press kit 11 september 2013
press kit 11 september 2013
PRESS KIT 11 SEPTEMBER 2013 — 1 — PRESS KIT PARIS DESIGN WEEK 2013 // 9-15 september PARIS DESIGN WEEK GATHERS ITS ENERGIES Time flies! Held once a year, PARIS DESIGN WEEK is already in its third edition as a highprofile event. This coming Fall, when the city announces its latest new releases, when trendmakers flock to the trade shows and the general public shares the European Heritage Days (on 14 and 15 September), the design world gather its energies. Creative energies are countless thanks to institutions and schools, celebrities and pioneers, young entrepreneurs and the interest of a growing number of fans; design does well in France. The new edition of PARIS DESIGN WEEK proves the vitality of the design sector by promoting ultra-dynamic avant-garde designers. Presented on now ! le Off with the support of Rado, Orange and Citroën, it reveals new talents and shows its desire to make a difference. This ambition is passed on by the birth of the Fédération Française de Design at the Carrousel du Louvre, and by the wealth of partnering events, such as Révélations at the Grand Palais, the window displays dedicated to design at Lafayette Maison or even the Lost In Paris exhibition at Le Lieu du Design. These special events highlight the link between design and arts and crafts, decoration and fashion. PARIS DESIGN WEEK reminds us that design impacts everything and everyone and that in Paris, more than anywhere else, it takes on the colours of the art of living. In the city and its inner suburbs, 236 participants in 150 venues open their doors to illustrate this impact. Institutions, studios, workshops, galleries, stores, markets, hotels and restaurants outline seven creativity journeys that show the involvement of design in our daily life. PARIS DESIGN WEEK gives new impetus to the city in the race to become a world’s creative capital city and is a good opportunity for the city to show its boldness and talents. — 2 — # WHAT’S NEW 2013 # Theme : ÉNERGIES # Nights # Meetings # An extended Circuit 4 # EXHIBITIONS 6 # now ! le Off, Forefront at the Docks, Cité de la mode et du design Rado Star Prize Carré Orange Klubben-On Time. 17 new objects of Norway Pecha Kucha – Nordic Countries + France And also : workshop Haviland – Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Citroën, Caddie, Technoparade 2013, Hotel W, M1… # Le Carrousel du Louvre, Carrousel du design Fédération Française du Design – Carrousel du Louvre # CIRCUITS # Design iun France # Art & Design # Food & Design # Design & Architecture # Iconic Design # Digital Design # Design & Mobility 12 # PARTICIPANTS IN PICTURES 13 # PARTNER EVENTS # Révélations # Lost in Paris – Le Lieu du Design # Galeries Lafayette 20 # GOODIES 22 # PARTNERS # Official partners # now ! le Off partners # Partners 23 # PRACTICAL INFORMATION 24 — 3 — # WHAT’S NEW 2013 For its third edition, PARIS DESIGN WEEK enhances its content and unfolds the theme of ENERGIES. The journey takes on a new dimension by opening to new venues. It fosters unexpected and privileged encounters with key designers and instils a festive atmosphere in the various Paris design district evenings. # Theme: ENERGIES The underlying theme of influences of the season, identified by the Observatoire de MAISON&OBJET, “ENERGIES” sets the tone of the new PARIS DESIGN WEEK edition. It is a unifying subject that promotes the cross-sectoral spirit of the trade show to share it better with the general public. # Nights Each day features a district of choice and each night a magnet event. With PARIS DESIGN WEEK, Paris regains for a week its status of City of Light. As days pass, the spirit of celebration will move from one design district to another, to rediscover the installations of the different participants in a relaxed atmosphere.. Event : Monday Rive Gauche / Saint –Germain Tuesday République / Bastille / Chatelet Wednesday Etoile / Champs Elysées / Concorde Thursday Docks, Cité de la mode et du design Friday Saint-Ouen flea market # Meetings PARIS DESIGN WEEK has always been a place to meet design players and discover what is behind the scenes. To enhance this experience, the journey originally introduces micro-conferences, screenings, privileged tours of exhibitions, workshops or projects. The programme includes Jean-Massaud at Poltrona Frau on monday ; Maurizio Galante at le Lieu du Design and a conference site tours of Carreau du Temple joined by the architect of its renovation JeanFrançois Milou in tuesday ; a screening in the movie theatre of Royal Monceau Raffles Paris with a talk between Ora Ito and Xavier Veilhan on wednesday ; the presence of Odile Decq at the flea market Paul Bert Serpette ; as well as private tours of La Maison Rouge and Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard exhibitions. This rich journey still under development will offer rare and privileged discovery opportunities to all design lovers. Programme available on — 4 — # An Extended Circuit The journey takes on a new dimension to illustrate with more depth the complexity between design and art of living. 1PULSIF DESIGN 10SURDIX A ADRIEN DE MELO AGATHE ROUY-COPIIER AGENCE LOREN MANQUILLET AGENCE MOATTI-RIVIERE ALAIN MARZAT ALAPE (GROUPE DORNBRACHT) EN PARTENRIAT AVEC B’BATH ALEXANDRE GOULT AMBASSADE DE NORVEGE APPLE STORE CARROUSEL DU LOUVRE APPLE STORE OPERA ARCHIBALD PEARSON ARTABAN ARTEUM ARTY DANDY ATELIER BAM ATELIER – MEIKE HARDE ATELIER A QUATRE ATELIER DES ARTS CULINAIRES ATELIER PIERRE BONNEFILLE B B’BATH B-WINE BARN IN THE CITY BEATRIX LI-CHIN LOOS / CHUT ! COLLECTION BELLILA BENJAMIN ROUSSE BERNARDAUD BIRGIT SEVERIN BOFFI BAINS BOFFI CUISINES BONAGURO GIORGIO BORDEAUXTHEQUE DES GALERIES LAFAYETTE BRIN DE FANTAISIE EMMANUEL RENOULT ESPACE CULTURE LOUIS VUITTON ESPACE MODEM C CARCAGNO CADDIE CALLIGARIS FLAGSHIP STORE CAPPELLINI CARRE ORANGE CARROUSEL DU LOUVRE CASSINA CÉLIA PERSOUYRE CHIVAS - PININFARINA CINNA CITROEN - C42 CLEMENT BRAZILLE COCOTTE POWER COLETTE COMPAGNIE FRANCAISE DE L’ORIENT ET DE LA CHINE (CFOC) CORALIE BEAUCHAMP F FABIEN BARRERO+ CARSENAT FABRICA FEDERATION FRANCAISE DU DESIGN FLORENT DEGOURC FLORIAN BAUDENON & GUILHEM FAGET FONDATION CARTIER FONDATION D’ENTREPRISE RICARD FOOD IN TOUCH FRED&FRED FRITZ HANSEN FURY DESIGN D D SIGNED BY DEJA VU DEPOSITEOA DESIGNER BOX DESNOYERS AMELIA DIRTY ART DEPARTMENT DOMINIQUE MOUNIER DU BOUT DU MONDE E ECOLE BOULLE ECOLE DUPERRE PARIS EDIFICE EDITION LIMITEE PARIS GALERIE ELIF ÖZ ELITIS ELSA RANDE G GALERIE BSL GALERIE COLLECTION GALERIE CATHERINE HOUARD GALERIE ELSA VANIER GALERIE JULMAN - JULIEN SEGARD GALERIE JOSEPH GALERIE MAEGHT GALERIE MARTEL GREINER GALERIE PIERRE MAHAUX GALERIE SPREE GALERIE SUPERMODERN JEAN-BAPTISTE BOUVIER GALERIE TIGERS BABY GALLERY S.BENSIMON GAMMES & FORTUNE GASPARD GRAULICH GIORGIO BONAGURO GOIKO — 5 — GRANVILLE GALLERY GUNAY MAHMUDOVA GUILHEM FAGET & STEPHANE BINET GWENAELLE FOLLEZOU H HAVILAND-ENSAD HOTEL BRISTOL HOTEL DE NELL HOTEL O HOUR PASSION HUTZEMAKERS OLIVIER I ICH&KAR AU DERRIERE INSTITUT DU MONDE ARABE INSTITUT NEERLANDAIS INTERIEURS CUIR ACTE 3 IOTA ELEMENT J JAPAN STYLE & DESIGN NOW J.C.KARICH JCD DELEPINE PARIS JEAN-CHARLES RIBES JEAN-BAPTISTE BOUVIER JEAN NOUVEL DESIGN JORAN BRIAND - TRUSTINDESIGN JUAN FERNANDO HIDALGO CORDERO JULES LEVASSEUR JULIEN REGNIER JULIEN SEGARD K KARINE SZANTO KLUBBEN-ON TIME KONGJU NATIONAL UNIVERSITY MAISON DE L’ARCHITECTURE MAISON JAUNE MAISON ROUGE / ROSE L BACKERY L’ATELIER MAÏZA L’ECLAIREUR MARAZZI FRANCE L’IMPRIMERIE GALLERY MARCEL BY L’OASIS D’ABOUKIR PAR MARCHE PAUL BERT PATRICK BLANC SERPETTE L’OCCITANE EN PROVENCE MELANIE BUATOIS LA BOITE CONCEPT MELANIE HUSSON LA BOUTIQUE DU CENTRE MERCI POMPIDOU MIKAEL NAJJAR LA CHANCE MOISSONNIER 1885 LA GALERIE DU ROYAL MOEKO MONCEAU MOOSHINER LA MAISON DU CHOCOLAT LA MANUFACTURE DESIGN N LADUREE NEO LAETITIA MANFREDI NONAGE DESIGN LAFAYETTE MAISON LALIQUE O LANCEL OLIVIER HUTZEMAKERS LE 7 PAUL BERT ORA ITO LE BAR DU ROYAL OREE MONCEAU LE LIEU DU DESIGN P LE ROYAL MONCEAU PADE DESIGN LENOTRE A LA SCHOOL PARK HYATT PARIS GALLERY - VENDÔME LES CADETS PARSONS THE NEW LES DOCKS CITE DE LA SCHOOL MODE ET DU PAUL VENAILLE PAVILLON ÉLYSÉE LENÔTRE DESIGN PAWEL GROBELNY LES MINERAUX PECHA KUCHA LIGNE ROSET PERIGOT LISA LEJEUNE LITTLE ROBERT AU PHILIPPE DRUZ & JULIE DERRIERE FORTUNE PIERRE FURNEMONT M DESIGN STUDIO MAGASIN M1 PIERRE MAHAUX M1 PRESENTE JACUZZI POLTRONA FRAU M1 PRESENTE JAPAN BEST POLITE MALONGO PORTOBELLO KUSMI TEA – KOUSMICHOFF CAFÉ PORTUONDO & FLORIAN BAUDENON PULSE & PULPE PUBLICIS DRUGSTORE PYLONES Q QUATORZELECUYER R RADO RESET REVELATIONS RICK OWENS WITH CARPENTERS WORKSHOP GALLERY RODRIGO VAIRINHOS ROZALI’ART-DESIGN ROZALIA REMY RUE MONSIEUR PARIS S SALVATORE FABIO LOMBARDO SARTEUR ARNAUD SENTOU COURCELLES SILVERA KLEBER SHANGRI - LA HOTEL PARIS SHOKU - E SOLY SONIA VERGUET STADELMANN PIERRE STEPEVI STRUCTURES SWATCH STORE T TALENTS OPERA TAMIM DAOUDI DESIGN TD-ART-ET-CONCEPT THE CORAN SHOP THIERRY MICHEL ROSSET THOMAS MERLIN STUDIO THOMAS TARDIF / FREDERIC OZIER — 6 — TIGER’BABIES GALLERY U UGLJESA VRCELJ V VIOLAIN D’HARCOURT VOLEVATCH W W PARIS - OPERA WA 2 BE Z ZAKARIA KHALFAOUI ZARKO BUBALO ... PARIS DESIGN WEEK # EXHIBITIONS The free exhibitions opened during PARIS DESIGN WEEK give room for discovery and rendezvous. The invisible focus of this year’s edition is placed on the Energies of the new French and Norwegian design. now ! le Off : Forefront at the Docks, Cité de la mode et du design 34, quai d’Austerlitz, 75013 Paris PARIS DESIGN WEEK chooses the Docks, Cité de la Mode et du Design as a flagship for the third consecutive year. In line with now ! le Off, the new generation of design is put in the spotlight. Free entry. Open from 9 to 15 September. Every day from 11:OO pm to 7:00 am Sunday 15th from 11:00 pm to 6:OO am Official night – Rado Star Prize Ceremony on Thursday 