December -


December -
This Issue
Presidents’ Message
Principal’s Message
Superintendent’s Message 4
Counselor Corner
Career Center
Staff Spotlight
School Scoop
Fall Sports Review 20-23
District News
Bulletin Board
Back Talk
Wednesday, December 7
PTSA Meeting, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, December 7
Holiday Choir Concert, 7 p.m.
JHS Commons
Friday, December 9
Mr. JHS, 5-7 p.m.
JHS Commons
Wednesday, December 14
Holiday Band Concert, 7 p.m.
JHS Commons
Monday, December 19 –
Monday, January 2
Fall Sports
December 2011
page 19
presidents’ Message
The Jackson community
overwhelms us with its generosity!
our membership and Pass the Hat
contributions enabled us to approve
$2,335 in fall classroom grants. These
dollars go directly to benefiting your
students with access to resources in the
library; showcasing digital photography;
supporting the Reading Buddy program;
and providing AVID supplies, Spanish
resources, and pedometers for physical
education. Please see page 28 for details
of all fall grants. We are excited to offer
a winter granting period for the JHS staff
again in late January.
an enthusiastic student body to provide
opportunities for our students to create,
innovate, share, and thrive. It is clear that
our students are learning from what is
positively and generously demonstrated
by the role models in their lives. Day
after day, our students exemplify positive
citizenship and heart-warming humanity.
Just step through our doors and see for
yourself! One of the surest ways to find
success in high school is to become a part
of it. If you see someone on the sidelines,
invite them in!
The gift of your time is invaluable. Kudos
to all of you who volunteered to help with
Back to School (“Welcome Pack”), photo
retakes, Macho Volleyball, and cookies
for Driving It Home. See our full list of
generous volunteers on page 27.
It’s hard to believe, but soon we will be
looking for PTSA members willing to serve
on our Nominating Committee to select
candidates for next year’s Executive
Committee. If you are interested, please
contact us for additional information and
join us at our PTSA meeting January 4 at
7 p.m. in the Jackson Library to elect our
Nominating Committee. Your ideas matter.
Your voice makes a difference.
The JHS Leadership Class’s Henry the
Giving Snowman (toy donations through
Dec. 12) and the ASB food drive (through
Dec. 14) continue our giving spirit and
will bring smiles to many as we spread
cheer throughout our community. These
are two of the major charitable service
projects that bring together our students
and families in support of the struggling
families in our community. Thank you for
all the kindness you have contributed this
year. For details, turn to page 9.
As 2011 comes to a close, we reflect
upon the good in our community and look
forward to a fresh New Year filled with
promise. May your holiday bring peace,
joy, and merriment.
Kathryn Lee and Linda Pazevic
JHS PTSA Co-Presidents
This fall, we experienced outstanding
participation, memorable performances,
and excellent sportsmanship from our
Jackson students. We are truly fortunate
to have dedicated and skilled club advisers
and coaches, supportive parents, and
December 2011
Principal’s MESSAGE
he late Steve Jobs once said: “Your
work is going to fill a large part of
your life, and the only way to be truly
satisfied is to do what you believe is great
work. And the only way to do great work
is to love what you do.” The Culminating
Exhibition is an attempt to facilitate our
students into discovering what it is they
love to do that might develop into a career
for them. Our students’ CE projects have
ranged from interning at a hospital to
teaching children, and from designing a
computer to organizing a fundraiser for
charity. Those students taking CE in fall
semester are in the process of completing
their projects and getting ready for the
January presentations.
As we approach the CE due dates for the
fall semester, parents should be aware
that their students should be working
to complete their projects. Students
are required to have spent at least 45
documented hours on their projects and
to have met with a mentor regularly or
consulted with at least three experts in
the field. If parents have questions about
CE, they should contact their student’s
CE teacher or me. We will have over 200
seniors making their CE presentations in
January with the rest taking CE spring
semester and presenting in May. Any
parent of a freshman, sophomore, or
junior who is interested in being a CE
panelist should contact Patti McClinchy at
Jackson High School.
The Culminating Exhibition, which is
a graduation requirement, has three
requirements: (1) Reflective Letter, (2)
Senior Project, and (3) Presentation. The
target date for completing the reflective
letter at standard was October 6. The
target date for having the project at
standard is December 15. However, the
absolute last day at which both the letter
and project must be at standard is January
6; students at standard by this date will do
their presentation on January 19. Students
who miss this date can still get their letter
and project to standard by the end of the
first semester in order to present during
the second semester CE presentations in
May. For the spring semester CE classes,
students must meet standard on the
letter and project by May 18 in order to
present May 30-31. Meeting standard
on all elements of CE by these dates
is necessary in order to be eligible
to participate in the commencement
ceremony in June.
I wish our senior students the best in
completing their CE requirements! As they
further their education, I also hope they
find work they love to do.
Don Lichty
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
December 2011
Superintendent’s MESSAGE
Once again, we can take pride in
celebrating good news about our work, our
students, and our district—news that you
may not read about in the local newspaper
but that you can read about on our district
Schools of Distinction
Gateway, Eisenhower, Cedar Wood,
and Silver Lake earned 2011 Schools
of Distinction awards this year. Another
three schools—H. M. Jackson, Cascade,
and Evergreen—were each just a gnat’s
eyelash away from being on the 2011 list.
Schools of Distinction are those in the
top 5% of all state schools—based upon
student math and reading improvement
sustained over the last five years.
Successfully meeting AYP in 80 percent of
No Child Left Behind AYP requirements is a
shared accomplishment demonstrating the
cumulative effect of quality K-12 instruction
and attention to the learning needs of each
child. We are, indeed, a district making
substantial improvement.
Our district’s history of schools earning this
distinction since the award began in 2008
is included in a news release on our district
website along with other awards schools
have earned dating back through 2006.
Advanced Placement Honor Roll
The College Board has identified Everett
Public Schools as one of just 367 school
districts in the U.S. and Canada to be
listed on the second annual 2011 College
Board AP Honor Roll. This means we are
among a handful of school districts on the
continent to have increased the number of
AP classes offered to students (from 548 in
2009 to 618 in 2011) and the percentage
of students earning AP exam scores of “3”
or higher (from 60% in 2009 to 65% in
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
Jackson and Cascade high schools met
AYP this year, as did Heatherwood. Since
this is the second year of meeting AYP
for Jackson and Heatherwood, both of
those schools are now out of the federal
No Child Left Behind category of “needs
improvement.” Furthermore, of the more
than 130 ways there are to fail to meet
AYP, the district did, in fact, achieve AYP
in 80 percent of those ways. (Missing in
just one way earns a school or district
the label of “needs improvement.”)
Happy holidays and warm regards,
Gary Cohn
Everett Public Schools Superintendent
December 2011
Counselor corner
t seems like this year is streaming by
so quickly that one month runs into the
next. Students are now halfway through
the first semester. It is an intersection on
their travels to a destination that will lead
to options down the road. Those options
can be closed when school performance
guide students in
developing a plan
that matches their
interests, strengths,
and desires when
post-high school
educational options.
