ueff ffiffi - DepEd Quezon City
ueff ffiffi - DepEd Quezon City
Republic of the Philippines Department of Educaticn National Capital Region DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS Nueva Ecija St. Bago Bantay, Quezon City ueff ffiffi June 30, 201 I To: Asst. Divisi Public E T'eac Nutrition t{edrh ls Division Superintendents t Supervisors /Secondary School Principals Charge rdinators Nutrition Section NUTRITION MONTH 2O1I 1. In view cr the 2011 Nutrition Month Celebration. the Health and Nutrition Section, this Division, n partnership with the Local Government of Quezon City, invites all schools tr: ohserve ition Month in their respective schools. All public elementary and secondary schools directed to conduct Nutrition lvlonth Activities such as On-the-Spot Poster Making test, Jingle and Rap Singing Contest, Slogan Contest, Sabayang Bigkas, A1 Contest, tri-Quiz Bee, Malunggay Cooking Contest, Lectures, Culminating Programs and N Parade. At the Di lsl0n luly 29, 11. 3. During shall c0n the best Nutri-fair will be held at the Quezon City Hall Risen Garden on Nutri-fair, a nutri-parade will be held at 8:00 am. Each Congressional District their representatives for the parade. This will involve 10 students from each district with their costumes. Prizes will be awarded for the group who has judged according to the following criteria: . Originality Creativity Environment Friendly Visual Impact 25% 25% 25% 25% After the parade p program will follow which will launch a feeding program sponsored by our Hon. Mayor Hertjrert C. Baustista. Recipients of this feeding progrcm are the selected severely wasted school children of Quezon City. 4. The foilo#ins contests shall be conducted Elementary: On-the-Spot Poster Making Contest Jingle artd Rap Singing Contest Malunggay Cooking Contest Al Contest Secondary: On-the-Spot Poster Making Contest Sabayang Bigkas Con{est 5. The following are the guidelines of the above-mentioned contests: On-the-Spot Poster M-akine Contest: o Qualified Participants are pupils from grades V and VI . Ali Congressional Districts shali conduct an On-the-Spot Poster Making at the District Level. The Winner at the District Level shall represent the CD at the Division Level on July 29,2A11 at 9:00 to 1 1:30 a.m. Names of entries must be endorsed at the the Health and Nutrition Section on or before July 22,2011. official entry must indicate the complete name of the contestant, school, gradelyear level and section and name of the trainer or coach. Participants shall use Y+ size illustration board and craypas or oil pastels and pencil as the only medium allowed for the drawing. No pentel pen allowed. Only the illustration board will be provided by the Local School Board. All posters w-ill be coded foriudging. Criteria forjudging will be as follows: Symbolism Visual Impact Originality - Total o r . . 4A% 3s% 25% taa% Posters which attained the highest percentage rating will be proclaimed winner. There shall be one (1) winner and two (2) placers. Winners shall receive medals and certificates of award. Participants and coaches shall be given certificates of participation each. All posters will become the property of the Health and Nutrition Section. Decision of the Board of Judges is considered final and irrevocable. MamaSita's Recipe Writing/ Cookinq Contest: o o The contest is open to all Grades V and VI pupils. Recipes must make use of Malunggay and any product of Mama Sita's Mixes and Sauces o Each participating school must compete on the congressional district level. Winners per congressional district will automatically enter the Division level ( total of5 districts are required tojoin). o All recipes per school (winning and non-winning) mr,rst be submified to the Health and Nutrition Section for compilation by Mama Sita's on or before July 15. The school with the most number of recipes submitted (recipes must be using Mama Sita's products) will receive special Prize from Mama Sita's r Winners must submit their entries {names and copies of the recipes) to the Health and Nutrition Section) on or before July 22,2A11. o Official entries must indicate the complete name of the contestants,.the school, grade/year level and section and name of the trainer or coach. All submitted recipes will automatically become Mama Sita's property, and may be used for whatever purposes it may serve them. The representatives shail compete in the Cooking contest Division Level on July 29,2A1I at (9:00 to I 1 :00 a.rn.). The participants shall be composed of not more than 3 members. Participants rnust bring their own ingredients, utensils for cooking and extension wires. Mama Sita's shall provide the Mama Sita's products to be used- cooking