FamilyGram - June 2015


FamilyGram - June 2015
JUNE 2015 | VOLUME 15 | ISSUE 6
Devotion to the Least
erhaps the
biggest difference between
those experiencing
Christianity as we
read in the New
Testament and
what we often experience today is the level of devotion to Jesus and his plan for
the local church. Acts 2:42 states
it very simply, “They devoted
God stands as ready to work in
our lives today as He did in their
lives in Bible days. Jesus promised us abundant life in John
10:10. Are you experiencing the
abundant life that he promised?
If not, what is missing? How are
we different than they were in
New Testament days? They had
marriage problems… money
problems… health problems…
family problems… political problems… categorically they had all
the same problems we have. We
have the same Jesus… the same
Gospel… the same Holy Spirit –
so what is the difference? “Could
it be our level of devotion?”
I could give you a bunch of synonyms for devotion, but you know
what true devotion is. We see it
(Resurrection—Continued on page 2)
Thank You WOW Servants 2014-2015!
On May 13th the Women
of the Word (WOW) concluded another successful
year in God’s Word.
Fall attendance was 102
women with almost 20
children on average in
Winter/Spring was 89
women with an average of
19 children in childcare.
If that whets their appetite
we will be back
on Sept 9 and
10 with a full
schedule of
classes including one
focused for
our military
gals and
one for gals who prefer an
evening class. The classes
will be announced on our
FB page near the end of
As in every ministry, there
are many hands and hearts
that contribute to it’s success and the following
workers gave of themselves so that we could
minister to the women of
2760 North Heller Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277
FBC and the community:
Susan Cannon
Nancy Condliff
Marjorie Kott
Alana Turner
Room Set Up:
Julie Fakkema
Ron Wilhelm
Beverage Prep
& Food Set Up/Clean
Lauri Black
Emmi Brigham
Sue Boe
Geno Dogans
Cindy Minich*
Meredith Minich
Deborah Rogers
Gabriela & Anita Walter
Jessica Brady
Ellie DuPont
Geno Dogans
Kayla MacIntyre
Hannah Marth
Meghan Newman
Sarah Newman
Sylvia Rice
Kenyon Sirak
Sue Watson*
Ron Wilhelm
Lauri Black
Beth Campbell
Judy Abbott
Tordie Hayden
Carolynn Kaetterhenry
Marsha Kallander*
Marjorie Kott
Tammy Ostermann
Brittany Rowan
Brian Haynes-PPT set
Kirk Kallander- PPT
Carol Haines
Ruth Hartman
Carolynn Kaetterhenry
Marsha Kallander
Bev Miller
Tammy Ostermann
Gina Riffel*
Brittany Rowan
Lynn Adam-evening
Patty Tracy-evening
Substitute Teachers:
Chris Lock
DeLorean Zarraonandia
Thanks to everyone for
their hard work and
commitment in serving.
(Resurrection—Continued from page 1)
in actions. 1st century
Christians believed
the church of Jesus
Christ was God’s plan
and they were devoted to it as described
in Acts 2:42:
by Pastor Ron Lawler
Because they were devoted to the
church of Jesus Christ, participation in
it held a priority in their lives.
Because they were devoted to the
church of Jesus, they were devoted to
one another.
Because they were devoted to the
church of Jesus Christ, they were devoted to prayer.
It can be surprisingly difficult to come
to grips with our true level of devotion.
Are we even aware of our true level of
devotion? We like to think of ourselves
as devoted to Jesus and his plan, but
how devoted are we? How does one
recognize true devotion?
dexterity to arrange flowers for the
church worship services. All too soon
she could no longer even do that. Her
husband fed, washed, clothed, and
cared for her every need. When he
was at work, he hired a nurse to take
care of her during the day. His devotion to Jesus was expressed in his devotion to his wife.
Her mobility left her so that she could
not even roll over in bed. They ended
up buying a special bed so she would
not get sores. When she wanted to
turn during the night, she would wake
up her husband and he would turn
her. He grew to so accustomed to
turning her during the night that
sometimes he would not even wake up
when she prompted him. He would
simply turn her in his sleep.