So take a look at where your student is at
this point. If he or she is struggling, there
is still time to re-commit to school success.
Maintaining current success is also
important. Parents, remember to review
on a regular basis student progress and
guide them in establishing time each day
for study and review in all their classes.
This is essential in establishing a firm
foundation for building a strong academic
structure now and in the future. See our
brochure on Homework Help and links to
other academic supportive resources.
The “best fit” for each person is what
the individual person wants—not
others—and is the KEY to motivation in
pursuing goals. Counselors have taught
lessons this semester to all freshmen,
sophomores, juniors, and seniors about
exploring interests and careers, colleges,
and other post-high school options and
have guided them in developing plans
and processes to get there. Be sure to
explore the counseling website—http://
counseling/—for resources and links in
the college exploration and application
process. It is an invaluable resource if
utilized to its fullest.
Setting short-term goals in moving forward
to reach long-term goals is essential when
planning for tomorrow, next week, next
month, next year, and beyond. That is why
students in 9th grade need to identify a
long-term goal or dream so they can make
a connection between what they are doing
in school now and their future plans. Those
goals may change several times and that’s
okay, but reaching for “something” makes
each day at school more meaningful than
reaching for “nothing.” Parents, help your
students plan for their future.
Finally, as the holiday season approaches,
enjoy your family and take time to engage
in some activities with each other to make
those family connections even better. This
time of year does not always bring joy
for all families due to personal struggles
and/or family stresses. If your family is
fortunate enough to enter the holiday
season with peace, contentment, and
abundance, reach out to those who may
benefit from the sharing of your time and
Some type of post-high school education
and training is a MUST in today’s world
economy if our students are going to move
into adulthood and become independent,
contributing members of society. Therefore,
it is important for families and schools to
Connie Sperry,
JHS Counselor
December 2011
Counselor corner
Teens More Likely to Try Alcohol for the First Time in
ecember is a busy time for most families, given the different holidays that
take place this month. Time off from school in December can also mean more
unstructured time for students. This can translate into an increased chance for youth to
take part in potentially harmful, risky behaviors.
Past studies have shown that youth are more likely to drink alcohol for the first time
in December or January. A study by University of Washington researchers found that
parents can prevent or delay their child’s use of alcohol by setting clear rules and
expectations. (Students who initiate early substance use are at an increased risk for
having problems with these substances later on in life.) Researchers recommend that
parents “monitor their teens and keep track of them in a non-intrusive way” and give
family recognition to your child when the rules are followed.
Over the winter break, maintain a set curfew and have your child check in with you at
regular times during the day and evening. Call parents whose homes your child will be
visiting. Kids who are close to their parents and families are the least likely to engage in
risky behaviors. Vacation time is a great opportunity to continue building these bonds in
the family!
Lyn Lauzon, JHS Intervention Specialist, (425) 385-7178
December 2011
Career center
FAFSA Night at JHS
High School and Beyond
Family Nights a Huge
When: Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Where: Commons/Annex
The EPS Foundation was pleased to
add High School and Beyond to its
programming this year with $10,000
in support. This October, three nights
of college and career exploration were
put on for students and their families
at Jackson, Everett, and Cascade High
Schools. Each event featured a keynote
speaker, a menu of breakout sessions to
help our students and families explore
college and career options, and a
college and career fair. Translations of
all communications, interpreters, and
transportation were provided to assist
our families in attending these events.
It was estimated that over 2,700
parents and students participated with
more than 40 colleges and post-high
school institutions represented.
Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Juniors and seniors, money is most
often a consideration when deciding
on colleges and educational training
beyond high school. Completing and
submitting the FAFSA application is
the first step in determining what
aid a family may be eligible for. Go
to This is
FANTASTIC opportunity for parents
and their students to get more
detailed information for completing
and submitting the FAFSA application.
This is a MUST for any student looking
to receive financial aid for college,
vocational school, private specialized
schools, or other post-high school
education—whether grants, loans,
work-study, or scholarship. Make this
night a priority to attend!
The purpose of these events is to build
a college-going culture of exploration,
preparation, and readiness for all
students. Whether college or post-high
school training is in their future, this
event promotes goal setting beyond
completion of high school.
December 2011
Patti McClinchy
Main office secretary
How long have you been at Jackson?
12 yrs
Joel Vincent
11th grade U.S. History
and Washington State
History, Head
Football Coach
Where did you go to school? Everett High
Tell us a little about your family at home.
Kids? Cats? Dogs? Married for 30 years to
Scott; two grown sons, Matt and Marc, and
one “grand dog,” Raider
How long have you
been at Jackson?
Since the school
opened its doors 17
years ago.
Hobbies? Boating, crabbing, beach
scavenging (glass, rocks, and anything else
interesting that gets washed up, especially
after a storm), gardening
Where did you go to school? Leavenworth High
School; W.S.U.
Favorite TV show and/or movie:
Bridesmaids, Dancing with the Stars, Storage
Wars, Modern Family
Tell us a little about your family at home.
Kids? Cats? Dogs? Wife Adria, sons Tynan (15)
and Sean (11), two dogs, one cat, and three hermit
Favorite book or book that you are
reading right now: The Thornbirds; getting
ready to start reading Night
Hobbies? Golf, camping, car shows
Favorite TV show and/or movie: Just about
anything on National Geographic Channel
How do you order your coffee? Black
Favorite vacation spot: My cabin on Hat
Favorite book or book that you are reading
right now: Young Men and Fire
How do you order your coffee? Black drip
Favorite sport team: Chicago White Sox
(because my nephew plays for them)
Favorite vacation spot: Yellowstone National Park
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite sport team: WSU Cougars!
Favorite food: Seafood
Favorite holiday: 4th of July
If you could have a super power, what
would it be? To be able to fly
Favorite food: Steak and a baked potato
If you could spend a day with someone
famous (living or not), who would he/she
be? Eleanor Roosevelt
If you could have a super power, what would
it be? Flight
If you could spend a day with someone
famous (living or not), who would he/she be?
Abraham Lincoln
What is
about you that
most people
do not know?
I worked on a
crab processor
in Dutch Harbor,
What is something about you that most people
do not know? I am adopted.
Any other interesting trivia about you that you
would like to share? As a kid I was on the tarmac
at Clark AFB, Philippines, and saw Sen. John McCain
and others arrive from Vietnam where they were
held as a POWs.
December 2011
school Scoop
Annual Student Food Drive
Charity Begins
at School...
The JHS Annual Food Drive is under way and
runs through December 14. Proceeds benefit
the Salvation Army. Each class is assigned to
one of our grocery store community partners:
Seniors: QFC
Sophomores: Safeway
The Scoop on Henry the
Giving Snowman
Juniors: Central Market
If you have
been inside JHS
recently, you
probably noticed
Henry the Giving
Snowman outside
the Commons.