12 September.. a. now ! le Off – Rado Star Prize now ! le Off is an incubator of emerging talents. This year, after the success of the 2012 Edition that welcomed 15,000 visitors, Rado, partner of PARIS DESIGN WEEK, rewards young designers introduced on now ! le Off with the Rado Star Prize. Discover more than 50 projects; sometimes experimental objects, royalty-free prototypes or self-produced products that you can already afford. Showcased over 3000m2 by Philippe Boisselier, they are introduced to the general public, often for the very first time. The first seleections : 1Pulsif Design, Adrien de Melo, Atelier Meike Harde, Atelier à Quatre, Bellila, Benjamin Rousse, Birgit Serverin, Bonaguro Giorgio, Célia Persouyre, Clément Brazille, D Signed By, Dominique Mounier, Elif Öz, Elsa Randé, Entreautre, Fabien Barrero + Carsenat, Fury Design, Gaspard Graulich, Gunay Mahmudova, Gwenaëlle Follezou, Jeanch Christophe Karich, Lisa Lejeune, Nonage Design, Pade design, Paul Venaille, Pierre Furnemont Design studio, Reset, Rodrigo Vairinhos, Sonia Verguet, Stadelmann Pierre, Tamim Daoudi Design, Thierry Michel Rosset, Trust in Design, Alain Marzat. Rado Star Prize The Swiss watch label Rado, partner of PARIS DESIGN WEEK, rewards young designers presented on now ! le Off with the Rado Star Prize. The Jury Prize and Audience Award will be awarded to the winners in the great now ! le Off night on Thursday 12 September.. — 7 — The first selections 7 1 4 8 2 5 3 9 6 Legendes : 1. Adrien de Melo – 2. Benjamin Rousse – 3.Elsa Randé – 4.Alain Marzat – 5. Celia Persouyre - 6. Fabien Barrero - 7.Atelier à Quatre – 8.Fury Design - 9.Florent Degourc — 8 — 7 1 4 8 2 5 9 3 6 Legendes : 1. 1PulsifDesign – 2.Reset – 3.Tamim Daoudi – 4. Gwenaëlle Follezou – 5.Pierre Stadelmann – 6. Nonage – 7.Jean-christophe Karich – 8.Paul Venaille 9.Sonia Verguet — 9 — b. Carré Orange – A support operation aimed at the young generation of design entrepreneurs The Carré Orange operation puts the new producers of French design in the spotlight by bringing young and motivated entrepreneurs to the forefront with their wealth of creative SMEs. Orange, a leading mobile operator, is determined to remain at the cutting edge of innovation and develop products and services in line with its customer expectations. To achieve this objective, Orange relies on an international team of in-house designers, who work every day to improve connectivity tools. The first selections Orange closely collaborates with the young generation of designers and has established for three years now 4-month educational courses with international schools of design. The courses directly involve Design and Marketing project leaders from Orange. This year, during PARIS DESIGN WEEK, Orange takes an extra step by encouraging entrepreneurial initiatives. Deeply involved in this creative movement, Orange will help young designers and producers by offering them a platform of visibility that introduces them to established design professionals and their future audience. An exhibition will showcase ten design production companies emphasizing their entrepreneurial and adventurous spirit. A selection made by the Design & User Experience Management and the Strategy and Anticipation Marketing Management, presented as part of now ! le Off will be held from 9 to 15 September. This exhibition will be later shown in five regional capitals as part of the Design Tour event. For further information, visit / design section. . 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 legendes : 1.DesignerBox / Vincent Pointas - 2.Designerbox - 3.Lamp S7 / Structures - 4.Strucutres - 5.Pack Table Borgheses / La Chance - 6.La Chance - 7.Illuminate Lamp / Fred&Fred - 8.Fred&Fred — 10 — c. Klubben-On time – 17 New Objects of Norway Klubben, founded in 2011, is an initiative intended for Norwegian designers who recently embarked on the profession. Today, the association brings together 25 talented members with different experiences in furniture and object design. Klubben is proud to present On Time, an exhibition on time, situations and objects. 19 designers. 17 moments. 17 objects. Each designer was given a moment and a specific time, which he or she had to interpret by designing an object. These moments of the day or night punctuate 24 hours. The 17 original objects showcased in the exhibition were born from these suggestions. The exhibition is supported by the Embassy of Norway in Paris.. . 