August - GWRRA IL-Z2


August - GWRRA IL-Z2
Region E Illinois District IL-Z2 Chicagoland Wings
Chapter Directors:
Jim & Barb Kopchok
Volume 18 Issue 08
August 2015
News from the CD
Chapter IL -Z2 News
Jim and Barb Kopchok Chapter Directors
Asst Chapter Director:
Doug Koglin
Wisconsin Bound!
Indiana Covered Bridges are behind us and our next Adventure Ride to the wilds of middle Wisconsin is coming up soon!
Chris Shore
Tony Sundt
It was a hot but enjoyable weekend on the ride to Rockville,
IN to visit a number of covered bridges. The highlight was a
personalized local historic presentation by the current owner
of the Grist Mill at the Bridgeton Covered Bridge, the one
most prominently displayed on post cards and other material
inviting tourists to the area, with a very scenic waterfall! After a great informal talk on the deck of
the Grist Mill, loaded with lots of history and local insight, we shopped the local items and grains.
Weighted down by our purchases we then decided some cold ice cream was just the right thing and
parked ourselves on the deck overlooking the waterfall!
Ride Coordinator:
There were a number of bridges Don had on his route, and we found a couple were washed out and
Chapter Educator:
Dennis Murphy
Danni Schwieger
Membership Enhancement
Don Shore
Wednesday AB-Ride
John Meyers
Asst. Ride Coordinator:
Don Schwieger
Butch & Mary Thielenhouse
Special Events Coordinator
Bill Bijou
Earl & Pat Hobbs
Newsletter Editor:
John McHugh
had been replaced by modern concrete slabs, and others were down gravel roads that we elected
not to try. Recent weather, including the night of our arrival, had caused some flash flood warnings,
so we decided to enjoy the cool comforts of the hotel pool. Since it was raining the night of our
arrival around dinner time, we were all happy that Butch and Mary had opted to drive down, since
they became our source of dinner delivery (there was no food delivery in the area, even the pizza
which we eventually decided on)!
Teo Isaac, one of our newer members, joined us for his first overnighter with the Chapter. Teo is an
experienced long distance rider and it was great for everyone in having him along and learning about
some of his previous adventures. Now, the question is, after meeting us, will he return?
In this issue :
Visit us on the web at
News from CD
Meeting Notes
Ride Coordinator
ABR Ride Guy
Chapter Educator
Shirt/Hat Order Form
Pg. 1-2
Pg. 3
Pg. 4
Pg. 5 –6
Pg. 7
Pg. 8
Chapter Schedule
Pg. 9
Chapter Communication Pg. 10-11
Overnight Rides
Pg. 12-14
Pg. 15
Pg 16
Member Benefits
Pg. 17
Page 2
Meeting Location
August 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News
(Continued from Page 1)
We had 7 bikes, 13 people and 1 very important car on our trip.
Because of the heat and some threatening rain showers on Sunday, the
group also decided to postpone our visit to Fair Oaks Farms, leaving
that for another Chapter day trip. We wanted to experience the fun of
that farm and all it has to offer without worrying about the clouds letting loose.
Thank you to Don for again leading our group on our Chapter AfterMeeting ride. It too was a hot day on the ride to Union, IL and the
Illinois Railway Museum. After a nice lunch, everyone arrived home
The August 1 Movie night is cancelled. Robert (and Char) Ulrich’s
mother passed away this week. Our thoughts go with Robert and Char and we wish them
comfort and support. Robert’s mother was recently at their home in hospice care.
GWRRA Chapter IL-Z2
Meetings: Denny’s Rest.
17 W 660 22nd Street
Oakbrook Terrace, IL
When: Second Sunday of
every month.
Breakfast at 8:00 AM,
Meeting at 9:00 AM.
Ride after the meeting!!
(weather permitting)
Additional updated information at
Are you free on Wednesday
mornings? Come and join
our“Breakfast Club” it meets
every Wednesday at 9am at the
Sunmist Restaurant & Café
located at 501 E. Lake Street in
Addison. Weather permitting
we will schedule an ABR (after
breakfast ride.)
Also on the morning of July 31 I received notice that Ron Walldren passed away in his sleep.
As you all know, Ron was a dedicated biker and devoted member of our Chapter. He served
most recently as our Chapter Educator and could always be counted on to liven up the meeting. Even during his battle with his illness, Ron made every effort to get out on his bike to
enjoy his favorite experiences. Ron, may the wind always be at your back and the sun in your
face! You will be missed.
Continuing with our health report, I am sorry to report that Katie and John McHugh have also
had a tough month, with serious health events affecting John’s son and both of Katie’s parents.
John’s son is recovering nicely and we wish the rest of the family speedy recoveries as well.
Let’s hope that August brings about better and happier news from our Chapter. And let it
remind us how precious our lives and health are. Make each day count and live each day to
the fullest!
August 15th is our Chapter Dinner Ride to Kelsey’s Roadhouse. Our current plan is to meet
up at Fox Valley Cycles at about 2pm and after spending some time browsing the shop, take
off at 3pm. Dinner should be around 4:30. Please make sure that you are signed up so that we
can keep you posted of any changes. This is a Rain or Shine event, so if the weather is bad,
bring your car and either meet up at FVC or we’ll see you at Kelsey’s. If you decide to go
direct, please make sure we know so we aren’t waiting for you at the start of the ride.
The September meeting has been moved up one week since we leave the next weekend
(9/12) for our Wisconsin Ride. So mark your calendar now, for Sept. 6 as our next Chapter
Speaking of Hillsboro, the next meeting will be our last one before the ride. Don will have the
ride details published and a final wrap up at our September meeting. As I write this, Don and
Chris Shore are in England on a working vacation, so we need to make sure he clears Customs on the way home! J
The end of September we have a date for an Ice Cream run on Sept. 26 and then our Fall
Color Ride is scheduled for Oct. 2-4. Again, please sign up so that we can gauge interest in
these events. We have some ideas for both of these but, we are would be happy to hear from
anybody that has a strong preference or idea for either of these rides.
I think that covers it. See you at the meeting on August 9th! As always, enjoy the summer and
Ride Safe!
Jim & Barb Kopchok
Chapter Director
Volume 18 Issue 08
Page 3
Z2 Meeting Notes 07/13/2015 – Submitted by Danni Schwieger
Upcoming Events (ck PDF Calendar on web site for details for scheduled rides)
7/17-7/19 – Indiana Covered Bridges adventure ride
7/19/15 – Ride for Kids, Northern IN
7/24-7/25/15 – Summer Rally, Rockfalls
8/8-8/9/15 – Gypsy Wheels 3rd Annual Amazing Challenge (flyer passed out)
8/15/15 – Kelsey’s dinner ride
9/6/15 – SEPT. MTHLY MEETING, 1 week early due to Wis. ride
9/12-9/19/15 – Hillsboro, Wisc. Adventure Ride
10/2-10/3/15 – Fall Color Ride
Guests: Hose’, Bob & Arlene
im Kopchok, Chapter Director: 3 new members: Don, Ken, Joe; Chapter picnic held yesterday, 7/12, at John & Kattie’s was
great – awesome food and conversation. Thanks! Fox Valley Cycle donated another gift certificate for this month’s raffle;
Don’t forget to order your club apparel by e-mail, see newsletter for details; 8/15 dinner ride to Kelsey’s is Rt 14 & Kelsey
road near Fox River road.; looking for articles on new bikes, parts & “bling” for our bikes. Special “Thank you” to Ron
Waldren, for a job well done over the past 3 1/2 years as Chapter Educator. New Chapter Educator is Dennis Murphy.
Doug Koglin, Asst. Chapter Director: Regarding Covered Bridge ride, we will meet 8:00 for breakfast on 7/17 at Lumes
Restaurant on 159th St., Orland Park. Kickstands up at 9:00. On 9/12 we will leave for Hillsboro, WI ride; 200 miles there
and a new ride planned every day. Come for the whole trip or part.
Don Shore, Ride Coordinator: after meeting ride to Union, IL Railroad Museum.
Earl Hobbs, Ambassador: Il Dist Rally 7/24-25/15 Sterling, IL; Remember to do a “head check” (look over shoulder) before
changing lanes, don’t just trust mirrors.
Dennis Murphy, Chapter Educator: Reminder Illinois pot holes are bad due to all the rain; make sure to leave enough room
to see pot holes ahead; do not carry WD40 in your saddle tool bags – old style made with carbon based propellant can turn
the can into a bomb!
Bill Bijou, Special Events: Visited Hines & VFW club in Bellwood on Memorial Day; anyone who wants to donate can do on
your own to Building #9.
50/50: Dennis, Alyce, Dave
Progressive #: Not present
Fox Valley Gift Cert: Don
Happy August Birthdays!!!
Chris Shore—8/04
Doug Koglin—8/07
Don Shore—8/09
Michael Plumeri—8/11
Steve Willuweit— 8/13
Barb Kopchok—8/16
Don Schwieger—8/22
Dennis Dwyer—8/23
John McHugh—8/28
If your birthday is this month and it is not listed here, please contact
John McHugh at and let us know!!!
