/action Type of helper authentication Select the type of authentication used by the account you are using to provide Remote Help: • Password For a fixed password. • Dynamic Token For a dynamic token or smart card/USB token. Response One This is the first response you read to the user. Challenge from end user Enter the challenge the user receives from Pointsec PC after entering Response One and pressing the TAB key. Helper Password Enter the fixed password or dynamically generated password for the account you are using to provide Remote Help. Generate Response Two to end user 1. Click Generate to generate Response Two. 2. Read Response Two to the user who enters it in the Response field. 3. Tell the user to click OK. Response Two This is the second response you read to the user. The user will now be forced to set a new password or will be given one-time access to the workstation, depending on the type of Remote Help you have provided. Chapter 12 Remote Help 175 Providing Remote Help 176 Chapter Pointsec PC Utilities 13 This chapter describes the various Pointsec PC administration utilities available. Pointsec PC Password Synchronization Using Pointsec PC’s password synchronization, you can synchronize Windows and Pointsec PC passwords with each other. The two synchronization settings you can choose from are: • The Windows password is set as the password to be used for Pointsec PC preboot authentication. Once synchronized, changing the Windows password will automatically change the Pointsec PC password to the new Windows password. • The password used for Pointsec PC preboot authentication is set as the password to be used for Windows authentication. Once synchronized, changing the Pointsec PC password will automatically change the Windows password to the new Pointsec PC password. See “Password Synchronization Settings” on page 59 for details on how this is done in the PCMC. Password synchronization is associated with only the first user account that is used to log on to Windows after rebooting the workstation. Password synchronization functionality is not supported for third-party solutions. Note - Password synchronization must be inactivated in a Common Criteria validated environment. 177 Synchronizing Using the Windows Password for Authentication in Pointsec PC Preboot Synchronizing Using the Windows Password for Authentication in Pointsec PC Preboot To synchronize and use the Windows password for authentication in Pointsec PC preboot, the value of the Synchronize Windows Password to Preboot setting must be Yes. This setting can be found under Local → Groups or User Accounts → System → Group Settings → Password Synchronization. Synchronization takes place the first time the user logs on to Windows (see below), and then the passwords are checked at every subsequent logon until the value of this setting is set to No. Example 1 - Different Passwords Let us look at an example: In this example User1’s Pointsec PC and Windows passwords are different: • Windows password XyZ123 • Pointsec PC password XyZ1234 Synchronize Windows Password to Preboot has been set to Yes for User1. User1 starts the computer and logs on to Pointsec PC with XyZ1234. Windows starts, and User1 logs on to Windows with XyZ123. Because the passwords differ, the following window is displayed: Figure 13-1 User1 enters the Pointsec PC password, XyZ1234, and clicks OK. Password synchronization is confirmed: Figure 13-2 When User1 logs on to Pointsec PC again, the password XyZ123 is used. Until the Windows password change is changed, User1’s Windows password, XyZ123, will be used to log on to Pointsec PC. 178 Synchronizing Using the Pointsec PC Preboot Authentication Password for Authentication in Windows Example 2 - Identical Passwords Let us look at another example. In this example User1’s Pointsec PC and Windows passwords are the same, but User1 changes the Windows password: • Windows password XyZ123 • Pointsec PC password iXyZ123 Synchronize Windows Password to Preboot has been set to Yes for User1. User1 starts the computer and logs on to Pointsec PC with XyZ123. Windows starts, and User1 logs on to Windows with XyZ123. User1 presses Ctrl+Alt+Delete and changes the Windows password to AbC456. Pointsec PC confirms that its password has been successfully changed. The next time User1 logs on to Pointsec PC, the password AbC456 must be used. Synchronizing Using the Pointsec PC Preboot Authentication Password for Authentication in Windows To synchronize and use the Pointsec PC password for preboot authentication for Windows authentication, the value of the Synchronize Preboot Password to Windows setting must be Yes. This setting can be found under Local → Groups or User Accounts → System → Group Settings → Password Synchronization. Synchronization takes place the first time the user logs on to Windows (see below), and then the passwords are checked at every subsequent logon until the value of this setting is set to No. Once the passwords are synchronized, changing the Pointsec PC password will automatically change the Windows password to the new Pointsec PC password. Note that the Synchronize Preboot Password to Windows setting applies only to password Chapter 13 Pointsec PC Utilities 179 Windows Password Complexity Requirements changes made in Pointsec PC preboot authentication; it does not apply to changes to the Pointsec PC password via PCMC, the Pointsec PC tray, or an update profile. Note - If you must reset a user’s password and the user’s passwords are synchronized, you must reset both passwords. When password synchronization is deployed, Pointsec PC stores domain and user account names. The next time a password change is requested, the user and domain account names are compared with the stored user and domain account names. This means that if the user logs out of Windows and a different Windows account is used to log on again, the passwords will not be synchronized. Windows Password Complexity Requirements Pointsec PC Wake-on-LAN (WOL) Using Wake-on-LAN (WOL) network cards with security software that enforces authentication early in the boot process is often not possible, since it does not allow the operating system to start. Pointsec PC supports the use of WOL network cards and can be set to start the system in WOL mode. This allows the operating system to start and remote updates to be performed. Setting up WOL You set up WOL in the PCMC. Note - You cannot extend authority (see “Extending Authority” on page 14) when WOL mode is active. The Wake-on-LAN settings are located under System Settings → Wake on LAN: 180 WOL Logon Example Figure 13-3 For a description of the Wake-on-LAN settings, see “Wake-on-LAN Settings” on page 30. WOL Logon Example The following is an example of working with Pointsec PC WOL. In this example, the WOL boot time delay is set to 30 seconds and the number of permitted WOL logons is five. 1. The Pointsec PC profile is deployed to the Pointsec PC-protected computer and the WOL settings are implemented. 2. The computer is booted in Pre-Boot Authentication and the Pointsec PC logon dialog box is displayed for 30 seconds. 3. WOL logs on and boots the machine. The WOL logon process is now started and WOL will log on as many times as specified in the profile. 4. The computer is rebooted and the Pointsec PC logon dialog box is displayed for 30 seconds. WOL logs on and boots the computer. 5. The computer is rebooted and the Pointsec PC logon dialog box is displayed for 30 seconds. WOL logs on and boots the computer. 6. The computer is rebooted and the Pointsec PC logon dialog box is displayed for 30 seconds. WOL logs on and boots the computer. 7. The computer is rebooted and the Pointsec PC logon dialog box is displayed for 30 seconds. WOL logs on and boots the computer. 8. The computer is rebooted. Now, all the WOL logons specified have been used and WOL is disabled on the computer. Note - If a user logs on to the computer when WOL is activated, Pointsec PC will deactivate WOL and no WOL logons will be performed. You must deploy a new profile in order to activate WOL again. Pointsec PC Windows Integrated Logon (WIL) The Windows Integrated Logon (WIL) function enables users to log on without preboot authentication. Chapter 13 Pointsec PC Utilities 181 Security Features on WIL-enabled Computers Settings You set up WIL in the PCMC; the WIL settings are located under System Settings → Windows Integrated Logon. For a description of the WIL settings, see “Windows Integrated Logon Settings” on page 32. Security Features on WIL-enabled Computers To increase security when this function is enabled, a number of security feature are available in Pointsec PC. These features ensure that: • The computer has not been moved from the network • The hard drive has not been tampered with • The hard drive has not been moved to another computer. If the system detects any indications of the three issues above, WIL is disabled automatically, the computer reboots, and the user must authenticate in preboot. The security features which can be enabled together with WIL are: • Network Locational Awareness If this feature is enabled, the system pings a defined number of IP addresses during boot to make sure that the client is connected to the correct network. If these IP addresses do not answer, WIL is disabled automatically, the computer reboots and the user must authenticate in preboot. Note - All of the defined IP addresses must fail to answer for WIL to be disabled. As long as one of the IP addresses answers, WIL will continue to be enabled. • Hardware Hash If this feature is enabled, the system generates a hardware hash from, among other things, IDs found on the hard drive and on the CPU at every start-up. If the hash is correct, the hard drive has not been removed and re-inserted into another computer. If the hash is found to be incorrect, WIL is disabled automatically, the computer reboots, and the user must authenticate in preboot. • Max Failed Windows Logon Attempts When this feature is enabled, WIL is disabled automatically after the specified number of failed logon attempts, the computer will then reboot and the user must authenticate in preboot. Note - The Max Failed Windows Logon Attempts feature is not supported in Windows Vista. 182 User Perspective on WIL User Perspective on WIL From the user perspective it is important to remember three things: • If the user removes his WIL-enabled computer from the network, WIL will be disabled at the next boot, and the user will have to log on. • Adding hardware devices to a WIL-enabled computer may be considered as tampering with the computer, and WIL will then be automatically disabled. • Starting Windows in safe mode is not possible if Network Locational Awareness is enabled. Administrator Perspective on WIL From the administrator perspective, the following is worth noting when working with WIL-enabled computers: • If you use the Hardware Hash feature, you should disable WIL before upgrading BIOS firmware and/or replacing hardware. When enabling WIL after the upgrade, the hardware hash will match the new configuration. • If you enable the security features together with WIL, you should set up a Pointsec PC user account which the users can log in with if WIL is automatically disabled for some reason. An alternative is to display an instruction under the “PPBE Failure • message” saying that the user should call Help Desk if they get the Pointsec PC preboot screen due to one of the security features. Pointsec PC in Multi-language Environments The following sections explain the Pointsec PC language options. Language Support Users can select from a number of supported languages to use in the Graphical User Interface (GUI). See Appendix E, “Language Packs” for information on supported languages. Changing the Language Used To change the language used in PCMC: 1. Right-click the Pointsec PC icon in the screen tray and select Choose Language: Chapter 13 Pointsec PC Utilities 183 Support for Multi-language Keyboards Figure 13-4 The language in Pointsec Admin is changed immediately. The language used in the Pointsec tray program will change to the language you select the next time the program is restarted. Support for Multi-language Keyboards See Appendix F, “Keyboard Layouts” for information on supported keyboards. Switching Keyboard Layouts To switch keyboard layouts: 1. At pre-boot authentication, press left shift + alt. 2. Click the Pointsec PC icon in preboot. Pointsec PC installs the same keyboard layouts as Windows installs. 184 Single Sign-On (SSO) Single Sign-On (SSO) With SSO enabled for a Pointsec PC user account, the user can log on to Pointsec PC and automatically be authenticated by other access control systems. About SSO After enabling SSO for a Pointsec PC user account on a computer, Pointsec PC must learn the account’s network credentials. This is done at first logon by selecting the Enable Single Sign On option on the Pointsec PC logon screen. At this logon, the user logs on to the network as usual. Pointsec PC then stores this information securely and uses it on subsequent logons where SSO has been enabled. When the option is not selected no credentials are passed to the network, allowing for the use of a different network account. It should be noted that when SSO has been turned off, no network credentials will be recorded or used, and the previous credentials will continue to be stored. When SSO is then turned back on, those previous credentials will be used again. After SSO has been turned back on, there is a Record New Credentials option available on the SSO screen. By selecting this option, the user can enter new network credentials at the logon. This can be used for any changes, such as a different domain or NDS Tree. Note - When Remote Help is used to authenticate a user account that uses single sign-on (SSO), the recorded SSO credentials for that user account are invalidated. This is to prevent a Remote Help administrator from leveraging SSO to ‘impersonate’ a user. SSO and Password Changes Periodically, it will be necessary to change the account’s network password. Pointsec PC will look for Change Password dialog boxes to record the changes. When a Change Password dialog box is opened, Pointsec PC will input the old password into the corresponding field and then record what is entered into the new password field. At the next reboot, SSO will work as usual, as the new password has already been stored. Entrust SSO After implementing Entrust SSO on a computer, Pointsec PC must learn the Entrust profile name. This is used to signify the name of the Entrust account that will be used. A requirement of the Entrust SSO implementation is that the Pointsec PC password and the Entrust password be the same. Chapter 13 Pointsec PC Utilities 185 Entrust Profile Revocation Once SSO has been implemented, an Enable Single Sign On option is displayed on the Pointsec PC logon screen. Selecting this option will use the stored Entrust profile to log on to Entrust. When the option is not selected, Entrust logon is manual. It should be noted that when SSO has been turned off, no Entrust credentials will be recorded or used and the previous credentials will continue to be stored. When SSO is then turned back on, those previous credentials will be used again. After SSO has been turned back on, there is a Record New Credentials option on the SSO screen. By selecting this option, the user can enter a new Entrust profile at the logon. Note - The user will also need to request help for Entrust before logging on. Otherwise, the account will be locked again. Note - If there is any conflict between the Entrust and Pointsec PC user password settings, SSO will not work. The Pointsec PC password must be exactly the same as the Entrust password for Pointsec PC/Entrust SSO to work. Entrust Profile Revocation Entrust SSO will lock a Pointsec PC user account if the corresponding Entrust profile has been revoked. In this case, when the computer boots, the profile will be checked before the Windows logon is activated. If the Entrust user has been revoked the Pointsec PC user will be locked, and the computer will be automatically rebooted. At this point, the user will not be able to access the computer without Remote Help. To ensure that Pointsec PC acts on the revocation, you need to configure the Active Directory (AD) server as described below. Use the ADSIEdit extension to the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) (For more information, see http://computerperformance.co.uk/w2k3/utilities/adsi_edit.htm). Once the active directory server has been configured, Pointsec will be notified of the revocation of Entrust profiles. When Pointsec PC encounters such a notification of revocation, when the user account authenticates to Pointsec PC the following occurs: 186 • The message “Your Pointsec account has been locked due to a revoked Entrust profile” is displayed • Authentication to Windows is denied • The event is logged. Entrust Profile Revocation Configuring the Active Directory Server To configure the active directory server, follow the three steps described below: • “Setting the dsHeuristic Attribute” on page 187 • “Setting up ANONYMOUS LOGON” on page 188 • “Enabling Issue Updated CRLs on the Entrust Server” on page 188 Setting the dsHeuristic Attribute First, set the dsHeuristic attribute by following these directions: 1. Connect to Configuration. 2. Browse to CN=Configuration → CN=Services → CN=Windows NT → CN=Directory Service. 3. Select Properties for CN=Directory Service. 4. Set the dsHeuristic attribute to 0000002 (Allow anonymous clients to perform any operation that is permitted by the access control list [ACL]). For more information, see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;326690. Figure 13-5 Chapter 13 Pointsec PC Utilities 187 Entrust Profile Revocation Setting up ANONYMOUS LOGON Next, do the following to set up anonymous logon: 1. Connect to Configuration. 2. Browse to CN=Configuration → CN=Services → CN=Public Key Services → CN=AIA. 3. Select Propterties for CN=AIA. 4. Select the Security tab. 5. Add ANONYMOUS LOGON and go to its Advanced properties. 6. Edit Permission Entries, making sure that the following are checked: List Contents, Read All Properties, Read Permissions. 7. Apply to This object and all child objects. Figure 13-6 Enabling Issue Updated CRLs on the Entrust Server Finally, enable Issue Updated CRLs in the Entrust Security Manager Administration. 188 Windows Smart Card Windows Smart Card Pointsec PC supports SSO for accounts that use Windows smart cards for authentication. Once enabled for the Pointsec user account, all the user has to do is enter their smart card PIN when prompted. Pointsec PC stores the PIN securely and allows the user access to the computer once the user has been successfully authenticated by Pointsec PC. Enabling SSO Single Sign-On (SSO) is a useful tool when users need to remember many passwords, but it can be a security hole. If a Pointsec PC password is compromised, SSO will allow access to the network resources associated with the user account. Note - SSO should never be enabled for Pointsec PC administrators or Pointsec PC system administrators due to their domain administration accounts and/or their high privilege access to domain resources. Pointsec PC Single Sign-On settings are found under Group Settings and under Account Settings: Figure 13-7 Chapter 13 Pointsec PC Utilities 189 Enabling SSO To enable SSO: 1. In the Single Sign-On area, select from the following options: Table 13-1 Option Description Enable SSO SSO is enabled with Windows. User names and passwords will be stored and passed on to the network logon prompt. Once the account user has been successfully authenticated by Pointsec PC, he/she will not need to be authenticated by Windows. Entrust SSO SSO is enabled with Entrust. Pointsec PC saves the path to the Entrust profile used. The password used is the Pointsec PC password, and must be the same as the Entrust password for Entrust SSO to work. Once the account user has been successfully authenticated by Pointsec PC, he/she will not need to be authenticated by Entrust. Smart Card Triggers Windows SSO Logon SSO is enabled for accounts that use Windows smart card authentication. The first time the user logs on, Pointsec PC prompts for the Windows smart card PIN and stores it securely. All the account user needs to do at the next logon is to be successfully authenticated by Pointsec PC. 2. Close PCMC for the settings to take effect. The next time the user account logs on, Pointsec PC informs the user that it will record the user's account name and password for future authentication. Now, the user only needs to enter his/her Pointsec PC details when starting up the PC. 190 Chapter Removing Pointsec PC 14 You can remove Pointsec PC by: • Creating and deploying an uninstall profile, which allows for easy removal from many computers; see “Uninstall Profiles” on page 191 • Using Add/Remove Programs; see “Windows Add/Remove Programs” on page 194 • Allowing a user to remove Pointsec PC and decrypt their computer using Remote Help; see Chapter 12, “Remote Help”. Uninstall Profiles The following sections explain how to create and deploy an uninstall profile. Creating an Uninstall Profile An uninstall profile enables you to remotely remove Pointsec PC from multiple machines within your organization without having to visit each machine. You can use an uninstall profile in a variety of scenarios, for example: • an employee is no longer with the company • a machine needs to change its operating system from Windows 98 to Windows 2000 • an employee is traveling to a country where strong disk encryption is illegal To create an uninstall profile: 1. Open PCMC and click the Remote button. 2. Click New Profile to launch the profile wizard, click Next and select Set Accounting, and click Next: 191 Creating an Uninstall Profile Figure 14-1 3. Select Uninstall, click Next and enter the profile name. Click Next and then Finish. 4. Enter the user account name and password of the first user account that is authorized to uninstall Pointsec PC and click OK: Figure 14-2 5. Enter the user account name and password of the second user account that is authorized to uninstall Pointsec PC and click OK: 192 Configuring Uninstall Profiles Figure 14-3 The uninstallation profile is created: Figure 14-4 Configuring Uninstall Profiles Deploying an Uninstall Profile Note - If you want to deploy an uninstall profile directly after installing Pointsec PC, check first that the installation and encryption process is complete. An uninstall profile can only be deployed when Pointsec PC is fully installed on the computer. The logged-on user account on the computer from which you want to remove Pointsec PC must have read and execute permissions to the Publish directory. The logged-on account must also have access to all volumes on the computer in order to remove Pointsec PC. Once you have configured the uninstall profile, you are ready to deploy it. Chapter 14 Removing Pointsec PC 193 Windows Add/Remove Programs To deploy an uninstall profile: 1. Simply move the uninstall profile from wherever it is stored to the Publish directory you have specified. Note - When the PC has finished the decryption process, it will no longer be protected. Windows Add/Remove Programs You can use Windows Add/Remove Programs to remove Pointsec PC. When Windows Add/Remove is used, one Pointsec PC administrator or system administrator and one Pointsec PC user (who could also be an administrator), both with the right to remove Pointsec PC, must be authenticated before the removal process can start. This ensures that users cannot remove Pointsec PC. To remove Pointsec PC using the Windows Add/Remove Program: 1. On the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, select Pointsec PC and click Add/Remove. The following dialog box opens: Figure 14-5 2. Click Yes and the following dialog box opens. Enter the user account name and password of the first user account that is authorized to uninstall Pointsec PC and click Next: Figure 14-6 194 Windows Add/Remove Programs 3. Enter the user account name and password of the second user account that is authorized to uninstall Pointsec PC: Figure 14-7 4. Click Next. The following dialog box opens, displaying the volumes protected by Pointsec PC: Figure 14-8 5. Select a volume from which you want to remove Pointsec PC and click the > button to move it to the Volumes to Uninstall window. Repeat this procedure until the required volumes are in the list for uninstallation. 6. Click Next. Note - Select all volumes to decrypt. Leaving one volume encrypted might leave some information inaccessible. Also, if any volumes are to be left encrypted, the volume containing the operating system must also remain encrypted. 7. When the message stating that the computer must be restarted for the process to be completed is displayed, click OK. Chapter 14 Removing Pointsec PC 195 Windows Add/Remove Programs When the computer has restarted and logon is successful, background decryption will start in Windows. When this is completed and the computer has been restarted, boot protection and Pointsec Admin will be removed. 196 15 Chapter Recovery, Repair and Bootable Media This chapter discusses recovering information that is encrypted, repairing master boot records and reviewing hard disk information. It also explains how to boot from media other than floppy disks. The Pointsec PC Recovery File Pointsec PC stores the recovery file locally in the directory C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Pointsec. By default, all users have full permissions to this directory. If you experience problems writing or accessing the recovery file, ensure that the default permissions have not been changed. Pointsec PC transfers the recovery file from C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Pointsec to the directory specified in the PCMC under Local → Edit Settings → Pointsec PC → System Settings → Install → Set Recovery Path. If the Recovery File Path is not Found If no valid recovery path can be found when Pointsec PC is trying to write to the recovery file, the following error message will be displayed: “The path to the recovery file is not accessible. This is OK if you are working off line and it will reset when connected to your regular network. Otherwise, please contact your administrator or technical support for more information.” 197 Recovery and the Pointsec PC Version on the Client If you receive this message, encryption will not start until Pointsec PC has ascertained that it will be possible to carry out a recovery later. Until then, the PC will be left unprotected. Recovery and the Pointsec PC Version on the Client In most cases, the administrator (or other user account performing recovery) has the same version of Pointsec PC as the version installed on the client to be recovered. When this is the case, recovery can be performed via two methods, described below. Otherwise, when creating recovery media, for example when performing ‘stand-alone’ recovery, ensure that you use the Volume Recovery Utility for the version of Pointsec PC that is installed on the client you want to recover. All versions of the utility are available in the 1_Pointsec for PC\Tools\Reco_img directory on the installation CD-ROM. In this directory you will find a folder for each release; each folder contains the correct utility and files for creation of recovery media for that release. Recovery via the Start menu To perform recovery via the Start menu: 1. From the Start menu, select Pointsec. 2. Select Pointsec PC and then Create Recovery Disk. Recovery from the PCMC See “Creating a Recovery Disk from the PCMC” on page 199 for details. Note - In Vista, you will not be able to open the recovery file, from which you create recovery media, if the Recovery Path specified in the Set is specified as a mapped network drive, and you are trying to create the media from the PCMC. The Recovery Path should be specified in UNC format: \<server>\<share>\.... Alternatively, execute Create Recovery Media from the Start menu. 198 Creating a Recovery Disk from the PCMC Creating a Recovery Disk from the PCMC Using the Recovery Utility, you can create a recovery disk containing recovery, review and repair options on a floppy disk or removable media. Note - The removable media option is only available if the Recovery Utility detects that supported removable media is available on the system. Note - If you must perform a forced removal of Pointsec PC before encryption has started, create a generic recovery floppy disk by executing reco_img.exe, which is in the Tools directory. To create a recovery disk: 1. On the Pointsec PC system administrator’s workstation, click Remote. 