1 2 3 4 PECHA KUCHA Nordic countries + France: 12 designers present the best of their creativity in 6’40’’ Thursday 12/09/2013 from 6.30pm to 8pm Reception at the Bar Nordique from 6pm As a prelude to the great inauguration night of PARIS DESIGN WEEK A friendly design battle is organised for the first time by Pecha Kucha Paris in collaboration with Pecha Kucha Oslo and the support of the Finnish Institute, Swedish Institute, House of Denmark and the Embassies of Norway and Iceland. Free registration compulsory on the website: legendes : 1.norwegian oil , Martin Solem - 2.Peddingbowl, Runa Clock - 3.Kristin finve melvaer multi - 4.Marbled cups, Gunsler Polmar — 11 — And also… Workshop Haviland – École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratif : Sixteen 3rd-year students of the “Design Objet” section present objects produced by Haviland Manufacturing. L’école Boulle will present at the Docks, Cité de la mode et du design an exhibition realizad with the support of the town of Paris and Nixon. On the occasion of PARIS DESIGN WEEK 2013, Caddie is launching a contest for European students and young European designers to invent a new range of furniture inspired by two iconic pieces of the brand: the Scottish trolley and a chair from the 1970s. The Fédération Française de la Tannerie Mégisserie (FFTM / French Tanners and Dressers Association) presents the results of the INTÉRIEURS CUIR Act 3 Contest. Sixteen projects were produced by students from the Schools Camondo, ENSCI, ESAD, ESADS, ESDASE, École de Design-Nantes Atlantique and ENSAAMA-Olivier de Serres, on the theme “Cuir Décontexté” (“Leather Use beyond Usual Contexts”). From the 167th October to the 18 th November, the exhibition INTEIRUER CUIR Acte 3 will be present in Bordeaux, Nantes, Lyon, Montpllier and Marseille at the occasion of the event Design Tour. Citroën is preparing an event detailed on now ! le Off. Hôtel W and Design Miami/ Basel will present the winners of W Hotels Designers of the Future Award 2013. TechnoParade 2013 will present the winner group of his call for projects aimed at young designers in January 2013. M1, the design store of the Docks, Cité de la Mode et du Design, showcases the latest innovations of Jacuzzi and pays tribute to Japanese design two years after the event “Dessine-moi le Japon” (“Draw me Japan”), with the launching of the Japan Best pop-up store, which presents the best objects of Japanese design. — 12 — Le Carrousel du Louvre, Carrousel du Design 99 rue de Rivoli – 75001 Paris For the second consecutive year, the Carrousel du Louvre is pivotal to PARIS DESIGN WEEK. Its stores get together and the first exhibition of the Fédération Française du Design is inaugurated in the identity space of the inverted pyramid. This initiative is supported by the Carrousel du Louvre that lends its splendid setting to the avant-garde. It is a flagship gathering of the next PARIS DESIGN WEEK with Arteum, Arty Dandy, Brin de Fantaisie, Lalique, Lancel, L’Atelier, L’Occitane en Provence, Les Mineraux, P2rigot, Pylones, Swatch Store... . Fédération Française du Design Following the remarks of Arnaud Montebourg, Minister for Industrial Recovery, who defended the creativity of a «French Design Team» during the previous PARIS DESIGN WEEK, the Fédération Française du Design will present a collective exhibition under the inverted pyramid of the Carrousel du Louvre. The theme : 2 teams of 10 designers compete on the topic : «Noir & Bois / Bois & Blanc» («Black & Wood / Wood & White»). The coach : Piergil Fourquie The white team captain : Pierre Dubourg Thhe black team captain: Elise Fauveau 1 2 3 4 legendes : 1.Aura Jacopo Ferrari - 2.Caba Elise Fauveau - 3.Utile Pierre Dubourg - 4. Miroirs les Reflets Piergil Fourquie — 13 — Le Marché Paul Bert Serpette 110 rue des Rosiers 93400 Saint-Ouen «Carte Noire à Odile Decq». Personal Exhibition pf the architect and design Odile Decq, Designer of the Year MAISON&OBJET 2013, at the «Galerie des Puces», from 9th to 14th september. «Parcours PARIS DESIGN WEEK». 22 antique dealers of the market Paul Bert Serpette participate to this celebration of the parisian design from 9th to 15th september. «Fete du marché Paul Bert Serpette».400 antique dealers of the market Paul Bert Serpette associate to the opening night of the Odile Decq’ exhibition and to PARIS DESIGN WEEK to celebrate their annual festival Friday, September 13. — 14 — DESIGN WEEK # CIRCUIT S Throughout the city, the design venues are like the discipline: multiple. To find your way, PARIS DESIGN WEEK created journey highlighting the strong trends in the 150 venues (institutions, galleries, stores, strudios, workshops, hotels and restaurants...) participating in the event. All designs in seven journey! o Art & Design : Discover signed objects, short productions, unique and historical pieces in galleries and museum shops. o Food & Design : Explore new places of gourmet innovation and be surprised by culinary creativity. o Design & Architecture : With the preview tour of the new Carreau du Temple, this itinerary invites you to discover architect design or design architectures. o Design in France : Meet and interact with designers, producers and manufacturers of French design. o Digital Design : An journey dedicated to the geek attitude that celebrates the marriage of style with high technology. o Iconic Design : The latest new releases and the most beautiful models