Volume 18 Issue 08
Page 4
Ride Coordinator
Chris and Don Shore are in the UK to celebrate their birthdays (or at least that is my opinion),
they said they are on a working vacation (really?).
Whatever the truth is they are out of the country enjoying life without US!! We ALL see how it
is Chris.
With that being said, Don thinks it is ok to leave on vacation and not write an article this
month? Whatever!!
Since neither of you are here at our meeting we just wanted to say:
As soon as your finished playing in the UK get back here and get some work done! Be safe and
we miss your loud noises.
Page 5
August 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News
It was with great sadness to have
learned of the passing of
Ron Walldren.
His absence will create an everlasting void, to
those who had the opportunity to know him. He
brought joy, fun and laughs to any group he was
with, and was greatly missed if not in attendance.
He knew how to live life to the fullest. Knowing the
seriousness of his health, he never let it get in his
way of enjoying time with family and friends. It was
his postive outlook that gave him many months beyond Doctors predictions. He can never be replaced.
could get in his way of riding. On a cold, windy
miserable day in December with snow showers
and slick roads we arranged to meet in Barrington.
I got there by car and assumed he would also, but
down the road he came on the old white Wing with
his rabbit and flags in tack. I asked him why he
would be on a bike when no other biker would consider being out in this weather, he replied. “Yes it
was very cold and windy and at times the snow
showers affected my vision, and I did hit some
slick spots, which nearly made me fall, but other
then that ,it was not such a bad day for a ride”.
On the day of his passing Ron said he was feeling
better and was looking forward to getting back on
the bike and riding with the Chapter. He was hoping to find a bike conversion to make the bike more
stable for him. We closed by his saying he will be
there next Wednesday.
Ron will be greatly be missed but long remembered, he was a great friend to all. I will always
feel honored to have known him and to have had
the opportunity to spend the time I did with him.
Ron had a heart of Gold, he never refused to come
to someone’s aid, many stories could be told of his
help to others. Another attribute, he never spoke
July brought forth the lowest number of ABRiders
poorly of anyone. He enjoyed the company of all,
we have had in months. Seems everyone had other
even those who disagreed with his politics
activities that conflicted.
Although it was well known he served as a Marine
in Vietnam, few knew he was well respected by his
fellow Marines for his bravery. His exploits in the
service brought him numerous honors, making
him a highly decorated Marine. And although Ron
had many war stories he never would talk about
them. His comment was “The fight is over so why
bring it back”.
Ron enjoyed being a member of the breakfast
gang and the Chapter. He truly enjoyed riding with
his fellow members, even though we once left him
behind, he never let us forget that day.
He loved to ride. It seemed as though nothing
Doug Baker once again participated in the Mackinaw Sailing Race. He did not place as well as last
year when he took 2nd in his division.
We were very sorry to hear that Robert Ullrich lost
his mother last month. Our condolences to Robert
and his family.
Well that will wrap it up for another month.
Safe riding to you.
John Meyers
August 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News
Page 6
Ron Walldren
We salute you for all you’ve given to your country,
family, friends and fellow riders!
Volume 18 Issue 08
Page 7
Chapter Educator
We all think we know the best gas to use in our bikes. Some of us think that this brand is better than that
brand. Some of us get wrapped up on mileage. I heard people claim that they get better mileage with
brand X over brand Y. I also hand people tell me that they believe that brand X uses different blending to
make it a better fuel for your bike. No matter what you feel is right there are a few basic rules I would
like you to know.
All the newer bikes will come with a feature, anti-knock sensor so even if you were to fill up with the
wrong fuel, it wouldn’t do too much if any damage to the bikes internals, on a limited basis.
Modern engines equipped with knock sensors will compensate by signaling the engine management system
to retard the spark timing. Activation will prevent knock but also decrease performance and result in
poor economy.
Pinging, in my opinion damages an engine. Indeed, I have been told by many mechanics that for every hour
your engine is pinging you will lose about one year of engine life, compared to a ping free engine.
There was a time in my life when I did all my own wrenching. Besides the fact that technology has evolved
faster than my ability to keep up with it. I have come to believe that both my time and my life are far too
valuable to fail to use an expert who is properly trained. And has the equipment to take care of all the
maintenance on my bike.
I have been told that pinging is the sound of damage being done to your engine or it could simply mean
that you are driving in toll high of a gear. A higher grade of gasoline can eliminate pinging. However, it
may also merely camouflage what is really wrong by eliminating those pings. In other words it is perfectly
safe assuming that there is not something fundamentally wrong with your motor and you do not use a
higher octane to eliminate symptoms.