2. Under Recovery, click Create Recovery Media: Figure 15-1 The Recovery wizard opens: Chapter 15 Recovery, Repair and Bootable Media 199 Creating a Recovery Disk from the PCMC Figure 15-2 3. Choose either Find recovery file via a configuration set or Browse file system for recovery file. In the example below we select the former: Figure 15-3 4. Select the set that contains the recovery file from Available Configuration Sets, and click Next: Figure 15-4 5. Select the recovery file from Available Recovery Files, and click Next: 200 Creating a Recovery CD-ROM Figure 15-5 6. Click Finish to launch the recovery tool for the recovery file displayed in the Finish Recovery Wizard: Figure 15-6 Note - Whatever medium you choose for the recovery disk, it must be properly formatted. Any information saved on the medium will be destroyed. It is also possible to use a recovery disk, from a floppy or removable media, to create a CD-ROM containing many recovery and repair options. For details, see “Creating a Recovery CD-ROM” on page 201. Creating a Recovery CD-ROM If a computer can only boot from a CD-ROM, you can write its recovery disk to a CD-ROM using standard CD burning software. Note - When running the recovery program any changes you make to settings, for example language and keyboard settings, will not be saved on the CD-ROM. Chapter 15 Recovery, Repair and Bootable Media 201 Recovering Information To create a recovery CD-ROM: 1. For the workstation that needs recovery or repair, create a recovery disk on a floppy disk or removable media. See “Creating a Recovery Disk from the PCMC” on page 199 for instructions. 2. Using CD burning software, create a bootable CD-ROM based on the recovery disk. Refer to your CD burning software’s documentation for information on creating a bootable CD-ROM. 3. Ensure that the workstation is configured to boot from the CD drive. Insert the CD-ROM and reboot the workstation to access the recovery and repair information on the CD-ROM Note - CD-ROMs containing recovery information must be handled securely. Only create them when required and ensure that they are securely destroyed when no longer needed. Recovering Information Occasionally you might need to recover information that is stored encrypted. This requires authentication similar to that required in normal preboot. Note - When using a USB device to store the recovery disk, the USB device may be recognized as the first physical device. If this happens, the recovery program will consider the device to be the first hard disk and display the encrypted volumes (in the PVR file) as non-encrypted. To work around this, use option 8 in the Recovery menu to choose the correct physical device. Note - Floppy disks and other removable media containing recovery information must be handled securely. Only create them when required and ensure that they are securely destroyed when no longer needed. Using Slave Drive Functionality to Recover Information There are circumstances under which you need to access information on the hard disk of a Pointsec PC-protected machine and do not want to access this information by performing a recovery, for example if you need to access a disk for forensic reasons or because a failure of the operating system makes it impossible to retrieve data on a disk. In such cases you can use Pointsec PC’s slave drive functionality. A slave drive is a hard drive taken from one machine and installed (with the jumpers correctly set) on another machine, the master machine. 202 Using Slave Drive Functionality to Recover Information The slave drive functionality enables you to take a hard drive from a Pointsec PC-protected machine and, on another Pointsec PC-protected machine, unlock it in preboot and then access the information on that disk in Windows. Slave drive functionality requires that both the slave drive and the master machine have been encrypted with the same algorithm. The machine from which the hard drive is taken must have the Allow the Hard Drive To Be Slaved setting set to Yes, and the master machine must have the Allow Slave Hard Drive setting set to Yes. These settings can be seen in the following screen image: Figure 15-7 Accessing a Slave Drive The following is a typical example of how to access a slave drive: 1. As administrator, attach to your computer (now the master computer) an encrypted drive from a client that allows slaving. Before authenticating, be sure that the BIOS has located the slave drive. If it has not, you will not be able to continue. 2. Start the master computer with the attached slave drive and complete the Pointsec PC preboot authentication. Immediately after the successful preboot authentication, a slaving authentication window is displayed. The authentication window and its background are in grayscale to distinguish it from the other authentication windows. The slave drive authentication uses the user account name and fixed password, dynamic token or smart card required by the slave drive. The slave drive authentication window is displayed for approximately 30 seconds, after which it disappears if no action has been taken. After each action, for example, a keystroke, the timer is reset and starts counting down again. Note - Press Esc at any time to exit authentication. 3. After successful logon to the slave drive, proceed or cancel. The logon to the slave drive is logged on the master machine. Chapter 15 Recovery, Repair and Bootable Media 203 Using Slave Drive Functionality to Recover Information If you do not cancel, Windows starts and the drive is mounted as a Windows drive. It can now be accessed in Windows. Authenticating Authentication with fixed passwords and dynamic tokens is supported. Authentication with smart cards is also supported, but the master machine must contain the smart card drivers required to authenticate the slave drive. Compatibility of Drives Because of differences in the way different BIOSs handle disks, Pointsec PC slave-drive functionality currently supports only slave drives of the same drive type as that of the master machine (IDE, SATA or SCSI). Slave Drive Integrity Settings and user accounts, etc., on the slave drive cannot be changed locally. Changes to settings and user accounts on the local machine via profiles will not affect the slave drive. Wake-on-LAN Wake-on-LAN is supported on the master machine, but you will not be able to access the slave drive via Wake-on-LAN. Windows Integrated Logon When a slave drive is connected to a master machine, authentication on the master machine is required even though Windows Integrated Logon is enabled in the Pointsec PC settings for this machine. Authentication on the slave drive is always required. If the slave drive is removed from the master machine and Windows Integrated Logon is enabled on that machine, Windows Integrated Logon will again be active. Remote Help One-time Logon One-time logon is supported on both the master machine and the slave drive, but the user account and password of both the slave drive user and the helper must be on the slave drive for one-time logon to work. Remote Password Change Remote password change is supported on the master machine but not on the slave drive. 204 Booting from Alternative Media Recovery The slave drive must be removed before performing recovery on the master machine. Hibernation Hibernation is supported on the master machine, but you must authenticate on the slave drive. The slave drive may not be attached to a hibernated machine. If a slave drive is to be connected to a master machine, the master machine must be shut down instead of hibernated. Uninstalling Do not uninstall Pointsec PC from a master machine; remove the slave drive before uninstalling. Booting from Alternative Media Using Pointsec PC’s alternative boot media menu, you can boot from media other than floppy disks. This is useful if, for example, the PC you are working on does not have a floppy disk drive. Accessing the Alternative Boot Media Menu The options displayed in the alternative boot menu depend on what the BIOS of the machine supports and the hardware that is currently installed. Therefore, the fact that an option is listed does not mean it is supported by Pointsec PC. To access the alternative boot media menu: 1. When the PC reboots and the User Identification dialog box is displayed, press CTRL + F10. Chapter 15 Recovery, Repair and Bootable Media 205 Accessing the Alternative Boot Media Menu 2. Enter your user account name and password, and press Enter. Pointsec PC displays the Alternative Boot Menu. Depending on the PC’s BIOS and hardware some or all of the following options, or other options, are displayed: Table 15-1 Examples of Alternative Boot Menu options Number Option Boot using: 0 Floppy Standard floppy. This option is always displayed, even if no floppy disk drive is available. 1 Harddrive Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) hard disk – not SCSI. 2 CD/DVD-R OM CD/DVD-ROM. 3 [network adaptor] Network adaptor, which can launch the Preboot Execution Environment (PXE). This enables the computer to boot via a network resource without requiring an installed operating system. 4 BIOS IPL devices Initial Program Load (IPL) device. This can be virtually any device that has the ability to load and execute an operating system. This includes floppy drives, hard drives and CD-ROM drives. 5 Windows PE Microsoft Windows Preinstallation Environment (PE). This option is always displayed last, and it is displayed even if Windows PE is not available. 3. Enter the option number of the media you want to boot from and press Enter. Pointsec PC boots using the media you have selected. 206 Appendix Being Authenticated by Pointsec PC A Being Authenticated by Pointsec PC Being Authenticated by Pointsec PC This appendix discusses how end-users use fixed passwords, dynamic tokens and smart cards/USB tokens to authenticate themselves in order to access their Pointsec PC-protected computer. Note - Pointsec PC administrators should distribute this information, as deemed appropriate, to end-users before users access their Pointsec PC-protected computers for the first time. About Authentication Being authenticated means being verified by Pointsec PC as someone who is authorized to use a specific computer. When you switch on or restart a Pointsec PC-protected computer, the User Identification dialog box opens: 207 Navigating Figure A-1 Here you must enter a valid username and password. Pointsec PC verifies that you are authorized to access the computer and allows the computer to start. Navigating You can use a mouse to navigate in the Pointsec PC user identification boxes and select options. You can also move around in the dialog boxes by pressing TAB and ENTER, and you can select options using the space bar. Ensuring that your Computer has not been Tampered with Before authenticating yourself, you should always press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart your computer. This guarantees that your computer is tamper-free and that your username and password cannot be hijacked. Being Authenticated for the First Time The following sections explain how to access a Pointsec PC-protected computer as a new user. The first time Pointsec PC authenticates you, you must use a temporary username and password. Once you have successfully entered the name and password, Pointsec PC prompts you to change them to the username and password you will use in the future. 208 Using a Fixed Password Using a Fixed Password A fixed password is a private string of characters, known only to you and Pointsec PC, which you use each time you want to access the computer. Note - Your Pointsec PC administrator will tell you which username and password to use the first time you access the Pointsec PC-protected computer. To authenticate yourself using a fixed password: 1. Start your Pointsec PC-protected computer. The User Identification dialog box opens: Figure A-2 2. To ensure that your computer has not been tampered with, press CTRL+ALT+DEL. Your computer restarts and Pointsec PC re-displays the User Identification dialog box. 3. In the Username field, enter the username you received from your administrator and press the TAB key to move to the Password field: Figure A-3 4. Enter the password you received from your administrator and click OK. Pointsec PC confirms that you have entered a valid username and password: Appendix A Being Authenticated by Pointsec PC 209 Using a Fixed Password Figure A-4 5. Click OK to close the message box. The following dialog box opens: Figure A-5 6. Enter your username and click OK. The following dialog box opens: Figure A-6 7. Enter and confirm the password you want to use and click OK. Pointsec PC confirms that you have successfully accessed the computer for the first time using your Pointsec credentials: Figure A-7 8. Click Continue to close the dialog box. Pointsec PC now allows Windows to start. 210 Using a Dynamic Token Using a Dynamic Token A dynamic token is a password you generate using a password token every time you want to be authenticated by Pointsec PC. Note - Your Pointsec PC administrator will provide you with a dynamic token, the information you need to use it, and a username. To authenticate yourself using a dynamic token: 1. Start your Pointsec PC-protected computer. The User Identification dialog box opens: Figure A-8 1. To ensure that your computer has not been tampered with, press CTRL+ALT+DEL. Your computer restarts and Pointsec PC re-displays the User Identification dialog box. 2. In the Username field, enter the username you received from your administrator and press TAB. Pointsec PC recognizes that you will be using a dynamic token to authenticate yourself and displays the following dialog box: Figure A-9 3. In the dynamic token, enter the Pointsec PC challenge to generate a response. Enter the response in the Response field and click OK. Appendix A Being Authenticated by Pointsec PC 211 Using a Smart Card/USB Token Pointsec PC confirms that you have successfully accessed the computer for the first time using your Pointsec credentials: Figure A-10 4. Click Continue to close the dialog box. Pointsec PC now allows your computer to start. Using a Smart Card/USB Token Smart cards and USB tokens store passwords. To be authenticated by Pointsec PC, you must connect the card or token to the computer and enter a valid card or token PIN. Note - Your Pointsec PC administrator will supply you with your smart card/USB token, the information you need to use it and a temporary username and password to use the first time you access the Pointsec PC-protected computer. Ensure that your smart card/USB token is connected to your computer before you start to authenticate yourself. To authenticate yourself using a smart card/USB token: 1. Start your Pointsec PC-protected computer. The User Identification dialog box opens: Figure A-11 2. To ensure that your computer has not been tampered with, press CTRL+ALT+DEL. Your computer restarts and Pointsec PC re-displays the User Identification dialog box. 212 Using a Smart Card/USB Token 3. In the User account name field, enter the temporary user account name you received from your administrator and press the TAB key to move to the Password field: Figure A-12 4. Enter the password you received from your administrator and click OK. Pointsec PC confirms that you have entered a valid user account name and password: Figure A-13 5. Click OK to close the message box. The following dialog box that opens: Figure A-14 6. Enter your new user account name and click OK. 7. Pointsec PC recognizes that you have a user account that uses a smart card for authentication. It confirms that this is the first time you are logging on with the new user account name. The following dialog box is displayed: Appendix A Being Authenticated by Pointsec PC 213 Using a Smart Card/USB Token Figure A-15 8. Click Continue. The following dialog box is displayed: Figure A-16 9. Select the certificate you want to use and click OK. Pointsec PC confirms your selection of a certificate: 214 Using a Smart Card/USB Token Figure A-17 10. Click OK. The following dialog box is displayed: Figure A-18 11. Enter your PIN and click OK. Appendix A Being Authenticated by Pointsec PC 215 Synchronizing Passwords Figure A-19 Note - Regardless of the keyboard layout used, we recommend that you use smart card PINs that are comprised only of ASCII characters: !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>?@ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ The space character is also an ASCII character. 12. Pointsec PC communicates with the smart card and performs authentication: Figure A-20 13. Click OK. Synchronizing Passwords If your Pointsec PC password is synchronized with your Windows password, you can use your Windows password to authenticate yourself to Pointsec PC. To synchronize passwords: 1. Authenticate yourself as usual to Pointsec PC and Windows. The following dialog box opens: 216 What if I forget my password? Figure A-21 2. Enter your Pointsec PC password and click OK. The following dialog box opens: Figure A-22 3. Click OK. From now on, use your Windows password when authenticating yourself to Pointsec PC. Note - Whenever you change your Pointsec PC password or your Windows password, Pointsec PC automatically synchronizes the passwords again. What if I forget my password? If you forget your password, you can use Pointsec PC's Remote Password Change option. To change your password: 1. Start your Pointsec PC-protected computer. The User Identification dialog box opens: Figure A-23 2. Enter your username and select Remote Help. The following dialog box opens: Appendix A Being Authenticated by Pointsec PC 217 What if I don't have access to my token/smart card? Figure A-24 3. Call your Pointsec PC administrator or helpdesk to guide you through the password change process. What if I don't have access to my token/smart card? If you do not have access to your dynamic token or smart card, you can use Pointsec PC's One-time logon option. To use the One-time logon option: 1. Start your Pointsec PC-protected computer. The User Identification dialog box opens: Figure A-25 1. Enter your username and select Remote Help. The following dialog box opens: 218 Pointsec PC Single Sign-on (SSO) Figure A-26 2. Call your Pointsec PC administrator or helpdesk to guide you through the one-time logon process. Pointsec PC Single Sign-on (SSO) SSO automatically logs you onto Windows once you have been authenticated by Pointsec PC. Note - Your Pointsec PC administrator decides if you will have access to SSO. To enable SSO: 1. Authenticate yourself as usual, for example: Figure A-27 Tip - If you do not want to use SSO, deselect the SSO Active option. Appendix A Being Authenticated by Pointsec PC 219 Pointsec PC Single Sign-on (SSO) 2. Click OK. 220 Appendix Status Information When Exported to File B PS Control Command Line Utility The information reflecting the status of an installation can be exported to a file. The fields in such a file whose meanings might not be clear are described in the table below. A sample status export file is also listed below, see “Sample Export Status File” on page 222. Table B-1 Item Explanation Autologon 0 = Windows Integrated Logon is not enabled. 1 = Windows Integrated Logon is enabled. Disk Number A zero-based index of the hard drives on this computer. Volume Number A zero-based index of the volumes on this computer. Source Algorithm The algorithm that is currently in use. It can one of the following values: • AES • 3DES • Blowfish 56/256 bits • CAST • None • Invalid Key 221 Table B-1 Destination Algorithm If this algorithm is different from the source algorithm, the driver is currently encrypting/decrypting in the background. It can one of the following values: • AES • 3DES • Blowfish 56/256 bits • CAST • None • Invalid Key Volume State Indicates the state of the volume or the encryption action currently being carried out. It can have one of the following values: • 0 = Unencrypted • 1 = Encrypting • 2 = Decrypting • 3 = Encrypted • 4 = Reencrypting • 255 = Missing Current State Value Indicates the current state of the volume encryption; it can have one of the following values: • 0-100 = % completed • 101 = Internal error • 102 = Internal error • 255 = Completed Sample Export Status File Status -----Misc ---System ID:b3b393261b4906bac15c29077ad1793c Version:6.2.0 Driver:5.0 sr1.1 Update Password:0 Wake On LAN:0 Autologon:0 User:ADMIN Management Console User: 222 Config -----Last Local Configuration Change: Last Profile Configuration Change: Recovery -------Last Recovery File Update:2007-05-30 12:32:13+02:00 Last Recovery File Delivery:2007-05-30 12:32:13+02:00 Logfile ------Last Log File Update:2007-05-30 12:32:13+02:00 Last Log File Delivery:2007-05-30 12:32:13+02:00 Encryption ---------Disk Number:0 Volume Number:0 Source Algorithm:AES Destination Algorithm:AES Volume State:3 Current State Value:255 Disk Number:1 Volume Number:1 Source Algorithm:AES Destination Algorithm:AES Volume State:3 Current State Value:255 Disk Number:1 Volume Number:2 Source Algorithm:AES Destination Algorithm:AES Volume State:3 Current State Value:255 Appendix B Status Information When Exported to File 223 224 C Appendix Pointsec PC Permissions Pointsec PC Permissions This appendix describes the permissions Pointsec PC requires.Permissions Overview Table C-1 Permissions Directory/ Application Admin Install dir Registry Recovery dir Profile dir \System 32 Update dir Install Yes - - - - - - Remove Yes - - - - - - Uninstall profile No R,L,X,D, M,C,W R - (R,L,D, M,C,W)1 - - PCMC No R,L,X R - - - - Create recovery disk(s) No R,L,X - - - - - Tray (Px2) No R,L,X,(D ,M,C,W) F3 - - - - 2 Recovery No R,L,X,D, M,C,W R R,L,X,D, M,C,W - - - Central log No R,L,X,D, M,C,W R R,L,X,D, M,C,W - - - PCMCUtil No - R - R,L,(D, M,C,W)4 - - PS Control No - - - - R,L,X,D, M,C,W - R=Read, W=Write, L=List, X=Execute, M=Modify, D=Delete, C=Create. A dash (-) means Not Applicable. 225 1 Required to publish profiles. 2 Required for Profile.dat. 3 Full access is required because the language setting for the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC) is stored in the registry. 4 D,M,C and W are required for the creation of the Px2 directory. Install Install corresponds to performing an installation of Pointsec PC. This requires that the user be logged in with Administrator permissions. Remove Remove corresponds to removing the Pointsec PC application via the Windows Add/Remove Programs tool. This requires that the user be logged in with Administrator permissions. Uninstall Profile Uninstall profile corresponds to removing the Pointsec PC protection of volumes. In the Windows environment this process is handled by P95tray. PCMC PCMC corresponds to the executable file PointsecForPC. The application normally does not require any permissions for the Profile directory, however in order to publish profiles it requires the permissions specified in the table above. Create Recovery Disk(s) Create recovery disk(s) corresponds to the executable file UseRec. Tray (Px2) Tray corresponds to the executable P95tray, which uses two other executables for performing some actions. The required permissions for these executables are presented in their own chapters. Tray Recovery Tray Recovery corresponds to the actions performed by the executable CreRec. The permissions listed above are required by CreRec for the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Pointsec directory and for the directory specified in the PCMC (under Local → Edit Settings → Pointsec for PC → System Settings → Install → Set Recovery Path) because CreRec writes the recovery file to these directories. If these permissions are not granted, recovery file functionality will not work properly. 226 Permissions: With Pointsec PC Service Start Note that, by default, all users have full permissions for C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Pointsec. If you experience problems writing or accessing the recovery file, ensure that the default permissions have not been changed. Central Log Central Log corresponds to the actions performed by the executable CentralLog. CentralLog requires the permissions shown in the Pointsec install dir and the Recovery dir since it writes log files to these directories. If these permissions are not granted, the remote logging and Event viewer will not receive new log events. PCMCUtil PCMCUtil corresponds to the actions performed by the tray using the DLL PCMCUtil.dll. The DLL requires the shown permissions in the Profile directory since it writes recovery and log files the directory. PS Control PS Control corresponds to the actions performed by the executable pscontrol. The executable requires the shown permissions in the Pointsec install dir and the System32 directory in order to install Windows language files. Permissions: With Pointsec PC Service Start Recommended Users The table below describes which users are recommended to run applications and perform specific tasks. X(O) denotes that this is the only possible solution, and X(P) denotes that it is controlled by P4PC. Table C-2 Recommended users for Service Start User/Application Administrator Install X(O) Remove X(O) X X X(P) Tray Recovery X(P) Central log X(P) PS Control User X(P) Uninstall profile PCMC Service Account X Appendix C Pointsec PC Permissions 227 Required Permissions Required Permissions The table below describes the required permissions for the recommended setup above. Note that the Service account must be a member of the Administrator group in order to run Service Start. Table C-3 Required permissions for Service Start Application/Directory Admin Normal User Computer Admin X N R,L,X,D,M,C,W Pointsec Install directory R,L,X,(D,M,C,W) 2 Service Account X 1 R,L,X,D,M,C,W Pointsec Registry F F F Recovery directory R,L,X R,L,X R,L,X,D,M,C,W Profile directory N N R,L,X System32 R,L,X,D,M,C,W R,L,X R,L,X Update directory N N R,L,X,C 1These permissions are required in order for Recovery and Log files to be handled correctly (Profile.dat and possibly more files). 2Full control is required for updating the Language setting in the registry. Permissions: Without Pointsec PC Service Start If Pointsec Service Start is not used, the normal user requires the same access permissions the Service account has (apart from being a member of the Administrator group). In this case, all applications normally run via the service are executed by the normal user. Permissions: Remote Desktop The permissions needed by Remote Desktop users on a Pointsec PC-installed machine are those required by a locally logged-on user: full permissions for Program Files → Pointsec and Pointsec PC registry keys. 228 Windows User Account Registry Permissions Windows User Account Registry Permissions To install, upgrade, change language, and import profiles on a Windows PC, a user account needs the following registry permissions: Query value, Set value, Create subkey, Enumerate subkey, Notify, Create link, and Read control. In order to uninstall on a Windows PC, a user account needs the above registry permissions plus Delete. Appendix C Pointsec PC Permissions 229 Windows User Account Registry Permissions 230 Appendix Language Support D Language Packs This appendix describes the language support provided in Pointsec PC. Languages in Pointsec PC are divided into the following two groups: • Tier1 languages: English (UK and US), French, German, Japanese, Italian, and Spanish. • Tier 2 languages: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French Canadian, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (Iberian), Slovakian, Swedish, and Thai. The two groups have different levels of supprort in Pointsec PC. Support for Tier 1 Languages Tier 1 languages are supported in the: • Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC) • Windows envirionment: the logon dialog and the Pointsec PC tray application) • Pointsec PC Preboot Environment (PPBE). The language must be installed and specified in the PCMC (System Settings → Install → Select Language) or selected in the tray. Support for Tier 2 Languages Tier 2 languages are supported only in the: 231 Support for Tier 2 Languages • Windows envirionment (the logon dialog and the Pointsec PC tray application) • Pointsec PC Preboot Environment (PPBE). They are not supported in in the Pointsec PC Management Console (PCMC). The language must be installed and specified in the PCMC (System Settings → Install → Select Language) or selected in the tray. Which Language Is Displayed in the PCMC When Using a Tier 2 Language? When using a tier 2 language, the language displayed in the PCMC is US English, with the following exception: if French (Canadian) is used, French is displayed in the PCMC. 232 Appendix Language Packs E Language Packs The language packs listed in this appendix are delivered with Pointsec PC. The default language pack is compliant with legacy releases of Pointsec for PC. Language packs can be installed either before or after installation. For Language Pack - 4 Asia and Pacific (APAC) to function correctly, the required Windows language support must be installed. Other languages, for example Greek, can also require the installation of Windows language support, depending on which version of Windows is installed. Installing Language Packs Language packs other than the default pack can be installed either before or after the installation of Pointsec PC. Before Installation of Pointsec PC To install language packs before installing Pointsec PC: 1. Open the Language Pack folder. 2. Copy the LANGUAGE.LNG and the Plang32.lng file for the language pack(s) you want to the directory that contains the Pointsec for PC.msi file. 3. Proceed with the Pointsec PC installation. 