Henry has many
little snowmen—
each with the
name and age of
a local child who
needs a holiday
gift—waiting to be adopted by JHS students and
families. Please consider participating in this
annual event.
JHS Staff Giving Plan
The generous staff at JHS is in the holiday
spirit this year with a four-stage program to
help Jackson families and students who are
experiencing difficulties this holiday season.
1. Each staff member donated $10 (or more)
to Safeway to purchase Thanksgiving
dinners for Jackson families.
2. Each department provided a supply of
breakfast/lunch/snack items that were
made available to students on Free and
Reduced Lunch. These were distributed on
the Wednesday before Thanksgiving break
for use over the long weekend.
WHAT: Jackson High School has teamed
up with Hawthorne and Jackson Elementary
Schools to help support children in times of
need during this holiday season. We will be
donating toys for the children who are in need
of financial assistance for the holiday season.
3. Similar to the students’ “Henry” gift
program, Jackson staff is adding “Baby
Jackson” to its holiday giving. Counselors
will ask students if they have any “Winter
Wishes.” Winter Wishes will be placed near
Baby Jackson in the main office, and staff
will do their best to grant the wishes.
WHO: Jackson High School Leadership
class will be working with the counselors of
Hawthorne and Jackson Elementary schools to
organize the toy drive.
4. Staff leaders are currently working with the
City of Mill Creek, Mill Creek Rotary, Mill
Creek Business Association, and Mill Creek
Senior Center to start a Mill Creek Food
Bank. Each year the Jackson student body
conducts a food drive. Jackson students
collect food outside neighborhood QFC,
Albertsons, Central Market, and Safeway
grocery stores. The hope is that, in years
to come, the annual Jackson food drive
would go to Mill Creek Food Bank to provide
assistance for families and students in our
own community.
WHEN: The toy drive runs through December
12, 2011. The toys will be delivered to
Hawthorne and Jackson Elementary on
December 13, 2011.
WHERE: Toys will be donated to Henry the
Giving Snowman at Jackson High School. Also,
neighboring businesses within the community
will have toy drop-off locations in their business.
DETAILS: For more information, contact Judi
Montgomery at 425-385-7105.
Freshmen: Albertsons
December 2011
school Scoop
JHS Library News:
Battle of the Books 2011-2012
This year’s Battle of the Books kicked off November 18.
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Going Bovine by Libba Bray
The Hunchback Assignments by Arthur Slade
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
If I Stay by Gayle Formana
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
Lockdown by Alexander Gordon Smith
Malice by Chris Wooding
Best-selling Author
Christopher Paolini
Visits JHS Nov. 29
The Maze Runner by James Dashner
The Monstrumologist by Richard Yancey
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley
Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle
Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George
The Reformed Vampire Support Group by Catherine Jinks
Shiver by Maggie Stiefwater
Skeleton Creek by Patrick Carman
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
Swim the Fly by Don Calame
Thirteenth Child by Patricia Wrede
We Were Here by Matt de la Pena
Witch & Wizard by James Patterson
December 2011
Christopher Paolini reads a
favorite passage from his first
book, Eragon, after talking to
students about how he came
to be a best-selling author
when he grew up disliking
reading. Now 28, Mr. Paolini
was just 15 when he began
writing Eragon. He explained
that Eragon is “Dragon” with
the first letter replaced and
is also a play on words to
mean “era gone by.” Paolini
is on tour promoting the
final and fourth book in the
series, Inheritance, and his
visit to JHS was arranged by
our community partner, the
University Book Store.
school Scoop
Music Teacher’s Band
Receives Award
JHS Choir Concert,
December 7
Bring the family to the JHS Choir
Holiday Concert on December 7
in the JHS Commons. The concert
is free and is a combination of
Jackson Choirs and Gateway
Choirs with music ranging from
traditional holiday to nontraditional winter music. It will
be a unique opportunity to see
the progression from 7th to 12th
grade performers.
One of our Jackson High School staff members,
James Orr (guitar and concert choir teacher), plays
saxophone in the band 20 Riverside. The band has
been awarded the 2011 City of Everett Mayor’s
Arts Award for Artistic Excellence and Contributions
to Cultural Vitality. As a performer and recording
artist, he not only shares his music with a wide
range of audiences who hear him play, but he also
brings to his classroom experiences that enhance
his students’ exposure to yet another role music
plays in our society. Way to go, James!
Lesley Moffat
Director of Bands, Jazz & Percussion
Honors Choir Announced
Band and Percussion
Ensemble Holiday
Concert, December 14
Get in the holiday spirit at the
Band and Percussion Ensemble
Holiday Concert on December 14
at 7 p.m. in the JHS Commons.
The free event will feature a wide
range of holiday music played in
a variety of styles including jazz
and traditional settings plus some
unexpected twists on old favorites.
The traditional finale is a medley
of seasonal music during which
the audience joins in a sing-along
and Jackson band alumni take the
stage with current students for
an unforgettable kick-off to the
holiday season. Seating will be
limited, so arrive early!
In September, auditions were held for the 2012
WMEA All State Honors Choir. The following students
have been accepted into the 2012 WMEA All State
Group. This is a great honor for these students to
be accepted and indicates a high level of talent and
Heather Pettis, Jon Escobar, Caleb Eby, Grace
Bae, Miranda Aiken, Chris Steckler, Kaelyn
The Honors Choirs are comprised of high school
students all over the state of Washington. Students
do an audition that is recorded and sent to the
Washington Music Educators Association to be
reviewed. Out of the thousands of submissions,
only 350 students are selected to rehearse and
perform in these groups in February at the National
Association for Music Educators Conference (held
in Yakima) that is attended by music educators
nationally. It is a HUGE honor for the seven students
from Jackson Choir who have been selected. Tickets
to the performances in Yakima can be purchased
through the WMEA site at a future date. For more
information, please contact Choir instructor Vanessa
Gerads at
December 2011
school Scoop
DO-IT Programs for Students with
DO-IT is seeking sophomores and juniors in high school
who have a disability such as (but not restricted to) mobility
impairment, learning disability, sensory impairment, or
health impairment and who have an aptitude for and interest
in attending college. Students will be loaned computer equipment and
adaptive technology to participate in electronic mentoring and Internet
support year round. For up to three summers, “DO-IT Scholars” attend a
one- to two-week live-in summer program on the UW Seattle campus where
they learn about college selection, challenging careers, self advocacy, and
adaptive tech.
Application forms are due no later than 1/10/12 and can be downloaded at If received after 1/10/12
they will be considered on a space-available basis.
Other programs for students with disabilities include:
DO-IT Pals: This program connects teens and mentors with disabilities via
the Internet to explore career interests, make friends, and motivate each
other to achieve goals.
The Alliance for Students with Disabilities in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics: This program provides opportunities
to engage in work-based learning and mentoring. It is also a resource
for educators, parents, and employers.
The Alliance for Access to Computing Careers: This program provides
opportunities for students pursuing computing and IT degrees to engage
in work-based learning and mentoring.
