October - GWRRA IL-Z2
October - GWRRA IL-Z2
OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF GWRRA Region E Illinois District IL-Z2 Chicagoland Wings Chapter Directors: Jim & Barb Kopchok jkopchok@gmail.com Asst Chapter Director: Doug Koglin citymtd@yahoo.com Treasurer: Chris Shore cshore@compu-classic.com Chapter Educator: Dennis Murphy dmmurphysr@comcast.net Secretary: Danni Schwieger wingn2gether@gmail.com Membership Enhancement Tony Sundt antaknee@aol.com 708-287-5613 Ride Coordinator: Don Shore dons@hydraforce.com Wednesday AB-Ride Coordinator: John Meyers acri83@aol.com Asst. Ride Coordinator: Don Schwieger swiger2@sbcglobal.net Historians: Butch & Mary Thielenhouse Thouse912@att.net Special Events Coordinator Bill Bijou wjb1948@sbcglobal.net Ambassadors: Earl & Pat Hobbs earlrh@sbcglobal.net October 2015 Volume 18 Issue 10 News from the CD Chapter IL -Z2 News Jim and Barb Kopchok Chapter Directors Don’t look! The end of the riding season is coming soon. Time to follow Joe Hughes and friends to some warmer weather and extend our riding season! For the rest of us, it’s time to think about making the most of the good weather that remains and enjoying some Chapter rides after our meetings. As I write this we just got back from our eight days in Hillsboro, WI. What a great week to bond with friends and create new memories. The Hillsboro area was a great choice for the roads and scenery and we even had a couple people join us for a part of the week. This was one of our goals so that more could enjoy the opportunity to ride. Rather than trying to rehash all the great rides and routes we discovered, please just read the Z2 News and Views on our web site for a small daily diary and some pictures. I have also posted the updates to both our Facebook group and our Facebook page. A HUGE thank you goes out to Don Shore who took it upon himself to map out and lead all of our rides. They were well paced, and yet challenging so that riders of all types could enjoy. Thanks to Doug Koglin, our ACD, for making the hotel arrangements and providing “hospitality”. Doug also rode sweep all week, keeping everyone in line. Last month, our after meeting ride was to the Air Classics Museum in Sugar Grove. We had a nice ride over to the museum heading south from our meeting place and then turning west, bypassing a lot of the traffic that confounds our meeting location. The day was hot and the outdoor museum of vintage aircraft was interesting, with several elderly former pilots providing tour guide duties. We were all happy to get back indoors to the air conditioning and then meet across the street at the Roundup for lunch. No one was eager to jump back on the bikes in the heat. Once we were moving it wasn’t too bad. By the time you read this we should have also ridden on our I Scream run on Sept. 26. Meeting at Fox Valley Cycles and heading for (wait for it) ice cream is a Chapter staple. We had a great ride with 7 bikes and 13 people finding some back roads on the way to Ottawa. Triple J was our destination and everyone enjoyed their sweet treats. Newsletter Editor: Joan Nurczyk joann9900@aol.com (Continued on Page 2) In this issue : Visit us on the web at www.ilz2.com: Notes from the CD WI By The Numbers Meeting Notes Ride Coordinator More Hillsboro Winter Warmup Info Pg. 1-2 Pg. 2 Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Shirt/Hat Order Form Chapter Schedule Chapter Communication Directory Sponsors Membership Discounts Pg. 8 Pg. 9 Pg. 10-11 Pg. 12 Pg. 13 Pg. 14 Page 2 September 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News (Continued from Page 1) Chapter Meeting Location Also by the time you read this, members should be able to share their experience from the Fall Color Ride. We shortened the ride to two days so that it would require a vacation day. Don planned the ride to Galena/Savanna and then, per my suggestion from last year which didn’t work due to weather, the Oregon Fall Festival and Stronghold Castle. A medieval faire is held at the castle, and this is the only weekend all year that the castle is open to visitors. We still have a couple Chapter meetings left where we hope to ride. Our planning meeting is currently scheduled for November 14 at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Elmhurst where we have held previous training and planning meetings. Thank you Robert and Char for making all those arrangements. GWRRA Chapter IL-Z2 Meetings: Denny’s Rest. 17 W 660 22nd Street Oakbrook Terrace, IL When: Second Sunday of every month. Breakfast at 8:00 AM, Meeting at 9:00 AM. Ride after the meeting!! (weather permitting) Additional