233 After Installation of Pointsec PC After Installation of Pointsec PC The PS Control command line utility is used for installing language packs other than the default pack after the installation of Pointsec PC. The PS Control program, pscontrol.exe, is found in the Pointsec PC folder, which is located in the Pointsec folder under Program Files. For more information on the PS Control program and details on using it to install language packs, see Appendix G, “PS Control Command Line Utility”. Language Packs The tables below list the language packs delivered with Pointsec PC. Legacy Language Pack (Default) Table E-1 Legacy language pack Languages in the Legacy (Default) Language Pack English - US English - UK Swedish German Spanish French Japanese Slovak 2 - Americas Table E-2 Americas language pack Languages in Language Pack 2 - Americas English - US English - UK Canadian French Spanish 234 3 - Scandinavian and Baltic Table E-2 Americas language pack Languages in Language Pack 2 - Americas Brazilian Portuguese Iberian Portuguese Dutch 3 - Scandinavian and Baltic Table E-3 Scandinavian and Baltic language pack Languages in Language Pack 3 - Scandinavia and Baltic English - US Swedish Finnish Norwegian Danish Icelandic Estonian Latvian Lithuanian 4 - Asia and Pacific (APAC) Note that the relevant APAC language resources must be available in Windows for an APAC language to function correctly in the Management Console. Table E-4 Asia and Pacific (APAC) language pack Languages in Language Pack 4 - Asia and Pacific (APAC) English - US English - UK Japanese Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Korean Thai Appendix E Language Packs 235 5 - Europe 1 5 - Europe 1 Table E-5 Europe 1 language pack Languages in Language Pack 5 - Europe 1 English - US English - UK German French Spanish Italian Greek Dutch Iberian Portuguese 6 - Europe 2 Table E-6 Europe 2 language pack Languages in Language Pack 6 - Europe 2 English - US English - UK Czech Hungarian Polish Slovak German 7 -All Table E-7 All language pack Languages in Language Pack 7 - All All languages in the above packages 236 F Appendix Keyboard Layouts Keyboard Layouts This appendix presents the keyboard layouts supported by Pointsec PC. Supported Keyboard Layouts Pointsec PC supports the following keyboard layouts: Table F-1 Supported keyboard layouts Keyboard Layout Locale Code English (Canada) 0x1009 English (Ireland) 0x1809 English (United Kingdom) 0x0809 English (United States) 0x0409 French (Belgium) 0x080c Danish (Denmark) 0x0406 Dutch (Belgium) 0x0813 Dutch (Netherlands) 0x0413 Estonian (Estonia) 0x0425 Finnish (Finland) 0x040b French (France) 0x040c French (Switzerland) 0x100c German (Germany) 0x0407 German (Switzerland) 0x0807 Greek (Greece) 0x0408 Icelandic (Iceland) 0x040f 237 Supported Keyboard Layouts Table F-1 Supported keyboard layouts Keyboard Layout Locale Code Italian (Italy) 0x0410 Japanese (Japan) (Only Latin letters and symbols are supported) 0x0411 Latvian (Latvia) 0x0426 Lithuanian (Lithuania) 0x0427 Norwegian (Bokmål) (Norway) 0x0414 Portuguese (Brazil) 0x0416 Portuguese (Portugal) 0x0816 Slovak (Slovakia) 0x041b Spanish (Spain) 0x040a Swedish (Sweden) 0x041d Note - The keyboard layouts available in Windows can also be selected in the Pointsec PC preboot environment by pressing ALT+Shift. 238 Appendix PS Control Command Line Utility G PS Control Command Line Utility The PS Control command line utility is meant for administrators. An administrator uses the utility to develop a script (for example, a .bat file) that carries out certain tasks on a machine. The script can also be deployed to carry out tasks on remote machines when users log on. The PS Control command line utility can be used to manage drivers related to smart cards, export the status information of a machine and install language packs. The PS Control program file, pscontrol.exe, is found in the Pointsec PC folder, which is located in the Pointsec folder under Program Files. Using the PS Control Utility The PS Control utility is command based. Each command carries out only one specific task, and only one command can be executed per call. The format of the command is as follows: pscontrol [option] <command> where option and command can be any of those in the respective table below. 239 Options Options PS Control offers the following options: Table G-1 PS Control utility options Option Description -l Write a log to <filename>. -v Be verbose. Commands The following commands can be executed using PS Control: Table G-2 PS Control utility commands Command Description install-driver Installs the driver whose filename is specified in the command. The driver must be registered in the Pointsec PC registry before it can be installed. remove-driver Removes the driver whose filename is specified in the command. The driver must be unregistered before it can be removed. list-drivers Displays a list of currently installed drivers on this machine. register-prd Registers the smart card reader driver whose .inf file is specified as the filename in the command. The driver must be registered in the Pointsec PC registry before it can be installed. register-ptd Registers the smart card driver whose .inf file is specified as the filename in the command. The driver must be registered in the Pointsec PC registry before it can be installed. unregister-prd Unregisters the smart card reader driver whose .inf file is specified as the filename in the command. unregister-ptd Unregisters the smart card driver whose .inf file is specified as the filename in the command. extract-prd Extracts the contents of the smart card reader driver registry and writes this information to the filename specified in the command. extract-ptd Extracts the contents of the smart card driver registry and writes this information to the filename specified in the command. install-pb-language Installs the preboot language file (LANGUAGE.LNG) whose filename is specified in the command. install-win-language Installs the Windows language file (Plang32.lng) whose filename is specified in the command. export-status Exports the status of the machine to <filename>. The file is in XML format. 240 Error Codes Error Codes The error codes in the table below are returned by the PS Control utility so a script can determine whether it has completed successfully. Table G-3 PS Control utility error codes Error Code Description 0 Operation successful. 1 An incorrect argument was specified in the pscontrol command. 2 Incorrect filename specified. Issued if the file cannot be opened, if the file does not exist in the registry (when installing a driver), or if the file format is incorrect. 3 A Pointsec PC installation cannot be found on this machine. 4 The operation terminated unexpectedly. This can happen when a read/write to the Pointsec PC system area fails, which indicates an error in the local installation of Pointsec PC or a corrupt local installation. Examples of Using the PS Control Utility Registering Drivers C:\Program Files\Pointsec\Pointsec for PC>pscontrol -v register-ptd D:\Modules\ptd.inf Connected to Pointsec 6.0.0 (2005-12-14 19:21:55 Build 1018). Replacing section "RSA SecureID 800". Replacing section "RSA Smart Card 5200". Replacing section "RSA Smart Card 6100(eGate)". Replacing section "Schlumberger Cyberflex e-Gate". Replacing section "Schlumberger Cyberflex e-Gate 32K". Replacing section "Schlumberger Cyberflex 32K". Replacing section "Schlumberger Cyberflex 8K". Replacing section "Aladdin eToken". Installing a Driver C:\Program Files\Pointsec\Pointsec for PC>pscontrol -v install-driver D:\Modules\msc_p11.bin Appendix G PS Control Command Line Utility 241 Smart Cards, Smart Card Readers and their Drivers Connected to Pointsec 6.0.0 (2005-12-14 19:21:55 Build 1018). Writing 285274 bytes... Exporting Status Information C:\Program Files\Pointsec\Pointsec for PC>pscontrol.exe export-status mystatus.xml Executing query – STATUS Creating output status file as ‘mystatus.xml’ SUCCESS: Export complete Smart Cards, Smart Card Readers and their Drivers Pointsec PC 6.x supports authentication using smart cards. To authenticate a user via a smart card, Pointsec PC must be able to communicate with both the smart card and the smart card reader. This requires one driver for communicating with the card and another driver for communicating with the card reader. Note that smart cards that function as a combined card and card reader unit (for example, the RSA SecureID 800) still require two drivers, one for the card and one for the reader. Note also that some drivers support more than one smart card or smart card reader. Because smart cards from different manufacturers, and even different models of smart cards from the same manufacturer, communicate differently, Pointsec PC provides a variety of drivers. Pointsec PC maintains a registry of the supported smart cards and smart card readers (There are smart cards on the market that Pointsec PC does not support, and no drivers for these smart cards are provided). You use the PS Control command line utility to register smart cards and smart card readers in the Pointsec PC registry and to unregister smart cards and smart card readers in that registry. The utility also enables you to install drivers on the Pointsec PC system after they have been registered. Note that a driver must be registered before it can be installed. This enables you to use smart cards and smart card readers that are supported after the release of Pointsec PC. 242 Managing Smart Cards, Smart Card Readers and Drivers Managing Smart Cards, Smart Card Readers and Drivers Drivers supported by Pointsec PC at the time of delivery are provided on the Pointsec PC CD. The drivers required to communicate with the smart cards and smart card readers your enterprise uses must be installed on the machines that will use this smart card authentication. The installation is usually done by a script that executes PS Control commands. Similarly, you can also remove a driver or unregister a driver via a script, as well as list all the currently installed drivers, using PS Control. Registering a Driver To register a driver you must have an .inf file, which is usually delivered together with the driver. The .inf file contains information about the driver or drivers, for example identifying the driver or drivers and the hardware it or they communicate with. Note - The drivers on the Pointsec PC installation CD have already been registered. Registration is required only for drivers that have not been released together with the Pointsec PC package. See “Registering Drivers” on page 241 for an example of using the PS Control utility to register a driver. Installing a Driver See “Installing a Driver” on page 241 for an example of using the PS Control utility to install a driver. Removing a Driver Exporting a Machine’s Status Information The PS Control utility can be used to export status information about a specific machine. The information is exported in an XML file, which can be input to a program that processes the status information. See the following table for a description of tags in an export status file, and see “Exporting Status Information” on page 242 for an example of using the PS Control utility to export status information. Appendix G PS Control Command Line Utility 243 Export Status File Export Status File Description of Tags The following table contains a description of the most significant tags in the Export Status file. See “Sample Export Status File” on page 246 for an example of the file. Table G-4 Significant tags in the Export Status file Tag Description of Tag Contents VERSION The version of Pointsec PC currently installed on the machine. UPDPWD Specifies if the update validation password has been set. 0 = No, 1 = Yes. WAKEONLA N Specifies whether Wake-on-LAN is enabled. 0 = No, 1 = Yes. AUTOLOGON Specifies whether Windows Integrated Logon is enabled. 0 = No, 1 = Yes. USER User account name of the user account currently logged on to this machine. This information is Base64 encoded. LOCAL Date, time, and user account name of the user account that last updated the configuration of Pointsec PC on this machine. The date, time, and user account name are in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss - USERACCOUNTNAME. This information is Base64 encoded. PROFILE User account name of the person who created or edited the profile that last updated this machine. This information is Base64 encoded. RECOVERY UPDATE Date and time when recovery information was last updated. This information is Base64 encoded. RECOVERY DELIVERY Date and time when recovery information was last sent to the directory defined in the specified recovery path. This information is Base64 encoded. LOGFILE UPDATE Date and time when log information was last updated. This information is Base64 encoded. LOGFILE DELIVERY Date and time when log information was last sent to the directory defined in the specified log path. This information is Base64 encoded. DISKNR Number of the hard disk drive. Numbering begins with zero. VOLNR Volume number of the hard disk. Numbering begins with zero. 244 Export Status File Table G-4 Significant tags in the Export Status file Tag Description of Tag Contents ALGO1 Current algorithm in use. The tag can have one of the following values: AES • 3DES • Blowfish 56/256 bits • CAST • None • Invalid Key See also the description of ALGO2, below. ALGO2 The target algorithm. During encryption, this is the algorithm being used to encrypt the volume. During decryption, the value will be None. When encryption is completed, the values of ALGO1 and ALGO2 are identical. The tag can have one of the following values: • AES • 3DES • Blowfish 56/256 bits • CAST • None • Invalid Key STATE State of encryption of this volume (VOLNR) on the disk. Can be one of the following values: • 0 = Clear • 1 = Encrypting • 2 = Decrypting • 3 = Encrypted • 4 = Re-encrypting • 255 = Missing VALUE Value may have one of the following values: • 0-100 = % of encryption completed • 101 = Internal error • 102 = Internal error • 255 = Encryption completed Note that 255 can also mean “processing completed” when both ALGO1 and ALGO2 are None, as there has been no encryption and this fact has been registered. Appendix G PS Control Command Line Utility 245 Export Status File Sample Export Status File The following is an example of an export status file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <RETURN> <STATUS> <MISC> <VERSION>6.1.3 (2006-11-06 09:17:12 Build 1113)</VERSION> <DRIVER>5.0 sr1.1</DRIVER> <UPDPWD>1</UPDPWD> <WAKEONLAN>0</WAKEONLAN> <AUTOLOGON>0</AUTOLOGON> <USER>QURNSU4=</USER> <MCUSER/> </MISC> <CONFIG> <LOCAL>MjAwNi0xMS0xNiAxNDo1NDoxMCswMjowMCAtIFN5c3RlbVxBRE1JTg==</ LOCAL> <PROFILE>MjAwNi0xMS0xNiAxNDo...DXFdPUktcdXBkLnVwcA==</PROFILE> </CONFIG> <RECOVERY> <UPDATE>MjAwNi0xMS0xNiAxNDo1NTozNg==</UPDATE> <DELIVERY>MjAwNi0xMS0xNiAxNDo1NTozNg==</DELIVERY> </RECOVERY> <LOGFILE> <UPDATE>MjAwNi0xMS0xNiAxNDo1NTozNg==</UPDATE> <DELIVERY>MjAwNi0xMS0xNiAxNDo1NTozNg==</DELIVERY> </LOGFILE> <ENCRYPTION> <VOL> <DISKNR>0</DISKNR> 246 Installing Language Packs <VOLNR>0</VOLNR> <ALGO1>AES</ALGO1> <ALGO2>AES</ALGO2> <STATE>3</STATE> <VALUE>255</VALUE> </VOL> <VOL> <DISKNR>0</DISKNR> <VOLNR>1</VOLNR> <ALGO1>None</ALGO1> <ALGO2>AES</ALGO2> <STATE>1</STATE> <VALUE>36</VALUE> </VOL> <VOL> <DISKNR>0</DISKNR> <VOLNR>2</VOLNR> <ALGO1>None</ALGO1> <ALGO2>None</ALGO2> <STATE>0</STATE> <VALUE>255</VALUE> </VOL> </ENCRYPTION> </STATUS> </RETURN> Installing Language Packs The PS Control utility can also be used to install language packs. Both the preboot language file and the Windows language file must be installed for each pack. Appendix G PS Control Command Line Utility 247 Installing Language Packs Take special care to use the command that corresponds to the respective file (install-pb-language for the preboot language file and install-win-language for the Windows language file). To install a language pack: 1. Issue an install-pb-language command in pscontrol.exe, specifying the file name of the preboot language file (LANGUAGE.LNG) for the language pack you want to install. If this file is not in the same folder as the pscontrol.exe program, the entire directory path to the file must be specified. 