If your bike does not ping at all when using regular gas, fine. If it does, then move up a grade of gasoline.
This is a very simple thing to take care of. Do not take it for grant it that just because the book said to
use it, that it is going to work.
Have a great summer and safe riding.
Dennis Murphy - Chapter Educator
Page 8
August 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News
Style and Stitches by Coralie
Club Wear for
Chicagoland Wings ILZ2
Email ______________________
Long sleeved twill shirts and polos for the group are the natural color tan from the Blue Generation Catalogue. Other colors may be chosen from the catalogue at
Just cite the page # ,Item # , and color etc.
Additional items may be chosen from the S & S Activewear catalogue at
Again cite page # and item # then size etc..
I can give you pricing with your inquiry.
Long sleeve twill—S-XL $35.00 /XXL+ $37.00
Size charts are in each catalogue.
Short sleeve twill—S-XL $32.00 / XXL+ $34.00
The sizing is pretty true.
Windshirt---S-XL $35.00/ XXL+ $37.00
Short sleeve Polo – S-XL $25.00 / XXL+ $27.00
* Price includes left chest logo and
Long sleeve Polo – S-XL $28.00 / XXL+ $30.00
name on right chest if desired.
Cap--$12.00 one size
___ Total______
Sub Total ____________
IL Tax (.0875%)_
Email the order or any questions. Cash , Check, Paypal
Thank you for your order. I will call with any questions.
Page 9
August 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News
1:00pm Immanuel Lutheran Church
Elmhurst, IL
5:00pm @ Al’s Charhouse
LaGrange, IL.
JULY 11, Chapter Picnic/BBQ
John & Katie’s, Downers Grove
1 pm, Bring a dish to pass
Ride: Illinois Railway Museum
Lunch: Cafe20
Indiana Covered Bridges &
Fair Oaks Farm
Ride: Sugar Grove
Lunch: Calamity Jane’s
1pm @ Immanuel Lutheran Church AUGUST 15, DINNER RIDE
Kelsey’s Road House, Barrington
Ride: Dependent on weather
Huntsville, AL
one week early due to Wisc trip!
Billy’s Biker Workshop
Ride: Volo Auto Museum
Lunch: Firewood Restaurant
MAY 9,
Ride: Matthiessen State Park
Lunch: Hanks Farm
MAY 16,
Niehaus Customer Appreciation Day
Litchfield, IL
1pm @ Fox Valley Cycles
Ride Captain training
East Troy Electric Railroad
East Troy Wisconsin
Ride: Sheridan Road
Lunch: Twin Peaks
Mandiles, Algonquin
**NOTE! Sept. Chapter meeting is
Ride: Illinois Beach State Park
Lunch: The Chancery
Hillsboro, Wisconsin
Led by: Don Shore
DeKalb Ice Cream
Destination: TBA
Ride: Silver Springs State Park
Lunch: Smokey’s Woodpit BBQ
Ride: Port Barrington
Lunch: Broken Oar
NOVEMBER 14, Chapter Planning MTG
1pm @ Immanuel Lutheran Church
Page 10
Volume 18 Issue 8
Communications Options for our Chapter
We now have several different ways to communicate within our Chapter. It’s always a challenge to keep everyone informed and up-to-date as we all have busy schedules, travel, can’t always make the meetings, and so on.
The Chapter Newsletter remains a staple for our monthly written document. It is typically mailed out several
days before our scheduled meeting, and almost immediately is also available for download via our website. Unfortunately, the newsletter needs to be written a week or more before the meeting in order to allow time for production and printing, and so things may change or need to be updated. Hard copy versions of the newsletter are
available to anyone who needs one, just let us know.
The meeting itself is important way for us to share information not to mention a lot more fun, but again, not everyone can always make the meeting and may still want to engage with us in our rides and other activities.
Our website ( is probably the central means for everyone to stay abreast of the latest information.
Articles from our newsletter are published in the “Chapter IL-Z2 News & Articles” section. You can search/view
these without the need to open the entire newsletter. Further, you can subscribe to these articles by following
three easy steps, shown below. Whenever an article is added or modified you will be sent an email notification.
You can always unsubscribe. Newsletters are available for download, links to helpful sites, our updated Ride/
Event Calendar and more.
STEP ! – Click on menu for Chapter IL-Z2 News and Articles
STEP 2 – Enter your email address (e.g.