For more information call (206) 685-3648 or e‑mail
December 2011
school Scoop
Free Learning-to-Drive Resources
Check out Seattle Times’ Newspapers in Education (NIE) series, “Steering Teens Clear
of DANGER,” a ten-week series promoting teen safe driving that runs in Wednesday
editions through December 14.
The series is sponsored by State Farm, which offers two FREE online interactive tools at to help parents and young drivers’ parents throughout the entire
learning-to-drive process.
Road Trips—This is a simulation in which the teen driver is seated in a driver’s seat
traveling through four kinds of driving scenarios. For example, the neighborhood requires
the user to click on the possible road hazards such as a car backing out of a driveway, a
child playing on the sidewalk, and a parent pushing a stroller at a stop sign. The driver
earns a percentage score for accuracy. Drives can be replayed or a fresh drive can be made
to improve one’s score.
Road Aware—This simulation helps parents teach teens to anticipate and recognize
driving hazards.
Former karate kid Ralph Macchio also has an online video on the website that shows
him teaching his son Daniel how to drive.
Jackson Leadership Council (JLC)
The Jackson Leadership Council (JLC) is
represented by administrators, department
leaders, a classified staff member,
community members (a parent representing
each grade), and students (one from each
grade) who meet monthly to monitor and
advance the goals of the school.
The JLC conducted an Accreditation Goals
Review and identified four instructional
goals for the 2011-12 school year: 1)
collaboration, 2) climate, 3) assessment,
and 4) rigor. The group has been working
on fresh vision statements for Jackson
High School. Recently, it was determined
that daily announcements would be made
during 3rd period as most students are
on campus at that time of day. Daily
announcements can also be found posted
on the JHS website.
December 2011
school Scoop
Coffee with the Principal
On the evening of November 9, Principal Terry Cheshire, Assistant
Principal Kevin Rohrich, and a group of parents sat down for an hour
in the JHS library to chat over coffee and cookies. A special thank you
goes to Lou and Sherry Mazza of Mazza Coffee for donating the coffee.
The first half-hour included ideas presented by Mr. Cheshire and Mr.
Rohrich; the last half-hour was devoted to the parents.
Come to the next
Principal’s Coffee
January 11, 7pm,
Jackson Library.
Presented by Mr. Rohrich:
Parent questions:
In an effort to recognize more students at
JHS (beyond the typical athletic and academic
achievements), Mr. Rohrich is starting a monthly
student recognition program. Students nominated
will attend a ceremony for their family members.
In addition to the ceremony, the students will
receive recognition through the PTSA newsletter,
at lunch, and in the local paper (if they choose
to publish). Awards will fall within the three
areas that make up the “Jackson Way”: pride,
excellence, character. For more information, click
the download links below:
· Concern about consistency among
teachers who teach the same
classes. Mr. Cheshire said samesubject teachers are meeting and
implementing an eight-step process
to create common standards and
· Concern about the new LMS
software; specifically, accessing
student grades online. Mr. Cheshire
said they are working on it, but
the vendor needs to hear from
parents about problems they are
Categories: This document provides more details
on the categories, as well as important dates.
Nominate student of the month: This is the official
nomination form.
Presented by Mr. Cheshire:
· Jackson has been removed from the AYP
(Adequate Yearly Progress) watch list. This
is a huge milestone and shows tremendous
achievement at JHS.
· The state legislature will be making decisions
to close the large budget gap. Education will
be impacted. One idea being considered is to
shorten the school year by several days.
· JHS is looking for more ways to identify low
income students who need support. The school
is looking into starting a food bank. More than
260 students receive free lunches at JHS.
· Concern about the gap between
AP/honors and regular classes.
Mr. Cheshire said this is a concern
and that the teachers are creating
common standards across all classes.
· Concern about overuse of test retaking. Mr. Cheshire said this is a
philosophy based on the idea that
the student should have the chance
to master a subject rather than just
have one shot at it. Re-take tests
should be different, and students
should be limited in the number of
re-take opportunities. Teachers are
working to create common standards
on the formative and summative
percentages that go into the final
December 2011
school Scoop
FIRST Robotics
Team 2910: Jack
in the Bot
he JHS Robotics Team,
nicknamed “Jack in the
Bot,” is sponsored by FIRST
Robotics, whose mission is to
design innovative programs
that teach students about
Team 2910 Jack in the Bot at the Microsoft Seattle
science and technology as well Regional in 2010
as leadership and other life
The autonomous period is followed by
skills. Members master how to use heavy
the teleoperated period, where students
machinery such as a CNC mill and the lathe
drive the robot using joysticks. Last year,
not only to manufacture parts but to think
robots had to maneuver the field, pick
and work like an engineer. In the three
up tube shapes, and build a logo on a
years Jackson has competed, the team
rack that was 10 feet tall. The last part of
has won the Rookie All Star, Excellence in
the competition is the bonus game—an
Engineering, and two Spirit awards.
extreme engineering challenge. Two years
The team is in pre-season now and faces
ago, the robots had to extend an arm
an engineering challenge each week. The
to hang themselves. Last year, robots
team also volunteers with Volunteers of
deployed minibots that raced up the pole.
America to give back to the community.
Students who are interested in
Later in the year, JHS Robotics will sponsor
engineering, as well as those who
FTC and FLL Regionals, which are other
have other talents in marketing, art, or
robotics programs by FIRST.
leadership, are encouraged to join Jackson
During the “build season,” Team 2910
Robotics. The team strives for diversity and
is divided into sub-teams to design a
currently has varsity athletes, engineers,
robot that will solve the task posed by
programmers, marketing gurus, and
each year’s challenge. Over a span of six
musically talented students among its
weeks, members work in a professional
many members. While no prior knowledge
machine shop and actually get to use
or experience is needed, the club requires
heavy machinery. Jackson competes in the
new students to attend mandatory safety
Microsoft Seattle Regional (held at Century- training. Students who are interested in
Link) as well as regional competitions in
joining should consult Ms. Thorleifson
Oregon and Spokane. The competition
( or Director
consists of a three-part challenge. The first
of Outreach Yitaek Hwang (yitaek@gmail.
part requires students to program their
com). Check out the website, http://
robot to complete a task without manually
controlling it. For example, two years ago,
RoboticsClub/Home, for more details.
the robots were to locate a soccer ball
and shoot it into the goal by themselves.
December 2011
school Scoop
National Honor Society at JHS
New Athletics Website
Submitted by NHS Officers
and Judi McIntosh, NHS Advisor
In the fall of 2011, the district’s
three high schools (Cascade,
Everett, and Jackson), along with
all of the schools in the Western
Conference (Wesco), began
inputting their athletic schedules on
a new website. The website address
is With
this website, fans can find their
favorite team’s schedule, keep track
of their scores, and see the league
standings for varsity, junior varsity,
and freshman teams. Fans can even
sign up to receive email or purchase
pictures of athletes in action. For
more information about athletic
programs within the Everett School
District visit www.everett.k12.
Since the Henry M.
Jackson Honor Society is
a chapter of a national
organization, it is the only
selective club at JHS.
Honor Society strives
to enhance leadership,
character, scholarship,
and service within its
members. Every year,
applications are sent out
to sophomores, juniors,
and seniors who maintain
JHS Honor Society
a 3.5 cumulative grade
member Ray Parker
point average or higher.
(senior), helps remove
Our club requires all
invasive plants in
Kirkland for EarthCorps. members to complete
ten hours* of community
service, earn one leadership point, attend 50 percent
of club meetings, and participate in two group events
hosted by Honor Society by the end of each semester.
Members who do not meet the requirements are
placed on probation and are expected to make up
their missing service. *Note: Because this year’s
applications were delayed due to the new LMS grading
system, the community service requirement for fall
semester was reduced from ten to seven hours.
At the end of the year, members in good standing
earn pins or cords accordingly. This year, JHS Honor
Society is volunteering at charitable events around
the area including EarthCorps, Housing Hope,
and Food Lifeline. As we have done annually, our
members will also host Australian exchange students.
We are implementing a new requirement this year
called “group events” to increase club involvement
and provide more services to our Jackson and Mill
Creek community. Meetings are held every Monday
after school (2:10 p.m.) in the JHS Commons. We
look forward to working with our members this
upcoming year to serve and enrich our school and
December 2011
school Scoop
Last chance for the discounted price of JHS Class of 2013
Grad All-Night Party tickets—ends December 31, 2011
We already have many students who have made their first payment, and plans are under way for an unforgettable
“Class of 2013 All-Nighter.” If you would like your student to attend this JHS tradition, purchase now for the best price.
Surprises are in store; we are working with a party planning company that promises something a “little different” from
past years…and a GUARANTEED memorable night for everyone!
Tickets are now on sale for $180 (if paid in full by 12/31/11).
After 1/1/12, tickets increase to $210 and can be paid in 3 installments of $70 as follows:
First payment due by1/15/12 – Second payment due by 9/15/12 – Final payment due by 1/15/13
Student Name:
Student ID #:
Parent/Guardian Name(s):
Parent Email*:
Amount Paid:
Check #:
Make checks payable to JHS Class of 2013 Parent Group
Mail to JHS Class of 2013 Parent Group ~ Treasurer
1219 144th St. SE, Mill Creek, WA 98012
*Email addresses will be added to the Class of 2013 email distribution list in order to provide
updates on the Graduation Party and acknowledge payments and payment reminders.
Questions? Email
Be a Proud Class of 2013 Parent Team Player!
You are invited by the Class of 2013 Parent Group to sign up for concessions for JHS basketball season.
Please click on the link below to view the online sign-up sheet.
Thank you for volunteering! Helping hands make light work.
To sign up, go to
December 2011
school Scoop
Photo by A. Clarke
Photo by J. Shepard
Photo by A. Clarke
Veteran’s Day Assembly
Photo by J. Shepard
Submitted by Anna Smith, PTSA Student Representative
his year’s Veteran’s Day assembly, with the theme “Fallen but Not
Forgotten,” was the best I have seen in my four years at Jackson.
Not only was I amazed by the speaker, Mr. Robert Crosby, and our ASB
President, Diane Han, I was surprised to see the attentiveness of the
student body. Throughout the entire assembly, students showed a high
level of respect and interest toward Mr. Crosby and Diane. The Jackson
Band and Choir had an outstanding performance—the best I’ve heard.
Mr. Crosby, who is a history teacher at Jackson, did a remarkable job of
speaking during the assembly. His words had a powerful effect on the
audience, especially when he apologized to his wife and presented flowers
to her for missing six anniversaries over the years he served. I noticed a sense of pride and
honor emerge in the audience when the names were read of Jackson alumni currently serving
in the armed forces, our own staff members who served in the past, and students and staff
who have connections with those currently serving. Overall, I can say that this year’s Veteran’s
Day assembly was effective in the sense that it encouraged students to take the time to
recognize and honor those who have served or are still serving for our country. 18
December 2011
school Scoop
Talent Show
“So You Think You’ve
Got Talent” was held
November 16th at
JHS. More than 400
people attended
the annual show,
which this year
raised $2,600 for
JHS Choir Boosters.
Acts included garage
bands, dancing, vocal
duets and solos,
original songs, rap,
instrumental, and
“I’m Your
performs a
Left to Right: Max Danskin, Hadiya Al-Shishani, Kyle
Schultz, and Zach Purnell perform “According to You”.
December 2011
Fall Sports REVIEW
Jackson Girls Swim Team
Coach: Drew Whorley
The Jackson Girls Swim Team
finished 16th at State this year. Five
girls participated in the State meet.
Kaitlin Taylor placed third in the
100 Butterfly. Taylor, who won the
District 200 Individual Medley,
also finished seventh in this event
at the State competition. Kaela
McKee received fifth place in the 50
Freestyle and eighth place in the 100
Backstroke. The 200 Medley team
of Kaela McKee, Mimi Win, Kaitlin
Taylor, and Jacee Hamlin finished in
seventh place. Other State events
that Jackson competed in: Mimi Win
swam the 100 Breaststroke, and
Kaitlin Taylor, Alexis Stamey, Brittni
Burgess, and Mimi Win swam the
200 Freestyle Relay.
1. Top: Swimmers dive off the
blocks at a swim meet.
Kaitlin Taylor and Kaela McKee were
awarded co-MVPs. Brittni Burgess
received the Timberwolf Award.
Megan Hickman was voted Most
2. Kaitlin Taylor takes third
place in the 100 Butterfly at
3. Jackson Volleyball
prepares for a match against
Puyallup High School.
4. Hannah Hicks (#2)
prepares to hit the ball in a
home match against Kamiak.
Jackson Volleyball
Coach: Ashley Allen
5. Emmy Allen goes for the
Jackson Volleyball had another great
season. The team was crowned
WESCO District Champs in a final
match against Kamiak HS in a 3-0
sweep and went on to finish fourth at
the State tournament. Emmy Allen
and Haley MacDonald made the All
Tournament team. Emmy and Haley
also made All WESCO along with
Payton Locknane and Miah Diirell.
December 2011
Fall Sports REVIEW
Harris (#4)
controls the
JHS Girls Soccer
Coach: Michael Bartley
The Jackson Girls Soccer Team placed first
in WESCO South and second in Districts and
competed in State this year. Many talented JHS
players were honored in the WESCO Awards:
Girls Soccer
poses for a
photo after
first place
1st Team All WESCO
Cara Wegner (senior)
Emma Dahline (freshman)
Megan Cooley (senior)
Meggie Harris (senior)
2nd Team All WESCO
Jordy Hutchens (junior)
Tia Carrillo (senior)
Whitney Carter (senior)
Honorable Mention
Ali Fitz (senior)
Jessie Murphy (senior)
Krista King (junior)
(left) and
JHS Girls Cross Country
Coach: Alan Briggs
This year, the JHS Girls Cross Country team
had one of the best years in the history of
Jackson High School. The team had an incredible
season with 33 girls competing and many
memorable races. They started by winning their
first invitational and beating last year’s state
champions, Eisenhower, on October 8 in Richland.