from specialised producers and manufacturers. o Design & Mobility : At the heart of urban and environmental issues, mobility is an area of research for design and the subject of a fascinating journey. — 15 — PARIS DESIGN WEEK # PARTICIPANTS IN PICTURES Participating Schools École Boulle At the invitation of the PAris 3rd district City Hall, the Ecole Boulle and the Artydesigner network presents the exhibition «Sublimations» honouring the talents of the Jewellery Division of the School in the City Hall of the 3rd district. École Duperré The graduates of Fashion Design Bachelor’s degree will present their new collections of Fashion, Textiles, Accessories, Image and Environment. For the event, tje Ecole Duperré is turned into a large stand where young recent graduates design their collection around a range of clothes, objetcs, prospectives and fashion images. Paris College of Art The students of the Communication Design, Illustration, Fashion Design, Fine Arts, Photography, Art History, Art Theory and Criticism and Creative Industries Management sections, will present their end-of-year projects in their new premises. Open to the public Sandeberg Institute Amsterdam “Le Dirty Art Project”, the Design department of the specialised and prestigious school, is overseen by Catherine Geel and Jerszy Seymour. With the curator Earlwyn Covington, the “dirty artists” offer unexpected performances throughout the Parisian journey, particularly during cocktail parties and nights.. — 16 — The circuit is on: Ambassade de Norvège The five Nordic countries - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden - meet for a cultural season in Paris is around three areas: design, polar and jazz. A Pecha Kucha comparing Nordic and French designers, organized by Pecha Kucha Paris and Pecha Kucha Oslo at the Docks-en-Seine will be the first event of this program. The Norwegian Embassy support the exhibition Klubben-On Time by presenting 17 unreleased objects Norwegian designers. 34 Quai d’Austerlitz 75013 Paris Ateliers d’art de France Under the umbrella of the Ateliers d’Art de France, Galerie Collection, L’Atelier and the Talents showrooms of Ateliers d’Art de France gather together for PARIS DESIGN WEEK. L’Atelier associated with AFEDAP presents the “Un bijou pour un autre” (“A Jewel for Another”) exhibition with lectures and meetings. Galerie Collection unveils the “Mer dans un verre – Vacances sur fond de crise” (“The Sea in a Glass – Crisis-tinged Vacation”) exhibition, which responds with art, humour and relevance to the crisis. Lastly, the Talents showrooms offer a selection of unique pieces and limited series that are distinctly contemporary. Galerie collection 4 rue de thorigny 75003 Paris L’atelier 55 avenue daumesnil 75012 Paris Talents Opéra 1bis rue scrib 75009 Paris Talents Étoile, 26 av. Niel 75017 Paris Atelier Pierre Bonnefille During PARIS DESIGN WEEK Atelier Pierre Bonnefille showcases its new designs inspired by rare colours, soil, rocks and moss. 5, Rue breguet 75011 Paris B’Bath B’BATH reveals the latest innovations of his partners. 108 bis, rue du Cherche Midi 75006 Paris Barn in the city Barn in the City presents inside the place Volevatch unique creations in wood, canadian recycled barns. Combining vintage and modern material this unique approach revolutionizes the bath with amazing new solutions. — 17 — Chivas Chivas Regal, currently using the famous designer Pininfarina to create unique pieces of design: Chivas 18 by Pininfarina. Called «The Drop», these limited editions, resolutely air design, inspired both air and liquid. This unique collaboration between Pininfarina and Chivas thus echoes the common values shared by the two houses: An iconic history, a strong heritage, thus q ancestral knowledge. Cinna During PARIS DESIGN WEEK 2013, Cinna invites you to discover “Cinna et les jeunes créateurs” (“Cinna and the Young Designers”) in its store on boulevard Sébastopol, : an original point of view on several of its most representative pieces from its collaboration with young designers that were revealed by the Concours Révélateur de Talent (Newcomer Talent Competition) and the Instinct of Michel Roset. 91 boulevard Sebastopol 75002 Paris Colette Ora-Ito presents Ora-Ito Mobility, a line of high-tech mobile accessories under its own label. Available to preview during PARIS DESIGN WEEK. 213, rue Saint Honoré 75001 Paris Élitis In its Paris showroom “PARADE”, Élitis reveals a wallpaper suite with baroque influence. Against a pearl glass background, this collection enhances lush patterns and decors. The baroque style becomes part of the space and delivers exuberantly its rich brocades, splendid floral decorations, gold and silver tracery, revealing its excessiveness in a refined setting. 