updated information at www.ilz2.com BREAKFAST CLUB Are you free on Wednesday mornings? Come and join our“Breakfast Club” it meets every Wednesday at 9am at the Sunmist Restaurant & Café located at 501 E. Lake Street in Addison. Weather permitting we will schedule an ABR (after breakfast ride.) As you know from last month’s meeting, we have already begun to discuss and plan our holiday party for January. We are trying to make sure we have a minimum of 40 people in order to be able to reserve a private room and have a prepared menu of food choices. We have extended feelers to Chapter NW and Chapter Y to see how they feel about joining us to meet our required minimums. Please don’t forget to subscribe to our web site blog by filling in your email address on the bottom of our home page. You should get an email sent to your account to confirm your subscription – so please reply to that email. After that, each time we post something to our web site blog you will get an email notifying you. We might be able to use that method to sneak in an extra ride, weather permitting, between Chapter meetings. Barb and I will be out of town for this month’s meeting and will miss you all. Ride Safe! Jim & Barb Kopchok Chapter Director 1407 2.59 2.29 113 75 49 33 23 21 17 15 14 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 WISCONSIN BY THE NUMBERS By JoAnne Schack Total miles Highest gas price paid (IL) Lowest gas price paid (WI) Highway to Merrimac-Okee Wisconsin River ferry Highest temperature while riding – NICE Lowest temperature while riding – Brrr Highway over Wildcat Mountain – Woohoo!! Different kinds of Wisconsin cheese Highway to Dorine's in Sparta GWRRA members Mph curves can bite Too many people for Beezers Cranberry farms Days of sunshine and blue skies Nights of Brandy Old Fashion Sweets Oscar Mayer Weiner Singers Amish buggies States visited (IL, WI, MN, IA) Amish boys waving hello Nights of storms Great week of fun, friends, food, and fabulous riding!! (Continued on page 8) Volume 18 Issue 10 Page 3 Z2 Meeting Notes 09/06/15 Submitted by Jim Kopchuk Upcoming Events (ck PDF Calendar on web site for details for scheduled rides) 11/7 - IL District Operations Planning Meeting 11/8 - Nov. Monthly Meeting 11/14 - Chapter Planning Meeting 12/13 - December Monthly Meeting Guests: Nick Hederman Jim Kopchok, Chapter Director: Reviewed past months' activity, including last month's After Meeting ride to Air Classics Museum. Hot day but everyone had a good time and went to lunch at Roundup across street from museum. Thanked Tony Sundt for leading ride to Kelsey's Roadhouse for Chapter Dinner Ride. Reviewed upcoming events, including ride to Hillsboro, WI for Chapter Adventure Ride and some changes concerning the Fall Color Ride being planned by Don Shore for Oct 3-4. This is now a 2 day ride instead of three to accommodate more members. Started discussion on Holiday Party for January, and suggested we may be able to combine with Chapter NW and/or Chapter Y in order to have a larger attendance and more options with choosing a party location. Doug Koglin, Asst. Chapter Director: Reminded everyone of hotel requirements for Hillsboro and new lodging choice for the Fall Color Ride. Important to make reservations ASAP in order to keep rooms from being released. Dennis Murphy, Chapter Educator: No report Don Shore, Ride Coordinator: Reviewed plans and circulated routes for the Hillsboro ride. Tony Sundt, Dennis Murphy, were absent due to holiday weekend. 50/50 - No record Progressive - Butch Thielenhouse Happy October Birthdays!!! If Fred Creed * October 4 Bill Naughton * October 7 Steve Willuweit * October 14 Earl Hobbs * October 15 Doug Baker * October 18 Maggie Baker * October 22 your birthday is this month and it is not listed here, please contact Joan Nurczyk at joann9900@aol.com and let us know!!! Volume 18 Issue 09 Page 4 Ride Coordinator Well our biggest ride of the year is in the books, this year we headed to Hillsboro Wisconsin. At one point during the week we had as many as 16 members join us as we cruised through the hills and valleys of west central Wisconsin. We couldn't have asked for better weather, only had to deal with rain once during one of our rides. Now we begin working on our big trip for next year. Also in the books is our Ice Cream Ride to Ottawa on September 26th. We met up at Fox Valley Cycles and left with 7 bikes and 13 people. Turned out to be another perfect day for riding and we clocked in about 160 miles for the day. October 3rd & 4th was our annual Fall Color ride. 5 bikes and 8 people headed towards Galena cruising through northwest