The girls also competed at the prestigious
Stanford Invite in Palo Alto, CA, which included all
the top schools from across the nation. The team
finished ninth overall in this elite race. The girls
also won every league meet during the season.
Photo by
A. Kim
This year’s team was lead by freshman Brooke
Kingma, who was the number one runner all year,
sophomore Jessica Rawlins, and senior captain
Kelsey Fruland. Kelsey was the first Jackson XC
runner in the history of the running program at
Jackson to compete all four years at State. The
team was also led by sophomore Mary Charleson,
junior captain Lauren Briggs, junior Maddie Miller,
and sophomore Maddie Ellis. Other runners who
contributed to the girls’ success were senior
captain Megan Ponce, freshman Faithaleen LopezFlores, and junior Christine Le.
The girls ran in the WESCO contest at Lakewood
High School and finished a close second, only two
points behind rival Snohomish. A week later, the
girls finished a solid third at Districts (only one
point behind second place Snohomish) and earned
their second consecutive entry to State. The team
finished State in sixth place overall and was able to
finally beat Snohomish, who finished in seventh.
December 2011
Fall Sports REVIEW
JHS Boys Cross Country
Coach: Eric Hruschka
Jackson Boys Cross Country enjoyed another year of success with
64 boys turning out this fall. Freshman Aaron Roe and seniors
Nick Calacat and Jake Atkinson led the boys team with a powerful
1-2-3 line-up during the season and helped JHS set both personal
and team records. The team completed its sixth consecutive
undefeated regular season.
Invitational results were equally impressive. The boys started out
with a strong second place out of 27 schools at the Capital Classic
in Olympia. The team then traveled to Lincoln Park and won the
UW Sundodger Invitational ahead of 30-plus schools. The boys
also finished fifth at the Richland Invitational. The final Invitational
took them to Portland for the Adidas Concordia Classic, which
had more than 80 schools from seven different states. The boys
represented Washington well with a third place finish. Seniors
Colin Holman and Blake Nelson and sophomore Jadon Olson came
on strong during the championship part of the season as the
team finished first at the Everett City Championship for the 11th
consecutive year.
Senior Blake Nelson leads
the pack.
The WESCO Championship saw similar results, as the team won
its ninth Conference Championship. The team finished first at
Regional and qualified for State for the 13th time since 1997.
Finally, the boys finished third at the State Championships in
Pasco, with its sixth consecutive top 10 finish.
JHS Boys Tennis
Coach: David Hutt
Led by captains Mitch Williamson and Joseph Kim, the JHS Boys
Varsity Tennis Team completed its third straight season with a
perfect record of 16 wins and 0 losses. The team is on a 50match winning streak, an accomplishment that has spanned three
seasons. The team has won three straight District titles and last
year was the 2011 State Champion. Mitch Williamson will play
singles and doubles team Peter Cung and James Okubo will be
alternates at the State Championship in May. Seniors who will
be leaving the team are Mitch Williamson, Joseph Kim, Bill Chan,
Joshua Pence, Daniel Bae, David Hong, and Daniel Haugen. This
year’s awards were
David Hong, Senior
Most Inspirational: Mitch Williamson
Most Improved: Grant Follis
The Junior Varsity Team, coached by
Jim Anderson, also had a perfect
16 – 0 record.
December 2011
Fall Sports REVIEW
JHS Football
Coach: Joel Vincent
The Jackson football team finished the season with a 5-5 win/loss
record, missing the playoffs for the first time in three seasons. This
year’s team was led by a great senior class and captains Sam Brown,
Drake Kummerle, Jimmy Markezinis, and Traishawn Patrick. Individual
players winning FirstTeam All Wesco Honors this season are Sam
Brown, Andrew Dodd, Jimmy Markezinis, Colton Niblack, Traishawn
Patrick, and Travante Robinson. Quarterback Sam Brown set school
records for pass yards in a single season, pass yards in a career,
completions in a career and season, and completion percentage (77%).
Andrew Dodd surpassed the individual receiving yards and receptions
for a single season, records that Craig Chambers (who went on to the
University of Washington) set in 2001. The program now looks to the
future and the underclassmen to continue the Jackson tradition of
excellence on and off the field of play.
1. Nick Dineen (#12) reels one in.
2. JHS football fans came dressed in pink
to support the two young ladies who were
stabbed at Snohomish High School in October.
Both Snohomish and Jackson fans wore pink
at the football game on October 28th.
3. Ready for the snap.
4. JHS Cheer Squad.
Photos by C. Weholt
December 2011
December 2011
A Time of Giving
Boys Basketball,
JHS, 7:15 pm
Dance Showcase,
JHS, 3‑10 pm
District Financial
Aid Night, Cascade
High School, 6 pm
Girls Bowling home PTSA Meeting,
(Majestic Lanes),
3:30 pm
Girls Basketball,
Boys Swim,
JHS, 7:15 pm
home (Westcoast
Aquatics), 2:45 pm Holiday Choir
Concert, JHS
Commons, 7 pm
Boys Basketball,
JHS, 7:15 pm
School Board
Holiday Band
Concert, JHS
Commons, 7 pm
Boys Wrestling, JHS, “Mr. JHS”, JHS
Commons, 5‑7 pm
7 pm
Wall of Fame Photo Winter Pep
Dec 15
Scoop Invitational
Wrestling Tourney,
JHS, 8:30 am
PSAT results, 1 pm
Winter Pep
Assembly, 1:30 pm
Boys Basketball,
JHS, 7:15 pm
FTC Regional, All
Winter Break
Winter Break
Winter Break
Winter Break
Winter Break
Winter Break
Winter Break
Winter Break
Winter Break
Winter Break
Winter Break
Winter Break
Winter Break
Boys Basketball
Tournament, JHS,
time TBD
Boys Basketball
Tournament, JHS,
time TBD
Boys Basketball
Tournament, JHS,
time TBD
Boys Basketball,
JHS, 7:15 pm
December 2011
District news
Prepare for bad
Snow routes are online!
School drop-off and pick-up locations
may change in an emergency situation.
If your child rides a bus to school,
please become familiar with the snow
route information on the Web.
Ways to find emergency
school schedule information
(usually by 5:30 a.m.)
· See the Emergency Closure page
under the Parents tab on the district
website for full details and other
Celebration of
· See You can
subscribe to receive notices at the
same time those notices are sent to
media outlets, or you can bookmark
this site to check for a listing of
regional school emergency schedule
Join us for our annual student
technology Celebration of Innovation
at Cascade High School on January
18, 2012, from 6-8 p.m. We will
showcase examples of students
gaining insight and solving problems
through technology and teachers
using technology to enhance their
professional practice.