35 rue de Bellechasse 75007 Paris Espace Modem ESE, Édition Sous Étiquette et Jean-Sébastien Poncet engage in exercie restitution and transmission on the draft outdoor and indoor furniture Animali Domesticki. The dialogue editor, designer and user around a bestiary, avec Jean-Sébastien Poncet, Valérie Gonot, François Mangeol, Earlwyn Couington et Cendrine de Susbielle. Fondation d’entreprise Ricard Fondation d’entreprise Ricard presents La vie matérielle-15ème Prix (Material Life-15th — 18 — Prize) Fondation d’entreprise Ricard. Imagined as a kind of living mechanism, the exhibition presents the work of 15 contemporary artists curated by Yann Chateigné. Fritz Hansen at Silvera With Danish furniture design company Fritz Hansen, Silvera converts its first exhibit space at the heart of the showroom on avenue Kléber. Highlight of this unique mono-brand space: the Ro armchair designed by Jaime Hayon will be presented for the first time in Paris. 58 Avenue Kleber 75116 Paris Galerie Maeght Galerie Maeght honors the Italian design and presents the first exhibition devoted to the French art GoriLab publisher objects. Alessandro Mendini, Massimilano and Doriana Fuksas, Sandro Chia and Mimmo Paladino, artists, architects and designers of the essential contemporary Italian scene, signed 14 pieces presented on this occasion 42, rue du bac 75007 Paris Galerie Spree FAST photographic magazine, by BORN TO RUN, is collaborating with DOOLITTLE magazine on a new exhibition. Travel back to chilhood with Achim Lippoth, who portrays a wistful fantasy world focusing on a child and his cuddly toy. 11 ruee Lavieuville 75018 Paris Ich&Kar au Derrière Ich&Kar, a key figure of contemporary graphics, creates a prolific and sparkling universe for the Little Robert pop-up store at the restaurant “Derrière”, the apartment of family cuisine hidden behind the restaurant 404 and cocktail bar Andy Walhoo. JCD - Delepine Paris During PARIS DESIGN WEEK, THG, the manufacturer of top-of-the-range bathroom fittings and accessories, presents the “O” and “Malmaison” collections. “O” is born from the collaboration of expertise of the Maison Christofle, Studio Putman and the Master of stylish bathroom fittings, THG. “Malmaison” is the Empire collection by Christofle, easily identified by its lotus and palm — 19 — leaves, typical of the Empire style. Kusmi Tea et le Café Kusmischoff During PARIS DESIGN WEEK, Kusmi Tea and Le Café Kusmischoff invite you to share exhibitions, Franco-Russian tastings and meetings at the heart of its new flagship on the Champs-Elysées. Ladurée Ladurée imagine on the theme of a new orange dessert the «Magnificent,» a sculptural creation both surprising and delightful. A chocolate orange sphere in his heart filled with pieces of crunchy biscuits mixed with whipped cream flavored with orange toffee and caramel with orange supreme. La boutique du Centre Pompidou-Paris The Centre Pompidou-Paris store presents objects from designers of the “Nouvelle Vague” (“New Wave”), by the eponymous exhibition of Cédric Morisset. Place Georges Pompidou 75004 Paris La Galerie Joseph La Galerie Joseph, a place of discovery and contemporary creativity, brings around twenty exhibitors together, among whom the award winners of the VERALLIA contest. Also on display, furniture from GALLIX and PULSE & PULSE. It is undoubtedly a strong venue of the République / Bastille / Chatelet district. 7 rue Froissart 75003 Paris La Galerie BSL Wood, rare hard stones, copper and its alloys (brass, bronze). During PARIS DESIGN WEEK, the Galerie BSL displays works that reinterpret three symbolic materials of the world of decorative arts, in a contemporary style where art and design mingle. On display are designs by Nacho Carbonell, Taher Chemirik, Faye Toogood and Ayala Serfaty. 23 rue Charlot 75003 Paris — 20 — La Maison du Chocolat For the release of the first issue of MOST, La Maison du Chocolat presents an all chocolate Géométrie Gourmande (Sweet Geometry), invented by chef Nicolas Cloiseau, Meilleur Ouvrier de France Chocolatier (Best Worker of France - Chocolate MAker). This chocolate masterpiece is put in perspective next to a series of images by Jean-François Aloïsi, in the store on rue François 1er. 52, rue François 1er 75008 Paris. Le Carrousel du Louvre With the exhibition of the Fédération Française du Design, Carrousel du Louvre strores are celebrating design. Meet Arteum, Arty Dandy, Brin de Fantaisie, Lalique, Lancel, L’Atelier, L’Occitane en Provence, Les Minéraux, P2rigot, Pylones, Swatch Store... 