2. Issue an install-win-language command in pscontrol.exe, specifying the file name of the Windows language file (Plang32.lng) for the language pack you want to install. If this file is not in the same folder as the pscontrol.exe program, the entire directory path to the file must be specified. 248 H Appendix The pslogexp.exe Log Export Utility The pslogexp.exe Log Export Utility The pslogexp.exe utility is meant for administrators; Read and Execute permissions are required to run it. This utility must be executed on a machine running Pointsec for PC 6.1.x or later. An administrator can use pslogexp.exe to export the local log or the logfile to console or to redirect the data to a file. Available formats are CSV (Comma Separated Values), TSV (Tab Separated Values) or XML. The utility can be used in a script. pslogexp.exe Utility Syntax and Commands The syntax and commands for pslogexp.exe are described in this section. Syntax The syntax for using pslogexp.exe is as follows: pslogexp.exe [/?] [commands] [filename] Description: Export the log file or local log to console in the specified format. Use '>' to redirect to file. 249 Commands Commands The following commands are available: Table H-1 pslogexp.exe commands Command Description csv Export the log data as comma separated values (default). tsv Export the log data as tab separated values. xml Export the log data in XML format. local Export the local machine’s log data. heads Include headings in the log data that is exported. The following headings are included: Version, Type, Level, Category, Event ID, Source ID, Date and Time, Host, Heading, Body, Caller, Target, Param3, Param4. Headings are available only in CSV and TSV data. ? Help for the pslogexp.exe utility. The following table contains information on filenames: Table H-2 Filename information Filename Description filename On a local machine, the filename will be logfile.log, where logfile is the computer name of the local machine, for example MYCOMPUTER. On a remote machine, the filename will be the full path name of the file to which you will export the log, for example \\Share\COMPUTER02.log. Examples of Using the pslogexp.exe Utility Exporting the Local Log Below is an example of exporting the local log database to a file: pslogexp.exe /tsv /heads /local >local.tsv pslogexp.exe /xml /local >local.xml Note the use of > to redirect the data to the file local.tsv. Exporting the (remote) logfile Below is an example of exporting the log files to a file: pslogexp.exe /tsv /heads "MYCOMPUTER.log" >logfile.tsv pslogexp.exe /xml "\\Share\COMPUTER02.log" >logfile.xml pslogexp.exe /xml "c:\logs\MYLOG.log" >logfile.xml 250 Correct Display of National Characters in Exported Files Note the use of > to redirect the data to the file logfile.tsv. Correct Display of National Characters in Exported Files To ensure the correct display of national characters in the exported logs, display the CSV or TSV file in Excel after specifying the following settings (in Excel): 1. In the File drop down menu, select Open. 2. Select the exported CSV or TSV formatted log file and click Open. 3. When the text import guide is displayed, select the Origin: 65001: Unicode (UTF-8) 4. Click OK. Chapter H The pslogexp.exe Log Export Utility 251 Correct Display of National Characters in Exported Files 252 Appendix Pointsec PC and IBM RRU I Pointsec PC and IBM RRU This appendix contains the information you will need for accessing the IBM Rapid Restore Ultra (RRU) on a system with Pointsec PC installed. Installing the InstallRRU.msi Package Before you can access RRU functionality on a system with Pointsec PC installed, you need to install the InstallRRU.msi package. Note - Before you install the InstallRRU.msi add-on package, ensure that you have installed ISScript.msi Version 11 on the computer. Otherwise, InstallRRU.msi will not work correctly. To install the InstallRRU.msi package: 1. Locate the InstallRRU.msi add-on package in the 1_Pointsec for PC\Tools\WinPE directory on your Pointsec PC CD. 2. Install the package. RRU Functionality on a Pointsec PC Machine Accessing After installing the InstallRRU.msi add-on package, you can access RRU functionality. 253 Using To restore a backup via RRU, do not access RRU through Windows but instead as described in the procedure below. To access RRU functionality for restoring a backup: 1. Log on to the Pointsec PC preboot environment. 2. Immediately after you have logged on to Pointsec PC and before Windows starts to load, press F11. This will boot the machine into the RRU partition. 3. Select the backup you want to restore in RRU and continue. Using When using RRU on a Pointsec PC machine, never attempt to restore to an RRU image taken prior to the installation of Pointsec PC. 254 J Appendix Pointsec PC Common Criteria Configuration Pointsec PC Common Criteria Configuration Common Criteria (CC) defines a broad, flexible set of requirements for security products, focusing on development best practices and assurances that advertised features have been implemented securely. With a CC EAL4 validated product, you are assured that the product is designed according to strict security engineering standards and quality control. The CC is a set of functional and assurance IT security requirements that were developed to provide a common baseline against which IT products and systems could be tested and evaluated. The results of these comprehensive security tests are compiled to produce a composite security score or evaluation level for any given security product. The CC evaluation methodology can be used for both hardware and software security products. Initially supported by the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada and the Netherlands, the CC has since been recognized by many other countries. Evaluations consider not only the product itself, but the intended environment for use and the policies and procedures that will be enforced. The CC has also been codified as ISO standard 15408. Pointsec Mobile Technologies provides world-class security software for the protection of personal computers, smart phones and PDAs. A commitment to achieve CC EAL4 validation is part of the ongoing process of providing the highest quality security products to our most important security partners, our customers. In This Appendix Common Criteria EAL4 Configuration Requirements page 256 255 Common Criteria EAL4 Configuration Requirements Common Criteria EAL4 Configuration Requirements The validation of Pointsec PC is done in a specific secure configuration. To use Pointsec PC as a validated product, this configuration must be used on the installed computer. To properly implement a CC EAL4 validated configuration of Pointsec PC, specific settings must be configured in the profile that will be deployed. Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Sizes The algorithms and key sizes allowed in a CC configuration are: • 3DES 168-bit • AES 256-bit All Partitions Encrypted, Boot Protection Enabled To ensure that the system is secure, all partitions must be encrypted and preboot protection must be enabled. In an Installation Profile Use the Select Volume Protection setting under System Settings/Install to: • specify the algorithm to be used • select Encryption for all the volumes, and • select Preboot Auth. (preboot authentication) for all volumes. In a Master Installation Select Boot protection and Encryption, then choose the required algorithm in the Protect volumes InstallShield Wizard window. No Delete Access to the Pointsec File Share Users of Pointsec PC-protected computers may have only RX permissions to the Pointsec share. This is accomplished by setting up a Pointsec Service Start Account in the Pointsec PC profile deployed on computers. See Chapter 10, “Using a Service Start Account” for instructions. Wake on LAN The setting Enable Wake on LAN must be disabled. This setting is found under System Settings → Wake on LAN. Wake-on-LAN is a feature in many computers today whereby the computer can be automatically 256 Windows Integrated Logon started when it receives a specific signal from the network. The administrator can then perform maintenance on the computer without having to visit its physical location. Windows Integrated Logon The setting Windows Integrated Logon must be disabled. This setting is found under System Settings → Windows Integrated Logon. Windows Integrated Logon enables to user to bypass preboot authentication at startup. User Level Privileges The user account authority level must not have any administrative privileges, and must not have more than the privileges View Logs and Uninstall. These settings are located under System → Group Settings → Permissions for groups and under System → Account Settings → Permissions for user accounts. The View Logs privilege is only necessary if normal users are allowed to view the logs of the system in question. The Uninstall setting will allow a user to uninstall the Pointsec PC software from the computer if, and only if, the uninstallation is performed together with an administrator (or another user) who has Uninstall authority. Local Administration Disabled The local administration program must be disabled for all clients, that is, machines not used for system administration and administration, e.g. creating profiles, updating profiles and providing remote help. The setting Management Console Logon must be disabled on all clients. These settings are located under System → Group Settings → Permissions for groups and under System → Account Settings → Permissions for user accounts. Administration and Configuration via Profiles All administration and configuration of client installations must be performed via profiles. The only local administration allowed is the first initial administration of an administration installation that is used to create an initial installation profile to be used to install the clients. All updates and new installation profiles for both clients and administration are then maintained via profiles, created on an administration installation. Appendix J Pointsec PC Common Criteria Configuration 257 Software Upgrade between Common Criteria Versions Only Software Upgrade between Common Criteria Versions Only Only upgrading between CC-certified versions of Pointsec PC is allowed. Password Requirements If fixed passwords are used for authentication, they should match the strength requirements of the information they are protecting. The required configuration is: • Minimum length of 8 characters • Numbers and letters • Both uppercase and lowercase letters • No more than two consecutive identical characters The following configuration is recommended, but not required: • Disallow 6 previous passwords • Expiration of 90 days These recommendations do not apply to users using dynamic tokens or smart cards for authentication. Password Synchronization Requirements Password synchronization must be inactivated in a CC-validated environment. Maximum Failed Logons before Reboot The value of Max Failed Logons Before Reboot must be set to three or fewer in a CC-validated environment. 258 Appendix Importing Encryption Keys K Importing Encryption Keys In Pointsec PC, partition keys (used for encryption of volumes) and the material used for protecting them are normally generated using an internal random number generator. However, externally generated keys (random data) can also be imported for use as partition keys and data used to protect partition keys. This appendix includes an explanation of the key import directory structure and the settings that must be specified in the precheck.txt file. It also describes end-user interactions related to key import that might be required during Pointsec PC installation. Preparing to Use Imported Encryption Keys Key Import Directory Structure The system administrator must prepare a key import directory structure that contains the keys that will be imported, among other things. This directory must have the following structure: • Keys folder Contains the keys. The keys must be stored in PKIF format. The files must have a filename with the format KEYnnnn.DAT, where the first key file is KEY0001.DAT, the second is KEY0002.DAT, and so on. • FLOPKEY.DAT file A transport key used to ensure the integrity of the key files. 