Illinois. The ride started out a little wet and chilly, but the rain soon stopped and other than being chilly, it was a decent weekend for riding. We originally wanted to stop in Galena for lunch, but their Oktoberfest was happening, and the town’s population was double what is usually is plus there was no where to park so we headed just outside of town to O’Dowd’s Irish pub. After lunch we headed south making a quick stop at a local winery before continuing south through the Mississippi Palisades , into Savanna Illinois and on to our Hotel. The plan on Sunday was to head into Oregon Illinois for their fall festival, or the Olde English Faire at Stronghold Castle, this didn't work out either. Oregon was shut down due to a 5K run in the morning and a parade in the afternoon, so we decided to take a different route home to avoid the masses. We only have a couple of more rides planned. Next is to Silver Springs State Park after our meeting on Sunday October 11th to see the local fall colors. The last ride of the season is our “Frost your Buns” Ride after our November meeting. We’ll be heading north to the Broken Oar in Port Barrington for lunch. Anyone not wanting to ride but still wants to join us for the ride can do so in their car as long as you drive with your windows open and your air conditioning on full blast. We’ll be working on our rides calendar for next year, so if anyone has any suggestions for rides or ride destinations that you would like us to consider, please forward them to me Don Shore Z2 Ride Coordinator Page 5 September 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News Lessons Learned on the Hillsboro Trip Returning from our recent Wisconsin trip, I am happy to say that all bikes and people returned home safe and in one piece. Trips like this offer us all a unique opportunity to develop and test our riding skills, whatever level we may be at. I am also constantly proud of how well we ride together as a group. I am sure anyone joining us on our rides would feel they were among experienced, skilled and safe riders and that contributes to everyone’s enjoyment. However, that’s not to say we can’t grow from our experiences. Ride Your Own Ride How many times have you heard this? And yet it still applies. Don’t be pressured into riding faster or outside of your skill level just to keep up with the group. Your (and your co-rider’s) safety is paramount. And if you should have a mishap while riding it could cause others to also collide. If you are uncomfortable with your place in the string of riders let the Ride Leader, Chapter Director, or Ride Sweep know so we can re-arrange the group. If necessary we can split into multiple groups. We are all hear to encourage, protect and teach each other good riding tips. Take advantage. Speed Management Along the same lines, be aware of your speed management, particularly on twisty, curving roads. Seeing around the curve, planning for the apex of the turn, throttling through the turn and then setting up for the next curve takes experience and confidence. Enjoy the ride as well the “riding” and witness the scenery at a slower pace if it suits you. Rides such as this give us a chance to try out our skills in ways that aren’t common in Illinois. I spent a lot of time this week planning and experimenting with speed, gears, braking and throttle under different conditions and combination with a new trike. Stay Focused Perhaps, almost counter to the previous remark about enjoying the ride, is the need to stay focused. We are driving heavy machines, often with passengers and high rates of speed. It doesn’t take much in the way of a road obstruction or a momentary lapse to put you (and everyone else) in harm’s way. And, sometimes it is at low speed when we think there is nothing to worry about, that we lose control and balance of the bike. Stay Focused! Gap Management When riding in a group we try to follow the 1 and 2 second rules for maintaining distance between bikes. On long country roads it’s easy for the string to get spread out as everyone manages the turns and accelerates at different rates. Without other traffic around us, that should be great. See “Ride Your Own Ride” above. However, when we are in traffic conditions, keeping the gap down keeps the group together better to work through traffic lights, stop signs and more. Cars approaching from another lane might be tempted to dive into our string. It’s also important navigating through stop lights and stop signs to keep everyone together. Keep in mind, that the gap management problem is exaggerated for those at the end of the string. All of