99 rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris . Arteum Arteum pays a tribute to Danish design through its contemporary production and the products that have been inspired. Next to the objects is a photographic exhibition on Danish design and architecture. . Arty Dandy During PARIS DESIGN WEEK, Arty Dandy works the theme “Matières à Vivre” (“Materials to Live With”): porcelain with Bernardaud, wood with the Waiting For the Sun sunglasses and recycled canvas sheet with Freitag bags. . Lancel In September 2013, Lancel will unveil its new bowling bag from the iconic line L by Lancel, a distinct symbol of Parisian style. During PARIS DESIGN WEEK, Lancel will have thje pleasure to announce the key steps in the design of this model, from design to production, therefore showing their expertise. The bowling bag will be showcased in its smooth leather and exotic leather version. Lancel will also offer an exclusive customisation service, giving you the opportunity to personalise any leather goods item by a gilder, all tehniques requiring attention to detail and precision, the ver essence of Haute Maroquinerie* (luxurious leather goods). *Offer available on selected leather goods item. Subject to the opinion of the craftsman. Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris opens its movie theatre for an exceptional screening on — 21 — Wednesday 11 September, followed by a panel discussion around a character of design. Exhibition in the Art Disctr’ict Royal Monceau Domeau & Peres where you will find there the iconic pieces of know-how Domeau & Peres such as «When Jim relaxes» by matali crasset or «Bumper Bed» by Marc Newson and other creations. Ligne Roset During PARIS DESIGN WEEK, Ligne Roset joins the Ecole Supérieure d’Art et Design de Saint-Etienne (ESADSE), to present in the Ligne Roset store an exhibition on the work of the young designer Marlène JANIN, an ESADSE graduate from 2012. Her project TERRENOIRE, with dichotomous objects, a blend of story and function, evokes the presence of the mining industry in the scenery of Saint-Etienne. 85 rue du Bac 75007 Paris Little Robert au Derrière As part of PARIS DESIGN WEEK, Little Robert opens a pop-up store of selective design items (production, graphic design, women’s and men’s fashion, sculpture, object and porcelain, ceramics, perfume, jewellery), in the apartment of family cuisine hidden on rue des Gravilliers. Louvre - Lens Exhibition and presentation of the first trend book issued from the concept of destination «Around the Louvre Lens» by Lidewij Edelkoort. This book is an inspiring trends guide encouraging people to integrate design into their project. Presentation provided by Lidewij Edelkoort, «hunter trends» and founder of Studio «Trend Union.» 30 Boulevard Saint Jacques 75005 Paris. M1 Magasin 1 (M1), a gallery of the Docks, Cité de la Mode et du Design exhibiting works from emerging designers, invites Jacuzzi and Japan Best, the first pop-up store dedicated to objects of Japanese design. 34 quai d’Austerlitz 75013 Paris La Mairie du 3ème arrondissement The City Hall of the 3rd district presents an exhibition of the Ecole Boulle on the theme of jewellery-silversmith’s/goldsmith’s trade and invites you to visit the preview of the renovated Carreau du Temple. MOISSONNIER 1885 — 22 — It is to the rhythm of the soundtrack of the film Arizona Dream that Moissonnier reveals a new magnetic blue 1950s icon. 52 rue de l’Université 75007 Paris Oasis d’Aboukir par Patrick Blanc First monumental achievement of the famous botanist, inventor of the vertical garden in Paris since 2006. The Oasis of Aboukir is a private project that transfigures publlic 250m2 space, providing a new landscape and the first green lung area montorgueil Sentou Sentou celebrates this Fall and PARIS DESIGN WEEK with the inauguration of a fourth venue in West Paris on boulevard de Courcelles, very close to the Place des Ternes and Parc Monceau. 112. Boulevard de Courcelles75017 PARIS Troika La Manufacture Design exhibit for the first time in France exclusive collective works of British artists Cloud, Light Rain, Light Drawing, thixotropic ... and an extract of the «Arbre à Palabre», which will be unveiled at the opening of Aéroville Octobre 16: GRAND GEST of Africa Lodge, a suspension of 12.5 meters in diameter and 9 meters height, consisting of 6,500 sheets origami. 14 rue Palouzié 93400 Saint-Ouen Volevatch Volevatch presents a typically Art Deco collection of taps and fittings and exclusive collections of BARN in the CITY furniture. Bathroom furniture designs using contemporary recycling of wood that acquired a patina over time and were salvaged from Canadian countryside farms. — 23 — PARIS DESIGN WEEK #EVENT PARTNERS PARIS DESIGN WEEK boosts energies and creates synergy. Design-related activities demonstrate their interrelationship. Numerous gateways open. Craftsmen and designers share he same research approach, the same taste for beauty and the desire to excel. Interiors designers who are often designers themselves act likewise. But design scope is broader as shown by the september exhibition of Le Lieu du Design, which emphasises the role of design in the tourist development of the Paris Region. This is why PARIS DESIGN WEEK joins forces with Révélations, AD Intérieurs, Galeries Lafayette and Lost in Paris events, its natural partners united in their desire to promote the influence of design in Paris. Révélations Grand Palais – Paris From 11 to 15 September 2013 Révélations, the first international biennial