Continued on Page 12
Page 11
STEP 3 – Confirm your email
August 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News
(Continued from Page 11)
STEP 4 – Receive Confirmation in your email
Another method is to use Facebook. Many people do not use or like Facebook but we have almost 35 members of the
GWRRA IL-Z2 Facebook group. This group is private and if you choose to join, Tony will approve your full participation.
You can then see posts and some active communication chats between members, questions being answered and some impromptu rides or other being established. I personally wasn’t a big Facebook fan until I saw how valuable this is. For example, at our recent dinner, due to some cancellations, Doug found we had some extra room. He put this on Facebook so any
last minute dinner goers or their guests would feel welcome – and it worked!
Another Facebook option is the new Facebook page (not the same as the group) that was recently created. This is more for
publishing information about our Chapter and what is going on so that we might be able to connect with non-members and
encourage new participation. This Facebook page is at, We have posting on different
topics and even will post events as reminders for currently scheduled activity.
If you should have any questions on how to sign up or use Facebook please just ask, as we have several members who are
very good using this application.
In all cases, we are trying our best to keep you informed about what is going on in your Chapter. If you should have any
questions or concerns, please let us know.
Jim Kopchok – Chapter Director
Page 12
August 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News
Wisconsin Adventure Riders
Hotel Hillsboro,
Hillsboro, Wisconsin
Check in; Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015
Check out; Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015
Room rates: Rate based on room selection
STD room: Fri & Sat $76.49 per night, Sun—Thurs $67.49 per night
Suite: Fri & Sat $80.99 per night, Sun—Thurs $71.99 per night
(prices do not include any applicable taxes or fees)
Reserved Name;
PHONE: 608-489-3000
Thanks to Doug Koglin for housing arrangements.
Volume 18 Issue 08
GWRRA National Web
Wing World
Region E Directors
Bruce Watkins
Assistant Region Directors
Bob & Nicki Fowkes
Lance & Diane Brozek
Lonnie & Diane Borseth
Page 13
Illinois District Directors
Mary Adams
Assistant District Directors
Steven & Diane Gottschalk- S IL
Jack & Hazel Burton - Western IL
Earl & Pat Hobbs - Chicagoland
Greg & Annette Shields - North IL
Tom & Pam Waller - E IL
District Educator/MAD
Dan & Linda Davis
Sponsorship Coordinator
Chet Stephens
Region E Educator
Jerry & Sue Allhands
District MFA Coordinators
Mike & Jan Buzick
Region E Medic First Aid
Mike & Jan Buzick
District Treasurers
Nikki Fowkes
Region E MED Coordinators
Brian & Tammy Anderson
District MED Coordinator
Position Open
Region E Treasurer
Glen & Carol White
Leadership Training Division
Steve & Sandy Schlager
Couple of the Year
Region E Leadership Trainers
Bill & Nancy James
Walter & Jean Potwora
Region E Vendor Coordinators
Mike & Jane Hultine
LTD Instructors
George & Ketra Wanamaker
Don & Cindy Janas
Dave & Sherre Leavans
Jim & Jean Stout
Ron & Cheryl Deckard
Mike & Jan Buzick
Steve & Sandy Schlager
Walter & Jean Potwora
Dan & Martha Ribbing
Kimberly Morgan
Ed Haggerty
Region E Public Relations Coord.
Walter & Jean Potwora
Dist. COY Coordinators
Steven & Diane Gottschalk
Region E Indie. of the Year
Belinda Schearf
District Couple of the Year
Jim & Helen Rusher
Region E Patch Shop
Wally & Jan Wallace
Region E Webmaster
Don & Cheri Walloch
Region E Newsletter Editor
Don & Cheri Walloch
District Individual of the Year
Ruth Skelton
District Patch Coordinator
Lori & Ron Heffelfinger
District Newsletter Editor
Dennis and Jean Bose
District Webmaster
Roy & Cheyrl Miller
Chapter IL-Z2
IL-Z2 monitors CB
Channel 2l
Chapter Directors:
Jim & Barb Kopchok
Asst Chapter Director:
Doug Koglin
Chris Shore
Chapter Educator:
Dennis Murphy
Danni Schwieger
Membership Enhancement:
Tony Sundt
Ride Coordinator:
Don Shore
Wednesday AB-Ride Coordinator:
John Meyers
Asst. Ride Coordinator:
Don Schwieger
Butch & Mary Thielenhouse
Special Events Coordinator
Bill Bijou
Earl & Pat Hobbs
Newsletter Editor:
John McHugh
Page 14
August 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News
Des Plaines
Support our Sponsors!
Tell them: ―I saw your message in the
Chicagoland Wings Newsletter!‖
Volume 18 Issue 08
Page 15