potsl pans and electric stoves. Each group shall be given not more than two (2) hours tbr preparation, cooking and presentation. Food prepared, cooked and presented shall be coded for judging. Criteria will be as follows: o I r o o r o o o o o Originality Palatability Presentation Nutrltional Value. Estirnated Value Cost a T$e judges 3A% t5% 20% 5% 100% Total o 30% will be coming from Mama Sita's. Tlie group who attained the highest average rating shall be proclaimed winners. Recognition, plus Gift pack from Mama Sita's 1" Prize- P4,000.00,r, Certificate of Recc 2"f Prize-P3,000.00, Certificate of Recognition, plus Gift pack from Mama Sita's 3'9 Prize- P2,000.00, Certificate of Recognition, plus Gift pack from Mama Sita's QONSOLATION PRIZES- P500.00 each and gift pack from Mama Sita's I a Wlinners shall be announced at the end of the activity. Dgcision of the Board of Judges shall be final and irrevocable. The contest is open to all Grades V and VI pupils Congressional Districts shall conduct a Jingle and Rap Singing Contest at the District Level Names of Congressional District winners rnust be endorsed to the Health and Nutrition Section. On or before luly 22,2A1t. Official entry must indicate the complete nrlme of the contestant, school, grade/year level and section and the narne of trainer or coach. The representatives shall compete in the Jingle and Rap Singing Contest Division Level on July 29,2011 at l:00 - 4:00 p.m. The participants shall be composed of not more than eight (S) members. Participants must bring their own accompaniment or props for the presentation. Each group shall be given not more than five (5) minutes for the presentation. All presentations shall be coded for judging. Criteria for judging shall be as All 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. follows: Originality Lyrics Melody Choreography l0o/o Audience 5o/o Impact Costume Total 9. 45% 35% 5% 140% The group who attained the highest average rating shall be proclaimed winners. Winners shall be announced at the end of the activity. Decision of the Board of Judges is considered final and irrevocable. o o a a a Afl Congressional Districts shall conduct an Al Contest at the District Level. Tt[e Winner at the District Level shall represent the CD at the Division Level at g'bo to l1:oo a.m. Nlrmes of entries must be endorsed to the Health and Nutrition Section on or bdfore July 2011. Official entry must indicate the complete name of the cdntestant, school, gradelyear level and section and the rutme of trainer or coach. The representatives shall compete in the Al Contest at the Division Level' Ail contestants shall be judged according to: Physical Appearance lSVo Nutritional Status 20% Heighr 10% Weight 10% Ability Dental 25% Mental Immunization Total 20o/o 20% 100% . Ttle contestant who attained the highest average rating shall be proclaimed r . wlnner. Winners shall be announced at the end of the activity. Ddcision of the Board of Judges is considered final and irrevocable. Sabayang Bigkas a t a a ra a The contest is open to all Third Year and Fourth Year Student shall conduct a Sabayang Bigkas at the District Level Names of Congressional District winners must be endorsed to the Health and Nutrition Section on or before July 22,2011. Official entry must indicate the complete name of the contestants, school, year level and seltion and the rurme of trainer or coach. The representatives shall compete in the Sabayang Bigkas Division Level on Iuly 29,201 I at l:00 to 4:00 p.m.. The participants shall be composed of not more than eight (8) members. All Congressional Districts Participants must bring their own accompaniment or props for the presentation. Each group shall be given not more than five (5) minutes for the presentation. All presentations shall be coded for judging. Criteria for judging shall be as follows: Originality Lyrics Melody 45% 3s% Choreography Audience Impact Costume sYo Total 100% lAa/o 5% The group who attained the highest average rating shall be proclaimed a a winners. Winners shail be announced at the end of the activity. Decision of the Board of Judges is considered final and irrevocable. 6. A report rggarding the activities done at the school level shall be submitted to the Health Nutrition $ection at the end of the month. ?. For further information regarding other activities, please contact Mrs. Magdalena Aganon, \urse In-Charge, Health and Nutrition Section at 352-77'47. 8. For informption and guidance of the field. 9. Immediate and wide dissemination of this memorandum is highly {esired. CORAZON C. RUBIO, CESO VI Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Officer-In-Charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent