May 1, 2016 - West End Church of Christ
May 1, 2016 - West End Church of Christ
L O R D ’ S D A Y ■ M A Y 1 , C H U R C H of C H R I S T 1303 Ralph D. Abernathy Blvd. Atlanta, Georgia 30310 Phone: 404-753-6271 | Fax: 404-755-8980 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 10499 | Atlanta, GA 30310 w w w . t h e w e s t e n d e r. c o m 2 0 1 6 L O R D ’ S D A Y ■ M A Y 1 , 2 0 1 6 West End’s 111th Anniversary 8 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. GUEST SPEAKER Dr. Rodney Dulin, Dallas, TX 9:40 a.m. GUEST SONG LEADERS Darwin Mason, Rayshan Booker, Malcolm Himes There will be no 6 p.m. service tonight. ABOUT OUR GUEST SPEAKER Dr. Rodney D. Dulin has been the visionary leader for the Central Pointé Church of Christ since 2006. He is a native of Dallas, Texas, and he thrives on empowering and edifying the saints. Dr. Dulin is also passionate about nurturing the ministries of the church and watching the people of God mature in their purpose. He always says, “There’s a spot on the team for everybody, you just have to get off of the bench and get in the game!” Dr. Dulin graduated from Southwestern Christian College with an Associate of Arts degree in 1993. He earned a Bachelor of Business degree in Administration from the University of North Texas in 1997. He is a graduate of the Southern Bible Institute and in 2007, graduated Cum Laude with a Master of Arts degree in Christian Leadership from Criswell College. He also graduated in 2013 with an earned Doctorate degree in Theology from Andersonville Theological Seminary. Dr. Dulin and his wife, Shalonda, are the proud parents of two children: Mia and Roman. Education Ministry Update Bible Classes Time Change - Summer Quarter Adult and youth Bible classes on Wednesday evenings will begin at 7 p.m. starting with the Summer Quarter that begins on Wednesday, June 1. Class time will be from 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. The time change is a trial period for the Summer Quarter, but may become the new time after information is reviewed and assessed. Please make plans within each of your households to ensure a smooth transition to the new time. See David Bishop with any questions. P R AY E R L I S T If you have a desire for prayer, or know someone who does, forward your request to Tonya Sykes (, or call Doris Morgan at 404-346-1372 (, Angela Okpara (, Nettie Fanning at 404-696-9104, or Debbie Sledge at 404-314-2666 ( In order to avoid duplication, names that are currently listed on the Sick and Shut-In list will not be added to the Prayer List. Barbara Brown Sara Minnifield Helen & Robert Chatman Gwendolyn Nelems Mario Springer Tabitha Young Joey Gaines Charles Griffin & Family Frances Graham Mary Phillips Beppie Jones Valarie Caraballo Lillian Minton Christine Hunter Ralph Williams Jessica Chappel Lisa Jamison Arie Luster Tamara Nixon Skylar Babino Marlene Musgrave Wilma Babino Beulah King ■ WEST END ACTIVITIES & INFO ■ The 2016 Georgia Agape Golf Marathon will be held May 9. Friends of Agape will raise funds through teams who participate in a day long golfing experience. Funds raised will provide support for the foster care and adoption program. If you would like to join the West End team please contact Bill Moore (404-593-3381 or or Gerald Duncan (678-794-4491). Survey Results Available – The results for the Education Survey can be found at This will allow the congregation to see what has been important to the congregation concerning class offerings, materials, etc. and to guage the progress in the education department. Have your kids outgrown their uniforms? The Back-to-School & Health Fair Committee is asking for donations of new or gently used school uniforms, sizes pre K through high school (any colors, all sizes). Donations of plastic hangers are also needed (child and adults sizes). Donations can be placed in the small box in the foyer. Please contact Barbara Hardie ( with any questions. The Men of Valor Regional Men’s Conference will be held Jul. 28-30 at the Atlanta Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort in Stone Mountain, GA. The cost is $299 per person (double occupancy) / $399 (single occupancy) which includes registration, 2-night stay, all meals, speakers’ notes binder and a t-shirt. The theme is “A Transformed Non-Conformist” (Rom. 12:1-2). For complete details and to register visit The 2016 Marriage Retreat will be held Aug. 18-20 at WinShape Retreat in Rome, GA. The cost is $412 per couple, to include lodging, meals and retreat materials. A deposit of $50 is required to reserve your space. Register at ■ YOUTH / SINGLES / YOUNG ADULTS ■ Vacation Bible Camp – Register Today for Free – Registration for Vacation Bible Camp (VBC) is underway. The camp is for absolutely free and is for ages 5-11 It will be held Monday, July 18 though Wednesday, July 20. Visit vacation-bible-camp to register. Email any questions to Youth in Action's YIA Kids Family Indoor/Outdoor Field Day May 21 – Parents: YIA-Kids is hosting a Family Indoor/Outdoor Field Day at on Saturday, May 21 for West End families with children ages 4-11. The event will be held at the Tony Matthews Boys and Girls Club (785 Fontaine Rd. SW, Mableton, GA 30126). from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be games, race competitions, arts and crafts, and activities for you and your children. Lunch will be served, and the event is completely free. Come spend a fun afternoon and with YIA-Kids. Sign the list in the foyer or send an email to; put “Coming to Field Day” in the subject line. VBC Youth Counselors Needed – Youth in grades 6-12 are needed to assist as counselors and helpers. Sign up on the list in the foyer. Parents and youth can send an email to by putting “Youth Counselor” in the subject line. ■ LADIES ■ SATURDAY – The Women of Faith will host a Mother-Daughter Brunch at the home of William and Gayron Johnson Saturday, May 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Theme is “Far Above Rubies.” Please sign up in the foyer if you plan to attend. Ladies, plan to attend West End’s Women’s Empowerment Conference Jun. 3-4, Friday 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a continental breakfast beginning at 8 a.m. Due to our building project, there is a registration fee of $25. The theme is “How To Survive Your Breaking Point.” Speakers include Alvin Daniels (Hope St. CofC, Miami, FL), Vanessa Heyward, Carole Hamilton, Terri Mays and Angela Clay. The vendor fee is $150. For complete details and to register visit or contact Gayron Johnson at the church office, 404-753-6271 or Sony Heyward ( T O D A Y Attention West End Families – Parent & Youth Fellowship All youth and parents are invited to a Youth in Action Parent & Youth Fellowship in the Wesley R. Brown, Sr. Fellowship Hall today following the 10:45 a.m. service. Stop by and meet with the YIA-Kids and YIA-Teens leaders and staff volunteers. Learn about our 2016 plans, register for the youth retreat, Vacation Bible Camp, and more. Robust and filling refreshments will be provided to all that attend. Youth Retreat July 21-24 PRE-REGISTER ONLINE TODAY Youth in Action’s Annual Youth Retreat will be held Jul. 21-24 at the YMCA Hargis Retreat in Chelsea, AL. The Youth Retreat is for youth in grades 6-12. Up to 95 youth can register. The cost is: $120 - 1st child $100 - 2nd child $90 - 3rd child The theme is, Compassion (Matt. 15:32). Parents, please visit to preregister, and complete all information until formal registration begins. New Members Luncheon All new members that were baptized or placed membership in 2015 are invited to a New Members Luncheon Saturday, May 22 immediately after the 10:45 a.m. service. Please sign up in the foyer if you plan to attend. MAY AT A GLANCE TODAY 111th Anniversary 21 Youth in Action Field Day 22 New Members Luncheon 21 22 Men’s Breakfast/Training Family & Friends Day High School Graduates Recognition June 12 SIGN UP NOW ONLINE West End’s Annual High School Graduates Recognition & Reception will be held on Sunday, June 12, at 1:30 p.m. Congratulations to graduating high school seniors: Gibran Powell, Simone Bates, Khalia Ross, Brandon Iverson, Darrinique Kirksey, Nathan Pettaway, Jordan Williams, and Jasmyne McGaughy. Are You Still Missing? Complete the Census. Be Counted! L A S T D AY Scan the code or visit today to complete a brief survey (2-3 minutes). The general information you provide about you and your household will aid our planning for future growth. SICK & SHUT-IN To be included or to have someone included or removed from this listing please contact Gayron Johnson at the church office. Titus Mathis, son of LaTonia Mathis. Visitors are welcomed. For visitation information, contact Sis. Mathis directly at 404-769-2147. Thomas & Opal Chase – A.G. Rhodes, Rm. 222, Atl., GA 30312. Joyce Mapp – 3371 Hyland Dr., Decatur, GA, 30032; 404-438-1555. Henry Ross – 3593 Ingledale Dr. SW, Atl., GA. 30331; 404-349-0716. Junette Tibbs – A.G. Rhodes, Rm. 102, Atl., GA 30312. Daneka Vickers, Anreneka Johnson, Quetbell Allen, Denise Jenkins. P R AY E R L I N E The West End Prayer Warriors have a prayer line. Call 678-444-4170, option #2 anytime to have someone to pray with and for you.