259 precheck.txt File • Optional PWD.DAT file Contains the password that has been used to protect the key files. If this password is provided in a PWD.DAT file in this directory structure, it does not have to be entered by the user. If it is not provided in a PWD.DAT file, the user will be prompted to enter the password when it is time for the system to use the key file to encrypt a partition. precheck.txt File precheck.txt contains settings for the Pointsec PC installation, including two settings that are relevant to importing keys. The precheck.txt file is located in the same folder as the Pointsec PC.msi file. The settings relevant to key import are described below - for a full description of the precheck.txt file, see the Pointsec PC Installation Guide. precheck.txt Settings for Encryption Key Import The following table describes the settings relevant to encryption key import that you can configure in precheck.txt: 260 Administrator Checklist for Importing Encryption Keys Table K-1 precheck.txt key import settings Setting Description KeyImportDirectory= Path to the key import directory. Specifying a path for this setting activates encryption key import. If this path is not supplied, key import will not be activated. Best practice is to specify the path in UNC format: \\<server>\<share>\.... KeyImportMethod= Specify how the imported random data will be processed when used to make keys: • Combine (Default) Partition keys are generated by combining the imported random data with random data generated by Pointsec PC. Data used to protect partition keys is generated by combining partition keys with random data generated by Pointsec PC. • Direct The imported random data is used ‘as is’ as a partition key. Data used to protect partition keys is generated by combining partition keys with random data generated by Pointsec PC. You cannot use the key import directory’s PWD.DAT file when using this method. Administrator Checklist for Importing Encryption Keys The following list consists of administrator actions related to importing encryption keys, focusing on tasks the administrator will want to ensure have been completed before implementing the import of encryption keys: • Be familiar with the tool used to generate random data to be used for encryption keys. • Ensure that the password used to protect the key files is provided. The password must consist of uppercase ASCII characters, and can be from 0 to 31 characters long. The length 0 corresponds to an empty password. • If the password protecting the key files is to be provided automatically during installation, ensure that the password is stored in a PWD.DAT file and that this file is stored correctly in the key import directory. Note that an empty password can be provided in the same way (empty PWD.DAT file). Appendix K Importing Encryption Keys 261 End-user Interaction During Installation • Calculate the number of key files required for each installation (the number of volumes that will be encrypted + the number of smart card user accounts that will be added during installation). • Specify the required precheck.txt settings to enable encryption key import. • Ensure that the KeyImportDirectory setting correctly specifies the path to the key import directory. End-user Interaction During Installation The following list explains the end-user interaction required if a password used to protect the key files is not provided in a PWD.DAT file in the key import directory. 262 • If smart card user accounts are being added during installation, the end user must enter a password to unlock the key file. Five attempts are allowed. • The first time the Pointsec PC preboot environment starts, the end user will be prompted to supply the password required to unlock the key files. The end user has five attempts in which to supply the correct password. If the password authentication fails, a dialog informs the user that the authentication has failed, that the computer is unprotected, and that Pointsec PC must be uninstalled manually via Add/Remove Programs. • If a PWD.DAT file is used during installation, error information might be displayed to the end user. End users should contact the administrator if they are unsure about how they should respond to this information. Appendix Glossary L Glossary Numeric 2-factor authentication The password to a token used with the token. In other words: 2-factor authentication is something you know, used together with something you have. Access is granted only when you use the two together. A Access control The process of preventing unauthorized access to computers, programs, processes, or systems. Pointsec for PC access control includes preventing logged-on users from accessing files, devices, etc. for which they have no authorization. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) A method of encryption selected by NIST as a replacement for DES and 3DES. AES supports key lengths of 128-bit, 192-bit and 256-bit. AES provides high security with fast performance across multiple platforms. Algorithm In Pointsec products, an algorithm is a mathematical procedure that manipulates data to encrypt and decrypt it. Authentication The process of verifying identity or authorization. Pointsec for PC provides boot protection by enforcing authentication in Pre-Boot Authentication before the Windows operating system starts. 263 C Cipher A cryptographic algorithm. Ciphertext Encrypted data. Cryptography The study and use of methods designed to make information unintelligible. D DES (Data Encryption Standard) A widely used method of data encryption. Dynamic token A device which generates one-time passwords based on a challenge/response procedure. E Encryption The transformation of plaintext into a less readable form (called ciphertext) through a mathematical process. A ciphertext may be read by anyone who has the key to decrypt (undoes the encryption) it. F FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards. See NIST. K Key A string of bits used with an algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data. Given an algorithm, the key determines the mapping of the plaintext to ciphertext. Key file In Pointsec for PC, encryption keys are stored in a key file. The keys are themselves strongly encrypted, i.e. you must enter a password to access the key file, but you do not then need to enter each key as it is used. Key space The name given to the range of possible values for a key. The key space is the number of bits needed to count every distinct key. The longer the key length (in bits), the greater the key space. 264 L Lockout A method to stop an unauthorized attempt to gain access to the computer. For example, a three try limit when entering a password. After three attempts, the system locks out the user. N NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) The institute produces security and cryptography related standards and publishes them as FIPS documents. P Password A protected/private string of characters, known only to the authorized user(s) and the system, used to authenticate a user as authorized to access a computer or data. Plaintext Data that has not been encrypted, or ciphertext that has been decrypted. S Security Policy A system of password policies, account lockout policies, logging policies, administrator and user rights and other policies designed to protect your system. Single Sign-on (SSO) The ability to log on to multiple computers or servers in a single action by entering a single password. Smart card A device which contains the credentials for authentication to any device that is smart card-enabled. Strong encryption A term given to describe a cryptographic system that uses a key so long that, in practice, it becomes impossible to break the system within a meaningful time frame. T Triple DES (3-DES) Encryption A method of data encryption which uses three encryption keys and runs DES three times Triple-DES is substantially stronger than DES. Appendix L Glossary 265 U User name / user ID system. 266 A unique name by which each user is known to the THIRD PARTY TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS Entrust is a registered trademark of Entrust Technologies, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Entrust’s logos and Entrust product and service names are also trademarks of Entrust Technologies, Inc. Entrust Technologies Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Entrust Technologies, Inc. FireWall-1 and SecuRemote incorporate certificate management technology from Entrust. Verisign is a trademark of Verisign Inc. The following statements refer to those portions of the software copyrighted by University of Michigan. Portions of the software copyright © 1992-1996 Regents of the University of Michigan. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Copyright © 1998 The Open Group. The following statements refer to those portions of the software copyrighted by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. 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Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR 267 ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. GDChart is free for use in your applications and for chart generation. YOU MAY NOT re-distribute or represent the code as your own. Any re-distributions of the code MUST reference the author, and include any and all original documentation. Copyright. Bruce Verderaime. 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001. Portions copyright 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Funded under Grant P41-RR02188 by the National Institutes of Health. Portions copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Boutell.Com, Inc. Portions relating to GD2 format copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Philip Warner. Portions relating to PNG copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Greg Roelofs. Portions relating to gdttf.c copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 John Ellson (ellson@graphviz.org). Portions relating to gdft.c copyright 2001, 2002 John Ellson (ellson@graphviz.org). Portions relating to JPEG and to color quantization copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, Doug Becker and copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, Thomas G. Lane. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. See the file README-JPEG.TXT for more information. Portions relating to WBMP copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Maurice Szmurlo and Johan Van den Brande. Permission has been granted to copy, distribute and modify gd in any context without fee, including a commercial application, provided that this notice is present in user-accessible supporting documentation. This does not affect your ownership of the derived work itself, and the intent is to assure proper credit for the authors of gd, not to interfere with your productive use of gd. If you have questions, ask. 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Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder. The PHP License, version 3.0 Copyright (c) 1999 - 2004 The PHP Group. 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The PHP Group may publish revised and/or new versions of the license from time to time. Each version will be given a distinguishing version number. Once covered code has been published under a particular version of the license, you may always continue to use it under the terms of that version. You may also choose to use such covered code under the terms of any subsequent version of the license published by the PHP Group. No one other than the PHP Group has the right to modify the terms applicable to covered code created under this License. 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: "This product includes PHP, freely available from <http://www.php.net/>". THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PHP DEVELOPMENT TEAM ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PHP DEVELOPMENT TEAM OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 268 This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the PHP Group. The PHP Group can be contacted via Email at group@php.net. For more information on the PHP Group and the PHP project, please see <http://www.php.net>. This product includes the Zend Engine, freely available at <http://www.zend.com>. This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com). 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("ISC")) Copyright 1997-2001, Theo de Raadt: the OpenBSD 2.9 Release PCRE LICENCE PCRE is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language. Release 5 of PCRE is distributed under the terms of the "BSD" licence, as specified below. The documentation for PCRE, supplied in the "doc" directory, is distributed under the same terms as the software itself. Written by: Philip Hazel <ph10@cam.ac.uk> University of Cambridge Computing Service, Cambridge, England. Phone: +44 1223 334714. Copyright (c) 1997-2004 University of Cambridge All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 270 Index A Access to Local setting 54 Access to Remote setting 54 Account Settings 45 accounts 71 delete 130 edit 130 group 71 service 127 administering 259 administration levels 9 administrators 10 algorithms 256 Allow 20 Allow a Slave Hard Drive 20 Allow Consecutive, Identical Characters default and effective value 74 Allow Consecutive, Identical Characters setting 30, 49 Allow Embedded Space Characters default and effective value 74 Allow Embedded Space Characters setting 30, 50 Allow Hard Drive To Be Slaved setting 20 Allow Hibernation and Crash Dumps setting 27 Allow Leading or Trailing Space Characters default and effective value 74 Allow Leading or Trailing Space Characters setting 30, 50 Allow Logon to Hibernated System default and effective value 76 Allow Logon to Hibernated System setting 56 Allow Password of Adjoining Characters default and effective value 74 Allow Password of Adjoining Characters setting 30, 50 Allow Special Characters default and effective value 74 Allow Special Characters setting 30, 49 Allow Windows Logon setting 31 Allow Windows Screen Saver setting 29 July 2007 asdf 43 Attempts Before Temporary Lockout default and effective value 75 authenticating 207 dynamic token 211 first time 208 fixed password 209 smart card/USB token 212 Authentication Settings-Fixed Password 48 Authentication Settings-Smart Card Windows Smart Card Insertion/ Removal Handling 52 automatic reboot 147 B background image 145 preboot 145 banner 145 preboot 145 Banner.jpg 146 boot protection 5 bootable CD-ROM 201 media menu 205 Bypass PPBE WIL Message setting 34 C Case Sensitivity setting 30, 49 central log 170 certificate smart card 87 Change Credentials in the Pointsec for PC tray default and effective value 76 Change Credentials in the Pointsec for PC Tray setting 56 Change Password default and effective value 75 Change Password setting 55 Change Permissions default and effective value 75 Change Permissions setting 54 Change Privileged Permissions default and effective value 75 Change Priviliged Permissions setting 54 Change Single Sign-On default and effective value 75 Change Single Sign-on setting 55 Change to Dynamic Token default and effective value 76 Change to Dynamic Token setting 56 Change to Fixed Password default and effective value 76 Change to Fixed Password