this must be managed by the individual rider and the conditions at the time, but be aware of what is happening for the sake of the entire group. Lane Changes This group riding technique is always important. When changing lanes on a multiple lane road, it is up to the Ride Leader and the Sweep to coordinate the lane change. This occurs by 1.) the Leader indicating to the Sweep to get another lane, 2.) The Sweep indicating that they have secured the lane and information about other cars that need to pass the Leader for the lane to be clear, and 3.) the Ride Leader giving the signal for the remaining riders to switch lanes. Some riders are tempted to move as soon as they see Sweep get the lane. Don’t cave to your temptations! Be patient and wait for the Leader. This almost always causes a domino effect where everyone moves even if the Leader isn’t ready yet. We don’t all know what the conditions may be ahead and sometimes the Leader changes their mind. Conclusion Having recently changed from two wheels to a trike caused me to rethink a lot about riding technique and plan my ride much differently. It caused me to re-engage with my ride and not let my mind wander due to over confidence. All of us have fallen guilty to one of these items at some time or other. Training and practice makes for good habits, and good habits make for a safer journey. Ride Safe! Jim Kopchuk September 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News Page 6 Winter Warm Up Information for all Chapters: 1. We will have a CPR/MFA Class - Friday Morning - 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Friday January 22nd, 2016 This is the Refresher Class. Cost will be $15. It will be available on all registration forms for Winter Warm Up. 2. We will have a bike show this year. *All pictures must of your bike within the Region E area. *Only the Bike should be in the picture. * Pictures can be posted until Noon on Saturday. *Corn Poll will begin at Noon for the best picture. 3. We will have a Memorial table set up for our lost members. Each Chapter may bring a picture of a their past member/members. May be framed or not. Please be respectful of space. We have several chapters that have lost members in the past couple years. Thank you, Mary Adams Illinois Sr. District Director 1600 Riverdale Rd Lot 107 Rock Falls, IL 61071 815-535-8349 www.gwrra-ildistrict.com Every Member Counts!!! Winter Warm Up Boots, Chaps & Cowboy Hats January 22nd, 23rd, 2016 President Abraham Lincoln Hotel & Conference Center 701 Adams St Springfield, Illinois 217-544-8800 Room Rate $85.00 Ask for the GWRRA Illinois District Group Rate. Volume 18 Issue 10 Page 7 Chapter Educator You Don’t Always See It It is that time of the year when the temperatures are up and down. Here in the Midwest we can have temperature swings of 10, 20, or 30 degrees in one day. The reason I bring this up is that a lot of us like to ride as long as we can. And that brings out many dangers or motorcyclists. Just to name a few is sleet, freezing rain and black ice. These are the most dangerous because they are hard to see on the road surface. Black Ice is the most dangerous of all in my opinion. Black ice forms when the air temperature is at 32 degrees or below at the surface and rain is falling. The ground temperature causes the precipitation to freeze upon impact, thus creating ice, sleet and the refreezing of snow or water can also generate black ice. It is called black ice because it tends to look like the rest of the pavement on the road, abut it’s actually clear, the complexion of black ice makes it very difficult to see, black ice usually occurs around dawn and in the late evening, when the sun goes down and temperatures are usually the lowest. If you must ride here are a few tips: The best thing is to check the temperature and check to see if it is cold enough for freezing. Take a look at the pavement. If the pavement is dry but you see spots of pavement that look dark and glossy, is probably black ice. Before going out at night you should check the weather conditions, as black ice is hardest to see in the dark. The most common locations for black ice to form is shaded or tree covered roads, bridges, and over- passes because of the ability to freeze quickly. The best thing to do is try not to drive when conditions are favorable for black ice because it is the most dangerous thing you can do. Most likely the ice will win and you will get hurt. Stay safe and enjoy your ride. Dennis Murphy - Chapter Educator Page 8 September 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News Style and Stitches by Coralie 815-744-4718 