· Media news reports (media get
information from www.schoolreport.
· District website: www.everett.k12.
· District information line at 425-3854636
· Blackboard Connect* calls made
to school families beginning at
5:45 a.m. *Please be sure your
contact information is up-to-date
at your school.
· Program impact chart outlines
how various school programs and
activities are impacted when school
is cancelled or starts late.
No announcement means schools
are on a regular schedule.
Bulletin board
Staff Appreciation
Show your appreciation for our teachers and
staff! We are still in need of volunteers to donate
food items for the monthly lunches. It is a great
way to help and be involved. We couldn’t do
it without you. If you would like to be added
to the list, please email Kathy Thompson at
or the
Still looking f
y gift?
perfect holida
at your Timber
S spirit wear!
wants— new JH
available at Th
Spirit Wear is
the Jackson An
uring both lunch
ase contact Jen
Otherwise, ple
25-385-7115 or
Chambers at 4
arrange a to
come in and se
your gift!
Thank you from your Staff Appreciation
Committee—Deb Hansen, Kim Keene, Michelle
Dineen, and Kathy Thompson
Thank You, JHS Volunteers!
These volunteers are unsung heroes who
generously donate their time and talents to help
make Jackson High School such a wonderful
place. Their willingness to step up makes my job
easier, and we all benefit from their contributions
at Jackson events. I would like to recognize our
volunteers for their dedication this year:
Teachers and staff enjoying the
Apple Cup Staff Appreciation Lunch in
Back-to-School Registration: Christine Jordan
Bell, Virginia Eastman, Laura Follis, Akiko Hoon,
Mitzi Larrick, Penny LeFavour, Kathy Porter,
Stacey Robert, and Lisa Ward
Scrap Metal Collection! Bring us your broken,
unwanted metals. The Robotics Boosters is
partnering with Schnitzer Steel in Woodinville
to raise funds for the JHS Robotics Team as
they enter the build and competition season.
The Robotics Boosters will be picking up and
collecting scrap metal on January 7 from 8
a.m. to 3 p.m. Email
for more information and pick-up location.
Pictures and Retakes: Wendy Carr, Sharon
Guerrero, Akiko Hoon, Mitzi Larrick, Ronda Lone,
Kris Poch, Lisa Ward, and Ellen Yun
Cookies for Driving It Home: Mae Blanchard,
Wendy Carr, Muriel Cooper, Vanessa Duronslet,
Cindy Foster, Patty Josephson, Mitzi Larrick,
Ronda Lone, Kathie Marr, Kim McGinnis,
Sandra Neaville, Flavie Nguyen, Kris Poch, Eva
Raymond, Stephanie Sharpe, Jeanni Thomas,
Emily Waite, and Jenny Yim-Nordquist
Popcorn for Macho Volleyball: Roshan Jooma
and Christy Findley
Shonda Reinikka
JHS PTSA Volunteer Coordinator
December 2011
Bulletin board
New Special Education PTSA
The Everett School District Special
Education PTSA (ESD Spec. Ed PTSA)
is geared toward students, families,
and educators involved in Special
Education. The mission of all PTAs is
to be a powerful voice for all children,
a relevant resource for families and
communities, and a strong advocate for
the education and well-being of every
child. The purpose of the ESD Spec. Ed
PTSA is to encourage students, families,
educators, and community members
to collaboratively work to provide
programs and activities that recognize
each student’s potential and enhance
the educational opportunities of children
receiving and/or seeking special services
in our district. For more information
about our meetings, or questions and
concerns, please contact Amber Mitchell
Gamber at ambermitchellgamber@
there wil lf
of Wo
Due to W ll January issue
of key d
not be a
A ca
will be e
y Wolf
anuary 1
Tracks is
ary cale
mber 23
Spelling Bee
Jackson High School class of 2014 is
hosting an elementary school Spelling
Bee on Saturday, January 21, 2011 at 11
a.m. in the Jackson Commons. The bee
will be open to 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders
who attend Jackson’s feeder elementary
schools. Registration for the event is free
and anyone can compete. There will be
an entrance fee for visitors attending the
event. Any questions? Contact Class of
2014 advisors Kelly Dietsch kdietsch@ or Laura Nelson lnelson@
is avail
able aft
school o
n Wedn
in C201
—and fo
od is
JHS PTSA 2011 Approved Fall Grants
Staff Name
Barbara Stolzenburg
Bill Trueit
Bridget Shee
Megan Friedenson
JHS Phys. Ed. Dept.
Michaelle Frank
Grant Request
Four Flip Video Cameras
Photo Wall of Fame
AVID Melamine Boards and Markers
Connecting Spanish Beyond the Class
60 Sportline #340 Pedometers
Transportation and Prizes for Reading
Buddy Program
Total Granting Amount
December 2011
JHS ptsa
Meet the new PTSA
Student Rep: Anna
Help Wanted
Calling all PTSA members! Are you
willing to serve on our Nominating
Committee to select candidates for
next year’s Executive Committee?
If interested, please contact us at for
additional information and join us
at our PTSA meeting January 4 at 7
p.m. in the JHS Library to elect our
Nominating Committee.
Year in school: Senior
Activities in school: ASB/Leadership,
National Honor Society, Girl’s Varsity
Tennis Captain, LINK Crew
Why I wanted to be the ASB
representative to PTSA: I have
always enjoyed being involved in
school, and this year I felt I wanted to
take on a more leading role in student
representation and make positive
changes that would benefit the student
body at Jackson High. ASB is super fun
and I wish I would have done it every
year in high school!
PTSA Board Position
Still Open
We are still in need of a Legislation
Chairperson on our PTSA Board of
Directors. If interested in finding
out more about this position, please
contact us at jhsptsapresident@gmail.
What I hope to do in the position: I
hope to make Jackson more of a place
where students enjoy coming to school.
My goals for this year are to help
improve the spirit and pride at school
and at games. One pet project that I
want to do is get a board placed by the
Mill Creek town sign that says “Home of
the Timberwolves” and lists the sports
and dates that we placed in State.
Linda Pazevic & Kathryn Lee
The Numbers
Thank you for supporting the variety of
simple ways we can raise funds for JHS
Pass the Hat
$ 3,739.50
$ 235.00
Jamba Juice
$ 37.00
$ 95.00
December 2011
JHS ptsa
Membership in JHS PTSA supports PTSA-sponsored programs and activities. These include Student
Programs, Staff Appreciation, Student Recognition Awards, Reflections, Wolf Tracks Newsletter,
Building Grants and PTSA Scholarships.
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the school library. All members
are welcome to attend; however, meeting attendance is not required. Volunteering also is not
required, but please take a look at the JHS PTSA Volunteer Form, which lists a wide variety of parent
volunteer opportunities.
Jackson PTSA does limited direct sales fundraising; currently this consists of selling a Student Planner.
We rely on passive fundraising to support Jackson High School. The more successful we are, the
bigger the contribution we are able to make.
