GUILDFORD - Graham Tring Associates..
GUILDFORD - Graham Tring Associates..
P R O P E R T Y C O N S U LTA N T S A N D R E TA I L S P E C I A L I S T S GUILDFORD 278 High Street, GU1 3JL A1/A2 SHOP TO LET LOCATION The property is situated in a prominent trading location in the upper non-pedestrianised section of the High Street, being near the G-Live entertainment centre and immediately opposite the 183-room Radisson Hotel and restaurants. This location is particularly popular for estate agents and caterers with adjoining and nearby occupiers including FOXTONS, ZIZZI, CAU, PIZZA EXPRESS and TSB. Graham Tring Associates, Suite B, First Floor, Shaw House, 2-3 Tunsgate, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3QT tel: 01483 533396 email: web: GU1 3JL/01/16 278 High Street, GU1 3JL DESCRIPTION This newly-built property comprises a ground floor shop with flats above. !" #$%& #$'() The shop will be handed over in shell condition, ready to receive the ingoing tenants’ shopfittings. A layout plan of the accommodation is attached. ** The available accommodation is arranged on ground floor only, having the following approximate dimensions and areas: 3.50 m 2.74 m 5.40 m 15.48 m 63.64 sq m 3.25 sq m ! !"" #$ $% $ $ &' ( $ $ & & $ $) *) $ ' #$ $ + + & +++ + % %&$,$ + ++ + %& .&'#$* +++ $%+$ ,1 &' 0%&%%%' $/* '*',1+& ACCOMMODATION Frontage to High Street: Return Frontage: Maximum Internal Width Built Depth: Ground floor sales area: Rear ancillary area: (11’6”) (9’ 0”) (17' 9") (50' 9”) (685 sq ft) ( 35 sq ft) LEASE TERMS +",% -".* /", /2++ -,01 3 4 +,*,, 23 -,0**,"* ,0"1** ,,7* 5 2,1,3 -,04, ! 4 -,0**2.63 4'4 The premises are available to let upon the basis of the equivalent of a new full repairing and insuring Lease for a term of years to be agreed and containing 5 yearly upwardonly rent reviews. (% & ( +$ . ., #,% #$/% %&*&$ '#& $%$/, ++ $+)+"5"5!' RENTAL £39,500 per annum exclusive of rates, service charge and VAT (if applicable) RATING Awaiting assessment. VIEWING Strictly by appointment via the joint sole retained agents: Graham Tring GRAHAM TRING ASSOCIATES 01483 533396 Michael Owen OWEN SHIPP COMMERCIAL 01483 450115 P R O P E R T Y C O N S U LTA N T S A N D R E TA I L S P E C I A L I S T S Graham Tring Associates, Suite B, First Floor, Shaw House, 2-3 Tunsgate, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3QT tel: 01483 533396 email: web: Graham Tring Associates for themselves (and joint agents where applicable) and for the vendor or lessors of this property whose sole agents they are give notice that; (i) the particulars are produced in good faith, and are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract; (ii) All areas/dimensions quoted are approximate; (iii) the agents have not tested any of the services and no warranty is given or implied by these particulars; (iv) All prices or rents quoted as exclusive of VAT which may be applicable to transactions involving commercial property; (v) no person in the employment of Graham Tring Associates has the authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. Contract Documents Signed By: Employer....................................................................................... 10.27 Print Name..................................................................................... B 140 600 600 200 SVP 2260 10585 Flat 3 Parking 4625 11.82 A Flat 2 Parking 345 1475 1010 Flat 1 Parking 11.66 665 435 200 500 575 40 mj 485 40 40 mj 11.39 300 GND-EXD02 GND-W02 330 600 20 1530 SVP SVP B Barrier Matting and Frame 600 40 2195 200 600 10.11 6275 GND-EXD01 Linear Drain 300 700 40 FFL +11.65 Entrance Lobby KITCHEN (SERVICES ONLY) 910 650 1230 RWP 4945 LobbyD01 40 Flotex carpet to stair and circulation area 700 FFL +10.15 420 Riser AAV 3 Bike racks 200 1000 C 0 R300 200 Stair DWG 10-1246-155 ACCESSIBLE WC (SERVICES ONLY) 660L Waste Bin SVP RWP 1600 Retail Units 660L Waste Bin RWP 1010 GND-W01 10-1246-150 Detail 01 & 02 295 300 RWP 11.22 3490 mj 13.38 10-1246-154 Detail 01 17.07TOW 11.48 10-1246-150 Detail 07 Print Name..................................................................................... 11.58 200 mj 325 530 40 10.22 5448 14645 6740 New Gates 4095 10.76 11.45 11.18 10.50 5125 10.44 10.17 10.03 Ground Floor Plan B 4055 4670 Contractor...................................................................................... 10-1246-154 Detail 05 600 115 A B 10.96TOW 10.76 10.90TOW PARAPETT WALL 20.24 11.99 11.56 10.94 9.88 11.82 11.66 11.40 10.99TOW 11.52 9.79 A 19.04.13 REV DATE Bollards and bike stores removed bike racks added MG REVISION DETAILS BY 59.9m TCB SETTING OUT TO BE AGREED ON SITE WITH THE PROJECT SUPERVISOR. ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE CHECKED ON SITE BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR DISCREPANCIES TO BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE PROJECT SUPERVISER. 253 LB 11.64 vens) 2 to 14 (E Mitchell Evans LLP 241 90 Meadrow, Godalming Surrey GU7 3HY Tel: 01483 453453 Fax: 01483 419540 email: 276 CLIENT 11.64 Tim Morley 11.66 11.61 11.70 JOB TITLE 278 High Street Guildford PARAPETT WALL 15.25 DRAWING TITLE Ground Floor Plan SCALE use 1:500 location plan H igh ok bro Ho 1:50 NUMBER DRAWN BY MAG REVISION 10-1246 110 CHECKED BY DATE A COPYRIGHT MITCHELL EVANS LLP Nov '12