I tried to be an encouragement to him,
but frankly, I didn’t know how. I was
always blown away by his constant
devotion to his wife. She could meet
none of his needs in her condition, but
it did not matter to him. He
was totally devoted to her. A
When I was a pastor in
husband faithfully feeding
How we
Redmond, there was an
respond when and changing his wife as one
amazing couple in our
would a baby is true devowe get
church. He was a contraction. It was not an easy task.
tor with Boeing making a
nothing in
Learning to give his discourvery comfortable living.
agement, frustration, and
She had what many ladies
reveals the
anger to God was not easy
might consider an envialevel of our
either. It was however, true
ble job; she was a buyer
devotion to Jesus. When I
for Nordstrom. They were
want an image of devotion, I
at church every time the
think of that couple!
doors were open. They helped in SunA prisoner in her own body, she batday School and AWANA.
tled a feeling of being useless. There
After noticing some physical problems, was a struggle to accept that she could
she was finally diagnosed with an agno longer express her devotion to Jegressive case of MS. It didn’t take long sus in service to anyone, not even her
before they had to sell their big house
family. She did what she could. She
and build a single story one with no
prayed earnestly for every request.
steps, wide doors and halls to accomSometimes she battled an avalanche
modate her wheel chair. Because of
of depression, but struggled on to be
their devotion to Jesus and his plan
an encouragement in whatever way
they continued to do what they could
she could. She labored at trusting Jein devotion to Jesus.
sus in the toughest of circumstances,
which was an act of devotion to Him.
When I first became her Pastor she
could barely feed herself. After being
A person can be truly devoted without
forced to stop helping in AWANA and
negative circumstances, but it is in
Sunday School, she used her minimal
negative circumstances that we can
more easily see true devotion. Devotion is not so easily seen in my responses in easy settings. I may indeed
be truly devoted, but I may also simply be doing what gets a good return for
me. There is nothing wrong with being blessed as a result of our devotion.
That is a gift from God. The simple
difference is that what I do when
things go well does not so clearly reveal true devotion.
What we do under negative circumstances reveals true devotion! How we
respond when we get nothing in return, reveals the level of our devotion.
Just as in our homes and with our
families, sometimes it is in God’s plan
in the church that we minister in settings and with people from whom and
in settings from which we get little
sense of accomplishment. Sometimes
we are simply filling a spot until God
brings a person better equipped to
address a particular need. It is in
those days and weeks of faithful and
perhaps dry service that devotion to
Jesus shines brightly.
Some reading this article express devotion under remarkably difficult circumstances in life. Whether your circumstances are negative or positive,
devotion to Christ unleashes abundant life – more importantly it honors
our Lord Jesus! According to Matthew
25:40, we express devotion to Jesus
when we express it to even “the least
of his brethren.”
Has God given you an opportunity to
express devotion to Him through devotion to one of the least? Certainly
our first level or devotion to Jesus is
expressed at home, but it is very rare
that it is expressed solely at home.
Where in God’s plan for the local
church have you found an expression
of devotion to Jesus? Look for those
opportunities and be willing to minister to “the least of these” knowing that
you are in fact ministering to Jesus! 
"Guilt is concerned with the past. Worry is concerned about the future.
Contentment enjoys the present." — Author Unknown
Family Bible Church—FamilyGram
kraine, Hungary,
Czech, Russia, Israel
One of the challenges of
missionary life is writing
letters in a period when
there is not much to report. The other is when
there is plenty to share
a Shabbat service near Tel
Aviv, Israel in Russian and
Hebrew. Thank you God for
that opportunity to build trust
with our leaders there and
learn about their lives and
God we continue to ask you to
open a way for us to help Hungarbut little time to sit down and
ian friends to reach their neighwrite. We are in the middle of the borhood. We want to experience a
later. So here are some highlights movement of multiplying discito share with you and our Father… ples here where we live.
So you see, each week is full of
 Next Wednesday to Sunday I
new languages and cultures and
travel to Lviv in Western
Ukraine (and then to a remote
national park) for a gathering
 Other answers to prayer:
We were ruled not subject to
of our church movement staff
members. Father I pray that I
the Hungarian social security
would build good relationtax.
ships, understand our ministry
 Our teammate Roy will join us
there better, recognize
Friday, Gosia his wife has
strengths/weaknesses, and
been declared cancer free!
serve well as a coach/
They left Poland last year and
consultant to this ministry.
she was given 7 months to
 This Friday and Saturday our
live, being the 4th time with
regional church movement
team gathers from 5 countries
to meet (4x/year). Lord we ask Keep praying!
for guidance and listening
In His harvest,
hearts, clarity in vision and
goals for the next year.
Dennis & Luiza Strellman
 Last night Ryan threw up all
over the bathroom. Luiza is
exhausted. We pray for health.