setting 56 Change to Smart Card default and effective value 76 Change to Smart Card setting 56 Common Criteria configuration recommendations 258 configuration requirements 256 max failed logons before reboot 258 password synchronization 258 configuring system settings system settings configuring 17 contact information 3 Creat Groups default and effective value 75 Create Groups setting 54 Create Profiles default and effective value 75 Create Recovery Media default and effective value 76 Create Recovery Media setting 56 Create User Accounts default and effective value 75 Create User Accounts setting 54 creating update profiles 129, 164 D default Allow Consecutive, Identical Characters 74 Allow Embedded Space Characters 74 Allow Leading or Trailing Space Characters 74 271 Allow Logon to Hibernated System 76 Allow Password of Adjoining Characters 74 Allow Special Characters 74 Attempts Before Temporary Lockout 75 Change Credentials in the Pointsec for PC tray 76 Change Password 75 Change Permissions 75 Change Privileged Permissions 75 Change Single Sign-On 75 Change to Dynamic Token 76 Change to Fixed Password 76 Change to Smart Card 76 Create Groups 75 Create Profiles 75 Create Recovery Media 76 Create User Accounts 75 Edit System Settings 75 Enable Case Sensitivity 74 Enable SSO 76 Mangement Console Logon 76 Password History 75 Provide ’One-Time Logon’ 76 Provide ’Reset Password’ 76 Receive ’One-Time Logon’ 76 Receive ’Reset Password’ 76 Remote Help 75 Remove Groups 75 Remove Profiles 75 Remove User Accounts 75 Require Letters and Integers 74 Require Upper and Lower Case 74 Response Format’ 76 Set Logon Limit 75 Set Max Failed Logons 75 Set Maximum Age 75 Set Minimum Length 75 Smart Card insertion triggers Windows SSO logon 76 Synchronization Mode 76 Temporary Lockout Time 75 Uninstall 75 Use Entrust for SSO 76 View Logs 75 defaults Logon Settings 75 Password Settings 74 Password Synchronization Settings 76 Permissions Settings 75 Privileged Permissions Settings 75 Remote Help Settings 76 Single Sign-On Settings 76 deploying Pointsec for PC 107 Desktop.jpg 146 272 Display Enable WIL Switch setting 33 drivers smart card 121 dynamic token 211 Challenge Format 83 Challenge Length 83 importing values 83 Response Format 83 Response Length 83 dynamic token authentication new user account 81 Dynamic Token Key 83 Dynamic Token Serial Number 81, 83 E Edit System Settings default and effective value 75 Edit System Settings setting 54 effective values settings 74 Enable Case Sensitivity default and effective value 74 Enable Export of Status to File setting 23 Enable Hardware Hash setting 34 Enable Low Graphics Mode setting 20 Enable Mouse in Preboot setting 20 Enable Network Locational Awareness setting 33 Enable PCMCIA setting 20 Enable Remote Help setting 28 Enable Serial setting 20 Enable SSO default and effective value 76 Enable SSO setting 58 Enable Wake on LAN setting 31 encryption algorithms 256 file and full disk 5 Entrust SSO setting 58 error message recovery file path not accessible 197 Expiration Date setting 47 Expiration Date setting 73 exporting logs with pslogexp.exs 249 extend authority 14 F fixed password 209 security standards for 51 Fixed Password settings 49 force change of password at next logon 81 G graphic images displayed in preboot 145 group adding user account to 77 new 72 Group Settings 45, 73 Authentication Settings-Fixed Password 48 Logon 47 group settings 43 GUID Setting 46 GUID setting 46 H hibernation 27 I I 247 IBM Rapid Restore Ultra 253 install profile silent 108 install profiles deploying 108, 124 interactive install 103 silent install 102 Install settings 21 installation profile creating 113 installation profiles 101 creating 108 deploying 108 smart card drivers 121 K keyboard layouts 184 supported 237 switching 184 L N language files Windows 227 language packages 233 default 234 language packs installing 247 language support 231 languages 183 changing 183 installing using PS Control 248 keyboard layouts 184 Select Language setting 22 languages supported 7 local log 145, 165 Local Settings 43 Authentication Settings-Smart Card Windows Smart Card Insertion/Removal Handling 52 localization 7 Log 23 Log Password setting 23 Log Path 24 logging 145, 165 central 170 local 145, 165 Logon Authorized setting 46 Logon Settings 47 defaults and effective values 75 Logon Verification setting 26 logs exporting with pslogexp.exe 249 new account wizard 77 normal user account user account normal 79 M Management Console Logon default and effective value 76 Management Console Logon setting 56 managing Pointsec PC 6 manual reboot 147 Minimum 20, 21, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33 Minimum Group Authority Level Required setting 20, 21, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33 Msiexec.exe 147 O oemvar 146 one-time logon 173, 218 Organization setting 21 P password forgotten 217 password authentication new user account 80, 81 Password History default and effective value 75 Password History setting 50 Password Settings defaults and effective values 74 Password Synchronization Settings defaults and effective values 76 Password Synchronization settings 59 passwords synchronizing 177 PC security overview 3 PCMC 9 Local Installation 14 overview 13 Remote Help 14 Remote Installation 14 permission settings 11 Permissions Remote Help 12 permissions required by Remote Desktop 228 Permissions (settings) 12 Permissions Settings defaults and effective values 75 Permissions settings 54 Pointsec for PC add/remove 194 administering 9, 89 recovery 197 removing 133, 191 updating settings 107 updating software 107 utilities 177 Pointsec for PC Management Console, see PCMC Pointsec PC environment requirements 6 Pointsec Service Start service 127 preboot background image 145 banner 145 graphic images 145 screen saver image 145 precheck.txt file 121 Privileged Permissions (settings) 11 Privileged Permissions Settings defaults and effective values 75 Privileged Permissions settings 53 Product 21 Product Owner setting 21 Product Serial Number setting 22 profiles 61, 101, 149 graphical overview 105 group information 104 installation interactive 103 silent 102 publish directory 105 recommendations 105 sets 106 storage directory 105 system information 103 System Settings 118 uninstall 103, 108 update 103 update directory 105 user information 104 Provide ’One- Time Logon’ setting 57, 172 Provide ’One-Time Logon’ default and effective value 76 Provide ’Remote Password Change’ setting 57, 172 Provide ’Reset Password’ default and effective value 76 PS Control command line utility 239 commands 240 error codes 241 examples 241 exporting status information 243 installing language packs 247 options 240 smart cards, smart card readers, drivers 242 pscontrol.exe 239 pslogexp.exe utility 249 publish directory for profiles 105 publish path 107 273 R Rapid Restore Ultra (RRU) 253 reboot manual 147 reboot, automatic 147 Receive ’One-Time Logon’ default and effective value 76 Receive ’One-Time Logon’ setting 58, 172 Receive ’Remote Password Change’ setting 58, 172 Receive ’Reset Password’ default and effective value 76 recovering information from a slave drive 202 recovery 197 CD-ROM 201 floppy disk 199 removable media 199 recovery and decryption 202 recovery directory 105 recovery disk 197 creating 199 recovery files path not accessible 197 Remote Desktop 228, 229 Remote Help 14, 171 default and effective value 75 one-time login 173 permissions 12 providing 173 remote password change 172 types 172 verifying users 173 Remote Help Settings defaults and effective values 76 Remote Help settings 56 remote password change 172, 217 remove Windows add/remove 194 Remove Groups default and effective value 75 Remove Groups setting 54 Remove Profiles default and effective value 75 Remove Profiles setting 54 Remove User Accounts default and effective value 75 Remove User Accounts setting 54 removing Pointsec for PC 108 Require Letters and Digits setting 30 Require Letters and Integers default and effective value 74 274 Require Letters and Integers setting 49 Require Upper and Lower Case default and effective value 74 Require Upper and Lower Case setting 30 requirements Pointsec for PC environment 6 Response Format default and effective value 76 Response Format setting 58, 172 S screen saver 145 screen saver image preboot 145 Screen Saver Timeout setting 47, 73 Scrsvr.jpg 146 security standards for fixed passwords 51 Select Language setting 22 service user account 79 set creating 91, 108 Set Expiration Date (WOL) setting 31 Set Failed Attempts Before Temporary Lockout setting 48 Set Group Authority Level setting 47 Set Log Path setting 24 Set Logon Limit default and effective value 75 Set Logon Limit setting 48 Set Max Failed Logon setting 47 Set Max Failed Logons default and effective value 75 Set Max Failed Logons Before Reboot setting 26 Set Max Failed Windows Logon Attempts setting 33 Set Max Number of Logons Allowed (WOL) setting 31 Set Maximum Age default and effective value 75 Set Maximum Age setting 50 Set Minimum Age setting 50 Set Minimum Length default and effective value 75 Set Minimum Length setting 30, 50 Set Network Locations setting 33 Set PKCS#11 dll Path setting 25 Set PPBE Failure WIL Message setting 33 Set Profile Path setting 24 Set Profile Validation Password setting 23 Set Recovery Path setting 24 Set Screen Saver Text setting 29 Set Start Delay (WOL) setting 31 Set Upgrade Path setting 24 Set WIL User Screen Saver Timeout setting 34 sets 106 setting Access to Local 54 Access to Remote 54 Allow Consecutive, Identical Characters 30, 49 Allow Embedded Space Characters 30, 50 Allow Hard Drive To Be Slaved 20 Allow Hibernation and Crash Dumps 27 Allow Leading or Trailing Space Characters 30, 50 Allow Logon to Hibernated System 56 Allow Password of Adjoining Characters 30, 50 Allow Special Characters 30, 49 Allow Windows Logon 31 Allow Windows Screen Saver 29 Bypass PPBE WIL Message 34 Case Sensitivity 30, 49 Change Credentials in the Pointsec for PC Tray 56 Change Password 55 Change Permissions 54 Change Priviliged Permissions 54 Change Single Sign-on 55 Change to Dynamic Token 56 Change to Fixed Password 56 Change to Smart Card 56 Create Groups 54 Create Profiles Create Profiles setting 54 Create Recovery Media 56 Create User Accounts 54 default values 74 Display Enable WIL Switch 33 Edit System Settings 54 Enable Export of Status to File 23 Enable Hardware Hash 34 Enable Low Graphics Mode 20 Enable Mouse in Preboot 20 Enable Network Locational Awareness 33 Enable PCMCIA 20 Enable Remote Help 28 Enable Serial 20 Enable SSO 58 Enable Wake on LAN 31 Entrust SSO 58 Expiration Date 47, 73 Fixed Password 49 GUID 46 Log Password 23 Logon Authorized 46 Logon Authorized setting 73 Logon Verification 26 Management Console Logon 56 Minimum Group Authority Level Required 20, 21, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33 Organization 21 Password History 50 Product Owner 21 Product Serial Number 22 Provide ’One- Time Logon’ 57, 172 Provide ’Remote Password Change’ 57, 172 Receive ’One-Time Logon’ 58, 172 Receive ’Remote Password Change’ 58, 172 Remove Groups 54 Remove Profiles 54 Remove User Accounts 54 Require Letters and Digits 30 Require Letters and Integers 49 Require Upper and Lower Case 30 Require Upper and Lower Case setting 50 Response Format 58, 172 Screen Saver Timeout 47, 73 Select Language 22 Set Expiration Date (WOL) 31 Set Failed Attempts Before Temporary Lockout 48 Set Group Authority Level 47 Set Log Path 24 Set Logon Limit 48 Set Max Failed Logons 47 Set Max Failed Logons Before Reboot 26 Set Max Failed Windows Logon Attempts 33 Set Max Number of Logons Allowed (WOL) 31 Set Maximum Age 50 Set Minimum Age 50 Set Minimum Length 30, 50 Set Network Locations 33 Set PKCS#11 dll Path 25 Set PPBE Failure WIL Message 33 Set Profile Path 24 Set Profile Validation Password 23 Set Recovery Path 24 Set Screen Saver Text 29 Set Start Delay (WOL) 31 Set Upgrade Path 24 Set WIL User Screen Saver Timeout 34 Skip Management Console Logon 26 Smart Card Triggers Windows SSO Logon 58 Synchronize Windows Passwords to Preboot 60 Temporary Lockout Time 48 Uninstall 55 USB 20 Use 20-Character Challenge 28 View Logs 55 Windows Complexity Requirements 49 Windows Integreted Logon 33 settings 43 default values 74 effective values 74 group 43 Install 21 Logon 47 Password Synchronization 59 Permissions 54 Privileged Permissions 53 Remote Help 56 Single Sign-On 58 user account 43 Single Sign-On settings 58 Sinle Sign-On Settings defaults and effective values 76 Skip Management Console Logon setting 26 slave drives 202 Smart 242 smart card lost 218 registering with PS Control 242 unregistering with PS Control 242 smart card authentication new user account 86 smart card certificate 87 smart card driver installing with PS Control 242 registering with PS Control 242 unregistering with PS Control 242 smart card drivers in installation profiles 121 Smart Card insertion triggers Windows SSO logon default and effective value 76 Smart Card Triggers Windows SSO Logon setting 58 smart card/USB token 212 SSO 185, 219 about 185 changing passwords 185 enabling 189 Entrust 185 Windows smart card 189 SSynchronize Windows Passwords to Preboot setting 60 status Information 243 storage directory for profiles 105 storage path 93, 106, 109 Synchronization Mode default and effective value 76 synchronizing users 130 system administrator 9 system settings 17, 43 accessing 17, 43 T Temporary Lockout Time default and effective value 75 Temporary Lockout Time setting 48 temporary user account 79 troubleshooting 221, 225, 231, 233, 237, 239, 249, 253, 255 type user account 79 U Uninstall 75 default and effective value 75 uninstall profiles 101, 103, 191 creating 191 deploying 193 Uninstall setting 55 update directory for profiles 105 update profiles 101, 103, 129, 164 creating 130 deploying 130 updating Pointsec for PC software 107 upgrade log 147 USB setting 20 275 USB token lost 218 Use 20-Character Challenge setting 28 Use Entrust for SSO default and effective value 76 user account adding to group 77 authenitcation method 79 authentication method 80 Dynamic Token Key 83 Dynamic Token Serial Number 81, 83 force change of password at next logon 81 service 79 temporary 79 type of 79 user account name 78 user account name user account 78 user account settings 43 user accounts 13 smart card 121 synchronizing 130 utilities language support 183 SSO 185 V View Logs default and effective value 75 View Logs setting 55 W Wake on LAN (WOL) example 181 setting-up 180 Windows language files 227 Windows Complexity Requirements setting 49 Windows Integreted Logo setting 33 276