corajohn@comcast.net Club Wear for Chicagoland Wings ILZ2 Name______________________ Phone______________________ Email ______________________ Long sleeved twill shirts and polos for the group are the natural color tan from the Blue Generation Catalogue. Other colors may be chosen from the catalogue at www.BlueGeneration.com Just cite the page # ,Item # , and color etc. Additional items may be chosen from the S & S Activewear catalogue at www.ssactivewear.com Again cite page # and item # then size etc.. I can give you pricing with your inquiry. Long sleeve twill—S-XL $35.00 /XXL+ $37.00 Size charts are in each catalogue. Short sleeve twill—S-XL $32.00 / XXL+ $34.00 The sizing is pretty true. Windshirt---S-XL $35.00/ XXL+ $37.00 Short sleeve Polo – S-XL $25.00 / XXL+ $27.00 * Price includes left chest logo and Long sleeve Polo – S-XL $28.00 / XXL+ $30.00 name on right chest if desired. Cap--$12.00 one size Item_________ Name____ Size______Color______Price_________ ___ Total______ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Sub Total ____________ IL Tax (.0875%)_ _________ Total_____________ Email the order or any questions. Cash , Check, Paypal Thank you for your order. I will call with any questions. Page 9 September 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News IL-Z2 2015 SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 8, CHAPTER MTG FEBRUARY 21, MEDIC 1ST AID ($20 Fee) 1:00pm Immanuel Lutheran Church Elmhurst, IL FEBRUARY 22, CHAPTER DINNER 5:00pm @ Al’s Charhouse LaGrange, IL. MARCH 8, CHAPTER MTG. JULY 11, Chapter Picnic/BBQ John & Katie’s, Downers Grove 1 pm, Bring a dish to pass JULY 12, CHAPTER MTG Ride: Illinois Railway Museum Lunch: Cafe20 *JULY 17—19, ADVENTURE RIDE Indiana Covered Bridges & Fair Oaks Farm AUGUST 9, CHAPTER MTG Ride: Sugar Grove Lunch: Calamity Jane’s MARCH 14, TRAINING DAY & POT LUCK AUGUST 15, DINNER RIDE 1pm @ Immanuel Lutheran Church Kelsey’s Road House, Barrington Elmhurst APRIL 12, CHAPTER MTG, Ride: Dependent on weather APRIL 25, Billy’s Biker Workshop MAY 3, CHAPTER MTG, Ride: Volo Auto Museum Lunch: Firewood Restaurant MAY 9, DAY RIDE Ride: Matthiessen State Park Lunch: Hanks Farm MAY 16, Niehaus Customer Appreciation Day Litchfield, IL MAY 30, TRAINING DAY 1pm @ Fox Valley Cycles Aurora Ride Captain training JUNE 6, DAY RIDE East Troy Electric Railroad East Troy Wisconsin JUNE 14, CHAPTER MTG. Ride: Sheridan Road Lunch: Twin Peaks JUNE 20, DINNER RIDE Mandiles, Algonquin *SEPTEMBER 3-6, WING DING Huntsville, AL **NOTE! Sept. Chapter meeting is one week early due to Wisc trip! SEPTEMBER 6, CHAPTER MTG. Ride: Illinois Beach State Park Lunch: The Chancery *SEPTEMBER 12-19, WISCONSIN ADVENTURE Hillsboro, Wisconsin Led by: Don Shore SEPTEMBER 26, ICE CREAM RIDE Ottawa OCTOBER 3-4, FALL COLOR RIDE Galena, Mississippi Palisades, Savanna, and the Oregon Festival Days OCTOBER 11, CHAPTER MTG Ride: Silver Springs State Park Lunch: Smokey’s Woodpit BBQ NOVEMBER 8, CHAPTER MTG. Ride: Port Barrington Lunch: Broken Oar NOVEMBER 14, Chapter Planning MTG 1pm @ Immanuel Lutheran Church DECEMBER 8, CHAPTER MTG Page 10 Volume 18 Issue 9 Communications Options for our Chapter We now have several different ways to communicate within our Chapter. It’s always a challenge to keep everyone informed and up-to-date as we all have busy schedules, travel, can’t always make the meetings, and so on. The Chapter Newsletter remains a staple for our monthly written document. It is typically mailed out several days before our scheduled meeting, and almost immediately is also available for download via our website. Unfortunately, the newsletter needs to be written a week or more before the meeting in order to allow time for production and printing, and so things may change or need to be updated. Hard copy versions of the newsletter are available to anyone who needs one, just let us know. The meeting itself is important way for us to share information not to mention a lot more fun, but again, not everyone can always make the meeting and may still want to engage with us in our rides and other activities. Our website (www.ilz2.com) is probably the central means for everyone to stay abreast of the latest information. Articles from our newsletter are published in the “Chapter IL-Z2 News & Articles” section. You can search/view these without the need to open the entire newsletter. Further, you can subscribe to these articles by following three easy steps, shown below. Whenever an article is added or modified you will be sent an email notification. You can always unsubscribe. Newsletters are available for download, links to helpful sites, our updated Ride/Event Calendar and more. STEP ! – Click on menu for Chapter IL-Z2 News and Articles STEP 2 – Enter your email address (e.g. myname@gmail.com) Continued on Page 12 Page 11 STEP 3 – Confirm your email September 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News (Continued from Page 11) STEP 4 – Receive Confirmation in your email Another method is to use Facebook. Many people do not use or like Facebook but we have almost 35 members of the GWRRA IL-Z2 Facebook group. This group is private and if you choose to join, Tony will approve your full participation. You can then see posts and some active communication chats between members, questions being answered and some impromptu rides or other being established. I personally wasn’t a big Facebook fan until I saw how valuable this is. For example, at our recent dinner, due to some cancellations, Doug found we had some extra room. He put this on Facebook so any last minute dinner goers or their guests would feel welcome – and it worked! Another Facebook option is the new Facebook page (not the same as the group) that was recently created. This is more for publishing information about our Chapter and what is going on so that we might be able to connect with non-members and encourage new participation. This Facebook page is at http://www.facebook.com/ilz2wings, We have posting on different topics and even will post events as reminders for currently scheduled activity. If you should have any questions on how to sign up or use Facebook please just ask, as we have several members who are very good using this application. In all cases, we are trying our best to keep you informed about what is going on in your Chapter. If you should have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Jim Kopchok – Chapter Director Volume 18 Issue 10 GWRRA National Website www.gwrra.org Wing World Magazinewww.wingworldmag.com Region E Directors Bruce Watkins director@gwrra-region-3.org Assistant Region Directors Bob & Nicki Fowkes Lance & Diane Brozek Lonnie & Diane Borseth Region E Educator Jerry & Sue Allhands Region E Medic First Aid Mike & Jan Buzick Region E MED Coordinators Brian & Tammy Anderson Region E Treasurer Glen & Carol White Couple of the Year Region E Leadership Trainers Bill & Nancy James Region E Patch Shop Wally & Jan Wallace Region E Webmaster Don & Cheri Walloch Region E Newsletter Editor Don & Cheri Walloch Region E Vendor Coordinators Mike & Jane Hultine Region E Public Relations Coord. Walter & Jean Potwora Region E Indie. of the Year Belinda Schearf Page 12 Illinois District Directors Mary Adams Hondagirl711@yahoo.com Assistant District Directors Steven & Diane Gottschalk- S IL Jack & Hazel Burton - Western IL Earl & Pat Hobbs - Chicagoland Greg & Annette Shields - North IL Tom & Pam Waller - E IL District Educator/MAD Dan & Linda Davis Sponsorship Coordinator Chet Stephens District MFA Coordinators Mike & Jan Buzick District Treasurers Nikki Fowkes District MED Coordinator Position Open Leadership Training Division Steve & Sandy Schlager Photographer Walter & Jean Potwora LTD Instructors George & Ketra Wanamaker Don & Cindy Janas Dave & Sherre Leavans Jim & Jean Stout Ron & Cheryl Deckard Mike & Jan Buzick Steve & Sandy Schlager Walter & Jean Potwora Dan & Martha Ribbing Kimberly Morgan Ed Haggerty Dist. COY Coordinators Steven & Diane Gottschalk District Couple of the Year Jim & Helen Rusher District Individual of the Year Ruth Skelton District Patch Coordinator Lori & Ron Heffelfinger District Newsletter Editor Dennis and Jean Bose District Webmaster Roy & Cheyrl Miller Chapter IL-Z2 websitewww.ilz2.com IL-Z2 monitors CB Channel 2l Chapter Directors: Jim & Barb Kopchok jkopchok@gmail.com Asst Chapter Director: Doug Koglin citymtd@yahoo.com Treasurer: Chris Shore cshore@compu-classic.com Chapter Educator: Dennis Murphy dmmurphysr@comcast.net Secretary: Danni Schwieger wingn2gether@gmail.com Membership Enhancement: Tony Sundt antaknee@aol.com 708-287-5613 Ride Coordinator: Don Shore dons@hydraforce.com Wednesday AB-Ride Coordinator: John Meyers acri83@aol.com Asst. Ride Coordinator: Don Schwieger swiger2@sbcglobal.net Historians: Butch & Mary Thielenhouse Thouse912@att.net Special Events Coordinator Bill Bijou wjb1948@sbcglobal.net Ambassadors: Earl & Pat Hobbs earlrh@sbcglobal.net Newsletter Editor: Joan Nurczyk joann9900@aol.com Emporium: POSITION VACANT Page 13 September 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News Des Plaines Hondawww.dshonda.com Support our Sponsors! Tell them: “I saw your message in the Chicagoland Wings Newsletter!” Volume 18 Issue 10 Page 14