Remember Simon the Tanner in
 Last weekend we traveled as a Joppa, the place where God told
family to Brno, Czech Republic Peter to take Jesus to the Gento attend a conference called
tiles? Praise you Lord for this
Movement. It was fun to see
turning point in history. 
how God is lifting up His servant Jesus in creative ways in
this least-churched country in
Europe. Thank you God.
hank you to the congregation for the large donation
to our missionaries at the April
Missionary Conference!
$15,000.00 was such a generous amount and such a blessing to the missionaries. The
FBC Global Partners Council
were also blessed by knowing
their efforts toward a successful Conference
were appreciated for the sake
of the missionaries and glory
to God.
Nicanor Tamang reported that
tremors were felt in his area
with no damage. He said that
none of their relatives died but
they suffered loss by way of
property damage. There were
deaths and injuries to Christians during a worship service.
There was not yet much news
of people in the interior or up
the mountain at the time of his
e-mail. Elizabeth said her
mother and family and IN- Nepal staff were all safe.
The FBC Global Partners council met in emergency session
and voted to send $1000.00 to
IN-Nepal for disaster relief to
help people through the local
churches there. 
The weekend before I attended
2760 North Heller Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Why Are Christians Such
Recently a friend of mine started living for the Lord.
After a year of sharing his faith vocally, we had coffee and he told me
something he found surprising.
He said that in chess, the pawn pieces are used to advance the
more important pieces. They
go forward and sacrifice themselves to create opportunities
for the Queen, King and Bishop. He thought of himself as a
pawn, trying to actively serve
the needs of others and serve
the kingdom, clear that life isn’t about
He said the biggest surprise though
was that the more he served and
lived a life for Christ, the more he felt
attacked. But not by other people, by
other Christians. He was confused
because he’s never seen a King attack its own pawn in a game of
chess. He’d never seen a Bishop take
out its own pawn, but the more time
he spent in church, the more he got
attacked by the people who were
supposed to be his fellow brothers
and sisters in Christ.
I started to think about that because
it’s an issue I keep seeing come up.
A pastor once said, “Nobody is as
mean as Christians who are being
mean for Jesus.”
I also realized that in my own life I
fear sharing difficult ideas less with
non-Christians than I do with Christians. Of the two crowds, in the last
four years, I’ve experienced much
harsher hate from Christians than I
have non-Christians.
Why is that?
Why does that happen?
Why are we Christians the worst?
Because we’re new.
God is not done with us yet.
Salvation is not the same thing as
We’re all just getting started.
But when someone says they are a
“Christian,” you don’t look at them
all new. We all have so much to
By Jon learn. There is so much shaping
that way. You tend to assume they
will be grace-filled, love-driven, servant-minded beacons of awesomeness. That would be like asking
someone who had taken karate for a
year if they were a black belt. Or asking a first-year medical student if they
were ready to do a heart
And those are clear, tangible
things that can be learned.
Those aren’t matters of the
soul. Those aren’t deep, dark
mysterious matters of the
How long does soul transformation
take? How long do you give that process?
And when we step into culture and
proclaim ourselves as Christians, we
create the impression that we are
finished. That we are no longer petty
or spiteful or angry or jealous or gossipy.
We are.
We are jerks.
But we are new. And we will ask forgiveness for the times when our hateful actions paint a false picture of a
loving God. We don’t mean to, but
people make so many mistakes when
they are new.
And we are still new.
Most of us assume it happens the
moment you become a Christian, but
it doesn’t. We’ve got a long way to
I’m sorry if you’ve had a horrible experience with a Christian. We don’t
have a horrible God, but sometimes
how I act would lead you to believe
Why are Christians such jerks?
He’s actually really loving.
Because people are jerks.
He’s crazy about you.
And then they become Christians and
become less of a jerk. And hopefully
less of a jerk next year and the year
after that and the year after that, as
their minds are renewed.
He’s got a wild, passionate heart.
They aren’t perfect. Not even close.
Despite a loud, clear call to love others, we mess that up. And then we
ask for forgiveness and cling to the
need we have for the Savior of a
thousand second chances.
And then we try again.
Even for jerks like me.
Jon Acuff is the New York Times Bestselling author of four books including his
most recent, Start: Punch Fear in the
Face, Escape Average & Do Work that
Check out his blog at: or follow his
Facebook page at https://
How do we fix this problem? The horrible reputation Christians have the
world over? I’m not sure, but I’m a
pretty simple guy, so I do have one
pretty simple idea.
From here on out, when you meet
people, tell them you are a “new
Christian.” On your Twitter account
the bio should read “new Christian.”