Pass the Hat - This is our only major fundraiser to support PTSA programs at Jackson High School;
any amount is accepted. Your donation is tax deductible. Please consider contacting your employer to
see if corporate matching funds are available, and we will assist with that paperwork.
Membership Information
Member Name ____________________________________________________
Join Today!
Second Member Name _____________________________________________
Student Name ____________________________________________________Grade _________
Student Name ____________________________________________________Grade _________
Address __________________________________________ Phone _______________________
City, State, ZIP___________________________________________________________________
E-mail Address ___________________________________________________________________
Please pick one:
m I would like to have my PTSA Membership card mailed to my home.
m I do not need to receive my PTSA Membership card.
o Couple - $26.00
o Single - $16.00
o Staff - $12.00
o Student - $ 8.50 $__________
e Hat
so far:
Pass the Hat Donation (suggested donation $35): $__________ (donation amount)
Membership Fee(s) and Donation:
$ __________ TOTAL
Check # __________
Payable to: JHS PTSA
Membership forms can be either returned to the main office at JHS or mailed to:
JHS PTSA Membership
1508 136th Street SE
Mill Creek, WA 98012
December 2011
community Happenings
Baseball and Softball Players Wanted for
Mill Creek Little League!
Mill Creek Parks and
Registration for 2012 Mill Creek Little League is
now open!
Mill Creek Parks and
Recreation offers a
variety of activities for
high school age children.
Some types of classes
that are offered include
Basic Sewing, Cupcakes
101, Painting, Acrylic on
Canvas, Watercolor, Hoop
Dance Workouts, Yoga,
and Basic Photography.
Please visit our website for
more information at www. or call
Mill Creek Little League (MCLL) registration for the 2012
season will be completed online and is now open! Majors,
Juniors, Seniors, and Big League divisions are for players
in middle school and/or high school. Check out the website
at for division details and
Too early to think about baseball and softball? Not if
you want to SAVE and take advantage of the early
bird registration! Complete your registration online by
December 15 and save approximately 10%! New this
year is a payment plan option that will allow families to
pay 25% of the registration fee upon registration followed
by payments on Jan. 1, Feb. 1, and March 1. (A $2
Bonzi processing fee will be charged for each of the final
three payments.) You must register by Dec. 15 to take
advantage of the payment plan!
New to the area or to the league? Interested in coaching a
team? Want to volunteer? We have two Information Nights
set up just for you—hosted by MCLL Board members and
2012 Information Nights
January 5 and 11, 2012
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Heatherwood Middle School
1419 Trillium Blvd.
Mill Creek, WA 98012
These two Information Nights are set up for families to
get all their questions answered, learn about the different
divisions, turn in paperwork that can’t be done online
(volunteer forms, birth certificates), and find out about
open coaching positions for all divisions. There will be no
registrations taken at these informational nights.
Play ball with Mill Creek Little League! For more
information, to register, or to volunteer: www.
December 2011
Parent’s Night Out
Let Mill Creek Youth
Advisory Board members
and Mill Creek Parks and
Recreation staff watch your
children (ages 4 to 10)
while you finish shopping or
go out to dinner on Friday,
December 9, or Friday,
February 10, from 6:309 p.m. in the Mill Creek
Community rooms (15720
Main Street, Mill Creek).
Kids will have tons of fun
playing games, making craft
projects, and watching a
movie. Suggested minimum
donation is $5 per child.
All proceeds benefit Youth
Advisory Board. To register,
call Kristen at 425-9215779.
community Happenings
Mill Creek Library News
The Teen Advisory Board (TAB) will meet on
Wednesday, December 28, at 4 p.m. at the Mill Creek
Library. Teens are invited to the meeting to share
their ideas for library programs, purchases, and
improvements. It is a great way to make new friends and
earn volunteer credit. The TAB meets the 4th Wednesday
of each month in the Teen Zone. Snacks are provided by
the Friends of the Mill Creek Library. New members are
always welcome!
January events include DIT: Duct Tape Crafts for
Teens on Wednesday, January 3, from 4-5 p.m. Teens
can come and learn how to make duct tape wallets,
roses, and more. TAB will have another meeting on
Wednesday, January 25, at 4 p.m. Teen Book Brunch
will be held on Saturday, January 28, at 11 a.m. at the
University Book Store in Mill Creek Town Center. Local
authors Liz Gallagher and Heather Davis will speak
to teens about inspiration and writing. Donuts and
beverages provided by Top Pot Donuts.
There will be no Friday Night Gaming for Teens in
December or January. Friday Night Gaming for Teens will
resume in February 2012.
For more information about these and other teen library
programs, please contact Danielle Dreger-Babbitt, Adult
Teen Librarian at the Mill Creek Library, at (425) 3374822 or The Mill Creek
Library is located at 15429 Bothell-Everett Highway,
across the street from Central Market.
December 2011
Help Shape Mill
Creek’s Future!
Strategic Plan Draft
Document Now
Available for Review
and Comment
City of Mill Creek Open
House Postponed
A draft of the City of Mill
Creek’s Strategic Plan is
now available for your
review and comment on
the City’s website at www.
As a follow-up to the release
of the document, the City
will be hosting a Strategic
Plan Open House in early
December. The Open House
was originally scheduled for
November 14, but it has
been postponed to allow
additional time for public
review and comment. A new
date for the Open House
should be determined within
the next week; please check
the website for updates.
To submit comments on the
draft document or for more
information, please contact
Camille Chriest at camillec@ or 425921-5726. To find out more
about the strategic planning
process, visit the website at
jhs ptsa 2011-2012 Executive Board
Kathryn Lee
Linda Pazevic
Barbara Hagstrom
Jean Hanson
Becky Hitchcock
VP-Ways & Means
Cheryl Mackay
Lisa Quall
Christa Pederson
Brandi Lind
Lisa Steckler
A Washington State—
Henry M. Jackson High
School PTSA Charter
7.3.95 Newsletter
Jackson High School
1508 136th St SE
Mill Creek, WA 98012
For submissions to
this newsletter,
please send an email
to the publisher at
deadline: January 18
Submission Editor:
Laura Follis
Content Editor:
DeeAnn Williamson
PTSA Meetings are held
monthly in the JHS library
at 7 p.m. Please join us!
Sept. 14
Oct. 12
Nov. 2
Jan. 4
Feb. 1
Mar. 7
Apr. 11
May 2
June 13
Kathy Kotomaimoce
Lori Taylor
for online info
about jHS PTSA,
visit our website at
Everett Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin,
age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or
identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or
service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the
Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Designated to handle inquiries about nondiscrimination policies are: Affirmative Action Officer, Carol Stolz,
3715 Oakes Ave., Everett, WA 98201, 425-385-4106; Title IX Officer and 504 Coordinator, Randi Seaberg,
3715 Oakes Ave., Everett, WA 98201, 425-385-4104; ADA Coordinator, Kristine McDowell, 4730 Colby
Ave, Everett, WA 98203 425-385-5250. (Email address for each is
December 2011

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