fair of fine crafts and creation, will be held from 11 to 15 September 2013 under the prestigious glass roof of the Grand Palais. In a scenography by the talented Adrien Gardère, almost 300 exceptional exhibitors, craftsmen, art manufacturers, houses of excellence, art galleries and foundations will reveal their contemporary designs and know-how to visitors from around the world. Five days to discover the world of arts and crafts in an iconic setting, be the first to see specially designed pieces for the event, attend lectures, view exceptional films, visit new exhibitions, interact with craftsmen and meet artists… Norway marks the event of Révélations as being the first country honoured with the Norwegian Crafts Association. In the energy of the Fall, it is only natural that Révélations becomes an event partner of PARIS DESIGN WEEK. Révélations is an event organised by the Atelier d’Art de France and Reed (as a logistic and technical partner). — 24 — Lost in Paris / Design et tourisme en Ile-de-France Le Lieu du Design, 74 rue du Faubourg saint Antoine, 75012 Paris From 10 September 2013 to 11 January 2014 Le Lieu du Design, in partnership with the Comité Régional du Tourisme Paris Ile-de-France (Regional Committee of Tourism in Paris Ile-de-France) and with the support of the City Hall of Paris, presents an event devoted to design and tourism in the Paris Region: Lost in Paris. Maurizio Galante and Tal Lancman, multifaceted designers and Parisian by adoption, responded enthusiastically to this challenge. Through an unusual and original concept, they offer a personal vision of a spontaneous and unexpected Paris. Galeries Lafayette Galeries Lafayette 35 boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris In September 2013, during PARIS DESIGN WEEK, Galeries Lafayette work again with the MAISON&OBJET Show by exclusively presenting their show favourites. In this advance sale exhibition, the general public will discover the new “it” have the opportunity purchase. For PARIS DESIGN WEEK 2013, Galeries Lafayette made their selection by focusing on the vitality of French design with its young design companies and avant-garde. — 25 — PARIS DESIGN WEEK # GOODIES Ich & Ka r o PARIS DESIGN WEEK can be worn! In collaboration with the pair of graphic designers ICH&KAR, PARIS DESIGN WEEK imagined the design of a new T-shirt promoting the event. Available exclusively at Colette from 9 to 15 septembre. o Competition More about the PARIS DESIGN WEEK / MARIE CLAIRE MAISON Competition on and from 13 August to 16 September. 4,80 € DOM/S 5,70€/MAY 7,00€/SPM 5,50€/CAL/S 670 CFP/CAL/A 1190 CFP/POL/S 670 CFP/POL/A 1720 CFP/LUX 5,40€/ESP-GR-PORT.CONT 5,50€/IT 5,40€/P-BAS 6,30€/ALL 7,20€/AU 8,70€/BEL. 5,50€/CH 9,00 FS/CAN 8,25 $CAD/MAR 62 MAD/TUN 5,30 TND/ROU 5,20€. JUILLET/AOÛT 2013 MARIE CLAIRE MAISON N° 462 ©IcH&KAR 2013 No 462 -J U I L L E T- A O Û T 2013 WWW.MARIECLAIREMAISON.COM PLEIN ÉTÉ DANS LA MAISON Vivre à la plage Cyclades, Corse, Ibiza, Riviera... Déjeuner, buller, cuisiner, le meilleur du farniente Toute la déco du Sud Shopping Les indispensables des vacances Papiers peints, tissus, carrelages vous invitent au voyage L 15794 - 462 - F: 4,80 € - RD MCM462_COUV.indd 1 24/05/13 11:50 o The PARIS DESIGN WEEK application Download the PARIS DESIGN WEEK mobile application to stay in the heart of the event and be aware of the last informations. Available on iOS and Android ZoomZoomZen by JOUL ZoomZoomZen by JOUL is a platform for sharing location Its real-time mapping kit can easily fit into any event-driven application Its function «go with ZoomZoomZen» is an easy way to meet friends by using the card. His «Buzzzmap» function, the weather in real time of the event, displays «live» participants densities and trends of attendance — 26 — PARIS DESIGN WEEK # OFFICIAL PARTNERS # now ! le Off PARTNERS # PARTNERS avec — 27 — PARIS DESIGN WEEK #PRACTICAL INFORMATIONS PRACTICAL INFORMATION: ORGANISER CONTACTS SAFI, a subsidiary of Ateliers d’Art de France and Reed Expositions France. Tel. + 33 (0)1 44 29 02 00 email: President of Ateliers d’Art de France: Serge Nicole President of Reed Expositions France: Louis Algoud CEO of SAFI: Philippe Brocart Directeur Communication Director: Philippe Chomat Tel. + 33 (0)1 44 29 02 19 email: INTERNATIONAL AND FRENCH PRESS CONTACTS Trade, decoration, design and art press agence 14 septembre Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 28 38 28 email: / + 33 (0)6 11 35 39 01 email: / +33 (0)6 08 75 74 24 agence 14 septembre online Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 28 38 28 email: / + 33 (0)6 11 35 63 13 agence MLA – connection RP Tel. + 33 (0)1 53 24 99 19 email: / + 33 (0)6 07 70 37 93 Consumer, general and financial press Pascale Venot press office Tel. + 33 (0)1 53 53 44 61 – Fax: + 33 (0)1 53 75 27 66 email: International and Italian press Studio Viterbo – Mariangela Viterbo; Tel. + 39 02 551 10 54. email: — 28 —