In conversations, if someone asks,
you are a “new Christian.”
Don’t say, “Christian.” I want you to
say “new Christian” because you are
not done. Even if you’re 80, you have
barely begun. If our lives are told
against the mosaic of eternity, we are
Family Bible Church—FamilyGram
Here is an
update on
the highlights
of the year
and a few
things coming up this
We have had
a great year
with Sunday
school taking our time studying
through Romans, and are now taking
on the book of Acts. Youth group has
seen some significant growth in numbers, some nights up to 36 youth, as
well as spiritual growth. Students are
taking on some worship planning and
youth night organization as well as
leading various aspects of youth
This summer the Jr. High students will
be looking deeply into James and
the High school group will be going
through the entire Bible by general
sections: Pentateuch, History, poetry, prophets, gospels, epistles, and
We have two Bible studies going on
during the week: Marcia Kallander
and Carrie Potter meet a group of
girls at Whidbey coffee on Friday’s
and I meet with a group on Thursday nights. We have tackled many
topics that impact the thinking and
lives of our youth. For each topic
ranging from social media and video games to pornography and sexuality issues we have looked at
what the Bible says and how we
should apply God’s word to them.
tending, and look forward to our summer mission trip for about fifteen Sr.
High students. This summer’s mission
trip will be to Minneapolis, Minnesota
with Youth works where we will tackle
some urban mission and community
services from youth camps, working
with soup kitchens, to serving in retirement homes.
We thank you for your continued support and prayers for the youth ministry. It is truly appreciated and needed.
God bless.
Dan Potter
We have had a great season of Jr.
and Sr. High retreats and activities,
with over 35 different students at-
Pregnancy Care Clinic Seeking to Fill Two Full-Time Positions
Savior and consistent fellowship
in a local church.
sonal relationship with Jesus
Christ and is a member of a local
church. The ED must be in agreement with the Evangelical Statement of Faith and the PCC Statement of Principles.
2. Exhibit strong commitment and
dedication to the pro-life position.
ave you ever considered working
for a Christian ministry?
Do you have a heart for the un-born
and for the lost?
If you feel the Lord is leading you to
serve Him in this way, you can stop by
the Oak Harbor Clinic and pick-up an
application packet including full primary responsibilities.
3. Agree with and be willing to uphold the Statement of Principle,
Statement of Faith and policies
of the Clinic.
4. Prior experience in a Christian
ministry or nonprofit, a plus.
6. Must have excellent communication skills (oral, written and
Must have excellent knowledge
of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint
and Excel, publishing program
knowledge a plus.
6. Be self-motivated, dependable
and responsible.
Administrative Secretary
Have the ability to maintain
complete confidentiality of all
information handled.
Start date July 13, 2015
Executive Director
Start date August 1, 2015
Be a committed Christian who
demonstrates a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and
3. Must have fund raising experience.
4. Have experience in general office
operations, excellent organizational, and general accounting
For more information please call 360675-2096 and ask for Cheryle.
Applications must be completed and
returned to 670 SE Midway Blvd. no
later than June 19th for either positions.
2. Must be a person of prayer.
Must have supervisory experience.
Must have a good understanding
of the sanctity of human life issue.
Contact the PCC at 360-675-2096.
Visit us on the web at
Must be a committed Christian
who demonstrates a faithful per-
2760 North Heller Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Tammy Ostermann (402.239.1751)
and DeLorean Zarraonandia
(386.547.3935) will lead this group.
“Who Am I and Who Do I Want
to Be?”
ummer Book Clubs (WOW) are
back and begin on June 10th running through August 13th. Books will
be on display in the lobby and available for purchase on Sundays, May 31st
and June 7th.
Book Clubs available this summer
Totally Desperate Mom
by Wendy Hagen
This fun and encouraging look at the
life of a young mom starts at the initially delusion-filled journey into
motherhood and progresses through
the stark reality of parenting
infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Totally Desperate Mom is a noholds- barred, comical
look at motherhood from
a mom in the trenches. All
the while you are offered biblical encouragement and practical tips
for taking care of yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually, as well
as how to keep your marriage on
track. It’s time to laugh, feel refreshed, draw inspiration, and reflect
on the gift of children.
This Book Club will meet at Family
Bible Church in room B3, Wednesday
mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 (June 10
-August 12).
The book is $10;
Childcare is available for $5 for one
child or $8 per family (paid weekly).
If you are a mom of a child of any
age, and you know you don’t have
time to read a book this summer, but
you’d love two hours a week of grown
-up conversation and no kids, this is
the summer group for you. Are there
ways to save time so you can put
more of your focus on being the
woman you were created to be? Are
you pushing the “struggle bus” every
day just to feel exhausted every evening? This class can help make your
life a little easier and you can push
that “struggle bus” off a cliff. We will
be sharing tips and learning useful
things to help us be the wives and
moms God created us to be while
making time to build our spiritual
life. Come and learn what you
were created to be while
wearing all your different
hats: mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend.
This Class will meet at Family Bible Church, Wednesday
mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 (June 10
-August 12). There is no book to purchase for this class. Bring an empty
journal or notebook, a pen or pencil,
and a Bible (we can lend you one).
Childcare is available for $5 for or $8
per family (paid weekly).
Nancy Miles (360.675.4251) will lead
this group.
What’s So Amazing About
Grace? by Philip Yancey
As Christians we speak often of God’s
grace. We know we are saved by His
grace. But do we really understand
it? Do we truly believe in it? Do we
practice it? Most importantly do our
lives proclaim it as powerfully as our
words? True grace is shocking, at
times even scandalous! It shakes our
conventions with its insistence on
getting close to sinners and touching
them with mercy and hope. Grace
does not excuse sin, but it treasures
the sinner. In this book Yancey takes
a probing look at grace: what it
looks like…what it doesn’t look like…
and why only Christians can, and
must reveal the grace the world is
searching for.
There are two opportunities to be
part of the this book club:
Wednesday nights, 6:30-8:30
(June 10-August 12) at the home of
Nancy Condliff (360.679.0710), lead
by Lisa Stapert (360.675.4312), and
Thursday nights, 6:30-8:30 (June
11-August13) at the home of Marjorie
Kott (360.675.3146), lead by Cheryl
Lawler (360.675.3653).
This book is $10.
Sorry no childcare is available for the
evening clubs.
Sign-ups for the Summer Book
Clubs and Summer Time Moms
will take place in the lobby of Family
Bible Church following all three services on Sundays May 31st and June
7th. You can also call Stephanie Burt
(310-435-7319) with questions, or for
more information.
Wondering what’s going
on in Women’s Ministry?
Go to our Facebook
page for all the information about
classes and events.
Women s inistry at Family Bi le Church
Family Bible Church—FamilyGram
Born in Sin
Youth Group
7:00--8:30 PM
—Bring a friend and
encourage others to participate! (last dinner for the
summer is June 10th)
Some nights will be small group
nights where we have more
discussion of topics
Other nights will consist of fun
activities, worship and a taught
and I teach children's church. I
was telling the
boys and girls, ranging in age
from four to eleven, that we all
are born in sin, but by grace are
saved through faith. One of the
younger girls first looked puzzled, then said quite seriously, "I
wasn't born in sin. I was born in
Sunday Morning
Church Service
—Worship with the
whole Body at 8:30, 9:50 or 11:00 AM
Sunday School is offered at 9:50 AM.
—Peggy Jones
Marion, Virginia
Christian Reader
"Kids of the Kingdom"
Last dinner before fall will be
June 10th
Youth group starts at 7:00 after
June 10th
Welcome To Youth Group - June 17th
New Jr. High & New Sr. High Students!
June 17th all students officially move up to
the next grade! We are going to a Mariner
Sr. High - Jr. High
Dinner @ 6:30
7:00pm The Pentateuch
9:50 am Sunday
Jr./Sr. High in C6
Book of Acts
Oak Harbor
9:50 am Sunday
Jr./Sr. High in C6
Book of Acts
9:50 am Sunday
Jr./Sr. High in C6
Book of Acts
James: Bring a dessert to
share night
No Dinner
Family and Friends night
$20 per tix.
“The 10 through
H.S. Eyes”
Dinner @ 6:30
7:00pm OT History
7:00 Topic: James
Mission trip mtg.
$ for the mall
7:00 Topic: James
9:50 am Sunday
Jr./Sr. High in C6
Book of Acts
2760 North Heller Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277
By Julie Fakkema
the opportunity to ride an elephant during their exciting sixweek stay.
Jayme’s been married to Brian
since 2007. They met in youth
group at her church in Maple
...our Worship Pastor’s
wife, Jayme Haynes, once Besides Thailand, Jayme’s visit- Valley. She grew up there and
curled up with a real tiger!
ed Ireland, England, Italy, is the middle of three girls. Her
She and Brian visited
France, Australia and parents Jeff (Papa) and SuThailand in 2010,
Nicaragua. In 2004 zanne (YaYa) Riddell are regular visitors at Family Bible
where diminutive
she spent a wonChurch.
Jayme boldly enderful semester
tered a cage conin Wales, eventu- Jayme would say the work God
taining the ferois doing in her life that has her
ally getting her
cious feline and
B.A. in Account- most excited about right now is
cuddled right up
ing and Business. His regular infusion of much
needed patience and energy.
next to the largest
A good time for
Baby Greta was born April 10.
member of the cat
Jayme now is cudSon Griffin is a busy 3 ½ year
family! Ever the advendling up next to an Excel
turer, Jayme and Brian also took spreadsheet; and she gets plen- old, and can sometimes be a
‘real’ little tiger! J
ty of opportunities to do so as
Controller for
T. Bailey in
et You Didn’t Know….
Attention Shoppers
Oliver Timothy Miller
Born May 26th to
Tim & Grace Miller
(and proud grandparents
Bev and Clay Miller!)
Janet, from my church youth
group, worked at a department
store after school. One day she
was asked to announce the
cafeteria specials over the loud
speaker. She finished her announcement with "Thank you
for shopping with us and have a
nice day." Then without thinking, she added: "In Jesus' name,
—Holly Barnes, Decatur,
GA, Today's Christian Woman,
"Heart to Heart."
Family Bible Church—FamilyGram
Justin Bulthuis 25
Makenzie Knott 1
Dianne Phillips 27
Sara Burris 26
Caleb LaQuet 24
Mike Radka 2
Steve Burt 11
J-me LaQuet 27
Gina Riffel 27
Ray Crane 30
Emily Leeper 5
Sandi Robinson 21
Bailey Darnell 29
Maya Marshall 8
Satoni Trisler 18
Dennis Douglas 27
John McClimans 20
Steve Wells 20
Lynn Adam 19th
Caryn Eggett 2
Matthew McLeod 20
Ann Woodward 14
Lilia Bachman 12th
Karen Fredericks 29
Josh Menks 14
Skip Yadon 26
Melissa Beckman 19th
Gordon Hamming 4
Sara Menks 6
Bill Yuschalk 18
Jane Behrman 2nd
Erika Heins 19
Clay Miller 29
Mike Zarraonandia 17
Joan Bell 28
Charlotte Jensen 6
Rory Moore 3
Jim Bennett 2
Joshua Knott 11
Claudia Olson 22
Elliot Asher Brown 17
Lisa Knott 30
Elsie Palmer 6
Tammy & Russell Bright
Carolynn & Bob Kaetterhenry
Beth & Jim Campbell
Marsha & Kirk Kallander
Sally & Dennis Douglas
Nancy & Bob Miles
Anna & Tyler Fitzgerald
Nicole & Jason Neuhauser
Dick & Carol Haines
Shirly and Pete Pederson
Ruth & Larry Hartman
Gina & Jeff Riffell
Jayme and Brian Haynes
Joanne & Carl Taton
2760 North Heller Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Birthdays & Anniversaries
FBC Faces
Pastor Ron
Pregnancy Care Clinic
Silver Eagles
Summer Book Clubs
Why Are Christians Such
Family Bible Church is a non-denominational church. We are located at 2760 N. Heller Road, Oak Harbor. Our Sunday service times are 8:30, 9:50 and 11:10 AM
with Sunday School running concurrently. Church office hours are 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, Monday - Friday. You can contact us by calling 679-1585. Our FAX # is 6796144. Email address: Web location:
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Your Leaders Are Available To Serve You
6:00 PM
 The Pier—College and Career
6:30 PM
 Prayer & Praise Meeting—Library
7 & 21
Position & Area of Oversight
Wayne Abbott Treasurer
Tyler Black
Steve Burt
Currently Deployed
Adult Ministries/Parental Guid-
ance/Men's Ministries
 Women’s Summer Book Clubs Begin
Brian Haynes
Worship Ministry
Ushers/AV/Welcome Team
Ron Lawler
Senior Pastor
MOPS/Women's Ministry/Facilities/
 Last day of School!
 Friends & Family Mariners Game
 Silver Eagles
 Father’s Day
Gary Lock
Alan Schell
Children's Ministry/Nursery
Ron Lawler
Preaching and Teaching
Dan Potter
Youth & Family
Brian Haynes
Kirk Kallander
Church Administrator
Family Bible Church—FamilyGram